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    Russian presidential/government aircraft


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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Admin Wed May 19, 2010 12:34 am

    France's Falcon-series jet to help Russian state officials cut transport costs


    The purchase of a French-made jet for the Russian president will help to cut presidential transport costs, Russian news site cited head of the presidential property management administration Vladimir Kozhin as saying.

    The Falcon-series jet, made by French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Falcon, will be the first foreign aircraft in the presidential air fleet.

    "For the first time in our operating experience we have set out to buy foreign-made aircraft," quoted Kozhin as saying in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio station, adding, however, that another Falcon-series jet was already in the presidential squadron's service. A presidential property management administration spokesman refused to specify which plane is used.

    Kozhin said the main consideration when selecting the presidential aircraft was cutting transport costs.

    "The flight on a Il-96 300 from Moscow to Saint Petersburg, a route frequently used by the president and the prime minister, costs around 450,000-460,000 rubles, while the flight by this plane will cost around 80,000-90,000 rubles," he told said the cost of the new jet could have been as much as $50 million.

    Falcon business jets are popular with the international business community and state leaders.

    "It [the Falcon jet] is capable of meeting the most demanding requirements of passengers, especially on very long nonstop flights," the President and CEO of Dassault Falcon, John Rosanvallon said.

    The French president's air fleet has four Falcon 50s, two Falcon 900s and one Falcon 7X in its service. The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad uses a Falcon 50EX and the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a Falcon 900EX.

    Dassault Falcon sells and supports Falcon business jets across the world. It is part of Dassault Aviation, a leading aerospace company with a presence in over 70 countries across five continents.

    Dassault Aviation produces the Rafale fighter jet and a line of Falcon business jets. The company has assembly and production plants in both France and the United States and service facilities on multiple continents.

    The business jet line includes three tri-jets: the Falcon 900DX, 900LX and the 7X-as well as the twin-engine 2000DX and 2000LX.

    Along with the Falcon-series jet, a Russian-made Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliner may be bought for the Russian presidential air fleet.

    Earlier Kozhin said the Kremlin had "big plans" for the Superjet 100.

    "As soon as the jet rolls off the production line we are definitely ready to purchase it for presidential needs," Kozhin said.

    MOSCOW, May 18 (RIA Novosti)

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  sepheronx Sun May 23, 2010 4:25 am

    So where is this Mistral?

    This is all talk.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Admin Sun May 23, 2010 7:22 am

    sepheronx wrote:So where is this Mistral?

    This is all talk.

    Kohzin is in charge of presidential property management selected by Putin himself, he is responsible for the purchase of Presidential jets. If he says on the public radio that he is buying Falcon jets, there is something to it just as there is of Mistral.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  sepheronx Sun May 23, 2010 5:47 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:So where is this Mistral?

    This is all talk.

    Kohzin is in charge of presidential property management selected by Putin himself, he is responsible for the purchase of Presidential jets. If he says on the public radio that he is buying Falcon jets, there is something to it just as there is of Mistral.

    I'll see it to believe it.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:41 am

    Caviar Overseas
    16/08/2010 Alexander Shvydkin

    To live in an era of change - means being able to get used to, otherwise no health is not enough. Here's another news: the first face Russia for the first time in its history will fly on foreign aircraft, specially purchased for this purpose. Decisions of this level are not random, and that means to this news will have to get used to. It is strange that the purchase of two Falcon 7X for the presidential crew did not cry at all angles and do not build the most terrifying guesses. Apparently, the fight with the police and feast with blue buckets on their heads heavily distract from reality. Well, it's for the better. There is an opportunity to discuss the news without hysteria, in the calm quiet of his study, under the chimes. Moreover, there are really talk about.


    The first reports about the imminent completion of the Park government riot flashed at the end of last year, in spring Falcon 7X in the color of STC "Russia" with the registration RA-09009 was lit in front of photographers at Le Bourget, and the secret is no longer a secret.
    Soon it became clear that some technical details. The decision to purchase two Falcon 7X was taken at the beginning of last year. Aircraft formally introduced in the Russian register of civil aircraft and will fly the flag of STC "Russia", and special ops take them to rent. The aircraft will be used only for working visits to the country's top officials - especially the president and chairman of the Government. With official visits will fly on domestic Il-96, so that the prestige of the sort would not suffer.

