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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict:


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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  flamming_python Sun May 23, 2021 9:56 pm

    elconquistador wrote:You can't be serious when you say that the current race relations and the advent of organisations like BLM are organic and grassroots.

    Or that 'black and brown people' hold any political power. These are nothing but pawns.

    BLM, for instance, is a Deep State project where known shady actors like convicted terrorist Susan Rosenberg had a very heavy hand in its inception.

    About their funding, Project Veritas has written about the role Soros has played in funding, organising and propagandising BLM at length. Many Fortune 500 companies/ billionaires are equally guilty (people like Steyer, Buffett). During the 2020 BLM riots the organisation turned into a racket and many of the donations flowed (through shady constructions) to the Dem Party

    They are pawns, but only in the sense that the Islamists in Syria were also CIA pawns

    The pawn has its own agenda, that's how it is, and will accept financing, organization, but will pursue its own agenda and turn the tables if given the opportunity. And history has seen this sort of thing many times.

    Because do not be a fool to think that the BLM and oppressed crowd are any less capable of analysing the situation than anyone else. They know perfectly well that they still don't have power, and they can see that the elite of the country continues to exclude them. Which is going to be even more evidenced now that AOC will be sidelined by the establishment. Now that they are mobilized and have momentum, they will make use of that, and expand their base of alliances.

    None of this will happen.

    What will happen instead is this.

    1. Loose canons like AOC and the rest of The Squad  will be reigned in (they will be given the choice to either play the game or find a new job).

    This has already happened bytheway as AOC has drastically changed her tune in the past couple of days

    2. The issue of 'anti-semitism' will be deflected by whipping up an artifical race crisis (ie anti-Whitey rhetoric).

    This will be the main point of focus in the US. The DC establishment did seem genuinely scared and surprised about the amount of convergence between Jewish Dem policy makers and their WOKE constituency

    In other words in one month time this whole episode will be forgotten and replaced with some new BS fake crisis.

    What it will be I don't know, but I can already tell you that it will have to do with 'White supremacy'.

    3. Israel will continue what it has been doing for decades with the full support of the USA

    You're probably right

    But of course the deciding factor in the future of Israel at this stage is not only US policy anyway

    Too many actors have arisen and gained a foothold in the area. Iran/resistance axis, Russia, Turkey/Qatar, and of course the usual Islamist block of Pakistan/Saudi Arabia. Of course the Palestinians themselves have united too. And holding Israel may simply prove to be untenable to the US due to the opposition both at home and abroad to their behaviour. So one way or the other the US will have to think of a way to reformat the country and its public perception.

    You cannot walk off how much of an utter PR defeat Israel has suffered over the past 2 weeks around the world, and how under siege its propagandists and lobbyists are.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Kiko Tue May 25, 2021 1:15 am

    Russia is outplaying the United States in Israel's war with the Palestinians
    May 24, 2021

    Analysts continue to take stock of the 11-day war between Israel and Palestine (culminated in a truce last week). Hamas has already stated that Israel has lost this battle and signed for its defeat. Is this really so - and why did the Russian policy in this conflict turn out to be advantageous?

    At first glance, it seems that among the winners are Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israeli troops destroyed many Hamas militants and showed their strength.

    In addition, none of the demands made by the Palestinians to Israel (except, of course, a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip) has been fulfilled. Israel will continue to "evict Arab families" from the Arab quarters of Jerusalem. Israel is unlikely to release all Arabs detained for organizing riots. Israel does not undertake any obligations to refuse to bring security forces into the Al-Aqsa mosque in the event of a repetition of the riots (in fact, after the end of the ceasefire, the police have already entered there - to disperse the next radicals).

    Its own skin and state

    However, in reality, everything is not so simple. Yes, Netanyahu won - not as a leader of the state, but as a politician. With tough actions against the Arabs, he increased his reputation, and also quarreled the political forces within the camp of opponents (who tried to gather under their banners the majority of the Knesset members and deprive Bibi of the post of prime minister). Some experts say that if Netanyahu is not able to assemble a coalition himself, then he will go to the next elections (the fifth in almost two years) with better chances of winning than before the 11-day war.

    But as far as Israel is concerned, there is no sign of victory here.

