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    Education in Russia: News


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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Tingsay Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:13 am

    While I like all of these projects for their utility, I can't help but think architecture in Russia is going down the drain, just like the rest of the world.
    All of these modernist buildings (escept for a few decent ones maybe) are gonna look dated in as little as 20 years. A look that future generations will define as "What people in the past thought the future would look like lol". We used to think the Jetsons looked futuristic. That's exactly the faith of 90% of these types of modernist buildings.

    The most attractive and timeless buildings I see here are the ones built long ago:

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:38 pm

    Tingsay wrote:...All of these modernist buildings (escept for a few decent ones maybe) are gonna look dated in as little as 20 years....

    You are ignoring the fact that all these buildings we now consider classical were built alongside countless others which didn't stood the test of time, looked dated in 20 years and got demolished and forgotten long ago

    This is nothing new

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    Post  flamming_python Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:10 pm

    Just about any building which was made to last and look good, still does

    At the turn of the 20th century most buildings constructed were still wooden ones; the stone or brick buildings with ornate architecture were the exception and required a lot of resources to be invested

    It was the same in the Soviet era; most buildings were ugly as fk made out of concrete with minimalism or other styles simply serving as an excuse to cheap out. But the buildings there that got individual architecture, themes and quality materials still do stand the test of time - like the 7 Sisters skyscrapers in Moscow.

    And it's the same now. The modern architecture projects which look futuristic or interesting, which are not simplified in concept or upon their realization, and which are built to high-standards; are the ones that will look good now, and in 20 years time and in 200 years time.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Tingsay Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:11 am

    Meh, I've heard all of this arguments before.

    Yes, it is true that throughout history, humans have built anything they want and letting time discard the bad and leave the good.

    But this argument essentially advocates for a very flawed trial and error system. Always experimental with very little learning of the past.
    We can actually learn from history you know.
    The healthiest approach would be a majority timeless, tried and tested traditional styles with a minority of experimentation where the modernist architects can trial and error to their hearts content.
    Don't tell me nobody would want all large enough Russian cities to have their very own Nevsky Prospects/Tverskaya Streets.

    I can only accept this arguments when it comes to non-descript neighborhood cheap housing cos I can understand why nobody gives a **** about them.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:06 pm

    New management school & campus in Russia planned on the outskirts of Solnechnogorsk, a town north-west of Moscow. Designed by Dutch architectural company Mecanoo

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    Mecanoo has also produced a design for the new United Metallurgical Company Corporate University in the town of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region. It will also be built within the next few years

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  George1 Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:18 pm

    The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, made an unexpected statement for a high-level official. Despite the fact that the department he heads has nothing to do with the country's education system, Alexander Bastrykin spoke about the realities of the modern educational system.

    Speaking at a conference on the role of law in ensuring human well-being, the chairman of the RF IC criticized the education system and called for the return of its Soviet version. According to Bastrykin, the Soviet education system was the best in the world.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Wed Nov 24, 2021 5:20 pm

    George1 wrote:The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, made an unexpected statement for a high-level official. Despite the fact that the department he heads has nothing to do with the country's education system, Alexander Bastrykin spoke about the realities of the modern educational system.

    Speaking at a conference on the role of law in ensuring human well-being, the chairman of the RF IC criticized the education system and called for the return of its Soviet version. According to Bastrykin, the Soviet education system was the best in the world.

    Had to be said

    And while they're at it they should get rid of all the retarded re-written history books saying that Russia is a land of milk and honey that adopted all these other peoples around it willingly, and acted only in self-defence against all the evil-doers like the Poles, Turks, Swedes and etc etc etc or whatever rubbish they're writing in nowadays

    Soviet history books were far more sordid, in regards to Russia as everyone else. Feudalism, imperial expansion, wars, subjugation, exploitation, etc... But as a result they did actually teach people about how the world works now too.

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    Post  kvs Wed Nov 24, 2021 7:31 pm

    You make it sound like Russia was no better than the western imperialists. This is grade A BS. Russia never had any reservation
    ghettos where aboriginals were herded to rob them of their land. The USSR did not magically undo centuries of such supposed
    Russian behaviour. It had all of the conditions to create ethnic republics in place in 1917.

    The much touted counter examples in the Caucuses are where some ethnic groups chose to follow the warrior way and obliterate
    themselves in the process. There are plenty of such cases in the USA, the British Empire, etc. Argentina fully exterminated the
    Patagonians. None of the ethnic groups in the Caucuses were exterminated to the last individual.

