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    British Politics


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    British Politics Empty British Politics

    Post  calripson Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:15 am

    For everyone who thinks the Queen is just a cute little figurehead.

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:00 am

    The spreading of the Putin billions propaganda is designed to divert attention from the billions that western leaders and deciders
    swim in. Putin is a pauper by western wealth metrics. That is what makes him a great leader and not a corrupt maggot.

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  nomadski Fri Mar 26, 2021 11:00 am

    British politics is corrupt. Interests of the ruling Liberal  elite dominate the agenda. There are no real freedoms. Those not already part of the system, are bribed or coerced into submission. By the use of illegal tactics. The law recently sanctioned illegal activity by the security services against " criminals and terrorists". But there is no oversight on these groups. Pressure can be brought on  political "undesirables" that Include use of " minor" violence or worse.

    The British security services also work with other extremist security services and elements in the world. In identification of political opponents. And arranging for renditions or illegal extradition. This includes the Iranian ones.

    I should know. I have been the target of harassment by them. Including recently letters that are sent that describe the health of my family in Iran ! And " encourage" my return ! A well known tactic. The question is only , how far the Iranians or British are involved together...... Liberals of the Mullah variety are no different to the Liberals of the suit wearing variety......

    Now how do you like them apples......?

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  Sujoy Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:35 pm

    Britain, whose leaders love nothing more than to deliver pompous lectures on the need for democracy and human rights, backs most of the world’s repressive regimes, new analysis shows


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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  Kiko Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:30 pm

    Britain’s ‘Special’ Relationship, by Finian Cunningham for Sputniknews. 10.06.2021

    Britain’s much-vaunted special relationship with the United States got a clunking reality-check with the arrival of President Joe Biden for the G7 summit.

    Biden told Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, to stop messing around with the European Union over Brexit negotiations concerning Northern Ireland. According to reports, Biden ordered a severe diplomatic rebuke to Johnson not to jeopardize peace in Ireland from British wrangling about customs controls.

    That’s pretty sobering for the “junior partner”. It totally deflates British delusions of grandeur and shows Johnson and his ilk to be nothing but lackeys to the Americans who call the shots.

    Since the Second World War, we constantly hear about this American-British “special” alliance as if it is somehow a hallowed global force for good. We hear about “our shared values” and other platitudes.

    Well, it is special alright. Britain serves as Uncle Sam’s flunky. The Brits provide political, diplomatic and sometimes military cover for American wars of aggression around the world.

    The Americans indulge the Brits by smiling and shaking hands for photo-ops like we will see at the G7 summit this week, and by also swooning for the cameras about a “special relationship”. But that term of condescending endearment does not mean parity between the two.

    The exemplar of reality was perhaps best seen during the GW Bush administration and Tony Blair’s premiership. The Americans wanted to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq in the early 2000s, not to avenge 9/11, but to impose “full-spectrum dominance” of US imperialism following the Cold War era. And Tony Blair, with typical British flair for moralizing and affecting civility, gave Washington the moral and seeming legal pretext for launching criminal wars.

    For the Americans, that’s what is really special about the Brits. They are dutiful lapdogs that perform an invaluable service of providing gravitas and propaganda to excuse what are otherwise heinous crimes under international law.

    The Americans have indisputable military muscle, but the British have an inimitable knack for conniving wordplay and duplicity.

    The first British bearer of the special relationship was Winston Churchill who coined the Atlantic Charter with Franklin Roosevelt in 1941 during the Second World War. When that war was won largely by the sacrifices of the Soviet Union, it was Churchill who crucially conceptualized the Cold War that the Anglo-American capitalist powers demanded in order to isolate Moscow. Churchill delivered his rousing Iron Curtain speech in the United States in 1946 before an admiring President Harry Truman. That speech can be seen as the beginning of the Cold War which was really just a curtain to conceal American imperialist plunder in every continent.

    The current British leader Boris Johnson, who likes to emulate Churchill, seems to have got above his station with delusions of grandeur.

    Johnson is reportedly not happy about the term “special relationship” because he feels that overusing the phrase implies that Britain is “needy and weak” and overly dependent on Uncle Sam.

    This British prime minister was the main architect behind Britain’s Brexit from the European Union. In his hubristic mind, Johnson believes that “Great Britain” (as if that name wasn’t enough!) is now set to become “Global Britain”. He thinks he’s leading Buccaneering Britain to rule the waves again as if it was the 19th century when the British empire pilfered a fifth of the world’s landmass.

