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    Russian Economy General News: #11


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:29 am

    GarryB wrote:The whole point of privatisation is to inject more money into the system to stimulate development and growth but many investors just want a good return and really don't care about anything else.

    As with electricity companies they reduce budgets for maintenance and support, and often fire half the work force to reduce costs, and then increase charges to maximise the profit so they get good dividends... and who cares about the customer...

    The service rarely gets better or cheaper... a lot of people stop working and stop paying taxes for a while and the workers that remain normally get pay cuts and lose benefits. Government jobs pay better and have better workers conditions which is expensive, but worth it to avoid problems with strikes or unhappy workers doing the bare minimum to keep their jobs.

    Most of the time it makes more sense for the government to inject available extra funds into areas where things can grow and develop and then the government and therefore also the people will reap the rewards of development and growth... instead of foreign investors making money on development and growth in Russia.

    Aside from the post 2011 nonsense at the CBR, Putin has been doing a good job helping Russian companies revive and form. The comprador
    era of Yeltsin where an artificially high ruble suppressed any sane transition to market economics thanks to an import flood ended after 1999.
    All the yapping about "structural reforms" is pure propaganda. The west was singing the praises of Yeltsin when he was selling Russia down
    the river, but spews hate at Putin for serving Russian interests. Russia does not need any structural reforms since this is double-speak for
    Kudrin style "foreign investment" such as you describe. I know this sort of investment first hand in Canada. It is predatory capitalism
    and predators pay all sorts of shills including politicians to push their agenda. The average clueless sap who does not bother to get informed
    about the economy and the real political situation thinks that this agenda is some form of good idea. No, it is suicide. Thank goodness that
    Putin went Russia's way and did not follow the monetarist shock therapy voodoo economics of the Yeltsin regime.


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Austin Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:01 am

    GarryB wrote:The whole point of privatisation is to inject more money into the system to stimulate development and growth but many investors just want a good return and really don't care about anything else.

    As with electricity companies they reduce budgets for maintenance and support, and often fire half the work force to reduce costs, and then increase charges to maximise the profit so they get good dividends... and who cares about the customer...

    The service rarely gets better or cheaper... a lot of people stop working and stop paying taxes for a while and the workers that remain normally get pay cuts and lose benefits. Government jobs pay better and have better workers conditions which is expensive, but worth it to avoid problems with strikes or unhappy workers doing the bare minimum to keep their jobs.

    Most of the time it makes more sense for the government to inject available extra funds into areas where things can grow and develop and then the government and therefore also the people will reap the rewards of development and growth... instead of foreign investors making money on development and growth in Russia.

    As they say it is not Government Business to run Business , They should provide the fair framework,rules and law and infra for business to flourish and let the private players compete and give the best to the consumers. Competition is the best way to give benefit to the end customer.

    Aeroflot is one of the best airlines in Europe as it half owned by government and half by private players so goes for Rosneft.

    You cant just make sweeping statement that privatisation is either good or bad each company sold partly or fully should be done on its merits and benefits to the economy.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:42 am

    Yet in the US, they are finding government ran institutions better than private due to lack of need to profit margins. Private is screwing people left and right due to penny pinching.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Austin Thu Dec 12, 2019 12:31 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Yet in the US, they are finding government ran institutions better than private due to lack of need to profit margins. Private is screwing people left and right due to penny pinching.

    Could also be country dependent , In India most privatisation has worked well in terms of management effeciency though the prices has increased a bit but compared to the innefiency of Government is Private sector are far better and very competitive , In some cases like Cellular phones private sector has brought the price of service rock bottom due to competition.

    Now could be possible in Russia the experience too may be better , Me thinks the Government will take a slow and cautious approach but will eventualise privatise what they feel they need to.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:24 am

    As they say it is not Government Business to run Business ,

    Yeah, the people saying that I wouldn't trust to hold my icecream while I take my shot in a game of pool, let alone risk the countrys future with...