    Russians do not need to feel any collective guilt over anything before 1917 and after. But that is exactly what people like you and
    western scumbags demand.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:50 pm

    kvs wrote:You make it sound like Russia was no better than the western imperialists.   This is grade A BS.   Russia never had any reservation
    ghettos where aboriginals were herded to rob them of their land.   The USSR did not magically undo centuries of such supposed
    Russian behaviour.   It had all of the conditions to create ethnic republics in place in 1917.  

    The much touted counter examples in the Caucuses are where some ethnic groups chose to follow the warrior way and obliterate
    themselves in the process.    There are plenty of such cases in the USA, the British Empire, etc.    Argentina fully exterminated the
    Patagonians.   None of the ethnic groups in the Caucuses were exterminated to the last individual.  

    Russians do not need to feel any collective guilt over anything before 1917 and after.   But that is exactly what people like you and
    western scumbags demand.  

    It wasn't as bad as the Europeans conquering America, but it was a regular empire that did regular empire things. Or why did the revolution of 1917 happen in the first place?

    Point is painting a rosy picture serves no purpose whatsoever. It's not about collective guilt. Neither was the Soviet teaching of history. It taught that everyone did the same shit, and it wasn't so much a characteristic of specific peoples, as much as a characteristic of social-economic orders of the time. There's plenty to be proud of in Russian history without having to whitewash the obvious bad things that took place.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:34 pm

    Russia will cancel the Bologna system. Is that a good thing?


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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  lancelot Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:09 pm

    The whole point of Bologna was to allow easy transition in between different countries educational systems in Europe.
    But if Russian scholars are being banned from participating then there is little point in continuing to pursue it.

    A lot of people in Europe even back then were not in favor of Bologna process, because it favors a US like education model, this is supposed to favor cross-disciplinary learning to the detriment of professionalization in a given field. Which system is better is debatable.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:08 am

    Mecanoo has also produced a design for the new United Metallurgical Company Corporate University in the town of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region. It will also be built within the next few years

    I am guessing these projects wont go forward now either...

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:02 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Mecanoo has also produced a design for the new United Metallurgical Company Corporate University in the town of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region. It will also be built within the next few years

    I am guessing these projects wont go forward now either...

    Why not? OMK still needs its own university and Vyksa is as good a place as any

    Maybe the architectural firms will be changed. Although I'm not sure if sanctions have reached them. Russia can always nationalize the designs already presented Twisted Evil

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:00 pm

    Megacampus being drawn up for the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:03 pm

    Four-storey cloud: the concept of the facade of the branch of Moscow State University in Zelenogradsk (Kaliningrad region) was approved

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    The designer Giprokon LLC presented the concept of the facade of the Moscow State University branch in Zelenogradsk - it will be made in the video cloud. The idea was approved at a meeting on Wednesday, May 18, by the Architectural and Urban Planning Council of the Kaliningrad Region.
    This is the second version of the appearance of the building, the previous one was rejected. It was a historical facade of the capital's university.
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    The project has been completely changed, now the building is an example of modern modernist architecture, it is proposed to be built in the form of a cloud. Two more options were considered - a ship and a wave, but the decisions were abandoned.
    Near the river Trostyanka, on the street. Turgenev will erect two four-story buildings, they are created for research activities.
    The installation “I love Moscow State University” will be installed in the courtyard of the university with a heart sign instead of the word “love”. An embankment in the form of a pontoon will be built next to the buildings. There will be special chairs for fishermen and a bike rack.
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    In December last year, tenders were announced to find a designer. 28.7 million rubles will be allocated for the construction.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:06 pm

    Construction progress of the new campus for the Bauman Moscow State Technical University

    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Bauman11
    In Moscow, on behalf of the President of Russia, they continue to develop the campuses of leading universities.

    One of these projects is Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Together with the Government of the Russian Federation, the largest university campus development project in recent years is being implemented here. About 170 thousand square meters of new space, as well as the restoration of ancient buildings, cultural monuments, which will also be involved in circulation and adapted to work with science, education, students, graduate students, future scientists. In fact, Baumanka is experiencing a rebirth.

    The campus will become an open public space accessible to pedestrians and important to the city.

