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    Kosovo General News thread:


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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty War crimes in the Kosovo War

    Post  Jelena Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:50 pm

    "Arrests attempt to discredit investigation"

    15 August 2009 | 10:45 | Source: Beta

    BELGRADE -- Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević said that the arrest of a Serbs in Priština is an effort to discredit the organ trafficking investigation.

    “The arrest of three Serbs in Priština and the broadcasting of recorded discussions on television in which, reportedly, they are trying to convince people to testify regarding organ trafficking, has the goal of compromising and belittling the war crimes prosecution’s investigation,” Vukčević told daily Politika.

    He said that this is a “special war” with the goal of discrediting the entire investigation, and that it is being done now because the investigation of Council of Europe special investigator Dick Marty has started to yield results.

    He said that the arrest of the three Serbs has nothing to do with the Serbian prosecution, and that it is obvious now that the Albanians want to defend themselves in some way.

    “Why did the records appear now? Probably to protect some people, because we all know who was responsible for this,” Vukčević said.

    He said that it is in the best interest of justice to objectively implement the investigation of the trafficking of organs allegedly harvested from Serbs that were kidnapped from Kosovo. He also said that he expects Marty to write an objective report in the end.

    “What is happening in Albania is a problem of the Albanian state and they will face the consequences. No country that believes it is a democracy can stop the Council of Europe’s special investigator from implementing an investigation which has the goal of confirming the truth of the fate of many hundreds of people, in between 300 and 500 persons,” Vukčević said, referring to recent events in which the Council of Europe team was not allowed to enter the so-called “yellow house” in which the organs were allegedly harvest.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:31 pm

    Instead of waisting their time with that, why don't they crackdown on the Kosovo schiptar drug/sex-slave rings flooding Europe?

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:36 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:Instead of waisting their time with that, why don't they crackdown on the Kosovo schiptar drug/sex-slave rings flooding Europe?

    In my opinion there are couple of reasons for that:
    First, there is a moral obligation to the families of missing Serbs to be find what really happened.
    Second, when confirmed to be true it will put another light on whole situation which Serbia desperately needs after shooting her self in one foot by applying to ICJ for Kosovo case.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:50 pm

    Elections held for Peć and Priština

    16 August 2009 | 12:37 | Source: B92
    BELGRADE -- Local elections are being held today for the Kosovo municipalities of Peć and Priština. The polling stations are in Gračanica and Goraždevac, however.

    The polling stations opened this morning in Gračanica and Goraždevac and voting has gone without incident. Parties with headquarters in Serbia are participating in the elections, with Kosovo institutions stating that they consider the elections to be illegal.

    The Serbian government introduced temporary measures in these two municipalities in early April because of misuses of financial assets by local officials and a lack of coordination with the Serbian Ministry for Kosovo.

    In the Priština city assembly, the administration is made up of officials of the Serb Radical Party (SRS), and the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) is in charge in Peć.

    Members of the Democratic Party (DS) were appointed to the temporary institutions in the two municipalities.

    There are six lists participating in the elections in Priština and Peć—the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), SRS, DS, DSS, the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)-PUPS-United Serbia (JS)-Vidovdan – Ivica Dačić Citizens Group coalition and the Opstanak citizens group.

    There are also six list participating in the Peć elections—DS, DSS, the Social Democratic Party, SNS, the SPS-PUPS-JS-New Serbia coalition, and SRS.

    The Kosovo institutions oppose the elections, but will not try to stop them.

    Albanian-language media stated that the elections represent a fight between Belgrade and Priština for domination over the remaining Serb population.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:48 am

    SNS wins local elections in Pristina

    GRACANICA, August 17 (Tanjug) - According to the preliminary data, the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has won the majority of votes at the early local elections for the Pristina municipal assembly members, run by the Serbian government in Gracanica and dozen nearby villages on Sunday.

    The turnout in Gracanica and ten more villages was 35 percent, out of over 10,000 registered voters in Kosovo.

