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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Western propaganda #2


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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Sep 04, 2023 12:21 pm

    British officials warned about ‘glamorous women’ in China – media

    ‘Honey traps’ were one of several alleged security threats on which the UK foreign secretary was reportedly briefed

    British authorities have claimed for years that China uses so-called ‘honey trapping’ to extract information from gullible Western men. In a 2009 document, the UK’s domestic intelligence agency, MI5, warned banks and businesses that female Chinese intelligence operatives were known to seek out “long-term relationships” with Western targets, and to “exploit vulnerabilities such as sexual relationships... to pressurize individuals to cooperate with them.”

    China has repeatedly denied such claims. When FBI Director Christopher Wray and MI5 Director Ken McCallum warned last year that Beijing was still actively targeting Western businesses, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian accused the two Western spy chiefs of “creating imaginary enemies” and “trying to project their own disgraceful acts onto China.”

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  sepheronx Mon Sep 04, 2023 4:26 pm

    Then the British Intelligence will have a lot of work ahead of them to improve British woman to:
    - make them pretty
    - make them actually woman
    - make them less of a Sheila or Karen and make them reasonable and less trashy, dumb and flighty.

    Doubt they will accomplish that. So the men will continue to look outside rather than inside to marry.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:05 pm

    So building a rail line for the Olympics is fine as long as it isn't done by Russia. Because in Russia it is "corruption". Nice to know.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:44 am

    British authorities have claimed for years that China uses so-called ‘honey trapping’ to extract information from gullible Western men. In a 2009 document, the UK’s domestic intelligence agency, MI5, warned banks and businesses that female Chinese intelligence operatives were known to seek out “long-term relationships” with Western targets, and to “exploit vulnerabilities such as sexual relationships... to pressurize individuals to cooperate with them.”

    Hahaha... first of all to interest British bankers and businessmen it would have to be Chinese ladyboys... maybe this is an attempt to recruit more straight men for the job with the lure of a hot Chinese wife/partner...

    Putting it out in the news like this is probably because some of their operatives are failing at the same role and might get exposed, in which case they can point to these news articles that "prove" that it is likely the Chinese were already doing this to them... so it is not underhanded if the enemy is already doing it right?

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  PhSt Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:43 pm

    kvs wrote:

    The progression to totalitarianism is readily apparent.   Eventually the alternative streaming platforms will be closed down by government
    action (legislative and enforcement).   We'll have YouCrap designated as the only acceptable streaming platform because it supposedly
    does not spread "misinformation".  

    The rising censorship in NATO countries opens up the opportunity for Russia to set up alternative video hosting sites to counter NATO propaganda, while Russia already operates RuTube, the site is still mainly in Russian language and therefore focused only for Russian viewers, it would be great if Russia sets up a video hosting site that has multi language functionality to attract international viewers to migrate to the platform. This site will most likely get banned in NATO territories, but this will only show the hypocrisy of NATO and viewers can always use VPN to circumvent NATO's Great wall of censorship russia

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:31 pm

    Wikipedia, the "free" encyclopedia What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face
    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Hunka10

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:56 am

    And Zelensky is confused because both of his grandfathers were in SS units during WWII... isn't that just normal?

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  Werewolf Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:13 pm

    GarryB wrote:And Zelensky is confused because both of his grandfathers were in SS units during WWII... isn't that just normal?

    Looking at some of his stage performance it was 2 out of 4 grandfathers.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  Hole Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:44 pm

    Wasn´t one fighting with the Red Army against the Nazis?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:57 am


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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:59 am

    Wow... the first two an a half minutes of that video establishes all western countries as fascist... by the definitions given.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:02 pm

    Accusing Russia of fascism is a moronic joke. Fascism involves and oligarch class that joins forces with the state (or more accurately,
    controls the state) to engage in totalitarian policies. The government does not act in the name of the proletariat like in communist
    countries, which do not have any private shadow oligarchy pulling the strings. This is why the USSR collapsed from within, since there
    was progressive rot of the party nomenklatura who dreamed of oligarchical power. The blooming of oligarchs in Russia even before 1990
    was the progression of this rot. The communist system did keep individuals in the hierarchy from gaining gross amounts of wealth and power.

