Last year's war in the Caucasus has confirmed the high morale of our army and exposed the problems in its equipment: sighting system of Georgian tanks T-72, individual soldiers, their equipment, communications equipment, and even their shoes were much better than ours. But there were tangible enemy's superiority in the air Unmanned exploration. Inherent in NATO operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the massive use of unmanned aircraft like the scouts moved to the Caucasus, where, under cover of air monitoring were our paratroopers. Because of their air defense is not taking flying above 3,000 meters, the Georgian bespilotniki: anti-aircraft gun ZU-23 is not dostrelivali and MANPADS missiles did not have enough heat capacity signal. We do not have not only similar operational and tactical unmanned systems and small, hand-launched bespilotnikov.
When in the work on the bugs Caucasian war defense minister, it was decided to purchase foreign unmanned systems, Russian manufacturers have driven alarm, calling on the assistance of media and MPs. MPs have begun to convince that such a decision is contrary to public interest, industry zagolosili that it will kill the Russian "bespilote", and a representative of the group Radio Vega Arkadij russule even reminded the leadership of the military through the newspaper "Time News" on the responsibility for decisions! But it is none of our "unmanned" producers for some reason, never mind that it is pushing the Ministry of Defense to such a step. Although the reasons for this are well known to them.
And it is insight ...
The war with Georgia, the Russian army has met with unmanned systems "Sailing" and "Build-A." Why did they not help the warring factions?
"Sailing", was adopted into service in late 1960 has the "train" of 12 cars (including a large MAZy) and 1200 kg, flying at a speed of 900 km / h jet bespilotniki. In a complex "Tupolev" CB told him that Syria used until 2003, was not lost for hundreds of launches a single unit.
- I do not understand why the set does not apply in Georgia? - Said the head of the military programs of OJSC "JSCB them Tupolev ', Lieutenant-General Aleksei Marenkov stock. - He would have explored and Georgian positions in Tshinvale, and deployment of anti-aircraft missile complexes "Book."
However, given the "mobility" cumbersome "voyage" to do so, it seems, could only deploying in the right direction a couple of sets before the war. However, due to the issuance of airborne until 45 minutes after returning bespilotnika (after printing and gluing together of the photos) "Flight" and in this case probably would have been maloeffektiven in a highly mobile forces and means of modern warfare: today's goal will not be wait until the film is manifested.
Created for the VDV and the adoption of the 1997 "Story-P" to the unmanned vehicle "bee" has had a modern appearance: transmitted to control the video signal allows to see the zone of exploration in real time, determining the coordinates of targets. In the complex, three cars and 10 flying at a distance of up to 60 km of unmanned aerial vehicles (BPLA). In Chechnya, "A Story" helps paratroopers during the trial operation. In spring 1995 the first instance, it allowed the use of off batteries Uragan destroyed by several findings in the Shali district of enemy tanks. However, flight performance (LTH), made under desantiruemogo size of the container have been unenviable bespilotnika: it does not rise above 2,400 meters, and thus not suitable for work in the mountains, stable fly with the wind and had a noisy engine. To solve these problems was the modernization of the complex in an improved model of the "Story-PD" with a new unmanned aerial vehicles "bee-1K. Therefore, the old, ended back in 1999-meters in Dagestan "Bees" is no longer obtained and the beginning of hostilities standing armed VDV "Stroi-P" has not had any bespilotnikom. New is being developed by order of the Ministry of Defense since 1996 (!) Year complexes Stroi-DD "and" Tipchak "there were only a pilot and is still very raw copies.
In short, despite an annual investment in "bespilote" fight proved nothing. Therefore, in order to once again occur at the same "unmanned" rake, it was decided to have already confirmed will work overseas complexes.
Not "bespilote" and bespolete
Why is Russia no effective unmanned systems, and what to do to get there? Answer these questions should have been met head of training of troops and the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov with manufacturers of unmanned systems (which took place two months prior to the appointment of General Commander of the VDV). Although Shamanov ex officio more interested in small portable units that could be, for example, battalions means the conversation has gone about the problem as a whole.
- Reconnaissance and attack bespilotniki the last 20 years are used by foreign armies, the United States of more than 5,000, and the Pentagon, working on placement at BPLA have up to 2 tons of payload. We are also against this background was not just pale, but nothing - Shamanov began by inviting the audience to think about how to provide effective military unmanned systems.
- Offer her not prohibitively expensive "Story-DD" and "Tipchak, a cheap mini-BPLA, - said the chief designer of scientific and industrial centers" Novik - XXI Century "Nikolay Chistyakov, adding that he" just have one such a plane. "
- Under what? - Said Shamanov and heard "to observe", explained that the user of such a complex - general military commander does not need a picture, a digitized map of areas. For, taking the coordinates of targets, to work on the principle of "see - defeated."
