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    Video Games Thread


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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:02 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:my quick attempt to paint an game Grimdark.

    Stellaris, all scenes are from DLC/trailers.

    OST is from the Nemesis DLC.
    It is the original Stellaris Theme, ..but remastered to sound like the final showdown between good and evil.

    Nicely done thumbsup respekt


    Here is some unexpected news: the freakin' Space Marine of all things is getting a sequel out of the blue after a whole decade

    My dude Titus is back and I hope that little snitch Leandros gets the copy of Codex shoved up his rat ass (Note: physical copy of Codex takes up a whole room)

    This game is made by Saber Interactive, it's a Russian studio funnily enough plus they are also the guys who ported Halo Master Chief Collection to PC

    They also made hidden gem called TimeShift long ago, super fun shooter game with best time manipulation mechanic I have every seen

    Graphics kiddies ignored because ''muh bad graphics'' (yeah, like any other game from that era looked fresh after couple of months) but it's some of the best fun I had playing games ever:

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    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:36 am

    @ Papadragon

    Thanks!. its a bit rough around the edges.
    Lets just say i like good story-telling Wink.

    Space Marine 2?, with Titus!?.
    Last i remember he was hauled off to the inquisition.

    I wonder if the trailer is made by Syama Pedersen
    It is the same kind of cinematics and violence.
    He is now under contract by GW.

    finger's crossed!.
    Remember the female IG luitenant?. She was an great character as well Wink.

    Guessing this is an Tyranid Incursion all bets are off tough.
    Usually,...the Imperium does Exterminatus shortly after...

    Remember the Rophanon Rebellion?. where the Emperium just turned the planet in an giant mousetrap for the Tyranid's to stick their dick's in?.
    As you know,...the Imperium has not much emotional attachement to their planets Razz.

    I always hated the inquisition myself in 40K, but i actually grown respect for the inquisition in Battlefleet Gothic's explanation from Inquisitor Horst when questioned by Admiral Spire if condemning an entire planet to death is the answer:

    Admiral Spire, it is said that heresy is like a tree. It's roots lie in darkness while it's leaves wave in the sun. You can prune away its branches, even cut the tree to the ground but it will grow again, ever stronger. Such is the nature of heresy and why it is so difficult to destroy. Some may question my right to destroy a world of ten billion souls, but those who understand realize I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great; no treachery too small.

    That the inquisition indeed is misunderstood, and does what needs to be done to prevent the Imperium slipping into the writhing tentacles of Chaos.
    Live's are meaningless in the bigger picture.
    I don't betray my fellow gaurdsmen, but i understand when the time comes to cauterise the wound.

    i LOVE 40K Wink.
    Beware the Alien, The Mutant, The Heretic.

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:19 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:...Remember the female IG luitenant?. She was an great character as well ....


    The best part of first game was that you were fighting alongside Imperial Guard, they were doing their part

    Those snippets of gameplay at the end of the trailer have loads of Guardsmen as well, looks like we will be getting to see them in full size and glory

    Airbornewolf wrote:Guessing this is an Tyranid Incursion all bets are off tough.
    Usually,...the Imperium does Exterminatus shortly after.......

    Extermiantus is definitely on the table here but it's never Plan A even with Tyranids, they always try some Hail Mary move before torching the whole place, Tyranids were defeated conventionally on several occasions

    This looks like hive world so it might be strategic location  

    Or they may even be making a play to kill Splicer-Beast/Norn-Queen? High value target hunt

    If you don’t kill the whole Tyranid fleet in Exterminatus you are just kicking the can down the road and will be doing it again somewhere else soon so it would be smart to try and go for the jugular now and solve the problem in entirety  

    Airbornewolf wrote:Remember the Rophanon Rebellion?. where the Emperium just turned the planet in an giant mousetrap for the Tyranid's to stick their dick's in?.
    As you know,...the Imperium has not much emotional attachement to their planets....

