According to the militia, apparently the Aidar troops killed not only this civilian resident of Donbass, but also their own comrades – they finished them off during the retreat. One of the disfigured corpses of the natonal guardsmen was found in a golf-club. In the same place they also found a dry ration and a Czech-English dictionary, announces LifeNews.
Morpheus Eberhardt
As Sa'iqa
Hannibal Barca
Mike E
45 posters
The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°76
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Punitive troops from the "Aidar" battalion drowned a woman in a recreation zone that is located 10 kilometers away from Lugansk. Before the murder the national guardsmen tied the victem hand and foot, subjected her to cruel torture. Her jaw was broken and a finger was shot off.
According to the militia, apparently the Aidar troops killed not only this civilian resident of Donbass, but also their own comrades – they finished them off during the retreat. One of the disfigured corpses of the natonal guardsmen was found in a golf-club. In the same place they also found a dry ration and a Czech-English dictionary, announces LifeNews.
According to the militia, apparently the Aidar troops killed not only this civilian resident of Donbass, but also their own comrades – they finished them off during the retreat. One of the disfigured corpses of the natonal guardsmen was found in a golf-club. In the same place they also found a dry ration and a Czech-English dictionary, announces LifeNews.
medo- Posts : 4342
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- Post n°77
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Сводки от ополчения Новороссии
23.09.14. Сообщение от журналистов.
"В ряды армии Новороссии в ближайшие месяцы вступят до 12 тысяч донских казаков. Члены специальной мониторинговой миссии ОБСЕ в Луганске после встречи с руководителем донского казачества, который прибыл из украинского Стаханова, заявили, что в армии ЛНР ожидается серьезное пополнение. По словам лидера донского казачества, такое решение было принято 14 сентября во время массового мероприятия на главной площади Стаханова, из которого он прибыл в Луганск. Также собеседник членов миссии заявил, что информация о провозглашении "Независимой республики Стаханова" является выдуманной журналистами ложью."
In coming months 12.000 Don Cossacs will join Novorussian army, Cossacs decided in September 14th in Stahanovo. So in few months Novorussian army will grow to 50.000 soldiers what is 4 divisions or 1 corpus.
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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Age : 57
Location : Athens
- Post n°78
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Декабрь 2013. Это были все молодые ребята, с светлыми и одновременно каким-то неуверенными лицами, не понимающими что ли, что происходит вокруг. Они приезжие они в столице, они тоже студенты но в командировке в Киеве, они наводят какой-то порядок, они делают что-то Важное, что-то настолько важное, что это показывают по телевизору и на них могут смотреть родственники и знакомые. Проезжая блок посты, которые были раскиданы по всему городу я видел только такие лица и я не видел каких-то плохих людей я искренне как-то по братски хотел помочь ребятам которые и днем и ночью мерзнут с этими алюминиевыми щитами. Я не видел тех деспотов, которые каждый день УЖЕ тогда рисовало телевидение, я даже скажу больше Их там не было этих деспотов!!! Но уже тогда это было начало конца слова Украина!
Видит Бог, я не понимал, что это начало конца всего к чему я привык за годы этой самой независимой страны в которой каждая сволочь может мне рассказать как мне жить, что мне любить, на каком языке мне думать! Я далек от всего это кривляния и двуличия, я свидетель того что мне рассказывали про мой русский язык и про то куда мне нужно ехать это все было и есть! И Свастика и шествие бандеровцев это все было!!! Не врите никому, потому, что нужно быть честным - ЭТО ВСЕ БЫЛО!
Квинтэссенция - это эти два месяца январь и февраль 2014. Я часто вспоминаю тех ребят из "Беркута" и думаю, что же с ними стало, с водителем того БТР-а, который очень боялся, что его сожгут живьем. Мне так стыдно за все, что с ними тогда произошло, со всеми, кто там был. Я столько всего видел, с другой непопулярной сегодня стороны, мне так стыдно, что я нечего не смог сделать, что нас столько там было не равнодушных, понимающих что же на самом деле происходит, и мы столькие так ничего и не сделали.
Сегодня это то, что зачеркнуло все вчера, все что зачеркнуло...нет даже не двадцать четыре года этой страны, а зачеркнуло историческую память. «Нас Всех сыграли…» я смотрю сегодня на то что происходит и не понимаю, кто все эти люди которые нас ведут к окончательному концу и вопрос даже не в том, что сейчас время откровенных - Откровенных героев и Откровенных негодяев,,, среднего сегодня нет! Я не понимаю за что они так со своей страной, с людьми которые населяют эту страну, ведь так просто нельзя погружать в нищету и хаос, устилая это якобы благими деяниями, какими-то вымышленными сражениями с супер злом. Ввергая в дикие лишения весь народ, на который этот самый народ не подписывался ни тогда, ни сейчас. Это что - выборы президента были и означали у Вас не будет работы? У вас не будет тепла, жилья и так далее по списку!? Там, что где-то стоял знак равно!???
Хочется крикнуть Страна остановись! Страна прекрати врать, страна прекрати! Страна осознай мы не сверх-держава, пойми, найди свою позицию! Пойми, где ты Страна, что ты умеешь и хочешь делать! ? За что ты можешь жить!? И не ври больше страна!? Ты не космическая держава, ты не хочешь ни жать, ни сеять, так что же ты хочешь страна!? Все быстрых двадцать четыре года мы все дружно паразитировали на том, что создали эти так многим ненавистные комуняки!!! Именно они построили эти города, эти дороги, эти ТЭП и ЛЭП, эти электростанции и эти несовременные заводы это все на чем можно было паразитировать, все это время! Но не может быть все бесконечно, все закончилось, все в упадке! Да, нами руководили или недалекие или глубоко коррумпированные люди! НО!!!! Но честь им и хвала, они понимали правила жизни, они не бомбили свои города, они не сжигали тысячами своих же граждан ради … (а действительно ради чего) какая идея сейчас!? Что в остатке сегодня!? Моя страна (ДА ДА моя страна, хотя я говорю это по русски) истекает кровью откровенных негодяев и откровенных героев, но все они они же земляки мои…. Они же не чужие мне! Все вокруг обнищали! И что взамен!? Заборчики покрашенные в желто- блакитный колер!??? И это ВСЕ!???? Все что происходит вокруг это как сильный полупьяный угар от которого страшно! Но неужели страшно в этом городе Только мне!!!!??? Неужели ВСЕ это происходит наяву! Господи когда же рассвет!!!???
