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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News


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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:47 am

    UAV must not only fly, but also to work effectively

    Last year's war in the Caucasus has confirmed the high morale of our army and exposed the problems in its equipment: sighting system of Georgian tanks T-72, individual soldiers, their equipment, communications equipment, and even their shoes were much better than ours. But there were tangible enemy's superiority in the air Unmanned exploration. Inherent in NATO operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the massive use of unmanned aircraft like the scouts moved to the Caucasus, where, under cover of air monitoring were our paratroopers. Because of their air defense is not taking flying above 3,000 meters, the Georgian bespilotniki: anti-aircraft gun ZU-23 is not dostrelivali and MANPADS missiles did not have enough heat capacity signal. We do not have not only similar operational and tactical unmanned systems and small, hand-launched bespilotnikov.

    When in the work on the bugs Caucasian war defense minister, it was decided to purchase foreign unmanned systems, Russian manufacturers have driven alarm, calling on the assistance of media and MPs. MPs have begun to convince that such a decision is contrary to public interest, industry zagolosili that it will kill the Russian "bespilote", and a representative of the group Radio Vega Arkadij russule even reminded the leadership of the military through the newspaper "Time News" on the responsibility for decisions! But it is none of our "unmanned" producers for some reason, never mind that it is pushing the Ministry of Defense to such a step. Although the reasons for this are well known to them.

    And it is insight ...

    The war with Georgia, the Russian army has met with unmanned systems "Sailing" and "Build-A." Why did they not help the warring factions?

    "Sailing", was adopted into service in late 1960 has the "train" of 12 cars (including a large MAZy) and 1200 kg, flying at a speed of 900 km / h jet bespilotniki. In a complex "Tupolev" CB told him that Syria used until 2003, was not lost for hundreds of launches a single unit.

    - I do not understand why the set does not apply in Georgia? - Said the head of the military programs of OJSC "JSCB them Tupolev ', Lieutenant-General Aleksei Marenkov stock. - He would have explored and Georgian positions in Tshinvale, and deployment of anti-aircraft missile complexes "Book."

    However, given the "mobility" cumbersome "voyage" to do so, it seems, could only deploying in the right direction a couple of sets before the war. However, due to the issuance of airborne until 45 minutes after returning bespilotnika (after printing and gluing together of the photos) "Flight" and in this case probably would have been maloeffektiven in a highly mobile forces and means of modern warfare: today's goal will not be wait until the film is manifested.

    Created for the VDV and the adoption of the 1997 "Story-P" to the unmanned vehicle "bee" has had a modern appearance: transmitted to control the video signal allows to see the zone of exploration in real time, determining the coordinates of targets. In the complex, three cars and 10 flying at a distance of up to 60 km of unmanned aerial vehicles (BPLA). In Chechnya, "A Story" helps paratroopers during the trial operation. In spring 1995 the first instance, it allowed the use of off batteries Uragan destroyed by several findings in the Shali district of enemy tanks. However, flight performance (LTH), made under desantiruemogo size of the container have been unenviable bespilotnika: it does not rise above 2,400 meters, and thus not suitable for work in the mountains, stable fly with the wind and had a noisy engine. To solve these problems was the modernization of the complex in an improved model of the "Story-PD" with a new unmanned aerial vehicles "bee-1K. Therefore, the old, ended back in 1999-meters in Dagestan "Bees" is no longer obtained and the beginning of hostilities standing armed VDV "Stroi-P" has not had any bespilotnikom. New is being developed by order of the Ministry of Defense since 1996 (!) Year complexes Stroi-DD "and" Tipchak "there were only a pilot and is still very raw copies.

    In short, despite an annual investment in "bespilote" fight proved nothing. Therefore, in order to once again occur at the same "unmanned" rake, it was decided to have already confirmed will work overseas complexes.

    Not "bespilote" and bespolete

    Why is Russia no effective unmanned systems, and what to do to get there? Answer these questions should have been met head of training of troops and the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov with manufacturers of unmanned systems (which took place two months prior to the appointment of General Commander of the VDV). Although Shamanov ex officio more interested in small portable units that could be, for example, battalions means the conversation has gone about the problem as a whole.

    - Reconnaissance and attack bespilotniki the last 20 years are used by foreign armies, the United States of more than 5,000, and the Pentagon, working on placement at BPLA have up to 2 tons of payload. We are also against this background was not just pale, but nothing - Shamanov began by inviting the audience to think about how to provide effective military unmanned systems.

    - Offer her not prohibitively expensive "Story-DD" and "Tipchak, a cheap mini-BPLA, - said the chief designer of scientific and industrial centers" Novik - XXI Century "Nikolay Chistyakov, adding that he" just have one such a plane. "

    - Under what? - Said Shamanov and heard "to observe", explained that the user of such a complex - general military commander does not need a picture, a digitized map of areas. For, taking the coordinates of targets, to work on the principle of "see - defeated."

    But anything like this, none of those present had not been able to offer. However, the "cost" of more and no injuries were reported. A leader of the military programs of the Central Institute Aerohydrodynamics Alexander Polikarpov explained our "unmanned" gap that overseas such complexes provide developers and manufacturers of aircraft, and we - all in succession and almost to the knees. " Noting that the establishment of effective unmanned systems will require a billion appropriation, he lamented that the MoD has not yet hear the voice of those who could construct them. When Shamanov said to whom a potential consumer of this technology has been accessed TsAGI leaders revealed that they were in contact mainly with the chief of management development and organization of the orders of aviation equipment and weapons, Colonel Igor Krylov and his subordinates. However, the fact that DOD money for our producers clearly needs more troops, have demonstrated a discussion of "Concern Radio Vega, whose business - Moscow OAO NII Pendant and Rybinskoe OJSC" CB Ray "create the very complex" Story DD "and" Tipchak, development of which cost the MoD to 400 million rubles.

    - Designed to order the Air Force "Story-PD" - represents the company reported Gennadij forester - is the exploration for the benefit of motorized division to a depth of 100 kilometers, passing the video signal to the IP Division and co-ordinates of targets - by artillery units.

    - How? - Shamanov said.

    - With the help of a uniform system of tactical-level managers.

    - But it is only a test copy and it is not possible to be abandoned. So for a user you set? - Yet the subject has asked the general.