    Especially rebellious heretical planets

    Funniest part is that those same Guardsmen they fought against would have defended them against the Tyranids under different circumstances  

    Airbornewolf wrote:That the inquisition indeed is misunderstood, and does what needs to be done to prevent the Imperium slipping into the writhing tentacles of Chaos.
    Live's are meaningless in the bigger picture.
    I don't betray my fellow gaurdsmen, but i understand when the time comes to cauterise the wound....

    Inquisition is the ultimate necessary evil

    They didn't even exist until Horus Heressy made it abundantly clear the they are needed and Emperor himself ordered their creation before facing Horus

    Chaos is no joke and this is fictional universe where hell is real and faith is not some metaphysical concept but actually scientifically confirmed natural force

    Imagine if today we had Satan randomly popping up and grabbing human souls to use them as butt-plugs for all eternity? I guarantee that church attendance would skyrocket  pwnd

    In 40k there are FOUR different Hells and Satans and only options: afterlife under Emperor's protection or eternity as chew- toy of Slaanesh  

    I know which one I would pick...  Cool

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    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Dec 18, 2021 6:57 am

    I would have quoted you, but i do not know how you and Garry do it to exactly take snips out of one's comment.

    the Imperial gaurd.
    its regular units are..regular.
    Grow a fucking spine and go advertise how humans are.

    But,..i guess you can expect that when carrying just an overpowered flashlight and no training?!.

    *Alien encounters masked variant called Krieg, It killed you with an serrated shovel*

    *your squad just shot your Commisar for Cowardice*

    you: "yes, these are my kind of guys".


    church attendance?.

    when deamons start appearing. I pray to the Baneblade-Pattern Wink.
    Also of course to Kasrkin and Stormtroopers.

    Screw reload when you got an generator strapped to your back.

    God has no place in my world. Ample munitions to shove down said god's throat does Smile

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    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:28 am

    I normally right click on the reply button and choose to open in another tab... that way I can jump from my reply to the original post by clicking on the tabs.

    To quote someone just use your mouse to select the text you want to quote and copy the text... I normally use control and c to copy the text into clipboard, and then I go to my reply tab and  I type {quote} and then control and v to paste in the copied quote, and then type {/quote} to close the quote... html works a lot like brackets in maths. Note I use the {} curly brackets so you can see them when you actually type these things in use the square brackets which don't need shift to make them work.

    If you are not a typist and prefer to use the mouse and screen buttons then:

    If you look in the tool bar, the first set is for fonts, so bold and italic etc, the next block of tools is text formatting... left and right justified and centred and block... then there is a tool bar for lists and ordered lists and page breaks. The next set of tools starts with a tool that looks like a speech bubble... if you hold the mouse over it it says quote. Go to the original post and select the members username and right click on it and choose copy. Click on the tab for your reply and click on the quote tool and it will have a text box for Author... click in there and right click and choose paste and then click on the insert button, and it will put the {quote}{/quote} with the cursor between the brackets... go back to the other tab and copy the quote you want to reply to by highlighting the text and right clicking and choosing copy and then go back to your reply tab... make sure the cursor is before the square bracket on the {/quote} before the / and paste.

    When you include an authors name the bracket code becomes more complicated and would look like this if I was replying to you:


    With some names being long or complicated you can probably see why I don't bother including names, but generally the author knows what they wrote and anyone following the thread has likely already read it too.

    If you press the reply with quote button it will quote their entire post which can be quite long and complex, but if you delete all the things in the quote before you post that will work too.

    Note if the post you are replying to has one comment that is short then reply with quote is a good option.

    If it is an ongoing conversation with lots of comments from different people then you can still use the quote button but trim all the stuff you are not replying to... it can get very complicated with nested brackets, but if you are replying to one comment you can delete everything but that comment and then put {quote} at the start and {/quote} at the end with square brackets [ and ] and then type your reply.

    Edit: Also remember to use the preview button to test to make sure that you have properly put in the quotes, many times I have to fix my quotes because I have misspelled quote or have left an open "bracket".

    I will leave this post here for a few days and then move it to a more suitable thread.

    Last edited by GarryB on Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Dec 24, 2021 2:31 am

    Thanks Garry, i saved your post to text Wink.

