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    Education in Russia: News


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    Education in Russia: News Empty Education in Russia: News

    Post  sepheronx Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:23 pm

    MOSCOW, August 30 (RIA Novosti) - President Dmitry Medvedev said in a TV interview that the Russian education system needs to be modernized to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

    In an interview with the Vesti channel to be broadcast on Sunday evening, the president said: "The situation we are in now is not as difficult as it was in the 1990s, when our teachers were being paid virtually nothing... But on the other hand, we have not yet made a qualitative leap."

    However, the president said the government has had some success in improving the education system. The national Education project has helped high schools, raising salaries for teachers, and providing new equipment.

    "In institutions of higher education, we have managed to create a situation where the most advanced institutions have received quite considerable allocations from the budget," he said.

    Discussing the Soviet education system, Medvedev said it had its strengths and weaknesses.

    "We understand that there were also a range of problems in the Soviet education system. Without even considering the ideological slant, which was always present, colleges were far from equal."

    He said the Soviet-era discrepancy in quality between education standards in the main cities and in the provinces remains today.

    "Without arguing with the thesis that we had a good education system, I believe that our goal now is to create a modern education system, worthy of Russia in the 21st Century," he said.

    The president also called for students who have obtained university grants using forged paperwork to be expelled.

    "We need to tackle this... Law enforcers should be involved in checking who submitted what, and punishing the culprits," he said.

    The interview comes just before the start of Russia's school term, on September 1.


    Good.  Russia is going into the right path in developing the country further.  Education is the most important.  And as I see private institutes such as Polytechnic schools (like SAIT here in Calgary AB), is also a good path, as it opens many doors to other education and it brings in money to both the school and the province/government.

    But modernizing high schools will open lots of doors for children wanted to get into the technology market.  Something that the high school I was in should have.
    Russian Patriot
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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:43 pm

    Yes , well again there is a factor of motivation of our goverment officials..

    Russia , please wake up

    The 2010 budget increases defense spending but decreases education by varied estimates by 3 to 4 percent.

    There will be a defcit.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  sepheronx Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:17 pm

    Russian Patriot wrote:Yes , well again there is a factor of motivation of our goverment officials..

    Russia , please wake up

    The 2010 budget increases defense spending but decreases education by varied estimates by 3 to 4 percent.

    There will be a defcit.

    May I see some stats of this claim? As far as I understand, the Education budget was to build new schools and training facilities, and now that they are built, the budget doesn't need to be so high. But a link to the claims would be nice. And would you rather have the Education system in Russia still state run? Or privitized like USA?

    Edit: And regardless of what you say, Russia still has one of the best education systems in the world. Why do you think many Russian's are successful? Because they are intelligent.
    Russian Patriot
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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:58 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    I know that Russia has one of the best education systems, I am from there (Moscow) .

    I would prefer it to be state run. Otherwise, there might be certain issues like different textbooks based on sponsors opinion.

    and here are the links:

    and I can provide more if wanted.

    Now this might needed be moved into Russian life section since I have a gone of the real topic.


    I understand that cutbacks need to be taken some places, but it is also up to the school to properly move those finances. In Canada and the US (I cannot say for others), it is expensive to get anything done. For instance, our dolor may be worth a lot to some, but costs of products are expensive. I can make 1M a year, but if Bread costs 10K, then it just isn't worth it.

    In Russia, from what I gathered, products are cheap to make and cheap to buy. A school can have advanced technology and very good labs and it would not cost a whole lot in comparrison. But this is the problem about State run education, as it will cost a quite a bit to keep going. The US is different. Instead of the government paying the big bills for the education system, it is now up to industries. It is good for a couple of things and bad. For instance, technological institutions are created based upon what the company needs for future engineers, programmers, industrial employees and alike. So they provide the funds and the capabilities for proper training. But there are other things that are also important that are left out. Proper mathimatical education to History to Geography and alike. That is why we all view US as stupid, but they aren't, because it isn't entirely their fault they are not taught in everything. It is just their cockyness that gets in the way.

    In the end, it is why US is so wealthy, because their country is run on debt and production. Russia can also be as rich if it decided to privitize everything. But it is also stupid and dangerous to do that.

    MIT (Moscow institution of technology) is very much known in Canada as well as being one of the best Universities in the world. But because of budget drawbacks, does it make it poor schooling? No.