    Co-working spaces, multimedia spaces and dorm complex

    Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman is one of the oldest and largest technical universities in Russia. The educational and administrative buildings of the university are located in the center of Moscow on the Yauza embankment. Basically, the complex of university buildings was formed several decades ago and today it no longer meets the needs of an actively developing university.

    In this regard, the Government of Russia, together with the Government of Moscow, made a decision on the comprehensive development of the territory of the university.

    The new campus will be located in close proximity to the existing buildings of the university, which will ensure the effect of synergy between existing and new departments of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

    According to the acting rector of the university, Mikhail Gordin, the area for education and research will increase by one and a half times. “This is a serious breakthrough, a breakthrough for engineering education in general in Russia. We can promise that we will not let us down, and we will honestly and competently operate and train personnel for the Russian economy, for the city of Moscow in a quality manner and on time, the areas that Moscow will build for us," he said.

    President of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman Anatoly Aleksandrov added that the most modern laboratories will be created at the university, which determine the peak of scientific and technological progress. “The university will be open to the residents of Moscow, and we are standing on this today. There will be many sites here where young people will find points of application of forces, and we will be the center of attraction for all the scientific and technical peak that is in Moscow,” he said.

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    On site No. 1.1 (2nd Baumanskaya Street, property 7, building 1a), it is planned to build a multifunctional scientific and educational building with an area of ​​20.1 thousand square meters to accommodate research laboratories, scientific, administrative, educational and multimedia spaces.

    Currently, work is underway to remove water supply networks, as well as reinforcing and concreting vertical structures of the second and third floors, floors above the first and second floors. The commissioning date for the facility is scheduled for 2023.

    Plot No. 1.2 (Brigadirsky pereulok, possession 12) is intended to accommodate research clusters. An engineering center for ground transport and technological systems and a center for biomedical systems and technologies of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering will operate in a building with an area of ​​5.3 thousand square meters.

    Work is already underway on the installation of facades and engineering systems, the construction and plastering of brick partitions. Commissioning of the facility is scheduled for next year.

    Plot No. 1.3 (Brigadirsky lane, property 13) was allocated for the construction of a central cluster with an area of ​​64.8 thousand square meters to accommodate a congress center, coworking, leisure, exhibition and transformable spaces for the presentation of scientific developments. It is also planned to place the Quantum-Park technopark. Preparatory work is going on here today. Commissioning of the facility is scheduled for 2024.

    On site No. 1.4 (Brigadirsky lane, possession 13) there are two objects of cultural heritage - the Phanagoria barracks and the almost lost building of the chemical laboratory, designed by architect L.N. Kekushev.

    Historic buildings will be restored and adapted for modern use. They will house the Palace of Technology and a multifunctional library building with rooms for demonstrating modern developments and holding scientific and educational forums and other thematic events.

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    Today, in the Phanagoria barracks, work is underway to strengthen the foundations, install a reinforced concrete cage along the perimeter of the load-bearing walls, repair and inject the brickwork of the walls and vaults. The installation of scaffolding on the facades, the installation of the floors of the first and second floors is also being carried out.

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    In the building of the chemical laboratory, work continues on strengthening the foundations, dismantling floors and finishes, installing a monolithic reinforced concrete floor slab in the basement and foundation clips, and repairing the brickwork of the walls. The restoration is expected to be completed next year.

    Plot No. 1.5 (Baumanskaya street, house 53, buildings 3 and 6) is allocated for the creation of the research center of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman with an area of ​​5.1 thousand square meters.
    Work is already underway on the reconstruction of the building, strengthening the soil of the base of the foundation slab. Commissioning of the facility is scheduled for 2023.
    On the other side of the Yauza, at the address: Hospital Embankment, possession 4/2, building 1 (plot No. Bauman, designed to accommodate more than 2.3 thousand students.

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    In addition to living rooms, two buildings of dormitories with an area of ​​60.1 thousand square meters will house a multifunctional educational and leisure center, multimedia spaces and the necessary sports and social infrastructure.
    Today, in building 1, work is underway to waterproof the vertical structures of the underground part, floor slabs, walls and columns minus the first floor. In building 2, the waterproofing of the underground part and the protective screed, as well as the foundation slab, walls and columns minus the first floor, is being carried out. The commissioning date for the facility is 2023.

