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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Czech Republic

    Post  calripson Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:18 am

    None of these countries are sovereign in any way, shape, or form. They are quisling states dancing to their master's tune.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:41 am

    Backman wrote:^But it's impossible for Russia to defend itself. Everyone except people like us , have zero doubt that big bad Russia did this. How would they know any different ?

    Where does this end ? They are driving Russia's reputation ever lower. Russia might as well be making real moves if they will just make them up anyway.

    it won't end you know why? because the master tactical genius on this forum thinks Russia should lay down and take it not react unless troops are actually trying to march over the boarder.

    Why would anyone stop when the Russians do nothing but small tic-tic moves and complain vocally.

    They lost Ukraine, now you have morons here suggesting it's perfectly fine if they lose Belarus.

    In the end this comes down to Putins mindset, he thinks talking will work. No, it won't.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:06 am

    George1 wrote:what a f..k?

    The Czech Republic accused the Russian Federation of an explosion at a military warehouse in 2014 and put Petrov and Boshirov on the wanted list

    They say now it's an accident, but still say Russia's behind about mental-gymnastics! clown clown clown

    Czech officials say warehouse explosion blamed on Russians happened by accident – but still believe Moscow's spooks were involved

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Backman Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:53 am

    The Saker's theory. I think it has some merit. We know its pure fiction by the fact that they blamed the Skripal boys. Its like watching a cartoon

    Amazing news over the week-end: President Lukashenko has declared that Biden gave the order to kill him in a coup organized by the CIA.  Now, we all know that Lukashenko says all sorts of things, many of them false or plain silly.  Except that the Russian FSB has confirmed it all!  According to the Russians, a joint operation of the (Bielorussian) KGB and the Russian FSB has uncovered the plot early on and the Russians monitored the full operation until they had enough evidence to arrest all the plotters.  Not only do the Russians have videos of their meetings, they also intercepted their Zoom video conferences (Zoom users, use Jitsi instead!).

    So far so good.  But it gets better!

    Unlike the US/UK and others, the Russian FSB did not say that they were “confident” that it was “highly likely” that this operation took place.  They released all the footage of a meeting of the plotters in Moscow which confirms it all (I don’t have the time to translate that footage, but I am confident that somebody will – if you come across an English language translation, please post it in the comments section below!).

    One not familiar with such operations might be baffled over why this meeting took place in Moscow and not in Warsaw or Riga.  There are several reasons for that:

       There is a practically open border between Belarus and Russia, which form “а unified state”, and there is nothing easier for the (supposed) Bielorussian traitors (from the military) to jump in a car and get to Moscow.
       Using Warsaw or Riga would dramatically reduce what the CIA calls “plausible deniability” for the US and NATO.
       Yes, meeting in Moscow was still stupid, but no more stupid than the failed US coup to do to Maduro when the US did exactly what they tried to do to Lukashenko.  The fact that both operations failed is par for the course for the (mostly clueless) CIA.
       The main plotter, a very well-known anti-Lukashenko activist, is a double national Bielorussian and US American and for him to move to Minsk for that meeting would be very dangerous.
       Last, but not least, the Bielorussian KGB operates in a very tightly controlled Bielorussian society whereas Russian is an open and liberal society, so one could have (mistakenly) thought that a meeting in Moscow would have been a better idea.

    Interesting story, no?

    Also, if you wonder whether it is credible that the FSB saved Lukashenko – I will remind you that it was the Russians who saved Erdogan from a US-backed coup which was also supposed to include Erdogan’s murder (the Turks practically admitted it publicly several times).

    But it gets even better!

    As soon as the accusation of a CIA plan to murder Lukashenko in a coup came out, they did what they always do: denied it against all evidence and created a huge distraction: the US colony known as the “Czech Republic” declared that the explosion of a weapons depot in the Czech Republic in 2014 was a Russian sabotage involving…   … wait for it… … drum roll…. the very same Petrov and Boshirov whom the UK accused of poisoning the Skripals!

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 20, 2021 4:33 pm

    They lost Ukraine, now you have morons here suggesting it's perfectly fine if they lose Belarus.

    Ukraine is not great loss... the loss of the Crimea would have been a serious blow, but most of the ukraine is lost anyway... it was more of a burden than a bonus.

    Who says they will lose Belarus... especially now when those who want to join the EU and HATO can look over the border at the Ukraine...

