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    History of Russian Empire Thread


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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Viktor Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:14 pm

    Battle of Paris (1814) the date was 31.03.1814 when Russian Emperor with 100 000 strong army entered Pariz and passed through Arc de Triomphe  Very Happy 

    The capture of Paris (1814) - LINK

    and in a State Duma entered a law proposition to name that date as a date of Military Glory

    To the State Duma suggested to make a capture of Paris day of military glory

    History of Russian Empire Thread 9uYf1l6

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty History of Russia Thread

    Post  Vann7 Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:23 am

    Do not miss this colorful documentary of the history of Russia..
    Subscribe to youtube channel [ StarMediaEN ]
    for a full selection of their documentaries..

    No idea how accurate is all.. but still interesting.

    chapter 1

    chapter 2 to 8 also in that channel..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:59 pm

    Great documentaries - really great by a big G.

    If only Alexander II lived a bit longer or didn't have reactionary nutcases as successors, Russian history would take a different route.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Vann7 Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:05 pm

    Lothar von Trotha wrote:Great documentaries - really great by a big G.

    If only Alexander II lived a bit longer or didn't have reactionary nutcases as successors, Russian history would take a different route.

    im in chapter 4 ,and it seems the  Documentary was not made by Russian Government official sources. still is nice..
    but for example it mentions Ukraine as if was another country when in reality Ukraine was just a zone of Russia ,not even a city. Just a name to identify it was the border of Russia with Europe. But the visual presentation of the report
    is well made..

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  HeNeArKrXeRn_ Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:33 pm

    Vann7 wrote:Do not miss this colorful documentary of the history of Russia..
    Subscribe to youtube channel [ StarMediaEN ]
    for a full selection of their documentaries..

    No idea how accurate is all.. but still interesting.

    chapter 1

    chapter 2 to 8 also in that channel..


    This youtube channel is full of great historical documentaries.

    There is a 4 part documentary about the Napoleon's invasion of Russia:

    and IIRC they are currently working on one covering the Napoleaonic wars after the Russian campaign.

    Their masterpiece, and what made me discover them, is the 18 part doc about the the Great Patriotic War:

    also they all have english subtitles if not dubbed.

    (add the youtube-dot-com to the beggining of the link)

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    Post  Khepesh Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:24 pm

    This documentary series by Leonid Parfenov is good, a little bit light hearted, but factually correct and entertaining. With English subtitles

    Also this series by Nikita Mikhalkov, "Русские без России" - "Russian without Russia", about the Whites in the civil war, the evacuations and subsequent life in exile and, for some, return after 1991. Emotional scenes in the final episode of return of various imperial regimental regalia to Russian embassador to France and Putin's speech at the Russian cemetery in Paris. I cannot find a version with subtitles, a pity, as this is very good, only good thing Mikhalkov has done, IMO...

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Russia Faberge Eggs

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:11 am

    If any Russian who visit the forums.. aware of the latest info about Russian
    Faberge Eggs.. about why the Russian Government does not get the complete
    collection that are sometimes sold in US and UK actions..  Something as important
    as the Faberge Tsar Eggs collections ,should be really important for the Culture of Russia..

    For example.. i read somewhere that Qatar King bought in just 10 millions $USD dollars in an US action one of the most expensive Faberge Eggs made for ROmanov Russian family.
    History of Russian Empire Thread A2557a7b2e94197L

    here is another Faberge Egg that belonged to the Russian Romanov Dynasty..
    History of Russian Empire Thread 5551180_orig
    sold by the communist after they murder the Romanov family.. Notice the photo
    of Nicholai in the art.. is a 100% property of Russia History and belongs to Russian people,
    not to the dirty hands of Rockefellers or being sold to Dictators in the middle east without consulting with Russia.

    So the question is..
    Have anyone heard news of any Interest or Legal actions by Russia Government to try to get back by legal means or by buying the entire collection of Faberge Eggs that belonged to the Russian Empire Romanov family and are in western or others countries possession?

    How can it be that those relics so important of Russia CUlture are being sold
    as if was just ordinary luxury watches ,to nations that have NOTHING to do with the
    object in action , without the Russian Government allowed to stop the sale of it.. or

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  2SPOOKY4U Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:44 am

    They were legally sold off, and a Russian government purchase of them would just make the Western media go "Corrupt Putin amasses treasures of the Tsar!!!11!".

