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    Vietnamese People's Airforce


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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:07 pm

    "After nearly four years to implement the project, the attention of leaders, especially the effort of the members, the Institute of Technical Air Defense - Air Force has successfully conducted the first flight test aircraft 2 unmanned (MBKNL) the units design and manufacture.

    The aircraft carry civilian purposes: to observe the forest , sea, making the task communications, film photography of the children who do not reach the area contaminated, dangerous roads, floodplains floods, observe the location and rescue and rescue ...

    So, not long after the light aircraft VNS-41 was born, once again the scientists of the Institute of Technology Air Defense - Air Force (VKTPK-KQ) Left to Vietnam became the first country in Southeast Asia production MBKNL success.

    Journey from the target aircraft ...

    Project "Design built by MBKNL control program" was implemented VKTPK-KQ from early 2001. Experienced four years of research and testing on multiple aircraft, on September 13, 2005, at the airport VKTPK Dual-KQ has conducted the first flight report with demonstration projects, operational success of the two machines M400-CT's flight performance version 405, 406.

    And on this day has become the official birth of MBKNL "made in Vietnam". But to get results that is a process of research and long-term experiment on many types of target aircraft.

    Talking with the Colonel, Dr. Le Dinh Cuong - Deputy VKTPK-KQ Institute, Chairman of the project, we know: Since 1993, VKTPK-KQ has entered the research and manufacture many types of aircraft to targets substitute for other objectives simply to serve the training.

    Targets flying is controlled by radio from the ground, it can fly in the visibility of the eye. Every year the goal was produced to serve the training meet the needs of the training forces fired anti-aircraft guns, missiles, low in a long time ... However, these goals there are weaknesses: low altitude, speed is ...

    Required goals under automatic control program, further enhance the speed and height of equipment to serve the training for many components into a very urgent request. Again, VKTPK-KQ and Plant embarked on A40 Left continue research towards the flight control program targets first.

    Improvement program targeting M-100 was conducted. After nearly five months of research and upgrade VKTPK-KQ completed tasks to upgrade M-100 targets to ensure the technical requirements. At the airport report was conducted in July 2004, VKTPK-KQ performed two successful flights of the target M-100.

    Improvement program targets successful M-100 is a gigantic step forward in the field of aircraft manufacturing goals, it is a solid premise for the scientific process to design and manufacture successful MBKNL.

    ... Unmanned aircraft to Vietnam

    In 2001, the project "Research for designing, manufacturing MBKNL controlled by the program" start deployment, engineers Trinh Xuan Dat and Nguyen Thanh Tinh assigned program system design and manufacture of the control of the aircraft.

    They must study opens the books, drawing on experience from the manufacturing and flight test objectives mentioned above to calculate, determine the flight characteristics, characteristics of gas MBKNL.

    In all of the design process, research manufacturing and assembly process of building MBKNL the driver is facing many difficulties and to put the most effort. By this is considered "heart" of the aircraft, seized and processed the driver will neutralize and installed the necessary equipment and control of aircraft by the requirements of each specific job.

    Technology processing and assembling model aircraft in general and in Vietnam today MBKNL still face many difficulties. In the process of manufacturing and assembly M400-CT is not out of difficulties by the domestic market, the electrical equipment, engineering services for the airline industry almost no.

    In addition to the engine package from foreign electrical appliances, electronics are integrated team, assembled from components, looking to buy more in the domestic market. While these devices are not found in Vietnam are not dedicated, so ask at the manufacturing center to put a lot of blood research and application of the equipment available to application in practical situations ensuring requirements for light, compact and especially high safety.

    Part of the Body Links MBKNL built compozit polymer material (instead of wood as the target plane). For parts of the wings and tail, using the pancake structure, cellular extract used in the classroom and materials used for compozit crust outside.

    The entire body structure was built in MBKNL hollow structure, divided into several chambers as required, so that aircraft capable of installing equipment in different chambers is empty. Propeller of the aircraft being studied and built of wood in Vietnam.