But anything like this, none of those present had not been able to offer. However, the "cost" of more and no injuries were reported. A leader of the military programs of the Central Institute Aerohydrodynamics Alexander Polikarpov explained our "unmanned" gap that overseas such complexes provide developers and manufacturers of aircraft, and we - all in succession and almost to the knees. " Noting that the establishment of effective unmanned systems will require a billion appropriation, he lamented that the MoD has not yet hear the voice of those who could construct them. When Shamanov said to whom a potential consumer of this technology has been accessed TsAGI leaders revealed that they were in contact mainly with the chief of management development and organization of the orders of aviation equipment and weapons, Colonel Igor Krylov and his subordinates. However, the fact that DOD money for our producers clearly needs more troops, have demonstrated a discussion of "Concern Radio Vega, whose business - Moscow OAO NII Pendant and Rybinskoe OJSC" CB Ray "create the very complex" Story DD "and" Tipchak, development of which cost the MoD to 400 million rubles.
- Designed to order the Air Force "Story-PD" - represents the company reported Gennadij forester - is the exploration for the benefit of motorized division to a depth of 100 kilometers, passing the video signal to the IP Division and co-ordinates of targets - by artillery units.
- How? - Shamanov said.
- With the help of a uniform system of tactical-level managers.
- But it is only a test copy and it is not possible to be abandoned. So for a user you set? - Yet the subject has asked the general.
- Complex is on the order of the Ministry of Defense - resigned from the answer, it seems, is clearly not ready for that matter forester.
But it said the chief intelligence VDV colonel Valery Yahnovets, under whose leadership "Story-DD" was used in Georgia.
- Together with the complex, - told the officer - in the group profit of six machines with specialists, but they are trained staff to run more than three hours. As a result, the first bespilotnik fell to the ground, barely takeoff and the second, running at the Georgian base in Senaki, not allowed to consider on our convoy of ten BTRov: the bad image we have hardly found only five cars. This Georgian BPLA flew to reach for our anti-aircraft altitude, a "bee" - so low that it seemed to fall from the catapult, and the "roar" at it as APCs. So that the effectiveness of a set of zero, and airborne troops, it is not necessary.
Then the squad commander called drones razvedpolka VDV Major Viktor Zubkov. Having watched them fall on the new "Bees" in the center of Unmanned Aviation Air Force, he inquired about the cost of the complex and apparently lost in the reliability of a new unmanned vehicle. Upon learning that the serial value Stroi-PD "- 300 million rubles, while having due to the minimum flight altitude survivability bespilotnika - 16 million rubles, Major Zubkov has divided opinion of the intelligence VDV - this technique does not need the troops.
- Do you understand us, fellow designers: to avoid the risk of exploration by people - Colonel Yahnovets summed up - we need a reliable, efficient and easy to use set. And we do not care - it is our will or foreign.
Do something and vparim!
More questions raised complex Tipchak.
- The complex is designed to adjust the fire of artillery and rocket troops in its composition - 4 cars and 6 bespilotnikov. The range of intelligence - up to 40 km, - said Gennady forester.
- But to your facility - said Shamanov, - did not hit the barrel zone defeat the enemy artillery fire, it must be relegated to 15-20 km from the front edge of that limit its range of 20 kilometers. So the missile troops here and do not smell.
Is problematic and the use of "Tipchaka" to adjust the firing of artillery. First, because of poor air stability of 50-killogrammovogo bespilotnika it is not stabilized, rigid camera with a so-called allotment line gives lubricated picture - plane swing in the air, and form the image lines are vkriv and oblique. Therefore, do not always understand even that, for objects in the frame. Plus, late, with which this camera creates an image. In short, on the basis of the real-time "Tipchak" would not come for the adjustment of artillery fire, but rather to dorazvedki area targets MLRS.
- And it was created by this task - explained Nikolay Chistyakov. - But, not getting the desired range, the developers decided, but let's apply it to something more ...
- Now everything is clear - to respond to this Shamanov, - this is our approach - do anything and vparim!
When the ranger said that the serial value of - 300 million rubles, the general promised to personally see the "Tipchak" of the case, to inform the Chief of General Staff, to the extent he is required to troops?
(By the way, Shamanov not abandoned this idea, and became commander of the VDV. - CR)
- But if the tactical-technical task write and approve the military, why we say that the complex is not needed? - Asked the forester.
And really, why?
- And do not influence whether the industry to explain the adjustment of the TTZ to reduce their options? - Asked the counter question, the representative of the 30 th Scientific Research Institute of the Air Force Colonel Valery Bazalevsky.
And as a result of the influence of "shrunken" written in the context of the "Roller" TTZ on forward-looking set of unmanned helicopter type.
No less revealing, however, in this regard and the fate Tipchaka. Research experimental work (NIER) for its establishment has been set Grau, back in 1990. Only her vision had little to do with its result after 17 years - "Tipchak" was created for the purposes of MLRS dorazvedki "Tornado." The contest has won the Designer of the development of Kazan Valeria Pobezhimova, place the shells flying half-hour bespilotnik. Doletev it to the zone of exploration, this one machine and allow dorazvedat goals, and evaluate the results of their destruction. This "flying bombs" were placed in boeukladku and the entire complex - all for one (!) Machine.
Last edited by Vladimir79 on Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:06 pm; edited 2 times in total