    But Russia failed to become an oligarch toilet. Contrast to Ukraine, which did become one. After 1998, there was a government revanche
    in Russia where the "siloviki" acted to save the country by preventing maggots such as Khodorkovsky and other robber baron swine from
    grabbing total control. The NATzO gang rape of Serbia in early 1999 combined with NATzO orchestrated invasion by jihadis from Chechnya
    into Dagestan (where 700 civilians were killed) resulted in a type of coup where Yeltsin's comprador regime was removed without tanks
    around the Kremlin. Putin was the coup substitute for Yeltsin.

    So Russia restored state primacy in 1999. Oligarchs had to transition to tycoons and were put in their place. We have even seen an actual instance
    of this when Putin humiliated Deripaska over some pen. The mafiosi criminals like Berezovsky and Khodorkovsky were crushed. The restoration
    of state primacy gives western idealist ideologues conniption fits. They are deluded about the unique evil of government and think that oligarch
    feudalism is more free. They are total clowns since they live in an oligarch toilet where the government is a condom for hidden actors who use
    the "deep state" as a tool. The mystical power of the government is not in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats.

    Putin is elected and has faced multiple opponents on the ballot in every single election. The US is a nominal two party regime where 3rd candidates
    are openly suppressed such as Ralph Nader. The circus with Navalny is a true joke since some fringe clown not getting enough signatures to appear
    on the presidential ballot means diddley squat. So Russians exert more control over their government than Americans with their self-hyped,
    exceptional "democracy".

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:08 pm

    The Russell Brand case demonstrates exactly what I was posting above regarding Dr. Berg.   Some UK regime harpie already threatened
    Rumble with legal sanction for daring to platform Brand even though there has not been even a trial.   She was using the new
    Orwellian internet "child safety" law as a pretext to muzzle Brand.   As if Brand was advocated rape or something.

    NATzO countries are sliding into totalitarianism.  Their elites are panicked about loss of global power.   The NATzO GDP is now around
    a third of global GDP.   And there is a natural progression to multi-polarity as western colonial power wanes.   This means that
    trickle down for the NATzO masses is drying up.   The elites fully expect unrest from the proles whose precious standard of living is
    going to collapse.  They need to institute totalitarianism to hold onto power.  

    It is not just totalitarianism.   They also want to reshape NATzO societies by destroying national identity and culling the population
    to manage the reduced resources.

    It is all self-consistent.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:11 pm

    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Blinke10

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  sepheronx Sat Sep 30, 2023 6:58 pm

    Had a convo with my friend yesterday. He was telling me that:

    Russia is dictatorship and are evil
    Said they abandon their soldiers and loosing the war.

    I told him what's happening and he said it's bullshit cause he saw it on multiple news sites from.... Australia, US, UK and Canada.

    I laughed at him and said, sure, let's see in 2025. He said nope, we won't and is just a fucking moron. Guy is retarded yet talks about how he knows because he sees with his eyes and uses his brain. I said, gee, how do you see with your eyes from Canada?

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:31 pm

    The west is closer to Orwellian dystopia than pretty much any other place on Earth. The submission of western proles to MSM BS narratives is the key ingredient.
    People in the "totalitarian" USSR never bought into the media narratives like I have seen in the west since the 1970s. I am sure people in China do not lap up official
    narratives like westerners. Places like Africa are just too disorganized for any sort of mass media control. Rwanda was a case of leveraging pre-existing ethnic
    animosity. Latin America is more like NATzO but still has independent thinking. I think Brazil is a good example where the population does not toe the NATzO party
    line even if a lot of media is parroting NATzO BS. India is like this as well.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:01 am

    I laughed at him and said, sure, let's see in 2025. He said nope, we won't and is just a fucking moron. Guy is retarded yet talks about how he knows because he sees with his eyes and uses his brain. I said, gee, how do you see with your eyes from Canada?

    Not that there is any real point, but did you point out that it is law in the west for both sides to tell their side of the story and that they are supposed to be judged based on law assuming innocence.

    When the other side is declared propaganda and cannot be listened to that makes your propaganda more effective because if you don't listen to anything the other side is saying then there is no way to tell if they are being truthful or not.

    I am confident I know which side is lying because despite my lack of interest the western view gets shoved down my throat by certain members and the western media and people like this guy who don't bother with any other sources at all... so I do see and hear both sides, but it is very easy to look at both sides and realise very quickly which side consistently lies or leaves out information.

    Even western sources admit the missile that landed in Poland and killed two people was not Russian as the Ukrainians claimed from the outset.

