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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News


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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  franco Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:10 pm

    According to this news report, issues with upgrading the An-124 without Ukrainian parts has been resolved;

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:28 pm

    Another An-124 overhauled, upgraded and returned to service. Been out of service since 2003 now back in. thumbsup
    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 CzAxOC5yYWRpa2FsLnJ1L2k1MjUvMTcxMi81Yy81N2I1MzliMzUxOTMuanBnP19faWQ9MTAxMTQ1

    Before photo:
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    Somebody here knew the number of these aircraft currently in storage, it was supposed to be about a dozen. If they overhaul them all they will be comfortable until PAK-TA comes along.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  franco Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:43 pm

    Plans were to have 20 overhauled in total but this was before the parts problem. Hopefully it still is as they are needed.

    NOTE: article says total of 26 aircraft and this upgraded aircraft makes 11 operational.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  AMCXXL Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:15 am

    PapaDragon wrote:.

    Somebody here knew the number of these aircraft currently in storage, it was supposed to be about a dozen. If they overhaul them all they will be comfortable until PAK-TA comes along.
    22 aircraft of military transport aviation of Russia will be modernized at Ulyanovsk plant "Aviastar-SP"
    Posted on: 30/09/2010, 18:42

    At one of the largest enterprises of the Russian aviation industry, the Ulyanovsk Aviastar-SP plant will modernize 22 military transport aircraft of Russia, according to a large-scale modernization program for BTA aircraft launched in 2010, the company's press service said on Wednesday.

    The first such airliner, the heavy AN-124-100 transport aircraft Ruslan (RA-82013), belonging to the WTA of the Russian Ministry of Defense, was already sent to its base in 224th flight detachment in September in Sescha , Bryansk región

    This is the first military machine on which the fuselage, wings, landing gear, navigation system, avionics, airborne units and mechanisms are updated in a qualitative manner in accordance with the new world requirements of the international airworthiness rules. The flight life of the aircraft has been extended up to 2025, the carrying capacity of the aircraft has been increased to 120 tons.

    Two more such "Ruslan" in the stage of active modernization are currently in the production stalls of the final assembly of Aviastar-SP. As the general director of the enterprise Sergey Dementyev noted, the program is coordinated with the Defense Ministry for the next five years. In total, 22 aircrafts of the BTA fleet should be modernized

    Between 2010 and 2015 a total of 10 An-124 were modernized in Aviastar
    In 2015 and 2016 the works were stopped by the Ucranian matters and in 2017 the program has been retaken.
    The An-124 (8 units) were flying in the 224 LO for more of a decade, but this unit seems to have been disbanded once the traditional structure of the Military Transport Aviation has been restored

    566 VTAP (Modernized)
    01  RA-82010  
    02  RF-82011  Just modernized.
    03  RA-82013  (ex-224 LO)
    04  RA-82014  (ex-224 LO)
    05  RA-82030  (ex-224 LO)
    06  RF-82032  (ex-224 LO)
    07  RA-82035  (ex-224 LO)
    08  RA-82037  (ex-224 LO)
    09  RA-82038  
    10  RA-82039  (ex-224 LO)
    11  RA-82040  (ex-224 LO)
    12  RF-82041  Just modernized (1º flight in october)

    In Aviastar-Ulyanovsk:
    01  RA-82034  Fligth from Sescha in 2016, probably next for modernization

    Stored in Ulyanovsk
    01  RA-82024  15 years grounded.Unlikely retrun to service
    02  RA-82033  (ex-929 GLITs) +10 years grounded.Unlikely retrun to service
    03  10 red   Near 20 years grounded. Unlikely retrun to service

    Reserve in Sescha:
    01  RA-82006
    02  RA-82012
    03  RA-82020
    01  RA-82021
    02  RA-82022
    03  RA-82023
    01  RA-82025
    02  RA-82028
    03  RA-82031
    10  RA-82036
    This 10 airplanes stored are here:,33.334693,452m/data=!3m1!1e3

    With the remodelation of VTA , it is likely the An-124 to be attached to the two restored divisions.
    One squadron for the 12 Div. replacing the An-22 of 76 OVTAE in Migalovo-Tver , and other squadron in Ulyanovsk
    Tsavo Lion
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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty As I was saying: Russia can resume production of An-124 Ruslan under a new brand