    - Complex is on the order of the Ministry of Defense - resigned from the answer, it seems, is clearly not ready for that matter forester.

    But it said the chief intelligence VDV colonel Valery Yahnovets, under whose leadership "Story-DD" was used in Georgia.

    - Together with the complex, - told the officer - in the group profit of six machines with specialists, but they are trained staff to run more than three hours. As a result, the first bespilotnik fell to the ground, barely takeoff and the second, running at the Georgian base in Senaki, not allowed to consider on our convoy of ten BTRov: the bad image we have hardly found only five cars. This Georgian BPLA flew to reach for our anti-aircraft altitude, a "bee" - so low that it seemed to fall from the catapult, and the "roar" at it as APCs. So that the effectiveness of a set of zero, and airborne troops, it is not necessary.

    Then the squad commander called drones razvedpolka VDV Major Viktor Zubkov. Having watched them fall on the new "Bees" in the center of Unmanned Aviation Air Force, he inquired about the cost of the complex and apparently lost in the reliability of a new unmanned vehicle. Upon learning that the serial value Stroi-PD "- 300 million rubles, while having due to the minimum flight altitude survivability bespilotnika - 16 million rubles, Major Zubkov has divided opinion of the intelligence VDV - this technique does not need the troops.

    - Do you understand us, fellow designers: to avoid the risk of exploration by people - Colonel Yahnovets summed up - we need a reliable, efficient and easy to use set. And we do not care - it is our will or foreign.

    Do something and vparim!

    More questions raised complex Tipchak.

    - The complex is designed to adjust the fire of artillery and rocket troops in its composition - 4 cars and 6 bespilotnikov. The range of intelligence - up to 40 km, - said Gennady forester.

    - But to your facility - said Shamanov, - did not hit the barrel zone defeat the enemy artillery fire, it must be relegated to 15-20 km from the front edge of that limit its range of 20 kilometers. So the missile troops here and do not smell.

    Is problematic and the use of "Tipchaka" to adjust the firing of artillery. First, because of poor air stability of 50-killogrammovogo bespilotnika it is not stabilized, rigid camera with a so-called allotment line gives lubricated picture - plane swing in the air, and form the image lines are vkriv and oblique. Therefore, do not always understand even that, for objects in the frame. Plus, late, with which this camera creates an image. In short, on the basis of the real-time "Tipchak" would not come for the adjustment of artillery fire, but rather to dorazvedki area targets MLRS.

    - And it was created by this task - explained Nikolay Chistyakov. - But, not getting the desired range, the developers decided, but let's apply it to something more ...

    - Now everything is clear - to respond to this Shamanov, - this is our approach - do anything and vparim!

    When the ranger said that the serial value of - 300 million rubles, the general promised to personally see the "Tipchak" of the case, to inform the Chief of General Staff, to the extent he is required to troops?

    (By the way, Shamanov not abandoned this idea, and became commander of the VDV. - CR)

    - But if the tactical-technical task write and approve the military, why we say that the complex is not needed? - Asked the forester.

    And really, why?

    - And do not influence whether the industry to explain the adjustment of the TTZ to reduce their options? - Asked the counter question, the representative of the 30 th Scientific Research Institute of the Air Force Colonel Valery Bazalevsky.

    And as a result of the influence of "shrunken" written in the context of the "Roller" TTZ on forward-looking set of unmanned helicopter type.

    No less revealing, however, in this regard and the fate Tipchaka. Research experimental work (NIER) for its establishment has been set Grau, back in 1990. Only her vision had little to do with its result after 17 years - "Tipchak" was created for the purposes of MLRS dorazvedki "Tornado." The contest has won the Designer of the development of Kazan Valeria Pobezhimova, place the shells flying half-hour bespilotnik. Doletev it to the zone of exploration, this one machine and allow dorazvedat goals, and evaluate the results of their destruction. This "flying bombs" were placed in boeukladku and the entire complex - all for one (!) Machine.

    Last edited by Vladimir79 on Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:47 am

    But his troops have not received.

    - Completed in 1996 NIER - Director and General Designer of JSC "Eniks" Valery Pobezhimov - showed representatives Grau experimental work sample. Everyone liked it. But instead of ordering in development (R & D) to get the news that her transfer Design Bureau "Luch. And" Ray "for two years, small forward movement is changing not only the TTZ, and the essence of the project: instead of reusable bespilotnik shell, four cars instead of one. And as the plane - designed in the IIA model aircraft for spraying on agricultural lands useful larvae ....

    - Improved her tasks - the story continues to head SPC "Antigrad-Air" Vladimir Solovyov, - in 2004 they invited us to her obschitat. And calculations showed that no aviation education engineers CB "Ray" and reduced the height and distance, and manageability, and stability of an air plane.

    Aircraft, which for some reason, even at the stage gosispytany has not been tested in the main flight test center of Air Force. But fly-he, unlike the "shell" prototype, not only the enemy but also over its troops!

    Well, what in the end? As a result, it was not getting set for the purposes of MLRS dorazvedki "Smerch", after 10 years returned to the idea of ammunition bespilotnika by ordering a new one, realizing her development. A Tipchak, as expected, passed in 2007 gosispytaniya with an impressive list of deficiencies. Just remove them, as expected, at its expense, its producers did not want it. Because even before the adoption of a set by the order they were received for the modernization ... "Tipchaka. And now in the CB "Ray", they say, intend to develop a simulator for training operators of the complex. A total of some 150 million rubles! Therefore, we can only guess how many more attempts to eat means manufacturers' Tipchaka and his desk officers "for something to apply this system. Well, in what amount the Ministry of Defense has cost ten-year support of all unmanned Russian producers, as a result and not the army or armed with a complex, journalists, the head of the Russian Armed Forces - Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin: "We have invested in bespilote" more than a billion rubles, but a good unit - he admitted - as was not, or not. "

    Price monopolism

    However, this does not mean that in Russia such a device does not create. Chief Designer of OAO OKB AS Yakovlev name "Yuri Yankevich and Chief Designer of OAO OKB of Tupolev" of unmanned systems Leonid Kulikov see, for example, the only problem is that the functions of head-on the development of this technology undividedly given Concern Radio Vega. And his company, leaving a large part is devoted to the means, as a residual fund the creation of aircraft. And this problem has existed even in the USSR! So, while engaged in bespilotem airlines, our complexes Strizh, Yastreb "and" Sailing "were the best in the world. But the transfer in 1982 to develop the functions of head of unmanned systems, the Ministry of Radio resulted in the collapse of the military bespilotya: of the three created after the complexes - front "Story-F," an army "Build-A and the regimental" Stroi-P "on the arms, was adopted only last. In fact, "A Story" is not consistent with the TTZ on a number of critical parameters.