PS. Текст действительно очень эмоциональный, хорошо отражающий чувства людей оказавшихся в рукотворном аду, в который превратили окружающий социум. Это действительно страшно, особенно когда смотришь на это не со стороны, а находишься внутри происходящего безумия.
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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Join date : 2014-03-12
Age : 57
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- Post n°79
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
First 21 Unidentified Ukrainian soldiers were buried today in Dnepropetrovsk.
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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Join date : 2014-03-12
Age : 57
Location : Athens
- Post n°80
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9 wrote:Сводки от ополчения Новороссии
23.09.14. Сообщение от журналистов.
"В ряды армии Новороссии в ближайшие месяцы вступят до 12 тысяч донских казаков. Члены специальной мониторинговой миссии ОБСЕ в Луганске после встречи с руководителем донского казачества, который прибыл из украинского Стаханова, заявили, что в армии ЛНР ожидается серьезное пополнение. По словам лидера донского казачества, такое решение было принято 14 сентября во время массового мероприятия на главной площади Стаханова, из которого он прибыл в Луганск. Также собеседник членов миссии заявил, что информация о провозглашении "Независимой республики Стаханова" является выдуманной журналистами ложью."
In coming months 12.000 Don Cossacs will join Novorussian army, Cossacs decided in September 14th in Stahanovo. So in few months Novorussian army will grow to 50.000 soldiers what is 4 divisions or 1 corpus.
Airbornewolf- Posts : 1529
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- Post n°81
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
arpakola wrote:
Декабрь 2013. Это были все молодые ребята, с светлыми и одновременно каким-то неуверенными лицами, не понимающими что ли, что происходит вокруг. Они приезжие они в столице, они тоже студенты но в командировке в Киеве, они наводят какой-то порядок, они делают что-то Важное, что-то настолько важное, что это показывают по телевизору и на них могут смотреть родственники и знакомые. Проезжая блок посты, которые были раскиданы по всему городу я видел только такие лица и я не видел каких-то плохих людей я искренне как-то по братски хотел помочь ребятам которые и днем и ночью мерзнут с этими алюминиевыми щитами. Я не видел тех деспотов, которые каждый день УЖЕ тогда рисовало телевидение, я даже скажу больше Их там не было этих деспотов!!! Но уже тогда это было начало конца слова Украина!
Видит Бог, я не понимал, что это начало конца всего к чему я привык за годы этой самой независимой страны в которой каждая сволочь может мне рассказать как мне жить, что мне любить, на каком языке мне думать! Я далек от всего это кривляния и двуличия, я свидетель того что мне рассказывали про мой русский язык и про то куда мне нужно ехать это все было и есть! И Свастика и шествие бандеровцев это все было!!! Не врите никому, потому, что нужно быть честным - ЭТО ВСЕ БЫЛО!
Квинтэссенция - это эти два месяца январь и февраль 2014. Я часто вспоминаю тех ребят из "Беркута" и думаю, что же с ними стало, с водителем того БТР-а, который очень боялся, что его сожгут живьем. Мне так стыдно за все, что с ними тогда произошло, со всеми, кто там был. Я столько всего видел, с другой непопулярной сегодня стороны, мне так стыдно, что я нечего не смог сделать, что нас столько там было не равнодушных, понимающих что же на самом деле происходит, и мы столькие так ничего и не сделали.
Сегодня это то, что зачеркнуло все вчера, все что зачеркнуло...нет даже не двадцать четыре года этой страны, а зачеркнуло историческую память. «Нас Всех сыграли…» я смотрю сегодня на то что происходит и не понимаю, кто все эти люди которые нас ведут к окончательному концу и вопрос даже не в том, что сейчас время откровенных - Откровенных героев и Откровенных негодяев,,, среднего сегодня нет! Я не понимаю за что они так со своей страной, с людьми которые населяют эту страну, ведь так просто нельзя погружать в нищету и хаос, устилая это якобы благими деяниями, какими-то вымышленными сражениями с супер злом. Ввергая в дикие лишения весь народ, на который этот самый народ не подписывался ни тогда, ни сейчас. Это что - выборы президента были и означали у Вас не будет работы? У вас не будет тепла, жилья и так далее по списку!? Там, что где-то стоял знак равно!???
Хочется крикнуть Страна остановись! Страна прекрати врать, страна прекрати! Страна осознай мы не сверх-держава, пойми, найди свою позицию! Пойми, где ты Страна, что ты умеешь и хочешь делать! ? За что ты можешь жить!? И не ври больше страна!? Ты не космическая держава, ты не хочешь ни жать, ни сеять, так что же ты хочешь страна!? Все быстрых двадцать четыре года мы все дружно паразитировали на том, что создали эти так многим ненавистные комуняки!!! Именно они построили эти города, эти дороги, эти ТЭП и ЛЭП, эти электростанции и эти несовременные заводы это все на чем можно было паразитировать, все это время! Но не может быть все бесконечно, все закончилось, все в упадке! Да, нами руководили или недалекие или глубоко коррумпированные люди! НО!!!! Но честь им и хвала, они понимали правила жизни, они не бомбили свои города, они не сжигали тысячами своих же граждан ради … (а действительно ради чего) какая идея сейчас!? Что в остатке сегодня!? Моя страна (ДА ДА моя страна, хотя я говорю это по русски) истекает кровью откровенных негодяев и откровенных героев, но все они они же земляки мои…. Они же не чужие мне! Все вокруг обнищали! И что взамен!? Заборчики покрашенные в желто- блакитный колер!??? И это ВСЕ!???? Все что происходит вокруг это как сильный полупьяный угар от которого страшно! Но неужели страшно в этом городе Только мне!!!!??? Неужели ВСЕ это происходит наяву! Господи когда же рассвет!!!???
