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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread


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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Borschty Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:27 pm

    In terms of medical examinations; Im curious about eye sight too, whether there is a minimum and whether people who have undergone eye surgery (e.g LASIK) can be accepted in certain branches and such.


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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  flamming_python Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:48 pm

    Borschty wrote:Hi guys

    Sorry to continue this thread; but I was hoping if its possible to get information in regards to the physical fitness test(s) for the branch requirements; and possibly sticky it somewhere on the forum.


    I believe some info can be found earlier in the thread.

    Other than that this info is pretty widespread, but you'll need to formulate your inquiry in Russian for the search engines.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Biggie Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:55 am

    I'm Scottish and been thinking about trying to join the Russian army. Mainly because I've always wanted to be in the army and I don't like the direction this country is going in at all and would love to get away. I think I might do 5 years in the French Foreign Legion first and then apply to the Russian army.

    I've read this thread and found out some good info but does anyone know what the situation currently is on this? Have many foreigners joined? Any from Western countries? Is it possible to get into a special forces unit and how long would it take?

    Any info on the current situation would be much appreciated.


    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty My Advisement to 18 - 30 years of age white American middle class males

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 29, 2018 3:46 pm

    My advisement to 18 - 30 years of age white American middle-class males:

    Conditions and questions - That you consider your own expectations be met in any capacity in order to attempt this is enough information that you are not qualified. That the topics are eyesight, physical athleticism, traffic violations, and language - these are conditions. When you are born in the USA you learn the laws. You can be charged with a criminal act, tried by a Judge, adjudicated guilty, and sentenced to incarceration or death. That is a contract you signed. So when the judge gives the guilty verdict and you are sentenced to five years incarcerated behind bars, there are not going to be conditions for this. Is this true? Do they consider your eyesight, your driving record, your physical athleticism, or your language in sending you to prison for these 5 years? No. Is it up to you at all that you are even charged? In reality no. If a cop wants to shoot you dead, he can. If he wants to charge you for crimes you did not commit, he can. They do, they will. Is this a fact? Yes.

    A crime where you will earn a fortune if you are not caught. This is more realistic and has better chance of good results. And if you are shot and killed by police, or sentenced to prison with convicted killers who are serving double life sentences without parole and lose nothing by killing you or making your their servant, while living with no freedom, then you have lost nothing either. And if you are opposed to harming someone with your hands or with your weapons, engaging in violence, and killing someone in order to complete your crime or live your life incarcerated, then do not commit the crime. And I specifically said commit the crime first before you sign Five-Year Contract.  

    A soldier of any nation can be ordered to the enemy. When you are ordered to surrender to the enemy, you have no choice. When you sign a Five-Year Contract, you have surrendered to an army. And you are not part of this army. You never will be. Two weeks does not count. Surrender your body, mind, and spirit because this is unconditional surrender. Your conditions are not recognized.

    Know this truth - Five-Year Contract: 5 years is the length of the time you agree to serve so long as you meet their conditions which are created, upheld, enforced, and recognized only by the creators of those conditions. At any moment those conditions can change without your notice or consent. Yes, you sign Five-Years of service in time in a contract that you sign when you are a free man. After that, there are no contracts to sign because you are no longer a free man.

    You can spend all your life in military prison if they choose to do this. If they want to kill you, they will kill you. Why does it matter who, when, where, why, what, and how you are killed - you entering the Russian Army. Understand that anyone with authority can give you an order and you have to follow the order. It is that simple. These are complete strangers who survived this significantly longer than you have. Nobody will care about your protests or conditions. Anybody without the authority of rank can give you and order and you will have to follow it, or you will be killed or mutilated. Simple - they can physically dominate you and nobody is going to rescue you, no laws have been broken. There is no law against blackmail, bribery, coercion, kidnapping, assault, battery, torture - these are not words which will no longer exist for anyone. It will be amusing and entertaining to see an American grown man cry tears and tremble with fear like a child. What, you will suddenly learn how to be stronger and faster and able to break an arm, a wrist? There will not be a reason for it - do not wonder 'if' - this is going to happen so this is the condition you must meet to join. You will not be talked to, you will not be verbally threatened. You will think all is fine and they are your friend until your arm is dislocated behind your back. And then soon after you will be dead.

