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    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries


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    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries Empty Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:06 am


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    Post  Vladislav Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:03 am

    Nice... little article about Peace Mission 2009.

    China, Russia satisfied with joint anti-terror military exercise 2009-07-24 23:08:39 Print

    BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China and Russia are satisfied with the Peace Mission-2009 joint anti-terror military exercise, senior military officers of the two countries said here on Friday.

    Guo Boxiong, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission, met with Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Friday.

    The China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation maintains the momentum of vigorous development with close high-level exchanges, deepening political mutual trust and new achievements in cooperation on energy, culture, education, trade and economy as well as science and technology, said Guo, adding that China is willing to work with Russia to promote growth of bilateral ties.

    Guo stressed that the two armed forces had conducted pragmatic and effective cooperation in various areas. The Peace Mission-2009 joint anti-terror military exercise is the demonstration of the high-level bilateral military ties.

    The two armed forces are expected to further explore potentiality and expand areas of cooperation, so as to enrich the content of China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation, he said.

    In a meeting with Nikolai Makarov earlier Friday, Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie said the joint military exercises held by China and Russia in recent years have profound strategic influence on deepening bilateral ties, combating the three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism and safeguarding the regional peace and stability.

    China's armed forces attach great importance to the relations with Russian armed forces and regard their ties as priority in China's foreign relations, Liang said.

    Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China also met with Nikolai Makarov Friday afternoon.

    Nikolai Makarov expressed his satisfaction over the Peace Mission-2009 joint anti-terror military exercise and suggested the two sides upgrade the level and scale of joint military exercise.

    He said Russia hoped to learn China's experience on anti-terrorism and security assurances in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, so as to ensure the success of Russia's winter Olympic games in 2014.

    China, Russia and other member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization previously held two similar anti-terrorism exercises under the name of "Peace Mission" in 2005 and 2007.

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    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries Empty Russia to conduct joint army drills with Egypt

    Post  nemrod Mon May 12, 2014 1:31 pm

    Interresting developpements.


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    Post  George1 Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:54 am

    Russian Ground Forces to Take Part in Six International Drills: Ministry

    Russian Ministry of Defence has announced that Russian Ground Forces to take part in six international anti-terrorism and peacekeeping military drills in 2015.

    MOSCOW, December 1 (Sputnik) – Russian Ground Forces will take part in six international anti-terrorism and peacekeeping military drills in 2015, the country’s Defense Ministry has announced.

    “In 2015, Ground Forces formations and units are scheduled to take part in six joint anti-terrorism and peacekeeping military exercises with army units of the armed forces of Serbia, India, Mongolia, China [and] Belarus,” the defense ministry’s spokesman, Maj. Kirill Kiselev, said.

    Kiselev added that Russian Ground Forces will hold about 150 drills next year. Some of the exercises will be conducted with the participation of the Russian Air Force, the Russian Navy and Special Forces.

    Overall, the Russian Defense Ministry will organize about 4 thousand military drills in 2015, according to the ministry’s press service.

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    Post  George1 Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:30 pm

    Russia, Iran Mull Joint Military Drills Under Defense Cooperation Deal

    Iran is interested in implementing proposals by the Russian military to conduct joint military exercises, to strengthen cooperation in ensuring security in the Caspian region and to expand the exchange of military delegations, the Russian ambassador to Iran told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

    MOSCOW, January 22 (Sputnik) – Iran is interested in implementing proposals by the Russian military to conduct joint exercises, strengthen cooperation in ensuring security in the Caspian region and to expand the exchange of military delegations, the Russian ambassador to Iran told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

    Russia and Iran signed on Tuesday an intergovernmental agreement on military cooperation during the visit of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to Tehran.

    “The sides discussed ways to expand bilateral military cooperation. The Iranian side expressed interest in the implementation of proposals by the Russian Defense Ministry on joint military drills, Iran’s participation in various international military competitions, strengthening of cooperation in safeguarding security in the Caspian Sea, and expansion of exchange visits by [military] delegations,” Levan Dzhagaryan said commenting on the results of Shoigu’s visit.

    Dzhagaryan said that both Moscow and Tehran acknowledge they share similar views “on the majority of issues of global and regional security, which creates favorable conditions for the expansion of the cooperation on crisis situations settlement.”

