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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    par far

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  par far Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:58 am

    Solncepek wrote:ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Islamist%2Bmap%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bworld

    This has is just Zionist propaganda, nothing more.

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Putin: Who created ISIS?

    Post  Godric Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:16 pm

    Putin: Who created ISIS?

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 03, 2015 4:01 pm


    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Guest Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:52 pm

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 CQtOm9AUsAAdi46

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 CQtOlLEUEAAwoKJ

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 CQtOmFeUcAALWMd

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 CQtPZkyUYAARc8e

    In Dilok, Turkey, police seized materials dedicated to Daesh/ISIS money forging. Apparently design as previously reported was made in Mosul or Raqqa, but actual templates were forged in Taiwan. There are two forging templates here for golden 5 Dinars and silver Dirham.


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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  iraqidabab Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:15 pm

    All for propaganda purposes, they wouldn't be able to import that many. Those rats are excellent at propaganda, I haven't seen a state that comes close, explains a lot, they're helped by states..

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:26 pm

    Noooooooot nice

    Islamic State is training militants from Russia in Afghanistan as part of its efforts to expand into Central Asia, a senior Russian diplomat told a security conference in Moscow. He added that US and UK passport holders are among the instructors.

    “There are several camps operated by [Islamic State, previously ISIS/ISIL, in Afghanistan] that train people from Central Asia and some regions of Russia. They speak Russian there,” said Zamir Kabulov, President Putin’s special representative for Afghanistan.

    He added that there is a wide national variety of instructors in those camps. There are Arabs, Pakistanis and even people with US and British citizenship, he said.

    Russian intelligence estimates the number of militants in Afghanistan who have pledged allegiance to the Syria- and Iraq-based Islamic State, at 3,500, Kabulov said, and the number is rising.

    “The rise of [Islamic State] in Afghanistan is a high-priority threat. Just think about it: [ISIS] showed up in Afghanistan for real just a year ago, and now it has 3,500 fighters plus supporters who may be recruited into the ranks of the militants,” he said.

    Overall, there are some 50,000 fighters belonging to more than 4,000 militant groups in Afghanistan, said Army General Valery Gerasimov, who heads the Russian General Staff. He was addressing the same conference in Moscow, which is discussing the security situation in Afghanistan. The Afghan Taliban is by far the strongest militant movement in the country, with some 40,000 fighters in their ranks.

    But their dominant position is being challenged by Islamic State, which sees Afghanistan as a recruiting ground, a source of income and a foothold for further expansion over Central Asia, reported Colonel General Igor Sergun, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Russia’s military intelligence agency.

    “ISIL [a former name for Islamic State, along with ISIS] uses the worsening of the situation in Afghanistan to strengthen its position,” he said, adding that such development poses a real threat to Russia’s security.

    “We estimate that ISIL gets new troops by bribing field commanders of Taliban, the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan and other radical religious organizations operating on Afghan territory,” Sergun said.

    Russia believes that if Islamic State is allowed to grow in Afghanistan unchecked, the group could spread its influence north toward Russia and east to China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the general said. There the jihadists would be recruiting people from national minorities and local terrorist organizations.

    The Afghan government in Kabul is unable to turn the tables on the militants, despite having superior weapons and numbers, Sergun said. He blamed poor planning skills of Afghan commanders and bad training of their troops for it.

    On the other hand, Afghan tribal society resists ISIS’s ideology, which makes the terrorist group’s effort to gain support somewhat more difficult, the general said.

    “The will to fight for ISIL in most cases comes from financial interest. But at the same time, the ISIL message is spreading quickly among the educated youth who have access to the internet and other media that is spreading the radical version of Islam,” Sergun warned.

    Islamic State is targeting radical fighters in Afghanistan who are falling for ISIS propaganda, accusing Taliban leaders of abandoning the fight against the United States and the government in Kabul, Sergun reported. This year alone clashes between the Taliban and ISIS have claimed an estimated total of 900 lives on both sides, he added.