    Just look at the state of western countries today to work out what happens when big business gets what it wants...

    They should provide the fair framework,rules and law and infra for business to flourish and let the private players compete and give the best to the consumers. Competition is the best way to give benefit to the end customer.

    They should but in reality a lot of markets are dominated by a limited few suppliers... especially way out here in NZ in the middle of nowhere at the bottom of the planet... we have various petrol stations which suggests healthy competition but we get nothing of the sort... they collude to keep the price high and screw the people they are supplying because they can.

    It is the same with supermarkets here we basically have two suppliers with two main businesses which distribute their products amongst the shopping franchises they own so their are half a dozen different chains... Woolworths, Countdown, New World, Pak & Save, SuperFresh, Four Square... but they get their products from two main suppliers so there really is only two huge companies to buy from with the different shops tailored to different classes of shoppers...

    The illusion of competition wrapped up and marketed as good for the consumer, but actually in fact good for the owner...

    For critical things like a national airline you need a national airline that will take a loss to ensure all areas of the country get proper air service. A privately owned company will just run the money making routes and people in outlying areas are stuck.

    It is the same with power companies and telecom companies... ironically both were privatised in NZ so the tax payer paid to have both networks set up, and then they got sold to the highest bidder for a fraction of their actual cost and they have been milking us with steady price increases ever since....

    Aeroflot is one of the best airlines in Europe as it half owned by government and half by private players so goes for Rosneft.

    Privatisation normally means private investors buy shares and then suck the profits out of the company to get a return on their investment... they don't help the company in any way except take a share of the profits. If they could get a controlling share they would get more profit and make demands that could destroy that company.

    Would be better for Russia to not privatise companies because the only companies private citizens buy shares in are successful companies... so there is no need to sell something that is successful.

    You cant just make sweeping statement that privatisation is either good or bad each company sold partly or fully should be done on its merits and benefits to the economy.

    The Jack in the Beanstalk argument applies... the only things that would be privatised are those that are working and creating a profit so investors will get a return... you are in effect selling the goose that lays the golden eggs.

    In some cases like Cellular phones private sector has brought the price of service rock bottom due to competition.

    But is that sustainable? Rock bottom prices means companies that are borrowing money will go out of business... and when they are gone... will the prices remain low do you think?

    In the 1990s they were giving away cell phones because they made most of their money on contracts and phone use anyway...


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Vann7 Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:40 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Austin wrote:The Russian government are doing structural reforms so this is good thing

    Structural reforms is a meaningless buzzword that gets thrown around by the EU a lot. To mean that only they can implement structural reforms for other countries, that the Ukraine and other places can't do it themselves so they have to join the EU to let the benevolent Europeans do it for them.

    In reality as the 2nd link of yours shows, what they actually mean is privatization of state assets.
    Privatization of British railways led to disaster. Privatization of Russian state enteprises in the 90s led to their ruin. The privatization of the Russian electricity network led to its fracturing into dozens of subsideries with no serious investment power among any one of them to upgrade the network further or build new power stations. It caused Russia quite a bit of trouble 15 years ago.

    There is a way to do privatization, even though it's still not the best solution. That's to sell part of the state shares to private investors; just not all of them, or most of them.

    Like everything in life.. there is a second face of the coin.. a second point of view equally valid.
    There are pros and cons for everything....
    Nationalization makes sense when there is a major risk for the Nation Security , Nation stability and nation
    prosperity , if X or Y business falls in enemy hands.  It will be for example a fatal mistake ,to pass the control of Rosatom , who build nuclear reactors and manage them in Russia ,to private companies connected with pro NATO pro Anglo Zionist empire governments.. like US ,UK or Israel. or even Ukraine.. to allow them control
    anything in Russia.. because the CIA could sabotage Russia nuclear reactors..and create a major disaster.
    simply you never put wolves to take care of the sheep.
    Also a big mistake to privatize Russia space program or Russia missiles program.. thats a serious national security issue..