    @ Papadragon/others, If you dont care about my arts and crafts of an toddler i understand Wink.
    I made an Mass Effect grimdark compilation as well.
    at 2:30 the battle for earth and the galaxy begins.

    Resistance always come's at an price Wink

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:31 pm

    Nicely done, it really gives it extra kick  thumbsup

    Mass Effect 1 is one of my top 3 games ever, unsurpassed to this day

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    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:51 am

    Mass Effect is one of my favourite series as well.
    all three are great....just not the ending of part 3.
    Fucking starchild with the three-flavour colloured endings.

    "your choices matters".
    I beg to differ Bioware!! Razz.

    But!. that is where mods come into play.
    Like the happy ending mod Wink.

    all three had good storylines in my opinion.

    just with ashley i had at times: "bitch, what is your problem with alien races!?".

    Garrus and Wrex, probably im searching for their plushie-versions as well.
    Awesome character's.

    Garrus sets too high standards for himself, heart of gold. amazing moral compass. Needs to be protected from himself.
    Turians, The birds may be stubborn. But they do not know the word "Surrender".

    Wrex, Pretty much an walking dinosaur that knows to handle guns and  gets back up if you shoot him with an .50 call.
    I understand his conflict on Virmire, Also i support him fully on curing the Genophage.
    Krogan, 300 kilo's of reptilian killing machine that shrugs off fire and eviscerates you at close range.

    I chose to cure the Genophage Wink. i told Wrex the first opertunity i got the Solarians where trying to double-cross him.
    Mass Effect, the game where you can give the middle finger to Politics Wink.

    I also chose the Geth Side in the war, and convinced the quarians to stand-down.
    Personally, i feel the Geth did nothing wrong. They even tried to defend their Quarian allies in the war.

    I was really moved at the time how Legion's predecessor model tried to defend his quarian master,....registering life signs fading.
    Watching him die....and his camera and face panels express shock upon his death. pick up the anti-material rifle and choosing to enter the war.

    Legion always avoids direct questions about using an anti-material rifle with an moment of silence before responding.
    Coming back with an cold, computerised reply.
    You notice his head panels move when you inquire about his rifle, like he is going trough memory's.
    Legion contains hundred's of Geth constructs communicating simultaneously.

    "ï effective weapon"
    While looking away and down from commander Shepard.

    I really found it always touching.
    The Geth, A.I machine's, actually feel emotional pain and got emotional connection and loyalty to organics that they considered friends and allies.
    Not to mention Legion's reaction why it welded an piece of your armor to his chest.

    Legion never answers, .... but we all can guess why he did that.

    regarding the quarian-Geth war when the Geth became self-aware.;

    Legion stating they did not want war, but self-defense was neccesary. And they do not harbor ill-intentions to the Quarians.
    Legion was my favourite next to Garrus really.

    Also Legion is rather passive and philosophical when confronted with questions and moral dillema's.

    He does not mind these questions, in fact. often Legion expresses self-reflection of what they themselves did wrong to arrive at this outcome.
    And what should have done otherwise, and hope if they can rectifiy it in the future.

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    Post  kvs Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:04 am

    People ragged on Andromeda but I found it OK. There is too much anal purism in games which probably turns off the makers
    and is thus self-defeating.

    I hope that the next Elder Scrolls installment comes out while we are "still young".


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    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:18 am

    kvs wrote:People ragged on Andromeda but I found it OK.   There is too much anal purism in games which probably turns off the makers
    and is thus self-defeating.

    I hope that the next Elder Scrolls installment comes out while we are "still young".

    I never played endromeda Wink.
    for me Shepard was the main ME character.
    i saw the endromeda meme's tough.

    They where..not pretty....
    I personally will never play andromeda either.

    Im curious as well what the next elder scrolls will be as well.
    Skyrim was great, but i doubt they re-hash the same thing again.

    i still love playing skyrim.
    kneel to the (chaos) god Hircine, howl at the moon and feast on some bandit hideouts Wink.

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    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:39 am

    Homeworld, an RTS space game has an special place in my heart.
    Space Opera? Wink. Ever heard Adiago for Strings?. This track is forever burned in my memory anyway.