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    Education in Russia: News - Page 6 Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:23 pm

    Utopia or reality: what is known about the construction of world-leading campuses in Russia
    TOMSK, June 13 - RIA Tomsk, Alexander Mazurov. The Government of the Russian Federation in 2021 has selected eight projects for the construction of world-class university campuses in different cities of Russia. They want to build campuses in Tomsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad and Chelyabinsk. About what is known about these projects and how much money is required for their implementation - in the review of RIA Tomsk.

    According to the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, by 2030 it is planned to build at least 25 world-class campuses in Russia. The total area will be about 1.5 million "squares", of which 633,000 are dormitories.

    In the coming years, campuses will be built under the Education national project in Tomsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. The amount of funding from the federal budget will not exceed 60%, and the heads of regions will have to turn to investors for part of the funds.

    Tomsk. 12-seater gondolas

    The regional administration and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation signed an agreement on the construction of a student campus under the national project "Education" in Tomsk in 2019. The building area is 49 hectares, the area of ​​objects is 259 thousand square meters. It is planned that 10 thousand people will live on the campus.

    Tomsk campus is the largest. The cost is estimated at 50-60 billion rubles. Until 2024, the region will receive 18 billion from the state budget for the implementation of the project. In addition, Tomsk Student Campus, a joint company established at the end of 2021 by Gazprombank and Granit Group of Companies (already engaged in the reconstruction of the Ushaika embankment and pedestrian zones on Lenin in Tomsk), plans to invest in construction.

    On the campus there will be a hotel complex with co-working spaces, medical centers, offices, cafes and hairdressers; a sports and recreation complex with swimming pools, fitness clubs, a gym; multifunctional training center with laboratories and lecture halls.

    Tomsk interuniversity campus: what and where will be located

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    Initially, the interuniversity campus was planned to be built on the left bank of the Tom River, outside the city near the Severny Park microdistrict. However, due to the need to buy land from the developer, they decided to move the campus to another land plot on the left bank - opposite the Camp Garden.

    During the discussion, Tomsk residents and deputies repeatedly drew attention to the need to build a campus in the city due to the lack of infrastructure on the left bank. In particular, the option of transferring the site of correctional colony No. 4 to the campus was proposed. The Federal Penitentiary Service, in response to a request from deputies, reported that there were no plans to move the colony in the near future.

    In search of a solution to the transport accessibility of the campus, futuristic solutions have emerged. In particular, it was proposed to build a pedestrian bridge across the Tom, as well as a cable car with 12-seat gondolas, which, as planned, should transport 5,000 people per hour to the left bank.

    Currently, on the site opposite the Lagerny Garden, between Sennaya Kurya and Tom, engineering surveys are being carried out for the subsequent development of design estimates (DED). The campus is expected to be completed by 2025.

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    Moscow. New construction and restoration

    The campus for the Bauman Moscow State Technical University is being built as part of the university modernization project almost in the center of the city. The area of ​​the campus objects is 168.8 thousand "squares", the building area is 16.9 hectares. The cost of the project is about 34.2 billion rubles.

    The campus will house a complex of dormitories, a scientific and educational building, buildings of faculties and centers, a digital transformation cluster, an exhibition space "Palace of Technologies" and a library complex. New buildings will be 5-6 floors high. As part of the project, four new buildings will be built and two old ones will be restored.

    The area of ​​hostels on campus - 62,000 square meters - will be three times the area of ​​other buildings. It is planned that 2,300 students will live in dormitories.

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    The construction of the first four buildings began in 2021. The first buildings - a scientific and educational building with an area of ​​20,000 square meters and a building for research clusters with an area of ​​5.3 thousand squares - are to be put into operation in 2023. Also in 2023, they plan to complete the restoration of two buildings.

    The central building of the campus, which will house dormitories, coworking spaces and exhibition spaces, is expected to be completed in 2024. It is planned to connect the campus buildings with a network of pedestrian routes, and the plans include the improvement of the Yauza River embankment and the construction of a new bridge across it.

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    Ufa. Land confiscation

    A multi-university campus in Ufa will be built on the southern slope of the Belaya River on the premises of a former factory near the Bashkir State University (BashGU). The total building area is 6.1 hectares, objects - 135 thousand square meters. 3,500 students are planned to live on campus.

    The cost of the campus is estimated at 18.6 billion rubles. In Ufa, under construction, as in Tomsk, two local companies established a new Campus LLC. Private investment in the total share of funding will be about 20%. The concessionaires will receive income from the rental of residential premises, business space and conference rooms.