    But murder will out, and sooner or later will gossip. Although all happened quietly, modestly and with dignity, first impressions are rather contradictory. What is it - a shame powers or sober calculation? It is defined as at least two points of view, and it makes sense to analyze them both. But the first thing to think about: Strange clever minds are working over there, in the Office of the President. A better choice than the Falcon 7X, to date, and is inconceivable.

    Summary of the previous series

    Jet has at least twice devoted Falcon 7X is ample material, and repeated the next, though deserved, panegyrics somehow awkward. But this aircraft is still worth it, once again, as brief as possible, to designate some of its many virtues and secrets, especially for those who read about the Falcon 7X the first time.

    So, what is the Falcon 7X? This flagship model line French company Dassault Aviation and one of the three best business aircraft in the world. To date, category ultradalnih (more than 10 thousand km) business jet is represented by three aircraft: Gulfstream G550, Bombardier Global XRS and the Falcon 7X.

    The hero of our story is a higher stage of evolution of a family of French business aircraft Falcon («Falcon"). From the very beginning of its existence (and the first in 1963 was an easy Falcon 20) French business jets have borrowed a lot of military aircraft and even produced in some production lines with fighters. Military technology determine the technical aspect of the Falcon: this is a very reliable resource aircraft with the highest rates of weight efficiency and cost effectiveness and outstanding flight performance. "Falcons" are fairly complex technically and more expensive than the average "classmates", but their price they are studied. Knowingly Falcon jets are kings.

    Falcon 7X develops the ideas contained in the Falcon 50 and Falcon 900. Just like the first two aircraft, 7X is equipped with three engines. What does it in practice? Increased reliability and the ability to fly across oceans directly. The fact that two-engine aircraft flying on routes, bent toward the islands, in the event of failure of one engine and loss, respectively, half of the thrust to be able to make an emergency landing. Three and chetyrehdvigatelnye aircraft do not comply with this condition, because it can continue to fly the route.

    Three-engined layout gives yet another distinct advantage - the opportunity to overtake the empty plane to repair the two engines in case of failure of one somewhere in Medvezhiegorsk. Two-engine aircraft be repaired on site. But it's not all.
    Falcon 7X - the world's first aircraft designed entirely in a virtual environment. Falcon 7X - the world's first civilian aircraft equipped with by-wire control system (EDSU). Why? We explain briefly.

    Stable planes are usually not very maneuverable. Maneuverable aircraft are usually not very stable. EDSU were first applied to highly maneuverable fighter aircraft, which were created statically unstable. No EDSU constantly "thruster" in flight control such a plane is impossible. These are the MiG-29, Su-27, Rafale, Raptor and the like.
    Falcon 7X - the aircraft is statically stable. Therefore EDSU it used to maximize the aerodynamic capabilities. For example, thanks EDSU, automatically, a safety of flight options, managed to reduce the size of the horizontal tail, which have high-speed supersonic aircraft is very high. Stability function when approaching close to the sound barrier assumed EDSU, and decrease of feathers has markedly reduce aerodynamic drag. And this is just one example.

    Falcon 7X - this product XXI century. This is probably the safest in the world of civilian aircraft - a reliable, not only in the purely technical sense, but in terms of the pilot. He cleverly flies. If you compare it with competitors in terms of technology, it turns out Bentley and comparison GAZ-24 Volga. On such a plane can fly anywhere in the world. The ceiling of 15 thousand square meters can jump even tropical storm fronts and straighten lines passing above areas with heavy traffic. Falcon 7X is really the best of the best, this is not an exaggeration.

    About Falcon aircraft often joke that Dassault is more concerned about the pilots, than about the passengers. Even if so, what is wrong with that? Security is expensive, but it's worth it. So the choice of the Office of the President is absolutely justified. There is no alternative.


    Now consider the acquisition through the prism of moralizing. Shame on whether Russia, the great air power, to haul their president on foreign aircraft, even the best? In general, the shame, of course. Over the decades of civil aviation in the Soviet Union, we are accustomed to, that Soviet leaders are flying on domestic flights. For some time now become the rule: Heads of State demonstrate the success of its aircraft, choosing the "first broadside" domestic aircraft. If his plane for this role is not, can only sign of impotence. We do not know, they say.