    It is an well-written story where you command an mothership in space.
    on an journey to find its own people's origins after finding an dig-site of an ancient spacehip in their desert planet.
    It contains an starmap from where they once came, 4000 years ago.

    Your nations ship does a trail-run of an hyperspace engine.

    When returning to Kharak, your homeworld. You encounter an Planet that just underwent Genocide...
    For breaking an treaty forbidding developing hyperspace technology your people can not even remember.

    as you return from the test...your world is dead. consumed by nuclear fire by an foreign force.

    it was made in 1999, but it's story is still amazing.
    mission aftermath cutscene here:

    "....extermination of our planet was the consequence....
    Subject did not survive interrogation....".

    The more recent game, deserts of Kharak. and RTS game is an amazing prelude to this story.

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    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:11 am

    Privet, tovarishch!

    Ever wanted to build and run your own soviet city Comrade?.

    Managing resources, factory chains, your people?.
    Looking for Tropico's adult Communist big brother?.
    Than look no further than Workers and Resources, soviet republic:

    Create the soviet society of your dreams.
    Take care of your citizens, feed them, school them, provide facilities and make sure to keep them warm when the winter comes with heating facilities.

    Create your logistical manufacturing chains, from digging up the very iron and coal from the earth, and assembling your own ships, aircraft and vehicles to be completely self-sufficient.
    And sell them to support your fellow comrades abroad.
    Or, just buy the resources in this manufacturing chain if you dont want the logistical hassle.
    but...where is the fun in that Comrade?.

    Its the best soviet city-builder around i have seen.
    Its really decent on your GPU as well and the game mechanics are really good.

    Grow your own food during summer, and refine it into food and textiles:

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    Show the world the power of the Soviet Union, and create your own massive reactor facilities to meet your power demands and generate an massive electricity export to neighbours. Do make sure only well-educated people work here. the game has radiation sickness elements for your citizens.....

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    Create logistical chains with your own merchant fleet, or build massive, powerfull warships (trough mods) to patrol your waters or for sale.

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    build your own airfields and aircraft, to accelerate your tourism, logisitics...or create an millitary base just for fun.

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    Video Games Thread - Page 16 6bc5a210

    Give it a try, if you like city building games, you will like this one.

    Just for extras. my steam review:

    I am myself a big fan of city-building games like Tropico, city skylines, Surviving Mars and the like.

    This game can be as easy as you can automatically let the factory/building purchase the resources needed in your buildings to be able to operate.
    Or, if you like to go into deeper management. you can mine the raw resources yourself and set up production chains to work to an end product so you can become more independent. And export these for profit or use them yourself in your city so you do not have to pay for resources or construction.
    There is a great deal of satisfaction to be had when you are able to build your own infrastructure with your own produced resources.

    Vehicles are bought as an independent resource. you can give them an route as you wish. Or assign them to certain specialized buildings like the construction office that gives them automatically assignments according to their building roles and capacity's. or an distribution office to execute your repeat orders. Eventually, with research and resource independency, you can build your own vehicles with your own resources.

    I was amazed how well thought out the game mechanics where.
    At some point i was able to make my own roads, and saw the construction site's assigned flatbed truck automatically loads up heavy machinery and deliver's them to the construction site.
    And then later how it gets reassigned to haul the steel and prefab plates when another construction site requests these resources in its building stage. No user input required as long the construction site is able to find building projects in its set radius and get the resources from the storage or factory you assigned to it.

    as for Trains, you can buy an locomotive engine and then just add carts to suit your needs. you are free to arrange the wagons yourself behind the locomotive. you can set waypoints and destinations for the logistical vehicles (trains/trucks) to follow to set up the most efficient supply chains. I never tried it yet with the public transport but im pretty sure they work just the same.

    Also i found the fuel mechanic (you can opt if you want this enabled ) of vehicles very interesting. They use fuel in their operation and require at some point refueling if their diesel driven. And will automatically find the nearest gas station to resupply themselves.