    And you do not believe this will happen to you, I know. And you are correct, because you are never going to sign the contract.

    But maybe you will decide that you cannot ignore explosions and are afraid for eternal soul - because you know you born so fortunate and do not deserve it. While in Syria people are dying. What is this? If you can no longer stand your life and don't want to throw it away through suicide or selfish pursuits of self-destruction in laziness, alcohol, lust, and gluttony and you willing to die for a visa to heaven - then go and join. It is guarantee that you are willing to thread through the eye of a needle.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 09, 2018 12:43 am

    Found this article

    Inside Russia's Would-Be Foreign Legion

    Four years ago, 18-year-old Vitaly Danilenko was conscripted into the Russian military after his family returned to Siberia from Alaska. Raised in America, the young conscript spoke very little Russian, and was unable to communicate with his comrades and superiors.

    This state of affairs lasted a mere two weeks before Danilenko went AWOL, deserting his post — a violation of Russian law that threatens up to seven years in prison — and going on the run. According to Russian media reports, his family said he fled because of the language barrier.

    No one was sure what to do with the young conscript. Russian military service laws, according to one Russian media report from the time, simply did not recognize inability to communicate in Russian as grounds for dismissal. No reports exist of his arrest.

    Danilenko's story serves as a cautionary tale to both the Russian military and foreigners who might be interested in joining its ranks and fighting in actual combat — an opportunity highlighted by President Vladimir Putin on Jan. 2, 2015, when he signed an order allowing foreigners to enlist.

    According to the Defense Ministry's official guidelines for foreign recruitment, any foreigner between the ages of 18 and 30 can enlist in the Russian military under a five-year contract, provided they can present proof from a Russian institution that they speak Russian, have no criminal record, and can pass a series of professional, psychological and medical exams administered by an official recruiter in Russia.

    The change was aimed at formalizing working relationships between the Russian military and citizens of Central Asian and former Soviet nations where Moscow has stationed troops and maintains bases, but does not explicitly deny Americans, or citizens of any nation, from joining.

    Despite well-documented instances of brutal hazing in the Russian military and the relatively low levels of pay enjoyed by Russian soldiers, news of Putin's foreign legion fell on receptive ears far beyond the borders of the former Soviet Union.

    For the past year, The Moscow Times has received regular emails from readers interested in joining the Russian military and requesting assistance with speaking to a recruiter. In one instance, a reader appeared to believe a Moscow Times reporter was a recruiter for Russian intelligence.

    A serviceman from Venezuela fires an antiaircraft missile during the Air defense battle masters competition as part of the International Army Games 2015 in the port town of Yeysk, Russia, Aug. 9, 2015.

    Playing to the Fringe

    Broadly speaking, those Westerners interested in joining up appeared to hold relatively anti-establishment views — members of an audience that Russian foreign media outlets like RT deliberately target — or echoed positions championed by politicians such as Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.

    In this way, the allure of serving in Putin's military fits within the larger narrative of the Kremlin's success in engaging with and appealing to fringe elements of Western societies — taking advantage of their diverse nature by playing to the margins, where individuals often define themselves in opposition to the majority.

    The formation of counter-cultures is a natural, oftentimes harmless process. But it is also one that drives Westerners to join the ranks of the Islamic State — a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia — and in this case, inspire them to seek service in Putin's military.

    "Clearly, they [the Kremlin] are going for the fringes everywhere," said Peter Pomerantsev, an expert on Russian media and propaganda efforts. "Especially in the Anglo-Saxon countries, where there's never been a great love for Russia."

    And the fringes are growing — as evidenced by the continued success of Trump and like-minded candidates in Europe.

    "There has generally been an emasculation of Western culture [and] the White Man is quite a scared being," said Pomerantsev. "That's what Trump is all about. In an emasculated culture where the White Man sees himself to be under threat, I guess Putin is like the last white man standing."