    The project involves not only new construction, but also the reconstruction of the IQ-park building, located near the main building of BashGU.

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    The construction of the campus will take place in several stages: the first is the reconstruction of the IQ-park near the main building of Bashkir State University, the second is the construction of a building for students and scientists to live, as well as scientific laboratories, the creation of public spaces and sports infrastructure.

    In connection with the plans to build a campus, the Ufa authorities at the end of 2021 notified the withdrawal of 33 land plots for development. Until January 10, 2022, the owners of the plots had to declare their rights. As a result, 27 houses will be demolished under the campus.

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    Novosibirsk. Underground care

    In Novosibirsk, a campus will be built in Akademgorodok. A number of old dormitories and NSU buildings are being demolished for construction purposes.

    The total area of ​​campus facilities will be 145.99 thousand square meters, the area of ​​​​the territory is 11.4 hectares. The campus is planned to accommodate 4,500 students and research staff. The total cost of construction is estimated at 19.1 billion rubles.

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    The construction of the first stage, which will include the construction of an educational building and a leisure center for the Physics and Mathematics School of NSU, as well as a hostel for 690 people, has already been completed by 12%. They want to connect the two buildings with warm underground passages. The authorities promised to complete the first stage in 2022.

    The leisure center will be designed as a multifunctional hall for various events. The rest of the time the center will function as a university space for work and study.

    The construction of the first stage is carried out entirely at the expense of charitable funds - 4 billion rubles were allocated by a former graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Novosibirsk State University.

    The second stage is now at the stage of development of design and estimate documentation and expertise. It is planned to build a 550-seat physics and mathematics school dormitory, a building for in-line classrooms and a scientific library. The third and fourth stages of construction at the stage of preparing an application for participation in the project provide for the construction of dormitories.

    The regional authorities expect to complete the construction in 2023.
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    Nizhny Novgorod. 100,000 sensors

    The IT campus in Nizhny Novgorod will be located on 7 hectares, the total area of ​​the facilities will be 204,000 square meters. It is planned that 5,400 people will live on the campus. The total cost is estimated at 34 billion rubles.

    The Nizhny Novgorod campus will be located in the city center, near the bridge across the Oka River. Some of the facilities will be built on the territory of Nizhny Novgorod University. Construction will be carried out in stages: the completion of the first stage is planned for 2024.

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    It was decided to build the campus, focusing on IT clusters with the integration of space into the urban environment. Eight functional zones are planned on the territory: research, residential, educational, sports, business, cultural and leisure, commercial and social.

    The space will be divided into two clusters. The first - "Neimark" - is designed for 7 thousand students. It will include classrooms, amphitheaters, co-working areas, offices, laboratory complexes, as well as sports and medical centers. The second cluster is housing facilities for students and professors.

    The campus promises to develop an alternative public transport system and provide kindergartens. The infrastructure of the clusters will provide for a high degree of automation - more than 100,000 sensors and voice electronic systems.
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    Ekaterinburg. Campus in the Universiade village

    The campus center for digital transformation of the Ural Federal University (UrFU) in Ekaterinburg will be built on 16.8 hectares. The area of ​​objects is 100 thousand "squares". It is planned to accommodate 8,530 people on the territory.

    The campus will be located in the new Novokoltsovsky district, where facilities for the Summer Universiade will be built by 2023. It is planned that part of the campus will be a "village" building complex, including five modern residence halls, two centers - a community center and a medical center - and a training field with treadmills.

    After the Universiade, buildings for institutes of radio electronics and information technology, economics and management, as well as a lyceum will be completed near the "village". It is planned to place co-working spaces with educational and scientific laboratories and transformer classrooms in the buildings. They hope to hand over all the objects of power in 2024.

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    The cost of the Ekaterinburg campus is estimated at 20 billion rubles. Ural businessmen are ready to invest almost a quarter in the construction of the campus. Investors have already become the metallurgical holding EVRAZ, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, the Russian Copper Company, and the Pipe Metallurgical Company. 10 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for the project.

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    Kaliningrad. Buildings made of glass and metal

    The territory for the campus in Kaliningrad is 29 hectares, the total area of ​​the facilities is 110,000 square meters. It is planned that 2,500 people will live on campus. The cost of construction is estimated at 16.6 billion.

