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    Tu-22M3: News


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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  Mindstorm Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:17 pm

    George1 wrote:What about standoff missiles like new Kh-59MK2?

    Question Question George for what reason at world Russian Air Force should procure for itself the downgraded export version of its missile -the Kh-59MK2 with range limited within the limits of MTCR - when it has the domestical ,vastly superior, version of this same missile ?
    George ,if you allow me to provide a little piece of advice, when you see the letter "K" in a russian weapon denomination don't put never this same weapon in any discussions about Russian Armed Forces, Wink

    The primary function of the Tu-22M3 was to carry large and heavy missiles (Kh-22M) for use against strategic radar and major SAM sites on land and at sea similar missiles for an anti ship mission.

    Yes GarryB, but SEAD/DEAD missions ,for the land attack version of Kh-22 (in particular since beginnig of '80 years) was a very secondary role, like you well know the ,by far, most numerous land attack version of Kh-22 was the Kh-22MPSI with a 350 Kt warhead and a purpopsely designed dead reckoning system and preselected range detonator for optimise nuclear airbust detonation at several hundreds meters of altitude; this devastating weaopon with a range in excess of 550 Km when delivered by TU-22M at supersonic speed, was conceived ,clearly, for employment against large area fixed land targets full of "soft" targets (in particular Nato's C4, logistic resupply line and main airfields).
    Soviets had always stimed NATO air defence network very,very,very poor and among the less dangerous menaces for theirs large scale offensive operation in Europe ; on the other hand, them had foreseen (at rerason...) that NATO ,being completely unable to manage the crushing conventional superiority of Soviet Forces in the continental theatre would have resorted to the employment of tactical nuclear weapons , theirs primary objective was therefore to quickly and efficiently neutralize all the "allowing" segments of NATO's strategic asset (like C4 , radar stations and ,above all, airfields ) positioned far from the closing menace of the advancing Soviet ground Forces ,employing extensively both balistic missiles,such as the RSD-10 Pioneer, and air delivered wide stand-off cruise missiles , such as Kh-22MPSI.


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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  George1 Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:54 pm

    Concerning their numbers i found that Vozdvizhenka Airbase is abandoned. So we have Tu-22M3 only in Shaikovka airbase and Belaya airbase for the air force (about 30 in each base). And in naval aviation bases in Alekeseyeva and in Olenegorsk (about 50 in both fields)

    Approximately 110 Tu-22M3

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:20 pm

    I remember recently reading an article about the 30 Tu-22M3s to be upgraded to Tu-22M3M standard by 2020 and it said something like 140 operational Tu-22m3s...

    Regarding missile range it is hard to say, the Kh-59MK2 already has a good flight range... with a missile that uses a small turbojet engine range can be greatly increased with a change of flight profile and speed. Flying low all the way shortens potential range as with any jet aircraft so the scope to increase range is enormous.

    The range for the domestic version is likely limited by the distance the datalink operates from... whatever that range might be.

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  George1 Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:58 pm

    MKU-6-1 rotary launcher in its bomb bay could be used to carry any type of missile?
    Could be removed and leave space for conventional bombs in its bomb bay?

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    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:25 am

    AFAIK the rotary bomb bay in the Backfire can carry up to 6 x Kh-15s, which are 1,200kg missiles.

    It can also carry up to 6 x 1,500kg bombs for a total weight of 9 tons.

    By offloading fuel the aircraft can carry a maximum of 24 tons but to actually carry 24 tons the internal bomb bay has to accomodate 24 x 500kg bombs, while the 4 external hardpoints each carry 3 tons each, so two 1,500kg bombs, or 1 x 3,000kg bomb each would do it.

    Of course the Kh-22M weighs 5.7 tons, so the aircraft should in theory be able to carry two FAB-5000s, with the remaining 14 ton payload potential perhaps used with two 3,000 kg bomb on the remaining two weapon pylons, though that would leave room for 8 tons which could be 4 x 1,500kg bombs and 4 x 500kg bombs on the internal rotary launcher.

    Or go for 6 x 1,000kg bombs for a bit of extra fuel.

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  Viktor Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:58 pm

    Well I guess X-32 as referred as Kh-32 than I guess this article is the first that throws some light upon T-22M3/Kh-32 combo and according to it, it seems T-22M3M is gona get it for the first time.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:40 pm

    X is the Russian Cyrillic letter transliterated into the English Kh so they mean the same thing.

    The X-31 = Kh-31, just like the X-59MK is the Kh-59MK.

    Thanks for posting that BTW.