    This can be seen as a technical initiative, because after the carpenter castigate the design, propeller aircraft are coated with a layer of glue soaked cloth to durability against cracking and splitting wood fibers. Device has been put into successful test flight, drag created by the propeller and durability of its equivalent propeller imported.

    MBKNL the beginning of the Vietnam generation was designed with speed from 250 to 280km/gio. M400-CT MBKNL save landing on the runway (Clay or concrete). Along with manufacturing MBKNL, VKTPK-KQ has also designed and built himself successfully launch pad system (used in case of a runway take-off) with the materials available in the water, light and easy maneuverability.

    With the initial success, the current team will continue research to improve aerodynamics MBKNL types, especially types with high speed and greater bay, manufacturing many different styles accordance with the requirements of use."


    I used a translator...was too long  Embarassed

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:35 pm

    Pictures? Video??

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:43 pm

    Vietnamese People's Airforce Vietnam_30099736_MBKNL27

    I just found this

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:55 pm

    I made this decided to compare the maneuvers of the SU-30MKV to traditional asian dragon dancing. Took me some time to do it, but i am so proud of this i just had to share it with you guys Very Happy


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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Which Sukhoi aircraft is better for Vietnam?

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:44 am

    Which Sukhoi aircraft is better for Vietnam? Empty Which Sukhoi aircraft is better for Vietnam?

    My personal idea is that I would like some Su-30SM with thrust-vector engine, and some Su-34 to replace the aging Su-22M4. But then there is the issues of cost and maintenance which I do not have good understanding of. (in Vietnamese)


    At the moment, although the Su-30M2 is less attractive than Su-35S, but several analysists claimed that Su-30M2 is more suitable for Vietnam.

    First, Vietnamese Air Forces tend to use the fighters with 2-pilot cockpits, so that they can enhance the fighting capability and can use the aircrafts for pilot training. Su-35S with 1-pilot cockpit is not suitable for these goals, but Su-30M2 with 2-pilot cockpit can be.

    Second, long-range fighting capability of Su-30M2 is not significantly inferior to Su-35S, considering that Su-30M2 is equipped with the radar N035 Irbis-E. The inferior engines of Su-30M2 are not a problem for Vietnam, either, because Vietnam used Sukhoi mainly for naval combat; and in the open sea's condition the planes will less likely to face the ambush or dogfight with enemy's light fighters.

    Third, while Su-35S is mainly designed for air-superiority role, Su-30M2 can be modified for land and sea assaults. A Su-30M2 version with strong ground-attack capability is more suitable for Vietnam.

    Last but not least, for the sake of a highly cost-effective modernization process,a fighter which is not very different from the available Su-30MK2V, not very expensive, but with better capability, is the best choice for Vietnam.
    Mike E
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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  Mike E Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:44 pm

    It depends on what they really want and need... They don't need the -35S, but it sure as heck wouldn't hurt their air force!

     - As you said, they really need the -34.

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  cyxthtycyxthcyx Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:29 am

    Increase the standing force of Su-30MK2; coordinate replenishment/supply via China. Idealize Su-30MK2 intercept profiles for the locale to insure implementability.


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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:14 pm

    cyxthtycyxthcyx wrote:Increase the standing force of Su-30MK2; coordinate replenishment/supply via China.  Idealize Su-30MK2 intercept profiles for the locale to insure implementability.

    Not likely to happen.

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  NationalRus Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:23 pm

    i dont think a Suchoi is the right plane for vietnam
    Mike E
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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  Mike E Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:47 pm

    NationalRus wrote:i dont think a Suchoi is the right plane for vietnam
    Why not? Either they could go for a larger number of MiG's, a smaller number of Sukhoi's, or a preferred mix of both. I'd like to see them purchase a decent number of -35's and MK2's, along with a few SU-34's and MiG's "on the side". That would give Vietnam great flexibility that they simply don't have anymore. The MiG's (which would have to be purchased over time due to cost) would replace their aging fleet of -21's, the Flankers could supplement if not replace their older Flankers, and the -34 could replace their (also aging) fleet of -22's. Combine all those aircraft and you get a good overall fleet for a country the size of NAM', the only problem is cost....

