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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  etaepsilonk Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:40 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 11075159_453353844816536_8127570173768039761_n

    Here's gameplay Wink


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:18 pm

    Poroshenko have officially declared a political war on Kolomoisky. And given only 24 hours him to
    disarm and disband their volunteers army..or else?  Aidar terrorist battalion is only one of kolomoisky . This can escalate into a major big thing in no time.. Shocked  If the volunteers batallions he controls seeks to overthrow Poroshenko or attempt against his life.

    Now what is happening behind the scenes?  
    For sure a major division.. the question if it will escalate or not.. and in which side are the
    americans. . I will not be surprised not even a little.. if The VIctorial Nuland factions backup
    kolomoisky behind the scenes (even if in public they show support for poroshenko) and wants to overthrow Poroshenko for being too soft and not pushing for war against Russia.

    Whatever is the case... all this benefits Novorosiya image in europe.. because will clearly show
    how wise they were for not wanting to continue following kiev and splitting from them. It will
    also proof Russia was right after all ,for annexing Crimea. Which was threatening Russia nation
    security if they allow the coup in kiev to take control of it.

    Kolomoisky lost about half his fortune since the war in ukraine began.. and he have been
    suing kiev on european courts for damages.. should be no surprise why the Oligarch is ready
    to give eastern Ukraine to the rebels.. so the war ends and he no longer lose money.. and apparently all others oligarchs wants to get rid of Kolomoisky before he continue controlling
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:47 pm

    Poroshenko vs Kolomoisky? This sounds like music to my ears!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:25 pm

    Its obvious there are forces from kiev, between the separation line that wants to sabotage
    the peace process ,to keep Ukraine and RUssia fighting and the economic sanctions in Russia

    [eng subs] OSCE motorcade got under fire in Shirokino

    and more than 100 german citizens fighting with the Separatist in Donetsk and lugansk
    some of them believed to served Germany army.. Smile


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:53 am

    Some 10,000 miners go on strike in western Ukraine

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  TR1 Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:40 am

    Very interesting info about conduct of the war from rebel side.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  flamming_python Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:56 am

    TR1 wrote:

    Very interesting info about conduct of the war from rebel side.

    A brief synopsis perhaps?

    I don't have the patience/time to read all that right now, and it will be usefull for our non-Russian-speaking members.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  ExBeobachter1987 Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:17 pm

    TR1 wrote:

    Very interesting info about conduct of the war from rebel side.

    Translation by a friend of the original author.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  flamming_python Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:54 pm

    ExBeobachter1987 wrote:
    TR1 wrote:

    Very interesting info about conduct of the war from rebel side.

    Translation by a friend of the original author.

    Doesn't make it any shorter Razz

    Jeez, I used to frequent that forum like - 10-15 years ago
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  par far Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:22 pm

    ExBeobachter1987 wrote:
    TR1 wrote:

    Very interesting info about conduct of the war from rebel side.

    Translation by a friend of the original author.

    I did not read the whole article but a very detailed article.

    I don't know why no one is talking about the attempt on Givi's life, the fascists are growing desperate.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  sepheronx Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:43 pm

    So the rebels face poor command and horrifying logistics. I think after US starts openly arming Ukraine, Russia will openly arm Rebels and provide more training and logistics to help them. Regardless, the rebels will need the help they can get.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:38 pm

    Lithuania Awaits Territorial Claims From Moscow, Prepares for War

    Vilnius has serious fears of a "Russian invasion" and is preparing for war, the Austrian newspaper “Kurier” reported. Lithuanian schools are distributing brochures with instructions on how to behave in the event of a bombing.

    Lithuania is gravely worried about the possibility of a "Russian invasion", and fears that Moscow may claim certain territories to establish a "corridor", linking Russia with its Kaliningrad region, according to the Austrian newspaper “Kurier”.

    Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite once again made a critical statement about the Kremlin’s foreign policy and demanded harsher sanctions against Russia, saying that all negotiations with an "aggressor country" are meaningless.

    Lithuanian authorities fear that Russia could make certain territorial claims to create a “corridor” to its Kaliningrad exclave, Lithuanian expert Marius Laurinavicius explained.