    According to the Russian diplomat, Tehran expressed an interest in helping Moscow strengthen international cooperation under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

    “Iranian political and military leadership believe that the regions’ states should take full responsibility for ensuring security in the Near and Middle East, Central Asia and the Trans-Caucasus. Any interference into this process by the United States and its allies, made under the pretext of fighting terrorism, leads, in fact, to the emergence of more hotbeds of instability,” Dzhagaryan stressed.

    On Tuesday, after his meeting with Shoigu, Iranian Defense and Armed Forces Logistics Minister Hossein Dehghan said that Moscow and Tehran agreed to counter external meddling in regional affairs. The minister said US foreign policy was among the main reasons why the situation in the region had worsened.

    Relations between Moscow and Tehran are currently at their highest level and should remain strong throughout 2015, Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Dzhagaryan said Thursday.

    "Relations between Russia and Iran are currently at their highest level. Confirmation of this comes from the results of last year which was marked by considerable activity in bilateral contacts in all areas," Dzhagaryan told RIA Novosti in an interview.

    The ambassador pointed out that last year saw numerous meetings at various levels between the countries, including parliamentary meetings, security councils and meetings between their foreign affairs ministries.

    "We expect this trend to continue this year," Dzhagaryan added.

    On Tuesday, the defense ministers of Iran and Russia signed major deals on military and military-technical cooperation, also agreeing to fight regional security threats together.

    Iran backed Russia after Moscow was subjected to several waves of Western economic sanctions in 2014 over its alleged interference in the Ukrainian conflict. During his visit to Moscow in August 2014, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohhaman Javad Zarif joined the Kremlin in denouncing anti-Russia sanctions as an "illegal means of applying pressure and an intrusion on policy from the outside."

    In November 2014, Moscow and Tehran inked a deal for the construction of two nuclear reactors in Iran and the option for another six. Russia will also provide nuclear fuel for the reactors.

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    Post  George1 Sun May 17, 2015 11:09 pm

    Russian Land Force to Conduct Five Drills With China, India, CSTO in 2015

    Russian Land Force plans to conduct five joint peacekeeping and counterterrorism military drills with the armed forces of India, Mongolia, China, Belarus and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) countries in the second half of 2015.

    SOCHI (Sputnik) – According to the statement, in 2015 Russia will conduct as many as 18 military exercises in which different divisions of the Russian armed forces will take part.

    The CSTO is a regional military alliance comprising six countries —Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Armenia.

    A statement prepared for the Wednesday meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and defense officials in the southern city of Sochi reads:

    “In the second half of 2015 a number of sub-units and divisions of the Land Force are expected to participate in five joint military drills of peacemaking and counterterrorism nature alongside with divisions of the armed forces of India, Mongolia, China, Republic of Belarus, as well as with divisions of the armed forces of CSTO member-states.”

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    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries Empty Re: Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries

    Post  Guest Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:03 am

    Joint military exercise between Russian, Belorusian and Serbian units in Russia till september 5th hosted by 7th Guards Airborne Assault Division. Source is from Serbian national TV station, couldnt find any source in english. Exercise is dubbed "Slavic brotherhood".

    Part of the article: "Војске Русије, Србије и Белорусије до 5. септембра у околини Новоросијска на југу Русије изводе војну вежбу "Словенско братство 2015". На вежби учествује 700 људи, највише падобранаца из Русије, а Србија и Белорусија су послале специјалне јединице.

    Припадници Специјалне бригаде Војске Србије се већ неколико дана у Русији припремају за вежбу са колегама из Русије и Белорусије, сазнаје РТС.

    Учествују ојачани ваздушно-десантни батаљон из Русије, две чете специјалних јединица Белорусије и једна чета специјалаца из Србије. Министарство одбране Србије је крајем августа потврдило да у Русију иде 60 припадника Војске Србије.

    Припадници ВС користиће руско наоружање и опрему, а још прошле године група српских специјалаца имала је обуку у десантирању са руским падобранима Д-10 у ваздушно-десантној академији у Рјазању.

    Домаћин вежбе је 7. гардијска ваздушно-десантна дивизија руске војске, специјализована за планинско ратовање, а командант дивизије пуковник Роман Бреус биће непосредни руководилац вежбе.

