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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread


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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  macedonian Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:22 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:lol
    Only now did I realize how weak Russian science is. I checked out the ranking for 2012 alone and what did I find? That in 2012 Poland published 31k of scientific papers while Russia published 38k - decline from 41k in 2011. Laughing Given Poland's growth (3x since 1996) I predict that in a few years Polish scientific output will exceed that of Russia. Shocked  Laughing 

    YEAH! Finally Laughing

    It's good that I know a lot more Polish people and not just your sort.
    Poland does indeed have bright people, and I've met some of them personally, but it also has people like you...and...well - No offense, but you're not the sharpest tool in the box.

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:30 pm

    macedonian wrote:
    As Sa'iqa wrote:lol
    Only now did I realize how weak Russian science is. I checked out the ranking for 2012 alone and what did I find? That in 2012 Poland published 31k of scientific papers while Russia published 38k - decline from 41k in 2011. Laughing Given Poland's growth (3x since 1996) I predict that in a few years Polish scientific output will exceed that of Russia. Shocked  Laughing 

    YEAH! Finally Laughing

    It's good that I know a lot more Polish people and not just your sort.
    Poland does indeed have bright people, and I've met some of them personally, but it also has people like you...and...well - No offense, but you're not the sharpest tool in the box.

    His avatar and the fact that he is one of the many poles who are so butthurt is already enough information to know he is just a hater without any knowledge.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  As Sa'iqa Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:41 pm

    You are haters. You can't even tolerate my right to express my opinion, based on real tangible data.

    Yes, real data. You may give hundreds of links to scientific projects in Russia but it's called anectodal evidence and is not considered as representative. Statistical evidence is.

    The fact that the country (Russia) which created the first satellite, sent the first human into space, first probes to Mars and Venus and created the first rover to ever walk on the surface on another globe, has such a low scientific output that Poland (a country with circa 4x smaller population) produces almost as much should be the reason for shame for all Russia str00nk folks. Russians aren't dumber than Poles or Americans or whatever (the best Polish scientists work in the US anyway). "Something" is wrong with their country.

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:24 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:You are haters. You can't even tolerate my right to express my opinion, based on real tangible data.

    Yes, real data. You may give hundreds of links to scientific projects in Russia but it's called anectodal evidence and is not considered as representative. Statistical evidence is.

    The fact that the country (Russia) which created the first satellite, sent the first human into space, first probes to Mars and Venus and created the first rover to ever walk on the surface on another globe, has such a low scientific output that Poland (a country with circa 4x smaller population) produces almost as much should be the reason for shame for all Russia str00nk folks. Russians aren't dumber than Poles or Americans or whatever (the best Polish scientists work in the US anyway). "Something" is wrong with their country.

    What did poland invent what we know today and than compare it with everything russia invented and you see who has FACTUAL bigger out put of scientific and technological innovations in the world.

    I can not recall a single invention made by poland that we should know off.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:39 pm

    Inventions are a small part of progress. Today almost all of technological progress happens by accumulation of small bits of knowledge that are then improved upon by other people.

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    Post  Viktor Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:57 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:Inventions are a small part of progress. Today almost all of technological progress happens by accumulation of small bits of knowledge that are then improved upon by other people.

    So while you continue to write endless papers about small bits and pieces Russia is going after space, after nuclear technology, after nanotechnology

    after hypersonic speeds etc ... nice Very Happy
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:09 pm

    As are USA, Eu, China and Japan. All of them have the advantage of having more money and having companies willing to pay for research.


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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:17 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:As are USA, Eu, China and Japan. All of them have the advantage of having more money and having companies willing to pay for research.

    US, Japan, Germany,Brits,France and China make inventions we know today they do not just write paper work that is in most cases only theory and what exactly has poland bring to the scientific table?
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:25 pm

    I am not an expert in any field of scientific research. If you want to know, check out some scientific journals. In 2012 subjects with the highest number of papers published in Poland were: medicine (6430 papers) followed by physics (3995 papers) and biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (3470 papers).

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:55 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:I am not an expert in any field of scientific research. If you want to know, check out some scientific journals. In 2012 subjects with the highest number of papers published in Poland were: medicine (6430 papers) followed by physics (3995 papers) and biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (3470 papers).

