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Rasisuki Nebia
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    Russian Medical Development: News

    Rasisuki Nebia
    Rasisuki Nebia

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  Rasisuki Nebia Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:53 pm

    First vaccine developed against Covid that is proven safer and easier to transport/store, yet...the last to be approved, absolutely nefarious .

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:59 am

    Political choices that obviously cost lives... clearly not enough of the rich and powerful are effected by this otherwise it would be fast tracked and likely produced in the west too...

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    Post  Nomad5891 Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:25 pm

    Rasisuki Nebia wrote:First vaccine developed against Covid that is proven safer and easier to transport/store, yet...the last to be approved, absolutely nefarious .

    By now they should have had at least 80% of Russians vaccinated. No restrictions, no deaths, no masks. Then the whole world would think "Damn, wish we were living in Russia".
    What we have in reality is 12% of Russian population vaccinated and Moscow and Peter with the worst Covid outbreaks in Europe. Hundreds of Russians dying per day.
    Still Russia wants to sell their vaccine to the world when they can not sell it even to their own people. What a joke.

    So I guess it is high time Russia stops pretending to be this huge pharma player when they clearly are just a wannabe, a paper tiger when it comes to pharma. They sure got the "brains" but no "muscle" to complete the task.
    They had a chance, the missed it.
    Move along.

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:35 pm

    While nomad is a real POS, he kind of has a point. Russian people were given a bit too much freedom and because of that, many have kicked the bucket.

    Mind you, no one has mentioned if the ones who died were already sick with pre existing conditions or elderly? I know here we had all kinds of variants but most healthy people who caught it, recovered fine.

    But now they are saying Russians are eager to get the vaccine. Hmm.

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    Post  Nomad5891 Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:58 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:While nomad is a real POS, he kind of has a point. Russian people were given a bit too much freedom and because of that, many have kicked the bucket.

    Mind you, no one has mentioned if the ones who died were already sick with pre existing conditions or elderly?  I know here we had all kinds of variants but most healthy people who caught it, recovered fine.

    But now they are saying Russians are eager to get the vaccine.  Hmm.

    Sure I have a point, no matter your subjective feelings.

    There is no point in trying to export a product that you, youself can not sell in your backyard.
    McDonalds first had to conquer basically every USA town before it exported its business model to the rest of the world.
    Same with Coca Cola.
    Same with chineese mobile phones.
    Same with german cars.

    But if this will make you feel better, Russia had no chance really- yeah had they managed to become this COVID save paradise, many people arround the world would protest and demand Sputnik, bla bla but truth is:
    -Russia is no match to competition (EU, China nad USA) when it comes to soft power. And to be a world pharma player you need soft power. A lot of it.
    -Russia never had the capacity to produce the Sputnik in necesary numbers. They hardly can supply their own meager internal demand at this point.

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    Post  flamming_python Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:24 pm

    Russian production is up to 30 million doses a month now

    Production in South Korea, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Serbia, Argentina, India already in progress

    Production in Iran, Italy, Brazil at the stage of test batches by now

    Production in Hungary, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, China under negotiation

    So yeah I'd say the soft power is getting into gear Cool

    Successful vaccine is successful vaccine

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:35 pm

    Rasisuki Nebia wrote:First vaccine developed against Covid that is proven safer and easier to transport/store, yet...the last to be approved, absolutely nefarious .

    Look at it from their perspective

    How do you justify approving vaccine that was made by nation of anti-vaxxers?

    Nomad5891 wrote:By now they should have had at least 80% of Russians vaccinated. No restrictions, no deaths, no masks. Then the whole world would think "Damn, wish we were living in Russia".
    What we have in reality is 12% of Russian population vaccinated and Moscow and Peter with the worst Covid outbreaks in Europe. Hundreds of Russians dying per day.
    Still Russia wants to sell their vaccine to the world when they can not sell it even to their own people. What a joke.....


    But you missed the core issue: this is not organisational problem, it's genetic problem

    Majority of Russian population simply lack basic intelligence, it's one of the facts this pandemic now fully exposed and confirmed

    No more hiding the truth after this

    miketheterrible wrote:While nomad is a real POS, he kind of has a point. Russian people were given a bit too much freedom and because of that, many have kicked the bucket....

    Only in the beginning, that phase is long over

    Those who are dying now are simply too stupid to live

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    Post  flamming_python Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:48 pm

    The whole of Russia militarizes against statehood, been that way since the dawn of time for those that haven't noticed (and I don't blame you, it looks different on the other side of the iron curtain)

    And it always takes more than a touch of encouragement to get the ball rolling and get the country mobilized behind any sort of goal, really.