PS. Текст действительно очень эмоциональный, хорошо отражающий чувства людей оказавшихся в рукотворном аду, в который превратили окружающий социум. Это действительно страшно, особенно когда смотришь на это не со стороны, а находишься внутри происходящего безумия.
Arpakola, im often interrested in your posts. and you often post material i do not find easily online searching for information about the situation in Ukraine.
but sadly i cant understand a word of it like the text i just quoted. i know 4 languages, but i think thats enough you know? . i know Dutch, English and basic French and German. anyway, would you mind if text like this be posted in English next time?.
it litterally looks greek to me, what i assume it is from what ive seen on my vacations to Greece. im sure others here cant understand it either by themselves.
for the rest, keep up the posts!. good work!.
cracker- Posts : 232
Points : 273
Join date : 2014-09-04
- Post n°82
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
This is clearly russian.
Try google translation
This is clearly russian.
Try google translation
Airbornewolf- Posts : 1529
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- Post n°83
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
cracker wrote:Greek?
This is clearly russian.
Try google translation
you where right, google identified it as Russian. oops, my mistake .
Vann7- Posts : 5385
Points : 5485
Join date : 2012-05-16
- Post n°84
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
just a little of topic.. but also on topic ..this tactics could help a lot the Novorosiyan army..
and awesome 7 min short documentary... about Serbian tactics and fighting skills in the kosovo war
Never knew they did so well in that war..
and awesome 7 min short documentary... about Serbian tactics and fighting skills in the kosovo war
Never knew they did so well in that war..
NationalRus- Posts : 610
Points : 611
Join date : 2010-04-11
- Post n°85
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
medo wrote:Сводки от ополчения Новороссии
23.09.14. Сообщение от журналистов.
"В ряды армии Новороссии в ближайшие месяцы вступят до 12 тысяч донских казаков. Члены специальной мониторинговой миссии ОБСЕ в Луганске после встречи с руководителем донского казачества, который прибыл из украинского Стаханова, заявили, что в армии ЛНР ожидается серьезное пополнение. По словам лидера донского казачества, такое решение было принято 14 сентября во время массового мероприятия на главной площади Стаханова, из которого он прибыл в Луганск. Также собеседник членов миссии заявил, что информация о провозглашении "Независимой республики Стаханова" является выдуманной журналистами ложью."
In coming months 12.000 Don Cossacs will join Novorussian army, Cossacs decided in September 14th in Stahanovo. So in few months Novorussian army will grow to 50.000 soldiers what is 4 divisions or 1 corpus.
i belive when i see them, all!
when novorossia was fighting for survival 3 months long they couldent.... bearly few hundreds came
and now "suddenly" they have 12 thousend men ready, yeah sure!! go fuzck yoursefls
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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Join date : 2014-03-12
Age : 57
Location : Athens
- Post n°86
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
thats what Google translate is all about..Airbornewolf wrote:arpakola wrote:
Декабрь 2013. Это были все молодые ребята, с светлыми и одновременно каким-то неуверенными лицами, не понимающими что ли, что происходит вокруг. Они приезжие они в столице, они тоже студенты но в командировке в Киеве, они наводят какой-то порядок, они делают что-то Важное, что-то настолько важное, что это показывают по телевизору и на них ....
PS. Текст действительно очень эмоциональный, хорошо отражающий чувства людей оказавшихся в рукотворном аду, в который превратили окружающий социум. Это действительно страшно, особенно когда смотришь на это не со стороны, а находишься внутри происходящего безумия.
Arpakola, im often interrested in your posts. and you often post material i do not find easily online searching for information about the situation in Ukraine.
but sadly i cant understand a word of it like the text i just quoted. i know 4 languages, but i think thats enough you know? . i know Dutch, English and basic French and German. anyway, would you mind if text like this be posted in English next time?.
it litterally looks greek to me, what i assume it is from what ive seen on my vacations to Greece. im sure others here cant understand it either by themselves.
for the rest, keep up the posts!. good work!.
Sometimes for the long posts , is the only way. Some times the translation is geting funny but finaly you get the idea.
Cassad e.g. posts in Russian only many posts that is too dificult to translate..
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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Join date : 2014-03-12
Age : 57
Location : Athens
- Post n°87
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
The Vineyard of the Saker: Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea
Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea
Written especially for Russia Insider
The Ukrainian Defense Minister Valerii Geletei is hardly a credible figure.
Not only did he recently declare that Russia had threatened the Ukraine with nuclear strikes, he even told a Ukrainian journalist that Russia had already executed two tactical nuclear strikes on the city of Lugansk (apparently to explain why the Ukrainian forces had to retreat from there). The Junta later denied the story and blamed it on the journalist who first published it.
Despite these antics, Geletei nonetheless caught the world's attention when he promised the Ukrainian Rada that the Ukraine would retake Crimea and organize a victory parade in Sevastopol. The Rada (Ukraine's parliament) greeted that promise with a standing ovation.