    SNS won 1,201 votes, the Socialist Party of Serbia party in coalition with the United Serbia (JS), Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS) and Vidovdan group of citizens was at the second placed and had 700 votes. The Democratic Party (DS) was third and had 588 votes, the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) was fourth with 528 votes, the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) was fifth and won 161 votes while the Opstanak group of citizens was the sixth and had 367 votes.

    Out of 47 MPs, the SNS will have 16 seats, the SPS - 9, the DS - 8, the SRS - 7, the Opstanak group of citizens - 5 and the DSS-NS coalition two seats.

    Those are the preliminary results of the elections in Kosovo, while the final outcome will be known after the votes of displaced persons in central Serbia are counted.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:42 pm

    Can you break down the main parties and what they represent?

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty KOSOVO Missing - War crimes

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:55 pm

    Odalovic: No donors for exhumations

    BELGRADE, August 18 (Tanjug) - It is unacceptable that the exhumations in Belacevac in Kosovo and Metohija, where more than 20 Serbs and other non-Albanians went missing, has been postponed again, President of the Serbian government's Commission for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic stated Monday.

    He told Tanjug that it is hard to believe that foreign donors are not willing to finance the exhumation project in the area, where, according to witnesses, victims' bodies are located.

    EULEX representative, whose team is in charge of forensic investigations, informed the Association of Families of the Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo that the exhumations have been postponed until the summer of 2010.

    The letter signed by EULEX official Alan Robinson reads that ten exhumation phases planned in Belacevac area require considerable financing. However, none of approximately 30 countries that they had spoken to had expressed willingness to help the project.

    “I simply cannot comprehend that the donors, who gave financial support to Kosovo for various causes and could secure hundreds and billions of dollars from different funds during the anti-Serbian campaign, could not provide financial help for the exhumations in Belacevac,” Odalovic said.

    If you follow the link it will take you to the main page of Tanjug.On the right hand side is a small banner "Republic of Serbia Kosovo and Metohija" top news and when you click on it it will lead you to the story. I apologize for inconvenience but there is no possibility to link it directly here. Thank you.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty EULEX and KFOR: News

    Post  Jelena Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:18 am

    K. Albanian leaders on EULEX-MUP cooperation

    18 August 2009 | 10:23 | Source: Tanjug
    PRIŠTINA -- The president and government of Kosovo oppose the announced signing of an agreement between the Serbian police (MUP) and EULEX, reports from Priština said.

    The deal is meant to foster cooperation between the EU mission in Kosovo and Serbia's Interior Ministry and police.

    But the Albanian language media are reporting this Tuesday that Kosovo Albanian leaders are "warning that the officials of the EU mission risk aggravating their relations with Kosovo institutions".

    "The signing of the protocol on police cooperation between EULEX and Serbia's MUP, by ignoring relevant Kosovo institutions, will worsen the relations between the European mission and the Kosovo government," the cabinet of Premier Hashim Thaci said, according to the local media.

    Thaci's political Advisor Bekim Colaku said that there were different ways in which the implementation of this protocol could be blocked "should there be any disrespect of Kosovo statehood".

    He expressed his belief that EULEX will not "embark on adventures of the kind with the Serbian government", thus jeopardizing the cooperation it has with Priština.

    Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu also opposes the signing of the EULEX-MUP agreement.

    "The signing of international agreements is in the sole jurisdiction of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, since Kosovo is an independent and sovereign country and no one is allowed to sign anything on its behalf," Sejdiu's spokesperson Dzavit Beciri said.

    The protocol on police cooperation, which the EU mission in Kosovo will also sign "with the police officials of several other countries", is aimed at establishing a more efficient exchange of information at the police level, Tanjug learned from EULEX.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:40 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:Can you break down the main parties and what they represent?

    You can find a list of the political parties of Serbia and what they represent here:

    For example SNS who won the elections in Priština:

    Program of SNS quoted from the link above:


    The political activity of the Serbian Progressive Party is based on 10 main principles.