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    Eight campus buildings will be built in the city on the site of the Baltic Federal University, right behind the main building. Now there are already two educational and administrative buildings, sports facilities and university dormitories on the site.

    In front of the main building, they want to build two one-story pavilions made of glass and metal. The first will have an MFC and a selection committee, the second will have an electronic library with a mini-lecture room and a cafe.

    Behind the main building of the university, a four-story Biomed building will be built, which will also play the role of an entrance group. The building will house streaming and project audiences, laboratories.

    The campus will house the building of the Institute of High Technologies, where they will study artificial intelligence, and the building of the Higher School of Philosophy and Social Sciences, where the library and the Rare Book Museum will appear. There will also be a conference space, a hostel with a food court, co-working spaces and fitness areas. In addition, there are bank branches, cafes and shops.

    Currently, the design and estimate documentation is being prepared and an examination is being carried out. Construction should begin in 2022.

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    Chelyabinsk. campus under the dome

    The inter-university campus in Chelyabinsk will occupy an area of ​​32.8 hectares, with a total area of ​​114,000 square meters. It is planned to create 3,400 residential places on the campus. The project is estimated at 19.5 billion rubles.

    The campus will be located on the territory of two universities - South Ural State University (SUSU) and Chelyabinsk State University (ChelSU). It is planned to build objects of scientific, educational, research and social infrastructure.

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    The campus will have three scientific and educational centers: artificial intelligence, biochemistry, chemistry and ecology, as well as a center for bioinformatics. The laboratory buildings behind the SUSU main building will be built up to five floors and covered with an experimental dome with a zero carbon footprint. There are also libraries, a business center, a co-working park and an exhibition complex on the campus.

    Geological surveys and pre-design work have now been completed. They want to develop the project until 2023. The campus is planned to be commissioned in 2024-2025.

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    Post  lancelot Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:17 pm

    These are smart investments. After the state spent money renovating hospitals and schools for children now it seems they will be working on the colleges.

    They are also making huge investments into new facilities for the MIC. Like the new Rostec HQ, the new Roscosmos HQ, and others.

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:22 pm

    lancelot wrote:These are smart investments. After the state spent money renovating hospitals and schools for children now it seems they will be working on the colleges.

    They are also making huge investments into new facilities for the MIC. Like the new Rostec HQ, the new Roscosmos HQ, and others.

    I kinda wish they would look outside of Moscow for those HQ's though.

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    Post  flamming_python Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:50 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    lancelot wrote:These are smart investments. After the state spent money renovating hospitals and schools for children now it seems they will be working on the colleges.

    They are also making huge investments into new facilities for the MIC. Like the new Rostec HQ, the new Roscosmos HQ, and others.

    I kinda wish they would look outside of Moscow for those HQ's though.

    RUSAL and RusHydro are both in the process of moving their head offices from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk. We can expect to see some HQ buildings there eventually, these are both major multinational corporations

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    Post  caveat emptor Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:00 am

    It would be good to make one such campus in Khabarovsk as Vladivostok already has a good one. Khabarovsk and adjoining area will become more important as trade with China grows.

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    Post  flamming_python Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:39 am

    caveat emptor wrote:It would be good to make one such campus in Khabarovsk as Vladivostok already has a good one. Khabarovsk and adjoining area will become more important as trade with China grows.

    I did post a campus that's planned for universities in Khabarovsk, it's on the previous page

    Khabarovsk however wasn't shortlisted for the current program, which includes funding for campuses in 8 cities (Tomsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg).
    But it could well make it into the next list in a couple years time

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    Post  caveat emptor Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:35 pm

    Russian universities were unable to fill out all  state financed-tech quotas even during additional recruitment

    Complaining about the lack of demand in the labor market

    The surprises of the 2022 admissions campaign continue. Actually, it has not ended yet, although the deadline for summing up the lists of applicants was August 16th. From the regions they report that despite the additional sets, in some places it is again empty. There are still free places on the budget. Almost all unclaimed places ended up in technical specialties.
    - This is not advertised, but not only here in Nizhny Novgorod, but in Kazan, Kaliningrad, Tomsk, Novosibirsk and even in St. Petersburg, all places were not filled from the second time, - says a member of the admissions committee of the university Arkady (name changed). – Basically, these are micro- and nanoelectronics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical technologies.
    Although there are places in biotechnology, for which applicants have always fought. I have been sitting in the selection committees for six years, but I don’t remember this.