    Over the short term it makes more sense to let a broken winner take on more than they can manage, it is broken nations like the Ukraine that are going to weaken HATO and make it psychotic and dangerous to the point where more sensible members might reconsider their membership considering how low the threat from Russia actually is, so spending 2% of GDP on something to stop something that is not going to happen from happening... that 2% would have given Britains NHS staff a decent healthy pay raise, but no you are getting more tridents instead... hahahahaha.

    British TV is Russia Russia Russia... Russian TV likely barely mentions Britain... why would it?

    The Czechs were complaining that the number of their diplomats being sent home makes it too hard for those few remaining to do their job... boo hoo...

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  franco Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:36 pm

    Czech Republic delivered an ultimatum to Russia

    Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulganek issued an ultimatum to Russia and demanded that Moscow ensure the return of all expelled employees of the Czech embassy back to the Russian capital by 12:00 Thursday.

    “If diplomats cannot return to Moscow, then tomorrow at 12:00 I will decide to reduce the number of employees of the Russian embassy in Prague so that it would correspond to the current composition of the Czech embassy in Moscow,” the minister said after meeting with Russian ambassador Alexander Zmeevsky.

    According to Kulganek, the President of the Czech Republic, the head of the government and he, the head of the Foreign Ministry, agreed on such a reaction from Prague.

    The minister noted that the expulsion of 20 Czech diplomats from Russia paralyzed the work of the embassy in Moscow, in connection with which he protested to Ambassador Zmeevsky.

    Commenting on these statements to journalists, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that "judging by the statements of some Czech politicians, they are striving to make Kafka come true." “We offer Prague to leave ultimatums for communication within NATO. With Russia, such a tone is unacceptable, ”she said.

    Russia does not accept the stylistics of demands on the part of other countries, as Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized in his message to the Federal Assembly.

    This was announced to TASS on Wednesday by the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the demands of the Czech Republic to accept Czech diplomats expelled from Russia back.

    “Just today, in his message, President Putin spoke about the futility of talking with us in the style of demands,” said a Kremlin spokesman, answering the question whether Moscow will consider the demand announced by Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulganek.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  George1 Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:45 pm

    Russia should also give an ultimatum


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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Backman Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:59 am

    Prague to expel more diplomats should Moscow fail to bring Czech embassy employees back

    PRAGUE, April 21. /TASS/. Newly-appointed Czech Minister Jakub Kulhanek expressed his protest to Russian Ambassador Alexander Zmeyevsky over Russia’s decision to expel 20 employees of Czech Embassy, demanding that Russia return them back. Prague will await Russia’s decision until 13:00 Moscow time Thursday, the top diplomat told journalists.

    "All expelled employees of the Czech Embassy must be brought back to their positions ni Moscow. We will wait for [Moscow’s] decision until 12:00 [local time] Thursday. Should this decision not be made, we will initiate the option of achievement of parity of the number of [embassy] employees," Kulhanek said.

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    Post  kvs Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:36 am

    Chuckyland losers. These clowns can't even get the story straight about the 2014 depot explosions and make ultimatums to Russia. Go ahead expel the Russian
    embassy staff. Russia does not need parasites like you.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  PhSt Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:52 am

    Proposal to ban ALL Russians from EU would hurt bloc’s economy, Moscow warns, after ex-Estonian president pitches radical policy

    An iron curtain has descended across Europe. Or at least it will if Estonia’s former president is able to convince Brussels to completely close its borders to Russian students, workers and tourists amid growing political tensions.

    Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who led the Baltic nation for a decade until 2016, proposed the policy on Saturday. “Maybe there should be a ‘time out’ for any and I mean any visits from Russia,” he said. “Just freeze visas except for family emergencies. It is Europe’s security at stake.”

    Ilves, who was raised and educated in the US, served as the head of the Estonian desk for Washington’s state-run overseas media service Radio Free Europe during the final years of the Cold War. He was later appointed as Tallinn’s ambassador in Washington. Since stepping down from his country’s top job, he has taken a number of roles with prestigious think tanks and as a co-chair of the World Economic Forum.

    He also serves on the board of the Free Russia Foundation, a US-based lobby group that claims to represent the interests of those who have recently “left Russia due to the considerable deterioration of the political and economic situation.” Presumably, anybody in such a situation would have fewer alternative destinations under Ilves’ plan.

    However, his latest sideline as an online border control agent appears to have won him few friends in Moscow. Alexei Chepa, the deputy chairman of Russia’s State Duma Committee on International Affairs hit back at the suggestions on Sunday. “I understand the number of people who aren’t fully there, or are even quite unwell, is very large,” he said, “but what else can we even say about these statements?”