    1. Protecting the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia. The Party considers Kosovo and Metohija as the heart of Serbia and an integral part of the territory of Serbia; they will not accept any attempt to take away parts of Serbia's territory and will protect the state and national interests in every inch of the territory in an uncompromisable way. At the same time, the Party will use political and economic measures that Serbia has at its disposal to further build its judicial and political system, particularly in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, which was, is and will be an integral part of Serbia, in accordance with the Constitution.

    2. The Party reaffirms that Serbia, as a country of the Serbian people and of all its citizens, will have its duty to help Serbian people outside if its borders, especially in the territories of the former Yugoslavia. Fighting for a right to live, individual property and return for Serbs expelled from the Republika Srpska Krajina and Croatia will be one of the main focuses of the Serbian Progressive Party. At the same time, the Party believes in building stronger political ties and economic unity with Republika Srpska and that it will be a realistic policy aimed at creating a common or unified state of the Serbian people and all the people living on the territory of Serbia and Republika Srpska, in a peaceful way with respect of the will of the people. The party argues that Serbia, as the home state of the Serbian people, should protect the Serbian people in Montenegro to achieve basic national rights and freedoms, protecting their tradition and culture, and especially creating conditions for a prosperous future. The Party considers the previous policy of the Serbian state towards the Serbian diaspora as inadequate, and will thus do its best to help its citizens who live outside of Serbia, to give them an opportunity to affect situations in their home state, to present bridges of better understanding and cooperation between the Serbian state and other states, and to use their knowledge and experience with a goal of economically and socially prospering Serbia.

    3. The Serbian Progressive Party will fight for the formation of a stable state in which the rule of law and respect for the Constitution will be the foundation of state government. Equality before law must be achieved, which means that no individual, no matter which function he or she is on, is untouchable and must bear the same responsibility under law as any other citizen of Serbia.

    4. The Party will fight for respect of the Constitution's, but international treaties' as well, rights of national minorities. Serbia, as a country with a kaleidoscope of national and religious diversity, must be an example of national and religious tolerance, the unified and friendly life of people who love their country and respect their laws.

    5. Serbia as a small, but proud, country, must work on improving its role and position in the world by being a bridge between East and West. The Party considers this very important, as well as Serbia cooperating with its friends, using benefits that come from all over the world, from Eastern and Western hemispheres. Serbia's goal of entering the European Union should not be doubted, but Serbia can enter the EU only as a sovereign state, with Kosovo and Metohija as its integral part. At the same time, Serbia should develop the closest ties with the Russian Federation, China, India and other world political and economic powers, as well as traditional Serbian allies and friends, furthering the bilateral relations in coordinance with the program goals, which also means working on activities that will change the opinions of countries that have, especially in the last few years, not given Serbia the support that her legitimate interests warrant.

    6. Military neutrality is the only logical and rational solution for the Serbian state in times of sharp confrontations between NATO and Russia. Military neutrality means an efficient, technically equipped, professional and strong Serbian Army which will bring back national confidence in it and which will be ready to be the adequate power in any moment to protect every potential aggressor.

    7. The Party will fight against corruption and criminal, because without a truly legally founded battle against the greatest evil of the modern Serbian society there is no economic or social betterment of Serbia.

    8. Economic prosperity, a strong industry, with a rational utilization of national resources in accordance with the highest interests of the citizens of Serbia and cutting down unemployment will be the main goals of the Progressive Party.

    9. The Serbian Progressive Party will create a state of social justice, because "justice holds the state and cities". This means that, in all spheres of social life, they will make conditions for a normal life for those who are the most endangered, children, persons with special needs, retired citizens who were brutally robbed by the state in previous decades. A right to medical treatment must be universal, no matter their financial status. Also, every child must get equal chances for education and presenting his or her qualities.

    10. Equal regional development and decentralization of Serbia are a condition for its prosperity.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Albania took off after admission to NATO

    Post  Jelena Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:29 am

    Albania took off after admission to NATO

    Author: P. O. | 21.08.2009 - 09:27

    The relations between Belgrade and Tirana are tense in recent time because of statements by the Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha over national unity between the Albanians in the mother country and those in Kosovo.