    Most of the collection is in Russia I believe. I would like to see all of them returned, but they are just sparkly eggs.

    I imagine the West would never sell them back anyway, just out of spite.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:01 am

    The faberge eggs have little to do with Russian culture... any more than any other individual piece of art work can be described as an entire countries culture.

    They are baubles for the rich and powerful... putin should buy them personally with his trillion dollars of stolen money he supposedly has hoarded away and boil them and have them for breakfast...

    The Tsars would rather speak French than Russian... who gives a fuck about them?

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:59 am

    GarryB wrote:The faberge eggs have little to do with Russian culture... any more than any other individual piece of art work can be described as an entire countries culture.

    They are baubles for the rich and powerful... putin should buy them personally with his trillion dollars of stolen money he supposedly has hoarded away and boil them and have them for breakfast...

    The Tsars would rather speak French than Russian... who gives a fuck about them?

    The Faberge Eggs are part of Russian History Garry.. how can you say is not?

    THis are not african History or Middle east.. they were gift that the Russian Imperial Family
    gave to its family members.. and many of ROmanov castles are a major point of tourism in
    Russia and it if wans't by ROmanov majority of them love for Russia ,that maintained Russia
    size .. Without ROmanov there will be no Russia.. you cannot split them from Russia success.
    Neither the Soviets that did their contribution too ..albeit also just like Romanov also created problems. IT was ROmanov who also gave Orthodox church to Russia too.. otherwise will be
    today a muslin nation.. and probably like middle east.

    Learn a little Garry about the history of ROmanov ,without peter the great.. Russia will NOT have an access to the baltic sea.. imagine such tragedy.. that was was the major event in Russia history ,that boosted Russia economy several times.. and then CAtherine the great..
    took Crimea and reinforced Russian borders. How about Alexander II? He have statues in all Europe praising him as the saviour of Europe.. for defeating Napoleon. Without the first Tzar help ,Russia will be part of Polan or Sweeden..without Alexander II ROmanov courage Russia will be a french Nation. So i find crazy to claim Russians should not care about the people who were the key in Russia to exist today as a super power early on its history. Had Romanov gave up with Russia.. this forums will not exist at all.. and probably soviets revolution never happened. and Russia will be no more than moscow city and a puppet state of Asian Mongols as they were..until Ivan Romanov defeated them.


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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Firebird Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:45 am

    GarryB wrote:The faberge eggs have little to do with Russian culture... any more than any other individual piece of art work can be described as an entire countries culture.

    They are baubles for the rich and powerful... putin should buy them personally with his trillion dollars of stolen money he supposedly has hoarded away and boil them and have them for breakfast...

    The Tsars would rather speak French than Russian... who gives a fuck about them?

    The "tsars" were absolute pricks. And I'm glad they get gunned down a pit. But Faberge and all that do say one thing about Russia. "If we want to do things YOUR way, we can do it better than all of you".

    The eggs are tasteless, arrogant and disgusting you can say. But now they've been made, you might as well keep them in a museum rather than scrap them! They do explain why the tsars were such arrogant scum, and why the Russian people were justified in getting rid of them.

    Its a little like the Hermitage museum. Obscene amts of money were spent by a scummy arrogant ruler. But atleast today, it all belongs to the Russian people. And they can be proud of that AND the vast number of tourists it brings in. The Hermitage is prob the world's top museum, so in that way, it is a huge part of Russian culture. (Even if its most famous for its W European art)

    Interestingly, a Russian oligarch, I think it was Velksenberg recreated the Faberge brand.
    However, it was stolen from him, by ... guess... a corrupt Western judge. The judge said his partner had abused his position by selling off the company, but because Faberge wasnt profiting "it didnt matter". Obviously this judge has no concept of a "trophy business" or "national pride". Naturally, Russia sees it as the bogus and Russia-hating decions it is. So now, there are these "Faberge" shops in Russophobic places. Russians wont buy there, so they have zero credibility. I mean how can "Faberge" not have shops in Russia! TYpical NATO corruption.