    First, the Israelis were convinced in practice that their dome was by no means iron. The Iron Dome air defense system was unable to intercept all or even a critical number of missiles that flew from Gaza to Israeli cities. In this case, we are talking about homemade products made on the knee. What will happen if missile salvos come not from the south, but from the north - from the Hezbollah movement, whose weapons are an order of magnitude better than that of Hamas, and can hit critical infrastructure of the Jewish state with much greater accuracy?

    Secondly, the Israelis faced massive street riots not only in Jerusalem, but also in other cities with a significant presence of the Arab population - and could not cope with these riots. Moreover, at a number of points they were hindered by the Jews (some of whom acted no less radically than the Arabs). Simply put, the 11-day war has once again shown that the belief in Israel's power is somewhat exaggerated.

    Not a step

    But did the Palestinian movements in the person of Fatah, Hamas, and also Palestine itself win? Residents are sure that yes, and they still celebrate their victory in the war. However, in reality, everything is also not so simple - moreover, the situation is mirrored in Israel.

    Fatah and Hamas did win - not as representatives of the Palestinians, but as political movements. Both led the resistance, both gained ratings.

    Yes, while part of the Hamas leadership was knocked out by Israeli strikes, however, the losses will be made up, and the movement received a bonus in the form of Israel's refusal to storm the Gaza Strip. The militants can now say that Israel was simply afraid of them. Now Fatah and Hamas will share the status of the winner (which is important on the eve of the planned elections in Palestine).

    However, Palestine itself has certainly lost. And it's not just more than two hundred civilians killed and homes destroyed in already poverty-stricken Gaza. The fact is that these losses turned out to be meaningless - as a result of the 11-day war, Palestine did not come close either to the creation of its own state, or to the acquisition of East Jerusalem, or to victory in the conflict with Israel. Nor, finally, to the creation of a normal civil society, whose members live for the future, and not at the expense of hatred of Jews and their dehumanization.

    Defenders and Observers

    As for external players, Iran and Turkey are undoubtedly on the list of winners. During the conflict, both countries actively supported the Palestinian side and thereby gained political points on the Arab street.

    And not only on the street - for example, the Turkish Sultan Recep Erdogan is actively trying to get involved in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process (where neither Israel, nor the United States, nor Egypt are allowed) through various initiatives. The final chord was his proposal to create a new international mechanism for the protection of the Palestinian population - that is, to bring peacekeeping forces into Palestine. Probably Turkish.

    As for Iran, while the local politicians capitalize on their image achievements in the domestic arena. In less than a month, presidential elections will be held in the country, and Iranian conservatives use the growth of anti-Israeli sentiment in society to raise their own rating. Experts believe that a new incarnation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with his radical foreign policy may come to power in the country. And they also say that the joint support of the Palestinians has brought Iran closer to Turkey (which now have serious disagreements over both Syria and the South Caucasus).

    Russia, however, remained rather with its own people. In the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Moscow is pursuing a complex, but, in fact, the only effective tactics - that is, it does not go anywhere and does not make friends with one against the other. Russian officials maintain working relations with both the Palestinian side and the Israeli side. Tel Aviv is condemned for tough actions against Palestinians, and Hamas - for missile attacks on Israelis. At the same time, they do not position themselves as the main sponsors / friends / defenders of either one or the other. Offer mediation services - but do not insist on accepting them. They do not push either one or the other side into any concessions. In general, they just keep their finger on the pulse.

    A number of experts consider this to be the most sensible policy for Moscow. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is so intricate that it can become a real black hole for the human resources of a country that wants to delve into it and fish out something there. And this fishing is obligatory only for those countries for which Palestine is a vital interest or part of a sphere of influence (like for Turkey or for Iran, which are in the neighborhood). For Russia, Palestine is not the most important foreign policy front - now all the forces of domestic diplomacy are thrown into the protection of national interests in the post-Soviet space.


    Against the backdrop of the unequivocal, thoughtful and pragmatic positions of Iran, Turkey and Russia, the United States' approach looks somewhat confusing. Even a bit dead end.

    Its general outlines were voiced by the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. Thus, he called the principle of "two states for two peoples" the only way to resolve the conflict. “This is the only way to secure the future of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state - and, of course, the only way to give the Palestinians a state to which they are entitled,” the diplomat explained. However, first of all, he did not explain how the States would force Palestinian Arabs with Israeli citizenship to move to live in Palestinian territory (and they do not want to move, knowing full well what the standard of living and competence of managers in the Palestinian state will be). Secondly, the States have not decided on the borders of the Arab state - if earlier they rested on the 1967 borders, then after Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (and Biden's refusal to withdraw this confession), this formula no longer works.