The truth is that this will never happen. Here is why:
By 2020 Russia will have completed the following defense plan:
86.7 billion rubles will be spend to modernize the Black Sea Fleet. Modernization plans include the deployment of ultra-modern Project 11356 frigates and top of the line Project 636.3 diesel-electric attack submarines.
A separate army group, similar to the one in Kaliningrad, will be formed and a bomber base will be created. The ground forces component will include one Air-Assault brigade, one Spetsnaz brigade, one Naval Infantry brigade and one Motor-Rifle brigade. Earlier, other sources spoke of one or two Airborne brigades, two or three Motor-Rifle brigades and one Tank brigades.
The Russian Air Force plans to deploy Tupolev Tu-22M3 “Backfire” bombers in Crimea which will be able to not only defend Crimea from any threat from the sea, but also destroy key components of the the US/NATO anti-ballistic missile system now deployed in southern Europe.
Finally, Crimea will be defended by coastal defense missiles, air defense systems and anti-ship cruise missiles.
In other words, Crimea will become a formidable defensive node, an unsinkable aircraft carrier if you want, and an ideal location for the power-projection of Russian military forces in southern Europe, the Balkans, the Mediterranean, the Middle-East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
No wonder the US/NATO wanted it so badly.
Speaking of the US and NATO – much is made of the presence of USN ships in the Black Sea. In reality, the USN poses no threat to Russia at all, at least not from the Black Sea. The Black Sea is an enclose and small sea, at least by USN standards, where any USN ship, underwater or on the surface, would be a sitting duck for Russian forces, especially missile attacks.
The USN knows that and what these USN vessels do in the Black Sea is called “showing the flag”. This has nothing to do with threatening Russia or Crimea. If the US really wanted to threaten Russia, the very last thing the USN would do is enter the Black Sea. The USN is a deep sea, “blue water” navy, which fights long-distance and not a littoral, “green water” or, even less so, a coastal “brown water” water navy.
Finally, history has shown that Crimea is ideal to defend and very hard to take. By land, Crimea is only accessible by a few open and undefended roads from the north. Centuries of warfare have turned it into a Swiss-cheese like structure filled with tunnels, underground bunkers and fortifications.
Last but not least, Crimea has now already been fully integrated into the Russian military's Southern Military District (based in Rostov-on-the-Don) and, as such, it would have the full support of the rest of the Russian Armed Forces.
The Saker
Morpheus Eberhardt- Posts : 1925
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- Post n°88
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Look at this mod/ver of DShKM!
Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:29 am; edited 1 time in total
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°89
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
BTR killer above...
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°90
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Last edited by arpakola on Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
Hannibal Barca- Posts : 1459
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- Post n°91
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
arpakola wrote:The Vineyard of the Saker: Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea
Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea
Written especially for Russia Insider
The Ukrainian Defense Minister Valerii Geletei is hardly a credible figure.
Not only did he recently declare that Russia had threatened the Ukraine with nuclear strikes, he even told a Ukrainian journalist that Russia had already executed two tactical nuclear strikes on the city of Lugansk (apparently to explain why the Ukrainian forces had to retreat from there). The Junta later denied the story and blamed it on the journalist who first published it.
Despite these antics, Geletei nonetheless caught the world's attention when he promised the Ukrainian Rada that the Ukraine would retake Crimea and organize a victory parade in Sevastopol. The Rada (Ukraine's parliament) greeted that promise with a standing ovation.
The truth is that this will never happen. Here is why:
By 2020 Russia will have completed the following defense plan:
86.7 billion rubles will be spend to modernize the Black Sea Fleet. Modernization plans include the deployment of ultra-modern Project 11356 frigates and top of the line Project 636.3 diesel-electric attack submarines.
A separate army group, similar to the one in Kaliningrad, will be formed and a bomber base will be created. The ground forces component will include one Air-Assault brigade, one Spetsnaz brigade, one Naval Infantry brigade and one Motor-Rifle brigade. Earlier, other sources spoke of one or two Airborne brigades, two or three Motor-Rifle brigades and one Tank brigades.
The Russian Air Force plans to deploy Tupolev Tu-22M3 “Backfire” bombers in Crimea which will be able to not only defend Crimea from any threat from the sea, but also destroy key components of the the US/NATO anti-ballistic missile system now deployed in southern Europe.
Finally, Crimea will be defended by coastal defense missiles, air defense systems and anti-ship cruise missiles.
In other words, Crimea will become a formidable defensive node, an unsinkable aircraft carrier if you want, and an ideal location for the power-projection of Russian military forces in southern Europe, the Balkans, the Mediterranean, the Middle-East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
No wonder the US/NATO wanted it so badly.
Speaking of the US and NATO – much is made of the presence of USN ships in the Black Sea. In reality, the USN poses no threat to Russia at all, at least not from the Black Sea. The Black Sea is an enclose and small sea, at least by USN standards, where any USN ship, underwater or on the surface, would be a sitting duck for Russian forces, especially missile attacks.
The USN knows that and what these USN vessels do in the Black Sea is called “showing the flag”. This has nothing to do with threatening Russia or Crimea. If the US really wanted to threaten Russia, the very last thing the USN would do is enter the Black Sea. The USN is a deep sea, “blue water” navy, which fights long-distance and not a littoral, “green water” or, even less so, a coastal “brown water” water navy.
Finally, history has shown that Crimea is ideal to defend and very hard to take. By land, Crimea is only accessible by a few open and undefended roads from the north. Centuries of warfare have turned it into a Swiss-cheese like structure filled with tunnels, underground bunkers and fortifications.
Last but not least, Crimea has now already been fully integrated into the Russian military's Southern Military District (based in Rostov-on-the-Don) and, as such, it would have the full support of the rest of the Russian Armed Forces.