    What in any European country would simply be called a vaccination campaign and people would simply do the sensible thing. This isn't Protestant England we're talking about.

    So yeah PD, don't be too harsh on everyone. The people and their government have a complicated relationship.

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    Post  Hole Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:01 pm

    This is the third wave, as expected. A few month ago as many people were dying in Germany. Without the new Delta version.

    And it´s the other way around, the people in the west a so dumbed down that they believe any shit their governments are telling them. They just stand in line to geht their shot to get a normal life back (go shopping, travel in summer and watch footbal games in the stadium).

    In Russia the restrictions are mostly local and not very severe.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:04 am

    How do you justify approving vaccine that was made by nation of anti-vaxxers?

    People not trusting their own government is actually pretty normal... few people really do trust their own governments... and in the west the track record for going into wars to boost the bank accounts of 1% of their populations at the expense of enormous costs to their budgets... not to mention the people that get killed in the process from their own country... I would ask why are people in the west so fucking stupid... they know their politicians are lying censored  they prove it over and over and over...

    The fact that some Russians don't trust their own government has no bearing on the effectiveness of the vaccines they have produced... what is it... about five now, plus one for animals... such a suggestion is in keeping with EU stupidity and short sightedness.

    They should ban all Russian drugs from all EU countries...

    But you missed the core issue: this is not organisational problem, it's genetic problem

    Majority of Russian population simply lack basic intelligence, it's one of the facts this pandemic now fully exposed and confirmed

    Hilarious... did you read this Jhelb? A european is calling Russians dumb as a genetic condition... so much for your hopes of white christian countries rallying against the muslim terror threat... the white robes will come off and be burned instead of the crosses... the Orcs will be especially pleased with your words PD...

    So yeah PD, don't be too harsh on everyone. The people and their government have a complicated relationship.

    He just said you were genetically stupid FP, why care what he has to say, the guy has a chip on his shoulder the size of one of the rocks at stone henge...

    And it´s the other way around, the people in the west a so dumbed down that they believe any shit their governments are telling them.

    And further proof you are right, as resident new arm of British intelligence PD deflects from Royal Navy screw ups in the Black Sea, but also projects the problems of the west onto Russia... when they say Russian people are doing something wrong then I relax...

    Amusing that the Trump solution to second and third wave increases was to stop reporting deaths wasn't it?

    Russia has so much evil and bullshit to learn to become as evil and crooked as the west... except it is choosing a different path... but morons in the west don't understand that.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:00 pm

    GarryB wrote:People not trusting their own government is actually pretty normal....

    What does this have to do with government?

    This is about individual's health not about his opinion of government

    GarryB wrote:Hilarious... did you read this Jhelb? A european is calling Russians dumb as a genetic condition... .

    They are paying money for fake vaccine certificates instead of getting a free vaccine for potentially lethal disease

    Stupidity of this magnitude can only have medical cause

    GarryB wrote:so much for your hopes of white christian countries rallying against the muslim terror threat....

    What are you smoking?

    I don't want them to rally, I want them gone

    Couldn't care less about how

    GarryB wrote:Orcs will be especially pleased with your words PD....

    I don't think they care about my words but they definitely care about Russian actions

    And Russians just gave them massive argument in favour of their little racial theory, they couldn't get anything better even if they asked

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 02, 2021 8:48 am

    What does this have to do with government?

    The governments are telling them they need to get vaccinated... and it is free, which kinda undermines the main anti vaxxer argument about pharma companies just making money... the governments are covering teh costs so they are making this money where you get a jab or not.

    This is about individual's health not about his opinion of government

    This is about propaganda... claiming the Russians are not getting vaccinated is being used by the west to suggest the Russians don't trust their own government... I am countering that claim by pointing out that as far as lying to their electorates the track record of the west is far worse.

    They are paying money for fake vaccine certificates instead of getting a free vaccine for potentially lethal disease

    Who are?

    If they are paying for fake certificates then that doesn't work because they are not registered on the database so the certificate alone is meaningless.

    If they are paying extra for fake certificates and also fake registrations then the number of people vaccinated would not be low... it would be high... but also fake.

    There is no evidence large numbers of people are actually buying fake certificates... the RT reporter that tried for a story got ripped off... there was no certificate... they just kept his money and did not deliver anything.

    The fact that there are so many adverts for fake certificates means nothing.... there likely billions of adverts for making your penis bigger... does that mean all Russians have bigger penises? I doubt it... especially the girls...