    Командант Ваздушно-десантних снага Русије генерал Владимир Шаманов рекао је руским медијима да је сврха вежбе да се заједнички тимови специјалних снага увежбају у откривању и уништењу илегалних оружаних формација."

    Translation: "Armies of Russia, Serbia and Belarus till 5th september in area surrounding Novorosijsk in south of Russia will participate in joint military exercise "Slavic Brotherhood 2015". Around 700 members participate in this exercise mostly Russian paratroopers together with special purpose units from Belarus and Serbia. Members of Special Brigade of Serbian armed forces are already few days in Russia preparing for the exercise itself.

    In exercise participants are strengtend VDV batallion two companies of special purpose units from Belarus and one company from Serbia. It was already published by Serbian Ministry of Defence during august that 60 soliders shall join this exercise.

    Commander of Russian VDV general Vladimir Shamanov, told Russian newspapers that purpose of this exercise is to practice joint detection and destruction of illegal armed formations."

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    Post  George1 Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:47 am

    First Russian-Serbian Joint Flight Drills to Kick Off Friday

    Russia’s first joint tactical air exercises with Serbia will kick off on Friday in southern Russia near the Caspian Sea.

    MOSCOW, October 1 (Sputnik) – Russia’s first joint tactical air exercises with Serbia will kick off on Friday in southern Russia near the Caspian Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday.

    "First joint Russian-Serbian tactical air exercise – BARS-2015 – will be conducted at the Ashuluk range with the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Serbian Air Force," the ministry announced on its website.

    Crews of the Mikoyan MiG-29 (NATO reporting name Fulcrum) will practice aerial target interception and elimination, as well as airstrikes on ground-based targets, according to the statement. Pilots of the Mil Mi-8 (Hip) helicopters will fire unguided rockets.

    The Serbian Air Force operates up to eight Mi-8T helicopters and three MiG-29s.

    The Russian-Serbian BARS-2015 drills at the Ashuluk range of the Astrakhan Region are scheduled to wrap up October 9.

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    Post  Guest Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:11 pm

    George1 wrote:First Russian-Serbian Joint Flight Drills to Kick Off Friday

    Russia’s first joint tactical air exercises with Serbia will kick off on Friday in southern Russia near the Caspian Sea.

    MOSCOW, October 1 (Sputnik) – Russia’s first joint tactical air exercises with Serbia will kick off on Friday in southern Russia near the Caspian Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday.

    "First joint Russian-Serbian tactical air exercise – BARS-2015 – will be conducted at the Ashuluk range with the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Serbian Air Force," the ministry announced on its website.

    Crews of the Mikoyan MiG-29 (NATO reporting name Fulcrum) will practice aerial target interception and elimination, as well as airstrikes on ground-based targets, according to the statement. Pilots of the Mil Mi-8 (Hip) helicopters will fire unguided rockets.

    The Serbian Air Force operates up to eight Mi-8T helicopters and three MiG-29s.

    The Russian-Serbian BARS-2015 drills at the Ashuluk range of the Astrakhan Region are scheduled to wrap up October 9.

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    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries Bars10

    Serbian and Russian pilots together on BARS-2015 exercise.

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    Post  George1 Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:45 pm

    Russia, Mongolia troops hold first joint drill at Selenga 2016 exercise

    The exercises started on August 30 and will last until September 7

    MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. The first joint drill was held at the Burduny range (Russia’s Buryatia republic) on Wednesday within the framework of the Russian-Mongolian military exercise Selenga 2016, spokesman for the Russian Eastern Military District Colonel Alexander Gordeyev told TASS.

    "During the joint training units of the Eastern Military District and the Mongolian armed forces practiced tactical groups’ movement on approach routes and the organization of communication between the units. The Joint Staff of the exercise command agreed the command and liaison signals common for both sides," the official said.

    The exercises started on August 30 and will last until September 7. The manoeuvers involve some 1,000 troops and up to 200 units of military equipment on both sides. In particular, the drills involve a tank battalion, a motorized infantry company, a mortar battalion, howitzer self-propelled artillery and rocket batteries, air defense, reconnaissance and NBC protection units of Russia’s Eastern Military District. The Mongolian Armed Forces are represented in the exercise by motorized infantry companies with infantry combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers, a tank platoon, a mortar and a rocket battery.