    The confusion of the situation exacerbated by the fact that the official supplier of aircraft for the presidential squadron is the United Aircraft Corporation, and this has not been canceled. And although the appearance of Falcon 7X in riot veiled guise of lease relationship with a commercial STC "Russia", it looks like a drag.
    On the occasion has already started to remember history. As our Air Force began with the British and French airplanes as "Fockers" and "Dornier" blazed the first civil air line of Soviet Russia, built Junkers concession at the factory in Fili, as fought on the American "Ayrakobrah", "Mitchell" and " Boston, as Stalin flew to Tehran for the Douglas C-47. Yes, it's all true. But then there was a progressive development. If the home repairs, and in the fridge mouse hangs, not a sin to borrow a neighbor's salt. But when a wealthy owner of a sudden two rubles to pay requests, fit to think - he took to drink, or what?

    So, got married in impotence? Maybe so. But let's be fair: the aircraft with the sum of qualities Falcon 7X in the Soviet Union was not and was not expected. Yes, we were able to make aviation equipment is not worse than in the West generally offset points. But in some ways we always lost: in electronics, in the resource reliability, the effectiveness of the system to maintain airworthiness. Well, we did not have a culture of production, which is visible in every rivet Falcon 7X. None. And full-service aircraft was not, because not our topic. When comparing this service aircraft reworked trunk liner latter always loses.

    Shame on you? Ashamed I had in the nineties, when it was still possible to turn the other way of history. Now is the time to ascertain the facts, and the Falcon 7X in the Russian president's special ops nothing more than a statement. Popular wisdom says: nurturing a child, while across the shop is. And if you grew dunce, grieve later. Their chances in the commercial aircraft Russia has missed, and it's time to finally admit it.
    Defeatism? Rather, freedom from illusions. Nothing is more dangerous illusions, and we have them now more than enough. It seems that the Russian society must often knock heads in the front part of the reality that more nimbly to think about tomorrow. Falcon 7X in the colors of STC "Russia" will be for all of us a great motivator.

    A good aircraft

    A plane is good. And the right choice. Even wonder why the elite of the developed world not only flies in the Falcon 50, Falcon 900 and Falcon 7X, but also on other planes that are suitable for this purpose is somewhat less? Well, in every house its own rules, but for Russia Falcon 7X - the best solution. On such a machine can really fly with equal ease and in New York and Tokyo, and Voronezh, and in some hick Nizhneverhovsk with dilapidated airport. From Moscow to the suburbs, without exaggeration. Total versatility.

    Judge for yourself: aircraft with a range greater than that of IL-62 and IL-96, the same speed as the Tu-154 takeoff and landing characteristics are about as a Yak-42, known for its ability to use almost the length and quality of the runway. Yes, and three engines. Look-ka in the aviation industry of the USSR and Russia, all these qualities in a plane! Falcon 7X is designed and made almost genius. This is even more than the genius - it's just very, very high-quality work. One of the great said that heroism is more common than in nature. This is about the Falcon 7X.

    Park government riot STC "Russia" was enlarged with two Falcon 7X. What does it mean?

    And do not say that the president will fly on a plane level of oil a top manager. If oil's top manager Falcon 7X - a kind of grand exit, then the president of a large country aircraft of this class is ideal as a float service - fast, long-range, secure, reliable, efficient and quite comfortable without too much pathos.

    There is no doubt that the choice of aircraft affected, and operating experience in Russia of heavy business aircraft Falcon 900 and Falcon 2000, which at one time acquired by the Gazpromavia ". Operating experience is obtained, the experience of interaction with the Russian side Dassault also has not one year is calculated. And you can not say that the French company fabulously lucky. This is not random luck - is the ability to communicate with the public authorities of higher rank, and not only with the Kansas billionaires.

    In general, Dassault be congratulated on yet another victory. Suspect that in such cases visionary Marcel Dassault bought at one time in the sunny vineyards of Bordeaux. It is good to drink Bordeaux wine for the success of the Falcon 7X in Russia. And do not be sad and senseless. "Falcon" is not to blame for the fact that he is the best of the best.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:28 am

    The real issue comes down to what Russia wants.

    If it wants the best of everything then it has to accept it will only make SAMs and Kalashnikovs and everything else will be foreign made.
    If it can get off its fixation with "the best", and accept that while a Falcon is much cheaper to operate than an Il-96 transport, it isn't necessary cheaper than other optional types like the Tu-204, which is a replacement for the Tu-154. Externally the Falcon 7X is very similar to the Tu-154 and I doubt the performance is even significant enough to warrant the difference in purchase price.