    - Leading to the complex - explained to him the example of the essence of the problem Yuri Yankevich - was "Pendant", but our size was created for him bespilotnik. In doing so, we want to make the unit better, and to dispose of the funds "Pendant - cheaper. As a result of the "bee" has not received a given elevation of 3,000 meters and flew 2 hours 25 minutes instead of 3 hours. Save "Pendant" and bespilotnike complex Stroi-DD ", highlighting its development, only a tenth of the Ministry of Defense released a set of 400 million rubles. As a result, we have to "bee" a more powerful engine, but have not received funds for the venting of the apparatus in the pipe (that's the explanation nekudyshnih LTH updated "Bees", and hardly raises an 2000-meter height. - Auth.).

    - Five years - continues to head the military programs of the OKB of Tupolev Alexei Marenkov - we propose to undertake the modernization of our "voyage", which will increase its flight range of 500 km and will make it possible to obtain digital images in real time. But the Air Force can not hear us, and the "Vege" say is not yet take our equipment, the military you will not work. But the possibility of their equipment in Georgia has already appreciated by the paratroopers, now refuse to set "Story-PD." I share this view because, looking at video from flying over Poti "Bees" is not found among the houses and piers no explored object! By shooting with the 400-meter height, it was not even understand, armor is on the road or cars.

    Anyway, in "Tupolev", and "Yakovlevskaya" CB felt that while in the creation of unmanned systems ignores the possibility of "United Aircraft Corporation, and the leaders of" Vega "confident that any military navyazhut your product, the army has not received any" workshop "Complex, however many are not invested in their development. That's the creation of two types bespilotnikov to set medium-range "Prohodchik" group, according to Marenkova trusts do not design office "KLA" and not having the experience of designing such aircraft, but willing to work for less money little-known firms.

    - Therefore, the result will not be again, - predicts Marenkov, drawing attention that the company had already raised the issue of simplifying procedures for the adoption of unmanned systems.

    The problems of small "bespilotya"

    Well, that same short-range systems, or devices of "battlefield", as they are called Shamanov? If the creation of a small unmanned systems (up to 100 km), medium (up to 500 km) and long-range, our manufacturers are ready to take up only at the expense of the Ministry of Defense, to develop a self-similar expenses machinery short (up to 40 km) and can be at their own expense. And look forward to order by the defense on its own initiative, has already created more than a dozen not inferior to foreign analogues of these mini-systems. Just get in the army, told the meeting at Shamanov unmanned supervisory direction in the 30-m Research Institute of the Air Force Colonel Valery Bazalevsky, prevent the same causes.

    - The problem is - he explained - that the company is interested in expensive products, and the lobbying of its production significantly slows down development including small bespilotya. On exhibitions are often found in small companies developed affordable systems and a good short, but the "Vega", as I have personally seen many times, coming to such a device created Kulibin with the words "or do you work with us, or do you work with the Defense Ministry will not" .

    - Here is the problem we just decide - reacted harshly to this Shamanov, promising one of the polygons in person to see all these complexes in fact, that with the support of Defense Minister and Chief of General Staff to make the best delivery of them to the troops.

    Requirements similar to these complexes, which could be, for example, the battalion vehicle, according to Shamanov following. They should be simple to use, affordable, reliable, all-weather, able to work day and night, and give not only a clear zone of the video intelligence in real time, and location goals. And their unmanned vehicles must be completely silent.

    However, the coordinates of targets, later commented on these requirements in the Military Scientific Committee of the Army, not a single device class "battlefield" is not defined. But the mini-BPLA argue leading "unmanned" experts, Colonel Valery Bazalevsky (30 th Research Institute of the Air Force) and Lieutenant Andrew Shkurat (GCF Ground Forces), referring to foreign experience, for this and are not intended. Their mission - to help the commander to look over the hill, not sent razvedgruppu. In the United States Marines for this mini-set of "Dragon Eye" with the meter wingspan, weighing 2.8 kg, range 10 km and the time duration of flight. The coordinates of the same goals defines flying 40 hours of 1000-kg "Predator" ( "Predator").

    - But we do not yet have the strategic unmanned systems, and fighting in the mountains of the commander of companies do not need theory, and this carried in a backpack bespilotnik that would bring the enemy artillery. - Reply to this Shamanov.

    Well, the second serious problem bespilotnikov short - their dependence on the U.S. satellite navigation system. Because the GPS-navigation, on which they fly, their owners may at any moment may be closed to others' customers. As has happened in Georgia, Chechnya, when the GPS-navigators started lying a few miles!

    The device, which was missing in Georgia

    But at least one does not depend on GPS, and satisfy the requirements of unmanned complex does exist! This set of remote monitoring "Eleron-3", created and produced a series of Kazan's "Eniks. And that he is more suited to the needs of other analogues of the troops, "fault", it turns out, the First Deputy Defense Minister Colonel General Alexander Kolmakov and VDV commander, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Shamanov. Because two years ago upon the wording of our "round table", the military, in fact, issued an oral technical project developer "Ailerons" Valery Pobezhimovu. However, before this hit the designer with such a hail of criticism that he is guilty of Unmanned backlog of Russian armed forces from the armies of the world. Pobezhimova generals have been criticized for the fact that it does not determine the coordinates of a set of goals does not work at night, has a hard control board, and on a number of points. Pobezhimovu then could only sympathize. But as a result of the development of the complex in a given direction "Eleron-3", it seems, was the best means of aerial reconnaissance. But the idea of portable two backpacks unmanned complex liked generals immediately. Kolmakov, were in the "Red Star", which saw its battalion vehicle, and began to attract "Eleron" to exercise. However, after the appointment of First Deputy Minister of Defense, for obvious reasons, it was no longer up to the realization of this idea. But on a portable unmanned compound during the war with Georgia remembered Shamanov. Once in a transient military operation of its group, it is at Senaki, and Poti, had, in fact, move to the touch, not having any intelligence about the enemy. As in that moment, then say Shamanov is suitable to such a complex robot. Even in its original form!

