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    Russian ABM Development

    Russian Patriot
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    Russian ABM Development Empty Russian ABM Development

    Post  Russian Patriot Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:12 am

    Russia is planning to develop its own sea-based missile defense system, a Foreign Ministry official said on Thursday.

    "According to our analysis, this system will be very efficient and meet the norms of international maritime law," said Vladimir Kozin, a deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's information and press department.

    Kozin did not give any further details on the future missile defense system. He was speaking at a video conference between Moscow and Kiev on European security.

    The move is almost certain to be interpreted as Russia's response to NATO's European missile shield, which it says it needs to counter potential missile attacks from "rogue states," such as Iran and North Korea.

    The NATO "shield" includes U.S. warships equipped with Aegis ballistic missile defense systems capable of shooting down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.

    Russia has retained staunch opposition to the deployment of missile defense systems near its borders, claiming they would be a threat to its national security.

    Moscow has repeatedly warned NATO it would create both defensive and offensive means to counter any missile threat and to penetrate any missile defense if the sides did not agree to cooperate on the issue.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:23 am

    It is funny really, it is US actions that have prompted this policy, and it is the US with the most to loose.

    Previously the US had no problems putting radars and missiles and all sorts of things all round Russias border, while Russia really only had Cuba to reciprocate.

    With the US developing Naval ABM systems, and Russia following suit the result for Russia will be the ability to park ABM missile equipped vessels very close to Britain and France and the US in the likely path of strategic missiles... something they likely only previously dreamed of.

    Of course there has always been a double standard... a USN ABM system will contribute to peace and stability and is a positive move. A Russian system on the other hand, will upset the balance and negatively effect peace and stability and is a worrying development. Rolling Eyes

    Just like the Chinese shooting down one of their own satelites was reckless and would add to the problem of space junk by adding to the existing debris field.
    When a secret US satellite was going to come down and they decided to shoot it down to protect their secrets it was sensible and responsible and the right thing to do...

    The amusing thing is that add another booster and an ABM system becomes an anti satellite weapon. Russia can send payloads to the moon so the high orbit of geostationary satellites is no problem.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Pervius Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:11 pm

    Garry B,

    What makes you think the Chinese shot down "one of their own satellites"?

    Because the news said so?

    Didn't you find it odd shortly after they did that....the US shot down a satellite in space. Was it 'their own'....or a counter strike?

    I'd guess....counter strike.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  SOC Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:36 am

    Pervius wrote:Didn't you find it odd shortly after they did that....the US shot down a satellite in space. Was it 'their own'....or a counter strike?

    I'd guess....counter strike.

    Of course it was our own. The whole point was to demonstrate to China that guess what, we could do it too. All politics. The difference from a debris standpoint was that the US shot was done at lower altitude, allowing the majority of the bits to re-enter and burn up far quicker than the higher-altitude Chinese shot.

    As for a sea-based ABM system, that sounds like a navalized S-500. Why not? A sea-based ABM/ASAT like the S-500 is actually more valuable in some regards than a land-based version, as it can be deployed where needed to intercept satellites when convenient before they get a chance to overfly Russia. With the USN looking at an SM-5 or 6 or something to have genuine ABM capability, it's no suprise Russia is thinking along the same lines.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:56 am

    The amusing thing was that the Chinese interception was stupid and silly and did this or that harm to the world, while the US interception was a triumph of technology and American ingenuity. Smile

    I see one of the roles the Russians are suggesting for their new nuclear powered rocket is to fly around earths orbit picking up debris and space junk... of course in addition to making trips to and from Mars or the moon much shorter.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:36 am

    This change in force structure might have an effect right here in this forum as it seems the Strategic Rocket Forces and the Space Forces are likely to split, while the PVO or Air Defence Forces of the Air Force is also likely to split and the two merged to form the Space and Air Defence Force.

    It will combine AEW duties looking for space junk and incoming space threats like ICBM and SLBM warheads, with the in air defence forces responsible for the airspace above Russia.