    Blinken is also confident that here and now it is necessary to begin to fight "with the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza." However, how to fight? The sector controls Hamas (which the United States recognizes as terrorists), any supply of goods there not only falls into the hands of the militants, but also strengthens their political position in the region. At the same time, Washington cannot even get Hamas to recognize Israel's right to exist (and you can understand the militants here - in case of such recognition, they will lose the respect of the Palestinians and their main sponsors in the person of Iran).

    In fact, America is trying to sit on two chairs in the Palestinian-Israeli question and at the same time not be hit with specifics.

    However, the attempt to mirror the Russian position is not entirely successful because the United States is trying not only to have good relations with both sides, but to be their best friends. This means that the level of expectations of the parties from America is very high.

    The Palestinians want money (and Biden is giving them several hundred million dollars to help refugees), the Israelis are demanding weapons (and receive up to $ 4 billion in military aid annually). As a result, both of them are unhappy with the Americans, since the weapons purchased with American funds are used to destroy Palestinian houses restored with American funds.

    Of course, Anthony Blinken has a chance to clarify approaches - the head of the State Department is leaving for a visit to the Middle East. However, the principled position of the Biden administration on the issue of human rights (which Israel does not respect in Palestine) and the "red lines" set by the Jewish lobby are unlikely to allow the United States to determine, as Trump did in his time. This means that America will continue to watch how Turkey, Iran and Russia will raise their status due to their competent position in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

    Text: Gevorg Mirzayan

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    par far

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  par far Fri May 28, 2021 7:05 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    par far wrote:

    If the western countries just left the Muslims alone, none of this would be happening.

    Right, after all we have 1400 years of Islamic peaceful intentions, a religious doctrine based on co-existence and tolerance and plentiful contemporary events as proof of this

    By the words of Arabist and Islamicist Snouck Hurgronje, 'The only way to negotiate with the Muslim is to have your boot on his throat for if not, his hatred of the infidel will overcome you'.

    Written during the Aceh War in the late 19th century.

    "After World War 2 How many Islamic invasions' happened?  There is no need to go back a thousand years in history. The only major war after world war that involved Muslim countries were Iraq-Iran war and the west started that war by supporting Saddam Hussein.

    It was the west and western intelligence agencies that made and supported Chechen terrorists and it was/is western intelligence agencies that are responsible for the "Islamic Caliphate".

    Dude, Islamic caliphates have existed for quite a long time before that.

    In fact IS stands in a direct Mohamedan tradition, (mostly working on the Sahih Bukhari and the works of Ibn Taymiyah) something which is acknowledged by many Islamic scholars.

    "In modern history(after World War 2), the Muslim nations were weak, none of the Muslim nations were strong enough to do any  caliphates. The western powers(Christian, debatable if they were Christian) were the superpowers and they decided, how to divide countries and what to do."  

    If you see who are the most effected people(people that pay the biggest price), it is the Muslims.


    Every movement starts with internal fighting, because without a strong rear any outward expansion is doomed to fail. The fact that Temujin had to unite the Mongol tribes through harsh and exceptionally cruel measures doesn't mean that 'Mongols suffered the most from Mongol violence, just look at what he did to them'

    That's non-sensical logic.

    "Again stop repeating history, who the **** gives what happened hundreds of years ago."

    The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen has probably costed the US around $13-$15 Trillion(US dollars). Just imagine that instead of wasting $13-$15 Trillion, the US/West invested $4-$5 Trillion into these countries.

    Not sure where you have these numbers from. The cost of the Afghanistan invasion is usually estimated at 1 trillion (2020 study by Brown University). The overal cost for US interventions in the Mid-East is probably around 3-4 trillion.

    "And you are stupid enough to believe those figures thrown out by western sources?"

    None of this would have been, there would have been significantly less refugees coming into Europe, there would be no need to wage war and no need to waste trillions on war.

    The lot of these people crossed about 12+ borders to get to their preferred country of destination. At that point (according to all treaties) none of them are refugees anymore, they are illegal immigrants.

    The 'refugee' crisis, bytheway, was another artificial crisis that happened years into the Syrian Civil War - which leaves the whole 'they came because of the war' argument a bit wobbly. Let's be clear here, they came because they were promised free money and this was promised because TPTB take us from one artificial crises to another.