    Only in the armies of such funds are still not. But the edited "Eleron" has already found application in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, the Ministry of Emergencies and procuring a number of complex organizations.

    In the opinion of those who fought

    - Why not develop Eleron? - To reproach Shamanov said at a meeting in GUBP VDV intelligence chief, Colonel Valery Yahnovtsa.

    - Because I do not have the functions of requisitioning, - replied the colonel.

    But the problem was not in it. Because what equipment to buy for the troops allowed the financial limits, defines the VDV command. Just the funds allocated by the Air Force, described in the Airborne Service VDV has always lacked. So, for example, the 200 received in the VDV for three years, new KamAZ not have the resources desantirovaniya. That's up to bespilotnikov ordered on the same lines, do not turn: parachutes needed. While the visa-free travel to Georgia has not shown such a fallacy to prioritize. Therefore, to provide troops, and especially the VDV, unmanned systems short Shamanov decided yet as the chief GUBP, promising to hold a summer field competition offered by all industry developments.

    - Autumn necessarily hold this contest, choosing from the proposed industrial complexes of "battlefield" is the most suitable model of the VDV. - Says the commander of airborne troops, Lieutenant-General Shamanov.

    But carte blanche given to it by the military-political leadership on the development of the VDV, including equipping the troops of modern technology, allowing no doubt that the funds will now not only on the parachutes. However, additional funds for bespilotniki may not need. Why, for example, reflects the commander of the VDV, no purchase necessary troops Unmanned Systems Class "battlefield" with funds provided by the state defense order for the purchase of worthless complex short-range. All the more that 300 million rubles, which is a useless "Tipchak" enough that, having procured the order of 60-80 sets of short, equip all the battalions of the VDV and SCWO! As a result, we get a sizeable increase the combat capabilities of troops, the decisive battle at the most likely targets theater, summarizes played a crucial role in three campaigns, the Hero of Russia in the Caucasus, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Shamanov. Of course, this idea will not like the producers' Tipchaka "and covers a set of officials. But commanders of the army and divisional managers in all one hundred of its support. Because such a drone deal, according to the commander of the army general CVM, Major-General Sergei Yudin, Chief of Staff of the Army general CVM Hero of Russia Mikhail Teplinskii Colonel, Commander of 98 th Airborne Division, Major-General Lentsova Alexander, commander of 7 th-landing assault (mining) division, Colonel Vladimir Kochetkov and Deputy Commander of 76 th landing-assault division, the Hero of Russia, Colonel Andrew Krasova (list goes on) would be in the interest of military use of troops. And because bespilotniki must not only fly, but also to work effectively.

    Constantine Raschepkin

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Kronshtadt offers to buy the Russian Defense Ministry UAV <Dozor-3>

    Post  Admin Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:19 pm

    Kronshtadt offers to buy the Russian Defense Ministry UAV <Dozor-3>

    The Russian company "Kroshtadt offers for the Ministry of Defense of Russia in this year's heavy unmanned aerial vehicle (BPLA)" Watch-3 "next-generation, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday a member of the board of directors of the company Victor Godunov.

    Currently the sole manufacturer of BPLA for DOD is the Concern "Vega", which supplies to the troops bespilotniki type Tipchak "in intelligence, or versions of designators, weight 30-40 kg with a payload of 10-15 kg. The heavy percussion BPLA under development, this theme is closed.

    "Specialists" Kronstadt "developed for the Defense of Russian Federation heavy BPLA" Dozor-3 "take-off weight of 600 kilograms of weight and payload of 100 kilograms, which can be used in shock form. It can carry a reconnaissance equipment, and various types of weapons and ammunition" - said the agency interlocutor.

    At the opening in August, the Moscow Aviation and salon MAKS-2009 "Kronstadt" will present the Russian military bespilotnika prototype ready in for the flight tests.

    In the air, "Watch-3" would be six hours, the maximum speed - 180 kilometers per hour, cruising - 120.

    Godunov said that the development of a new heavy bespilotnika conducted in collaboration with Concern Vega. The main difference between "Watch-3" from "Tipchaka is a way to take-off, which is being implemented in aircraft, rather than using catapults.

    Now by the Russian Army adopted a set of BPLA type Tipchak in the form guide and positioner. In the next two years, troops will be sent two more complex version of intelligence.

    Formerly director of programs for unmanned systems of the "Vega" Rear-Admiral Arkady russule told RIA Novosti that in 2009 the Defense Ministry will be transferred to an unmanned aerial system "Story-DD is also in the form guide.

    The "Kronstadt" is a joint venture "Rosoboronproma and Tranzas.

    TRANSAS also suggests that light and medium bespilotniki "Dozor-2" and "Watch-4" for the monitoring of emergencies, disasters and their consequences, providing search and rescue operations, patrolling of sea and land borders. "Dozor-4, in particular, was used for the benefit of the FSB Border Service of Russia, for the overflight of pipelines and aerial photography.

    These and other BPLA been demonstrated Russia President Dmitry Medvedev in May this year during a visit to "Tranzas in St. Petersburg. The President visited the production room, where a tour of the production of unmanned vehicles. Company director Nikolai Lebedev, the head of state explained that the developed models bespilotnikov, if necessary, can be run in production.

    Lebedev also said that TRANSAS used in the manufacture of bespilotnikov "nanorazrabotki. In particular, the use of nanotechnology in the production of unmanned vehicles makes them more stable, and less visible to radar. The President toured four of the unmanned vehicle, write to the wing of one of them "good luck", by number and signature.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Vladislav Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:42 pm

    Russian company develops heavy UAV for military use
    ©️ RIA Novosti

    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News 155721231
    * Photo:

    Moscow hosts UAV exhibition

    MOSCOW, August 4 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Kronshtadt defense company has developed a new- generation heavy unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for military purposes, a senior company official said on Tuesday.

    "The Kronshtadt engineers have developed a heavy Dozor-3 UAV with a lift-off weight of 600 kg and a payload of 100 kg, which could be used as a strike aircraft," said Viktor Godunov, member of the company's board of directors.

    "It can carry various types of reconnaissance equipment and weaponry," he added.

    The Russian military stressed the need to provide its Armed Forces with advanced means of battlefield reconnaissance in the wake of a brief military conflict with Georgia last August, when the effectiveness of Russian military operations was severely hampered by the lack of reliable intelligence.