    This combined force will have the role of watching the airspace and above over Russia, using land, Sea, Air, and Space based assets... this mobile radar will likely replace a few of the older systems, plus aircraft like the A-100 and Mig-31 and Su-27s of the former PVO forces, plus space based radars and optical sensors will be looking for threats on or above Russia and perhaps also around the world.

    It will be interesting to see who controls it... it is unlikely to be split into 4 chunks for the 4 military districts, but will provide data to Navy, Army, and Air Force.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Russia New ABM Systems

    Post  Austin Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:05 pm

    I think the A-235 will be silo based similar to US NMD system and S-500 will be like mobile SM-3 system defending city from ICBM while A-235 will defend a much larger area plus take out space target at higher altitude.

    I read S-500 could take out LEO target like Sats and its max intercept altitude is 200 km.

    Any thing from SOC on this ?

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  SOC Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:30 pm

    Austin wrote:I think the A-235 will be silo based similar to US NMD system and S-500 will be like mobile SM-3 system defending city from ICBM while A-235 will defend a much larger area plus take out space target at higher altitude.

    I read S-500 could take out LEO target like Sats and its max intercept altitude is 200 km.

    Any thing from SOC on this ?

    A-235 is (or was?) supposed to be the A-135 replacement. Wether this involves a new missile and an upgraded Don-2N or a new missile and a wholly new radar, I don't know. Haven't heard of an ASAT capability attributed to the A-235, or the A-135 for that matter. Plus, haven't heard too much since the S-500 was announced, so there is a possibility that the A-235 has been superceded by the S-500, or that the "A-235 system" will actually be composed of S-500s as its interceptor component. There were plans for a GAZELLE follow-on as well but nothing apparently came from those...but I wouldn't be suprised if that weapon found its way into the S-500 as the missile component either.

    A mobile SM-3 is a good comparison to the S-500. The S-500 is supposed to be a mobile ABM (not ATBM like the S-300V) with the capability to hit satellites in LEO. Designing one system to perform both roles is not a stretch at all, the intercept dynamics for an exoatmospheric engagement are very similar.

    The S-500's capability and existance for a good while now as a program does make the Russian complaints about where/how the US is planning to put ABMs a bit hilarious. Apparently only American ABM systems affect the strategic balance...

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Austin Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:40 am

    SOC wrote:A-235 is (or was?) supposed to be the A-135 replacement. Wether this involves a new missile and an upgraded Don-2N or a new missile and a wholly new radar, I don't know. Haven't heard of an ASAT capability attributed to the A-235, or the A-135 for that matter. Plus, haven't heard too much since the S-500 was announced, so there is a possibility that the A-235 has been superceded by the S-500, or that the "A-235 system" will actually be composed of S-500s as its interceptor component. There were plans for a GAZELLE follow-on as well but nothing apparently came from those...but I wouldn't be suprised if that weapon found its way into the S-500 as the missile component either.

    From what i have read on russian website and i cant vouch for its accuracy or reliability is they are working on both fronts , which is improving the A-135 and working on A-235.


    A mobile SM-3 is a good comparison to the S-500. The S-500 is supposed to be a mobile ABM (not ATBM like the S-300V) with the capability to hit satellites in LEO. Designing one system to perform both roles is not a stretch at all, the intercept dynamics for an exoatmospheric engagement are very similar.

    Exactly what is the challenge in intercepting a Missile or Satellite in higher space , atleast to me the latter would need an interceptor that can intercept something moving around at 8 km/sec but in predictable orbit (LEO ) and for latter something at 7.2 km/sec but can be small and highly unpredictable ( discounting decoys and other stuff ) ,seem the latter still is far more challenging then the former

    The S-500's capability and existance for a good while now as a program does make the Russian complaints about where/how the US is planning to put ABMs a bit hilarious. Apparently only American ABM systems affect the strategic balance...

    I am fairly certain Russia would not have complained if US had developed ABM and deployed in its own territory , Even Russian has mentioned that any ABM system that it develops would be deployed on its own territory , including for the EUROPRO ones even if it joins it.

    But if you move the ABM to places close to Russian border and along known flight path of ICBM trajectory and on mobile platform like ships and deploy close or around border , then you might wonder what would be the purpose of this provocative move even if lets assume the ABM is 50 % effective but military on both sides would look at capability.

