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    Western propaganda #2


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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:55 pm

    I am honestly sad about the declining quality of Western propaganda.
    They have become so dismally stupid, that it is not even funny anymore.

    Maybe they should ask for help from The Onion.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  flamming_python Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:28 pm

    I am honestly sad about the declining quality of Western propaganda.
    They have become so dismally stupid, that it is not even funny anymore.

    Maybe they should ask for help from The Onion.

    I'm not sad at all, I'm glad they're all revealing themselves to even the most obtuse. Not that there was any difficulty telling them for what they are before upon close examination, but many ordinary people in America and Europe could at least buy the cool-aid and pretend otherwise, while much of the rest of the world was simply ignorant of the issue.

    The West has been using every propaganda instrument it has during this war. Even the Pope has now condemned Buryats and Chechens.

    The good thing about this is that it gives fair warning to the rest of the world about what instruments of Washington and Brussels to ward themselves off from. While Russia will manage, even with the Pope's accusations.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  Hole Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:47 pm

    Maybe Moscow should appoint a new pope. Just for fun. Guido could do it.  Laughing

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:49 pm

    So 25% of Russian government debt reduction since the end of 2021 gives

    0.25 x 20.3 trillion rubles = 5.075 trillion rubles

    The Russian GDP for 2021 was 131.02 trillion rubles giving us 3.87%.

    If the debt is foreign, then this is nearly 4% GDP "loss". If the debt is mostly domestic, then the "loss" is much smaller.
    According to the CBR, half of the government debt was in foreign currencies, i.e. foreign (assuming no domestic debt
    issued was in foreign currencies). It seems that the debt repayment is basically all foreign and this makes sense since
    Russia is trying to unload all NATzO debt.

    So the 4% GDP drop in Russia is driven by foreign debt repayment.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  flamming_python Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:20 am
    A "second front" has been opened against Russia. But the West doesn't know how to feed it

    Russian-Ukrainian political scientist Vladimir Kornilov

    The West has loudly announced the creation of a "second front" against Russia. That is how loudly - "Second Front" - the article is called in the printed version of The Economist, which is the ideological mouthpiece of Western liberals. For some reason, in the electronic version, this biting phrase was replaced by a more modest, although also revealing, headline: "The Pen and The Sword."

    No, no, this is not about the landing of Western troops on the Russian coast, as President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky hinted at when speaking at the G20 summit, which he called the G19. The Economist editors, always obsessed with the need to fight against the Russian state, call our fifth column, the marginal oppositionists, who mostly fled their country, the “second front”. Apparently, the magazine remembered Saint-Exupery's formula: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Little-known figures in Russia have been nurtured there for so long that they have now decided to at least somehow remind the collective West of their problems.

    It is no coincidence that foreign agents who fled to the West happily rushed to recommend this article for reading. No wonder, after all, at least someone remembered the needs of the vegetating liberal party that left Russia and pretty well worn out behind the cordon. And it was already time for her to fall into despair: the wave of ideological Russophobia that covered Europe caused the abolition of everything Russian, which had a painful effect on those who never considered themselves Russian in Russia, thinking that abroad they would appreciate their many years of service to the cause of collapse Russian statehood. Not appreciated.

    From the first days of the special operation in Ukraine, Russian liberals began to beg not to associate them with Russia and come up with some kind of formula that would get them out of general anti-Russian sanctions. Then they themselves began to accept the formula "There are no good Russians," which Zelensky personally promoted to an external audience. Some of them still tried to argue with this, but voices began to be heard more and more often: "We are no more. We are not only outside the legal field - we are outside the field of humanity. We must accept this."

    And where could they go in the situation when a heated discussion began in the European press about whether the Russian soul as such is a priori guilty? It is very reminiscent of the theological dispute in Europe of the 16th century about whether the Indians have a soul. Having accepted the thesis about the guilt of all Russians, the Western media went further and began to discuss no less vigorously whether it is necessary to read Pushkin and Dostoevsky or whether it would be easier to ban them all as harmful literature.