    If the Russian leaders fly foreign aircraft why should the Russian people settle for Russian aircraft, or cars, or anything. Buy everything from overseas and reward Chinese and French and Ukrainian workers because their products are on paper "better".

    With such thinking I see the collapse of the Russian economy... the Russian market is demanding the best and therefore the Russian makers are competing with the whole world... quite frankly that is a competition they can't win because they simply don't spend enough on R&D and infrastructure etc etc. The result is that everything in Russia will be imported and no Russians will be working so no one will be able to pay for it. The only way to pay for it is to sell off things like Land and companies... and when that is gone you will have nothing.
    And all because of a few hundred or a few thousand rubles saved per flight for the prime minister.

    Economically this model also fails because Russian companies are now going for state of the art they are now competing directly with the west and people in the west generally aren't interested in Russian stuff. If there was a computer from Taiwan and a computer from Russia for sale you can bet the westerner will buy the Taiwanese computer. Dumb I know. But the traditional customers of Russian goods liked them because they were good enough to do the job and they were cheaper than the western stuff and easier to keep working. Now those goods will get more expensive and become more high tech and your traditional customers will start looking elsewhere, while no new customers will be created because countries think they are buying good relations when they buy western kit and will spend more for it.

    A case in point is China with its J series fighters that are a fraction of the cost of a Mig-29 but put modern active radar homing missiles on them and they will sell well.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Tu-214SR/R Special Mission Aircrafts

    Post  Austin Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:23 pm

    There are lot of these new Tu-214SR Special Mission aircraft being procured , One can just guess what role do they do but there is a good write up on this.

    Probably SVR assets ?


    Pics Tu-214SR 1
    Pics Tu-214SR 2

    Igor Shevchuk, UAC vice-president on strategic and special purpose aviation, Tupolev president and general designer said when addressing KAPO employees: “It is a great thing that newly built Tupolev aircraft continue being built and get delivered to their customers. Today, a new pair of these outstanding vehicles is being handed over to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Sincerely, I am very grateful to all of those people who took part in development, construction and testing of these airplanes – workers, engineers, ground and flight crews. I wish these two airplanes will serve successfully for many-many years, flying high in the peaceful blue skies. Let me remind you that a month ago these airplanes proved their worth in a long-haul mission when they flew 13 hours non-stop, over the Far East, Extreme North, then Moscow and back to Kazan. That time everything worked well, and according to the specification.

    The new Tu-204SM looks quite promising until the MS-21 comes the Tu-204/214 will be the backbone of many special mission aircraft

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    Post  Stealthflanker Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:33 pm

    some sort of new "Airborne Command Post" or "ELINT" aircraft eh ? , that big device on her dorsal really make me curious on what's its function

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    Post  GarryB Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:42 am

    Those are certainly Phased Array Antennas ,Not sure what the purpose is

    They face directly up, so I would say it was satellite communications equipment.

    The R-438 sat comm kit uses a flat array type antenna too.

    in the link you gave it states:

    The new aircraft are intended replacement for the morally outdated Il-22 relay aircraft (a special mission airplane using the platform of Il-18 four-engine turboprop airliner).

    So it performs the function of a relay aircraft.

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    Post  Austin Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:19 am

    GarryB , I dont know what R-438 sat comm kit constitutes but if those flat bed antenna are of phased array type specially AESA then it will have many communication channels compared to conventional antenna.

    The Tu-214SR comes in many variant and as per Fedrov in that article it would be difficult externally to distinguish one aircraft from another and the nature of the task they do , since they will have the same external appearance , this is significant IMO since in the past it was not too difficult for a trained eye to distinguish a SIGINT aircraft from say a command and control or relay aircraft.

    They are building a large number of special aircraft based on Tu-214 , the initial order is for 12 with an option for 12 more , thats a good number of asset.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:09 am

    The R-438 is a portable satellite communications station that can be carried by airborne, mobile and recon forces.

    It looks like two very shallow shoe boxes side by side with their longest sides together on a stand with a couple of boxes plugged into it.

    As a relay aircraft I would anticipate being able to relay as many signals in both directions at once will be useful... Smile

    Of course Phased array might be a poor choice of terminology as it will more likely be lots of antennas operating individually rather than antenna elements acting as one big antenna.