    Consider this what would happen if Russia deploys some ships along US East Coast with S-500 , then deploys some more S-500 component along known US ICBM trajectory over Europe and over its own territory ,Even if those S-500 are say just 50 % effective in intercepting ICBM. Do you think any US Senator or Congress Men wont stand up and shout murder ?


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    Russian ABM Development Empty New Russian ABM Systems

    Post  russian_soldier Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:51 pm

    This video:

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:38 pm


    That is one fast missile... it seems to just explode out of the silo.
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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Russian Patriot Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:45 am

    Russia tests domestic interceptor missile

    Russia carried out a successful test of a short-range interceptor missile on Tuesday as a part of its effort to develop a domestic missile defense shield, the Defense Ministry said.

    The missile was launched from the Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan) shooting range, the Ministry’s spokesperson said.

    The goal of the test was to confirm the technical characteristics of the missile used by the Defense Ministry’s Space Command.

    Russia's Defense Ministry uploaded a video of the missile's launch on its web site.

    The test comes a month after the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that if Moscow's participation in the European missile defense project fails, Russia would deploy Iskander tactical missiles in the Kaliningrad Region and halt its disarmament and arms control efforts, including participation in the new strategic arms reduction treaty with the United States.

    Russia-NATO missile defense talks are close to deadlock as Moscow is seeking written, legally binding guarantees that the U.S.-backed European missile defense program will not be directed against it. Washington, however, refuses to provide the guarantees, saying the shield is directed against threats from Iran and North Korea.

    Russia and NATO agreed to cooperate on European missile defense system at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010. Medvedev proposed a joint system with full-scale interoperability to ensure that the alliance's system will not be directed against Moscow. The military bloc, however, favors two independent systems which exchange information.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:11 am

    The goal of the test was to confirm the technical characteristics of the missile used by the Defense Ministry’s Space Command.


    I had read that it had new upgraded electronics to replace older Soviet systems to make it all Russian, but if this test was to confirm the technical characteristics of the missiles used by space command, then this suggests that they are in the process of upgrading all the missiles to this new standard... which makes sense of course.

    You would want to make sure it works before you replace all your older models with it.

    Still astounded at its blistering acceleration...

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Viktor Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:01 pm

    Here is one interesting development.

    I guess new Russian destroyers apart from being nuclear will also field S-500 system.

    Ships will be part of mobile NMD.


    June 22 2012 .

    RIA Novosti reported. United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) in 2016, plans to lay the first ship in a series of destroyers with the elements of a missile defense (NMD), reported in Friday's CEO Roman Trotsenko.

    "There is talk of building a series of six destroyers eskadrovyh new model with the elements of a missile and space defense on them," - said Trotsenko reporters at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

    Which elements of the missile is in question, is not specified. According to the USC, designing destroyers already begun, "laying of the first ship will happen in 2016."

    The project is developing specialists destroyers of the Northern Design Bureau, said Trotsenko. Build an order will be in St. Petersburg. "Most likely, order will be divided equally between the North and Baltic shipyard factory", - said the head of the corporation.

    "It will, in fact, pivot points of the Russian space defense system in the world ocean" - said Trotsenko of destroyers of the new series.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:14 pm

    Placing ABM missiles on ships makes them very mobile and more flexible.

    Almaz-Antei have publicly stated that the ABM missiles after S-500 will likely be air launched.

    Certainly something released from a Mig-31 at mach 2.5 at 18km up should be able to hit satellites operating in quite high orbits.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Viktor Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:55 pm

    GarryB wrote:Placing ABM missiles on ships makes them very mobile and more flexible.

    Almaz-Antei have publicly stated that the ABM missiles after S-500 will likely be air launched.

    Certainly something released from a Mig-31 at mach 2.5 at 18km up should be able to hit satellites operating in quite high orbits.

    Or perhaps satelite launched?

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:11 pm

    Viktor wrote:Here is one interesting development.

    I guess new Russian destroyers apart from being nuclear will also field S-500 system.