    It is curious that the same The Economist eventually magnanimously allowed to read the Russian classics from time to time, although he recognized the rationale of the arguments of the supporters of the total abolition of our culture: “Yes, the Russian literary canon is tainted by imperialism. But this does not mean that you should stop reading it.” Having gone over the "imperialist spots" in the work of Tolstoy, Pushkin and Dostoevsky, the mouthpiece of the liberals finally decided that this work should be analyzed, if only in order to understand the logic of the actions of one's opponent.

    Well, if even Tolstoy was made guilty, then what should some third-rate blogger expect, who may be famous in a narrow circle of Russian oppositionists, but in the eyes of the West is an ordinary Russian, because we are all a priori to blame for the current troubles of Europe and America. In their desire to punish the entire population of Russia, Western leaders did not even notice how they had deprived themselves of almost all tools of influence on our society, violating their own traditions and many years of practice.

    For example, during the years of the Cold War, when the USSR was surrounded by a powerful "Iron Curtain", the West made remarkable efforts to penetrate our information space, carefully gathered critics of the Soviet system who had fled abroad, fed them, and spent considerable funds to ensure that the anti-Soviet propaganda made its way to the Russian-speaking reader or listener of "enemy voices" through all obstacles. Today, in a fit of Russophobic passions, the West has cut off many information channels and destroyed the network of agents of influence that has been created for decades.

    The Economist suddenly drew attention to how anti-Russian sanctions practically left these agents, whom the magazine called "offshore journalism", without a comfortable existence. YouTube and various social networks where our fifth columnists streamed refused to monetize their propaganda activities. And payment systems like Visa and MasterCard, having left Russia, deprived them of the opportunity to receive what our oppositionists have been doing well all these years - donations, affectionately referred to as "donations". The result was a lack of contentment. "Money is the problem of offshore publications," the British weekly states with regret.

    The authors of the publication did not even notice how, in an effort to knock out funding for their wards, they offended their tender feelings by comparing these figures with ... Lenin. "Offshore journalism has always influenced Russia's political future," writes the magazine. "Russia has a long tradition of influential refugees: Vladimir Lenin once published the Iskra newspaper in London." The original comparison, you will not say anything. Calling the editors of the media-foreign agents dug in abroad "Lenins of today" is something you have to think of. One would like to ask the authors: did Lenin finally live up to the expectations of the West when he came to power in Russia?

    But an even more original thought came from The Economist's editorial on the same subject, which called for firms operating international payment systems to "find ways to make it possible" to transfer donations from Russia to offshore propagandists. That is, liberal ideologists, who have been seeking total sanctions against Russia for many years, suddenly realized that they threw out their own child along with the water, and now they are thinking how to fix the situation. It remains only to return to the idea of ​​introducing passports of "correct Russians" (or "useful Russians", as one of the escaped foreign agents suggested) and introducing a separate payment system for their financing from Russia. No matter how the magazine, in a creative impulse, called for it to be called Visa-Lenin, continuing its risky analogies.

    But it is they who have not yet realized that by erecting a new "Iron Curtain" they have drastically reduced their ability to directly address our audience. Western publications like to accuse Russia of censorship, but it was not Russia that cut off streaming services like Netflix, which were actively used to influence our youth. It's not Russia that deprived our readers of the opportunity to use the online libraries of the West in foreign languages. Previously, Western ideological saboteurs carried banned literature to the USSR on themselves, but now they themselves are erecting reinforced concrete barriers for it to enter our country.

    Having created such difficulties for themselves, they urge Russian citizens to actively use VPN services. Remember how, quite recently, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson imagined himself to be Prometheus, bringing us the fire of knowledge about this mysterious three-letter abbreviation. So the publication of The Economist expresses the hope that Western propaganda will break through the barriers erected by the West, citing statistics on the use of VPN services in Russia. True, the reaction of Russian readers will not please the magazine. Some of them pointed out: “I use VPN to download series and movies from torrents, not to read any stupid foreign… (then follows a word that is better not to translate)”. That is, the Russian audience knows abbreviations and three-letter words better than any Johnsons, but uses them more to circumvent Western censorship, rather than domestic.