    Privatization makes more send when it is of things not really that important for nation security or if it is a bit..
    that the private owner of a company is someone that close ally to Russia ,and that there is strong mutual trust. and mutual interest.  

    Private business in the right hands.. that Russia government trust , can do much better than the state..
    Because with Public Business , there is something call workers UNIONS.. that can do a lot of damage ,to the
    nation , if they given too much authority. An Power electric workers union ,can paralize the entire country
    if they not paid.. They also with their protest.. could get bonuses ,that literary force the Government to pay them.. triple their salaries in emergency times or over time.. even if they don't achieve any goal..  Powerful well organized workers Unions can truly paralize a nation Economy.. So there is no perfect solution , a balanced
    approach needs to be taken.. cooperation of Private sector with Public sector is the best of both worlds.

    If i was Russia will have offer 49% of Russia energy business to Germany and France and Austria and italy..
    That way you will have those leading nations , working non stop ,to make all EU , heavily dependent of Energy that comes from Russia.. and Russia will sell 95% of the energy to Europe and Russia can live happily
    with taxes from extracting oil and gas from Russia.  That also could promote Europe and Russia better relations.

    Russia also should get the hell out of sports and privatize it all . stay away of it.. Privatize tourism to friendly nations.. Hotel chains ..Privatize light transportation services .. and privatize the retails and health industry ,hospitals..highway and housing Construction.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:55 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Austin wrote:The Russian government are doing structural reforms so this is good thing

    Structural reforms is a meaningless buzzword that gets thrown around by the EU a lot. To mean that only they can implement structural reforms for other countries, that the Ukraine and other places can't do it themselves so they have to join the EU to let the benevolent Europeans do it for them.

    In reality as the 2nd link of yours shows, what they actually mean is privatization of state assets.
    Privatization of British railways led to disaster. Privatization of Russian state enteprises in the 90s led to their ruin. The privatization of the Russian electricity network led to its fracturing into dozens of subsideries with no serious investment power among any one of them to upgrade the network further or build new power stations. It caused Russia quite a bit of trouble 15 years ago.

    There is a way to do privatization, even though it's still not the best solution. That's to sell part of the state shares to private investors; just not all of them, or most of them.

    Exactly. Selling shares instead of full ownership is the only sane approach. The fraudulent premise of the monetarist witch doctors
    who "shock therapied" Russia in the 1990s was that none of the state enterprises was viable. This is total nonsense based on some
    ad hoc belief and not empirical evidence. Austin points to Aeroflot as some example of privatization. But it was not sufficiently
    privatized according to the monetarist grifters. As I posted, Russia's economy was already 70% privatized and there is no need for
    any 100% puritanism especially into foreign hands. Some industries should not even be private such as the military industrial complex
    key players. Letting them operate on the profit motive will give you the rot we see in the USA and the EU where military prices are
    simply insane. It is possible for some subcontractors of the military sector be private as long as they can supply parts for cheaper.
    But none of big boys that build ships, tanks and planes should be engaged in profiteering.


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:16 am

    I would go a step further however.... shares in government run organisations can only be held by citizens of that country, so when things are going well it is the people of that country that benefit.

    Business models simply don't work for a lot of things... education is one area... only study in areas that make money will be properly funded and you end up with a whole lot of financial geeks who care for nothing but their own personal wealth.

    Health is another area, as well as power supply, and the communications network... efficiency is all well and good but when profit is the only goal then patients and customers end up getting screwed and they are supposed to be the whole point of the business...

    Even prisons run by private companies is wrong... Epstein could afford to buy the prison he was kept in...

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Austin Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:57 pm

    Stock sale: privatization details for 2020-2022 became known

    The state plans to get rid of 25% of Russian Railways, 50% of Russian Post and 50% of Russian Agricultural Bank

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Vann7 Wed Dec 18, 2019 8:45 pm

    New bill passed , by US senate called "Sanctions from hell" .
    that seek sanctions on Russian banks and Russian energy industry.. Wink

    Maybe now the Polite President will get a clue , that they only want from Russia
    its blood and break it in a million of pieces.. if that will end Putin Politeness and request
    for restorations of relations with US then it will be worth of it..