    Of course it would make sense to make the aircraft multirole... if it is needed as a relay then it could certainly perform other functions while on station too.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Admin Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:13 am

    Stealthflanker wrote:some sort of new "Airborne Command Post" or "ELINT" aircraft eh ? , that big device on her dorsal really make me curious on what's its function

    They belong to the President, they are communication relays for executive comms traffic.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Austin Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:40 am

    I wouldnt trust a French or American jet for sensitive assignment like Presidential Service , it can be bugged by smart device or worst can be sabotaged by Foreign Intelligence Agency.

    It would be very difficult to find out such a bugging device or some piece of software that can wreck the Flight Control System in response to some commands.

    The jet would save money while flying but its not worth the risk.

    A better option would be to buy something like Superjet or Tu-334 which the Russian have complete control or could replace some western equipment by Russian one.

    Remember the West aggresively spipes on Russia and would not leave such a golden opportunity for their own purpose

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    Post  IronsightSniper Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:58 am

    Until there is a spike of Russian Official's deaths, this is all conspiracy theory.

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    Post  Austin Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:36 am

    IronsightSniper wrote:Until there is a spike of Russian Official's deaths, this is all conspiracy theory.

    Some one does not have to die to prove a theory , its just a security measure.

    They can just use it once when it matters.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:11 am

    Just a question of pride in the brand.

    Right now if some poor customer from the third world is looking for a new airliner the first place they looked was the Soviet Union because the products were cheaper, a little tougher and more practical. For instance most western airliners expect infrastructure at the airport to be there to make things easier. When it is not then they are not so good. There is no cloak room in a western aircraft flying to siberia so you sit in your heavy clothes... the old soviet planes had cloak rooms for the heavy clothing and boots of the passengers. The new Russian planes have to compete with western planes so they can't have cloak rooms either otherwise they can't compete with the western planes as they will have more seats.
    Who cares if the customers are less comfortable.
    Most Soviet planes had half a dozen flight crew and at least one could speak English... but to compete with western designs current Russian planes have minimal crew numbers just like western planes.

    With the way things are going there will be very little to choose between western and Russian planes.

    The real sad thing is that when this extends to other stuff then Russia is in the Sh!t.
    China don't make civil planes but they make pretty much everything else so a poor third world country will be looking at the expensive western stuff that they can't have anyway because they can only have F-5s etc. The Russian stuff will also look shiny but expensive. The Chinese stuff will be cheap and even if a quarter don't work you still probably can buy 5 times more than if you bought Russian.

    The good thing about Russian stuff was that it was never gold plated. The change in mindset of the best or foreign will kill the Russian MIC and everything will really be made in China.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Austin Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:30 am

    Frankly speaking thats what worries me about such jets , a good example will be our Prime Minister Airforce One , custom built and ordered from Boeing based on 737NG-800 , they purchased 3 of those

    They were cleared to be equipped with special equipment like jammers etc now who on earth will believe that NSA will not have used sophisticated bug in there or even interesting piece of Flight Control software.

    This is a god sent opportunity to bug or sabotage head of state if required to do so , i can tell you it can be done and there is no way to figure out among the thousand black boxes how each one will behave or programmed to behave.

    Russia should be triple cautious in buying such equipment from West and French intel are no saints they will use the aircraft to their own benefit and Russia will never be able to figure it out if there is a dormant bug which is ready to be activated.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:59 am

    Russia should be triple cautious in buying such equipment from West and French intel are no saints they will use the aircraft to their own benefit and Russia will never be able to figure it out if there is a dormant bug which is ready to be activated.

    I would have no respect for them if they didn't try something.
    Everyone knows how the game is played.

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    Post  Austin Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:01 pm

    This should clear some questions on Tu-214SR

    Tupolev has 6 programs based on special-purpose aircraft Tu-214

    "Tupolev" has six programs create a special purpose aircraft based on the Tu-214, told reporters at the MAKS-2009 the president - chief designer of the company Igor Shevchuk.

    Among these programs, aircraft transponder Tu-214SR, two of these aircraft have already been transferred to a special flying squad of the administration of Russian President, aircraft control panel with a VIP-cabin, the plane-site communications, and machines commissioned by the Ministry of Defence.

    "Just ordered 12 Tu-214 aircraft in a special performance, with an option for another 12 such machines", - said Igor Shevchuk.