    The fate of the escaped oppositionists, who by no means pull not only on Lenin, but even on Kerensky, is of little concern to anyone. It is difficult to say whether any of them hoped that they would be met in some Vilnius or Tbilisi with a red carpet and a suitcase of money, but now they are crying together about the problems they have to face in a foreign land and how they are "offended "border or migration services of other countries.

    The main question is - "Where will I eat?" - sounds directly or indirectly from the posts of various escaped figures, but remains unanswered so far. Having cut off failed activists from a potential audience, the West is less and less interested in their content: it turns out to be too expensive and useless. So the "second front" is still at the minimum wage.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  flamming_python Sat Dec 03, 2022 9:21 pm

    08:00 10/10/2022 (updated: 08:29 10/10/2022)

    Europe hates racism and Russians

    Dmitry Bavyrin

    Under the eighth package of EU sanctions, it seems that the EU has nothing more to ban us from.

    The response to the expansion of the territory of Russia by more than 100 thousand square kilometers was the expansion of the blacklist for several singers - from Oleg Gazmanov to Yulia Chicherina, a flexible "oil price ceiling" with an even more flexible "gas price corridor", an "extended ban" on supplies of plastic and cigarettes. It’s a pity to spend a click on such news now.

    However, there is a truly significant statement in this package. It is important, strong, xenophobic. Maybe even historical in terms of crossing the red line, after which conversations stop in favor of other actions - breaking all contacts, a trial or a fight.

    This is a line beyond which, as it was recently believed in the European Union itself, there are no decent people. Only racists, Nazis, fascists, etc.

    We are talking about a ban for Russians to have wallets on European cryptocurrency platforms. The important thing is that this applies to any amount and to all citizens of Russia, even if they themselves live in the European Union, have not been in their homeland for decades and use cryptocurrency for charity. You can't - that's all.

    This is a blocking restriction based on nationality, which does not provide for any exceptions at all. Even Poland, Finland and the Baltic countries, where they went further in the fight against everything Russian and closed the borders for Russians with Schengen visas, provided for a number of exceptions. But now absolutely all Russians are the same, even if they live in different countries, speak different languages and believe in different values.

    This is racism. More precisely Russophobia. In his speech on the admission of four new regions to Russia, President Vladimir Putin equated Russophobia and racism.

    This is the well-known sign "Dogs and Chinese are forbidden" hanging in front of the entrance to the public garden of Shanghai equipped by the British. With the difference that such a sign is a myth from a movie with Bruce Lee: the Chinese were indeed not allowed into the garden, but the English colonizer had ideas about public standards of decency.

    But the ban on crypto wallets is not a myth, this sign is real and fixed in EU documents.

    Dogs, by the way, don’t get crypto wallets either. The gold standard has been met.

    The point, of course, is not in the crypt, the point is in principle. The author does not know at all how this sanction will affect the Russians, but he is sure that it will not affect him personally in any way. On the other hand, it may affect those who, out of their own fears, fled from "Russia Z".

    Ironically, many of them for Europe should be class and ideologically close - but they did not come out as a nation to let them into all public gardens. And it is doubly ironic that in this group of Russians there are quite a few of those who, living according to the principle “my fatherland is all mankind,” do not believe in the existence of Russophobia in Europe at all.

    They say that everything that happens is a natural, forced, natural reaction to Russia's actions in Ukraine, which is unacceptable to be compared with "real" racism, and Russophobia is just a stamp of state propaganda.

    I wonder if the inhabitants of the gangsters compared themselves to the slaves of the cotton plantations of Dixieland, finding the apartheid regime logical, humane and didactically saying: "It's a completely different matter, you need to understand the difference." Most likely not: education did not allow. And for a number of our compatriots and contemporaries, even the presence of education allows us to deny the obvious.