    Faberge should be reinstated as a Russian "brand". Not a bogus brand related to "Brut 33" ie a cheap 1970s aftershave! Russia could then compete with the top European jewellers like Cartier, Gucci etc. Yes the eggs are tacky and ridiculous. But I dont see why Russia should have a top jewellery name denied to itself by some crooked judge who was actually in some tinpot court in the West Indies.

    Last edited by Firebird on Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Firebird Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:48 am

    2SPOOKY4U wrote:They were legally sold off, and a Russian government purchase of them would just make the Western media go "Corrupt Putin amasses treasures of the Tsar!!!11!".

    Most of the collection is in Russia I believe. I would like to see all of them returned, but they are just sparkly eggs.

    I imagine the West would never sell them back anyway, just out of spite.

    A fair number have been repatriated back to Russia from places such as New York. Some more are in the hands of oligarchs and will probably find their way in Russian museums over the course of time.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Regular Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:07 pm

    The things are tricky about art... Look how much stolen art UK amassed in London. Russian Hermitage does have looted artwork too..  Deez eggs are nice and fanc, but there are more important art sold by commies too.
    As firebird said if Russian art museums will find money or donators then I don't see why they can't be purchased back.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:13 pm

    Firebird wrote:

    The "tsars" were absolute pricks. And I'm glad they get gunned down a pit. But Faberge and all that do say one thing about Russia. "If we want to do things YOUR way, we can do it better than all of you".

    If you are glad that the Bolchevicks SCum of criminals murdered and entire family ,women and 5 children at gun point , AFTER ROmanov already agreed to peacefully step down as they did , They resigned in order to avoid a major internal war  and save Russia .. because they really cared far more than you about Russia..and wanted to see it united then you should not be here..  You should be somewhere else in or telaviv forums. which your friends.

     Because as i have said before whether you like Romanov or Not.. the Fact is that RUssia without Romanov will NOT exist .  You cannot split Romanov Dynasty ,from Russia.. YOU CANT. IMPOSSIBLE. It will be like hating your parents and regretting they were not killed before you were born.. Rolling Eyes

    If you are glad that Russia exist. then you should kiss the ass of Romanov
    Dynasty instead because Russia exist thanks to them. There was no room for weak nations in the period they ruled.. and European countries of today, created their lines and border with Blood and by force.. not by any democracy Hypocrisy bullshit that you see today and still redraw the lines of nations at will without asking its people their opinions as NATO does all the time..

     You can say all you want about Romanov.. but without their strong hand ,Russia will not exist today..and faced and defeated all the major powers who tried to conquer it.. including Turkey. is as simple as that.  There will not even been soviets scum revolution, which turned Russia into a very repressive Atheist state , with far more repression than the Romanov had.. Without Romanov History and their achievements. .there will have never been a country called Russia and not even this forums will exist discussing Russian military hardware.. instead the only forums about military will be discussing NATO exeptionalist hardware.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:29 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    Firebird wrote:

    The "tsars" were absolute pricks. And I'm glad they get gunned down a pit. But Faberge and all that do say one thing about Russia. "If we want to do things YOUR way, we can do it better than all of you".
    Without Romanov History and their achievements. .there will have never been a country called Russia and not even this forums will exist discussing Russian military hardware.. instead the only forums about military will be discussing NATO hardware.

    Ehm... how exactly? This can mean two things:
    1. Without Romanovs there would be no one to seize power in the Grand Duchy of Moscow
    2. Romanovs were so great that no one could have replaced them.

    If the Grand Duchy oF Moscow had broken into several pieces, then it would've probably come under the control of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - and we would have a large Russia-like entity again - except that it would not be called Russia. In 17th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth already had Polish minority (40%) and if it annexed even more land, the percentage of Poles would drop to 15-20% - so Polish nobility would have to give heavy concessions to Russians/Ruthenians to keep power there.

    We would probably witness the emergence of a mixed-Ruthenian-Polish culture, maybe even a mixed language.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:40 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    Firebird wrote:

    The "tsars" were absolute pricks. And I'm glad they get gunned down a pit. But Faberge and all that do say one thing about Russia. "If we want to do things YOUR way, we can do it better than all of you".
    Without Romanov History and their achievements. .there will have never been a country called Russia and not even this forums will exist discussing Russian military hardware.. instead the only forums about military will be discussing NATO hardware.