    Part of the large budget was because there where an over excessive amount of schools in various regions in Russia, where they did not need more then 1 university in the area. In Canada, we have one universtiy in the city and the rest are pretty much private. Russia is moving more or less along the same lines, and it does not need a huge budget to upkeep.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  sepheronx Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:28 am

    Alright, moved the thread. Now we can talk more on the education system of the Russian Federation here. The starting post was orriginaly in the Naval sectionl
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:22 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Alright, moved the thread. Now we can talk more on the education system of the Russian Federation here. The starting post was orriginaly in the Naval sectionl

    When you say MIT you probably mean :

    My mother went there for six years on electronics for space.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  sepheronx Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:16 pm

    Russian Patriot wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Alright, moved the thread. Now we can talk more on the education system of the Russian Federation here. The starting post was orriginaly in the Naval sectionl

    When you say MIT you probably mean :

    My mother went there for six years on electronics for space.

    Yeah, thats the school.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  nightcrawler Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:42 am

    Has Russia Lost the “Best Education System in the World?”

    There Are Plans to Introduce Religion Courses at Russia’s Public Schools

    Russian Universities Are Struggling to Adapt to the Bologna Process

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Information and Recommendations about Seeking Teritary Education in Russia

    Post  gloriousfatherland Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:39 am

    Privyet moi drug. hello my friends
    I am a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago. I have been hypnothized by the majesty of your beautiful nation, people and culture and off course russian christianity. I am currently in my final year of A'level exams and contemplating on where i should persue tertiary studies.

    I specifically want to persue the field of Mechanical Engineering/weapons research and/or development. My countries dont have military indistrial complexes and years of wisdom and knowledge that your nation have attained throughout hte last century. The university in my coutnry is ranked 1437 th world wide and does various no weaponised based engineering such as electrical , mechanical, computer, chemical and petroleum. I really want to study weapons research and futher my knowledge above all others in my country by learing from the brilliant russian legacy of inventions.

    What advice do my comrades have for me? Where should i look? which university shall i visit in russia? My grades are near perfect for both o'levels and a'levels and i know basic po-russki Smile ( which i already found a teacher(expat) to improve on after a'level)...My firends i Hope you all could guide me.
    Respect to Russia From TNT.
    Glory to the fatherland in our glorious deeds !!!! For russia comrades

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Admin Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:00 am

    Unless you are fluent in Russian, I wouldn't bother looking at our universities. They are not setup to cater to international students except at the Big Three State colleges. Only Moskva is ranked in the Top 100 and really the only one to carry weight internationally. I went to Moskva State but transferred to the UK after a year. You want to be competitive globally, go to an Anglo school.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Russia - most educated nation

    Post  Viktor Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:02 pm

    Russia - most educated nation

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:02 am

    Russia's the most educated country in the world per capita:


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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  kvs Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:34 am

    Well, now, Russia needs to introduce "child centered learning" and "whole language education" quick to produce a generation of people who cannot problem solve and write their ideas in coherent form on paper. In Canada and much of the west, the precious fragile ego of the school child is something to be cherished and protected. It would mess them up for life if they were subjected to a serious education.

    I am being sarcastic but this is a serious issue. Russia has an advantage if it can maintain high educational standards.
    Mike E
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    Education in Russia: News Empty Russia's the most educated country in the world per capita:

    Post  Mike E Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:04 am

    kvs wrote:Well, now, Russia needs to introduce "child centered learning" and "whole language education" quick to produce a generation of people who cannot problem solve and write their ideas in coherent form on paper.    In Canada and much of the west, the precious fragile ego of the school child is something to be cherished and protected.   It would mess them up for life if they were subjected to a serious education.  

    I am being sarcastic but this is a serious issue.  Russia has an advantage if it can maintain high educational standards.  
    It is simply terrible here in the US... I've seen what kids are going to "learn" (common core) and it will put them back 1 or 2 grades from the former, already bad, teaching standards.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:20 am

    All those indexes and ranking are worthless crap made by western countries fitted so they get high ranks but no one else.
    Look at the top 10 universities on the planet you will see worthless crappy US universities who have lower educational success than other countries, but of course they count how big the campus how good the cafiteria is and lot of more nonsecal and criterias which do not make an university good or bad and all that is equally to educational results and put this into ranking...yes biased as f*ck.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  TR1 Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:46 am

    Werewolf wrote:All those indexes and ranking are worthless crap made by western countries fitted so they get high ranks but no one else.
    Look at the top 10 universities on the planet you will see worthless crappy US universities who have lower educational success than other countries, but of course they count how big the campus how good the cafiteria is and lot of more nonsecal and criterias which do not make an university good or bad and all that is equally to educational results and put this into ranking...yes biased as f*ck.