    Grybauskaite also stated that it would take NATO troops three days to arrive and counter any possible Russian aggression in the region. For these three days Lithuania would have to defend itself, the Lithuanian President claimed, arguing that the more soldiers that are deployed, the less likely Russia would want to attack the country.

    Lithuanian schools went so far that they started distributing brochures with instructions on how to behave in the event of a bombing, and organizing classes on defense, according to the newspaper.

    Grybauskaite called Russia a “terror state” and demanded an increased presence of NATO troops. She also openly insisted that NATO start arms sales to Ukraine.

    Ooh, for the love of.... Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  TR1 Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:35 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    TR1 wrote:

    Very interesting info about conduct of the war from rebel side.

    A brief synopsis perhaps?

    I don't have the patience/time to read all that right now, and it will be usefull for our non-Russian-speaking members.

    Basically- Command (and from Russia) told rebels to make formal, motorized units out of nothing.
    If they did, they got a bunch of Voentorg. So you had a major disconnect with the higher ups and what actual units, that were mostly people with no training and experience.

    Mentioned that Mozgovoi's Prizrak was one of the few large, functional and effective units, and he refused to re-organize along what was demanded.
    As a result, he barely got any voentorg. But now he is powerful enough that the higher ups have to deal with him, especially after Debaltsevo showed weakness in much of the Novorussian forces.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  sepheronx Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:10 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Lithuania Awaits Territorial Claims From Moscow, Prepares for War

    Vilnius has serious fears of a "Russian invasion" and is preparing for war, the Austrian newspaper “Kurier” reported. Lithuanian schools are distributing brochures with instructions on how to behave in the event of a bombing.

    Lithuania is gravely worried about the possibility of a "Russian invasion", and fears that Moscow may claim certain territories to establish a "corridor", linking Russia with its Kaliningrad region, according to the Austrian newspaper “Kurier”.

    Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite once again made a critical statement about the Kremlin’s foreign policy and demanded harsher sanctions against Russia, saying that all negotiations with an "aggressor country" are meaningless.

    Lithuanian authorities fear that Russia could make certain territorial claims to create a “corridor” to its Kaliningrad exclave, Lithuanian expert Marius Laurinavicius explained.

    Grybauskaite also stated that it would take NATO troops three days to arrive and counter any possible Russian aggression in the region. For these three days Lithuania would have to defend itself, the Lithuanian President claimed, arguing that the more soldiers that are deployed, the less likely Russia would want to attack the country.

    Lithuanian schools went so far that they started distributing brochures with instructions on how to behave in the event of a bombing, and organizing classes on defense, according to the newspaper.

    Grybauskaite called Russia a “terror state” and demanded an increased presence of NATO troops. She also openly insisted that NATO start arms sales to Ukraine.

    Ooh, for the love of....  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes

    If that is the case, hopefully they are not reliant on a "terrorist" state like Russia for economics. So Russia should drop all trade with them and tell them to get real. Watch them squirm.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:11 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    TR1 wrote:

    Very interesting info about conduct of the war from rebel side.

    A brief synopsis perhaps?

    I don't have the patience/time to read all that right now, and it will be usefull for our non-Russian-speaking members.

    Basically- Command (and from Russia) told rebels to make formal, motorized units out of nothing.
    If they did, they got a bunch of Voentorg. So you had a major disconnect with the higher ups and what actual units, that were mostly people with no training and experience.

    Mentioned that Mozgovoi's Prizrak was one of the few large, functional and effective units, and he refused to re-organize along what was demanded.
    As a result, he barely got any voentorg. But now he is powerful enough that the higher ups have to deal with him, especially after Debaltsevo showed weakness in much of the Novorussian forces.

    You have to be careful with that site.. is the one who posted a photoshoped t-72b3 tank picture
    in Ukraine and later claimed it was proof of RUssian invasion. Rolling Eyes ,when in reality it was a manipulated picture ,and this was notices by posters of his blog too.. the interesting part was that the admin seemed happy to "proof" "Russia invasion" and "Aggression" of Ukraine.. so be careful . There are lots of military "information" sites.. that are nothing but disinformation media when it comes to Geopolitics ,that is..and are financed by US Congress money.. No idea if that the case of BMPD and his disinformation was just a mistake but i know as a fact other sites , who advertise as military blogs and do receive funding form the west.. and its stance against Russia is no different that yours TR1.  ie.. a 5th column media.  with Putin's Aggression and Putin's corruption repeated over and over in their so called reports..  So people need to be aware of BMPD site.. it have been already flagged by people as potential bullshit disinformation site ,when it comes to Ukraine.