    Does not matter how much Poland published papers, as long it is only papers and not technology nobody cares what poland does.

    When was the last time poland has published sientific papers that has changed anything, rather than making further studies based on someone elses prior fundamental work?

    Also like everyone knows, publishing something does not mean necessarily that it is right, most of them are theories and only minority of such work contain factual data to proof anything.

    Publishing paper work or actually making paper work in something real, big difference.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:33 pm

    How do you distinguish theoretic from practical knowledge?? Many things that are considered theoretical may have practical applications in 15-20 years. The entire subject of physics started as purely theoretical and then it found applications everywhere. Progress in medical sciences is based entirely on research papers.

    And what technology does Russia have? Do they have cutting edge research in medicine or cutting edge accelerators to use in physics research? CERN has, the US have them. Russia only has world class research in nuclear energy and arms industry. Science in Russia and it's closest allies (Belarus, Moldova) is stagnating. The number of papers published in Poland has tripled since 1996 and in Russia it stays pretty much the same.

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  macedonian Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:58 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:I am not an expert in any field of scientific research.

    You don't say...?!?
    Got me fooled...

    Love your avatar by the way.
    Any chance for you to cheer for an INDEPENDENT Poland fighting for its own benefits, or are you fine with being 'one of the Emperor's servants'...merely fighting the others for his attention?

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:03 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:How do you distinguish theoretic from practical knowledge?? Many things that are considered theoretical may have practical applications in 15-20 years. The entire subject of physics started as purely theoretical and then it found applications everywhere. Progress in medical sciences is based entirely on research papers.

    And what technology does Russia have? Do they have cutting edge research in medicine or cutting edge accelerators to use in physics research? CERN has, the US have them. Russia only has world class research in nuclear energy and arms industry. Science in Russia and it's closest allies (Belarus, Moldova) is stagnating. The number of papers published in Poland has tripled since 1996 and in Russia it stays pretty much the same.

    Russia is leading the world in rocket technology, even NASA buys rocket engines from Russia and they send NASA astronauts in to space with the Russian Soyuz Russia had nearly twice as many rocket launches as NASA had in 2013 and Russia had more space launches than China, India, Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, and the European Union combined:

    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Launch12

    ...And as aforementioned much of NASA's launches were due in part because of Russian rocket technology.

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  flamming_python Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:18 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:How do you distinguish theoretic from practical knowledge?? Many things that are considered theoretical may have practical applications in 15-20 years. The entire subject of physics started as purely theoretical and then it found applications everywhere. Progress in medical sciences is based entirely on research papers.

    And what technology does Russia have? Do they have cutting edge research in medicine or cutting edge accelerators to use in physics research? CERN has, the US have them. Russia only has world class research in nuclear energy and arms industry. Science in Russia and it's closest allies (Belarus, Moldova) is stagnating. The number of papers published in Poland has tripled since 1996 and in Russia it stays pretty much the same.

    So what, is science all about papers published?
    Poland probably reformed its universities to a Western model, where it's all about papers, fancy cars, gold chains and whatever other bling, in the smoke & mirrors style of Western media and society in general - style over substance, all flash.

    But I wouldn't use any of it as an indicator of actual scientific output personally.

    You want Russian science output? Look at the S-500, PAK-FA, Angara, Rosatom, etc...
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:40 pm

    I mentioned arms and nuclear energy earlier. However, if you want to be a superpower or at least a regional powerhouse like Germany, you must have excellent research in as many fields as possible, not only in a selected few.

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    Post  Viktor Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:46 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:I mentioned arms and nuclear energy earlier. However, if you want to be a superpower or at least a regional powerhouse like Germany, you must have excellent research in as many fields as possible, not only in a selected few.

    You speak to many words for someone who says that he knows little ....  Very Happy 

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:26 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:I mentioned arms and nuclear energy earlier. However, if you want to be a superpower or at least a regional powerhouse like Germany, you must have excellent research in as many fields as possible, not only in a selected few.

    Did you just really compared Germany as an "Regional Power" with bigger influence than Russia has on global stage?

    Germany is not even near of reach of Russia in any field, not scientific research, not leading in so many fields like you want to point out.