    The MP insisted the proposal was purely designed “to please the US,” and alleged that Ilves “belongs to the group of people who don’t know what they think apart from to launch PR campaigns around themselves and make a fuss.”

    Alexander Grushko, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, was more cautionary in his response, suggesting only that Ilves “should have talked with the leaders of countries such as Turkey and Greece about the importance of tourism, and in particular its Russian component.”

    Back home, Ilves’ radical proposal appears not to have caught on either. Eva-Maria Liimets, the head of Estonia’s Foreign Ministry, told local media on Monday: “I really hope that the relationship will not develop to such an extent that such drastic measures will have to be taken.”

    The row comes amid a worsening diplomatic spat between the EU and Russia, with recent months seeing the bloc unveil sanctions against Moscow. Over the weekend, Czech authorities expelled more than a dozen Russian diplomats in a row over spying and sabotage allegations, urging other EU nations to support it in the move.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  lancelot Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:09 am

    Also good luck building a Czech nuclear power plant without Russian aid.

    If US Westinghouse do get the contract get the Chinese to build this.
    Because the reactors Westinghouse is building in the US have grown to cost twice as much as planned and still are not finished.
    The US construction company doing this project was hiding massive losses.
    This bit Japanese Toshiba bad who had to cover said US losses after they acquired Westinghouse. This nearly killed Toshiba.
    The Chinese cancelled all their future orders of their US AP1000 type. The Chinese have had to replace parts more than once.
    The US made reactor coolant pumps keep breaking up. This US company had not built a commercial reactor in decades.

    Choose the French and maybe you will get a reactor in 12 years. Just ask Finland. Not operating there yet.
    Similar issues. Not built a reactor in decades. French industry is having lots of trouble.
    Still, less shenanigans than Westinghouse, and the French are covering cost increases unlike Uncle Sham.
    The proposed design, Atmea-1, has not been built anywhere yet.

    The South Koreans should get it working in 8 years. Probably. At least they have actually finished construction in the UAE of some.
    It seems they would be building an EU-APR1400 reactor type which they haven't built anywhere else yet though. Oops.

    The Russian reactor would be similar to the type built in Leningrad II - 1/2 and Astravets - 1/2 so there are several in operation.
    This means the construction time and cost will be predictable unlike all the types above.

    This just smells of disaster. Also if you believe what the above pages say the Czechs are suppliers to Rosatom.
    In which case Russian counter sanctions could simply cut them out of all future Rosatom work.
    Considering Rosatom is building more export reactors than all the other players in the world combined that is bound to hurt.

    The Czechs will elect a new Prime Minister this October. Probably why current government is pulling these stunts.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:24 am

    PhSt wrote:

    Proposal to ban ALL Russians from EU would hurt bloc’s economy, Moscow warns, after ex-Estonian president pitches radical policy

    An iron curtain has descended across Europe. Or at least it will if Estonia’s former president is able to convince Brussels to completely close its borders to Russian students, workers and tourists amid growing political tensions.

    Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who led the Baltic nation for a decade until 2016, proposed the policy on Saturday. “Maybe there should be a ‘time out’ for any and I mean any visits from Russia,” he said. “Just freeze visas except for family emergencies. It is Europe’s security at stake.”

    Ilves, who was raised and educated in the US, served as the head of the Estonian desk for Washington’s state-run overseas media service Radio Free Europe during the final years of the Cold War. He was later appointed as Tallinn’s ambassador in Washington. Since stepping down from his country’s top job, he has taken a number of roles with prestigious think tanks and as a co-chair of the World Economic Forum.

    He also serves on the board of the Free Russia Foundation, a US-based lobby group that claims to represent the interests of those who have recently “left Russia due to the considerable deterioration of the political and economic situation.” Presumably, anybody in such a situation would have fewer alternative destinations under Ilves’ plan.

    However, his latest sideline as an online border control agent appears to have won him few friends in Moscow. Alexei Chepa, the deputy chairman of Russia’s State Duma Committee on International Affairs hit back at the suggestions on Sunday. “I understand the number of people who aren’t fully there, or are even quite unwell, is very large,” he said, “but what else can we even say about these statements?”

    The MP insisted the proposal was purely designed “to please the US,” and alleged that Ilves “belongs to the group of people who don’t know what they think apart from to launch PR campaigns around themselves and make a fuss.”