    Would You Like to Know More?

    But not every interested foreigner is a Trump supporter. Some — like Rachel, an 18-year-old girl from the American Midwest — just considered the opportunity a good way to take a stand against what they see as imperialist U.S. foreign policy.

    Rachel turned her attention to Russia's foreign contractor program after striking out with the pro-Russian separatists fighting in eastern Ukraine. She explained that they turned her away "due to my gender and my intermediate level knowledge of the language."

    "To me, Russia represented a bulwark against American globalist interests. So, I tried to join the [pro-Russian] rebels in a foolish attempt to fight against this too. But that went belly up. I looked into the Russian military after that … but I was ineligible for that too," Rachel said.

    Rachel is a self-described idealist, who, during the course of the media frenzy surrounding events in Ukraine over the past two years, found herself increasingly sympathetic to the Russian cause, as she saw it, to counter U.S. hegemony.

    "I saw my nation's interests, the United States, as malignant and immoral. I believed fervently that every nation has a right to self determination, and the United States seemed to ignore this belief of mine most flagrantly. Today, I find it ironic that I put the Kremlin on a pedestal for that reason," she said.

    The Defense Ministry's comparable language requirements have not stemmed interest from those who don't even have intermediate Russian, at least anecdotally.

    A former British Royal Air Force serviceman named Mark, who now resides in Australia, said that despite knowing just a handful of Russian phrases, he was "willing to take the oath [of service] for the Russian government and serve it well."

    "President Putin is a man with a country that is not going to be bullied by the west or intimidated," Mark said. Though he sent his documents to the Defense Ministry, he has not heard back from them about his chances for recruitment.

    A former U.S. soldier named Will, who served in the U.S. army for eight years, explained by email that he missed being a soldier. "I love my country, BUT, I am very upset by the path my government has taken," he said.

    "Our founding fathers are rolling in their grave, I miss America and the values it ONCE stood for. The things [the U.S. government] makes our men and women fight for is not why our military was created. We were created for the American people. Putin is for the Russian people and his country, not for the rest of the world," he concluded.

    Westerners are far from the only ones seeking to enlist.

    "I come from a very poor family," said John from Gambia told The Moscow Times. "I am single and want to help get my parents out of poverty [but] I've been jobless since graduating from high school in 2010. I don't want to remain like this for the rest of my life … and the salary is quite a bit compared to jobs here."

    Kristoffer, a 30-year-old Indian who was educated in his nation's military academies before serving in the Indian military, wrote that he wanted to know if he could join the Russian special forces after completing the 5-year foreign contractor stint.

    Kristoffer stressed that he didn't feel joining the Russian military would be an act of treason or malice toward his own nation, since "India and Russia are best of friends in world politics and defense exchanges," referring to officer exchange programs between the two militaries.

    Since Russia began considering allowing foreigners to apply for combat roles five years ago, an entire online community dedicated to foreigners hoping to join the Russian military has popped up —

    Though Russian military leadership may entertain foreigners in their ranks, ordinary conscripts might not. As one soldier on the social networking site VKontakte told The Moscow Times: "Foreigners have no place in the Russian army!"

    And this bit

    Since Russia began considering allowing foreigners to apply for combat roles five years ago, an entire online community dedicated to foreigners hoping to join the Russian military has popped up —


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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  franco Wed May 09, 2018 2:09 am

    I'm convinced, so who is the Moscow Times again dunno

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  miketheterrible Wed May 09, 2018 2:49 am

    Used to be a Finnish based media company. Now? I don't know. But it sure aint Russian or Moscow based.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  kvs Wed May 09, 2018 3:08 am

    Any site that is not some cult outlet where morons sing praises to NATO from the same song sheet must be
    targeted. The dick "journalists" working for these outlets are so predictable. But the mistake they make is to
    think that they have some sort of genetic superiority to the "bydlo" masses that they are trying to lead by the nose.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Joining Russian Military Prevention