    That American drone they claim was rammed by a Russian fighter and showed video footage proved the Russians dumped fuel in the path of the drone but the footage with the damaged prop was from a completely different video with a propeller that was painted differently.

    That was not an accident, that was an intentional attempt to fake evidence and to openly lie to the western public.

    When has that happened with the Russian side?

    Later on we find out new stuff... the western claim was that Russian forces were pushed away from Kiev and valiantly crushed and push back to near their current lines... but then later we hear that Russian forces were withdrawn from Kiev as part of a peace treaty that Zelenksy broke... so they even lie when they lie.

    But you know what is the easiest thing for you to do.

    The Russians are drunk, their economy is collapsing, they are losing millions of men and their army is on the brink of collapse... so why is Putin and Lavrov saying there is no point in negotiations and this will be decided on the battlefield?

    The west has lied and cheated so much I doubt Russia wants any relations with them moving forward, and why would they?

    Russia is better off without the west so let the west continue to hate... that is the best possible thing for Russia moving forward... to have nothing at all to do with the west no matter who is in charge... because in the 20 odd years Putin has been in power most political parties in the west that have any chance of ruling have been in power and it didn't really make any difference at all.

    The problem for the west is that their Russia experts are fucking idiot western snobs, who think the west is the winner and Russia is the loser which means the west doesn't need "relations" with Russia... the west is the boss and Russia is the damn natives who will do as they are told even when it is to their disadvantage and they will be happy about it because if it wasn't for the west they would still be living in caves.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:14 am

    The west is closer to Orwellian dystopia than pretty much any other place on Earth.

    The amusing thing is that they believe their own bullshit so when they talk about the world putting sanctions on Russia and the world isolating Russia and China they don't actually realise it is only the G7 plus EU.

    They pretend to be shocked when the rest of the world.... can't call them the third world now because that is offensive so they use the term global south instead... is not doing as they are told the way the west acts on the orders of Brussels or the US like the little bitches they are.

    Europe has destroyed its own economy while at the same time conversely opened up Russia to trade with the rest of the world which will actually be much more profitable for Russia and the rest of the world. European car makers assembling cars cheaply in Russia now have to find another country with cheap labour but reliable electricity supply to make their stuff but now they will be competing with Russian assembled cars perhaps designed in Russia but perhaps also maybe designed in Iran or India or China...

    The Europeans thought their wealth and comfort came from US military power keeping them safe from war... except it hasn't at all... the US has dragged European countries into plenty of wars that really had very little to do with Europe and now they have created a war with Russia and the direct consequence that they have lost an enormous market for their goods and also cheap energy and cheap raw materials they used to use to create products to sell back to Russia at a profit.

    They are slowly starting to realise what is happening but it is too late... there is no way in hell Russia will start selling them cheap gas and oil and wood and coal and Uranium and other materials... they just spent more money in a year and a half killing Russians... soldiers and civilians, than they ever spent during the 1990s trying to help Russia with their new problems transitioning to a democratic country with privatisation.

    Perhaps if it was academics that went in there to teach them about a private ownership economy they could have done a much better job and western democracy would not have a dirty name there, but instead they sent in the wolves who robbed and stole while chaos was going on around them as the criminals took over the asylum for a while.

    I have enormous respect for Putin and Lavrov... mainly that they don't walk over to Blinken and Biden and others talking about peace and democracy like they care about either, and give them a damn good punch in the face.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  TMA1 Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:28 am

    sepheronx wrote:Had a convo with my friend yesterday. He was telling me that:

    Russia is dictatorship and are evil
    Said they abandon their soldiers and loosing the war.

    I told him what's happening and he said it's bullshit cause he saw it on multiple news sites from.... Australia, US, UK and Canada.

    I laughed at him and said, sure, let's see in 2025.  He said nope, we won't and is just a fucking moron.  Guy is retarded yet talks about how he knows because he sees with his eyes and uses his brain. I said, gee, how do you see with your eyes from Canada?

    No point in debating. At that point all you can do is either ignore it or pull a Socrates and ask questions that lead them towards what is true and what is erroneous. Reminds me of two good verses from scripture. Proverbs 26 verses 4 and 5.

    4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

    5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

    It is a conundrum. Sometimes it is best to not even get into the debate, but there are times when something foolish said must be corrected. Wisdom is knowing when. Problem is nobody is ever wise enough to know exactly when. Except Jesus. He always knew when to speak and when to be silent. That is near the heart of wisdom I think.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  ALAMO Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:01 am

    sepheronx wrote:Had a convo with my friend yesterday. He was telling me that:

    Russia is dictatorship and are evil
    Said they abandon their soldiers and loosing the war.