    Hence his government is sending aircraft carrier battle groups to the South China Sea and declaring warnings to Russia and China over alleged malign conduct. This is while British society is crumbling from poverty and decay.

    In the arrogance of Johnson and many others in the British political class, the “special relationship” with the US should mean the two are equals.

    But the reality is Britain is a mere flunky – albeit a useful flunky – of the US. It has always been needy and weak as far as Uncle Sam is concerned. If it weren’t for the Americans intervening to bail them out financially and militarily, the Brits would have been defeated in World War I and II.

    Joe Biden is not someone to look up to as a leader. None of the US presidents are, except for maybe John F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt. They are all imperialist warmongers.

    Nevertheless, Biden’s Irish sympathies have been rankled by Johnson and Britain’s backsliding on Brexit which is stoking dangerous tensions in Ireland over a historic dispute border.

    The amusing – and enlightening – upshot from that is Biden showing in a very embarrassing way just who the boss is in the relationship between the US and Britain. Johnson has been told in no uncertain terms by the Americans to stop acting the cad and start implementing what he signed up to with Europe. That is what’s special.

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  kvs Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:40 pm

    Discussion of the article subject in the previous post.

    The UK is America's bitch. Its anti-Russian hate yap is grotesque and obscene. Russia is not any sort of threat to the UK and
    clearly the UK is not a global empire where its interests even overlap and conflict with Russia. It is a deluded "empire by proxy"
    via the USA. But the USA does not have all the best interests of the UK at heart.

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    Post  George1 Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:34 am


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    Post  George1 Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:25 pm


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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  Godric Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:12 am

    The UK is finished it has 18 months at most before Scotland leaves ... contrary to belief neither London nor Boris Johnson can force Scotland to remain part of the UK, unlike Spain where there is 1 signatory to the Spanish union their is 2 signatories to the UK Scotland and England and the union/UK is a union of consent and the Welsh Labour party are making loud noises that if Scotland leaves the UK they will hold a referendum in Wales within the year and N Ireland without the UK's existence the only other option is Irish re unification.

    Here's where it gets a big problem for London ... Scotland is the 2nd largest country of the UK with 32% of the land mass London will need Scotland's support to remain in the UN permanent security council (like Ukraine did for Russia after the collapse of the USSR) if London plays funny burgers during the negotiations during the break up Scotland will not support London/England's claim then there is the small matter of where the former UK's nuclear weapons go and Scottish taxpayers contribute £4 billion per annuum of UK's defence spending or £120 billion over 30 years and if both Wales and N Ireland also leaves as expected that cut becomes £8 billion or £240 billion over 30 years so you are talking about a very diminished London/England in the next 2 years time

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  nomadski Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:13 am

    It is the kingmakers and permanent staff , that determine policy in the UK . They sent " special forces " into Donbass and egged on the Uki into war against Russia ! Then they congregated around the Royalty , to " protect " them against Russia , because reportedly the British Royals had supported Ukraine ! They fancy themselves as defenders of the realm , but in reality they defend their own marginal interests .

    yet they have all the goods on these politicians . What Trump said , in a toilet , 20 years before coming to office ! Or who a politician fingered in a drunken state ! Or how many bottles of booze , Boris downed , at number 10 . And they will display the CCTV footage , uncover YouTube search history , or find a witness to the profumo affair , at the right time , when the politician is not dancing to their tune .

    And Brexit not working ? The Irish up in arms ?  And Scots want to break free ? And a billion wasted on Ukraine ? And people going hungry and cold in the UK ? Needs new management ! So I predict : bye bye Brexit , and bye bye supporting Ukraine . Britain wanted to rule the waves ? But the waves ended up ruling Britain ! Poor all those football supporters , wasting their money on Ukrainian flags , waving them in the stadium ! Wait for Russia friendly politician , coming to a cinema near you .

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  George1 Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:57 pm

    Boris Johnson resigned and will step down as prime minister when a new leader is found.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:22 pm

    George1 wrote:Boris Johnson resigned and will step down as prime minister when a new leader is found.

    But he said he was the new Churchill and that this was only the end of the beginning?

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  owais.usmani Thu Jul 07, 2022 5:46 pm

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  Kiko Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:28 pm

    George1 wrote:Boris Johnson resigned and will step down as prime minister when a new leader is found.