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Stealthflanker Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:38 pm

    So..we know that ISIS occupied numbers of Oil field and Oil refineries across Syria and Iraq.. and smuggling oil for revenue.

    I wonder if there is any effort to block or sever this financial line ?

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:42 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:So..we know that ISIS occupied numbers of Oil field and Oil refineries across Syria and Iraq.. and smuggling oil for revenue.

    I wonder if there is any effort to block or sever this financial line ?

    no because some countries are benefited buying oil from them in low prices..

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Stealthflanker Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:52 pm

    George1 wrote:

    no because some countries are benefited buying oil from them in low prices..

    and these countries are ?

    no wonder US and other Nation's attack seems to no avail... As long as there's still money flow... ISIS can still buy weapons and recruits troops.

    If Russia got real commitment to kill ISIS... better cut down those financial line. Otherwise it would be a very long and exhaustive war for Russia.

    par far

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  par far Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:14 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:
    George1 wrote:

    no because some countries are benefited buying oil from them in low prices..

    and these countries are ?

    no wonder US and other Nation's attack seems to no avail... As long as there's still money flow... ISIS can still buy weapons and recruits troops.

    If Russia got real commitment to kill ISIS... better cut down those financial line. Otherwise it would be a very long and exhaustive war for Russia.

    Very true and that is why Russian fighters jets are attacking around Al-Raqqah and beginning offensives.

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Guest Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:17 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:
    George1 wrote:

    no because some countries are benefited buying oil from them in low prices..

    and these countries are ?

    no wonder US and other Nation's attack seems to no avail... As long as there's still money flow... ISIS can still buy weapons and recruits troops.

    If Russia got real commitment to kill ISIS... better cut down those financial line. Otherwise it would be a very long and exhaustive war for Russia.

    Apparently Turkey is major one, they smuggle oil in double hulled trucks, just to hide it from being too obvious and Turkish border guard and army do not really care they are letting them drive by.

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Stealthflanker Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:31 pm

    Militarov wrote:

    Apparently Turkey is major one, they smuggle oil in double hulled trucks, just to hide it from being too obvious and Turkish border guard and army do not really care they are letting them drive by.

    Oh F.... So Turks Openly support FSA AND Indirectly support ISIS by buying their oil...

    I wonder if US did anything to stop the flow of Illegal oil there..

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Guest Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:39 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:
    Militarov wrote:

    Apparently Turkey is major one, they smuggle oil in double hulled trucks, just to hide it from being too obvious and Turkish border guard and army do not really care they are letting them drive by.

    Oh F.... So Turks Openly support FSA AND Indirectly support ISIS by buying their oil...

    I wonder if US did anything to stop the flow of Illegal oil there..

    US is reporting that ISIS during 2014. was earning between 1 and 3 million USD daily from oil sales. So i dont think anyone tried to put much efford in stopping that.

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:03 am

    ISIL Leadership and Commanders

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Iraqi, mosque cleric around the time of the US-led invasion in 2003
    Abu Ali al-Anbari: Iraqi,  Iraqi Army officer 1990s-2003
    Abu Suleiman al-Naser: Little is known
    Abu Mohammad al-Adnani: Syrian, one of first foreign fighters to oppose Coalition forces in Iraq. In May 2005 he was arrested in Al Anbar Governorate in Iraq, and was released in 2010
    Abu Omar al-Shishani:Georgian, former sergeant in the Georgian Army. Veteran of the 2008 Russo-Georgian War
    Abu Waheeb: Iraqi. In 2006, arrested by US forces on charges of belonging to Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Transferred to Camp Bucca detention facility until 2009, when he was sentenced to death and moved to Tikrit Central Prison in Saladin Province. Fahdawi was one of 110 detainees who managed to escape in 2012, following a riot and an attack on the prison by ISIL.
    Abu Yusaf: European Islamist who joined ISIS two and a half years ago.
    Abu Fatima al-Jaheishi: Iraqi
    Abu al-Baraa el-Azdi: Yemeni militant
    Abu Ayman al-Iraqi: Iraqi, colonel in the Iraqi Army (unknown-2003)
    Haji Bakr: Iraqi, colonel in Saddam Hussein's intelligence service (unknown-2003)
    Abu Ahmad al-Alwani: Iraqi, commander in the Iraqi Army (unknown-2003)
    Abu Abdulrahman al-Bilawi: Iraqi,  Iraqi Army officer 1993-2003
    Abu Muslim al-Turkmani: Iraqi, lieutenant colonel in the Iraqi military's intelligence unit Istikhbarat (unknown-2003)