    I told him what's happening and he said it's bullshit cause he saw it on multiple news sites from.... Australia, US, UK and Canada.

    I laughed at him and said, sure, let's see in 2025.  He said nope, we won't and is just a fucking moron.  Guy is retarded yet talks about how he knows because he sees with his eyes and uses his brain. I said, gee, how do you see with your eyes from Canada?

    There is not much blame on him. Brainwashed.
    Sometimes we really downplay the scale of western propaganda and it's power.
    Yesterday, I was watching some documents about road infrastructure and it's development, and the case was proposed by Russians tunnel under the Bering Straits to Alaska. Linking a road connection from Europe to America.
    Just an ordinary document, that while the route was being shown on a map, the comment in the background was : it will go through breaking apart Russia, that is losing it's war.
    And the scene with the Russian state contour breaking glass style.
    What was the purpose of that, in material that was covering a totally different matter? That consisted of no political background comments other than towards Russia?
    And it is just a single case and example.
    People are just being soaked with this type of comments. It surrounds them so densely, that usually we don't mark it anymore. Yet not marking that, does not mean it is not hitting your head.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  sepheronx Sun Oct 01, 2023 10:48 am

    The problem with people like my friend is that:
    - He doesn't even let anyone talk. he just goes on, loud and fast and just speaks over people. He doesn't even want to hear anything other than his opinion. That's it.
    - I asked questions but he just doesn't answer. I asked "so we are right and everyone else is wrong, including a country they recently called the biggest democracy in the world (India) then turn 180 and say its a dictatorship under Modi." and he just shrugs.
    - Doesn't even acknowledge his own hypocrisy. Someone makes a joke that he buys Bud Lite and that he says "wish I just kicked his ignorant ass". I ask him how is that accepting? Demand acceptance through violence? Yet calls Russians evil because they are apparently "Violent" and "abandons their dead". It is so obvious but he just denies.

    I find as he gets older, he is getting worst. I am only assuming his massive consumption of mamajuana is getting to him. I care about him but he is just rather very self destructive.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:12 pm

    sepheronx wrote:I find as he gets older, he is getting worst.  I am only assuming his massive consumption of mamajuana is getting to him.  I care about him but he is just rather very self destructive.

    Does he happen to have some personal tragedy, or problems and issues in his daily life, family, or health ?

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:44 pm

    Again its not the oligarchs, its always the State.
    The merger of corporate and government is a total myth, it is nothing more than old socialist propaganda.
    A lie told long enough that many believe it was real.

    If the idea is to blame "The Rich" for when things are bad, then you are dealing with socialists, they can blame the rich (or the Jews) and claim to be the savior if only they were in power.


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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:00 pm

    Politicians and bureaucrats are nobodies who can be offed, blackmailed and terrorized.   Don't even try to claim that they are more
    powerful than oligarch billionaires with private security and links to the underworld.    Government is intrinsically disorganized and
    would be paralyzed with competition by nobodies in office politics.   Government is acting coherently because these lemmings
    have the whip cracked over them.   The whip is not from the electorate.   The bimbo who got elected in Italy on an anti-immigration
    flood ticket flipped around tout de suite once in office.

    Congress critters get rich after holding office for a while (e.g. Pelosi, AOC, etc.) but they are dirt poor by oligarch standards and could
    never afford to engage in true power games which operate through coercion.    I have never seen any of these lemmings instigate any
    policy that could be identified as their own initiative.   They are always pandering to the oligarchy and all of their policies serve the interests
    of this oligarchy.  

    The US never left the gilded age and only had some polish introduced to keep the proles confused.   The pattern in all the ex-commie states
    demonstrates that oligarchs pull all the strings.   They emerge on a time scale of a few years and not decades.  If the government was
    this super-powerful entity this could never happen.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  sepheronx Sun Oct 01, 2023 10:22 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:I find as he gets older, he is getting worst.  I am only assuming his massive consumption of mamajuana is getting to him.  I care about him but he is just rather very self destructive.

    Does he happen to have some personal tragedy, or problems and issues in his daily life, family, or health ?

    He did have partial liver failure. And he does have relationship issues (that is obvious based upon his temper issues).

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