    Can't keep up with those all those world-class, totally non corrupt Russian universities I am sure.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Post  Mike E Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:12 am

    TR1 wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:All those indexes and ranking are worthless crap made by western countries fitted so they get high ranks but no one else.
    Look at the top 10 universities on the planet you will see worthless crappy US universities who have lower educational success than other countries, but of course they count how big the campus how good the cafiteria is and lot of more nonsecal and criterias which do not make an university good or bad and all that is equally to educational results and put this into ranking...yes biased as f*ck.


    Can't keep up with those all those world-class, totally non corrupt Russian universities I am sure.


    Cause those universities in the US are so "not corrupt"...  lol1

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:18 am

    Yea all private universities that are subisdized and still sucking up hundred thousands of USD for mediocre education....

    Only idiots believe in such stupid ratings and rankings, the US is already the most corrupted country, that is officially faking its own statistics, but sure all others are even more corrupt.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  sepheronx Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:26 am

    TR1 wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:All those indexes and ranking are worthless crap made by western countries fitted so they get high ranks but no one else.
    Look at the top 10 universities on the planet you will see worthless crappy US universities who have lower educational success than other countries, but of course they count how big the campus how good the cafiteria is and lot of more nonsecal and criterias which do not make an university good or bad and all that is equally to educational results and put this into ranking...yes biased as f*ck.


    Can't keep up with those all those world-class, totally non corrupt Russian universities I am sure.

    Maybe not corrupt, but frequent changers of tuition and courses with pre-requesets.  I went to school for IT, went back for another IT course (dropped it as it cost too much).  Now Paramedics course, which I aimed for, is broken into 3 parts.  I would be paying over 50K for the course.  I hear in Russia, you can go to school for free or near free.  We do not have such luxury here were we can go to school for free.  I hear in the states, a growing number of people are debt ridden in student loans.  Something like over $50B in total.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:59 am

    Since we're talking about student debt/loans and corrupt schools.

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Russian universities

    Post  Regular Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:59 am

    I know quite a few Russians studying in Queens uni in UK and some of Russian professors living abroad.(Spain) When it comes to medical/human sciences Russia is not so great, but it's strong with architecture, engineering and precise sciences. I have no clue about unis in States, but as expat anecdotes goes they are pretty shit. But hey most expats hate US when they live there.
    But what are famous Russian universities attract foreign students from 1st World?
    Ps. eastern europe is famous for diploma bakeries and graduates that don't know a thing. As well as street sweapers with 3 degrees. Not saying that there are no good universities there

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Western education rating agencies ..

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:05 pm

    How could it be.. that American Ranking system rate Russia universities among the worst in the world in the 200 to 300 in list.. and Russia manage to graduate students that MATCH any technology that USA produce if not do it better?

    i remember the story of how a Russian/Ukrainian forgot which one, computer scientist was a offered a job in Intel..and he ended as CHIEF ARQUITECT of the Pentium processor.  and also the story of how INTEL hired 1,000 Russian engineers for their company.. So if Russia universities sucks so much.. how is that Russia graduates so much talented engineers and scientist?

    If Russian universities sucks that bad.. how is that US hire spies to steal technology from Russia?
    as they are always trying to do.?

    You have today the most prestigious company of technology of USA.. NASA.. depending almost completely of
    RUssia to save their ass. So if Russian universities sucks that much.. how is that USA buys Russia technology
    because is superior to theirs?  

    It always baffles me ,how media and people do not question any Opinion of any institution and take any opinion
    that come from any US or European institution as Holy and not questionable.  If it was remotely true ,
    that Russian universities are so bad ,then it will be impossible for Russia to compete in anything with the west in technology.. but thats not the case..   And if you look at the top positions in western ranking systems.. for universities they are given usually to nations that are never popular for innovating anything in technology worldwide .

    if this the top list of universities was really based on average knowledge learned in such institutions.. it will be impossible for americans and british and Canadians to be so dumb and have the government they have..
    with the one side thinking of its society..

    Canada is not popular for technology  as it is Japan ,South Korea and in Europe only Germany and France
    are popular for technology.. italy for cars. and US no longer innovates either.. what they are lately doing is
    recruiting technology and talent from abroad..spaceX anyone? or importing technology from Europe or Asia..

    You have there US rating agencies telling US universities are the best.. but guess what.. American scientist
    says US are not innovating anymore.. and that in reality their education system sucks.. see it by yourself..
    a complete contradiction of what US rating agencies say their universities are.