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Q: Why are there so many ex-Saddam officers in IS? Does the world offer too few ideologies that out of all possibilities they choose Jihadi Islamism? Couldn't they choose liberal democracy or even communism instead?

    sheytanelkebir wrote:This question is interesting.

    It all started in 1991 just after the Gulf War Saddam recoiled from the double whammy of the "arab world" fighting against Iraq in the Gulf War as well as the Southern Iraqi Shia uprising against his regime...

    His solution?

    Abandon "Pan Arabism" - since the arabs betrayed him
    Abandon "Iraqi Nationalism" - Since the Shias betrayed him

    The only thing left was "Sunni Islam".

    Hence the birth of the "Faith Campaign" which raged throughout the 1990s until 2003.

    Initially people thought it was a "superficial" campaign by Saddam... build mosques, add "allah akbar" to the flag, ban Bars (but not alcohol!) and impose death sentence on prostitution...

    But it seems that whether it was planned, or by accident... a great number of Saddam's officers were drawn into this islamism... and after the fall of the regime in 2003 it was an easy "leap of faith" for them to get into wahhabism... Something that would have been "unthinkable" in the 1970s or 1980s.

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:27 pm

    Person No.2 in Islamic State killed — media

    Abu Muslim al-Turkmani

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:09 pm

    ISIS: The Top 5 Conspiracy Theories

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:35 pm

    "Dabiq (Arabic: دابق‎) is the title of the monthly online magazine used by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS/IS) for propaganda and recruitment. The magazine was first published in July 2014 in a number of different languages including English. Issue number 1 carried the date "Ramadan 1435" in Islamic Hijri calendar. According to the magazine, its name was taken from the town of Dabiq in northern Syria, which is mentioned in a hadith about Armageddon. According to this tradition, Dabiq is the place where the Muslim and Christian armies will eventually face each other.

    Harleen K. Gambhir of the Institute for the Study of War considered that while al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's magazine Inspire focuses on encouraging its readers to carry out lone-wolf attacks on the West, Dabiq is more concerned with establishing the religious legitimacy of ISIL and its self-proclaimed caliphate, and encouraging Muslims to emigrate there."

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Dabiq-English-number-one

    ISSUE 1:

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    Okay, i hope someone shall read this crap coz it took me a while Very Happy

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:10 pm

    Toyota ISIS Very Happy

    Its actually quite amusing that Toyota is so popular in that part of the world that it kinda became one of the symbols of ISIS...

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  sheytanelkebir Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:43 am

    it all started with the "toyota wars" in Chad between the Libyans and Chadians in the 1980s... and history took it from there... it was big with the somalis as "technicals" in the 1990s then with the Taliban in their take over of Afghanistan in mid 90s and its legend was sealed.

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 24, 2015 6:23 am

    ISIL Still Makes Millions From Oil Despite a Year of Coalition Airstrikes

    The self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group earns millions from its oilfields in Iraq and Syria. Yet, despite over a year of coalition bombing, the group’s crude infrastructure remains largely in place.

    Pulling in roughly $50 million a month, crude serves as the Islamic State’s primary source of income. With that kind of money at stake, the terrorist group maintains a vast infrastructure, which includes equipment necessary for extraction, refinement, energy production, and transport.
    Russian pilots prepared to board the SU-30 attack plane to take off from the Hmeimim aerodrome in Syria.