    Post  Jokerpawn14 Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:09 am

    Hi, I've got a quick question to all those militants in Russia that knows a lot about the rules and regulations there. I have been thinking about joining the Russian military but I find it impossible to do so. because as if for now I'm in america and its kind of hard to travel such long distance for no reason if I know there is a prevention that would keep me out of the squad. So I will leave my email here and would like for anyone to contact me with any leads on this issue. No matter what the cost I would want to be contact and notified about any solutions. The issue at hand is about some certain medical conditions. Some conditions that is minor and its prevented in the U.S.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  George1 Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:14 pm


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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Admin Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:21 pm

    George1 wrote:Introduce yourself first pls

    Do what George1 said before replying.

    The first question is are you fluent in Russian?

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Jokerpawn14 Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:37 pm

    I've herd that a lot of militants asks this question "If your fluent in Russian" or something of the kind. Thou my answer would have to be no, I don't know how to speak Russian but I'm willing to learn If that is a necessity.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Isos Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:00 pm

    Didn't know where to put it so I guess here it is good.

    Just look at the comments lol1 lol1 lol1

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  zepia Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:13 am

    Isos wrote:Didn't know where to put it so I guess here it is good.

    Just look at the comments  lol1  lol1  lol1

    This is hilarious and comment section is pure gold.
    I've read some articles from the saker and he described these people as "woke freak", cannot think of any more precise term.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:41 pm

    Andrey Ponyrko wrote:Hello,
    So I'm moving from United States back to Moscow at the end of the summer, I'm 23, done with college, ready to go home! I can't find a lot of information out there on joining VDV, requirements, how long the contracts are, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Also I know in the U.S. military college graduates can go to officer school, is it the same way in Russia?

    Thank you in advance

    Are you a US citizen?

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Caution

    Post  calripson Tue Dec 28, 2021 8:48 pm

    It can be illegal for a US citizen to serve in a foreign military - particularly one that is deemed "hostile". I would be very careful about your actions and comments on a public forum.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Airbornewolf Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:41 am

    calripson wrote:It can be illegal for a US citizen to serve in a foreign military - particularly one that is deemed "hostile". I would be very careful about your actions and comments on a public forum.

    Of course, its important to be discrete with your personal information. That counts for the internet in general.
    And i personally have had my social media seized for posting some information critical of the U.S/NATO.
    So i got a bit of experience in the "scensorship/with or against us" practises online.

    That said, i see personally no issue if someone inquires about service in the russian millitary.
    even in NATO millitary circles soldiers and officers talk about foreign service requirements occaisionally just out of interrest of the subject.
    Including Russian service.

    If that would have been the case i would have had a couple of visits now with my background with NATO and being on this forum.

    Regarding the topic of joining the Russian millitary, or another nations millitary in general:

    Keep in mind that its more difficult than joining your own for various reasons.
    Indeed, people back home will frown upon you joining the army of another nation.
    So it might be best to move permanently to said millitary's nation for residence.

    Better for you, and better for your service as well.

    Keep in mind, The Millitary is an incredibly rigid and closed society with an strong hierarchical order.
    When you enlist, you start at the bottom of the food-chain.
    especially at first, there is a delicate balance between standing up for yourself, being an team player, and being respectfull to the people around you that know what they are talking about.
    And you will definatly experience hazing and being picked upon at some point.
    Thick skin required Wink

    Keep in mind, the basis of being in the army is the core value of "serving your country".
    Coming from another country, and joining their army is generally frowned upon.
    Because...why did you not serve in your own nation's army?.

    I am not saying its impossible, i have seen recruits/soldiers with another nationality seen join mine at the time.
    But they had to do more to prove they where an part of "our" millitary.
    Most left after a short while, mostly because they just did not manage to 'fit in".

    All described above would just cover "basic training" really.
    When you get into the actual combat-ready millitary, the real challenge begins.
    Where you are coming fresh from bootcamp with troops with years of experience and propably a few combat deployments here and there.
    If you are from another nation i can gaurantee you they give you "special attention".
    When you join one of the more elite units, the bar to prove yourself becomes pretty high.

    knowing the nations language like an natural-born citizen there is an absolute must for communication.
    Then it is an question of how fast do you learn, and Physical and Mental stamina you have.