The Saker
From when Russia will retake Ukraine went down to when Ukraine will retake Crimea. Great!
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°92
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
NationalRus wrote:medo wrote:Сводки от ополчения Новороссии
23.09.14. Сообщение от журналистов.
"В ряды армии Новороссии в ближайшие месяцы вступят до 12 тысяч донских казаков. Члены специальной мониторинговой миссии ОБСЕ в Луганске после встречи с руководителем донского казачества, который прибыл из украинского Стаханова, заявили, что в армии ЛНР ожидается серьезное пополнение. По словам лидера донского казачества, такое решение было принято 14 сентября во время массового мероприятия на главной площади Стаханова, из которого он прибыл в Луганск. Также собеседник членов миссии заявил, что информация о провозглашении "Независимой республики Стаханова" является выдуманной журналистами ложью."
In coming months 12.000 Don Cossacs will join Novorussian army, Cossacs decided in September 14th in Stahanovo. So in few months Novorussian army will grow to 50.000 soldiers what is 4 divisions or 1 corpus.
i belive when i see them, all!
when novorossia was fighting for survival 3 months long they couldent.... bearly few hundreds came
and now "suddenly" they have 12 thousend men ready, yeah sure!! go fuzck yoursefls
it was not cossaks .. but chechens..
Werewolf- Posts : 5938
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- Post n°93
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Hannibal Barca wrote:arpakola wrote:The Vineyard of the Saker: Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea
Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea
Written especially for Russia Insider
The Ukrainian Defense Minister Valerii Geletei is hardly a credible figure.
Not only did he recently declare that Russia had threatened the Ukraine with nuclear strikes, he even told a Ukrainian journalist that Russia had already executed two tactical nuclear strikes on the city of Lugansk (apparently to explain why the Ukrainian forces had to retreat from there). The Junta later denied the story and blamed it on the journalist who first published it.
Despite these antics, Geletei nonetheless caught the world's attention when he promised the Ukrainian Rada that the Ukraine would retake Crimea and organize a victory parade in Sevastopol. The Rada (Ukraine's parliament) greeted that promise with a standing ovation.
The truth is that this will never happen. Here is why:
By 2020 Russia will have completed the following defense plan:
86.7 billion rubles will be spend to modernize the Black Sea Fleet. Modernization plans include the deployment of ultra-modern Project 11356 frigates and top of the line Project 636.3 diesel-electric attack submarines.
A separate army group, similar to the one in Kaliningrad, will be formed and a bomber base will be created. The ground forces component will include one Air-Assault brigade, one Spetsnaz brigade, one Naval Infantry brigade and one Motor-Rifle brigade. Earlier, other sources spoke of one or two Airborne brigades, two or three Motor-Rifle brigades and one Tank brigades.
The Russian Air Force plans to deploy Tupolev Tu-22M3 “Backfire” bombers in Crimea which will be able to not only defend Crimea from any threat from the sea, but also destroy key components of the the US/NATO anti-ballistic missile system now deployed in southern Europe.
Finally, Crimea will be defended by coastal defense missiles, air defense systems and anti-ship cruise missiles.
In other words, Crimea will become a formidable defensive node, an unsinkable aircraft carrier if you want, and an ideal location for the power-projection of Russian military forces in southern Europe, the Balkans, the Mediterranean, the Middle-East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
No wonder the US/NATO wanted it so badly.
Speaking of the US and NATO – much is made of the presence of USN ships in the Black Sea. In reality, the USN poses no threat to Russia at all, at least not from the Black Sea. The Black Sea is an enclose and small sea, at least by USN standards, where any USN ship, underwater or on the surface, would be a sitting duck for Russian forces, especially missile attacks.
The USN knows that and what these USN vessels do in the Black Sea is called “showing the flag”. This has nothing to do with threatening Russia or Crimea. If the US really wanted to threaten Russia, the very last thing the USN would do is enter the Black Sea. The USN is a deep sea, “blue water” navy, which fights long-distance and not a littoral, “green water” or, even less so, a coastal “brown water” water navy.
Finally, history has shown that Crimea is ideal to defend and very hard to take. By land, Crimea is only accessible by a few open and undefended roads from the north. Centuries of warfare have turned it into a Swiss-cheese like structure filled with tunnels, underground bunkers and fortifications.
Last but not least, Crimea has now already been fully integrated into the Russian military's Southern Military District (based in Rostov-on-the-Don) and, as such, it would have the full support of the rest of the Russian Armed Forces.
The Saker
From when Russia will retake Ukraine went down to when Ukraine will retake Crimea. Great!
Well if you run a madhouse you can't speak with the mads in sane tongue, you need at least to add some basic insanity.
Ukraine, bastion of freedom, fighting the russian aggressor for months. Shooting own tanks,soldiers and civilians then claiming victory against russian shadow battalions, taking casualties on only ukraine side they manage to defeat the russian aggressor and free the poor crimean ukrainians from russian aggressive hands.
Great failed country, after this russia must assure that this failed country is again under russian administration and burn down every nazi and charge every single 5th columnist for treason and only death penalties. I really have enough of this scum killing,genociding slavic people and fooling other slavic nations into believe they were so different from russians but so similiar to west like poland the US slave bitch country nr.1 eager to shoot themselfs with big shotgun in their foot just to throw feces at russian ground.
TheArmenian- Posts : 1880
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- Post n°94
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Cossack Babai is back in Donetsk.
Don't know if he brought a few more with him.
Don't know if he brought a few more with him.
fragmachine- Posts : 121
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- Post n°95
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Bartosz Bekier, founder of for Russian NTV:
sepheronx- Posts : 9053
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- Post n°96
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Is he some pro Polish/Ukrainian guy?
Is he some pro Polish/Ukrainian guy?