    This is what happens when Incompetent Presidents follows the western system for so long ,
    and later complains , the system is unfair for Russia. Rolling Eyes

    Lets see what will those that claimed US sanctions "don't work" will say ,when Russia face major economic
    recession. Putin vision of developing Russia as a banana food country , and sports tourism .. will never get the respect it wants..

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Singular_Transform Wed Dec 18, 2019 10:02 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    New bill passed , by US senate called "Sanctions from hell" .
    that seek sanctions on Russian banks and Russian energy industry.. Wink

    Maybe now the Polite President will get a clue , that they only want from Russia
    its blood and break it in a million of pieces.. if that will end Putin Politeness and request
    for restorations of relations with US then it will be worth of it..

    This is what happens when Incompetent Presidents follows the western system for so long ,
    and later complains , the system is unfair for Russia. Rolling Eyes

    Lets see what will those that claimed US sanctions "don't work" will say ,when Russia face major economic
    recession. Putin vision of developing Russia as a banana food country , and sports tourism .. will never get the respect it wants..

    USA wants to start a war with Russia, China, Iran, Nk, India, GErmany or whatever willing to go on war with them.

    That is the wet dream of any politician or billionaire.

    This was the strategy with Japan, Germany and so on.

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    Post  kvs Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:32 pm

    Given that the retarded chimps who compose the US legislature have zero clue about Russian economic reality, these harsh
    sanctions are going to be only a boost for Russia. It can no effectively ban all imports from the USA and NATO. And perhaps
    the bitch Nabiullina can be sent packing so that Russian companies can actually borrow from Russian banks.

    Recall that banks grow through loans and not deposits. The only reason that the Russian banking sector is anemic is that
    the CBR prime rate makes all banking rates not affordable by any economic player from consumers to companies. It is a
    catch 22 trap. Since rates are artificially high no serious loans are made and since no such loans are made, no bank can
    grow. A competitive banking system without artificial rates set by the CBR, would naturally offer affordable rates (e.g. 5%
    instead of 10%).


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    Post  kvs Thu Dec 19, 2019 4:39 am

    This belongs here since it pertains to the Russian economy. The lunatics in Banderastan actually took their sob story case regarding
    Russia stopping imports of rail rolling stock to the WTO after it was Banderastan itself that banned imports of Russian rail rolling stock
    and Russia used its rights under the WTO to respond in kind. The Kiev clowns actually thought they would get some sort of WADA
    like kangaroo court decision from the WTO. But event the WTO cannot deny reality so brazenly and discredit itself.

    The pattern from Kiev is the same brain rot always. Take a dump on Russia's doorstep and then complain to the cops that Russia
    is the one that actually doing the deed. It will take decades for these morons to adjust to their new reality. We may actually
    see a 6th world country in Europe.


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:45 am

    New bill passed , by US senate called "Sanctions from hell" .
    that seek sanctions on Russian banks and Russian energy industry..

    Clearly they understand the situation about as well as you do Vann... sanctions blocking trade between Russia and the US are good for Russia, because it forces them to look for new markets and new customers... it also means US investors can't make money in the Russian economy and there is lots of money to be made there... otherwise they wouldn't need sanctions to stop US investors investing in that market.

    The pathetic thing is that they probably think these investors investing in Russia are unpatriotic and that these sanctions will force them to invest in the US economy to help boost it, but the US economy doesn't make anything... it is a financial economy, and right now there is not much money that can be made, so of course with these sanctions rich US investors will be forced to not invest in Russia... so they will invest in another country with growth... which will be both good and bad for that country... they don't invest for charity... they want a good return...