    Dare I add that at no point was the actual number of Syrians in these centers higher than 20-30 percent - instead there were Albanians, Bangladeshis, Pakistani, Moroccans, Turks and whatnot pretending to be Syrians.
    The propaganda was relentless

    "Who did promised them free money? Was it the Russians? The Chinese? The other Muslim countries? It was the corrupt politicians in the western countries, why did people like you not rise up to that?"

    Most of these wars are waged on behalf of Israel(the Israel lobby's control the US) the Muslims have oil and they would love sell that oil and live in peace but the west is not interested in that.

    The whole concept of peace is a bit different in Islam.

    You can ask any Christian minority about it. That includes more tolerant countries like Syria bytheway

    "What is the concept of peace in Christianity? Slavery, Colonialism, looting other countries resources and rape."

    It was not not the Muslims that waged war on in Russia/Chechen, it was the west, Mohammed bin Salman stated that after the collapse of the USSR, Wahhabism was spread at the behest of the west.

    Poor Chechen terrorists and poor MBS, victims of Western interference!

    "They are victims of western inference.

    There were no powers  to challenge the west, these countries had no one to turn to. Now there is Russia and China, we can see the results right in front of our eyes, the Saudis are engaging with Russia, the Syrian minister visited Saudi Arabia(this would not have happened with the help of Russia), there is China doing all sort's of investments in the Middle East."

    You need to educate yourself.

    That's a line only haughty Trotskyists use .

    "That's not any sort of line, you do need to educate yourself. I am no Trotskyist, I look at the situation from all sides, I look through the western propaganda and lies."

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Werewolf Sat May 29, 2021 11:07 pm

    To anyone who is interested in this conflict should also watch a few videos from this channel, which is dedicated to ask israeli jews and palestinians often uncomfortable questions.

    Shows the mentality of people and shows that this conflict will only end if either of them is gone.


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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  kvs Sun May 30, 2021 12:51 am

    The sad human tribalist reality.

    Interestingly, there are religious Jews who do not believe in the 1949 Israel project.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  elconquistador Sun May 30, 2021 7:25 am

    Israel wasn't decided in 1948, it was decided in 1917 by none other than the Rothschilds.

    The banksters simply ordered the British to sign the Balfour Declaration. The rest is history.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  par far Mon May 31, 2021 5:05 pm

    elconquistador wrote:

    Israel wasn't decided in 1948, it was decided in 1917 by none other than the Rothschilds.

    The banksters simply ordered the British to sign the Balfour Declaration. The rest is history.

    I have seen this video before and tried to connect the dots to the best of my ability.

    And I found everything in the video is true.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  ahmedfire Mon May 31, 2021 7:16 pm

    Things are still going on politically .

    Israel FM in Egypt for Gaza ‘permanent ceasefire’ talks, first visit in 13 years

    Egypt’s intelligence chief meets with Hamas leaders in Gaza for truce talks

    Egypt’s FM urges Israel to refrain from actions that lead to escalation

    Egypt's intelligence chief-meets with Hamas leaders in Gaza

    Supplies from Egypt to Gaza

    Meanwhile in DC

    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 E2tma_10

    Last edited by ahmedfire on Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  ahmedfire Mon May 31, 2021 7:45 pm

    Hamas showed drones and rockets .

    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Drone10

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    Post  ahmedfire Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:14 pm

    Usraeli media start barking . Wink

    Commentary: Don't be misled by the Egyptian smile. Cairo is responsible for almost every rocket launched from Gaza at Israel

    The smuggling routes of Hamas in Gaza go through Egypt and Sinai. Abbas Kamel, head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, is apparently familiar with them. But it suits him to turn a blind eye  

    Don't let the high-profile visit by the head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, Abbas Kamel, mislead you. I wrote about it previously – Egypt is responsible for almost every rocket that is launched at Israel from Gaza, whether manufactured locally in Gaza or imported from Lebanon, Syria or any other place.  

    To manufacture rockets in Gaza, Hamas needs to import raw materials and machinery. To import parts or entire rockets, Hamas needs a logistical route. In both cases, the logistical route passes through Egypt and Sinai. The sea is to the west, and the State of Israel is to the north and the east.  