    Stupidity of this magnitude can only have medical cause

    What stupidity... there is no evidence any of these claims of people buying false certificates is true... did you think that maybe these adverts are by FSB agents and it is a trap? The ones that are not FSB agents might be getting a surprise shortly too...

    They have already announced pretty serious penalties for buying and using these fake certificates, I suspect making them would be pretty seriously treated too.

    What are you smoking?

    I don't want them to rally, I want them gone

    Couldn't care less about how

    Sorry, I forgot... Genocide is always the first option of the white christian eurosluts.

    And Russians just gave them massive argument in favour of their little racial theory, they couldn't get anything better even if they asked

    The Orcs have nothing to teach.... they have no concept of learning it seems... which accurately explains their current situation... Russia offered them Sputnik V for free but they rejected it on purely political grounds so they are no smarter than anyone in this situation.

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:47 pm

    GarryB wrote:The governments are telling them they need to get vaccinated... and it is free, which kinda undermines the main anti vaxxer argument about pharma companies just making money... the governments are covering teh costs so they are making this money where you get a jab or not....

    And even with main antivaxxer argument out of the picture they still refuse to get vaccinated preferring to wear face diapers and stay locked up

    You are not making them look any better here

    GarryB wrote:This is about propaganda... claiming the Russians are not getting vaccinated is being used by the west to suggest the Russians don't trust their own government... I am countering that claim by pointing out that as far as lying to their electorates the track record of the west is far worse....

    Which again has nothing to do with Russians being antivaxxer morons

    As with everything else other people's fuckups are no excuse for your own

    GarryB wrote:There is no evidence large numbers of people are actually buying fake certificates... ...

    Government had to officially address the problem so it's most definitely as serious as a heart attack

    GarryB wrote:Genocide is always the first option of the white christian eurosluts....

    I think you missed which exact group I want on the chopping block Wink


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    Post  Kiko Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:09 pm

    Vaccine War: How Europe Fights Sputnik V, 07.07.2021, by Elena Karaeva/RIA Novosti.

    Heavy heel of the state dictatorship - the French authorities intend to introduce mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 for a number of professions.

    Among them are doctors of all levels and those who work in nursing homes and other social institutions.

    Obligation means the adoption of an appropriate legislative act, which will regulate the possibility of refusing to vaccinate.

    In the absence of convincing arguments for the medical withdrawal, the "refusenik" will be offered either a transfer to another position, where official duties exclude direct contact with people (the difference, if the salary decreases, no one is going to compensate), or leave without pay.

    Similar rules are already in force in Italy, where, in strict accordance with the norms of democracy, those who are affected by these measures are trying to challenge them, but so far without much success: the courts are not too willing to consider such claims, and decisions of justice can be predicted without even reading the materials affairs.

    "If the interests of society and the public good are threatened, then personal circumstances and desires fade into the background."

    For many decades, the EU has positioned itself as a meta-state, where the primacy of private rights and freedoms was not questioned, but the pandemic mixed all the cards and the coronavirus put everything and everyone in their place.

    The collective is higher than the personal, no matter what the numerous Bernard-Henri Levi and their followers said before the beginning of the era of infection.

    Facing the pandemic and completely failing management at all levels at the time of the crisis, the Brussels Areopagus and the authorities of the community countries decided to put barriers to the spread of infection through mass vaccinations. This is on the one hand.

    On the other hand, the colossal rates of infection, the waves of which have consistently covered the continent over the past year and a half, have not moved one iota of the main target of the struggle of the common Europeans. And this is by no means SARS-CoV-2, but Russia.

    The battle with the virus was one of the episodes in the war with our country.

    The creation and testing of the Russian vaccine, its launch into production and the beginning of the vaccination campaign were stages of a battle to discredit the most effective coronavirus drug Sputnik V, and to prevent mass vaccination in the Russian Federation.

    The score was compiled taking into account a variety of factors, but the main ones are the following: obedience to the rules imposed by the state is a demonstration of obedience and "non-Europeanness"; Sputnik V "cannot be safe and effective," and the vaccine itself "will cause irreparable damage to natural immunity."

    The composition of the "orchestra", which was supposed to perform the ordered suite, is known - numerous "people with good faces", for different prices or at the call of the soul, began to play the cadences written for them.

    At the same time, when in the EU itself, for commenting in support of the thesis about "natural immunity" and for expressing doubts about the effectiveness of vaccination, a very famous professor of medicine was simply driven from the post of head of a department of a large Paris hospital, in Russian social networks the movement of supporters of exactly the same idea was gaining height and filled with muscles.