    Ships will be part of mobile NMD.


    June 22 2012 .

    RIA Novosti reported. United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) in 2016, plans to lay the first ship in a series of destroyers with the elements of a missile defense (NMD), reported in Friday's CEO Roman Trotsenko.

    "There is talk of building a series of six destroyers eskadrovyh new model with the elements of a missile and space defense on them," - said Trotsenko reporters at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

    Which elements of the missile is in question, is not specified. According to the USC, designing destroyers already begun, "laying of the first ship will happen in 2016."

    The project is developing specialists destroyers of the Northern Design Bureau, said Trotsenko. Build an order will be in St. Petersburg. "Most likely, order will be divided equally between the North and Baltic shipyard factory", - said the head of the corporation.

    "It will, in fact, pivot points of the Russian space defense system in the world ocean" - said Trotsenko of destroyers of the new series.

    Well that was pretty much a given. Where else are they going to place such systems? There's probably only room on the new destroyers, Kirovs and maybe Slava's with some heavy conversion (although I doubt that they will place it on the Slavas)

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  TR1 Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:44 pm

    Python you not only are a Russian but served in Russian navy, stop using them foul Western names for our ships! :p

    I agree however that Nakhimov and Lazarev (if the gods smile) would be perfect BMD platforms given size and power source.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Viktor Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:55 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Well that was pretty much a given. Where else are they going to place such systems? There's probably only room on the new destroyers, Kirovs and maybe Slava's with some heavy conversion (although I doubt that they will place it on the Slavas)

    Who knew Russia will use ships as part of NMD. It makes difference with radar system and missile load. I tought S-400 will be weapon of its choice and Russia future destroyer will have primary air defense role besides ability to launch devastating missile attack or seek and destroy subs.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:36 am

    Or perhaps satelite launched?

    Actually satellite launch would introduce a few problems... the obvious is lack of quick reload capability. The second would be that it would be like putting a sniper on a Merry Go Round to shoot another person on that MGR... which would actually make sense because as they are both on the same ride each would appear stationary... the problem is that unless the target follows a trajectory that matches the trajectory of your satellites it would be like a sniper going round on one MGR trying to shoot someone on another Merry Go Round. It is easier to just stand on the ground and shoot... and cheaper too... the price to get on these merry go rounds is hundreds of millions of dollars for a large satellite with several tons of missile interceptors.

    If you want to start basing weapons on satellites it makes sense for them to be reentry vehicles of ICBMs or SLBMs... a large satellite could carry dozens and release them like a cargo ship can release sea mines... the enemy wont have any idea of where they came from...

    Well that was pretty much a given. Where else are they going to place such systems? There's probably only room on the new destroyers, Kirovs and maybe Slava's with some heavy conversion (although I doubt that they will place it on the Slavas)

    These destroyers are going to be the numbers vessels of the Russian Navy so it makes sense for them to carry them... but an important thing to keep in mind is that if the naval S-500 is similar size to the S-400 big missiles or smaller then they can be loaded into the Redut launchers being fitted to many new and upgraded Russian surface vessels. If it turns out to be bigger I would think configuring it to be launched from the UKSK launchers could be worth while... the 9m length could allow a booster model.

    Then all you need is the appropriate radars able to look up... the data sharing network they are working on should allow satellite data and data from a range of platforms... land, sea, and air be combined to search for and track targets.

    Python you not only are a Russian but served in Russian navy, stop using them foul Western names for our ships! :p

    I agree in principle, but do find the Russian names hard to remember (and spell). Embarassed

    Yekaterinburg arriving @ Zvezdochka for repairs after the fire.

    Nice photo.

    Who knew Russia will use ships as part of NMD. It makes difference with radar system and missile load. I tought S-400 will be weapon of its choice and Russia future destroyer will have primary air defense role besides ability to launch devastating missile attack or seek and destroy subs.

    I very much doubt every Redut tube will be filled with S-500 missiles... the purpose of multi missile launch systems is variety and choice and flexibility.

    Such weapons will not likely be fired in salvo by one ship... 5 x S-500s launched from 5 different ships spread over a few thousand square kms would have a much better chance of intercepting one target than 5 launched from one vessel.