    But event the WTO cannot deny reality so brazenly and discredit itself.

    Perhaps Russia should return the favour and take the Ukraine to task about the engines they paid for but never received... nor did they get refunded...

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:55 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    New bill passed , by US senate called "Sanctions from hell" .
    that seek sanctions on Russian banks and Russian energy industry..

    Clearly they understand the situation about as well as you do Vann... sanctions blocking trade between Russia and the US are good for Russia, because it forces them to look for new markets and new customers... it also means US investors can't make money in the Russian economy and there is lots of money to be made there... otherwise they wouldn't need sanctions to stop US investors investing in that market.

    The pathetic thing is that they probably think these investors investing in Russia are unpatriotic and that these sanctions will force them to invest in the US economy to help boost it, but the US economy doesn't make anything... it is a financial economy, and right now there is not much money that can be made, so of course with these sanctions rich US investors will be forced to not invest in Russia... so they will invest in another country with growth... which will be both good and bad for that country... they don't invest for charity... they want a good return...

    But event the WTO cannot deny reality so brazenly and discredit itself.

    Perhaps Russia should return the favour and take the Ukraine to task about the engines they paid for but never received... nor did they get refunded...

    The WTO will not handle such cases. Russia would need to go to the kangaroo arbitration courts in the west to get some punitive
    ruling. But as we have seen these courts are totally biased to the point of setting precedents that they will try to deny in
    the future. For example, that the poverty level of one of the parties in a dispute gives it special compensation rights. This
    sort of BS is totally unprecedented. Will they give me a discount at the grocery store if my income is too low? Not bloody
    likely. Starving people caught stealing a can of tuna are subjected to police arrest and charges. Yet Ukraine is some sort
    of special case....


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Azi Thu Dec 19, 2019 4:38 pm

    Singular_Transform wrote:

    USA wants to start a war with Russia, China, Iran, Nk, India, GErmany or whatever willing to go on war with them.

    That is the wet dream of any politician or billionaire.

    This was the strategy with Japan, Germany and so on.
    Let's not forget...Germany started WW2 with an insane racist ideology, seeing 95 % of world populations as subhumans!

    I write this as half biological german!!! The WW2 was our fault! Same is for Japan, they had a radical racist world view!

    But yes...with the rest you are right. The USA are afraid of a powerful EU and powerful Russia, that's why they try to heat up the conflict between both sides. They are using their networks (journalist, politicians etc.) from cold war to spread their shit!

    They heated things up, it has now a own dynamic they can't control anymore, so war in the next 15 years between Russia and USA or another western country is very likely. This phenomen is called Mass Hysteria. So every politician in the USA who is not out for war with Russia is a russian spy or russian asset. Communication level between Russia and USA is sub zero....very dangerous!

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Singular_Transform Thu Dec 19, 2019 6:08 pm

    Azi wrote:
    Singular_Transform wrote:

    USA wants to start a war with Russia, China, Iran, Nk, India, GErmany or whatever willing to go on war with them.

    That is the wet dream of any politician or billionaire.

    This was the strategy with Japan, Germany and so on.
    Let's not forget...Germany started WW2 with an insane racist ideology, seeing 95 % of world populations as subhumans!

    I write this as half biological german!!! The WW2 was our fault! Same is for Japan, they had a radical racist world view!

    But yes...with the rest you are right. The USA are afraid of a powerful EU and powerful Russia, that's why they try to heat up the conflict between both sides. They are using their networks (journalist, politicians etc.) from cold war to spread their shit!

    They heated things up, it has now a own dynamic they can't control anymore, so war in the next 15 years between Russia and USA or another western country is very likely. This phenomen is called Mass Hysteria. So every politician in the USA who is not out for war with Russia is a russian spy or russian asset. Communication level between Russia and USA is sub zero....very dangerous!

    The events of the WW2 was defined at the end of WW1.