    If they had to chose a single jet, I'd (now) say the MK2.

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  NationalRus Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:31 pm

    what is vietnams military doctrine, minimum threats laos and combodia doent produce a air threat, so we have left the maximum threat china, what can vietnam do most to have a effective combat against china, surly no air superiority, at maximum most best they can keep chinas air force air superiority in the reagions north (200km radius) and north east (100km radius) of hanoi only, this will be the area of "air harassment and attrition", to not let them go further north vientam has to concentrate its military doctrine on a ridicules strong anti-air defence which can work well in vietnams flora, most best planes for not lossly air battles in the harassment and attrition areas would be a classic interceptor, MiG-31BM, since they are hard to service, and will be put off service near end 2030 i would take the SU-35 as the second best choise then, at least its capable of long range air to air engagments and has actaully with irbis-e a better radar

    for ground warfare and to harass ground operatons they should update ther mig-21's and su-22's to modern Su-25's and get some mi-28's

    over all:
    -less planes
    -more pantsir's and Buk's maybe a third s-300 batterie
    -MIG-31BM and update to Su-25

    but well since they already have Su's stay with them, to late to switch the main air force aircraft

    i would also dismantle the bases of 921's and 931's fighter regiments, to far north, will be lost anyway, in a surprise attack maybe evenwith the whole regiment, put them 150km behind hanoi
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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  Mike E Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:46 pm

    Well you raise a good point... However, other neighboring or unfriendly countries may not give up their airspace very easily. It is always better to have too many jets versus not enough. Plus they really do need to replace their Soviet-era jets ASAP, and the SU-34 and MiG's could easily take their places with the Flankers supplementing their current air-superiority force... As you may know, Vietnam already has a strong air-defense (via the ground) force, and they should probably focus at least a little more on their aircraft. That being said, SAM's are irreplaceable and NAM' should continue to buy and upgrade them.

    How about this....
     - Less jets, but have them be much more modern and useful MiG's and Flankers.
     - *Continue* upgrading their SAM "force".
     - SU-25 and/or the SU-34. Having both would be nice as they complement each other very well. - Yes, I know they have different roles. That is the main reason they should buy both.

    They don't have many, that is the problem.... They need many more, along with the MiG's.

    As mentioned earlier, the big problem is cost.... They'd need to stretch the purchases out for many years, and decide what to buy first etc.

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:36 am

    The reason why PAVN choose Sukhoi over Mikoyan, as far as I know, is for the naval task. It is more multirole and has more capability of "not air" attack, i.e. targeting the enemy ships.

    The most vulnerable place, not including the aerospace, is Vietnamese East Sea where people can use their superior navy to attack into Vietnam's long and opened coastal regions. The PAVN needs something have long range, strong ground-attack capability, and have enough air-to-air combat to defense themselves against other fighter. Of course, not very expensive. The Vietnamese Su-30MK2V is modified for the task of naval assault and ship attackers.

    The role of air defense is mainly assigned to the lightweight fighter, mainly the damn f*cking old MiG-21, and the modernized Pechora system. S-300 are too few, and S-400 is not exported yet.

    That why in another thread I showed considerable attention to Indian Tejas, hope that there may be a successor to old man MiG-21. I also want a batch of modernized MiG-29, but Vietnamese media tends to favour French Dassault Mirage 2000, due to its cheap price and fairly good capability.

    I love the excellent supermaneverability of Su-35 and Su-30SM, but consider the given role of Vietnamese Sukhoi, probably the most popular choice is M2 standard. Su-34 is nice, but not cheap.

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  George1 Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:05 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:The reason why PAVN choose Sukhoi over Mikoyan, as far as I know, is for the naval task. It is more multirole and has more capability of "not air" attack, i.e. targeting the enemy ships.