    You also shouldn't believe the reports by the Defense Ministry or politicians in the Knesset that Hamas obtained the materials it needs for its rocket network by disguising them as humanitarian aid. Occasionally, these kinds of materials are captured at the border crossings controlled by Israel, but most of it is brought in via the Philadelphi route, either above it or below it.    

    During 11 days, Hamas launched 4,000 rockets. How many does it have in its storehouses? It appears that it has several thousand more. For this amount of rockets, you need a lot of metal, materials for creating propulsion, materials for manufacturing engines, machinery and more. Manpower needs to be sent overseas for training, and then returned to Gaza afterwards. How do you go overseas from Gaza? You guessed it, via Egypt. Again, officially via the Rafah border crossing or unofficially via the Philadelphi route.      

    Does Kamel know about this? Well, he's supposed to know about it. The Egyptian intelligence services are very concerned about the Islamic movement, and therefore they monitor Hamas in Gaza. People, goods, messages in the media and more. It isn't by chance that Kamel always serves as a mediator. Hamas listens to him because it is dependent on him.    

    The smuggling route of Hamas to Gaza passes, at least according to assessments, via the seaports somewhere in the area of the Gulf of Aden (the Middle East or Africa), via a land route to Egypt, and then via Sinai to Gaza. Kamel and the intelligence service that he is responsible for are aware, apparently, of most of this smuggling activity that passes through Egyptian territory.      

    One of the questions being asked is why Egypt doesn't do anything or isn't doing enough to limit the buildup of power by Hamas. Well, one of the assumptions is that Egypt intentionally turns a blind eye. Why? Two main reasons. First, to maintain the status quo with the Islamic movement in Egypt, the biggest political threat to the rule of al-Sisi. Second, to keep Gaza as a bargaining chip with Israel. Although there is a peace agreement between the two countries, Egypt still sees Israel as an enemy.    

    While the peace agreement prevents a symmetrical war between the countries, but it is less effective in reducing terror against Israel. Egypt can claim that, as is, it has difficulty asserting control over the Sinai Peninsula while facing Islamic State (even though Israel allowed Egypt to bring military forces into Sinai), and therefore, when the question of Hamas is raised, the Egyptians can say "we're doing what is possible."

    In conclusion, the buildup of power by Hamas would not have been possible without the help of Egypt, with the regime of al-Sisi and Kamel's organization either actively helping or turning a blind eye. The Israeli intelligence services are not effective in terms of Egyptian territory and the Sinai, based on a (justified) perception that terror in Gaza is preferable to war with Egypt.

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    Post  ahmedfire Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:13 pm

    A convoy of engineers and building equipments from Egypt heading to Gaza to begin the reconstruction.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:15 pm

    Israel’s ‘change government’ means the oppression of Palestinians is set to get a whole lot WORSE, by Finian Cunningham for RTNews. 4 June, 2021.

    Israel’s on the cusp of seeing a new coalition government that’s been dubbed the “change bloc”. If that conjures notions of progress, think again.

    Superficially, change is afoot. If the proposed coalition secures parliamentary support in the coming days, then Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party will be out of power. Netanyahu is the longest-serving prime minister – 12 straight years in office and 15 in total – since the inception of the Israeli state in 1948. He has defined Israeli politics for over a quarter of a century. So, indeed, any new face in power will seem like a big change.

    Also, among the putative new administration is an Arab party, Ra’am, which professes conservative Islamist beliefs. The inclusion of Palestinians in a governing coalition – albeit with a tiny representation – may seem to herald a more progressive era for Israel’s Arab population, which accounts for a fifth of the total in the Jewish state.

    Mansour Abbas, the leader of Ra’am, says he has won major investment commitments from Jewish coalition partners to develop marginalized Arab communities with better housing and infrastructure. The trouble is those spending promises are not cast in stone, and it is far from certain they will be delivered. There is a sense that the Arab lawmakers were enticed to expedite forming a coalition solely to oust Netanyahu and no guarantee of substance.

    In any case, the potential new prime minister is Naftali Bennett, who will rotate the executive seat with Yair Lapid, who leads a so-called “centrist” party.