    Ehm... how exactly? This can mean two things:
    1. Without Romanovs there would be no one to seize power in the Grand Duchy of Moscow
    2. Romanovs were so great that no one could have replaced them.

    If the Grand Duchy oF Moscow had broken into several pieces, then it would've probably come under the control of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - and we would have a large Russia-like entity again - except that it would not be called Russia. In 17th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth already had Polish minority (40%) and if it annexed even more land, the percentage of Poles would drop to 15-20% - so Polish nobility would have to give heavy concessions to Russians/Ruthenians to keep power there.

    We would probably witness the emergence of a mixed-Ruthenian-Polish culture, maybe even a mixed language.

    Not really.. had there will be no Romanov.. Russia will be part of ottoman Empire ,or Mongols..
    It was Russia who defeated Both. And then you have sweeden who wiped Poland too.. Polands effectively worked as a buffer zone to keep away strong powers busy. You have to remember that Ottoman Empire had not been stopped it will have taken control of all eastern Europe.. and controlled all the black sea.  So there will have been NO Slavic unity.. as you claim.. Sweeden
    was the dominant power in the north and Ottomans in the south. and both wanted to take control of Those slavic non united lands..

    Poland was really weak.. it never had a chance to hold power anywhere against otoman or sweeden or German speaking nations or France. It was Romanov who defeated Napoleon who wiped Polish and everyone in Europe. then later German speaking nations wiped poland again..
    simply not happening.. Had ROmanov not existed. .the territories of Russia will be all from mongols or Muslins from Turkey. and probably later conquered by Germany Nazis.. Romanov created the division lines of Russia and Soviets took advantage of that already setup powerful nation called RUssia and build from there. and Lets not forget that Great Britain and France had
    good relations with ottomans Empire and made alliance with them before to fight Russia.

    So Polish was toast.. it had no chance to ever become an serious Empire..with so much powerful enemies near.. Only Ottomans ,or Mongols ,or perhaps Sweeden could have a chance to conquer Russia adn hold it for centuries,but the Europeans were not really interested in muslin or budist territories..Sweeden had their eyes on Europe ,where the civilization was.. Russia was seen at those times as primitive nation with empty Icy lands. So leaving Ottomans as the most probable power to take control of Russia and in modern times probably China to push them back. in short Russia will not exist or anything remotely close to an European Nation with the technology they have ,had Romanov did not appeared to seek control of slavic tribes.
    As they did with partial success.

    in other words.. to take control of the Slavic divided tribes..
    had to be done from the EAST.. with a Power with their rear flank secured .
    Poland had nothing like that.. was surrounded in all sides by potential enemies.
    And this was probably the most important feature of Russia ,that made it difficult to conquer..
    that it had their far east secured with virtually no competition there. So it will have been
    impossible for Poland to take control of Russia ,only arriving up to Moscow ,while at the same time having to cover their rear flank from Prusia ,France and ottoman Empire penetrating their territories. This is why every army that invaded Russia stop at Moscow.. Going beyond there
    no army in the world have enough soldiers for that.. Romanov controlling Siberia and Far east.. secured Russia rear flank..allowing to fight any invader and have a mobile army that can retreat when needed. Poland -Lithuanians cannot retreat if invaded.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:14 pm

    Ottoman Empire was such a magnificent superpower that it could not even build ships and blast furnaces without the help of EUropean engineers. It was large but poor and riddled with internal conflicts - they simply did not have resources to wage a costly campaign in some far away country unless they wanted to see Austria and HRE besieging Constantinopole.

    Poland was almost as backward as the Ottomans (nothing like England or the Dutch Republic when it comes to wealth and technology) but it's expansion was focused solely on the east  and it did not have to face attacks from elsewhere (Poland had absolutely no conflicts with western neighboors for two centuries beginning in 16th century). So Poland is the most likely candidate for the conquest of Russia.

    If Sweden SOMEHOW (highly unlikely) conquered Russia, we would probably witness the same thing that happened to Mongols and Manchus in China - total assimilation. So after max. 3-4 generations we would have Swedish kings with the title of Russian Tzar speaking Russian and spending majority of time in Russia not in Sweden. Sweden was a demographic midget, Swedish aristicracy prefered to not use Swedish but spoke German and French instead and the largest "Swedish" city was Riga. Sweden was completely unprepared for waging a long and draining campaign over such a huge country (the Great Northern War was all about controll over the Baltic and not about some "conquest of Russia")

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:35 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:So Poland is the most likely candidate for the conquest of Russia.