    “The Russian world is a cancer that poses a deadly threat to all of Europe. Therefore, it is not enough to support Ukraine in its military struggle against Russia. We must completely eradicate this monstrous new ideology,” says Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

    Replace the words "Russian" with the words "Jewish", "Armenian", "black", "Islamic" - then the statement will be unambiguously and by everyone identified as xenophobic and/or racist. But for Russians, a special exception is again made, as with crypto wallets.

    However, the problem has not been in words for a long time, the fight against substandard statements can be left to Twitter. The problem is in specific legal acts that separate the Aryans from the Untermensch with the division of the latter into categories and their loss of rights according to principle of origin.

    This is not a hostel law like "violated - pay." This is systemic discrimination "by passport" for those who have not violated anything at all.

    It is a mistake to imagine xenophobia as a property of one social group or political force. It is much wider. Not everyone who was anti-Semitic in 1930s Europe was a Nazi. There were enough anti-Semites in the more liberal parties, anti-Semitism existed among workers and industrialists, intellectuals and vagabonds.

    As in Europe in the 1930s, for the modern European Union there is a people or a community of peoples, hostility towards which is so strong that it has become a duty. This is us - and analogues of the Nuremberg racial laws have already appeared for us. Such a comparison may seem inappropriate, but we have now come to just such a level.

    There is no Holocaust yet, but there are already bans on the profession. The right to identity has been preserved for the time being, but the property right has been challenged: property is confiscated without trial simply on the principle of your origin.

    The racism against Russians is so revealing that there should be no room left for the remarks "this is what the EU would do to anyone who...".

    Not with everyone. Only with Russians. And this is due to the fact that they are Russians, and not to the fact that "Russia's actions are unthinkable in Europe." From the point of view of a racist, he always hates and discriminates for a reason, but to stop the threat posed by the untermensch. Threat is inherent in the Untermensch and remains a racist's priority even in the presence of more obvious threats.

    Until recently, Europe was shaken by the migration crisis, when residents of the Middle East stormed the EU borders in search of a better life. Many of them were let through without documents and given asylum. Some later became perpetrators of terrorist attacks.

    Was it then widely discussed the idea of canceling the visas legally issued to all citizens of Syria, Iran, Libya, at once, depriving them of access to the money in their bank accounts? In the case of the Russians, this path has already been passed.

    Blacks during the segregation period were not allowed on buses, cinemas and banks "for whites" - use your own, they say. Russians during the period of the special operation are removed from flights, cut off from financial services, blocked at the place of registration of the account - use, they say, yours.

    In Estonia, Russian citizens were forbidden to have weapons that had previously been issued to them according to Estonian laws. Apparently, at the next stage of national harmonization, the Russians would not have the opportunity to shoot back.

    Did the British forbid the Irish, against the backdrop of Ulster's problems, to own weapons, leaving this right to everyone else?

    What sanctions were imposed against Turkish businessmen after the occupation of the north of the Republic of Cyprus?

    How many companies have deprived Israelis of access to their infrastructure after the official annexation of the Golan Heights?

    To what extent has the public space of Europe been cleansed of the Arabic language and culture due to everything that has happened in the Arab world over the past hundred years?

    Evidence of racism against Russians is now enough for several dissertations. But what is more interesting is not what is, but what will be next.

    The next step, which in legal terms even the meticulous Germans of the Third Reich did not have time to formalize, is the revision for the untermensch of the basic right to life. To such a skeptic (not necessarily even from Tbilisi) will confidently object that this, of course, will not happen in the European Union for anything and never, because this cannot be by definition.

    In practice, "no way" and "never" will run into the times when Leonid Yakubovich was already leading the "Field of Miracles", and the Croatian authorities were still blessing the ethnic cleansing of the Serbs. It certainly needs some "decisive and destructive" sanctions, but Zagreb was taken into the EU instead. Just think, there are some Serbs.