    Bennett, a former protégé of Netanyahu, is a hardline pro-settler who openly calls for the expansion of illegal occupation and the annexation of Palestinian land. His cabinet will be packed with far-right politicians such as Avigdor Lieberman, who will hold power in the key ministries. Under Bennett, therefore, the Israeli government will hold the same contempt for the so-called two-state solution that American administrations have nominally advocated for Palestinian statehood alongside Israel. That means further encroachment and evictions for already hard-pressed Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

    Those evictions under Netanyahu – which are illegal under international law – led to the eruption of violence last month, when more than 250 Palestinians, including 66 children, were killed during 11 days of Israeli bombardment of the Gaza coastal enclave.

    Bennett and several of his would-be ministers hold the same disdain for international law and Palestinian rights as Netanyahu and the Likud party. They are Jewish supremacists who unapologetically govern Israel as an apartheid state in which Arabs are second-class citizens, if citizens at all. Even the so-called secular centrists of Yair Lapid are imbued with a belief in absolute dominance for Israel over Palestinian rights.

    It’s a pipe dream to think that the new administration may lead to any improvement in conditions for Palestinians, either as citizens within the state of Israel or in the besieged territories of Gaza and the West Bank. In fact, their plight is likely to become a whole lot worse. That’s because Netanyahu is playing on racial incitement and national security paranoia. He’s already started vilifying Bennett for “selling out” to Arab enemies and forming a “dangerous left-wing government”. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

    In the meantime, the wily politician is facing three corruption charges in a case that was opened in 2016 but the prosecution of which has been delayed by legal tactics and, more recently, the pandemic. If convicted, the 71-year-old could face serious jail time. Consequently, he is sure to pull every lever to sabotage the shaky new coalition in order to get back into power and, possibly, seek legal immunity from parliament. While that immunity is not guaranteed, if granted, it could further delay his trial by many months.

    Bennett, for his part, in order to keep his far-right supporters on board and stave off Netanyahu’s cynical accusations, will ramp up the hardline policies against Palestinians. The settler movement thus has a green light to push ahead with evictions of Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah district in East Jerusalem, as do Jewish extremists in excluding Arabs worshipping at Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site for Muslims. These flash-point issues are what ignited the onslaught on Gaza three weeks ago.

    More ominously, the Bennett-led government may be tempted to escalate provocations against Iran or Syria to try to appease the extreme right underpinning his cabinet. The toxic politics of Israel mean there are no good options with any of the existing parties. It is a state premised on oppression. Jockeying for power inevitably means baiting petty rivals over “national security,” which will only lead to more oppression for Palestinians, and in the worst-case scenario, the incitement of a regional war.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:08 am

    Qassam ATGM units .

    Rockets production .


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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  RTN Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:19 pm

    Israel's operation against Hamas was the world's first AI war.

    The IDF used artificial intelligence and supercomputing during the last conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  lancelot Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:21 pm

    If they did, it worked so well they had to bend over and request a cease fire with Hamas. Keep doing it.

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    Post  ahmedfire Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:46 am

    Using  signal ,visual and human intelligence is not something new .

    Israelis were completely surprised by the ability of Hamas to launch rockets on Tel-Aviv . Hamas has attacked many Israeli's airforce bases .

    If Israel has the correct launching locations of Hamas rockets ,there would be no war for two weeks .

    Gaza is under blockade , resistance has a very limited resources to build their rockets and get weapons .The city is small and could be monitored by drones and satellites and intelligence from Israeli side .Israel is limiting the Palestinian communication companies so that the Palestinians would prefer to buy Israeli SIM cards ,Israelis even prevented 4G,5G devices to be used by Palestinians , give them limited coverage areas for the towers and give the Israeli companies the right to install their towers in Arabs areas in West bank without paying taxes ,so Israelis give the services with low prices and they can spy on such calls .

    Regarding that i remembered  when Egypt has used in 2019 some air and ground jamming devices in Sinai against terrorists there who are using Israeli SIM cards to avoid being tracked easily by Egypt , the jamming has jammed Israeli cellular communication networks in the Gaza Envelope area .

    Exclusive: How Egypt Waged an EW Campaign against Israel

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:49 am

    ahmedfire wrote:Using  signal ,visual and human intelligence is not something new .

    Israelis were completely surprised by the ability of Hamas to launch rockets on Tel-Aviv . Hamas has attacked many Israeli's airforce bases .

    If Israel has the correct launching locations of Hamas rockets ,there would be no war for two weeks .