    The Tu-214SR has a range of more than 9 thousand kilometers. "In one of the flights the aircraft spent in the air 13 hours 15 minutes in a" battle "conditions, providing a link in the air for the President of the Russian Federation", - said Igor Shevchuk.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:56 am

    I wonder what the other 5 programs are?

    I would guess a replacement for the Be-12 Mail and Il-38 May and even the Tu-142 Bear in the maritime reconnaissance/anti submarine/MPA role along with the A-42 in places where it would be more appropriate.

    So what could the other 4 roles be?

    Replacement for the Il-20/22?
    (ieELINT electronic, radar reconnaissance version.
    or Naval Elint version or Airborne command post version)


    Light tanker for tactical aircraft?

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Austin Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:34 am

    What he says is 5 different program based on Tu-214SR. Considering the order is now for 12 Aircraft with an option for 12 more , these will be ELINT/COMINT/RELAY/Command aircaft/VIP Transport.

    The small number does not indicate replacement for IL38/142 though they have proposed Tu-204P as a replacement for existing MPA.

    Certainly I would be very happy to see the Tu-204P get the green light , this would be 100 odd aircraft and will keep production line open till 2020.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:43 am

    The way I would read what you posted above was:

    "Tupolev" has six programs create a special purpose aircraft based on the Tu-214, told reporters at the MAKS-2009 the president - chief designer of the company Igor Shevchuk.

    That Tupolev has 6 programs to create special purpose aircraft based on the Tu-214. You wouldn't run 6 programs to develop one multi role aircraft. I would take this to mean there are going to be 6 different multi role aircraft developed from the Tu-214.
    Of course these are Tupolev programs and it doesn't mean that the Russian defence force has ordered 6 versions of this aircraft into service... it means that Tupolev obviously see 6 areas where this aircraft could be used to replace existing aircraft.

    Among these programs, aircraft transponder Tu-214SR, two of these aircraft have already been transferred to a special flying squad of the administration of Russian President, aircraft control panel with a VIP-cabin, the plane-site communications, and machines commissioned by the Ministry of Defence.

    In other words of the 6 programs the aircraft created in the transponder version program called Tu-214SR for as Vlad correctly pointed out communication relays for executive comms traffic has had two aircraft transferred to a special flying squad... blah blah blah.

    "Just ordered 12 Tu-214 aircraft in a special performance, with an option for another 12 such machines", - said Igor Shevchuk.

    So after testing the two above they now have an order for 12 more with an option to get another 12 if they need them later on.

    I think my question remains: What are the other 5 programs developing aircraft based on the Tu-214 does anyone know?

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    Post  Andy_Wiz Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:41 pm

    GarryB, as for your question on the variants of the Tu-214, the guy from UAC I know says:

    • Tu-214ON - "open sky" treaty, photo recon

    • Tu-214PU - command post("пункт управления")

    • Tu-214SR -relay station aircraft ("самолет-ретранслятор")

    • Tu-214SUS - communications node (СУС - "самолет-узел связи")

    • 411 - "изделие" (item 411)silent

    He was also hoping that they would get the contract for PLO(MPA)version from the Navy, though from what I could gather the design is at early stage.

    Here are pictures of the unpainted PU aircraft(scroll down the page) -

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  Admin Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:32 pm

    All of the aircraft versions are non-military. 3 belong to the presidential unit and the other to civil land management.

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    Russian presidential/government aircraft Empty Re: Russian presidential/government aircraft

    Post  GarryB Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:29 am

    * Tu-214ON - "open sky" treaty, photo recon

    So that would replace the Tu-154 formerly used, with perhaps another aircraft to replace the An-30... perhaps some variant of the MTA developed with India?

    * Tu-214PU - command post("пункт управления")

    A replacement for the Il-22 Coot-B

    * Tu-214SR -relay station aircraft ("самолет-ретранслятор")

    Replacement for ?

    * Tu-214SUS - communications node (СУС - "самолет-узел связи")

    Replacement for ?

    * 411 - "изделие" (item 411)silent


    All of the aircraft versions are non-military. 3 belong to the presidential unit and the other to civil land management.

    I would think the prospects of the Tupolev aircraft would be best within the military because the military are hardly going to order a Boeing or Airbus. Once in production for the military then production facilities could be used to make aircraft for civilian users too. I am sure Boeing and Airbus will scream that this is effectively a subsidy but this would be an extreme case of pot calling the kettle black with Boeing and Airbus very guilty of the same crime.

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