    With this in mind.... even on an ABM patrol a vessel fitted to fire S-500 will only likely carry 2-4 missiles at most, with the rest of the tubes filled with other SAM types to defend the group and the ship itself.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Viktor Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:28 pm

    Here is another article about new Russian destroyer and S-500 (S-400 at first) missile system combined. What is interesting is mentioning of 185km atitude 40N6 missile.

    Now I dont know how credible this source is but I find unlikely that 40N6 will take some years for development as was earlier already reported that 40N6 missile will come in production this year.

    June 26 2012 .

    News, Denis Thalmann. Destroyers (destroyers), which Russia should start producing in 2016, will be equipped with anti-ship variant of the C-500. This "Izvestia" said a source in the military-industrial complex. He also noted that the development of the complex may be delayed, so the first ships can equip the previous generation C-400.

    - The S-500 will be ready in the gland until 2014. Not the fact that we're gonna bring it to the version of the ship in 2016. So, probably on the ship's head will be installed shipboard version of the C-400, which is almost ready. Then it will replace the separate systems for S-500. But the problem lies elsewhere - to work in near space is needed long-range missile, which is still not ready for either C-400 or C-500, - said the source, "Izvestia".

    The system of aerospace defense S-500, which promises to construct in 2015, will have to knock down objects flying at an altitude of more than 185 km at a distance of more than 3,5 thousand km from the launcher.

    The latest development of the existing manufacturers is S-400 system, which can destroy targets at a height of 5 m to 185 km . However, for high-rise buildings need a new missile 40N6E, which can not be created for several years. Next-generation missile that can fly even higher, too, is open to question.

    Source of "Izvestia" added that without the launch complex will be unfit for combat missile, and compared the situation with submarines, "Northwind" - the lead ship of "Yuri Dolgoruky" was launched in 2008, but due to problems with the missile "Bulava" to has not yet been adopted by the Navy.

    In Concern PVO "Almaz-Antei", "Izvestia" refused to specify what kind of system they will develop for the new destroyers, arguing that "the issue is still too early to discuss."

    At Northern Shipyard "Izvestia" confirmed that they will participate in the tender for the construction of destroyers, but noted that as long as they do not know what the project.

    - What the designers lay in the ship, we do not know. What lay - and then we will build. Currently work is being done at the design stage, so anything definite can be said only when the project will be approved by the head of ship - said the representative of the shipyards.

    In the North PBC "Izvestia" were told that the complex air-defense destroyers will be the new modular and interchangeable, but declined to specify the parameters of the system, referring to state secret.

    The expiring July 1 of the USC Roman Trotsenko told reporters that the anti-missile destroyers will be built in 2016 as an "anchor points of the Russian space defense system in the oceans."

    Chief Editor of "Arsenal of the Fatherland" Victor Murakhovski believes that the system S-400 or C-500 on the new destroyers will provide cover for naval forces outside Russian territorial waters.

    - The U.S. is now developing the concept of "Prompt Global Strike", which involves striking the intercontinental ballistic missiles and cruise strategic U.S. for a few hours to anywhere in the world, including the ship's connections. We have also a powerful long-range air defense system is not available - in fact only the C-300F is on a single atomic cruiser - said Murakhovski.

    In addition, the expert pointed out that the C-500 in contrast to the C-400, which is designed for air defense, creating a missile defense system, including it will be able to deal with hypersonic facilities that are actively developing the United States.

    He stressed that the naval variant of the C-500, 56 samples of which are going to purchase up to 2020, fit only ships with a large displacement from the destroyer and above - on the corvettes and frigates, C-500 will not fit.

    Former Chief of Staff Viktor Esin announced SRF "Izvestia" that we are talking about creating a unified system of air and missile defense borders of Russia.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Here is one interesting development.

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:37 am

    Actually to be properly useful the S-500 would need to be compatible with the Redut standard launcher, which means its dimensions would be limited by the physical dimensions of that launch system.