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°97
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
September 24, 12:39 UTC+4
The military crime could have been committed by Ukraine’s security forces
GENEVA, September 24. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has called the mass burial of civilians near Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, a military crime, that could have been committed by Ukraine’s security forces, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Alexei Borodavkin, said on Wednesday.
“Yesterday [on Tuesday] a mass burial of executed civilians was discovered on the territory of the Donetsk region that was controlled by the Ukrainian security forces. It looks like that this military crime is their work,” Russia’s permanent representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Alexei Borodavkin, said.
The diplomat said that Russia will be carefully watching how the Ukrainian leadership is committed to the investigation of all these crimes. Borodavkin also said “numerous acts of atrocity by punitive battalions in Ukraine’s southeast won’t stay unpunished.”
Russian Foreign Ministry’s human rights commissioner Konstantin Dolgov said on Wednesday the Russian Foreign Ministry is encouraging the international organizations, including the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe, to join the effort to investigate the mass burial.
“Ukrainian authorities should bear the responsibility as this is the territory of Ukraine and there are signs that at the moment when the crimes were committed, the territory [near Donetsk] was controlled by the National Guard battalions. This points fingers to the potential perpetrators and organizers of the latest murder,” Dolgov said.
The diplomat said Russia is seriously concerned that despite the pledges, Ukraine’s authorities, including President Petro Poroshenko, have failed to investigate the crimes.
Dolgov said this failure is linked to the fact that “these crimes have been committed by those nationalist and radical forces that are still playing a great role in the political life of Ukraine.”
The diplomat has also criticized the West’s “double standards” in failing to condemn the crime.
Russia’s ruling party urges international probe into mass graves near Donetsk
Russia's ruling United Russia party has called to establish an international commission to investigate mass burials found near Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.
“This is a specific case. It needs to be investigated in the framework of the international commission," a party member and political analyst Vyacheslav Nikonov said on Wednesday.
The first exhumation results following the discovery showed that the civilians, mainly young women, had been raped, tortured, tied up and gunned down. “One of these women was pregnant,” Nikonov said.
The Russian lawmaker said measures need to be taken to “punish the military crimes for the sake of those dead, alive and those who are still to be born.” He criticized the international human rights groups for failing to react to the reports.
Militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic on Tuesday found burials on the site of Kommunar mine’s wood depot, 60 kilometres from Donetsk.
“This may be a mass grave. The bodies are to be exhumed. The whole area will be studied. Other burials also have been found,” a militia fighter told ITAR-TASS.
Militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic on Tuesday found burials on Ukrainian National Guard positions in eastern Ukraine
MOSCOW, September 24. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Investigative Committee plans to launch an inquiry into the discovered mass burial of civilians near Donetsk as part of the criminal case into the war in southeastern Ukraine, official spokesman Vladimir Markin said on Wednesday.
“The reports of killings of people, whose bodies were found in a mass burial near Donetsk, are to be verified by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee in the framework of the investigation of the criminal case into the use of banned means and methods of warfare against civilians in southeastern Ukraine,” Markin said.
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°98
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Orazio M. Gnerre: In Noworosji there is a struggle for the liberation of Europe
How do you assess the current events in eastern Ukraine? What is the geopolitical importance of the current conflict?
The importance of conflict in Ukraine is drawn very clearly. The United States authorities trying to maintain a unipolar world order seeking to lap Russia and allow the expansion of NATO military forces around the borders of the Russian Federation. Now we have to deal with another crisis imposed world imperialism - events in Ukraine combined with the birth of an Islamic state in the Middle East, a systematic genocide which Palestinians are subjected to and taken up by the same factors attempt to destabilize Lebanon and Venezuela. It is an attempt destabilization on all fronts directed against all political actors interested in a multi-polar governance.
It is clear that Russia, which (also because of its control of the Heartland) can be considered as one of the major forces seeking to return multipolar is one of the main opponents to the enemies of freedom of nations. They aim to distort launched its Eurasian regional integration, environment and control its heartland. Ukraine, for a multi-polar order, is the key point of this process. Without Ukraine, Russia will not be able to be a superpower and, consequently, to complete the project of the Eurasian. What's more, thanks to NATO bases in Ukraine unipolar imperialism will be able to encircle Russia. This is a continuation of the conflict of land and sea by other means. In particular, the use of non-traditional methods of warfare of a new generation.
How important is conflict in Noworosji for Europe? Are European countries have developed a common position on this conflict?
Europe seems to spend this conflict less attention than it should. We are dealing with located at the borders of Europe powder keg ready to explode at any moment. This shows the validity of the observations of the Italian philosopher Costanzo Preve think that when - to use his determination - the "fourth world war", no place, also Europe will not be safe. At the institutional level there is no common European position on the conflict in Ukraine. It is unthinkable for Europe to abandon the optics of the Atlantic in this case, is because the military and political control of the United States of America. The conflict in Ukraine shows a fundamental gap between the two ways of understanding Europe: Europe as a product of acting in the interests of America and supporting the protesters with Euromajdanu, (Europe today represented by its institutions) and Europe as a territory of the European peoples, friendly and hostile towards Russia relating to the American intervention in the affairs of Europe and the world.
What are the interests of Europe as regards Ukraine? What reconfiguration of geopolitics would be most favorable for Europe?
The main interest of Europe on the Ukrainian conflict should be striving for the immediate cessation of the Ukrainian military operation on the Eastern Front and the gradual solution of the problem in the way of reopening diplomatic channels with the Russian Federation. Of course, it should be accompanied by the elimination of the factors that led to destabilization in Ukraine. Europe should not be interested in supporting the so-called. Euromajdanu and its tragic consequences. The deterioration of relations between Europe and Russia in connection with the events in Ukraine is not Europe from the perspective of energy and economic, it also contributes to stability in the region.