    Im always skeptics of any site ,that post any information that they have no way ,to really know if it is true or not the information they supply and advertise it as a fact and do not remotely question the possibility that his source could be wrong. "Russia did this or that"... and "Russia is doing this"... but not providing any single fucking evidence of their claims other than their words ,that is not even mentioning his sources for verifying the authenticity of its information.
    And this is the exactly the most classical tactic of western media.. they create a story line and tells what happened.. and do not allow anyone to interrupt its story telling.. the key for their propaganda.. is not mention anything in the report about the authenticity of their information or even questioning it ,and neither matters the confirmation of the information.

    On other news.. SATAN's daughter .. the Lithuanian Psychopath president , is already doing all the preparatives in all lithuanian governemnt its schools and agencies for a Russian invasion and bombing of Lithuane. Rolling Eyes

    And distributing what to do when the Putin's bombs start being dropped in their city.  Laughing
    How can such leaders be elected in any nation? are the lithuanians as brainwashed or retarded
    as her?  Is Internet banned in Lithuane or information and non NATO pro media censored and filtered?

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 1016616203

    She also calls for (officially) sending lethal weapons to Ukraine.. who will have guessed? just like Victoria Nuland and US pentagon wants.  As if they were not doing that already.. but she just wants with her paranoia ,justify the militarization of NATO at Russian borders.. thats the name of the game..  create propaganda machine that will legitimize the break up in relations between Europe and Russia and isolate them from any business with the west.
    max steel
    max steel

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  max steel Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:05 pm

    Every year for over 20 years the youth and educated people of the Baltic States move to Western Europe in droves, leaving the elderly and idiotic at home. Savaged by western loans the Baltic's lose their young nearly as fast as they are created. Austerity and wage cuts for a decade in order to feed payment schedules to western banks leave the Baltic's as sick nations, who will not recover economically as their natural markets lie to the East and South. Russia and Ukraine provide a 200 million person consumer market that is ripe for Baltic trade. But being slaves of Washington, the Baltic's sit and rot as minor weak economies sitting on the edge of the rich west, forbidden by Washington to trade with the east, their educated youth continue to move to Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, London, anywhere but their rotted out economies.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:00 pm

    max steel wrote: Every year for over 20 years the youth and educated people of the Baltic States move to Western Europe in droves, leaving the elderly and idiotic at home. Savaged by western loans the Baltic's lose their young nearly as fast as they are created. Austerity and wage cuts for a decade in order to feed payment schedules to western banks leave the Baltic's as sick nations, who will not recover economically as their natural markets lie to the East and South. Russia and Ukraine provide a 200 million person consumer market that is ripe for Baltic trade. But being slaves of Washington, the Baltic's sit and rot as minor weak economies sitting on the edge of the rich west, forbidden by Washington to trade with the east, their educated youth continue to move to Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, London, anywhere but their rotted out economies.  

    Oh wow.. you are correct..  The population in Lithuania is decreasing ,instead of increasing
    like most developed nations..  - wikipedia.. shows 2011 census 3,043,429  to 2015 estimate 2,921,920. so young have to be migrating ,because elder people do not move ..they too old to try for a better life.  and i don't think the reduction is because people no longer have babies in  LIthuania or Crime.. it had to be a massive migration.  