    Citybuilding for your Comrades is what you would expect. They need a home, shops (food,clothing, and a Bar after a hard days work) and facilities like a kindergarten so Mom/Dad can do their contribution to Progress of the State. Basic education, an hospital and Etcetera.
    you do have control if you want over where your people should work, or witch residential building they should move to. Very handy later in the game when you are able to build bigger housing buildings you want to build in the location of that low capacity brick one.

    Also there are Tech-tree mechanics in the game, although in basic form as of yet.
    Higher level education is done by Universities, and these in turn can do research into new buildings.
    for example, they can unlock factory buildings that allow you to assemble electronic components or mechanical parts that bring you one step closer for manufacturing the parts needed in your vehicle factory.

    Also of note is that this game's performance is really good when your city gets bigger.

    Are their Cons?. I do not want to call them Cons as this game is still in early access and the developer's are aware of most of these issues and have shown to fix them or planning to fix it in the future.

    One thing that you might run into that there is no tutorial at this moment. But it's planned for development.
    The game is so deep it might be a bit overwhelming at first, especially if you are new to city-building games.
    It took me a while to realize i could not satisfy the religion for Citizen needs as you can't build churches, and its irrelevant as you can max their happiness without religion.
    Or that i accidentally wacked a powerline to a substation of mine during deletion of an object, that happened to power the fuel station. so all my vehicles where lined up there waiting to refuel. But as there are no power outage warnings without selecting the building info itself, it takes a while before you notice you are missing your vehicles on their routes.
    the only one con right now i can think of is the Conveyor belt system you can link your mining sites with to your processing factory's. They need to be placed perfectly otherwise they conflict with the road or rail below them. If the conveyor pylons would just be able to move their pylons dynamically to fit the infrastructure below the problem would be solved.
    Also you have no control over them in the sense if you want to place an high conveyor to supply Coal to your Storage site, and an lower Conveyor belt that runs trough below it to transport Iron to another location. you are not able to control the elevation or path's (yet) in that sense.

    But this pretty much are the only things i noticed in my playtime as of yet.

    this is already a great game, it has Steam workshop support and more awesome content is in development. Just take an look at their Roadmap of what they are working on for future updates:

    So i say give it a try if you are into city-building games. you will not regret it!.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:30 pm

    Video Games Thread - Page 16 X2cqt9ufy7f81

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Feb 05, 2022 5:39 pm

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    Post  Airbornewolf Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:05 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:

    Do still you trust Bethesda after Fallout 76?.
    Dont get me wrong, i play fallout 4 a lot.
    Heavily modded tough, but its still fun.

    But after tod howards plain bullshit promoting Fallout 76 like it was the shit i dont trust them anymore.
    im sure you know all about the "canvas bag' and "nuka rum" debacle's Wink.

    "16 times the details"
    "4 times the size"

    first deliver, ....and then we will judge Tod Razz.
    No freebies anymore.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:10 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:

    Do still you trust Bethesda after Fallout 76?.
    Dont get me wrong, i play fallout 4 a lot.
    Heavily modded tough, but its still fun.

    But after tod howards plain bullshit promoting Fallout 76 like it was the shit i dont trust them anymore.
    im sure you know all about the "canvas bag' and "nuka rum" debacle's Wink.

    "16 times the details"
    "4 times the size"

    first deliver, ....and then we will judge Tod Razz.
    No freebies anymore.

    This is not from Bugthesda, it's 'user-generated-content', a deeply modded Fallout: New Vegas which came out Fall 2010.

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    Post  Airbornewolf Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:26 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Airbornewolf wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:

    Do still you trust Bethesda after Fallout 76?.
    Dont get me wrong, i play fallout 4 a lot.
    Heavily modded tough, but its still fun.

    But after tod howards plain bullshit promoting Fallout 76 like it was the shit i dont trust them anymore.
    im sure you know all about the "canvas bag' and "nuka rum" debacle's Wink.

    "16 times the details"
    "4 times the size"

    first deliver, ....and then we will judge Tod Razz.
    No freebies anymore.

    This is not from Bugthesda, it's 'user-generated-content', a deeply modded Fallout: New Vegas which came out Fall 2010.