    The question in all of this is, are you ready to deal with it all?.
    I really do not mean that to crush one's desires.

    Hell, i knew at the time i wanted to be in the Millitary and nothing could dissuade me at the time.
    But now after 10 years of service, and with the knowledge and experience i have now how absolutely pointless service in NATO was.
    I should have pushed further with my civilian carreer after high school, It would have not resulted in wasting 10 years of my life.

    of course, there are also risks involved in joining up the millitary.
    you work with hazardous materials that might poison you in the long run.
    heavy machinery where accidents happen.
    Not to mention trainings and actual combat where you can get seriously injured.

    At first it all seems an adventure, then you get confronted with actual war somewhere.
    And its something you never seen in any war-movie.
    Your perspective and worldview will change forever, some deal with it a bit better than others.

    Lets just say drinking is the universal medicine of choice in millitary's to deal with that.

    If you still after considering that you want to join up, hey i respect you for your commitment to your country.
    But i as an combat veteran do not judge you any less if you choose your future in the civilian life either.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:12 pm

    Keep in mind, The Millitary is an incredibly rigid and closed society with an strong hierarchical order.
    When you enlist, you start at the bottom of the food-chain.

    I have no military experience at all, but I notice those interested in joining the Russian Army seem rather keen on getting into an elite force like the VDV...

    You have to be realistic... they wont just take anyone in an elite unit and the competition from actual Russians will be rather fierce.

    Just saying you want to be in the VDV will likely make them think you are not serious or being unrealistic.

    Expect to be in a unit in the middle of nowhere peeling potatoes for five years, I rather suspect your chances would be better off just joining the French foreign legion and then trying to join a Russian civilian run military force that hires out its services to other countries.

    For those thinking they can learn the language if they need to... would your local army recruiter accept someone who couldn't speak or read the language?

    In fact if you speak a few different languages they might be very interested...


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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  flamming_python Wed Dec 29, 2021 2:10 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    Keep in mind, The Millitary is an incredibly rigid and closed society with an strong hierarchical order.
    When you enlist, you start at the bottom of the food-chain.

    I have no military experience at all, but I notice those interested in joining the Russian Army seem rather keen on getting into an elite force like the VDV...

    You have to be realistic... they wont just take anyone in an elite unit and the competition from actual Russians will be rather fierce.

    Just saying you want to be in the VDV will likely make them think you are not serious or being unrealistic.

    Expect to be in a unit in the middle of nowhere peeling potatoes for five years, I rather suspect your chances would be better off just joining the French foreign legion and then trying to join a Russian civilian run military force that hires out its services to other countries.

    For those thinking they can learn the language if they need to... would your local army recruiter accept someone who couldn't speak or read the language?

    In fact if you speak a few different languages they might be very interested...

    To be fair I was offered to join the Naval Infantry and more than once, even though I came from outside the country.

    Ended up regretting my decision when I did end up peeling potatoes, but hey, live and learn

    A lot depends on your own will, and also make sure to get some mass on those bones beforehand as well. Nothing excessive, but if you end up looking in the uniform like a coat hanger then no-one's going to offer you anything interesting.

    Speaking another language is definitely a plus.
    Also, if you played any sports make sure to mention them when they ask, they'll put it on file. I had rugby down on my record and that immediately impressed the naval infantry officer who offered me to go to his unit.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  ALAMO Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:24 pm

    Because it is perfectly normal.
    You can sign a contract for a soldier having no Russian citizenship, and you will get one just after fulfilling the first contract.
    The only difference is, that some of the positions are closed for foreigners until they will get citizenship, so starting from the second contract only.
    For obvious reasons.
    The only requirements are physical condition, age, and to speak Russian. Both males and females can apply.
    You can spot recruitment offices at any army occasion, in the Patriot Park, at MAKS, Tank Biathlon etc.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  bandit6 Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:15 pm

    Might anyone know if Russia has any plans for setting up a foreign legion kind of force. Maybe get recruits from Africa, M.East, or Asia who will willing volunteer for Frontline fodder duty at a cheap price. This would keep citizen casualties low

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:39 am

    Pretty sure they are working on land and air based drones for the cannon fodder role in the Russian military these days... filling a force of foreigners to recklessly waste on a battlefield is not something most countries would do.