    Not really.. because Poland was a weak army and was inside Europe ,with very powerful enemies
    right there at their borders. This is why every major power of Europe wiped Poland.. Sweeden did it.. Germany did it .. France did it.. You have to be kidding.. Poland Geography and weak army did not Allowed them to move far into Russia surviving their deadly winters not even Napoleon ,or Hitler could do that. ,the farthest Poland have been is near Moscow. and then Pushed back without Romanov firing a single shot..  lol1  

    They simply stretched their army beyond its capabilities and were suffering.. and When Russian Tsar offer a peace was accepted instantly..  That peace deal only gave time Russia to reorganize its army..  You cannot defeat Russia if they move their armies back and your spread your armies too much.  

    ROmanov sealed its fate as super power when defeated the Mongols..and had all Siberia to retreat in case of war..and had as a buffer zone a weak Poland as major opposition.. and Sweeden was not weak.. but they had no interest in Icy Russia empty Russia.. all major European nations ,looked towards central Europe.. were the economy was big.  

    So this means that to conquer the zone of moscow and hold it..  ,had to come from a power a way to retreat to the far the east in case things go wrong..not from central Europe..  Poland have no place to retreat.. is they make a mistake and fail in a war they will end 100% invaded.

    Romanov major danger of all was the internal fighting between families.. interestingly they all
    supported the continuation of Russia project.. after internal coups.

    So far the only Power who conquered the zone of moscow and parts of Ukraine and caucasus and  hold it more centuries was the mongols.. and also captured Crimea.. their hit and run tactics and fast mobile armies were too advanced at those times.  Poland could not run away to any place if in trouble.. they are in the middle of Europe and encircled by powerful enemies in all sides. Romanov in the other hand could do it thanks to capturing Siberia and far east..

    Poland could have never done that.. sending most of its armies to moscow and then continue to Siberia and leaving their nation defenseless in central Europe.. you have to be kidding about Poland conquering Russia ,they were small army and a weak nation.

    Good luck with your Poland "uniting Slavic tribes.."  they could not even handle the "weak Ottomans " invasion on their own backyard.. Have fun with this map..

    History of Russian Empire Thread Ottoman-empire-1580

    after observing that map.. it will be easier to see what were Turkish army goals  ..

    History of Russian Empire Thread Roman-empire-provinces-its-greatest-extent-ad-time-trajan-plus-principal-vector-illustration-42299932

    After capturing constantinople ,it was natural that they wanted to emulate a muslin version of the Roman Empire. and replace christianity with islam. So it was a matter of time they will have invaded Russia..too. It is also important to remember that the British Empire backed Turkey Invasion of Europe and  even protested when Russia went to the rescue of eastern Europe.  British even sent warships to threaten Russia with war if they continue kicking the Ottomans from invading Europe. For sure they wanted the muslins to weaken Europe so much ,and later make it easier for UK to take control of Europe. Chance of Poland defeating ROmanov Empire and holding it Zero.. It will not be an exageration to say that Central Europe is not muslin today thanks to Romanov of Russia .Romanov put an end to Ottoman Empire and caused its final demise as super power and secured the future of slavic people as a major super power in the zone. . Cool

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:07 pm

    Meh... the Faberge eggs are not much different from Model T Fords... will the US government stump up the money to buy all the surviving running examples... I mean it would be easier for the US government... they just have to print more money....

    Russia needs to return to the Tsarist times like it needs polio and AIDS.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Firebird Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:13 pm

    I see Vann is managing to post ever more nonsense.
    Apparently he knows better than most of Russia.. even tho he never lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Rolling Eyes

    For the record, Russia was extremly backward and the later "tsars", even by the standards of the era were vicious, evil tyrants. While other European countries were building advanced civilisations and spreading across the whole world, the Tsars were sitting on their arses in splendour while the serfs toiled on land or starved in a medieval manner.

    The "tsars" alienated the rest of the Slavic world, and if it wasn't for Stalin/Lenin, Russia probably would have been smashed to pieces in the 20th century.