    An attempt to express mistrust of the vaccine from Pfizer / BioNTech, invented, as it is now known, in two days , ended in disgrace for another French physician-skeptic. The Hold-Up film, which questioned the competence of the European authorities, was withdrawn from the platforms on which it was posted. On the other hand, in Russia, anti-vaccinators and their sympathizers received more and more opportunities to state their position.

    The start of the vaccination campaign in Russia was organized so clearly that the citizens of the country living in Europe specially came to receive both doses of Sputnik V.

    And if Brussels, grimacing, grimacing and pinching its nose, allowed Hungary as a result of the exchange (Budapest removed the objections to the community budget) to buy Sputnik V, then the second country - Slovakia - was no longer allowed to confront.

    Almost immediately after the announcement of the possibility of purchasing the drug, a government crisis was organized to show Bratislava who is the boss in the house, and then they made a stuffing in the media that the delivered doses of the drug differed from the samples received for testing.

    It is characteristic that they carried out the stuffing with the help of the Ukrainian media with pompous names like "Evropeyskaya Pravda".

    Bratislava has surrendered.

    In the meantime, the reasons for the unhurried consideration of documents by the European Medicines Agency, which were provided by Russia, were gradually becoming known.

    Brussels has shown itself in all its bureaucratic glory and double standards.

    If the applications of Pfizer / BioNTech and AstraZeneca (which they actually abandoned in the end) were considered in an accelerated mode, in violation of all norms (instead of months, the study went on for several days), then with Sputnik V the situation is diametrically opposite: for long weeks ("we need another piece of paper, additional data and information is needed").

    Regular calls between Moscow, Paris and Berlin, neither then, in the spring, nor today, at the zenith of summer, should not be misleading - in this case, it is not the heads of state and government who decide, but the European clerks.

    They, slowing down the approval of Sputnik V in the community, at the same time sought to slow down the vaccination process in our country.

    These actions exactly, like a tail, a feather to a feather, fit in and fit into what not so long ago the head of European diplomacy Borrell called "containment of Russia", that is, a limitation of its capabilities (even if it all exists exclusively in the minds of European partners).

    In any case, the Europeans have already been taught that "nothing good can come from Moscow," even when Moscow's hand was literally the only one in Europe extended to the Apennines as a gesture of support and assistance, when Russian military doctors rescued sick Italian old people last summer ...

    And when Russia is urged to be vaccinated, Europe regards it as "the Kremlin's dictatorial manners", but the introduction of a gradual mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 in the EU countries is only welcomed and approved.

    Actually, myopia and the inability to distinguish an ally from an adversary is an immanent feature of the policy pursued by the European establishment for many decades in a row.

    Once such myopia led to war.

    Hopefully, common sense will prevail in the vaccine battle. And concern, as they like to say in the EU, about the "common good".

    Well, Moscow, against the background of what has been happening for the past 18 months, acts almost every day both in the city and in the world as a real European and a humanist.

    Rejecting prejudice, disdaining disagreement, she claims every day that everyone's life is priceless.

    And against this background of calm strength, the battle of Brussels' ambitions, ambitions and aplomb looks, in general, a rather pitiful sight.

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    Post  Kiko Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:02 pm

    Russian Trade Minister Denis Manturov was awarded Hungary's highest order of national merit to foreigners for deliveries of Sputnik V vaccine.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 08, 2021 2:47 pm

    Which again has nothing to do with Russians being antivaxxer morons

    Everyone in New Zealand is hostage to government policy to wait and see and we still get a choice of Pfizer or Pfizer...

    The majority of the population are in a low risk group... why not wait a bit to see which way the wind if blowing?

    As with everything else other people's fuckups are no excuse for your own

    Lots of people making the same mistake is what is called a common mistake and the fact that a lot of people do it is what makes it a common mistake.

    Government had to officially address the problem so it's most definitely as serious as a heart attack

    Fake certificates are in most western countries already, so why would they ignore the potential problem in Russia?

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:00 pm

    GarryB wrote:Lots of people making the same mistake is what is called a common mistake and the fact that a lot of people do it is what makes it a common mistake.

    Other people's fuckups are no excuse for your own

    GarryB wrote:Fake certificates are in most western countries already, so why would they ignore the potential problem in Russia?

    Other people's fuckups are no excuse for your own


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    Post  Kiko Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:06 am

    Chile Plans to Purchase Russia's Sputnik V Vaccine, President Says

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:50 am

    I am not giving you excuses, I am giving you reasons.