    The Russian-Mongolian Selenga manoeuvers are held annually since 2008. Before 2011, it was a tactical exercise with live firing that was called Darkhan, which means "Builder" in Mongolian. Last year, the exercise was held in Russia’s Trans-Baikal Territory. Then the drills participants practiced assault river crossing and tactical landing.


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    Post  George1 Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:45 am


    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries 3481027_original

    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries SELENGA-2016_160830_02

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    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries SELENGA-2016_160901_02

    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries SELENGA-2016_160901_01

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    Post  George1 Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:52 pm

    Next SCO exercise Peace Mission due in Russia in 2018


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    Post  George1 Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:24 pm

    Russia's Land Force will conduct joint exercises with Indian, Mongolian, Pakistani, and Vietnamese troops in 2017, the Force's commander-in-chief, Col. Gen. Oleg Salyukov, said.

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    Post  George1 Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:20 pm

    Russian, Belarusian paratroopers arrive in Serbia to take part in joint drills


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    Post  George1 Mon Nov 07, 2016 9:31 pm

    Russian troops to take part in three joint military exercises in 2017

    Servicemen of Russia’s Eastern Military District will hold drills with Vietnam for the first time

    VLADIVOSTOK, November 7. /TASS/. Servicemen of Russia’s Eastern Military District will take part in three joint military exercises in 2017, including the tenth Russian-Mongolian maneuvers Selenga and drills with Vietnam for the first time, district spokesman Colonel Alexander Gordeyev said on Monday.

    "In 2017, servicemen of the combined arms formations of the Eastern Military District will take part in three joint international military exercises. The Russian-Mongolian maneuvers Selenga-2017 will become the tenth jubilee drills. Next year, they are planned to be held from August to September on the territory of Mongolia. The place of holding the other traditional international drills Indra-2017 will be determined during the first planning conference by representatives of the defense ministries of Russia and India. Also, the first joint Russian-Vietnamese exercises are planned in October 2017," the spokesman said.

    The Indra-2017 drills will presumably be held in November next year. Earlier, troops of the Eastern Military District took part in three joint Russian-Indian drills Indra in 2012, 2013 and 2016 at the Burduny practice range in the Republic of Buryatia in East Siberia, the Mahajan training range in the Indian state of Rajasthan and at the Sergeyevsky range in the Primorye Territory in the Russian Far East, respectively.

    The joint Russian-Mongolian military exercises Selenga-2016 were held at the Burduny training range of the Eastern Military District in the Republic of Buryatia.

    All the joint military drills will be held under the plan of the Eastern Military District’s international cooperation.


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    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries Empty Russian Ground Forces to Take Part in Six International Drills

    Post  George1 Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:07 am

    Russian Ground Forces will hold drills with India, Pakistan, CSTO countries in 2016


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    Post  George1 Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:01 am


    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries Img-2010

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    Post  flamming_python Sat Sep 02, 2017 9:14 pm

    The Mongolians have gone and all Americanized their uniforms and regalia over the past 20 years, in keeping with their previous '3rd neighbour' strategy (US trojan horse between Russia and China)

    We'll be needing to encourage them to make some wardrobe changes pirat

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    Post  George1 Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:39 am

    INDRA-2017 Russian-Indian international exercise to be held in Primorsky Krai for the first time

    Russia's joint military exercises with foreign countries 11.10.2017-tof-indra2017-550

    This year the international exercise will be held as a joint one under single concept. Instead of previously held the Indra-Navy 2016, AviaIndra 2016 and Indra-2016, it is planned to held one exercise involving Pacific fleet and Indian Navy warships, troops and military hardware of EMD and Indian Air Force and Army formations.

    Preparing for the exercise, the Russian and Indian representatives have specified the training areas, operational strength of forces and supply plans. The Indian representatives additionally examined the Sergeevsky, Сlark cape and Bamburovo training grounds, and the Centralnaya Uglovaya and Knevichi airfields where the training episodes are to be held.

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    Post  George1 Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:51 pm

    Indian ships to arrive in Russia for Indra-2017 exercises on October 19

    The opening ceremony of the Indra-2017 exercises will take place on October 20

    VLADIVOSTOK, October 16. /TASS/. A detachment of Indian Navy warships will arrive in Vladivostok, the home port of the Russian Pacific Fleet, for the Indra-2017 Russian-Indian drills, Pacific Fleet Spokesman Nikolay Voskresensky told reporters on Monday.