    Gaza is under blockade , resistance has a very limited resources to build their rockets and get weapons .The city is small and could be monitored by drones and satellites and intelligence from Israeli side .Israel is limiting the Palestinian communication companies so that the Palestinians would prefer to buy Israeli SIM cards ,Israelis even prevented 4G,5G devices to be used by Palestinians , give them limited coverage areas for the towers and give the Israeli companies the right to install their towers in Arabs areas in West bank without paying taxes ,so Israelis give the services with low prices and they can spy on such calls .

    Regarding that i remembered  when Egypt has used in 2019 some air and ground jamming devices in Sinai against terrorists there who are using Israeli SIM cards to avoid being tracked easily by Egypt , the jamming has jammed Israeli cellular communication networks in the Gaza Envelope area .

    Exclusive: How Egypt Waged an EW Campaign against Israel

    From a military standpoint Hamas's rocket barrages were completely ineffective. New rockets or old rockets. They did show some vulnerability in the Iron Dome but ultimately it didn't matter, Israel has complete dominance over the Gaza Strip.

    What the Palestinian resistance did win however, was a propaganda and information war, and also a battle for the hearts and minds of Palestinians, who all across Palestine/Israel all united under the cause.

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    Post  ahmedfire Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:08 am

    From a military standpoint Hamas's rocket barrages were completely ineffective. New rockets or old rockets. They did show some vulnerability in the Iron Dome but ultimately it didn't matter, Israel has complete dominance over the Gaza Strip.

    What the Palestinian resistance did win however, was a propaganda and information war, and also a battle for the hearts and minds of Palestinians, who all across Palestine/Israel all united under the cause.

    Hamas won the war but it's not the traditional meaning of vectory that leads to free the land , that was not Hamas target from the conflict.

    Israelis are internally divided, and politically paralysed . Similarly, the military does not function as an organised army, but as an undisciplined angry mob. The brutal bombing of Gaza was poorly coordinated and even the quality of propaganda that the Israeli military produces in order to justify the bombing is lower than ever.

    On the tactical level, Israeli armed forces have superior weapons, but on the strategic level, they are losing international legitimacy. The Israeli side is completely predictable. Military operations are dictated by the short-term political interests of Netanyahu. Fear of losing face prevents Israelis from seeking compromises.In contrast, the Palestinian side is united but unpredictable, and has many options for how to proceed. Hamas enforced Israelis to close their main airports , put their citizens in underground shelters and closed their main cities , target the Israelis economic and military areas and showing Israel as a country that any street there could be targeted easily using simple stupid rockets .

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  George1 Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:19 pm

    The Israeli military said the strikes were in retaliation to rocket fire launched towards Israeli territory from the Palestinian enclave


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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Backman Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:01 am

    As everyone knows by now, Israel and Gaza are clashing.

    How it started: local health officials in Gaza said at least 10 people, including a five-year-old child, had been killed and 55 wounded in the Israeli airstrikes, which came after days of escalating tensions following the arrest of a Palestinian militant leader during the week.

    An Israeli spokesperson said the strikes had killed Islamic Jihad commander Tayseer al-Jaabari and around 15 "terrorists" but said the military did not have a final casualty total.

    To be fair, Iron dome looks like its running a bit better this time.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:21 am

    By "Israel" you mean Occupied Palestine, right?

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:24 pm

    War Monitor
    3 Std.
    ⚡Also today, Israeli t3rr0rist forces shot shot dead another Palestinian child near Qalaqiliya City Seperation Wall.

    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 17 FeerVufWAAIq7rV?format=jpg&name=900x900
    ⚡His name is Adel Ibrahim Daoud, he was only 14 years of age.
    Zi0nism is t3rr0rism, Zi0nism is Nazlsm.

    War Monitor
    3 Std.
    ⚡⚡Israeli t3rr0rist forces assaulting a group of Palestinians and preventing Palestinian Paramadics from evacuating a Palestinian youth who they shot dead

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    Post  Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:32 am

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    ⚡Armed clashes in Nablus, Palestine after Israeli occupation forces stormed the city.
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    Post  Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:30 pm

    Fascists are shooting at children again...

    Zionist regime soldiers fires live bullets at a Palestinian child running away from him this morning.
    Fortunately, he missed.

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    Post  Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:51 pm

    Nablus, Palestine tonight.
    Extremist Zionist settlers have gone on a terror rampage tonight, burning Palestinian olive trees, homes, shops, and cars.
    They also destroyed civil defense and ambulance vehicles in the area.

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