    The most vulnerable place, not including the aerospace, is Vietnamese East Sea where people can use their superior navy to attack into Vietnam's long and opened coastal regions. The PAVN needs something have long range, strong ground-attack capability, and have enough air-to-air combat to defense themselves against other fighter. Of course, not very expensive. The Vietnamese Su-30MK2V is modified for the task of naval assault and ship attackers.

    The role of air defense is mainly assigned to the lightweight fighter, mainly the damn f*cking old MiG-21, and the modernized Pechora system. S-300 are too few, and S-400 is not exported yet.

    That why in another thread I showed considerable attention to Indian Tejas, hope that there may be a successor to old man MiG-21. I also want a batch of modernized MiG-29, but Vietnamese media tends to favour French Dassault Mirage 2000, due to its cheap price and fairly good capability.

    I love the excellent supermaneverability of Su-35 and Su-30SM, but consider the given role of Vietnamese Sukhoi, probably the most popular choice is M2 standard. Su-34 is nice, but not cheap.

    they could also choose MiG-35 from now and on or MiG-29SMT as a more cheap solution

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  George1 Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:36 am

    Vietnam's Air Force is composed of the below fighter aircraft in numbers:

    Su-30MK2 = 36 (Multirole fighter)
    Su-27SK/UBK = 12 (Air superiority fighter)
    Su-22 = 38 (Ground attack)
    MiG-21Bis = 144 (Air superiority fighter)

    i wonder what are their plans for the replacement of MiG-21, continue to buy Su-27/30 or shift to more light fighter MiG-29SMT or MiG-35

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:32 am

    If they are buying then their options would be MiG-29M or MiG-35 as the MiG-29SMT is an upgrade of an older model MiG.

    I suspect 80-96 MiG-29Ms would effectively replace the MiG-21s and Su-22s effectively enough.. but I suspect they might go for more Flankers and perhaps some combat capable Yak-130s...

    I would think the MiG-29Ms would be more cost effective and offer a clear future upgrade path, but never under estimate the power of Sukhoi...

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:04 am

    The role of air superiority and ground attacks will be carried out by Su-30s which are gradually increased in number.

    MiG-21 and Yaks will be for training.

    I would like to see Vietnamese Su-34 or Su-35, though.

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Su-35K vs Su-30SM

    Post  indochina Wed May 27, 2015 4:26 am

    Su-30SM vs Su-35K, Su-35K in future be exported to China, and Su-30SM will be exported to Vietnam, a newspaper of VN has made interesting comparisons of 2 lines Flanker this

    Recently, a lot of information, said the contract negotiation stage buy Su-35S fighters between Russia and China was about to end. Besides, there are many indications that Vietnam has decided to choose Su-30SM instead of "race" in other countries.
    Vietnam to put their faith in Su-30SM Su-35S instead of as many predicted before is quite unexpected but entirely understandable. We still follow a consistent policy is only choose the weapons, ammunition capacity has proven over a long period of operation.
    Su-30SM is made based on the Su-30MKI - a fighter very reliable, fully meet all the requirements of modern warfare and the future.
    Meanwhile, Su-35S is a new aircraft, the manufacturer features ads though very "terrorist" but there's never been tested through practice.

    Su-35S has not been selected Vietnam
    But just compare the parameters on the theory of two kinds of fighters on, who have many more advantages?
    Firstly, long-range air combat capability, Su-30SM radar equipped Su-35S N011M BARS also is N035 Irbis, both the scan type passive phased array radar, the maximum effective range of 400 km are achieved.
    Indeed, N035 Irbis radar was originally developed from N011M BARS should not have many technological breakthroughs, so long-range combat capability of Su-30SM and Su-35S can be considered equal.
    Next to the short range air combat capability, Su-35S advantage lies in engine thrust vector control 3D (3D TVC) AL-41F1S, making it capable of better motor slightly Su-30SM TVC 2D engine AL-31FP.
    But with major combat environment at sea and aircraft are unlikely to encounter situations that are not within close range combat trousers as if to confront the fighters appear unexpectedly light from the airfield War is covered terrain.
    Therefore, little advantage of maneuverability and a higher maximum speed (2,500 km / h compared to 2,100 km / h) of Su-Su-30SM 35S versus almost meaningless.