    Fact is, who finances the research of specific fields, are most times big companies who want to secure their income for short and long term. For example the absolute majority of scientific researches for the development of alternative energies comes from big Oil/Energy companies and not from independent sources or governments acting in the interest of their people.

    And many of such fields and researches are financed for own gain and interest. Pharmacy industries invest huge amount of money in "studies" that have the goal to show how innocent side effects are or how harmless some medicines and vaccines are, so they do not have any damage for their own image and sales.

    As long we live in a society where all big companies are private they will only research and develope for their own gain and not for the benefit of the collective.

    So how many papers they may publish have only a margin impact for the collectives benefit.

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  sepheronx Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:33 pm

    I just want to know the ratio from each country on how many papers were made vs how many became practical use? Likes otgers said, many of them are not. China is producing more papers than anyone amd they are not farther head because of that. Unless they turn it into profit.

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  TR1 Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:40 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:lol
    Only now did I realize how weak Russian science is. I checked out the ranking for 2012 alone and what did I find? That in 2012 Poland published 31k of scientific papers while Russia published 38k - decline from 41k in 2011. Laughing Given Poland's growth (3x since 1996) I predict that in a few years Polish scientific output will exceed that of Russia. Shocked  Laughing 

    YEAH! Finally Laughing

    That ought to tell you all you need to know about the value of such a metric.

    Not much value at all lol.

    And remember, for all your papers, Poland still cannot into space Sad .

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    Post  collegeboy16 Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:21 am

    sepheronx wrote:I just want to know the ratio from each country on how many papers were made vs how many became practical use? Likes otgers said, many of them are not. China is producing more papers than anyone amd they are not farther head because of that. Unless they turn it into profit.
    hehe, number of papers published doesnt matter- its the number of citations each paper gets.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:58 am

    You can't judge the health of a country or its education system based on papers published... who is to say they are not just Polish revisions of western papers done in Polish to make them more accessible to a Polish audience.

    Equally I would suggest that when research is for military or commercial use and has military or commercial funding that publishing the results is the last thing they want to do.

    A peer review of the guidance system used in the Morfei AAM/SAM/CIWS missile is not really useful or even wanted by the designers.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:19 am

    New steps towards the creation of a perpetual-motion engine
    The new science on friction: machines of the future will resemble fantastic creatures

    Friction can be useful. This property is being studied as a new breakthrough area of research in the science of friction, tribology, through the lens of synergetics (self-organization)

    Everyone in mechanical engineering knows the problems of friction. But only a very few people understand how friction can be useful. If you are not one of them, then do not worry. Only scientists themselves have made this discovery very recently.

    All researchers have unanimously hailed the new research direction in tribology as a breakthrough and a strategic move. This path of study examines the formative effect of friction on the basis of synergetics (or self-organization).

    Two discoveries of international significance form the scientific basis of this line of research: "the effect of wear resistance when friction is present" (1964) and "corrosion of metals in aqueous solutions" (1992). Dmitry Garkunov, an outstanding Russian scholar, Professor and Academician at the Russian Academy of Engineering, is the man responsible for these discoveries and the founder of this scientific movement.

    The essence of tribology based on self-organization lies in the special interaction of a part possessing regular surface pitting and a metal-coating additive. Regular surface pitting consists of special irregularities that are artificially created on the surfaces of rubbing parts, a system of micropeaks and microdepressions of the correct form. The metal-coating additive represents a special supplement to the lubricant containing quasi-liquid copper nanoparticles.

    The copper nanoparticles fill the pits in the surface of the steel or cast-iron parts, counteracting the wear caused by friction between cast iron and steel, steel and steel or copper and copper, which reduces the coefficient of friction in joints from 0.1-0.05 to 0.03-0.003. In addition, a special protective, continuous and constantly renewing property arises as a result of the interaction of this lubricant and such special pitted surfaces of rubbing parts: the so-called servovite copper film, which has phenomenal physical properties.

    The film is formed by the thermal and electrical energy that is generated by friction as well as by the chemical reactions of elements. As a result, the process of friction is transformed from being a destructive process into being a creative one that is similar to the movement of joints in the skeletons of living organisms, which also contain rubbing surfaces and the analogy to metal-coating lubricants: cartilage and synovial fluid.