    According to the group’s own finance report, IS employs 275 engineers to operate the various wells, as well as 1,107 workers.

    Selling the oil for well below the market value of $50 per barrel, Iraqi and US intelligence officials believe IS to be extracting approximately 30,000 barrels per day in Syria, and between 10,000-20,000 barrels in Iraq.

    But the question remains: How, after over a year of the US-led coalition’s bombing efforts, can this advanced infrastructure remain in place?

    For one, US officials partially blame regional governments, which they say are directly or indirectly propping up the IS oil market, according to the Associated Press. Much of the group’s equipment comes from neighboring countries, including Turkey.

    It also recruits engineers from abroad. According to Hashem al-Hashemi, an Iraqi expert on the terrorist group, IS pays engineers roughly $300 per day, and sometimes as much as $1,000 per day.
    An older woman, Canterbury, UK

    In a statement provided to the AP, the office of the Turkish prime minister said it was already working to tighten its border security and "has effectively stopped oil smuggling."

    According to Iraqi officials, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity, IS has also begun adapting to the threat of airstrikes. While oil shipments used to be smuggled in caravans of large tankers, the terrorist have started using smaller trucks that attract less attention.

    Because of its cheap prices and stranglehold over local markets, IS has also woven itself into local economies. Many communities in Syria and Iraq, in desperate need of fuel, are forced to conduct business with the organization.

    "It’s a situation that makes you laugh and cry," one Syrian rebel commander told the Financial Times. "But we have no other choice, and we are a poor man’s revolution. Is anyone else offering to give us fuel?"

    On Friday, the US-led coalition carried out a large-scale airstrike on an oilfield in Syria.

    “It was very specific targets that would result in long-term incapacitation of their ability to sell oil, to get it out of the ground and transport it,” Operations officer Major Michael Filanowski told the Associated Press.

    According to him, the strike took out refineries, command and control centers, and transportation nodes. All in all, that could affect the Islamic State’s income by as much as $1.7 million to $5.1 million a month.

    But that’s a far cry from the estimated $500 million IS rakes in from crude each year.

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:49 am

    Αfter i saw this video i am in favor or russian ground forces deployment in Syria.


    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Guest Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:40 pm

    Saudi prince Abd al-Muhsen bin Walid bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud + 4 Saudis detained in the largest drug bust in Beirut airport's history. 2 tonnes of Captagon pills + cocaine. Captagon (educated people will probably know it under its other name Fenethylline/phenethylline) is popular in the Mid East + widely used by jihadists in Syria.

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 CSPqyTEXIAY1Yqb

    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 CSPqyTQW0AEkReI


    "The prince was about to conduct a flight on his private plane to Saudi Arabia. Lebanese TV station Al Mayadeen also said that 40 packages of drugs, weighing 2 tons in total, were confiscated. The prince was arrested and taken in for questioning along with four other people."


    I tried to find pic of this guy, but their names are so fu*ked up that i am getting 2 guys that were born before WW2 and then "did you mean..." So if anyone actually knows this guy... Very Happy

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:22 pm

    Powerful, haunting, prophetic message from the Late Gaddaffi:


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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:27 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Powerful, haunting, prophetic message from the Late Gaddaffi:

    Some just have to learn the hard way...

    Check this out...

    Cocaine-crazed Saudi royal 'threatened to kill Los Angeles mansion staff who watched him being pleasured by male aide

    Read more:

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    ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: ISIL/ISIS General Discussion Thread

    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:54 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:Powerful, haunting, prophetic message from the Late Gaddaffi:

    Some just have to learn the hard way...

    Check this out...

    Cocaine-crazed Saudi royal 'threatened to kill Los Angeles mansion staff who watched him being pleasured by male aide

    Read more:

    I'm guessing this is not the same guy that got caught with 2 Tons of cocaine and such.

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