    ‘Tirana’s reply to Belgrade’s Note of protest that the cooperation between the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo is quite natural does not contribute to good relations between the two countries. It seems that Albania has taken off a bit after admission to the NATO and visit by the USA President. Berisha gave the similar statement at opening of a tunnel between Albania and Kosovo. He should abide by the international law especially at this sensitive moment’, Oliver Ivanovic, State secretary at the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija said for ‘Blic’.
    Sali Berisha also said that there should be no customs between the two countries and that under no condition Albania and Kosovo should view themselves as foreign countries to one another.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Turk1 Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:49 pm

    So are you ticked they have ties, or suprised they recognize their own people?

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:24 am

    Turk1 wrote:So are you ticked they have ties, or suprised they recognize their own people?

    If this question is directed to me, I must say that I'm not surprised by anything after they broke almost every single detail of the resolution 1244. Rolling Eyes
    Let's wait and see what will happen (there is a big mess in other countries of the region which involves albos) 'cause no ones candle didn't burn till dawn!

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Kosovo Force (KFOR)

    Post  Jelena Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:34 pm

    KFOR should be reduced in agreement with Serbian authorities

    PROKUPLJE, Aug 24 (Tanjug) - Serbian Defense Minister Dragan Sutanovac stated Monday that the decision on the reduction in the number of KFOR soldiers in Kosovo and Metohija should be made in agreement with the Serbian authorities.

    Sutanovac told journalists that the Serbian officials believe that KFOR has made the decision based on thorough analyses.

    He added that KFOR believes that the situation in Kosovo-Metohija has stabilized and that 10,000 soldiers will be sufficient to prevent possible terrorist attacks.

    Sutanovac pointed out that this is a serious military force, underscoring that Serbia insisted that in case of destabilization, KFOR should be the first to react.

    He stated that the situation in the province is not completely stabile since organized crime is still present, adding that it is well known that organized crime finances terrorism.

    NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated during a recent visit to Pristina, that the west military alliance has decided to gradually reduce the number of KFOR soldiers, adding that the first step will be taken in January 2010 when the number of KFOR soldiers will be cut to 10,000.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:54 pm

    I don't think it matters how many troops are there. That is just political maneuvering to make Serbia look like people are respecting territorial sovereignty. NATO will do what it wants irregardless of what they ask and will not abide by it since their goal is to debase Serbia's claim no matter what.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:17 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:I don't think it matters how many troops are there. That is just political maneuvering to make Serbia look like people are respecting territorial sovereignty. NATO will do what it wants irregardless of what they ask and will not abide by it since their goal is to debase Serbia's claim no matter what.

    I agree completely with you and sad truth is, that this kind of "news" or articles are there just to make Serbian authorities look like they are in some imaginary "control" over the situation so they can get some cheap political points Sad . Keep in mind that all of the countries are reducing expenses so it is logical that they want to "cut" some of the costs by reducing troops!

    There is nothing we can do but to follow the situation for now and to hope for the best (like complete collapse of US or similar)! dunno

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:49 pm

    Jelena wrote:

    There is nothing we can do but to follow the situation for now and to hope for the best (like complete collapse of US or similar)! dunno

    What we can hope for is the ICJ to rule in favour of Serbia. thumbsup

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:10 pm

    Pristina: Protocol with Belgrade is not technical issue

    PRISTINA, Aug 25 (Tanjug) - Representatives of Kosovo institutions have conveyed to the heads of the international missions in Kosovo - Pieter Feith and Yves de Kermabon, that they do not consider the announced signing of the protocol on cooperation between the European Union Kosovo Mission EULEX and the Serbian Interior Ministry a technical issue.

    Kosovo Prime Minister Hasim Taci gave this message to Feith and de Kermabon yesterday, in answer to their claims that the protocol between the EULEX and the Serbian Interior Ministry is of a technical nature, Pristina papers reported today.