    Su-30SM Vietnam bid likely will be built capable missile BrahMos
    While not a strategic capability of Su-35S has not proved formidable Su-30SM, when comparing the attack power of the water targets, Su-30SM dominate completely. This can be due to anti-ship cruise missiles, supersonic BrahMos-A.
    BrahMos-A missile was developed by order of the Indian army, this is not anti-ship missile the size and weight of a huge, up to 2,500 kg, exceeding the maximum endurance of 1,500 kg of line Heavy stiff middle Su-30MKI fighters themselves.
    To meet the request of the Indian side, Irkut had reinforced the Su-30MKI framework of a comprehensive, this improvement will be replicated on the Su-30MKI and Su-30SM of production batches later.
    Thanks to a range, high-speed, flexible flying ability, BrahMos-A will help Su-30MKI / Su-30SM aircraft capable of killing perfectly formidable Su-30MK2, Su-35S even by Komsomolsk-on -Amur (KNAAPO) manufactured, which only Kh-31A missile Kh-59MK and.
    Obviously the Vietnam choose Su-30SM Su-35S instead is completely correct, could completely overwhelm enemy air-to-sea combat, while maintaining the ability to prevail on unnecessary .

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Vietnamese People's Air Force

    Post  AirCargo Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:14 am

    Vietnam in Discussion with US, European Firms to Buy Fighter Aircraft, Drones

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:54 am

    AirCargo wrote:Vietnam in Discussion with US, European Firms to Buy Fighter Aircraft, Drones

    A more detailed article:

    My comment: Why Vietnam should buy Gripen, Typhoon or KAI T-50 while they can purchase much cheaper and more effective Su-30 and Yak-130 ?


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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  George1 Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:50 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    AirCargo wrote:Vietnam in Discussion with US, European Firms to Buy Fighter Aircraft, Drones

    A more detailed article:

    My comment: Why Vietnam should buy Gripen, Typhoon or KAI T-50 while they can purchase much cheaper and more effective Su-30 and Yak-130 ?

    i dont think they will buy gripen or typhoon at the end. It isnt in their interest the many different types from various countries

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  Book. Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:59 pm

    08 AUG 2015 Dylan Vosman DYLAN VOSMAN

    Two new Russian-made Su-30MK2 fighter for Vietnamese Air Force, has been disassembled for shipping to Vietnam on 6/8. Sukhoi factory Komsomolsk-on-Amur has officially provide 2 multirole fighters Su-30MK2 to Vietnamese Air Force.

    Interfax-AVN citing sources in the Russian aviation industry said Thursday 7/8, two new Su-30MK2 multirole fighter, built for the Vietnamese Air Force with bearing numbers 8814 and 8815, has been disassembled and put up a super-heavy transport aircraft An-124-100 before traveling to Vietnam in the last Wednesday 6/8.

    Sources said, two Su-30MK2 here are 5th and 6th Russia handed over to Vietnam within the framework of a contract to supply 12 aircraft of this type which signed in August 2013. First 4 Su-30MK2 (bearing number 8581, 8582, 8583 and 8584) have been delivered to Vietnamese Air Force in October and December 2014.

    As planned earlier, Russia will continue deliver 6 remainder Su-30MK2 to Vietnam before the end of 2015, bringing the total number of advanced fighters of this type in the Vietnamese Air Force up to 36 units.

    Earlier, in 1/8, Vietnam Navy also held comissioning of 2 Kilo 636 submarines, named HQ Hai Phong 184 and HQ Khanh Hoa 185, bringing the total number of Kilo submarines in the Vietnamese Navy to 4 units.

    The new Kilo submarines, along with Su-30MK2 fighters will significantly enhance combat power for Navy and Air Force of Vietnam in combat readiness duty to defend its sovereignty, island of the country.