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:05 pm

    As I was saying: Russia can resume production of An-124 Ruslan under a new brand
    The Russian aircraft industry can upgrade the An-124 Ruslan heavy long-distance transport aircraft and resume its production under a different brand. This was stated on Sunday by a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the development of aviation Yuri Sytnik.. . "According to all international rules, we must carry this brand - An-124, if we have not made significant changes in this plane, and the changes will now be introduced, and it will go under a different brand," Sytnik said, adding that Russian designers made no less contribution to the development of the aircraft in comparison with the Ukrainian ones.
    "The avionics, the chassis design, other engines will be changed, the An-124 base, but in practice it will be another aircraft," he commented on the possible modernization of Ruslan.
    More details: RF can develop the concept of analog An-124 in the next 2 years

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:27 pm

    Didn't Antonov sell their claimed ownership of the An-124 designs to China?
    Tsavo Lion
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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:49 pm

    Only for the AN-225, & AN-148 for licensed production as I understand it. They too will be produced under different brands as modifications. The details r not very clear.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:17 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Only for the AN-225, & AN-148 for licensed production as I understand it. They too will be produced under different brands as modifications. The details r not very clear.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  George1 Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:20 am

    The Concept of the Advanced Heavy Transport Plane (TTS) 'Slon' – the Russian term for 'elephant' – and is outwardly similar to the An-124 in appearance, with a high-wing, four-engined layout, nose-loading capability and a low horizontal stabiliser.
    Presented by Moscow's Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) at MAKS 2017.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  LMFS Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:15 am

    Can anybody explain for dummies WTF this all means? Is Russia going to restart the An-124 line? With modifications so they can call it "Il"? How long will this take? What engines would be used? And even better, what does it mean for PAK-TA?

    Endless questions... Rolling Eyes

    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  Guest Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:35 am

    LMFS wrote:Can anybody explain for dummies WTF this all means? Is Russia going to restart the An-124 line? With modifications so they can call it "Il"? How long will this take? What engines would be used? And even better, what does it mean for PAK-TA?

    Endless questions... Rolling Eyes

    Design seems to have layout of An-124, so in core it should be "Russianised An-124", with natural improvements that occured though last 3 decades.

    How long... long.. 10 years, i guess.

    Probably PD-14 i guess, or PD-35, depends on final proposed specs. PAK-TA is still being drawn somewhere on napkins at this moment.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  LMFS Wed Jun 06, 2018 12:53 am

    Militarov wrote:
    Design seems to have layout of An-124, so in core it should be "Russianised An-124", with natural improvements that occured though last 3 decades.

    How long... long.. 10 years, i guess.

    Probably PD-14 i guess, or PD-35, depends on final proposed specs. PAK-TA is still being drawn somewhere on napkins at this moment.

    Znx Militarov.

    If they are going indeed to make a completely new plane (this "Slon" is more than 80 m long, new engines, new avionics...) then I don't see the need to make references to the An-124 as base model, but who knows... maybe has to do with some legal trick so that they can maintain and certify the existing An-124 (supposedly flightworthy until 2040's) and their engines without Ukraine.

    The delay you mention would be logical for a new plane and would make sense regarding the engines, since PD-14 couldn't practically be used for such project. There were talks of a PD-30 engine based on the improved NK-32 gas generator that is being developed for the Tu-160M2 but modified as high-bypass for airlifters and airliners. By the dates when this started to be mentioned (2012) and if the development had discretely continued, the engine would be almost ready and could serve as stop-gap measure and maybe allow to re-engine the An-124 until the PD-35 appears probably by end of next decade.

    Regarding the PAK-TA, if this modified An-124 goes ahead and also with the Il-106 still being mentioned in the latest years then In understand the talks are not anymore about supersonic transport but about renovating the existing categories of subsonic transports

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  Hole Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:37 am

    The "Elefant" is a new plane, based on the An-124. The dispute with the nazi regime in Kiev is about production of a modernised An-124.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:31 pm

    Right, & a "deeply" modernised AN-124 can built at a fraction of the time & cost, just like the IL-476/8. vs. IL-106.
    The expert commented on Antonov's statement about the impossibility of producing An-124 in Russia

    Just like they said that the Crimean bridge couldn't be built!

