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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel


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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 08/09/15, 01:50 pm

    A nice article from CAST on the numbers of Conscripts and Contractors over the past few years and going forward;

    - demographic low point for 18 year old's is from 2016 -2018, then slow increase.
    - very few North Caucasians are drafted. More last draft (~1,000) and planned to slowly increase going forward.
    - Crimea will have it's first full draft this fall which should add another 2-3,000.
    - original 1,000,000 man Army plan that I saw years ago, envisioned 70,000 in Educational Institutes and 40,000 in Training Centers
    - there are ~60,000 presently in Educational Institutes and they are not included in any totals here.
    - that left 890,000 in units. Not all units have yet been formed so when they say 90% manned, they mean of the units formed.
    - there are also 220,000 Officers not counted here.
    - so when you see 300,000 contractors, you need to add 220,000 to get the total Military Professionals
    - about 30,000 conscripts appear to be serving in the Troops of the Interior and Kremlin Regiment

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 19/10/15, 02:19 pm

    Number of contractors now at 327,000 or 93% of planned total for this year.

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  sepheronx 19/10/15, 02:23 pm

    So you are saying that there are close to 330,000 contractors in Russias military. Add the 220,000 you mentioned before to get the full picture of all the professionals in the military? What is the other 220,000 professionals? Total number of conscripts?

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 19/10/15, 02:28 pm

    sepheronx wrote:So you are saying that there are close to 330,000 contractors in Russias military.  Add the 220,000 you mentioned before to get the full picture of all the professionals in the military?  What is the other 220,000 professionals?  Total number of conscripts?

    Commissioned officers and Warrant officers. Conscripts are in play right now with the fall draft. Somewhere around 265-270,000 would be my best guess. There are also 60-70,000 cadets in Educational Institutes on top of that.

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    Post  sepheronx 19/10/15, 02:59 pm

    franco wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:So you are saying that there are close to 330,000 contractors in Russias military.  Add the 220,000 you mentioned before to get the full picture of all the professionals in the military?  What is the other 220,000 professionals?  Total number of conscripts?

    Commissioned officers and Warrant officers. Conscripts are in play right now with the fall draft. Somewhere around 265-270,000 would be my best guess. There are also 60-70,000 cadets in Educational Institutes on top of that.

    So what are the total amount of forces? Roughly close to a million?

    The idea of the contractors are great and seem to be doing well for Russia in times of conscripts trying to divert from mil service.

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 19/10/15, 03:07 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    franco wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:So you are saying that there are close to 330,000 contractors in Russias military.  Add the 220,000 you mentioned before to get the full picture of all the professionals in the military?  What is the other 220,000 professionals?  Total number of conscripts?

    Commissioned officers and Warrant officers. Conscripts are in play right now with the fall draft. Somewhere around 265-270,000 would be my best guess. There are also 60-70,000 cadets in Educational Institutes on top of that.

    So what are the total amount of forces?  Roughly close to a million?

    The idea of the contractors are great and seem to be doing well for Russia in times of conscripts trying to divert from mil service.

    About 880,000 total, of which about 815,000 would be in active units.

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    Post  sepheronx 19/10/15, 03:14 pm

    So they are still below the 1m army they are supposed to be in need for.

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 19/10/15, 03:30 pm

    sepheronx wrote:So they are still below the 1m army they are supposed to be in need for.

    Yes, and they are hitting the low point in the demographic curve for 18 year old's for the next two years. The planned contractor total is 425,000 by the end of 2017 and 499,000 by the end of 2020. The draft total for the Fall 2015 Draft is 10,000 less then the Spring Draft. They were hoping to have 352,000 contractors by the end of 2015.

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    Post  sepheronx 19/10/15, 03:38 pm

    franco wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:So they are still below the 1m army they are supposed to be in need for.

    Yes, and they are hitting the low point in the demographic curve for 18 year old's for the next two years. The planned contractor total is 425,000 by the end of 2017 and 499,000 by the end of 2020. The draft total for the Fall 2015 Draft is 10,000 less then the Spring Draft. They were hoping to have 352,000 contractors by the end of 2015.  

    Hmm, I imagine there are FAR more 18 year olds than less than a million.

    That said, they are hitting the low point. So by 2020 there should be far more? or less? or what?

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 19/10/15, 04:03 pm

    There will be gradually more each year but the plan is to reduce conscripts to less then 25% by 2020.

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    Post  sepheronx 19/10/15, 04:37 pm

    franco wrote:There will be gradually more each year but the plan is to reduce conscripts to less then 25% by 2020.