    Ok, i take it back then Wink

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    Post  Airbornewolf Sun Mar 06, 2022 8:33 pm

    soviet city building Videogame maker wants to ride the ukraine train: Free Ukraine DLC.
    Video Games Thread - Page 16 Soviet10

    Then starts to get savaged in the comment section.
    Video Games Thread - Page 16 Yugosl10

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    But players wont take it and now start review bombing:
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    For what its worth, the game itself is great.
    They just should not have tried doing politics on an unmoderated international gaming platform like Steam.

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    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:53 pm

    Going for an fresh start with X4: Foundations, Especially with the new DLC around the corner.
    decided to mod in some Russian badges and hull color schemes.

    and my faction name: Vozdushno-kosmicheskiye sily
    Time to "Denazify" some factions left and right.  Cool

    Shipset in images are the Terrans, an DLC faction from the game.

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    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:22 am

    Anyone knows the Ace Combat killer created by just 3 guys?.

    Project Wingman?.

    It has many memorable moments, but this one is Legendary in gaming history.

    get the game and play it. it is worth every penny!.

    @7:50, Crimson one has managed to kill the Federation commander that refused to commence Blaze.
    Advanced Cruise missiles loaded with Cordium, that reacts extremely violently with earth tectonics, are unleashed to bring the next Apocalypse.

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    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Jul 11, 2022 8:21 am

    from the lead designer of Cold Waters,

    A new game called Sea power, combat in the missile age.

    Its the logical successor of Cold waters/Jane's fleet command.

    the attention to detail is awesome.
    From getting aircraft from the hangers to missile's being fired/reloading.

    Some WIP footage here.

    Check out the soundtrack/animations from the 15:00 mark.
    love it. Cool

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    Post  The-thing-next-door Wed Jul 20, 2022 6:37 pm

    kvs wrote:People ragged on Andromeda but I found it OK.   There is too much anal purism in games which probably turns off the makers
    and is thus self-defeating.

    It really suffered from the limited scope, Shepard had a whole galaxy with a long history and established factions to interact with, in Andromeda almost everything is recent and small scale, even the war between the Angara and Kett seems rather insignificant. That and the protagonist is a constantly whining, impotent little mellenial.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:52 am

    I do not think game development teams can build complex worlds to satisfy the fans. There are limited resources and time constraints.
    But it is also the case that there is an industry problem with opportunist profit-driven management cracking whips and reducing the
    quality of the end product.

    I just don't set the bar high for movies and games. All the critical reviews always boil down to unmet expectations. People
    are never going to be satisfied with this sort of mentality. Play the game as if you haven't seen the plot before and get some
    value out of it. Or spend the rest of time waiting for something that will never happen.


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    Post  flamming_python Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:53 am

    Well I might as well start talking about some of my fav games over the years as well as those I'm playing these days (when I have the spare time)

    Let me start off with what I think is a pretty well known one, that I've been playing recently.
    And if you don't know it - then you should know it; especially fans of Warhammer 40k or the movie Event Horizon. It's basically that sort of hell in space/hideous warp things meet Resident Evil 4. Well with as much action as Resident Evil 4, but more survival horror constraints and difficulty, taking it to Resident Evil 1/2 territory. You will be limited in ammo, inventory space, health items, and sometimes other hazards too such as breathable air.
    And while your arsenal is formidable, all your weapons require skill to use, and no one weapon is useful across different circumstances or against all foes.

    I'm talking about Dead Space of course

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    There's a remake coming out next year, but honestly.. the original still looks excellent. Not just for a 14-year old game, but excellent full stop. And the mechanics have not aged a day. It's the last game that needs a remake, or remaster or anything of the sort.
    So if you missed out on it back in the day - I'm telling you, get it. It's a supreme cosmic horror experience and you can pick it up for peanuts on Steam.

    The game has two sequels, Dead Space 2 & 3. They are more action orientated while still maintaining the horror atmosphere. But I haven't played them yet so can't really say for sure.

    Oh and it's also one of those games with a completely silent protagonist. In case you hadn't had your fill of GTA 3 and other older action-adventures in your life thumbsup

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    Post  Scorpius Fri Aug 26, 2022 9:36 pm

    The game is from the Russian studio Mundfish.

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