    The stand of the Kosovo institutions that the protocol should not be signed has been joined by several non-government organizations based in Pristina. They demand that the Kosovo parliament explain the relations between the Kosovo institutions and the EULEX.

    The daily Koha Ditore reported that seven NGOs sent a letter to the Kosovo parliament, asking MPs to clarify the mandate and the relations between Kosovo institutions and the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).

    The group of NGOs also asked the parliment not to permit the EULEX to represent Kosovo in the signing of this agreement with Serbia.

    These organizations welcomed the stand of Kosovo leaders who are opposed to the signing of the agreement between the EULEX and the Serbian Interior Ministry, pointing out that the statement by the Kosovo leaders should be followed by "concrete actions."

    The daily Zeri said that certain MPs also sent a request to parliament to revize the relations with the EU Mission, demanding an emergency parliament session, but no such session will be held for the time being, Zeri said.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:14 pm

    EULEX strongly condemned demolition of its vehicles

    25 August 2009.

    EULEX strongly condemned the act of vandalism that Kosovo Albanians, members of the Self Determination Movement, committed in downtown Pristina, when they demolished tens of EULEX vehicles. The Kosovo police has arrested several persons and EULEX condemned their fast and efficient reaction. Some of the EULEX vehicles were overturned, some had their glass shattered, while some had their tyres pierced. This act is related to the opposition of Kosovo institutions to EULEX’s intention to sign a protocol on police cooperation with the Serbian Interior Ministry.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:24 pm

    Destructive bastards aren't they.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:23 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:Destructive bastards aren't they.

    The proven ones!!!Still they have donations from EU and others on regular bases, which I find as a complete idiocy!

    This maybe illustrates it in the best way:

    Kosovo General News thread: Podujevo-Church

    Podujevo Serbian Orthodox church burned and destroyed by explosives. The Czech KFOR contingent which guarded this only remaining Serbian church in the area was helpless in front of a well organized Albanian mob. Czech captain Jindrich Plescher: "We were defending a Serb Orthodox church in the town of Podujevo against a mob of 500 Albanians, but there were too many for us," he recalled. "When they broke through the wall [around the church], we got orders to retreat." "They smashed everything inside, including our communications center, made a big pile in front and set it on fire. Then they turned their attention to the adjacent Serb cemetery. They knocked over tombstones, dug up the coffins and scattered the bones in them. I have never seen anything like it".

    More here:

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:34 am

    Hackers attack EULEX website

    29 August 2009

    PRIŠTINA -- Unknown hackers have attacked the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, internet presentation.

    They left a message saying that they would not allow for Kosovo to return under Serbian administration.

    The website was defaced with the message: "You can't sell our land to Serbia… just as we said 'welcome', we can say 'goodbye'."

    This came after a court in Priština ordered 20 activists of the ethnic Albanian Self-Determination Movement to spend 30 days in jail for taking part in a protest against an announced police cooperation protocol between EULEX and MUP.

    28 EULEX vehicles were damaged during the protest in Priština on Tuesday.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Admin Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:07 am

    just as we said 'welcome', we can say 'goodbye'."

    Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. These schiptars must really be scared over what the ICJ is going to decide if they causing this much trouble over a few Serbian police.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:49 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    just as we said 'welcome', we can say 'goodbye'."

    Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. These schiptars must really be scared over what the ICJ is going to decide if they causing this much trouble over a few Serbian police.

    They are making trouble because of the resolution 1244 and cooperation between Serbia and EULEX.
    I'm not big supporter of ICJ nor their decision! Imagine what will happen if the give "advice" not in favor of Serbia?!? It would be absolute disaster!

    Interesting article on topic:

    K. Albanians "pressuring EULEX"

    30 August 2009 | 16:56 | Source: Beta
    BELGRADE -- Disputes between the west and Kosovo over the EU mission "indicate a growing security challenge" for both, Stratfor think-tank writes.