    New Su 30 I like it ! pirat

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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:25 pm

    Really ? Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

    Russia's MiG-35 multirole fighter jets may be coming to Vietnam, where the useful life of the country's third-generation MiG-21 fighter jets is coming to an end, the head of MiG aircraft manufacturer Sergei Korotkov told RIA Novosti.

    The MiG-35 is a new multirole fighter which includes fifth-generation information and sighting systems. According to Korotkov, Southeast Asia is an "interesting region" for the aircraft manufacturer when it comes to prospective sales.

    "According to our evaluation, there are definite prospects for MiG-35s in Vietnam, where the expected life of MiG-21 fighter jets is coming to an end," Korotkov told RIA Novosti.


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    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  George1 Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:30 am

    Vietnam has acquired Israeli SAM SPYDER

    Vietnamese web resource reported that the commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Vietnam People's Army (VNA), Lieutenant-General Le Duy Vinh in the article "Creating modern air force and the protection of sky" in the official newspaper of the Ministry of National Vietnamese Defense "People's Army", among other things, indicates the acquisition of Vietnam of the Israeli anti-aircraft missiles of short and medium range Rafael SPYDER.

    Lieutenant-General Le Duy Vinh in his article writes that in recent years, the Air Force and Air Defense were acquired following systems:
    "modern radar detection of air targets, ELM-2288ER, radar detection of air targets 36D6, passive detectors "Mail;
    missile systems SPYDER, S-300PMU1, S-125-2TM;
    multifunctional fighters Su-30MK2, aircraft CASA C295;
    automatic control systems and exploration VQ 98-01, VQ-1M, VQ-2, in collaboration with Viettel Mobile [Vietnam Telecommunications group] are designed and manufactured radar RV-D1, VRS-S, VRS-W ".

    Vietnam thus became the fourth known Israeli customer of SAM Rafael SPYDER after Georgia, Singapore and India (the SAM also selected for acquisition from Peru). The specific configuration of the acquired Vietnam SPYDER air defense system is unknown, as whether the actual delivery started. However, it should be noted that in March 2014 the Israeli company Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) reported that its avionics division Elta contracted with unnamed customer for the supply of one set of mobile radar detection of air targets EL / M-2106NG, which is the number of staff used as a part of the radar detect-ability of battery SAM SPYDER. Even then, it was suggested that the customer of this radar is Vietnam.

    Vietnamese People's Airforce Empty Re: Vietnamese People's Airforce

    Post  Guest Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:07 pm

    "Last week, the portal company VNH South (under the Vietnam Helicopter Company, Vietnam People’s Armed Forces) has posted photos acceptance of first AW189 transport helicopter fom AgustaWestland SPA (Republic of Italy) on 21/10. In the picture, the first AW189 helicopter of the Vietnam People’s Army in flight testing in Italy. This is the first AW-189 delivered among 3 helicopters AW-189 contracted from AgustaWestland, which increases VNH South’s helicopter fleet up to 21 in total, marks amilestone in helicopter fleet of VNH South development process. As scheduled, in early November 2015, the helicopter will be shipped by sea from Italy to Vietnam and arrive at Vungtau airport in December 2015 to enter into commercial operations since January 2016. The AW189 is the latest-generation, high performance 8.3 / 8.6 tonne twin-engine helicopter, designed to answer the growing market demand for a versatile, affordable, multirole platform.

    Vietnamese People's Airforce Tan-muc-truc-thang-hien-dai-viet-nam-vua-tiep-nhan-696x464

    The platform exceeds the most recent FAA and EASA Part 29 safety standards, ideal for demanding SAR and offshore operator requirements and benefits from an industry-leading 50 minutes ‘dry-run’ capability on the main gearbox. The cockpit features an advanced, open-architecture avionics suite with fully digital glass cockpit, incorporating advanced situational awareness technologies to minimise pilot workload and optimise mission-effectiveness.


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