It is high time that Europe understood what is in its own interest and distanced itself from the interests of the United States. The future of Europe as a great space, geopolitical and civilizational forces must take into account cooperation with other continental powers - Russia and China. Europe should not only take an active turn toward multipolarity, but also strive to protect the continent from external interventions that result in destabilization and artificially raise conflicts between nations. Unfortunately, the hopes of this field will remain futile as long as Europe is ruled by a corrupt bureaucracy paid by the international financial system.
Is the event open Russia's involvement in the conflict, Europe is ready for a war?
Europe does not have an army. This is one of the main reasons for its political inconsistencies. However, many of its countries belong to NATO. A lot would depend on the response to NATO's possible involvement of Russia in Ukraine. I wonder how many European countries would support military intervention. In previous wars was evident reluctance of NATO Europe. However, there is a clear wyzji, which would allow Europe to consistent and independent action in their own interests and zabezpieczyłaby it from falling into the trap of war with your neighbor being a regional power. For Europe, the war would be a disaster, it is not subject to discussion.
The present war affect the relationship of Europe and Russia?
Many lost. As I said, Europe has many reasons to maintain good relations with Russia. Issues of economy and trade are sufficient reasons. They understood that European leaders who were characterized by a more advanced strategic gaze. It is not enough, however, to gain public support, which can be regarded as independent of the United States. The problem is to dominate the political class of Europe by the United States dating from the end of World War II. Politicians are not able to shut out the principles on which the EU was founded, which does not protect the sovereignty of European countries against the actions of external forces. We may, therefore, turning the importance of questions, stated that the conflict Ukrainian improved relations between Russia and Europe. I mean the real Europe, European forces opposing the American unipolarity. They understand that the struggle for the liberation of Europe must join the struggle in defense of Russia and the development of 'false Europe (EU, Brussels) is not in the interests of European nations. Factor Ukrainian became a platform for connecting morally independent of those who support the Russian people. In this sense, it is a turning point.
How to assess the ideological component of a new war in Europe? Why the Ukrainian side struggling national socialists sponsored by the Jewish oligarchs, while among the insurgents can find Orthodox traditionalists next to people yearning for the Soviet Union?
Ideological factor lying in the heart of the "new European war" is the same as in the case of "a new global war." Can be defined as a war liberals and the rest of the world. This is not a war between two visions of the world, but one concept does not leave room for alternatives, and all other concepts, people's war against the standardization of culture, against the postmodern antykulturze, the fight against neoliberalism different communities. Lines in the scents run between the vision of single and multi-polar, which means not only different geopolitical structure, but also alternative ways of development, numerous and varied as the human community. Geopolitical factor here is a great challenge, because the task of the present struggle is to bring peace and unity of taking part in the environments. Treatment of the war in Ukraine in terms of ideological exaggeration, or rather half-truth. What we perceive as a conflict of neo-Nazi battalions (interestingly, paid for by the Zionist oligarchs) of patriots, both faithful to the traditions of the Orthodox Church and the USSR nostalgikami is a fourth-generation war waged using unconventional methods, the aim of which is to achieve the independence of the country.
Of course, these factors also apply to the ideological minority. We recognize supporters of progressive society as Femen and Pussy Riot and radicals such as neo-Salafists and the Right Sector for the two sides of the same coin. These groups, regardless of the banner under which they operate, blindly follow the orders of America. It is clear that the supporters of the multi-polar order we find all who do not accept the universality of Western and liberal model of development. Patriotism, nationalism, socialism - everything that is not acceptable for liberal governments. What's more, because of this any radical group which the United States use to instability, when the tasks are gradually demobilized to ensure the security model of liberalism. The unity of all who oppose the liberal hegemony of the politically correct culture, unlimited expansion of the market, the dominance of financial capitalism is essential. The real challenge, however, is to create a common global and ideological front, through which it will be possible common multipolar resistance.
So is the concept of "third way" for Ukraine is a tool in the hands of global hegemony? Is it possible to carry out historical analogies with the present conflict?
There seems to me to be able to find the historical equivalent of this unique conflict. The study of history can help us get to know the mechanisms, but the events are never identical. History can help us identify the source of conflict and show where it can lead. He tells us to reflect on the economization of the world, which the Anglo-Saxon West ran through the centuries. Battle of Noworosję should be placed inside the great paradigm: a struggle for the liberation of the nation from the international financial order and military constraints set by the United States.
In the "third way" I believe that the rhetoric of Ukrainian ultranationalists zabrnęła a blind alley terminology, which can be explained only by their ignorance, the same one that allows them to believe that Ukraine's national interests can be protected under the EU flag and with the help of NATO. Speaking of the "third way" we think of Khomeini, Peroni, Nasser and panarabizmie. For representatives of the "third way" can also be considered non-aligned countries during the Cold War. But how can there be a third way, if it can not be applied to the binary opposition? Now, when we see the twilight of American unipolarity and the birth of a multipolar world integrating large areas, how can we speak of a third way? The project is the most consistent multipolar consequence of the "third way" era of bipolarity because with the reintegration of post-Soviet space offers independence and the right of peoples to self-determination. The only "third way" that can offer Ukrainian Ultranationalists is something between the unipolar world of neo-liberalism and Western financial capitalism and multipolarity, another world promoting the diversity of cultures, traditions and civilization, which are opposed to any form of capitalism and economic parasitism. The facts speak for themselves - tertium non datur. The third way is impossible. Opposition to the geopolitical multipolarity is taking the fight for liberal West, even with respect to different values. The activities of Ukrainian ultranationalists a demonstration of the eternal return "neo-conservatism".
What happens after the conflict? What are the geopolitical changes it will bring to Europe?