    According to various estimates, the Russian military needs up to 100 UAVs and at least 10 guidance systems to ensure effective battlefield reconnaissance.

    At present, Russia's Vega Radio Engineering Corp. is the only domestic company which manufactures UAVs for the Russian Armed Forces.

    The company's new-generation Tipchak mobile aerial system has been designed for reconnaissance and target designation purposes on the battlefield in any weather conditions. The first Tipchak system was put in service at the end of 2008.

    Tipchak operates up to six UAVs launched from a pneumatic catapult. Each UAV has a range of 40 kilometers (25 miles) and a 3-hour endurance. It can provide targeting for artillery and theater-based ballistic missiles at distances up to 350 km (about 220 miles).

    The new Dozor-3 UAV takes off and lands as a regular aircraft, and has a 6-hour endurance.

    Russia Russia has also bought 12 unmanned aerial vehicles from Israel in a recent deal worth $53 million.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:05 pm

    Aviation Air Force Russia by 2025 will not be able to solve the tasks required in a local war without the widespread use of UAVs - the Air Force head

    MOSCOW, August 5. (ITAR-TASS). Aviation Air Force Russia by 2025 will not be able to solve the tasks required in a local war without the broad use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The statement was made by Chief of Air Force Colonel General Alexander Zelina.

    "In connection with the increase in the cost of establishing and operating a new generation of aviation systems, as well as the cost of the development crew can be expected that with a projected level of funding for the size of the aircraft the Air Force by 2025, could significantly decrease", - he said to journalists.

    "In this case, by 2025, manned aircraft the Air Force will not be able to solve the tasks required in a local war, as stipulated in policy documents on national security and military doctrine of the Russian Federation", - has made a pessimistic forecast head.

    In his opinion, one of the directions of solutions to this problem "could become a widespread use of UAVs, which are due to the lower cost of creating and operating within the same amount allocated to the Air Force aircraft, as well as by the significant increase in their number in the composition of future aviation groups on the strategic direction "can significantly improve its combat capabilities."

    "Multi-UAV in conjunction with manned AVIACOMPLEX composed of a mixed group of aviation should be able to deal with strike, fighter, reconnaissance, as well as the task of air defense and jamming", - stressed Zelina.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Vladislav Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:40 pm

    Damn dude... how do you have time to find all these great articles?

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:25 am

    Vladislav wrote:Damn dude... how do you have time to find all these great articles?

    I subscribe to a web ring. I read it everyday, so I might as well translate and share it. It doesn't take but half an hour per day.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:23 pm

    At the MAKS-2009 is first introduced shock UAV "Dozor-600

    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Dozor-600

    Russia's first strike unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) "Watch-600" was created by "Transas" and presented at the air show MAKS-2009 ", told RIA Novosti on Sunday, the chief designer UAV Gennadiy Trubnikov.

    At present, Russia's army weapons supplied UAV "Tipchak" concern "Vega" in version reconnaissance and target designator. Attack drones produced in Russia in the army there. In 2009, the Ministry of Defense purchased the game drones for various purposes in Israel.

    "This UAV is proposed to the Ministry of Defense of Russia as a shock complex. It can carry more than 120 kilograms of payload in the form of various high-precision weapons, and remain aloft for up to 24 hours. It is the first contemporary domestic drones in a class of long-range", - said Trubnikov.

    According to him, with the duration of the flight at four o'clock in a lot of useful, ie, a combat load could reach 220 kilograms. "We managed to block all manufacturers of drones in Russia and closer to the highest international standards", - said Trubnikov.

    He noted that the new UAV can be used in the civil sphere, for example, to monitor the borders, pipelines, protection of forests, the establishment of topographic maps.

    Depending on the task "Watch-600 is equipped with a different target load: opto-thermal gidrostabilizirovannoy system, a digital photographic high-resolution forward-looking radar, radar or precision weapons.

    Trubnikov also said that flight tests of the new UAV will be held in 2010.

    "Dozor-600" was created over two years. It has a mass of 640 kilograms, the speed of 150 kilometers per hour, maximum - 210, a service ceiling of 7,5 thousand meters, range - 3,7 thousand kilometers. UAV takes off and lands on the airplane, rather than with the catapult.


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    Post  Admin Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:26 pm

    New Flight

    St. Petersburg branch of Concern "VEGA", presented at the MAKS-2009 an interesting novelty - a mobile complex collection, processing and communicating information from unmanned aerial vehicles.

    The complex is designed for round the clock monitoring of fuel and energy complex, technical supervision, monitoring emergency sites with the use of UAVs and the subsequent retransmission of data to the central government from any point of Russia.

    The system can manage different types of UAVs and class. Currently, management implemented three types of UAV ZALA Level Aerosystems. Moreover, the complex can simultaneously control multiple devices.

    Delivery Channels video stream from the UAV to the remote user in real time, include a digital broadband radio link to 11,2 Mbit / s mobile broadband satellite communications up to 2 Mbit / s channel and terrestrial broadband WiMAX network to 10 Mbps.

    The complex is based on the chassis of the van, inside which are two workstations to control the UAV, reception, compression and transmission of video streams.

    The system provides protection and control of authenticity of video stream from a drone. The operator has the opportunity to gridding images using satellite-based GPS and GLONASS. To address the targets consumers to make automated processing of video data and provides support for the database results of the survey.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:27 pm

    "Aerokon" created a UAV weighing 250 grams

    Moscow. August 25. Airports - JSC "Aerokon" (Zhukovsky) has established a small-size unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) "Inspector 101" launch mass of just 250 grams, said "AviaPort" chief designer of the enterprise Alexander Kornushenko.

    "The most compact and mobile complex on the basis of micro-UAV is designed for rapid and undetectable monitoring of the surrounding space and separate objects in cramped conditions - residential and commercial neighborhoods, difficult terrain, etc.", - said A. Kornushenko.

    A draft of the UAV was launched in development for about three years ago. "Creating a UAV" Inspector 101 "carried out as an investment project - the project is not funded from external sources", - the interlocutor said.

    Inspector 101 "capable of carrying payloads in the form of a digital compact camera fixed TV-front or planned review. The complex consists of two micro-UAVs, ground control station (laptop-tablet) and compact catapult. Deployment time set - 10 minutes, the range of - 1500 m, flight time - 30-40 minutes at a speed of 8-20 m / s at a height of 25 to 500 m. The system can operate in winds up to 10 m / c, ambient temperatures -30 to +50 deg. C, moderate rain and snow.