    The French foreign legion exists because they have large numbers of colonial countries with young men where there is no work, but they speak and read French because it is their national language already, and being a colonial power they get into scraps all over their colonies and they likely don't want to send green White skinned French kids into African or Asian or other situations... having some locals on the force along with others from anywhere means a diverse group that is more worldly than any group they could hope to get purely from french recruits.

    It also creates a situation where colonials or just foreigners with balls can become French nationals, which is often what many do it for.

    For quite some time it was a way to see action, so many soldiers from other countries joined for an adventure.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  Scorpius Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:57 pm

    I bring here the requirements for candidates for PMCs, without any links to specific places.

    Requirements in PMCs:

    The monthly remuneration is 240 thousand rubles (excluding bonuses), the duration of the business trip is negotiated upon arrival. Count on 4+ months.
    1) Passport of any country except the EU, NATO and Ukraine!
    2) Medical insurance policy (MHI), if any.
    3) Foreign passport.passport, if any!
    You should NOT have any diseases:
    –Diabetes mellitus (type 1 and type 2)
    –Oncological diseases
    –Drug addiction
    – HIV
    –Hepatitis B, C (If you have been treated, then have a quantitative and qualitative PCR test with you — take it only to Citylab, Hemotest, Invitro. The validity period is 14 days. Also, the conclusion of the infectious disease doctor that he is not sick and not dangerous. )
    –Syphilis (those who have been ill with syphilis should have a blood result on the RMP + consultation of a dermato–venereologist. The validity period is 14 days).
    You must be between 24 and 50 years old (exceptions are people who have served a full contract — from the age of 23, people who participated in the database in their own, SAR — from 22 full years).
    Over 50 years of age, specialists in demand for a company with good health are considered individually (ECG under load no later than 14 days before arrival).
    Convictions for drug distribution, banditry, terrorism, everything related to sexual integrity — refusal. The remaining criminal records are negotiated upon passing the interview.
    Upon arrival at the base, you will find:
    Blood analysis (express)
    Urinalysis for drugs
    Receipt of personal belongings and equipment according to the season. Training in military specialties.

    What to take with you:
    1) Slippers, a towel and everything you need for a shower — take with you, also underpants, socks. Medications (head, abdomen, etc.) — also take if possible, hemostatic tourniquets (esmarch, alpha), PPIs. Buff, backpack 40–60L, flashlight with batteries, work gloves, sneakers.
    In general, take what you have to the maximum from the equipment, there is free provision (uniforms, SIBZ, thermos, warm clothes, shoes, sleeping bag, backpack, etc.) — they give, but in any case, everything that you take will not be superfluous.
    2) Keep your tickets (travel is compensated).
    3) Passport data of the authorized person, if you need to get a PO for you. As soon as they are brought to the base, relatives will not remain without a PO.
    4) If possible, inform the date of arrival.
    5) Delete all existing social media accounts!!!(technical support to help).
    6) Only a push—button phone!!!!
    If you are ready or have questions - send a photo of the passport page where the full name, numbers can be covered. The date of arrival, we will leave the vacancy for you.
    Try to write questions here (phone numbers)
    Go to the farm XXX, Krasnodar Territory, At the checkpoint to ask the pioneer camp, at the gate to say from XXX.
    There is a free bus from Moscow to the base!!!

    ...Now you know how to join the Russian PMCs and what are the requirements for joining.

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

    Post  George1 Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:00 pm

    Nepalese Gurkhas go to the Russian Army (and to Ukrainian as well)

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    The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: The "I want to join the Russian Army" Thread

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