    Scientists from around the world are devoting increasing attention to this line of scientific research about friction. Currently a School of Tribology based on self-organization is being formed at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in Russia.

    Special laboratories are being equipped here with triboengineering devices that allow for pursuing scientific research. New types of metal-coating lubricants are being developed here and new methods for testing them are also being created. A small business to license the lubricants is planned to be created.

    Scientists discussed data from the latest tests of motor oils containing metal-coating additives in Norway and Germany at a national scientific research seminar and workshop dedicated to the "Results of the Implementation of Wear-Resistant Technologies in Metalworking Processes and Operations," which was recently held in Orekhovo-Zuyevo at JSC 'PCP 'Respirator', which is a subsidiary of the  Aviation Technologies Holding. The effect of their use is obvious: fuel consumption is reduced by up to 23% through reducing friction-related losses.

    New tribotechnologies are becoming more widely used in the transport, aviation, marine, chemical, metalworking, heavy machinery and agricultural machinery sectors. Already today they allow for:

    –reducing the consumption of lubricants by 2-3 times;
    – reducing the number of accidents by improving the reliability of friction joints;
    – reducing the atmospheric emissions of vehicles by 2-3 times.

    In the future scientists propose creating closed durable universal friction joints on the basis of new nanoscale tribomaterials and tribotechnologies. In terms of their physico-chemical mechanisms, these joints will be practically identical to the joints of living organisms with all of their natural self-organization. In other words, engineering will employ natural mechanisms to an increasing degree, and machines will more closely come to resemble animals.

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    Post  collegeboy16 Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:52 am

    hmmm, monomolecular edge swords would be neat.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian Science: Discussion Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Science: Discussion Thread

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Thu May 08, 2014 12:22 am

    About the Authors

    Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko

    Born in 1945, academician of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), actual member of RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), actual member of IAS of HS (International Academy of Science of Higher School), actual member of ATS RF (Academy of Technological Sciences of Russian Federation), doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor, the head of the department of differential geometry and applications of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Moscow State Lomonosov University. He solved a well-known Plateau problem in the theory of spectral minimal surfaces, created a theory of thin classification of integrable Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Award winner of the State Prize of Russian Federation of 1996 (in the field of mathematics) for a series of works on the theory of invariants of the manifolds and Hamiltonian dynamical systems. The author of 250 scientific works, 24 monographs and text books, specialist in the field of geometry and topology, calculus of variations, theory of minimal surfaces, symplectic topology, Hamiltonian geometry and mechanics, computer geometry.

    The author of several books on development and application of new empirical-statistical methods for the analysis of historical chronicles, chronology of the ancient time and Middle Ages.

    Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovskiy

    Born in1958, candidate of physical-mathematical sciences (MSU, 1988), specialist in probability theory, mathematical statistics, theory of stochastic processes, optimization theory, stochastic differential equations, computer modeling of stochastic processes. He worked in the Space Research institute (Moscow), in Moscow MOSSTANKIN institute, and also in Japan, within a scientific cooperation between the MSU and University of Aizu in the field of computer geometry. At the moment he works as Associate Professor at Mech-Math Faculty of the MSU at the Chair of Differential Geometry and Applications.

    Tatiana Nikolaevna Fomenko

    Fomenko Tatiana Nikolaevna, doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor of the department of General Mathematics of the faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the MSU, has over 80 scientific and methodological publications in the field of algebraic topology and its applications, and also in the theory of complex systems. Also is a co-author of popular textbook "Introduction into topology" for the universities, which passed 5 editions in Russia and abroad.
    For many years worked in Moscow Institute of Steal and Alloy.
    In 1991 conducted scientific research and read a half-year course of lectures on algebraic topology in the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada). A member of Moscow Mathematical Society.

    Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Kalashnikov (1942-2001)

    Doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor. A famous specialist in the field of applicable theory of probabilities. The sphere of interests of V.V.Kalashnikov included models of mass service, reliability, risk, simulation modeling of stochastic systems. In particular, he got the criteria and evaluation of steadiness and other qualities of the indicated above models and different random processes. The results of this research got wide recognition of scientific society. V.V.Kalashnikov was a member of the editorial board of several domestic and international magazines. He published more than 160 scientific works including 10 monographs (published in our country and abroad). The achieved results were reflected in a number of reference books and specialized encyclopedias. For the works in the field of modeling V.V.Kalashnikov was awarded a State Prize of the USSR in 1986.