    As for the Russians, the discussion about the inalienability of their right to life is only just open. This was done by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, a very influential and respected person in the European Union, by proposing that NATO launch a preventive nuclear strike on Russian territory on the basis of the principle "to disobey".

    The next day there was a terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge, at least three people were killed, all civilians. All Russians.

    "Estonia certainly welcomes this," Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu said on behalf of the whole country.

    Reinsalu, however, is a verified Nazi - a member of the far-right party, who greeted the march of Estonian SS legionnaires with the phrase "These people saved the honor of our people."

    By the way, "My honor is loyalty" - this is the slogan not only of the SS, but of the entire party of Hitler.

    But xenophobia, as mentioned above, is wider than ideologies and strata. For the Polish leftist MP Robert Biedron, a gay politician in a very conservative country, the attack became a "balm to the heart."

    However, things will most likely not come to ethnic cleansing outside of Ukraine. Europe is the cradle of racism, where racism and Russians are officially hated, but its modern xenophobia has limits and is subject to the instinct of self-preservation.

    However, all the well-known stories of institutional racism teach about the same thing: if someone behaves as if he hates you, stay away from him, not judging someone else's "civilization" by eye.

    Belief in the civility of certain racists is sometimes too expensive. More expensive than bitcoin.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  flamming_python Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:27 pm

    I have noticed the bimonthly periodicity with which articles that either proclaim the collapse of Russia, or the coming collapse of Russia, or that Russia really should collapse - have been coming out. Remarkably, across many different publications and a variety of authors from all walks of life. But around the middle of every 2nd month, without fail pirat
    The Hill, Alexander J. Motyl, 13th May 2022
    Prepare for the disappearance of Russia
    Lviv Now, Valerii Pekar, 21st July 2022
    Empire’s collapse is inevitable. Four reasons why Russia will definitely disintegrate

    Today, Russia is holding on to almost nothing. As a result, the lack of a common ideology, religious and national diversity, the gap in the levels of economic development will play a destructive role.
    The Times, Ben Hodges, 13th September 2022
    Prepare for Russia itself to disintegrate

    The Kremlin’s disastrous losses in Ukraine could result in the collapse of the Russian Federation
    The Express, Leia Paxton, 15th September 2022
    Russia collapse to spark 'total disaster' for West if preparations fail, West warned

    Western nations have been warned to prepare for the collapse of the Russian Federation as Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine begins to lose momentum following a major strike back from Ukraine's defending forces
    The Atlantic, Anne Applebaum, 14th November 2022
    The Russian Empire Must Die

    A better future requires Putin’s defeat—and the end to imperial aspirations.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:35 am

    Delicious when you consider most western propaganda is projection... all of Russias problems are the same as western problems... except they are not... the Panama papers listed lots of western politicians hiding money stolen from their respective countries, but no evidence Putin was one of them, but that did not stop his name being mentioned a lot in regard to that scandal... he is rich you know... with trillions hidden around the world... so why not seize it... because they have no problem seizing assets and money from other Russians held overseas... they think that will weaken Russia but if I was Russian and I heard the west had seized the Yachts and expensive houses on the French Riviera I would be laughing my arse off and saying thank you for being so stupid to the greedy western thinking this is helping them.

    Any Rich Russian with any brains will then move all their wealth to the rest of the world or back to Russia... why would that upset Putin or Russians in general?

    Russia lacks an ideology... that makes trade with the rest of the world easier and simpler because they have no ideology to push and impose on other countries and other cultures, which I suspect many of them will appreciate.

    The west is actually unifying Russia and Russians... against the west... I see the Russians are seriously looking at Asian sporting associations and groups instead of Europe which is so openly rejecting the.

    Their might be more money playing soccer in Europe... but not if you are not allowed to play or hold any games there or at home.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:14 am

    The drivel about Putin in association with the Panama papers and the rest of the BS about his "palaces" is all a pathetic attempt
    to rile up the Russian public.   Much like the 6th column hysteria about Russia retreating and making backroom deals during the
    course of the campaign in Ukraine.   "Putin is robbing us and selling out our interests".   The obvious questions where is the money
    and to whom is he selling out are not addressed.    Agitprop is about getting the lemmings emotional and going out onto the street
    like in every colour revolution.   That these lemmings get reamed by the freshly installed regimes is something that lemmings
    around the world do not learn from.

