It should be pretty obvious that I believe in most of the platform of the NSDAP and fascism, but I will admit that mistakes were made, wrong decisions/bad decisions were made, in how things were implemented.
The Serbs were not treated with justice and fairness, many in Eastern Europe in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, suffered because of unjust policies, but it is not an indictment against National Socialism as an ideology.
I don't believe in the Jewish fable that six millions Jews [more than the total number of Jews in ALL of Europe] were gassed to death in homicidal gas chambers in death camps. I believe that easily 200,000 Jews starved to death [hence the bone thin skeletons found by the Allies at the war's end] in the closing months of WW2 and perhaps 100,000 to 200,000 [mostly the hardcore communists/agitators, those likely to be partisans] were shot to death in the East between 1941-1943. But I generally agree with those particular policies.
Having read Mein Kampf it is clear that Hitler valued Germans above all, but he did not hold the Russians in contempt, not on racial terms anyway, but I believe Himmler absolutely did, Himmler was a ruthless careerist and an opportunist as well as pretty much a back-room schemer. Himmler would have killed anybody who stood in the way of his dream of an SS super state that would possibly supplant Hitler and the NSDAP.
Hitler always thought the best thing for Germany of the 1890s-1910s would have been to ally with Russia to dismantle Austria-Hungary and divide up the key territories. If the Bolshevik revolution had not taken place, it is likely Hitler would have tried to form a continental alliance between Germany and Russia to check British/French/American power.
I don't have a problem admitting that National Socialism made mistakes and some policies [primarily those regarding their treatment of Russian POWs] were just plain wrong and unacceptable, but it seems that some people have problems even conceiving of the possibility that Stalin's Soviet Union was something other than a triumph of democracy and human rights.