    .. Switzerland ? what they do in technology:?
    i bet not many know where the country is located..   The only nations innovating today are Germany ,France and Japan ,south korea and Russia.. and US only in computers and social technology like iphones and consoles.. Sweden? what they do? Australia? Turkey ? better universities than Russia?  isn't is funny how the list is full of NATO club of friends?

    If anyone here will like to get  the best possible knowledge that money can buy in the world for space technology.. (the most prestigious science)  which universities you will go? the ones of NATO friends list? or RUssia universities?
    of course only 2 nations are the best there because have the best scientist in that area.. and not germany or swizerland or australia or Turkey..

    If anyone will like to study in an university and get the best knowledge in military technology.. which universities will you attend?  how about nuclear reactors?   that even UK which share with US the top 20 positions in Universities.. is asking not USA but RUssia to build their nuclear reactors?  isn't that an Irony.. that the so called best nations with the best universities.. ask Russia for technology?

    if anyone will like to learn about building computers for security which countries should be in the top positions?
    Australia? Turkey? Sweden? Canada? Singapore? Germany?

    Imagine this.. it will be like you want to learn to play hockey.. then someone rate the nation that is world champion in the last place. lol1

    I well understand that education is far more than space ,military and even computers which russia can do too..
    Medicine for example is important too ..same with civil engineering... but is amazing how completely silly are the judgements of the west.. makes you want to vomit.. the western media and its institutions  rate US And its NATO friends in the top positions and RUssia does not show in the top 200.   Neutral

    Is this similar to the US economy rating agencies?  Absolutely it is..  If i were to rate nations universities.. it will not be based on the silly rules that western agencies use.. otherwise will be very misleading.. because having Russia in the number 300 position will make anyone think the nation is a third world country.. (which is exactly the goal of USA,,to discredit at any opportunity RUssia and try to lure away any country from becoming an ally of Russia.) in my opinion ,what we witness is the same bullshit of SOCHI ... again..that is discrediting RUssia at any thing they do.. when it comes to rating agencies in the west..  That claimed is was the worse olympics ever.. when in reality they were the best anyone real experience. and the most safest ones too.. when the west was warning all the time about terrorism..

    Is even funnier that the media Moscow TImes who pulled the article.. those not allow comments on its discussion
    to question its report..  Wink

    Is simply information war.. and US using rating agencies to attract the best students in the world..and at the same time to dissuade people for not even considering talented students to study in Russia. people will not believe how much money and energy USA spend in trying to discredit Russia.. they are truly afraid of Russia replacing them and becoming world leader. is a nation that use all their money and resources and media and rating institutions and NGOS..and any single opportunity they can , whenever is possible , to continuesly try to brainwash the world to not look at Russia.. to not visit downplay its capabilities ,that is only a gas station and that they dont produce anything..  and that is a third world country.. and that their education system is terrible and you will learn nothing there.. and that you will learn far more in american universities ..because thats what the rating agencies says.. Rolling Eyes ..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:47 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Education in Russia: News Empty Re: Education in Russia: News

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:10 pm

    Sure tailor a ranking to US standards and everyone will fail except the US. By the same tailoring of ranking aka cheated rankings US constantly gets in the highest ranks for engineering and architecture, despite having the words house building standards in any "western" country.


    They also rank so high because, they value such nonsense like cafeteria size, food varierity, campus size equal to education itself.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:46 pm

    International math and science competitions as well as tests prove that Russia is in the top few. These
    ratings are for retards. As pointed out by Werewolf, they use all sorts of inane criteria to pad the rankings.
    But even these are BS. The main Russian universities have world class facilities and are not run out of
    some toilet.

    Russia was 4th in 2014 but was 2nd during other years.

    There is a scam run by the OECD called PISA. It is a joke that consistently ranks Canada much higher than Russia
    in math, science and reading. I have a clear view of both the Canadian and Russian situations and Canada is
    definitely behind Russia. Canada has reaped the results of "child centered learning" which has been dumbing down
    the curriculum since the 1960s. They used to teach basic calculus in high schools, but now you have to go to
    university (or post secondary institution) to learn it.

    The only objective, in as much as they can be, metrics are international math and science competitions. It
    is hard to rig them to favour OECD/NATO states.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:22 am

    So western ratings literally are "Western" ratings.

    Whether it is democracy or economics or universities... it is just part of the propaganda... the west is best and everything else comes up short... or is in fact barbaric... don't deviate from the western line of thinking...

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