    "The solemn ceremony of meeting a detachment of Indian Navy ships will take place at the 33rd berth of Vladivostok’s Korabelnaya Embankment. Taking part in it will be representatives of the Russian Navy command, the crews of the vessels taking part in the exercises, an honor guard company and the orchestra of the Pacific Fleet Staff," he said.

    According to Voskresensky, the solemn opening ceremony of the Indra-2017 exercises will take place on October 20.

    Earlier reports said that the Satpura frigate and the Cadmatt corvette would be dispatched to take part in the exercises. A total of 900 Indian military servicemen will take part in them.

    This year, instead of the Indra Navy-2016, the Avia Indra-2016 and the Indra-2016 exercises held last year, the two countries will hold maneuvers that will involve three armed forces branches - the Pacific Fleet, aviation units and the ground forces of the Eastern Military District.


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    Post  George1 Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:38 am

    The land phase of the Russian-Indian exercise "Indra-2017"

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    Post  George1 Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:02 pm

    More than 1,000 servicemen to take part in Russian-Mongolian drills

    Preparations for the Selenga-2018 international drills started in the eastern Military District

    ULAN-UDE, September 17. /TASS/. More than 1,000 servicemen will take part in the Russian-Mongolian military exercise "Selenga-2018," which will be held at the Burduny Range in the Buryatia Region in October, the press service of the Eastern Military District reported on Monday.

    "The preparations for the Selenga-2018 international drills started in the eastern Military District. This year it will take part at the Burduny Range in the Buryatia Region in the first half of October. A total of about 1,000 servicemen are to be involved in the maneuvers. During the active phase of the exercise the military of the participating states will work out tasks to jointly fight ‘terrorists’ and cooperate with tactical airborne troops," the report says.

    "Earlier, during the planning conferences the delegations of the Eastern Military District and representatives for the Mongolian Ministry of Defense approved the scenario for Selenga-2018 and the scenario and the essence of the upcoming meeting, the order for movement and deployment of the Mongolian Armed Forces on Russia’s territory and the list of cultural and sports events," the press service noted.

    The reconnaissance of the areas for carrying out the tactical stage of combat firing was also carried out, the Eastern Military District added.


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    Post  George1 Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:15 am

    Russian-Mongolian exercise "Selenga-2018" in Buryatia

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    Post  George1 Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:17 am

    Russian-Indian counterterrorism exercise Indra to be held on November 18-28

    The Russian side plans to send about 250 servicemen to participate in the Indra-2018 drills

    VLADIVOSTOK, October 3. /TASS/. The joint Russian-Indian counter-terrorism exercise, Indra-2018, will be held on November 18-28 in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, the press service of Russia’s Eastern Military District said on Wednesday.

    "The final conference on preparations for the joint Russian-Indian exercise, Indra-2018, has taken place in India. The sides agreed that the exercise will be held at a training ground near the town of Babina in the state of Uttar Pradesh of the Republic of India, from November 18 to November 28, 2018," the press service said in a statement.

    "The Russian side plans to send about 250 servicemen of motorized infantry units of the Eastern Military District, deployed in the Primorye Region [in the Far East]," the statement reads.

    The joint Russian-Indian counter-terrorism exercises, Indra, have been held regularly since 2003. The previous military maneuvers took place in 2017 in Russia’s Far Eastern region of Primorye and at naval training grounds of Russia’s Pacific Fleet.


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    Post  George1 Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:00 pm

    Russia-Belarus Union Shield-2019 drills to be solely defensive, vows defense chief

    As the Russian defense minister said, the ministries’ board meeting approved the general concept of the drills

    MINSK, October 24. /TASS/. The ‘Union Shield-2019’ drills will be solely defensive and will become the main combat training event for the armed forces of Russia and Belarus next year, Russia’s Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.

    The Russian defense minister made this statement as he summed up the results of a joint board meeting of the defense ministries of Russia and Belarus.

    The troops’ operational and combat training remains an important area of interaction between the defense ministries of both countries, Shoigu said.

    "The ‘Union Shield-2019’ military exercises will become the main event of the next year. They are intended to demonstrate our common resolve and ability to defend the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of both states," Shoigu stressed.


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