    A look at Lithuania GDP will show why..
    THey are at the 84th position in the world in GDP.. way behind poor nations like Dominican Republic and Cuba.. that is under 50th years sanctions.. Laughing    

    And not far from Congo and other african nations.. lol1  Behind Venezuela and argentina..
    And no wonder they will suck any American president dick that will give them a few millions ,
    just to become a torn in Russia and will do anything to have more NATO military bases ,because means more money in rent for them.  For comparison..  Lebanon that have a small civil war too is ahead of Lithuanian GDP.. Syria that is on the middle of full scale war against many Nations at the same time.. almost alone ,fighting for 4 years on many fronts its GDP in 2014 WAS s on the 90th position just ~10 billions less .. Smile ..  Latvia is on the 96 position.. even worse economy than Syria. Shocked   Estonia in the 105th position.. at the level of afganistan.. lol1  and Ukraine in the 54th..  Russia for comparison after sanctions and currency and oil warfare ended in the 9th position its GDP. Smile

    This is why Americans love the baltic states.. they are cheap ass hell ,to buy them.. and the baltic nations will do anything to rent their facilities to NATO to increase their income.. i can imagine that if Russia dares to cut the Gas supply to the baltic states.. they will go default in less than a year with such mediocre economy.

    In more news.. the European Union ,some Liberals minions MP wants to "liberate Russian scientist"   and encourage them to leave Russia and move to Europe.. So much for Russia does not produce and innovate ,that they want Russian scientist to join them. Wink

    EU liberals call for easing visa regulations for Russian scientists

    "Yes, we should continue exerting pressure on Russia. But where is a positive package to liberalize Russia?," Verhofstadt said urging the European Union to liberalize its visa policy for young people, students and scientists from Russia.

    NO doubt the liberals will love to see All Russian scientific talent to move to Europe and
    be "FRee" from "Putin's repression" and with luck have a space program too ,like RUssia..  Smile

    And in positive news...  
    Pro Russian ,Pro Putin and Pro EuroAsian integration in Moldova wins in election
    , ladies and gentleman welcome to Irina Vlah.

    look how friendly looks the people who support Russia.. Smile

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 1087792

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:40 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Lithuania Awaits Territorial Claims From Moscow, Prepares for War

    Vilnius has serious fears of a "Russian invasion" and is preparing for war, the Austrian newspaper “Kurier” reported. Lithuanian schools are distributing brochures with instructions on how to behave in the event of a bombing.

    Lithuania is gravely worried about the possibility of a "Russian invasion", and fears that Moscow may claim certain territories to establish a "corridor", linking Russia with its Kaliningrad region, according to the Austrian newspaper “Kurier”.

    Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite once again made a critical statement about the Kremlin’s foreign policy and demanded harsher sanctions against Russia, saying that all negotiations with an "aggressor country" are meaningless.

    Lithuanian authorities fear that Russia could make certain territorial claims to create a “corridor” to its Kaliningrad exclave, Lithuanian expert Marius Laurinavicius explained.

    Grybauskaite also stated that it would take NATO troops three days to arrive and counter any possible Russian aggression in the region. For these three days Lithuania would have to defend itself, the Lithuanian President claimed, arguing that the more soldiers that are deployed, the less likely Russia would want to attack the country.

    Lithuanian schools went so far that they started distributing brochures with instructions on how to behave in the event of a bombing, and organizing classes on defense, according to the newspaper.

    Grybauskaite called Russia a “terror state” and demanded an increased presence of NATO troops. She also openly insisted that NATO start arms sales to Ukraine.

    Ooh, for the love of....  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes

    This crazy old trout is off her friggin rocker... I think the stress of an economy that only exists to service debt to Western banking cartels, an aging national demographic, the ongoing drain of young-people fleeing for jobs as toilet cleaners in the West, and the ongoing disaster of their Amerikkkan sponsors project in Fascist Ukraine is sending her into a tail-spin.

    You need to up yer meds dear....

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:51 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    TR1 wrote:

    Basically- Command (and from Russia) told rebels to make formal, motorized units out of nothing.
    If they did, they got a bunch of Voentorg. So you had a major disconnect with the higher ups and what actual units, that were mostly people with no training and experience.

    Mentioned that Mozgovoi's Prizrak was one of the few large, functional and effective units, and he refused to re-organize along what was demanded.
    As a result, he barely got any voentorg. But now he is powerful enough that the higher ups have to deal with him, especially after Debaltsevo showed weakness in much of the Novorussian forces.

    You have to be careful with that site.. is the one who posted a photoshoped t-72b3 tank picture

    It was largely confirmed by on ground sources while the fighting was going on. That's why the attack on Pesky and Avdeevka (near Donetsk) largelly failed. Bad organisation led to unnecessaraly large losses on the way to Debaltsevo.