    I suspect that the Kh-32 was developed, but as the final fate of the Tu-22M3 was up in the air (ie will they upgrade or will they just scrap) that they probably didn't bother buying the new Kh-32, so the Kh-22M missiles seen on aircraft are actually Kh-22Ms, or perhaps dummys to represent a real payload.

    Now they have decided to upgrade some it makes sense to produce at least a small batch of Kh-32s, though as their roles will be very similar to the Kh-22M which was used on the older unupgraded aircraft the upgrades wont really effect their performance with these missiles.

    The real impact of the upgrades will be the ability to use a range of guided bombs and missiles that unupgraded models couldn't use.

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  Mindstorm Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:16 pm

    I suspect that the Kh-32 was developed, but as the final fate of the Tu-22M3 was up in the air (ie will they upgrade or will they just scrap) that they probably didn't bother buying the new Kh-32, so the Kh-22M missiles seen on aircraft are actually Kh-22Ms, or perhaps dummys to represent a real payload.

    Information on Kh-32 production ,like for any other critical and potentially "deciding" weapon in Russian arsenal, are some of the most strictly controlled of the whole Russian military sector and all units produced of those critical up-to-date weapons are, obviously ,all stocked and never shown on vehicles commonly employed for standard peace time operative tasks ; the motivation is that ,for a potential high-end enemy, against which those type of weapons would be used ,would be not only almost impossible to compute what carrying platforms and in what precise territorial position would be capable to employ them (in this way planning theirs missions and deployments accounting for the "area of risk" within theirs engagement footprint) but also render impossible to carry out pre-eventive saturating attacks on the underground sites where them are stocked .

    About its mere development history it Kh-32 is nothing of extraordinary or very surprising (....rather the contrary Wink .
    Kh-22 was in Soviet times not only one of the most outstanding and devastating weapon in URSS's arsenal (one without any corresponding anywhere worldwide), but ,unknown to most, also one of the most important basis test-bed platforms employed by Soviets ,before, and Russians, after, for very very very advanced (and not merely theoretical..), scientific works in Aerothermodynamics ,Physics and Engineering of materials ,Physics of Ionised Fields Variations and Disturbances, High Mach Aerodynamic Surfaces flow interaction etc..etc...

    The scientific works on the Kh-22 test-bed passed through the Kh-22B ,experimental cruise missile (technically a success but impossible to mass produce for the excessive costs and the enormous difficulties in the making process) and of which the actual Kh-32 is a "son", up to the scarcely known but outstanding Raduga D2 hypersonic test bed ,capable to sustain a speed in excess of Mach 6 up to 70 seconds in tests.
    The Raduga-D2 was not simply a theoretically useful test-bed for scientific studies and empirical validations but a true complete cruise missile deprived of some components for research purposes and scaled-down for allow its export.
    It was also exported, in a scaled down version ,in Europe -Germany- at beginning of '90 years (with a particular contract envisioning control and restrictions on the possibilities of share the information and some tests and modifications possible only in Russia by TsAGI and Raduga personnel) if has been practically, since then, the most used and debated hypersonic test bed in European scientific sector.
    At page 24 of this OHB publication you can find some specific of the exported Raduga D2 and at the previous page a simplified design of the system.

    Only for realize the potential of the basis Kh-22 layout, is sufficient to say that even only THIS export scientific test bed, (the not downgraded was available for test in Russia at beginning of 1989 !!) had anticipated of over ten years the tests conducted by NASA with X-43A (with a not fully independent hypersonic propulsion during only 10 seconds and costing a full order of magnitude more ).
    Moreover the difference in military value is even embarrassing ....

    NASA X-43

    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 300px-X-43A_technicians


    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Moskit_d2

    I repeat Kh-32's parameters can appear truly impressive on paper for foreign standard for weapons in its class ,but for Russian operators in the field (who have maked a loooong journey since achievements in the Raduga D2 years ) it represent ,in reality ,simply an upgraded and mass produceable modern day Kh-22M capitalising "know how" acquired more than 20 years ago !!!


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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  George1 Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:59 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    The real impact of the upgrades will be the ability to use a range of guided bombs and missiles that unupgraded models couldn't use.

    Like KAB series laser guided bombs

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    Post  GarryB Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:18 pm

    Thanks for info Mindstorm... always interesting.

    Like KAB series laser guided bombs

    Yes, though KAB just means guided bomb, so for instance the KAB-1500Kp-Pr is a guided bomb that weighs 1,500kgs that is TV guided and is a penetrating model for penetrating reinforced concrete shelters.
    The laser guided equivalent is the KAB-1500L-Pr.