    Thankfully the number of such lemmings (e.g. Navalny's hamsters) in Russia is too small to achieve the big talk about destroying
    Russia.   The NATzO empire has way more chance of collapsing than the non-existent Russian empire.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:07 pm

    Typical Western propaganda

    Vladimir Putin can't be trusted in peace talks over Ukraine and could use them to buy time, James Cleverly warns

    According to Merkel's testimony I strongly believe that the article should have been more accurate if they had replaced "Putin" with "Zelensky" and "Russia" with "Maidan regime".

    Moreover I think we should stop using the word "Ukraine" and instead call it as "Maidan regime". It is clear the Maidan regime does NOT represent Ukrainian people. Ukrainian independence and democracy has nothing to do with a puppet regime installed by Western powers.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  flamming_python Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:22 pm

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  franco Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:28 pm

    The Internet
    The Russian equivalent of Wikipedia will be launched in early 2023

    The Russian equivalent of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the Znaniya portal, will be launched in the first quarter of 2023. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadaev on Tuesday, December 20, during a speech at the government hour in the State Duma.

    Wikipedia is marked in our search results as a resource that violates the requirements of Roskomnadzor. Our main task is to have our own portal. We are creating it — the portal "Knowledge". <...> It is planned that this resource will be launched at the beginning of the year, " he said.

    According to Shadaev, currently the portal already has more than 100 thousand articles. He stressed that the posted materials have passed multi-stage verification. The portal is currently in test mode.

    "Next, we will ask that the Russian resource, our portal Znaniya, be prioritized in search results, so that it will always be higher than Wikipedia," the minister added.

    The initiative to create a domestic equivalent of Wikipedia was made by senators of the Federation Council in May of this year.

    On November 1, the American Wikimedia Foundation Inc, which manages the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, was fined 2 million rubles for refusing to remove fakes about the Russian special military operation (SVO). The reason for drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense was an article posted on Wikipedia, which contains false information about the special operation.

    Earlier, on April 26, a court in Moscow fined the non-profit charity organization Wikimedia 3 million rubles for seven articles in Wikipedia with false data about the special operation of the Russian Federation to protect the Donbass.

    In July, Roskomnadzor ordered search engines to report violations of the law by the Wikimedia Foundation. These measures will remain in effect until the organization resolves violations.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:37 am

    Excellent news... wiki is handy for a quick reference, but its bias and outright propaganda make it less useful... a Russian equivalent will be nice. Of course it will have bias and some propaganda, but nothing like western information sources.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  PhSt Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:48 am

    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 11154510

    Take note folks, According to Wikipedia, Russia is an Authoritarian state because the CIA worldfactbook and some Western mainstream media spook says so Rolling Eyes

    I hope the Russian answer to WikiPropagandia has multi language pages for English and other users.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  PhSt Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:44 pm

    This is such a big SHlTSHOW. So all Sukasvilli have to do is dramaticize his condition and then wait for his NATzO backers to pressure Georgia to release him?? What a load of BS!

    Funny how CNN is not alarmed by Assange's deteriorating condition in a western prison Rolling Eyes

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:11 pm

    The Wikicrappia entry on Russia is a reflection of the inane propaganda consumer level of westerners.   If Russia
    is a dictatorship, then the US is worse.   People in Russia have several candidates to choose from on their election
    ballots for president.   In the USA they have only choices from the two-wing uniparty.

    The low IQ western masses are easily manipulated by retarded language like "pro-Kremlin parties".   In
    Canada and the UK the term is "Her (now His) majesty's loyal opposition".   The western media does not
    treat every fringe group (e.g. militias in the US) as "the real opposition".   Navalny could not get enough
    signatures to put himself on the presidential ballot.   This reflected his fringe loon status and not "dictatorship".