    The interlocutor of "MK" said that discouraged universities are preparing documents to conduct ... the third wave. That is, it is planned to continue the additional recruitment. According to the law "On Education", admission to universities can last until the end of the current year, that is, until 31.12. 2022.

    Much has already been written about the reasons for such an unprecedented budgetary imbalance this year. The main thing is that, based on the priority of engineering specialties, 250,000 places were allocated for technical disciplines in 2022. That is, almost half of the 588 thousand state-funded places in universities in the whole country. Tritely, there were not so many willing (and able) to go into technologists, designers, designers and, in fact, engineers. “We have an inconsistency between real demand in the labor market and enrollment in universities,” comments Irina Abankina, director of the Institute for the Development of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, a leading expert in the field of education.
    - We have been in Moscow since the 1990s. most industrial enterprises have been destroyed,” says Leonid Zamotaev, a process engineer for microelectronic production. - Actually, according to our profile, only our plant and research institutes remained, and even Zelenograd. The recovery period for such production is at least 50 years, and it is hardly profitable now. Therefore, our profession is not in demand and is not very well paid. Now, having lost allowances, I get 60 thousand rubles in my hands, and this is still not bad on average for the profession. Two of my classmates, Muscovites, went to work in other cities of the Russian Federation. One person went to Kaluga, the other went to Yelets.
    Regional enterprises also operate there. And in Moscow, as in most of Russia, there are almost no jobs for an engineer. If there is a desire to revive the profession, it is necessary to start with production.

    "MK" studied the proposals of recruiting agencies and enterprises. Development engineer, design engineer, just an engineer - 70-80 thousand rubles "dirty". Somewhere even 30-35 thousand. The rates, and with them the amounts, grow only if something else is simply added to the engineer: “for supervision”, “for procurement”, a service engineer or chief ... On the one hand, there are proposals, on the other hand, almost all highly specialized . Or they are connected not with production, but with normative and documentary work.

    In the meantime, according to the principle “the king is dead, long live the king”, the admission targets for 2023-24 have already been approved. But they are going to distribute places in specific areas and specialties after February 1, 2023. Until this date, graduates will have to choose subjects for which they will take the exam. The Ministry is going to analyze all this, so as not to be mistaken again. Although the exam is not a guarantee, but a probability. A profile in mathematics, for example, does not necessarily indicate that the student who passed will go to engineering. With the same success, he can apply for a physicist, mathematical analyst, economist.

    Changes to the admission rules-2023, which were announced before September 1, have not been announced. It is clear that officially there will be no “second wave”, but additional sets will successfully replace it. It is not clear whether the submission of the original and copies of the diploma to the university will be reviewed, this year this moment was criticized.

    As for the passing scores for individual subjects, the experts agree that on average it is necessary to focus on 70-85 points. Falls to 60 and below, as was the case this year, in the higher education system will try to prevent more.

    *** Explanation for people not familiar with the process. In every university there is a certain number of budget financed placements for students that pass qualification tests.
    Apparently, universities are seeing a weak demand for tech related programs, that they even have trouble to fill out all positions that are budget financed ie. government pays for cost of the school.
    Representatives of universities think that it is because of weak prospects for employment in aforementioned fields.***

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:55 pm

    Well, there has to be job prospects if you want people to kill those positions. That won't happen until at least a few years till more money has gone through for industries in these fields.

    That said, the jobs of R&D within universities are probably been filled long ago, many older people. Same issue here where the universities R&D faculties are held all by rather older people with some students.
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    Post  caveat emptor Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:11 am

    sepheronx wrote:Well, there has to be job prospects if you want people to kill those positions.  That won't happen until at least a few years till more money has gone through for industries in these fields.

    That said, the jobs of R&D within universities are probably been filled long ago, many older people.  Same issue here where the universities R&D faculties are held all by rather older people with some students.
    Military industries did a good job with employment of young cadres. 
    Industrial base was seriously undermined in the last 30 years. Article mentions Moscow, as example where there are no prospects for employment. Aside from some designer bureaus, I'm afraid that it will stay like that. Moscow turned itself into a capital of service industries. Starting any production in the city doesn't make sense, as cost are too high when compared to other places. 
    In any case, government shouldn't even think of subsidizing manufacturing in Moscow (not Moscow oblast), as every ruble will go much further in other parts of Russia.

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