    So K means guided, AB means HE Aerial bomb, 1500 is the approximate weight in kgs, L is the guidance (Laser... K is TV), and the Pr means it is a penetration bomb.

    If the Pr is not present... ie KAB-1500L it means it is a standard HE bomb and if OD is there instead of Pr ie KAB-1500L-OD then it is a fuel air explosive bomb.

    It will also likely use the new KAB-500S satellite guided bombs.

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  George1 Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:31 pm

    I made some thoughts about Tu-22M3M weapons

    1. Since it can carry cruise missiles only in its external stations (rotary launcher can carry only the Kh-15) it would be useful to be modernized to carry long range Kh-555 LACMs. (about 4-6?)
    It has no need to carry smaller, medium range missiles (Kh-31, Kh-35, Kh-59) since they can be carried from Su-34 or even Su-35 and these aircrafts have air to air capabilities to survive against enemy aircrafts. Kh-32 also has heavier WH, and greater range than Yakont

    2. Guided missiles would make a difference. Tu-22M3 attitude is smaller than other bombers, but the increased accuracy of tactical bombing will be a positive.

    3. Kh-32 Anti-ship/Anti-Radiation missile would be still its main weapon of all Tu-22M3s

    So we can have 2 main benefits. Strategic strike capability + Accuracy in tactical bombing

    Concerning the Kh-15, it would be interesting to see a new version of this missile to be carried by modern fighters as a tactical nuclear weapon like French ASMP missile

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:43 am

    The tactical nukes... the point of the Russian upgrade of their military technology is to move away from nukes to weapons they could actually use and deploy overseas.

    Having said that short of fighting NATO or the US I would think missiles would be useful for the Tu-22M3 because of the standoff range it gives them, but in low intensity combat they would make ideal bomb trucks with its bomb capacity of 24 tons with up to 69 250kg bombs actually comparable to B-52 loads.

    The use of satellite guided bombs as well as TV and IR and laser guided bombs makes the Tu-22M3 the ideal medium bomber for dealing with problems in neighbouring countries.

    For instance when the US leaves if the Afghan government wants air support against taleban forces then a Tu-22M3 bombing run using satellite guided bombs with the target coordinates passed to the aircraft from forward observers within the Afghan units has proved effective. When you move forces into a region the enemy can either form up and oppose them which makes them an excellent target for air power, or they can run away which means the bombers can drop delayed action bombs in their escape routes.

    Certainly conventionally armed cruise missiles like Kh-555 and Kh-102 would be very useful but the Kh-32 is likely to remain its primary weapon.

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  TR1 Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:31 am

    Good news, this year 4 Tu-22M3s will recieve Gefest&T upgrade.
    Looks like the company has made a big breakthrough with MOD, considering this and the Su-24M deals.

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:08 am

    This is good news.

    So with a contract for four more aircraft to upgrade that means they will have 5 upgraded aircraft.

    To be clear the Tu-22M3 theatre bomber was a strike aircraft with area bombing capabilities.

    In other words it would be used to hit enemy large fixed targets like SAM sites and major command centres or air bases.

    Its primary weapon was a family of missiles called Kh-22 and later Kh-22M which had a range of warheads and seekers depending on the mission.

    To take out an HQ it would have inertial guidance to a grid square and a nuclear warhead, while for the anti radiation mission it would have a passive radar seeker as a super anti radiation missile.

    There was also an active radar homing missile that could target large buildings/structures or ships at sea.

    All three could be used in naval strike with the first missiles being active radar homing or targeting a grid square of ocean with conventional and nuclear warheads respectively. Then once the enemy was alerted the passive radar homing missiles could be used against the ships too.

    Any bombing done by the aircraft would be the equivalent of carpet bombing with relatively small 250kg or 500kg bombs in large numbers to cover an area where the target was expected to be.

    This new upgrade adds accurate navigation equipment and also a computer controlled bombing aim point so specific individual targets can be engaged accurately.

    It raises bombing accuracy with dumb bombs to near LGB accuracy in clear weather and good conditions.

    When you can carry 24 tons of dumb bombs that makes the aircraft rather potent.

    Its payload options include up to 69 250kg bombs which is comparable to some models of B-52, though over a shorter range.

    If they are going to upgrade 30 Tu-22M3s with the standard upgrade (ie Tu-23M3M) then it would be nice to see them also upgrade a force of 20 or so for the bomb truck role with this upgrade.

    Against 3rd world opponents with no air defence above 5,000m such aircraft would be very useful with a heavy cheap payload. With relatively cheap satellite guided bombs accuracy would become all weather and more precise for little extra expense, plus the prospects of glide kits for the bombs would make them even more interesting.