    The interesting question, WHY the USA joined the WW1, what was the reason, why on the side it joined ?
    Don't forget, without the war supplies the WW1 never had that devastating, and the USA /FR/UK hasn't got a chance to force onto Germany conditions that cause the full collapse of German economy, and with that the collapse of the democracy.

    Interestingly, the roaring twenties happened in the USA after the WW1.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Azi Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:17 pm

    Singular_Transform wrote:
    The events of the WW2 was defined at the end of WW1.

    The interesting question, WHY the USA joined the WW1, what was the reason, why on the side it joined ?
    Don't forget, without the war supplies the WW1 never had that devastating, and the USA /FR/UK hasn't got a chance to force onto Germany conditions that cause the full collapse of German economy, and  with that the collapse of the democracy.

    Interestingly, the roaring twenties happened in the USA after the WW1.
    Yes, the conflict of WW2 is dating back to WW1 and before, the conflict of the 3 great nations in Europe...Germany, France and UK (conflict for hundreds of years...and I count Hungaro-Austrian empire as Germany more or less). But it was the full sovereign decision of Nazigermany to attack other lizardmen and so on Wink

    There was a few years before a good documentation about the moment USA became a superpower. It was the WW1 and uncertainty of rich and superich british citizen about their capital. So beginning with WW1 a incredible huge flow of money from UK to USA started. UK was in danger, but USA was too far away for any invasion from german side, a safe haven. UK and USA are twins! Both countries are so extreme bounded together...the flags and signs changed, but not the influentials in this hemisphere. Only the seat of power shifted a bit and with the time new persons appeared on the political stage former unknown (family Kennedy, Clinton etc.)

    By the way same with Russia...beginning with the revolution the USSR (Russia) shifted it's eyes back to Europe, because of socialist ideology. Back to Europe where Russia originated, away from Asia where Russia looked hundreds of years. It was the WW1 that made Russia a superpower.

    But yes ...I'm with the previous writers. The sanctions in this form are an act of war! If the EU would do this to the USA, let's say for Iraq War, in a few months american troops would roam the EU with their tanks. But first they would start a hybrid war with their atlantic ass-lickers, they exist in every european country (god bless only few, but too many at all).

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Singular_Transform Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:29 pm

    Azi wrote:
    Singular_Transform wrote:
    The events of the WW2 was defined at the end of WW1.

    The interesting question, WHY the USA joined the WW1, what was the reason, why on the side it joined ?
    Don't forget, without the war supplies the WW1 never had that devastating, and the USA /FR/UK hasn't got a chance to force onto Germany conditions that cause the full collapse of German economy, and  with that the collapse of the democracy.

    Interestingly, the roaring twenties happened in the USA after the WW1.
    Yes, the conflict of WW2 is dating back to WW1 and before, the conflict of the 3 great nations in Europe...Germany, France and UK (conflict for hundreds of years...and I count Hungaro-Austrian empire as Germany more or less). But it was the full sovereign decision of Nazigermany to attack other lizardmen and so on Wink

    There was a few years before a good documentation about the moment USA became a superpower. It was the WW1 and uncertainty of rich and superich british citizen about their capital. So beginning with WW1 a incredible huge flow of money from UK to USA started. UK was in danger, but USA was too far away for any invasion from german side, a safe haven. UK and USA are twins! Both countries are so extreme bounded together...the flags and signs changed, but not the influentials in this hemisphere. Only the seat of power shifted a bit and with the time new persons appeared on the political stage former unknown (family Kennedy, Clinton etc.)

    By the way same with Russia...beginning with the revolution the USSR (Russia) shifted it's eyes back to Europe, because of socialist ideology. Back to Europe where Russia originated, away from Asia where Russia looked hundreds of years. It was the WW1 that made Russia a superpower.

    But yes ...I'm with the previous writers. The sanctions in this form are an act of war! If the EU would do this to the USA, let's say for Iraq War, in a few months american troops would roam the EU with their tanks. But first they would start a hybrid war with their atlantic ass-lickers, they exist in every european country (god bless only few, but too many at all).