's hard to predict anything about the end of the conflict, particularly that which will bring to the people of Europe. Nevertheless, I am convinced of one thing: Russia will not leave his brothers in Noworosji. Putin works in terms of foreign western politicians. It statesman who knows how to combine realism with uncompromising cool under the rules.
Among them is the unity of the Russians, under the flag of the Federation or not. For Putin lives of thousands of residents Noworosji is not a bargaining chip, but rather a matter of political imperative. That is why Putin is different from the liberal West. It uses the instrumental thinking this implementation rules. However, there is no doubt that the crisis has led to another war in Europe. It may not lead to the deepening of territorial problems on the continent, but you should ask one question: How long will the Europeans can remain indifferent to the suffering of their neighbors? How long will pretend not to see global conflict that is becoming more and more obvious? It seems that Europeans are beginning to understand the dramatic situation. Their spiritual or actual proximity to residents Noworosji is a symptom of the great changes that soon we will see in Europe.
Interviewed by Aleksandr Bowdunow
Translation : Editors
The title comes from the Editor
fragmachine- Posts : 121
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- Post n°99
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
sepheronx wrote:Who?
Is he some pro Polish/Ukrainian guy?
He is pro-Russian, anti-banderovitz - if that makes sense Also there are Polish people fighting in the ranks of NAF, some seems to be Polish Armed Forces, with their uniforms with Polish markings, helmets... And they wear St. George ribbon, had picture with DPR flag and the flag of two kalashnikovs forming X, logo of
Falanga, ONR can be considered far right anti American movements, real patriots (not those fake from Mlodziesz Wszechpolska with Russophobic theme) have love for our Slavic brothers. They also prepared packs with food, cigarettes and other products of daily use for Serbian general Radislava Krsticia illegaly jailed in Warsaw.
These are also anti-zionist, anti liberal-conservative, anti capitalist.
Firebird- Posts : 1859
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- Post n°100
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
arpakola wrote:
September 24, 12:39 UTC+4
The military crime could have been committed by Ukraine’s security forces
GENEVA, September 24. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has called the mass burial of civilians near Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, a military crime, that could have been committed by Ukraine’s security forces, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Alexei Borodavkin, said on Wednesday.
“Yesterday [on Tuesday] a mass burial of executed civilians was discovered on the territory of the Donetsk region that was controlled by the Ukrainian security forces. It looks like that this military crime is their work,” Russia’s permanent representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Alexei Borodavkin, said.
The diplomat said that Russia will be carefully watching how the Ukrainian leadership is committed to the investigation of all these crimes. Borodavkin also said “numerous acts of atrocity by punitive battalions in Ukraine’s southeast won’t stay unpunished.”
Russian Foreign Ministry’s human rights commissioner Konstantin Dolgov said on Wednesday the Russian Foreign Ministry is encouraging the international organizations, including the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe, to join the effort to investigate the mass burial.
“Ukrainian authorities should bear the responsibility as this is the territory of Ukraine and there are signs that at the moment when the crimes were committed, the territory [near Donetsk] was controlled by the National Guard battalions. This points fingers to the potential perpetrators and organizers of the latest murder,” Dolgov said.
The diplomat said Russia is seriously concerned that despite the pledges, Ukraine’s authorities, including President Petro Poroshenko, have failed to investigate the crimes.
Dolgov said this failure is linked to the fact that “these crimes have been committed by those nationalist and radical forces that are still playing a great role in the political life of Ukraine.”
The diplomat has also criticized the West’s “double standards” in failing to condemn the crime.
Russia’s ruling party urges international probe into mass graves near Donetsk
Russia's ruling United Russia party has called to establish an international commission to investigate mass burials found near Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.
“This is a specific case. It needs to be investigated in the framework of the international commission," a party member and political analyst Vyacheslav Nikonov said on Wednesday.
The first exhumation results following the discovery showed that the civilians, mainly young women, had been raped, tortured, tied up and gunned down. “One of these women was pregnant,” Nikonov said.
The Russian lawmaker said measures need to be taken to “punish the military crimes for the sake of those dead, alive and those who are still to be born.” He criticized the international human rights groups for failing to react to the reports.
Militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic on Tuesday found burials on the site of Kommunar mine’s wood depot, 60 kilometres from Donetsk.
“This may be a mass grave. The bodies are to be exhumed. The whole area will be studied. Other burials also have been found,” a militia fighter told ITAR-TASS.
Militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic on Tuesday found burials on Ukrainian National Guard positions in eastern Ukraine
MOSCOW, September 24. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Investigative Committee plans to launch an inquiry into the discovered mass burial of civilians near Donetsk as part of the criminal case into the war in southeastern Ukraine, official spokesman Vladimir Markin said on Wednesday.
“The reports of killings of people, whose bodies were found in a mass burial near Donetsk, are to be verified by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee in the framework of the investigation of the criminal case into the use of banned means and methods of warfare against civilians in southeastern Ukraine,” Markin said.
I've only skimmed thro that. What I read earlier just made me angry, and feel like chopping up the nearest hohols from Lvov.
This could work in favour of Russia. BUT, thats not a good thing. Because the question would have to asked, what the fuck was Putin doing standing aside?
There is a fundamental difference of opinion perhaps. I consider the people of Donbass to be Russian. Does Putin NOT consider that to be the case?
Whilst I understand his "pretend hands off approach" as a way of converting those of the Central Ukraine, that tactic does have a major problem. It could make some Russians outside the current borders think "why the fuck doesnt Putin care about us".
I know its a complex issue, but ultimately these things will have to be addressed and answered.
In the worst scenario for Putin, he could even be forced from office and a more militaristic "drawing lines in the sand" type leader could take over at some pt in the future.