    The main issue is engines, as I have mentioned before a new 5th gen bomber engine could be made more viable if it is developed the way they are developing the PAK FAs engines and putting modified versions on the Su-35s and Su-34s.

    Developing a new engine would not be cheap, but being able to put mid stage improved test models on Tu-160s (4 each) and Tu-22M3 (2 each) would maximise the benefits and improvements in performance.

    I mean imagine a new 5th generation engine the same size as the NK-32 with a thrust of 34 tons in full AB but a dry thrust of 25 tons without being any heavier.

    In fact perhaps even being lighter than the old NK-32.

    The result would be a Tu-160 that could super cruise at its current top speed!

    Equally for the Tu-23M3 if it could use the same engines it could reap the same benefits.


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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty The Kh-32 seems to have excellent range (600km)

    Post  Austin Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:47 pm

    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 CzU3LnJhZGlrYWwucnUvaTE1Ny8xMjA4L2QwLzM4NmFkODIxMTAwNC5qcGc=

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:14 am

    That chart is pretty impressive there Austin...

    The Kh-32 seems to have excellent range (600km) and greatly increased speed (5,400km/h) with the same weight and dimensions.

    5,400km/h = 1.5km/s = Mach 4.7.

    So when we talk about the US introducing hypersonic weapons in 10 years time we are ignoring the fact that the Russians already have a practically hypersonic weapon in service...

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty The Kh-32 seems to have excellent range (600km) and greatly increased speed (5,400km/h) with the same weight and dimensions.

    Post  Austin Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:30 am

    Garry I am really not sure how correct the information in the chart is.

    Yefim Gordon says the KH-32 flies at 44 Km altitude over Kh-22 22 Km altitude , that almost 20 Km higher !

    I think the gain in range from 350 to 600 km is by flying and gliding higher , the Kh-32 also has intelligent seeker and hits at higher speed , So it could be Mach 4 plus.

    True hypersonic platforms like Zircon-S would actually fly between Mach 5 and 7

    All in All impressive system , I wonder if flying that higher makes it more vulnerable to detection and interception ?

    Here is Yefim Gordon on Kh-32

    Kh-32 - a conventionally-armed deep upgrade variant of Kh-22 for modernised Tu-22M3

    The principal weapon of modernised Tu-22M3 will be the Kh-32 supersonic air-to-surface missile developed by NPO Raduga as an upgrade of the familiar Kh-22. It features an improved rocket motor and a new seeker head.

    The old Kh-22 anti-shipping missile was severely handicapped by its short range - a few hundred kilometers, that is, within visual range for a high flying aircraft. Over-the-horizon attacks were all but impossible, as the Kh-22's seeker head could not find the target.

    Raguda's new Kh-32 is the solution. While the Kh-22 climbs to 22000m and accelerates to about 3600 km/h on the way to target, the Kh-32 at first soars up almost to space an altitude of some 44 km/27.3 miles then "looks beyond the horizon", detecting the target at 600 km or even 1000 km range. The warhead/seeker of the new missile is much smarter as it can classify the targets and select the priority target, which is the highest value target in a fleet. Usually, this would be an aircraft carrier or a guided missile cruiser.

    Also the Kh-32 closes on the target at much higher speed, which makes it impossible to intercept. In Russia that this missile and the Tu-22M3 modernisation to carry it are considered a serious military deterrent and an effective weapon against the most powerful carrier task force. Test of the Kh-32 were successful Kh-32 - a conventionally-armed deep upgrade variant of Kh-22 for modernised Tu-22M3

    The principal weapon of modernised Tu-22M3 will be the Kh-32 supersonic air-to-surface missile developed by NPO Raduga as an upgrade of the familiar Kh-22. It features an improved rocket motor and a new seeker head.

    The old Kh-22 anti-shipping missile was severely handicapped by its short range - a few hundred kilometers, that is, within visual range for a high flying aircraft. Over-the-horizon attacks were all but impossible, as the Kh-22's seeker head could not find the target.

    Raguda's new Kh-32 is the solution. While the Kh-22 climbs to 22000m and accelerates to about 3600 km/h on the way to target, the Kh-32 at first soars up almost to space an altitude of some 44 km/27.3 miles then "looks beyond the horizon", detecting the target at 600 km or even 1000 km range. The warhead/seeker of the new missile is much smarter as it can classify the targets and select the priority target, which is the highest value target in a fleet. Usually, this would be an aircraft carrier or a guided missile cruiser.