    They put Germany into a corner, and they haven't had any other way out of it only by war.
    Same for Japan.

    Practically all horror seen in the WW2 from German side was due to the lack of resources (including food ).

    The USA try to do that with NK/Iran/Russia/China and so one , with limited success.

    Interestingly, Germany and Russia are on the same side in this game .

    par far

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  par far Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:23 am

    "Putin’s Questionable Assessment Of Progress Of Russian Economy."


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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:38 am

    Summary of the so-called sanctions from Hell. There is an interesting theory behind these sanctions. US
    so-called leader chimps actually think that they can induce the collapse of the ruble forex rate. This thinking
    is clearly the same delusional, ignorant BS as in 2014 when Obummer trotted of the first round of sanctions that
    were expected to bring Russia to its knees. The core of this theory rests on the notion that Russia needs
    a high forex rate. But that is BS, since only import-dependent one-commodity banana republics are adversely
    affected by forex devaluations. Russia is one of a few countries on this planet that is basically import independent
    and any imports can be substituted in the short term (consider the ship gas turbines formerly produced by Ukraine,
    they were replaced with better models in 3 years).

    For countries like Russia, a forex drop stimulates the export industry and suppresses imports. Both of these
    are pure GDP wins. So the retards in the US legislature are doing more of the same and expecting a different


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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:44 am

    par far wrote:"Putin’s Questionable Assessment Of Progress Of Russian Economy."

    BS.  For example

    The processing industry that Putin speaks about means primarily the processing of raw materials such as hydrocarbons,
    agricultural products, forestry, metallurgy. However, when it comes to heavy engineering, the creation of machine tools, as well
    as high-tech production for the defense, space and nuclear industry – they were mostly inherited from the Soviet Union.

    Anyone with a clue would know that by 2003 most of that industry hat literally rotted away.   Take the Almaz-Antey production plants.  
    Obsolete machine tools were rusting under rain and snow melt from the decaying rooves.   Maybe there was some capacity there 1991, but by
    2003 it was not physically there.   The same goes for a lot of other value added industries.   Contrast to the shining white Alamz-Antey
    factories of today, retooled and modernized. 

    To claim that the capacity in 2019 is directly related to 1990 is a brazen lie.   Of course, the USSR built up the human resource base
    which enabled Russia to survive and recover as we have seen since 1991.   But to fob this off as merely "existing capacity form 1990" is
    an insult to the millions of Russian tech sector workers who managed to preserve the technological continuity and skill transfer during the
    1990s and in the early 2000s.   They worked for nothing and saved Russia.   The cunts who write such articles are revisionist swine that
    want to rob Russians of their achievements.

    To the ignorant who cannot understand the above paragraph, take a look that the US nuclear industry.   It is defunct since there was
    no job continuity.   No American worker wants to work for free in the name of national security.   So there are no qualified engineers
    and technicians in the USA to build nuclear power plants.   Neither are there any that can build nuclear "waste" reprocessing plants.
    Russia went through a super depression while the USA was rolling in the money.    The dipshit moron who wrote this "article" would
    have you believe that everything is hunky dory in the US nuclear industry because of, muh, inherited capacity.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:54 am

    South front has zero knowledge when it comes to economics. I pointed this out many times and even questioned them directly and their replies always been "this is our opinion" or "we have our sources". So it boils down to it being bullshit opinions and not facts.

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    Post  Austin Fri Dec 20, 2019 11:57 am

    Sale policy: how Russia can respond to “sanctions from hell”
    The president promised mirror measures in the event of the introduction of restrictions against public debt

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:17 pm

    A ton of assumptions based upon "experts". Most of these experts predicted oil prices would be very low and they were wrong. Anyway, results are Russia will continue to grow in terms of reserves. The national welfare fund is large. No reason not to use. As its purpose is obvious. Not obvious to the self proclaimed experts.

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