    The benefits include flexibility as a dedicated launcher would not be necessary, but also that an enemy would really never have any idea if your ship is or is not equipped with the ability to shoot down a range of targets in near space.

    You have to keep in mind that currently the S-500 is for shooting down IRBMs and even some ICBM RVs, but in 10 years time some of the missile threats to ships could have similar performance levels and require a much more capable missile like S-500. In less than 5 years Russia and India expect the mach 5-7 Brahmos II to enter service... who knows what hypersonic atmosphere skimming weapon will be developed by 2025.

    But back to Redut, its dimensions are fixed, but another possibility could be to use the UKSK launcher which is the surface to surface missile launcher which can carry 8 or 2 missiles depending on its configuration.

    The main problem is what will the S-500 actually look like... we have seen lots of line drawings, but from what has been said it seems the S-500 might actually be smaller than the full size 1.8 ton S-300/S-400 missiles so there should be no problems fitting them to the Redut launchers and in fact for some vessels the fitting of the missiles to the UKSK should be trivial as the large S-300 missiles are about 7.5m long (not the S-300V, I am talking about the S-300P missiles) so the Redut tubes should already be big enough and the UKSK would have plenty of space at about 9m.

    So what could you use them for?

    Well actually they would be rather useful for a range of tasks... you could send a ship to the equator and launch a micro satellite with the boost given by the earths rotation you should get a higher orbit than if launched in Russian territory. You could base ships near NATO forces on an ABM mission so AEGIS class vessels operating in the North Sea hoping to intercept Russian ICBMs might find their own interceptors being intercepted, and most importantly... as long as the missile fits in standard launchers it means that pretty much every Russian naval vessel could have a missile that protects it and a large chunk of the area around it from ballistic threats... Corvettes in the Black and Caspian Sea could form part of an ABM system protecting Russia... if needed a couple of Russian destroyers could be sent to Myanmar or Syria and offer real protection from ballistic threats and with S-400 missiles offer protection from cruise missiles too.

    It is a bit like the new sabot ammo in 5.45 x 39mm calibre... it can be used in standard AK-74 assault rifles but is effective under water, or into water, or out of water. A soldier might never use it, but its existence means that his weapon is more capable than any other assault rifle available now because it becomes effective in 2/3rds more of the planet, yet it is still the same rifle. It doesn't matter if the new ammo is never issued and the new ammo would have made no difference in Afghanistan or Chechnia, but for Naval Infantry it means that one weapon instead of two can be carried.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty ΑΒΜ Systems game and Arms Race

    Post  Austin Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:14 am

    Defense: defense system S-500 will exceed their foreign counterparts

    INTERFAX.RU - The newest anti-aircraft missile system S-500, which is created for the benefit of air-space defense, tactical and technical characteristics surpass American counterparts, "Interfax" Commander Col. Gen. EKR Oleg Ostapenko.

    According to him, work on the S-500 is on schedule and will be completed before 2020.

    He noted that the C-500 will be better than any American counterpart.

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  Austin Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:18 am

    Some times it seems to me Russia is obsessed with every thing America does , An official statement has to say this system will be better than American one or this missile can defeat American system Laughing

    Well no different than our own DRDO which will use American presentation ( slides/PPT ) and will use American system as benchmark to gauge its own Razz

    I am sure US stands in an envious position Smile

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    Russian ABM Development Empty Re: Russian ABM Development

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:30 am

    Just shows that the US leads the way in aggressive military hardware and that the rest of the world is just chasing it to keep up.

    Just shows for all the paranoia in Europe that if Russia was in charge the ABM treaty would still be in place and the S-500 would not be necessary and ICBMs and SLBMs would remain an effective deterrent so Russia would be happy to go down to 500 strategic warheads... which would be plenty for its "defence" deterrence.

    Unfortunately the US wants ABM systems in the US and Europe and presumably in Asia eventually too which will require Russia to maintain a level of strategic nuclear power to ensure deterrence.

    I rather suspect it will also draw China into an Arms race to ensure it has a retaliation capability so it might start working on larger missiles and more warheads... they can put men in orbit, so there is no reason they couldn't develop a range of land and space based weapons to defeat any ABM system.

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