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    Post  George1 Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:09 pm

    Academy 'reform' is stifling Russian science

    Insufficient funding, more bureaucracy and an inefficient government funding system are sapping the life from Russian research, says Alexey Yablokov.

    It is now a year since Vladimir Putin's government announced sweeping reforms of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stripping away its independence and placing it under the control of a new civil agency.

    How are things going? Not well. Unfortunately, some of the gloomy predictions of critics at home and abroad that the changes would stifle research and weaken Russian science seem to be coming true.

    I can speak as a member of the academy who works at one of its institutes. Formally, all of these academy institutes now belong to FASO, the government agency set up to manage us. The agency handles organization and finances, but the presidium of the academy continues to manage the scientific research. That's a very silly combination.

    As part of its new role, FASO demands information from institute scientists that would be funny if it were not so tragic. We are asked to strictly plan our research. For example, how many papers will we write in a year — in two years? What kind of discoveries will we make in two years? On the basis of our promises, they then give us money.

    There has, of course, been a great increase in paperwork. FASO says that it needs all this bureaucracy to guarantee our funding. The government transfers science funds to FASO, which then divides them among the institutes for salaries, expeditions, equipment, research, and so on. And just like any other bureaucratic organization, FASO wants to know what it gets for the money it gives.

    Not that there is much money. There are so-called mega-grants for scientific projects, but the academy receives only 30% of the budget that the government allocates to science. The remainder goes to the high-technology business area at Skolkovo near Moscow, the Kurchatov Institute (a national research centre) and other places.

    “We are creative people — and we need conditions in which our creativity can thrive.”

    It was clear that Russian science needed reform. But the situation now is ridiculous. What the government should have done was to strengthen the way science is funded, following Western examples, such as in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. There, when the state wants to support science, it mostly gives the money to an independent science agency, and the agency then divides it among the researchers, taking advice from the wider scientific community. The agency staff understand how science works — they understand which teams need support, and which teams say a lot but don't do much.

    In my opinion, the government wanted to liquidate the academy as a distributor of independent opinions. And of course, it wanted to get its hands on the academy's huge property portfolio.

    Traditionally, academy institutes, scientific stations and labs own a lot of buildings, many in very prestigious areas, such as the centres of Moscow and St Petersburg. The government probably wants to use these properties to make a profit. They have already taken some of the buildings from the presidium of the academy, mainly on Leninsky Prospect in Moscow, where they took two floors.

    We have been told that we, the academy, have one year to get used to the new system. But FASO will really be in charge in six months. It has already announced that it will cut 6,000 administrative jobs at the academy by 2018.

    Before, when I had to go abroad for scientific events, my assistant would take my passport to a specific department that took care of my visa and tickets. There were at least 50 people in that department in Moscow, and I never had any problems. Just recently, I had to go to France — but when I called that department, I was told that there were only five people left. I made the arrangements myself, which wasted time that I could have spent doing research.

    That might not sound like hardship, and it is true that some scientists are spending too much time at their holiday dachas and not in the lab — but this is because we have no money for good equipment and not enough money for field trips and expeditions.

    Of course, when the Soviet Union collapsed, many scientists simply stopped working and went to their dachas to grow potatoes and carrots, to have something to eat in the winter. The situation now is not so horrible, but I know that many scientists have another job elsewhere, just to earn some money on the side because their salaries are not enough.

    This is all heading towards the collapse of Russian science. Right after the reform was first announced, a huge number of young scientists and mid-career researchers with prospects and connections immediately turned to the West or the East. There are more and more of them, and they are now spending more time abroad. About three years ago, more people opted to stay at home when the salaries increased a bit. The brain drain slowed down, but about six months ago, it speeded up again.

    It is not too late to recover the situation. First, the government has to give us more money. Second, this money has to be distributed under the oversight of the scientific community.

    I am a biologist, and biologists know that some animals are not able to reproduce in captivity. Scientists are like that, too. We are creative people — and we need conditions in which our creativity can thrive.

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