    They have to form a properly organised Army but internal fights and arguments still persist. They've got a few assault type units staffed with experienced vets that do most of the fighting but they can't be everywhere obviously, especially during large scale operations. Those units and the incompetence of the Ukranians basically led to the capture of Debaltsevo.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  sepheronx Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:08 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    max steel wrote: Every year for over 20 years the youth and educated people of the Baltic States move to Western Europe in droves, leaving the elderly and idiotic at home. Savaged by western loans the Baltic's lose their young nearly as fast as they are created. Austerity and wage cuts for a decade in order to feed payment schedules to western banks leave the Baltic's as sick nations, who will not recover economically as their natural markets lie to the East and South. Russia and Ukraine provide a 200 million person consumer market that is ripe for Baltic trade. But being slaves of Washington, the Baltic's sit and rot as minor weak economies sitting on the edge of the rich west, forbidden by Washington to trade with the east, their educated youth continue to move to Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, London, anywhere but their rotted out economies.  

    Oh wow.. you are correct..  The population in Lithuania is decreasing ,instead of increasing
    like most developed nations..  - wikipedia.. shows 2011 census 3,043,429  to 2015 estimate 2,921,920. so young have to be migrating ,because elder people do not move ..they too old to try for a better life.  and i don't think the reduction is because people no longer have babies in  LIthuania or Crime.. it had to be a massive migration.  

    A look at Lithuania GDP will show why..
    THey are at the 84th position in the world in GDP.. way behind poor nations like Dominican Republic and Cuba.. that is under 50th years sanctions.. Laughing    

    And not far from Congo and other african nations.. lol1  Behind Venezuela and argentina..
    And no wonder they will suck any American president dick that will give them a few millions ,
    just to become a torn in Russia and will do anything to have more NATO military bases ,because means more money in rent for them.  For comparison..  Lebanon that have a small civil war too is ahead of Lithuanian GDP.. Syria that is on the middle of full scale war against many Nations at the same time.. almost alone ,fighting for 4 years on many fronts its GDP in 2014 WAS s on the 90th position just ~10 billions less .. Smile ..  Latvia is on the 96 position.. even worse economy than Syria. Shocked   Estonia in the 105th position.. at the level of afganistan.. lol1  and Ukraine in the 54th..  Russia for comparison after sanctions and currency and oil warfare ended in the 9th position its GDP. Smile

    This is why Americans love the baltic states.. they are cheap ass hell ,to buy them.. and the baltic nations will do anything to rent their facilities to NATO to increase their income.. i can imagine that if Russia dares to cut the Gas supply to the baltic states.. they will go default in less than a year with such mediocre economy.

    In more news.. the European Union ,some Liberals minions MP wants to "liberate Russian scientist"   and encourage them to leave Russia and move to Europe.. So much for Russia does not produce and innovate ,that they want Russian scientist to join them. Wink

    EU liberals call for easing visa regulations for Russian scientists

    "Yes, we should continue exerting pressure on Russia. But where is a positive package to liberalize Russia?," Verhofstadt said urging the European Union to liberalize its visa policy for young people, students and scientists from Russia.

    NO doubt the liberals will love to see All Russian scientific talent to move to Europe and
    be "FRee" from "Putin's repression" and with luck have a space program too ,like RUssia..  Smile

    And in positive news...  
    Pro Russian ,Pro Putin and Pro EuroAsian integration in Moldova wins in election
    , ladies and gentleman welcome to Irina Vlah.

    look how friendly looks the people who support Russia.. Smile

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 1087792

    Good to hear about the Moldova elections. As for the visa regime for specialists, there will of course be people who will leave the country to make more money, but there has always been a very easy structure for visa's for specialists from Russia to EU and the # of people leaving has dropped due to either domestic jobs paying more or providing other benefits (free housing) and plentiful of jobs. In Europe and North America, specialist jobs are dropping a lot due to the large # of immigrants vs total amount of jobs. So it really isn't easy to move. The benefit of this though will be it will force the hands of the major companies in Russia to spend much more money in wages for specialists and even more benefits. Recently Uralvagonzavod opened up apartments of various types for their own workers. Rent free. Doing so really does loosen restrictions on workers and means more loose change as well.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Kimppis Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:28 am