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  LMFS Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:32 am

    Ok Hole, Tsavo Lion,

    makes sense. Then we should see steps materializing soon. Specifically, there should be news about the PD-30, the guy quoted in the RT article again spoke about a derivation of the renewed NK-32 as the engine of this modernized An-124

    If this goes forward this will be great news for the VTA and Russian economy. I suspect Antonov now realises how badly they have shot themselves in the foot...

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  LMFS Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:11 am

    More statements in the same line:

    Senator certain Russia can manufacture An-124 aircraft without Ukraine

    According to Viktor Bondarev, the plane will have a new navigation system and new engines

    MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. The Antonov An-124 aircraft can be manufactured in Russia without Ukraine’s participation, Viktor Bondarev, Chairman of Russia’s Federation Council (upper house) Defense and Security Committee, told reporters on Wednesday.

    "I believe it is expedient to resume serial production of the An-124 aircraft. Of course, it will have a different name. That will be a completely new aircraft, Russian-made, developed by our designers," he said.

    According to the senator, the plane will have a new navigation system and new engines. The use of such aircraft by Russia will meet both the efficiency and safety requirements, Bondarev stressed.

    He noted that the Ulyanovsk aircraft-building factory has sufficient capacity, intellectual and technical resources to resume production of the An-124 aircraft, which were manufactured there during the Soviet era.

    "Ukraine wants to illegally privatize the right to manufacture these aircraft, and therefore claims we cannot produce them," Bondarev added.

    Military Transport Aviation Commander Lieutenant-General Vladimir Benediktov earlier told the Echo of Moscow radio station that Russia was studying an option to resume the production of such aircraft.

    According to Vice-President for Transport Aircraft at Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and CEO of the Ilyushin Aviation Complex Alexei Rogozin, the production of a modified An-124 Ruslan heavy long-range transport plane could be resumed.


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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:46 am

    It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Russia can clearly make these since initially the AN-124 used majority Russian parts with some exceptions. IT is more like Ukraine that cant build anymore of them and that is why they have to sell it to China.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  kvs Thu Jun 07, 2018 5:43 am

    miketheterrible wrote:It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Russia can clearly make these since initially the AN-124 used majority Russian parts with some exceptions.  IT is more like Ukraine that cant build anymore of them and that is why they have to sell it to China.

    Indeed. People are confused about the role of Ukraine in the industry of the USSR. It was a branch plant economy and not the core.
    Thanks to the mass murdering criminal idiots in charge of Kiev, the Ukraine (aka Banderastan) is de-industrializing rapidly.

    And Antonov is by no means a Ukrainian company with exclusive Ukrainian rights to its intellectual property. Antonov was a Soviet
    company founded in the RFSR. Right now Antonov is basically defunct since it does not have the financial and technical resources
    to function like the original Antonov. The only reason that Russia makes these stupid concessions to "Ukrainian ownership" is because
    of western shenanigans. The west would sanction any Russian made Antonov product since they pretend, like in the case of Crimea,
    that Antonov is an indigenous entity of Ukraine.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:04 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Russia can clearly make these since initially the AN-124 used majority Russian parts with some exceptions. IT is more like Ukraine that cant build anymore of them and that is why they have to sell it to China.

    Currently priority is to build light and medium sized transports (these are in shorter supply than heavy ones)

    As for new heavy it will depend on new engine (they could easily restart An-124 but why bother with old engine when even upgraded bombers are getting brand new ones?)

    So we just have to wait for some solid news about PD-30 engine and news about new heavy transport (An-124 derivative or something new) will not be long behind.

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  Hole Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:14 pm

    There are also PD-28 and NK-65.
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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:41 pm

    Or modified & upgraded PD-14:

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  LMFS Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:10 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Or modified & upgraded PD-14:

    As far as I have read, PD-35 requires the development of significant amount of new technologies beyond what was created for the PD-14. That is why I was not considering it a "modified" PD-14 but a separated project. In any case it will make use of everything learned from the latter's development.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:25 pm

    If a new engine isn't ready in time, they could even use 6 engines from IL-476 on the AN-124 follow on! Or, reduce the MTOW by shortening fuselage, etc., & use 4 of those engines!

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    An-124 Strategic Transport: News - Page 5 Empty Re: An-124 Strategic Transport: News

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:30 pm

    Hole wrote:There are also PD-28 and NK-65.

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Or modified & upgraded PD-14:

    This is new project so they will be going with new engines which means PD-30

    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:37 pm

    Not necessarily. Quite a few Soviet planes, civilian & military, used the same, but modified engines.

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