    Dmitry Kozlov

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    Post  Admin Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:37 pm

    "Aerokon designs UAV weighing 10-15 kg

    Moscow. August 28. Airports - JSC "Aerokon" (Zhukovsky) designs the next unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) air surveillance weighing 10-15 kg, told AviaPort "chief designer Alexander Kornushenko.

    He recalled that "Aerokon designed and built three UAVs to three sets of aerial surveillance - Inspector 101", "Inspector 201" and "Inspector 301" with a starting weight of 250 grams up to six kilograms. "Currently, the company continues to develop a new UAV, which is now at the stage of development aerodynamic scheme" - said the source.

    Perspective UAVs would have a long duration of the flight - up to 4-6 hours. Power plant - electric motor. "The company is currently working on several fronts before selecting electric UAVs, including working with local developers of electric motors", - the interlocutor said.

    Multidisciplinary innovative enterprise "Aerokon" was created in 1991 in the status of state enterprise, to effectively address the problems of conversion. В 1995 г. преобразовано в ЗАО. In 1995, he transformed into JSC. Since 2006, the company engaged to carry out a number of research as part of a promising front-line fighter 5-th generation.

    Dmitry Kozlov

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty YAK UAV/UCAV/RECCON

    Post  sepheronx Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:11 am

    Family of unmanned planes, derived from the Yak-130 components. It is believed to have 50 - 70 % commonality.

    PRORYV-U attack
    PRORYV-R reconnaissance
    PRORYV-RLA AWACS platform

    More info in russian language:

    Got this from another forums.

    Russian Source

    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Proryvattack
    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Proryvreconnaissance
    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Yakovlevproryv

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:11 pm

    Russia seeks to triple Israeli-made drone fleet
    Mon Dec 7, 2009 6:10pm IST

    TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Russia is negotiating a second purchase of Israeli-made spy drones roughly twice the size of an initial $50 million sale announced in April, Israeli defence sources said on Monday.

    They said the new deal with state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) would be worth about $100 million and would feature improved surveillance equipment on the pilotless planes.

    "The Russians are going for a triple upgrade of their fleet and its capabilities," a defence source said.

    IAI declined to comment.

    Russia's war with neighbouring Georgia in 2008 exposed an army with largely obsolete equipment and a lack of modern spy drones, defence analysts said.

    While Georgia used Israeli drones during the five days of fighting, Russia had to rely mainly on its Tu-22 strategic bombers for battlefield intelligence.

    The drone deals help improve Israeli ties with Russia, an important country in international efforts to contain Iran's nuclear programme.

    Russia has held up a planned sale of the S-300 air defence system to Iran. Analysts have said the S-300 could help the Iranians defend their atomic sites against possible military strikes by Israel or the United States.

    (Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Andrew Dobbie)

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:47 am

    There is a website:

    that doesn't seem to be working at the moment but has in its bottom left hand corner a flash video showing a Ka-50 helicopter hovering with a large box under one pylon.
    Out of the bottom of the pylon falls a flying wing UAV that starts up its engine and flys forward over a small hill and finds several targets for the Ka-50 pilot to then engage with missiles. The slim UAV is packed in the large box and from below when it launches it is clear that there are at least 8 or so UAVs in each big box.
    The view from the UAV is displayed on the multifunction display in the cockpit of the helo.
    The Ka-52 is a two seat version of the Ka-50 and would probably be even better suited to carry such a payload as its role is heavy armed scout helo to replace the Mi-2s in the armed recon role.
    A disposable UAV would be a very useful addition to its capabilities.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Negotiations on production of Israeli drone suspended

    Post  Admin Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:01 am

    Negotiations on the production in Russia Israeli drone suspended

    TSAMTO, June 16. Negotiations "Israel Aerospace Industry» (IAI) with the Russian side on the supply of UAVs and the building enterprises in Russia on their license suspended production because of the refusal of Israel to transfer leadership of Moscow art technologies in this field, according to United Press International, referring to the Israeli sources.

    The potential cost of the entire program is estimated at 300-400 million dollars.

    Company IAI quite a long time been negotiating for the licensed production in Russia drone Israeli-made unnamed type. The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" reported that the talks also covered the urgent procurement of Russia batch UAVs manufactured IAI.

    The negotiations are suspended because of objections from the Israeli authorities, including the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister. The concerns of the Israeli leadership is an opportunity for Russia access to sensitive technologies in the field of contemporary drone.

    The U.S. also negatively related to the possible transfer of Russian technology of construction of modern UAVs, and sought clarification of the conditions of Israel's potential deal.

    Lack of Russian Armed UAVs effective domestic production had a negative impact on the conduct of operations during the conflict with Georgia in 2008. In particular, used for reconnaissance aircraft TU-22, which as a result was shot down. For this reason, it was decided the urgent procurement of UAVs foreign production and organization of their licensed production in Russia.

    In April 2009, the Russian side has acquired in Israel to assess the combat capabilities of the 12 Israeli drone aircraft, worth about 53 million dollars, including a mini-UAV "Bird Eye 400, Tactical UAV 'Eye View» Mk.150 and medium-range UAV "Sercher »Mk.2. According to available data, Russia also plans to buy about 50 UAVs long duration flight, including the largest Israeli drone "Heron", which can stay aloft for up 50 hours at an altitude of nine thousand square meters, to carry missiles and refuel in the air.

    It is obvious that the transfer of technologies that could give impetus to the development of Russian industry in the creation and production of modern UAVs are not included in the plans of Israel and the U.S.. It is also possible that the issue of supply UAVs became a kind of object of bidding in the ongoing Israeli efforts to prevent the sale of Russia to Iran of S-300. Iran intends to purchase in Russia five batteries C-300, first and foremost, to protect their facilities from air threats Israel.