    The reason western masses are low IQ is because they have been dumbed down since the 1960s.   The majority
    of children in California cannot read and do math anymore.   These are developmentally handicapped individuals
    who will not (on average) develop into critical thinking adults.

    Eventually, the western elites are going to reap what they sow.   A population of idiots does not form a strong
    foundation for society.   It is actually unstable in a threshold critical way.   So enough economic stress can
    trigger a "flocking event" which the elites cannot manage.   There is not enough level in the "flock" to exert
    control at the individual level.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 25, 2022 9:15 pm

    The low IQ western masses are easily manipulated by retarded language like "pro-Kremlin parties".

    I don't agree that it is about low IQ... the west invests enormous amounts of money on propaganda to keep the sheeple in control... I think the vast majority could care less about politics in general and that lack of interest has been well earned over the decades by politicians... in the past white rich or soon to be rich men making all sorts of promises and then doing what made them rich once the votes were counted.

    You pretty soon realise the two parties you get to pick from are essentially the same bunch of corrupt bastards dredging up old plans that didn't work last time but now they think are new and clever and this time they will make a difference... and of course by the time their term ends they are only half way through implementing the plan and its effects are terrible so you get voted out and the idea is scrapped yet again by the other political party that didn't like it anyway.

    Interest groups are not interested in equality or fair, they just want their demands met... even at the cost of the rights of others.

    I watched a David Chapelle routine yesterday where he talked about a black man at the time of slavery who had talent at farming and when he got his freedom he set up a farm which was very productive and started to make him good money... and guess what he did... he bought some slaves to further increase his productivity... slavery wasn't some thing white people did to black people... it was something rich people did to poor people and they are still doing it.

    Jeff Bezos cannot earn 120 billion dollars with his own hands... but set up a world wide company with tens of thousands of employees all working for minimum wage (the modern slavery) and his company can generate enormous wealth for the people who own the business... and most of the time that trickle down effect where the rich people help the local community and the poor by spending their money... well it just does not happen... they might buy the local basketball team or fund some local wildlife group to keep the local beaches clean, but rich people are tight with their money... that is how they got and stay rich.

    Slavery was a tool to help the rich get richer... it is free labour for the minimal cost of feeding and housing your slaves which they generally did on a budget anyway, but it serves the interests of the rich to make it all about race even though most of them are white.

    This is such a big SHlTSHOW. So all Sukasvilli have to do is dramaticize his condition and then wait for his NATzO backers to pressure Georgia to release him?? What a load of BS!

    During the Cold War and just after in the early 1990s the CIA was able to get drugs to US spies in Soviet and Russian prison for crimes they committed that made it appear the spies had cancer and were dying. The Soviets and Russians of course did the compassionate thing and released them and suddenly they made a complete recovery... the claim was the better healthcare in the west, but I really don't believe that.

    Good to see suck arse milli vanilli suffering... he killed a lot of men in a pointless conflict that damaged Georgian relations with its neighbours so they could get the privilege to send troops to Afghanistan to fight for the US... he was mayor of Odessa and presumably his job was to get rid of anyone who in any way supported or did not hate Russia... the irony is that he couldn't stand the outright corruption and left the position that one assumes could probably have made him a very rich man if he had played the game. But obviously stealing from the poor was too much even for him.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 25, 2022 9:18 pm

    For an education on how western politics works you have to watch the British documentary called Yes Minister... which was followed up with a series called Yes Prime Minister. Excellent series that explains pretty much everything.

    Ironically when asked to comment the British politicians answered that it accurately depicted the civil servants but got the politicians totally wrong and when asked to comment the British Civil Servants said it accurately depicted the Politicians but got the civil servants wrong... which suggests they got it just right.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:08 am

    If Russia is a Putin dictatorship then the capitalist West is the dictatorship of Bill Gates, G. Soros, and other billionaire dominate the world economy.

