Evo Morales resigned after army pressure
Last edited by George1 on Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Bolivian coup?
PhSt wrote:
So does the US get to install their puppet president in Bolivia? This is a crushing defeat for Russia and China. There is no other choice but to overthrow the US puppet regime in Colombia and install a leadership that is sympathetic to Russian and Chinese interests. A retaliation against the US needs to be in order.
PapaDragon wrote:
Bolivian coup?
More like Bolivian commie president and his crew f*ck up the economy as expected, get hit by super easy to setup protests and then give stupid order to military which tells them to get stuffed or else
Amateur hour in commie utopia
PhSt wrote:
So does the US get to install their puppet president in Bolivia? This is a crushing defeat for Russia and China. There is no other choice but to overthrow the US puppet regime in Colombia and install a leadership that is sympathetic to Russian and Chinese interests. A retaliation against the US needs to be in order.
So how do you explain the shit-storm in the Right-Wing dominated Chile? Easily an order of magnitude bigger than the one in Bolivia.PapaDragon wrote:
Bolivian coup?
More like Bolivian commie president and his crew f*ck up the economy as expected, get hit by super easy to setup protests and then give stupid order to military which tells them to get stuffed or else
Amateur hour in commie utopia
magnumcromagnon wrote:So how do you explain the shit-storm in the Right-Wing dominated Chile? Easily an order of magnitude bigger than the one in Bolivia.PapaDragon wrote:
Bolivian coup?
More like Bolivian commie president and his crew f*ck up the economy as expected, get hit by super easy to setup protests and then give stupid order to military which tells them to get stuffed or else
Amateur hour in commie utopia
PapaDragon wrote:magnumcromagnon wrote:So how do you explain the shit-storm in the Right-Wing dominated Chile? Easily an order of magnitude bigger than the one in Bolivia.PapaDragon wrote:
Bolivian coup?
More like Bolivian commie president and his crew f*ck up the economy as expected, get hit by super easy to setup protests and then give stupid order to military which tells them to get stuffed or else
Amateur hour in commie utopia
Who cares?
Right wing isn't advertising itself as as a solution to problems of capitalism
It's commies who always promise utopia and then turn everything into toilet bowl the moment they claw their way to power
Maybe if they were to actually deliver on what they promise just once they could actually be considered useful alternative?
But they never do and never have, it's always complete failure with them
George1 wrote:Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales has announced that he is leaving for Mexico, which has granted him political asylum, but will return soon
GarryB wrote:PD has been broken by them and is now one of their puppets
GarryB wrote:... already China and Russia are offering an alternative...
Ah, the true strength of communist principles, stand up for what you believe in no matter what adversity faces you.
News flash: nobody here was fighting for communism, were were stuck fighting both against foreign enemies and communist gang that took control of the country and was running it into the ground, you can't win war in two fronts.
And nobody here forgot 50 years of genocide implemented by commies who were installed by foreigners at the end of WW2
Oh yeah, everyone is lining up for that sweet alternative
Ruskies better stick with looking after themselves lest they end up as another outfit that was offering alternatives (although in Soviet case it was alternative to having proper nutrition, everyone was going bananas over that)
Such dietary experts those Soviets...
Bolivian defense minister also resigned amid protests
par far wrote:PhSt wrote:
So does the US get to install their puppet president in Bolivia? This is a crushing defeat for Russia and China. There is no other choice but to overthrow the US puppet regime in Colombia and install a leadership that is sympathetic to Russian and Chinese interests. A retaliation against the US needs to be in order.
The US will put a puppet in place, it is a crushing defeat for the Russia and China, I dondon'tow what Russia or China could have done(I hate these coups and colour revolutions, I am thinking of joining programs that talk about to stop these).
The best Russia and China can do is just wait, the austerity measures will take a toll on the people, like we have seen in other countries.
Why is the CIA so successful at starting revolution and instability in foreign countries?
GarryB wrote:Why is the CIA so successful at starting revolution and instability in foreign countries?
Because they are ruthless butchers that make the mafia look civilised... some guy gets elected talking about helping the people and he has a car accident...
Yes Garry I know that. My point is how can a country develop a defensive strategy to detect and locate undercover CIA agents and prevent them from carrying out these subversive missions? I mean there has to be a defense against it. Why haven't more countries studied what the CIA does to overthrow governments and to develop a defense against it?
Does Russia have capable counterintelligence capabilities to counter it? Is it because these countries are poor and have limited resources and capabilities?
It is sickening reading about the CIA carrying out these missions in all these countries and they basically get away without any opposition.