    IAI representatives have so far declined to comment on the negotiations, citing the confidentiality of a potential agreement with Russia.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:40 am

    I personally think the ability to make excellent UAVs in Russia is there, and now that the Russian Armed forces have actually shown they are prepared to put their money where their mouth is and actually pay money for such things (the Russian AF didn't seem interested before the conflict in Georgia) I would probably start looking at Russian companies to find out what needs to be imported to make these things and what can be made in Russia. Money should then be spent on developing Russian companies that will make the components that are imported like high quality cameras and high speed encrypted datalinks etc.
    Also a drive to make sure the technology can be used in consumer items as well so that production can be quite large scale to make it efficient and even profitable.
    High quality cameras in shock proof stabilised mounts can be used in all sorts of situations from UAVs to APCs and Tanks and even house hold security and sports cameras etc etc.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  NationalRus Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:26 pm

    pathetic that we can't even produce a up to date UAV, i saw on a russian arms exhibition a lo of russin made UAV's and that was i think 2009, if we today haven't still a domestic up to date UAV then this is just a big shame, parts of russian arms industry are outdated as same as ther engineers who can't keep up with up to date designs and technology

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:10 pm

    Well you could blame the Russian AF for the same thing... they were never really interested in UAVs till the conflict in South Ossetia, and no interest means no money.
    If you want expensive and complicated and very capable UAVs then you need to invest the money to develop them.
    Such things do not fall from the sky.
    Now it is clear the Russian Armed forces are not only interested but are actually also ready to spend money on UAVs you will find lots of Russian UAVs going beyond prototype stage.
    A modern large and capable UAV is not cheap, no one is going to make one for fun on the off chance the local military will buy some.
    There are lots of Russian designed UAVs operating right now for Civilian companies like oil companies to monitor pipelines and for border patrol.
    The real problem is that long range datalinks that can handle live video and other data need to be bought from overseas.
    A UAV is simply an aircraft that flys for the most part in an autopilot mode where the operator plots navigation points for it to fly to. It can be manually flown but most of the time it is the cameras that are manually aimed and directed. If something of interest is spotted the UAV is simply commanded to orbit till given new nav points or to return to former path.
    This sort of thing the Russian plane makers already do, the problem and cost is the expensive datalink equipment that can be used over very large distances, including satellite links etc.
    Once Russian engineers start producing stuff either Russian developed or licence produced they can get some real experience and start pushing the state of the art in technology and engineering. Expecting them to go from no work to experts in the field with the latest tooling ready for mass production is a little unreasonable.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  NationalRus Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:02 pm

    Well you could blame the Russian AF for the same thing
    hell yes i blame them!

    same as i blame the goverment by not providing enough money and the highcommand that don't put any money and strategy for UAV devolopment and use

    and still this is not a excuse, the design/devolopment arms industry have to invest themselfs and atrackt civilian customrs on the globe to invest in them and come up with new design and developments, and actaully this problemm is trhugh out the russian arms industriy which is totaly outdatet and fails to come up with just somthing innovative...
    Russian Patriot
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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Russian Patriot Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:48 pm

    NationalRus wrote:
    Well you could blame the Russian AF for the same thing
    hell yes i blame them!

    same as i blame the goverment by not providing enough money and the highcommand that don't put any money and strategy for UAV devolopment and use

    and still this is not a excuse, the design/devolopment arms industry have to invest themselfs and atrackt civilian customrs on the globe to invest in them and come up with new design and developments, and actaully this problemm is trhugh out the russian arms industriy which is totaly outdatet and fails to come up with just somthing innovative...

    Agree with you on this issue . Where the hell is inovations? We are basically copying Israeli tech ( most countries do) but want them to lower thier prices. Is this Logical? My answer is no!

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:58 am

    This deal will go through if Lavrov's list of banned items includes S-300 to Iran. Israel is also looking for some stoppage to Syria.


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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:00 am


    There is no problem with innovation in Russian UAVs.

    look at this page for a first list of UAV designers and designs in Russia:

    The first UAV at the top of the page above is the T90 drone launched directly from a Smerch rocket that is fired towards the expected target area (as found by the Pchelka UAV) where it will loiter for an hour and a half so the target can be properly identified, an attack launched by the Smerch unit and assessment of the battle damage can be performed by the T90 itself.
    I'd call that innovative, but if that isn't innovative enough how about the Zala 421-08 which is a flying wing UAV that is carried in a large box in packs of about 4 under the wing of the Ka-50 and Ka-52 helicopter series that can be released and flown past cover toward a concealed enemy to find and mark targets for the helo so it doesn't have to expose itself to enemy ground fire.

    Look at the animation at the bottom of this page:

    to see how it works in theory.

    The main problem I see is a lack of a very large UAV in the predator class, but that is a very expensive aircraft that is hardly going to be developed on the off chance someone might buy it... that is how companies go bankrupt.

    Here is a good example of the issue at hand... for the Border patrol or an oil company many existing Russian UAVs are already perfect for the job, but for the Russian AF they will look at a UAV like this:

    And they will look at the specs and say the flight speed of 120-240km/h is far too slow if we need to get this UAV to a particular place quickly. The flight altitude of 6km is probably too low as it cannot fly above MANPADs range. The flight time of up to 15 hours is good, especially with the armed version but they might want to carry more than 100kgs of stuff in it. The flight range of 2,400km is probably adequate for some roles and too short for others.
    The problem is that fitting a new engine to allow higher and faster flight might shorten endurance and range. It might also need better cameras to see properly from higher up.

    There are probably hundreds of Russian drone designs ranging from operational and flying to drawings. Some could do the job but just need small changes, while some are ready to do the job but need to get off the drawing board and into mass production.

    Remember the whole purpose of purchasing the Israeli UAVs was so a UAV training facility could be built and UAVs tested and experimented with so a range of UAV sizes from hand held through to size and weight of a small fighter aircraft and bigger can be evaluated and requirements set for Russian makers to start making UAVs and UCAVs for. They need to know what can be done with drones and what is useful to them and then they can set down requirements for the designers and makers.

    All this whining about no one in Russia being able to make decent UAVs is just BS.

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  NationalRus Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:28 pm

    yes im very happy that now in 2010 the arms industry somehow maneges to come up with at last somthing, at last in the UAV business when its finaly heared the need for such systems and now smell some profit

    that nothing or nearly nothing of it is in use or that probably the army will not get nearly enough of such equipment or in a period of maybe far over a decade is surly mollifyingly Rolling Eyes

    still waitng when ther will be our counterpart to such a threatening and same time just awesome syste like the fire and forgot FGM-148? 16 years has passed
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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  Russian Patriot Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:07 am

    GarryB wrote:Innovation?