    Experts on the Internet always know better of course, but there are plenty of those and their advice is often contradictory.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:27 pm

    FMBA told about the effectiveness of the drug against coronavirus "Mir-19". 09.07.2021

    MOSCOW, July 9 - RIA Novosti. The most effective drug against coronavirus "Mir-19" will be in the first two to three days after infection, told RIA Novosti at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.

    The department noted that the antidote will be relevant for known strains of COVID-19, including the British and Indian.

    "In addition, the regions of the virus genome, selected as a target for the drug's action, are highly conservative, practically do not undergo mutations," said the head of the agency, Veronika Skvortsova , quoted by the press service.

    Mir-19 does not affect the human genome: during its development, specific regions of the virus genome were selected that are absent in the human genome. This makes the drug completely safe for patients.

    As specified in FMBA, the drug reduced the concentration of the virus in the experimental animal by ten thousand times during the experiment using the active component - small interfering RNAs (miRNAs). It destroys a specific section of the coronavirus genome that is responsible for its ability to reproduce.

    The second phase of clinical trials is planned to be completed by mid-August. If the effectiveness of the drug in patients with COVID-19 is confirmed, then Mir-19 will be submitted for registration.

    Mir-19 is an etiotropic drug, in fact, an antidote against a virus. Its action is based on the RNA interference mechanism. It is administered by inhalation or intranasal route.

    The drug consists of two components: the active substance - small interfering RNAs - and the peptide - the carrier. The developer is the State Research Center Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. Research is underway.

    MIR-19 was patented on April 11. This abbreviation stands for Small Interfering RNA.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:12 pm

    Sputnik V effective against new coronavirus strains, Vaccines journal says, 12.07.2021.

    According to the statement, Sputnik V demonstrated significantly less of a reduction in its virus neutralizing activity against a number of variants compared to data from other vaccine producers.

    MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. The Sputnik V vaccine is effective against new coronavirus strains according to the study results by the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology published in the Vaccines leading international journal, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) reported on Monday.

    "The Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF, Russia’s sovereign wealth fund) today announced strong results of the study on neutralizing activity of sera from individuals vaccinated with Sputnik V vaccine against new variants of SARS-CoV-2. Vaccination with Sputnik V has produced protective neutralizing titers against new variants, including Alpha B.1.1.7 (first identified in UK), Beta B.1.351 (first identified in South Africa), Gamma P.1 (first identified in Brazil), Delta B.1.617.2 and B.1.617.3 (first identified in India) and Moscow endemic variants B.1.1.141 and B.1.1.317 with mutations in the receptor-binding domain (RBD)," the statement said.

    It is noted that the data shows that Sputnik V retains its protective properties against the new strains. "Notably, Sputnik V demonstrated significantly less of a reduction in its virus neutralizing activity against a number of variants compared to data from other vaccine producers, which had earlier confirmed the efficacy of their vaccines against new variants of coronavirus," the statement noted.

    The RDIF also reported that the Gamaleya Center had been actively studying the new SARS-CoV-2 strains in order to evaluate the efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine as they continue to emerge in various parts of the world. The Center and the Foundation are also considering opportunities to develop "vaccine cocktails" jointly with other leading producers using the first component of the Sputnik V shot.

    To date, Sputnik V has been registered in 67 countries with a total population surpassing 3.5 bln people. Data from the regulators of a number of countries, including Mexico, Argentina, Serbia, Bahrain, Hungary, San Marino, the UAE and others, obtained during the inoculation of residents, demonstrates that Sputnik V is one of the safest and most effective vaccines against the coronavirus infection.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:48 pm

    Where is SS with his "unsafe and unproven" propaganda parroting? Come on, you fcuking troll, man up and eat some crow.
    But that will not happen since trolls only poop and run.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:45 pm

    Russia and India start joint Sputnik V vaccine production, 300 million doses annually are projected.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:13 pm

    Sputnik V vaccine now available to about 50% of the world's population, 15.07.2021.

    Sputnik V is now available to around 50% of the world's population after Nigeria registered this Covid vaccine.

    Sputnik V is now accessible to about 50% of the world's population after the registration of this Covid vaccine by Nigeria, announced this Thursday, July 15 the Russian Fund for Direct investment (RDIF).

    "Nigeria, the most populous state in Africa, becomes the 68th country in the world to allow the use of Sputnik V. The total population of countries where Sputnik V is approved now exceeds 3.7 billion people, almost half the world's population," the fund said on Twitter.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 14 Empty Interesting Stats from Israel

    Post  calripson Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:01 pm

    Evidently, covid infection rates among the Delta variant in Israel indicate little or no protective immunity from the Pfizer vaccine.

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