Local businesses may be able take advantage of this and start something more healthy - like home cooked style food.
BTW, Regular, Pub food is awesome for most part. Dont knock it!
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ALAMO wrote:miketheterrible wrote:Wonder if Rusburger will replace McDonalds like in Crimea. As for KFC, I do recall seeing domestic fried chicken places. I mean, shit isn't rocket science.
How it goes?
If all McDonalds, Coca&Cola, Pornhub etc will get out of Russia, they might became the most physically&mentally fit society in the whole world!
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The point is Russia is each day more isolated.
West is shocked how big idiot is Putin so they are ready to go extra mile if needed, even if sanctions on Russian energy will trigger recession and hurt economy etc...
So far the hard truth is adventure in Ukraine proved to be way too costly for Russia and if nothing changes soon Russia will become new giant North Korea.
We are just in second week in conflict and Russia lost ground internationally on epic proportions.
A picture worth a thousand words
Companies only suspend their business, they are not closing permanently, hence why they are not selling their premises or equipment.
They fear backlash from not following the unwritten guidelines, look what happened to companies who were slow to react.
Wonder if Rusburger will replace McDonalds like in Crimea. As for KFC, I do recall seeing domestic fried chicken places. I mean, shit isn't rocket science.
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ALAMO wrote:With prices of oil, gas&commodities, they will swim in cash.
And I would be worried about inflation rather than anything else.
Still, they can tunnel that extra cash into new mineral extracting facilities, that will give a leverage, again.
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Hole wrote:ALAMO wrote:With prices of oil, gas&commodities, they will swim in cash.
And I would be worried about inflation rather than anything else.
Still, they can tunnel that extra cash into new mineral extracting facilities, that will give a leverage, again.
Use a few extra billion to rebuild Novorossiya. Show the west how nation building is done.
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kvs wrote:So-called experts in Russia are predicting an 8% drop in the GDP for 2022. They also predict a 20% inflation. These
are fully inconsistent predictions. Russia's GDP is going to crash four times more than in 2015 with an inflation shock
that is 5% higher? BS.
The proper metrics of Russia's GDP will be employment and trade. I do not see Russia shutting down its oil and gas exports.
Closing of KFC is not going to crash Russia's economy. KFC outlets can be replaced with Russian brands in a matter of weeks.
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Hole wrote:Western "experts" will tell us that the russian economy shrunk by X% according to their calculations and manipulated exchange rates. This will be the great victory of the west. Meanwhile the russian economy will still be the equivalent of 8 - 10 Trill. $ (in Ruble, of course).
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Russia will no longer pay patent holders from unfriendly countries
On March 6, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an important resolution that fundamentally changes the entire international patent system. Now domestic companies are exempted from paying royalties to owners of titles of protection certifying the exclusive right to own this or that invention, registered in countries unfriendly to the Russian Federation.
The list of such states was published the day before. It included as many as 48 countries, including the USA, Great Britain, Ukraine, Japan, Australia, and others.
It is worth noting that the aforementioned percentages from the sale of products or the use of intellectual property brought serious income to foreign companies. In particular, American IT giants received fabulous profits from the sale of their products in our territory.
However, starting March 6, Russia will no longer pay patent holders from unfriendly countries. But that's not all.
In case of further economic pressure on our country, the government may give permission to copy, imitate and reproduce any Western inventions and technologies. Then, Russian patents will be assigned to such inventions.
Finally, it is worth adding that the United States once took this path. The States essentially raised their industry at the expense of British inventions, the patents for which were “zeroed out”, and the technologies were copied and appropriated by American companies.
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Hole wrote:Western "experts" will tell us that the russian economy shrunk by X% according to their calculations and manipulated exchange rates. This will be the great victory of the west. Meanwhile the russian economy will still be the equivalent of 8 - 10 Trill. $ (in Ruble, of course).
flamming_python wrote:Hole wrote:Western "experts" will tell us that the russian economy shrunk by X% according to their calculations and manipulated exchange rates. This will be the great victory of the west. Meanwhile the russian economy will still be the equivalent of 8 - 10 Trill. $ (in Ruble, of course).
The Russian economy is going to tank hard one way or the other
Tons of lost jobs if these Western companies really do leave. We've already seen huge emigration of IT specialists and various people over the last couple of weeks. Then the lost export orders to Europe, and probably many other countries. Inability to import key parts in supply chains. The airlines are going to have to make do with grounded planes. The rouble has lost 50% of its value, there's going to be a lot of inflation.
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