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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:59 am

    He is going to be primeminister for at least a couple of months before they even get a chance to vote for a new leader so don't celebrate too soon.

    The interesting thing was that recently Boris said the only reason for him to resign would be if the UK stopped supporting Kiev in the Ukraine.

    First of all Boris is known for saying stupid things so I wouldn't read anything in to this like a change of policy towards Kiev or Moscow, but it is very interesting that he says something like that and his politicians start to resign to try to get rid of him.

    He has made so many stuffups and survived it makes you wonder if some people in the halls of power have realised Putin is doing what he said he was doing and that western belief that Russia cannot survive without the west is wrong and that the reverse might be true in the sense that cheap energy was part of the reason the west enjoyed a good standard of living and that they are in the process of throwing that all away.

    Boris doubling down on a failed course of action is typical for western politicians certainly in regard to the way they behave about Russia and Putin... sanctions are only failing because they were not hard enough... except now they are running out of things they can sanction and ties are destroyed and the two entities risk being split apart completely.

    But then the train wreck that has been western politics towards Russia could only have ever had the same end, just like Boris's own career in British politics.

    Just wish someone would buy the prick a comb and some hair gel... or shave his head.

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  nomadski Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:11 pm

    Notice the many ethnic minority candidates for " prime ministerial " role ! These candidates are devoid of real class or community , grass roots support . Since they are from minority background , and least represented in power structures in UK . They are therefore more like mouthpieces or spokesperson for the establishment . They will parrot , what they are told to say . And their minority status also ensures , they are not from competing and increasingly antagonistic mainstream " white " ( Irish , Scot , English ) factions . So what does the establishment want ? More EU and less Ukraine ? Or the other way around ?


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    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 09, 2022 2:01 pm

    It is a bit of a myth that diversity at the top might help... Hilary got a lot of votes from women claiming a woman president would help womens rights, but we have to ask ourselves if the system is rigged and only the approved get to the point where they have any chance of actually running for president... ie they get to the nomination from the Democrats or republicans, then they are likely already fully house broken and trained... Obama didn't help black rights in his two terms... black people kept getting shot by police, and I really don't think Hilary is much of a role model standing by that whore of a husband of hers just to keep power and money and a shot at the presidency...

    The decision for Brexit or not Brexit was focused on us vs them, there was no debate about the real implications of either option let alone how they would transition from being part of the EU to not if it was decided to leave.

    When the UK decided to leave everyone who wanted to remain should have stepped down and let those wanting to leave to plan and work out how to sever ties... instead May just dithered and wasted time leaving it to Boris the clown to screw up.... what were they thinking?

    It very much was a case of... I don't agree with this so I am going to sabotage the whole process and then I can say I was right later on... which is so selfish to essentially damage your own country because of your ego and inability to accept the choice of the majority of the population.

    Of course the fact that most people wanted to leave despite the BBC moving heaven and earth to not leave, supported by a lot of powerful and influential people suggests a lot of dissatisfaction with the EU... but then lots of countries in the EU are not happy about being essentially dictated to by a small group of ivory tower yes men who are nominated rather than elected... almost like being ruled by thinktank.

    I would say reform of the EU would be the first option rather than leaving a major economic and political grouping that your economy depends upon... but what do I know.

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  George1 Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:09 pm

    Liz Truss wins Tory leadership race, set to become UK prime minister

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  franco Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:10 pm

    Chuckie's sister... enough said affraid

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:23 pm

    A friend of mine who knows her a bit better (I don't know her at all) described her as being like Margaret Thatcher but with less charisma and less charm...

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  George1 Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:49 pm

    GarryB wrote:A friend of mine who knows her a bit better (I don't know her at all) described her as being like Margaret Thatcher but with less charisma and less charm...

    nice then.. we will have a revival of cold war era... Very Happy

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  Hole Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:22 pm

    British Politics Fb621010

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  ALAMO Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:31 pm

    You know how it works.
    Each nation has a government they deserve.
    Twisted Evil

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    Post  Hole Tue Sep 06, 2022 8:23 pm

    She was elected behind closed doors. I guess most Brits would prefer the horse.  Very Happy

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    British Politics Empty Re: British Politics

    Post  Kiko Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:22 pm

    He's just been scandalously selected as a scapegoat to protect Truss.

    Kwasi Kwarteng Steps Downs as UK Chancellor, 10.14.2022.

    British Prime Minister Liz Truss has sacked Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng ahead of an expected reversal of his mini-budget last month.

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