    Alexander Grushko, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, was more cautionary in his response, suggesting only that Ilves “should have talked with the leaders of countries such as Turkey and Greece about the importance of tourism, and in particular its Russian component.”

    Back home, Ilves’ radical proposal appears not to have caught on either. Eva-Maria Liimets, the head of Estonia’s Foreign Ministry, told local media on Monday: “I really hope that the relationship will not develop to such an extent that such drastic measures will have to be taken.”

    The row comes amid a worsening diplomatic spat between the EU and Russia, with recent months seeing the bloc unveil sanctions against Moscow. Over the weekend, Czech authorities expelled more than a dozen Russian diplomats in a row over spying and sabotage allegations, urging other EU nations to support it in the move.

    Baltic chihuahua racist trash. Poor little innocent virgins in the west who are at risk of being ravished by Russian savages.
    Now where have I heard this before? That's right, the anti-black racism in the USA where every black man was a rapist.

    Note that this is a century before any ghetto rot and black crime. Modern behaviour was not even prevalent in the 1960s.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  PhSt Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:21 pm

    Looks like another Chihuahua is lining up to appease their American masters. Hope Russia kicks out double the number of Slovak dogs out of their embassy in Russia  attack

    Slovakia expels three Russian embassy staff in solidarity with Czechs

    Slovakia expelled three Russian diplomats on Thursday and gave them a week to leave the country, Prime Minister Eduard Heger said in a televised briefing.

    He said Slovakia acted in solidarity with the Czech Republic which has ordered most Russian staff to leave after accusing Russian intelligence officers of being behind a 2014 explosion at an ammunition depot.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:26 pm

    PhSt wrote:Looks like another Chihuahua is lining up to appease their American masters. Hope Russia kicks out double the number of Slovak dogs out of their embassy in Russia  attack

    Slovakia expels three Russian embassy staff in solidarity with Czechs

    Slovakia expelled three Russian diplomats on Thursday and gave them a week to leave the country, Prime Minister Eduard Heger said in a televised briefing.

    He said Slovakia acted in solidarity with the Czech Republic which has ordered most Russian staff to leave after accusing Russian intelligence officers of being behind a 2014 explosion at an ammunition depot.

    Slovakia has come out as a clown state.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:44 pm

    PhSt wrote:Looks like another Chihuahua is lining up to appease their American masters. Hope Russia kicks out double the number of Slovak dogs out of their embassy in Russia  attack

    Slovakia expels three Russian embassy staff in solidarity with Czechs

    Slovakia expelled three Russian diplomats on Thursday and gave them a week to leave the country, Prime Minister Eduard Heger said in a televised briefing.

    He said Slovakia acted in solidarity with the Czech Republic which has ordered most Russian staff to leave after accusing Russian intelligence officers of being behind a 2014 explosion at an ammunition depot.

    I am almost thinking if for Russia could make sense to actually close temporarily their embassy in Czech Republic (and eventually also in other Russophobic countries). What is the scope of having diplomatic relations with a country that is just a vassal of the US and continuously act against Russia almost like a war time enemy...

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  PhSt Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:19 pm

    So the Czechuahuas are hell-bent on escalating the situation to the next level. Russia needs to impose severe pain on these American DOGS.

    Czech Republic expels 63 Russian embassy employees

    PRAGUE, April 22. /TASS/. The Czech government has ruled to expel 63 employees of the Russian Embassy in Prague, Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhanek said on Czech TV on Thursday.

    "63 employees of the Russian embassy [will leave the Czech Republic] with members of their families," he said.

    Earlier on Thursday, Kulhanek said that the Czech Republic is reducing the number of employees of the Russian Embassy in Prague to correspond to the number of Czech diplomats in Moscow.

    "We reduce the number of diplomats within the Russian diplomatic mission in Prague in accordance with the state of our embassy [staff] in Moscow. This decision enters into force today. Russia must call back its people [from the Czech Republic] by late May," the minister said.

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    Post  Hole Fri Apr 23, 2021 11:56 am

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:
    PhSt wrote:Looks like another Chihuahua is lining up to appease their American masters. Hope Russia kicks out double the number of Slovak dogs out of their embassy in Russia  attack

    Slovakia expels three Russian embassy staff in solidarity with Czechs

    Slovakia expelled three Russian diplomats on Thursday and gave them a week to leave the country, Prime Minister Eduard Heger said in a televised briefing.