    Vann7 wrote:A look at Lithuania GDP will show why..
    THey are at the 84th position in the world in GDP.. way behind poor nations like Dominican Republic and Cuba.. that is under 50th years sanctions.. Laughing    

    And not far from Congo and other african nations.. lol1  Behind Venezuela and argentina..
    And no wonder they will suck any American president dick that will give them a few millions ,
    just to become a torn in Russia and will do anything to have more NATO military bases ,because means more money in rent for them.  For comparison..  Lebanon that have a small civil war too is ahead of Lithuanian GDP.. Syria that is on the middle of full scale war against many Nations at the same time.. almost alone ,fighting for 4 years on many fronts its GDP in 2014 WAS s on the 90th position just ~10 billions less .. Smile ..  Latvia is on the 96 position.. even worse economy than Syria. Shocked   Estonia in the 105th position.. at the level of afganistan.. lol1  and Ukraine in the 54th..  Russia for comparison after sanctions and currency and oil warfare ended in the 9th position its GDP. Smile

    TBH, those GDP comparisons don't make any sense. Lithuania's population is very small. Baltic countries' GDPs per capita are actually reasonably high, they are close to $30 000 per capita (PPP) and all three have a very high HDI. I'm not an expert on Baltic countries, but those numbers indicate that they might be the most succesful ex-soviet (and eastern bloc as a whole) republics economically, despite the issues.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  kvs Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:23 am

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 20150325_yemen5

    So the USA fully supports the meddling of Saudi Arabia in the affairs of Yemen. But screeches bloody murder because Russia
    helped Crimea to regain its historical status as desired by the majority of the local population. Washington and its retarded
    bitch spokes-"persons" also wet their pants because Russia offers some marginal support to the people of the Donbas.

    Russia should have bombed the Kiev regime into oblivion back in March of 2014.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:50 am

    @Werewolf: According to the Deputy Chairman of Ukie, Andriy Paruby, Merkel is the one who prevents supply of lethal weapons into Ukraine Very Happy

    I still believe Merkel is not a puppet of Washington DC. She is pro-Russia inside, but cannot say it out loud due to US hegemony in Europe.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Vann7 Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:41 am

    higurashihougi wrote:@Werewolf: According to the Deputy Chairman of Ukie, Andriy Paruby, Merkel is the one who prevents supply of lethal weapons into Ukraine Very Happy

    I still believe Merkel is not a puppet of Washington DC. She is pro-Russia inside, but cannot say it out loud due to US hegemony in Europe.

    Mmm no.. Merkel is pro germany economy.. and nothing else..
    That is what is good for their business .. And she will do anything to keep Germany in the
    best possible balance between US and RUssia.. she prefers US business.. everyone in europe does.... but she cannot close its doors with Russia..neither.. So she will try whatever thing
    to try lower the tensions ,between US and RUssia and keep business going.  France is a bit more closer to Russia than germany.. ironically.  Putin should try to lure out France out of NATO and get them into their Orbit..  Historically speaking However.. Germany is much more closer to Russia than any other nation.. Catherine the great for example was a Prussian german.. a german leader ruling Russia. thats an interesting part of Russia history.. and she did it very well ,conquering Crimea was one of her achievements and the Europeanization of Russia too.. was part of its legacy.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #11 - Page 39 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #11

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:02 am

    higurashihougi wrote:@Werewolf: According to the Deputy Chairman of Ukie, Andriy Paruby, Merkel is the one who prevents supply of lethal weapons into Ukraine Very Happy

    I still believe Merkel is not a puppet of Washington DC. She is pro-Russia inside, but cannot say it out loud due to US hegemony in Europe.

    She is as pro russia as McCain. She is a crook and a halfwit when it comes to politics. She is just a puppet, she has nothing to decide, it is her "advisors" or actuall rulers that make the politics from Brussels out. She just repeats what vicious tongues spit in her ear. Schröder and Helmut had their own way doing politics despite being servants of the West, but they did not bow down to everything, she on the other hand does whatever she is told to do.

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