    There is no problem with innovation in Russian UAVs.

    look at this page for a first list of UAV designers and designs in Russia:

    The first UAV at the top of the page above is the T90 drone launched directly from a Smerch rocket that is fired towards the expected target area (as found by the Pchelka UAV) where it will loiter for an hour and a half so the target can be properly identified, an attack launched by the Smerch unit and assessment of the battle damage can be performed by the T90 itself.
    I'd call that innovative, but if that isn't innovative enough how about the Zala 421-08 which is a flying wing UAV that is carried in a large box in packs of about 4 under the wing of the Ka-50 and Ka-52 helicopter series that can be released and flown past cover toward a concealed enemy to find and mark targets for the helo so it doesn't have to expose itself to enemy ground fire.

    Look at the animation at the bottom of this page:

    to see how it works in theory.

    The main problem I see is a lack of a very large UAV in the predator class, but that is a very expensive aircraft that is hardly going to be developed on the off chance someone might buy it... that is how companies go bankrupt.

    Here is a good example of the issue at hand... for the Border patrol or an oil company many existing Russian UAVs are already perfect for the job, but for the Russian AF they will look at a UAV like this:

    And they will look at the specs and say the flight speed of 120-240km/h is far too slow if we need to get this UAV to a particular place quickly. The flight altitude of 6km is probably too low as it cannot fly above MANPADs range. The flight time of up to 15 hours is good, especially with the armed version but they might want to carry more than 100kgs of stuff in it. The flight range of 2,400km is probably adequate for some roles and too short for others.
    The problem is that fitting a new engine to allow higher and faster flight might shorten endurance and range. It might also need better cameras to see properly from higher up.

    There are probably hundreds of Russian drone designs ranging from operational and flying to drawings. Some could do the job but just need small changes, while some are ready to do the job but need to get off the drawing board and into mass production.

    Remember the whole purpose of purchasing the Israeli UAVs was so a UAV training facility could be built and UAVs tested and experimented with so a range of UAV sizes from hand held through to size and weight of a small fighter aircraft and bigger can be evaluated and requirements set for Russian makers to start making UAVs and UCAVs for. They need to know what can be done with drones and what is useful to them and then they can set down requirements for the designers and makers.

    All this whining about no one in Russia being able to make decent UAVs is just BS.

    Well Garry , we been hearing this so called BS until now.. thanks for links

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    UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News Empty Re: UAVs in Russian Armed Forces: News

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:36 am

    I think the real problem was that the military was put in a position where they realised they were well behind in the game.
    Militarys' around the world have always been caught with their pants down at the start of a conflict they were really not ready for... it is part of war that you surprise your enemy.
    The military was put in the uncomfortable position where they realised they needed better C4IR capabilities and they looked at what the best equipped armed forces around the place were using, and it was UAVs... little remote control planes that seem so simple they don't even have pilots.
    The problem was that their own MIC had only dabbled in that technology because in the past they just looked at those model aircraft and scoffed at airshows and exhibitions.
    Now they needed to incorporate them into their armoury and they really knew very little about them.
    They didn't know what they could or couldn't do and they didn't really know what they wanted.
    As Vlad has mentioned some of the early Russian UAVs used cheap unstabilised cameras that couldn't give a good view and so were useless.
    Replacing the camera with a much better quality camera and putting a stabilisation system in the craft or using digital stabilisation on the camera is not hard, but it is also not cheap.
    Also the fact that GLONASS was not 100% even 2 years ago and isn't even perfected yet, and just as bad commercial GLONASS receivers are not easy to come by and are not cheap either is another problem that can only be solved with time and money.
    Money which is being spent, but the fact is that if you had Russian UAVs operating 5 years ago that were as good as the Israeli UAVs they would be using GPS, which I doubt the Russian military would be happy with.

    At the end of the day it is hard to point the finger and place blame anywhere because it was everywhere and given the situation understandible.
    Without the conflict in South Ossetia the Russian AF might still not care about UAVs and there would be no emergency purchase of Israeli UAVs or centres set up to test and evaluation and create manuals and training documentation for UAV use within the RuAF. In a way the Russian AF should be thankful for that impulsive idiot in Georgia.

    The simple facts of the matter is that an area of technology that was lacking before in the Russian military, with only the Russian Army artillery regiments really using them for spotting, which is quite understandable as the Russian Army has often expected to fight without air support... hense they have tactical rockets like Tochka-U and Iskander-M (Tender-M) to do the work that in the west would probably be achieved with an F-16 with a LGB.
    Adding UAVs to the airforce, army and no doubt navy as well will expand their capabilities and reduce the danger to personel in dangerous airspace.

    @Russian Patriot, things are not perfect with Russian UAVs of course, just because a company has a website and a design with pictures and video of it flying doesn't mean the SYSTEM is OK. It might have a really badly designed control system that is hard for the average soldier to use properly. If it works OK there is still the problem of production and even deployment. Some little 5 man company sets up a website, puts a plane one of them has made together with some cameras and a computer system to back it up and then offers the final product to the military... if the military want it then you have the problem of... we want 500 complete systems please. Then even if you can deliver that number of systems, you get the call that says that some Siberian unit is having trouble using your UAV design, can you send some specialists to go and have a look. For the next 5 days you get 400 calls wanting support and problem solving.
    Getting something that works is the start of the problem... Smile

    Of course if the design is simple enough then it should be easy for other technical specialists to fix and for any factory making small aircraft to build in large numbers.
    Needless to say now there is money and where there is money there will be products.

    The only blame I would direct would be at the General or whatever that stated that they had to get Israeli UAVs because Russian ones were all rubbish.
    They had only just decided they needed UAVs and they had looked at what was available and didn't like what they saw.
    That is fine, but what he should have said was that UAV development in Russia was not mature and that the Russian Armed forces will train and learn to use UAVs using Israeli UAVs because in Israel a UAV is a functioning part of their military so their designs meet the needs of a military. Russian UAVs are generally scratch built model aeroplanes designed for what the designers think the military might need, whereas the Israeli designs are designed to meet Israeli military needs.

    The real difference is that the Israeli military has experience with UAVs and knows what it needs and what it doesn't and there has been time and communication and no doubt dead ends and mistakes and other experiences on the part of the designers and the military to get the military what it needs.
    Russia has largely skipped that phase and there is no need to apportion blame for not having to skip that phase.

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