    The distinctive trait of typical capitalism, represented by the West, is the separation of economy from politics. Which means the government cannot intefere much into the enterprise's business on the market and the civil rights and political rights of each citizen cannot do much about the unequal relationship between the employer and employee.

    Each company is a autocrat kingdom of its own, the company boss is an autocrat monarch and the employees are the slaves, they have to obey orders and there is completely no democracy within the company at all. There is also the dependency of the consumer to the manufacturer, the consumer have to buy what the manufacturer make and not really has much say about that. And the government and the political rights of each citizen cannot do anything about these unequal relationships, originate from the unequal possession of the mean of production.

    In short, the Western legal democracy is a veil to disguise the economic dictatorship of capitalism. Bourgeioise democracy is a step foward in comparision with feudalism and slavery, still, it is the dictatorship of the super-rich who can use wealth as a mean of power and domination.

    Every waged labourer who are enslaved by the corporations can easily see that they are living under a dictatorship. But these people do not usually appear on TV or Newspapers. "Scholars" and "specialists" enriching themselves from the relationship with Big Corps always are the most visible.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:46 am

    The US was a brazen feudal oligarchy in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The coal miners were essentially plantation
    slaves and this was true for most of the rest of the blue collar workers. The fear of communism gave the US and
    the west a make over after WWII where social programs and welfare became active and the feudal abuse of the
    worker serfs was softened primarily with higher wages and material "wealth". The so-called American dream that
    never existed.

    The USSR was supposed to lose to Hitler. If Hitler had won, there would never have been any welfare states in the west.
    I know that western right wingers think this would have been just dandy, but they are idiots who think that trickle down
    from the oligarchy is enough to make them rich. They would still be working 12 hour days for less than 3 dollars an hour.
    By definition the vast majority cannot be business entrepreneurs since that would mean that there are no workers to
    hire for anything. After the USSR collapsed, the snap back to the pre-WWII era was apparent in Canada. It did not fully
    return but that is the next stage.

    It will be interesting to see how far the EU sinks back into the good old days from 100 years ago without cheap Russian
    energy and resources. The US is already ass-raping it so there will be no Martial Plan to keep up the standard of living
    racket. There is no way the "socialism" will be maintained.

    You will own nothing and will be happy.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  andalusia Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:09 am

    I want to know is this true about the Soviets were afraid of the US Navy hunt for titanic?

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    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:53 pm

    Yahoo news.... it says some guy told the US Navy that finding the Titanic would drive the Soviets crazy, but didn't say how or why... the US already defiled a Golf class submarine for trying to gain intel and screwed that up risking a nuclear accident when SLBMs were disturbed.... the Soviets already knew the Americans were crazy and nothing was beneath them so what difference would finding the titanic make?

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:43 am

    Typical Western propaganda: How the West describe a humiliating defeat (and a horrible war crime against civilians) as a glorious victory.

    Sure, they "bringing the North Vietnamese to the negotiation table", but what is the result of the negotiation, the U.S. dares not to say.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  flamming_python Thu Dec 29, 2022 2:05 pm

    It turns out it's the US's and EU's weak response which is encouraging Serbia to become more aggressive and assertive in Kosovo. That's the reason for the rising tensions.

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    Western propaganda #2 - Page 11 Empty Re: Western propaganda #2

    Post  ALAMO Thu Dec 29, 2022 2:14 pm

    I know a guy who was on a KFOR mission back in the 00s.
    A guy who had quite an experience both in Lebanon and Bosnia.
    He came back devastated.
    His very first words were "we were helping the wrong side, for God's sake!"
    For example, he was telling stories like if you had a farm that was maintained, the field cropped and people were working - you had 100% confidence that it was a Serb one.
    On the other hand, if you saw a backyard full of disassembled BMWs and Mercedeses - it was 100% Albanian, dismantling the stolen cars for parts.
    One should never judge the whole nation, I am sure there were thousands of good people among the Albanians - yet that was his observation that constructed the opinion about the whole situation ...

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