    Also the Kh-32 closes on the target at much higher speed, which makes it impossible to intercept. In Russia that this missile and the Tu-22M3 modernisation to carry it are considered a serious military deterrent and an effective weapon against the most powerful carrier task force. Test of the Kh-32 were successfully completed back in late 1990 in so doing the long range aviation worked in close co-operation with the Navy, which willingly supplied decommissioned warships as targets.[6]ly completed back in late 1990 in so doing the long range aviation worked in close co-operation with the Navy, which willingly supplied decommissioned warships as targets.[6]

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:40 pm

    Interesting news.

    I read recently that the Backfires can't carry the new X-101/102 missiles, but apparently they can carry the X-555

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  TR1 Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:41 pm

    Never seen the Tu-22M carry subsonic cruise missiles, just Kh-22/21 and Kh-15.

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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:30 am

    I must say I have only ever seen Backfires with Kh-15, Kh-22M, and dumb bombs on multiple ejector racks.

    With its new upgrade however it should be able to carry a range of new weapon options including guided bombs and new missiles.

    The internal weapons bay is too small for any cruise missiles including Kh-55 or Kh-555... it is only big enough for Kh-15 or similar sized bomb (FAB-1,500 or so).

    I have seen drawings of twin cruise missile loads on four external hard points, and in terms of weight that should be a possible loadout, but of course there is a world of difference between could and does.

    I remember a picture from Carlos Kopp that showed the comparison between the F-111 and a Tu-22M3, which basically showed two F-111s with inflight refuelling with 8 cruise missiles as a payload over a 2,000km flight radius, with a single Tu-22M3 with 8 cruise missiles and no inflight refuelling with similar flight performance.


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    Tu-22M3: News - Page 3 Empty Re: Tu-22M3: News

    Post  TR1 Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:36 am

    I suspect the Tu-22M had longer supersonic sustainability, no?

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    Post  Cyberspec Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:45 am

    GarryB wrote:I must say I have only ever seen Backfires with Kh-15, Kh-22M, and dumb bombs on multiple ejector racks.

    It might be able to carry a couple of larger missiles externally OR the reported X-555 was a misprint and they meant X-15's

    Правда, Х-101 все же получилась тяжелее Х-555 примерно в три-четыре раза. Поэтому нести ее могут только стратегические ракетоносцы Ту-160 и Ту-95. Бомбардировщик Ту-22 ее не поднимет. Вот поэтому «Бэкфайр» пока останется со старыми Х-555, — пояснил собеседник «Известий».

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    Post  TR1 Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:19 am

    Izvestia strikes again!
    I wonder what source would refer to the Tu-22 as Backfire?
    Never seen Tu-22M carry Kh-55/SM, let alone Kh-555.
    Not to mention, Kh-555 is not an old missile as far as the inventory goes.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:36 am

    I rather suspect they mean Kh-555s which will be the new conventional armed cruise missiles to use up the Kh-55 missile bodies.

    The Kh-555 has the same terminal accuracy as the Kh-101 because it uses the same guidance and navigation systems, but the Kh-555 reportedly has a range of 3,500km while the Kh-101 has a range of more than 5,500km.

    The Kh-555 is much lighter than the Kh-101 and is smaller too so it will be compatible with the internal launchers of the Bear.

    The Tu-22M3 could carry up to three Kh-22M missiles which weigh 7 tons each, and the front bomb racks they hung under the engine nacelles could carry 9 x 500kg bombs which means it could carry 4.5 tons too, so I really don't see any practical weight problem with carrying 8 Kh-555s from the wing and engine nacelle weapon pylons, with two on each pylon. Equally it should be able to carry at least 4 Onyks missiles from the same locations.

    The internal bomb bay can carry 6 missiles of the Kh-15 size or about the size of a KAB-1500 type weapon.

    I suspect a normal load would be 4 Kh-555 plus 6 1.5 ton guided bombs in the bomb bay, or 4 Onyx/Brahmos plus up to 6 1.5 ton bombs in the bomb bay, or 2 Kh-32s.

    It is an impressive aircraft that is fairly widely underrated by some.

    AFAIK it can carry 69 FAB-250s which is comparable to the load a B-52 can carry... of course it can carry it only over a shorter range, but it you reinstalled the inflight refuelling capability you can get that back.

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    Post  George1 Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:41 am

    GarryB wrote:

    I suspect a normal load would be 4 Kh-555 plus 6 1.5 ton guided bombs in the bomb bay, or 4 Onyx/Brahmos plus up to 6 1.5 ton bombs in the bomb bay, or 2 Kh-32s.

    4 Onyx difficult since it does the job with much more heavier and supersonic Kh-32.

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