    If he thinks Medvedev/Yeltsin licked Western Europe's arses, he should check out Nick the Prick 2, or Catherine le Frog. They were cousin marrying, German-French mongrels, about as Russian as Bathhouse Barry Obama.

    If Russia had a revolution earlier, ie MUCH earlier it would have industrialised, become civilised and would have been the epicentre of the WHOLE Slavic world, in one Union. Then it would have a huge influence extending South thro Asia and across seas and even oceans. Alaska would not have been sold off.

    Russian would prob have the status of the English language today. Russian legal and commercial systems would be predominant, even financial systems around the globe. With the choice between "imperial paternal partnerships" Russia might have had a huge influence in the 3rd world even today, without the resentment that is had towards European colonials like France and England.

    A tiny little country like England managed all this. Its ridiculous that the Tsars got away with squandering Russia's much greater inate position of power.

    The tsars were the epitomy of the corrupt class "system". They were cowards. Afraid of change and progess, because people would realise how pathetic they were. Even Britain allowed SOME relaxation of the class structure... and it benefited hugely. And Spain dwindled into insignificance (after being a superpower) because it refused to reform its own ridiculously antiquated class system.

    As soon as the Soviets dragged Russia into modern times, it became a superpower. AND the life of its citizens improved.

    But hey, dont let the facts get in the way of anything.
    Cue rant about "da jooz" and "commies"/ misspellings of Bolshevik etc...
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:54 pm

    Russian Empire was fully salvageable before Nicholas II. It was he who made bad decisions that ultimately cost him his life. When he came to power, he was so uninterested in state affairs that even the war with Japan could not attract his attention and he prefered to play tenis instead.

    Of course the best course of action would be if 1905 revolution took place 30 years earlier - Alexander II was more reform-friendly.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:12 pm


    Ottoman Empiore could have never recreated Rome. NEVER, not even under the most positive circumstances. Rome expanded so much only because it faced backward and divided tribes and later it itself fell prey to Germanics. Ottomans did not face some savages but a league of determined Christian nations that were actually more advanced than the Ottomans themselves. So almost every time they faced Austrian/HRE forces,, they took heavy beating.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Svyatoslavich Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:29 pm

    Firebird wrote:I see Vann is managing to post ever more nonsense.
    Apparently he knows better than most of Russia.. even tho he never lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Rolling Eyes

    For the record, Russia was extremly backward and the later "tsars", even by the standards of the era were vicious, evil tyrants. While other European countries were building advanced civilisations and spreading across the whole world, the Tsars were sitting on their arses in splendour while the serfs toiled on land or starved in a medieval manner.

    I stopped reading here, it is you who is writing nonsense. Russia was a backward country before the Bolshevik revolution? That is nonsense. It had the fastest-growing industry in the world, and wouldn't take much to reach the top industrial powers of the time (Germany, UK, US), hadn't been for the Bolshevik who, in name of a totalitarian ideology and funded by Jews and Wall Street oligarchs, killed millions of people, expelled many of the brightest and most capable people, and send the country to a bloody civil war which ruined pretty much everything. In science and technology, Imperial Russia had Lomonosov, Sikorski, Aleksandr Popov, Semyon Korsakov, Mendeleev, to name just a few. And in arts, humanities, religion and philosophy, it had Tolstoy, Dostoyevski, Pushkin, Khomyakov, Ilyn, Losski, Berdyaev, Tchaikovski, Glinka. I am just counting here Russians who were born before 1917 and died before the Bolshevik revolution, or who after the Revolution left the country.
    Mendeleev, apart from a great chemist, was the founder of demographics. He estimated that if the population continued growing as it was in the 19th/early 20th century, then by 2000, the population of East Slavs would be 390 millions; in the end, thanks to the Bolsheviks, the population sum of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in 2000 was 185 million - less than half. One of the greatest achievements of the Bolsheviks.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:34 pm

    He wsa alking about Russia before Peter the Great, me thinks.

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    History of Russian Empire Thread Empty Re: History of Russian Empire Thread

    Post  Svyatoslavich Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:36 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:He wsa alking about Russia before Peter the Great, me thinks.
    He mentions the 19th and early 20th centuries, so I guess he was talking not about the Russian Tsarstvo, but the Russian Empire.

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