    Good. Conscripts are a good idea to keep the average person to be ready and skilled just in case there is an actual conflict that would be needed to get a larger more ready forces.

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 07/11/15, 06:20 pm

    Fall 2015 call up of conscripts total 147,100. The Spring call up was for 150,145 conscripts.

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 23/11/15, 02:08 pm

    Contractors now make up 60% of Rocket and Artillery units;

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 23/11/15, 02:15 pm

    New training and reserve system in the Russian Armed Forces. University students now allowed to enlist and do their military service while attending school. After their graduation, they are put into the Reserve as trained Sergeants.

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  George1 14/12/15, 11:45 am

    #Gerasimov: Russian Armed Forces staffing level has reached 92%, number of contract servicemen reached 352 thousand people


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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 19/12/15, 06:21 am

    Defense Personnel end of 2015 = 902,000

    Volunteers = 572,000
    Conscripts = 267,000
    Cadets = 63,000
    Manning = 92%

    Volunteers are Officers, Warrant Officers, Sergeants and Contractors. All Sergeants were scheduled to be Volunteers by end of 2015.
    Conscripts for 2015 were 297,245 of which ~30,000 serve in the Troops of the Interior and the Kremlin Regiment.
    Cadets include 40,000 in Military Schools and 23,000 in University doing their Military Service by being trained as Reserve Sergeants.
    Manning is not 100% clear but my best guess is that all units presently active are at an average 92% manned.

    Planned end of 2020 totals = 1,000,000

    Volunteers = 720,000
    Conscripts = 200,000
    Cadets = 80,000
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg 19/12/15, 01:34 pm

    Are contract servicemen conscripts who decided to stay or also people who joined voluntarily?

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 19/12/15, 01:36 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Are contract servicemen conscripts who decided to stay or also people who joined voluntarily?

    Both is my understanding.

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  Werewolf 19/12/15, 01:57 pm

    Always both.

    Voluntary conscripts get their basic training course but are already prepared during those months to which course they will be going (Seargant, Officer)

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  flamming_python 19/12/15, 03:35 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Are contract servicemen conscripts who decided to stay or also people who joined voluntarily?

    To be a contract serviceman requires you to go through conscript service first.
    So they are either those who stayed on after their conscript service finished or who finished their conscript term and left but then decided to join the military again later on as contract servicemen.

    One of the warrant officers in my old unit, as I recall, told me about how finished his conscript service, returned to civil life but after just 6 months decided that civie street was no longer for him, and then went back into the military and presumably received training for NCO roles.

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    Post  George1 30/12/15, 10:05 pm

    Over 147,000 drafted into Russian armed forces this autumn


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    Post  PapaDragon 03/01/16, 10:59 am

    This is the right idea! thumbsup

    ''Russian Soldiers Complete Psychologist-Guided 'Team-Building' ''

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 06/01/16, 03:07 pm

    A list of documented deaths in the Armed Forces from 2014 and first half of 2015;

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    Russian Armed Forces Personnel - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Armed Forces Personnel

    Post  franco 20/01/16, 02:40 pm

    Deputy Minister of Defense N.Pankov:

       We are very actively, purposefully and with great interest the work of conscription officers fired in previous years. It is usually the young officers. And those who kept the high motivation, we accept military service, and, in fact, it is now - a steady, stable source of army.
       In 2015, we managed to bring the staffing level to 92 percent. This is - an unprecedented level of completeness. We set the goal in 2016 staffing level of the army and navy officers to bring up to 93 percent.
    At 220,000 full staff = 202,000.

    Revised Defense Personnel end of 2015 = 884,000

    Volunteers = 554,000
    Conscripts = 267,000
    Cadets = 63,000

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    Post  George1 20/01/16, 11:44 pm

    franco wrote:Deputy Minister of Defense N.Pankov:

       We are very actively, purposefully and with great interest the work of conscription officers fired in previous years. It is usually the young officers. And those who kept the high motivation, we accept military service, and, in fact, it is now - a steady, stable source of army.
       In 2015, we managed to bring the staffing level to 92 percent. This is - an unprecedented level of completeness. We set the goal in 2016 staffing level of the army and navy officers to bring up to 93 percent.
    At 220,000 full staff = 202,000.

    Revised Defense Personnel end of 2015 = 884,000

    Volunteers = 554,000
    Conscripts = 267,000
    Cadets = 63,000

    these numbers are for ground forces only right?

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