    The agency refers in its analysis to ethnic Albanian Self-Determination Movement and its leader Albin Kurti as "the leader of a Kosovo nationalist nongovernmental organization", and quotes his statement that demonstrations against EULEX would continue.

    Earlier this week, 21 members of the movement were arrested after they demolished 28 EULEX vehicles parked in a Priština lot, in protest of an announced cooperation protocol between EULEX and Serbian police (MUP).

    The analysis claims that tensions between Kosovo residents, that it refers to as "Kosovars", and the west "have been simmering for years", and that "the problem is not one that will be solved so long as EULEX remains in Kosovo".

    "The latest uptick in anti-EU sentiment could foreshadow a serious problem for the Western law enforcement effort in the nascent Balkan state," says Stratfor.

    The article continues to state that while "it is clear that Priština soured on the presence of international forces long ago" it remains "unclear" how far Kosovo Albanian leaders are prepared to go "towards using" groups like Self-Determination "to pressure EULEX to leave".

    "Should Priština begin to openly support popular movements aimed at attaining complete sovereignty over Kosovo," the article continues, the West’s position in Kosovo "will become increasingly tenuous".

    Reminding that first UNMIK and then EULEX were tasked with maintaining order in the territory, the agency writes that "Priština sees the EULEX presence as palatable only so long as it is confined to two policy missions: training the nascent Kosovo police forces to international standards, and containing the restive Kosovo Serb minority population. Beyond these two mandates, the raison d’etre for any international mission within its borders ceases to exist."

    But, according to this, the west views the situation "much differently".

    "Brussels fears that a Kosovo left to its own devices, with porous borders that span Albanian populated regions in Macedonia and Albania, rampant corruption and a lack of meaningful economic activity, would turn into exactly that. This would become a serious security threat to Europe. And that is why EULEX has shown no indications it is prepared to leave or abate its efforts to curb organized crime activity in Kosovo."

    The analysis also looks at the support from the west for the ethnic Albanians' unilateral secession declaration – that it refers to as "Kosovo's independence" – and says it came because of foreign policy reasons "affected by geopolitics", and, "in relation to the existence of a belligerent Belgrade".

    "Support of an independent Kosovo reduced Serbia’s size, territory and power projection, rendering it incapable of threatening its Balkan neighbors," says Stratfor, and adds that the west "never thought out fully what a Kosovar state would actually mean".

    The agency believes that "Belgrade, meanwhile, is undoubtedly enjoying the show from the sidelines".

    "For years, Serbia was cast as a pariah state by the west, one whose reputation was stained by the legacy of Slobodan Milošević," and its perpetual "failure" to apprehend "a slew of war criminals", says Stratfor.

    "Lately, the mood toward Belgrade seems to be changing in the west, while ironically, it is Kosovo that has increasingly shown signs of antagonism toward those who made its independence possible."

    But the article concludes that "the fact remains that no western powers wish to see Serbia regain control" over the province.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:05 am

    Jelena wrote:I'm not big supporter of ICJ nor their decision! Imagine what will happen if the give "advice" not in favor of Serbia?!? It would be absolute disaster!

    What else do we have? If ICJ didn't get involved the countries sitting on the fence would have recognised them long ago. The worst case scenerio is an innevitable conclusion anyway. If ICJ rules in favour of Serbian case, countries will drop from independence stance like flies.

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    Kosovo General News thread: Empty Re: Kosovo General News thread:

    Post  Jelena Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:12 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    Jelena wrote:I'm not big supporter of ICJ nor their decision! Imagine what will happen if the give "advice" not in favor of Serbia?!? It would be absolute disaster!

    What else do we have? If ICJ didn't get involved the countries sitting on the fence would have recognised them long ago. The worst case scenerio is an innevitable conclusion anyway. If ICJ rules in favour of Serbian case, countries will drop from independence stance like flies.

    Well, once you have a time and patience, we can go over the list of the countries who already recognized separatists as independent and the ones who didn't (with our opinion on their reasons to do that or not;timing etc.), which can bring us to some conclusions.It would be really interesting to compare some things...

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