    He said Slovakia acted in solidarity with the Czech Republic which has ordered most Russian staff to leave after accusing Russian intelligence officers of being behind a 2014 explosion at an ammunition depot.

    I am almost thinking if for Russia could make sense to actually close temporarily their embassy in Czech Republic (and eventually also in other Russophobic countries).  What is the scope of having diplomatic relations with a country that is just a vassal of the US and continuously act against Russia almost like a war time enemy...

    Most of the time embassies are helping people from your own country on a visit to foreign lands.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  flamming_python Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:08 pm

    kvs wrote:
    PhSt wrote:

    Proposal to ban ALL Russians from EU would hurt bloc’s economy, Moscow warns, after ex-Estonian president pitches radical policy

    An iron curtain has descended across Europe. Or at least it will if Estonia’s former president is able to convince Brussels to completely close its borders to Russian students, workers and tourists amid growing political tensions.

    Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who led the Baltic nation for a decade until 2016, proposed the policy on Saturday. “Maybe there should be a ‘time out’ for any and I mean any visits from Russia,” he said. “Just freeze visas except for family emergencies. It is Europe’s security at stake.”

    Ilves, who was raised and educated in the US, served as the head of the Estonian desk for Washington’s state-run overseas media service Radio Free Europe during the final years of the Cold War. He was later appointed as Tallinn’s ambassador in Washington. Since stepping down from his country’s top job, he has taken a number of roles with prestigious think tanks and as a co-chair of the World Economic Forum.

    He also serves on the board of the Free Russia Foundation, a US-based lobby group that claims to represent the interests of those who have recently “left Russia due to the considerable deterioration of the political and economic situation.” Presumably, anybody in such a situation would have fewer alternative destinations under Ilves’ plan.

    However, his latest sideline as an online border control agent appears to have won him few friends in Moscow. Alexei Chepa, the deputy chairman of Russia’s State Duma Committee on International Affairs hit back at the suggestions on Sunday. “I understand the number of people who aren’t fully there, or are even quite unwell, is very large,” he said, “but what else can we even say about these statements?”

    The MP insisted the proposal was purely designed “to please the US,” and alleged that Ilves “belongs to the group of people who don’t know what they think apart from to launch PR campaigns around themselves and make a fuss.”

    Alexander Grushko, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, was more cautionary in his response, suggesting only that Ilves “should have talked with the leaders of countries such as Turkey and Greece about the importance of tourism, and in particular its Russian component.”

    Back home, Ilves’ radical proposal appears not to have caught on either. Eva-Maria Liimets, the head of Estonia’s Foreign Ministry, told local media on Monday: “I really hope that the relationship will not develop to such an extent that such drastic measures will have to be taken.”

    The row comes amid a worsening diplomatic spat between the EU and Russia, with recent months seeing the bloc unveil sanctions against Moscow. Over the weekend, Czech authorities expelled more than a dozen Russian diplomats in a row over spying and sabotage allegations, urging other EU nations to support it in the move.

    Baltic chihuahua racist trash.   Poor little innocent virgins in the west who are at risk of being ravished by Russian savages.
    Now where have I heard this before?  That's right, the anti-black racism in the USA where every black man was a rapist.

    Note that this is a century before any ghetto rot and black crime.   Modern behaviour was not even prevalent in the 1960s.

    If they do something like this it will only shoot them in the foot

    Russian tourists will travel in Russia or to other countries
    Russian students will not be applying for European universities
    And so on.

    I don't see why Moscow wouldn't welcome this move to be honest. Of course it's the people in Moscow that enjoy the high-life in Europe the most.

    As for the Czechs, I don't see the benefit of continuing diplomatic relations to be honest. There are no interests of Russia there, only the huge amount of Russian tourists who go to this country for whatever reason.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:35 pm

    What is the scope of having diplomatic relations with a country that is just a vassal of the US and continuously act against Russia almost like a war time enemy...

    The EU believes that Russia needs them, but what they don't realise is that Russia has options and chooses to trade with europe... Russia should look elsewhere for trade and relations... many countries would love to trade with Russia... but they are not on Russian borders so they don't look.

    The EU complains that Russia is turning to China... America was hoping to use Russia against China, but Russia are not that stupid.... so America and Japan and Australia are looking to India to fill the role of cannon fodder...

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Backman Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:16 pm

    Lol this was a real tweet apparently. Russian Belarus embassy tweeted #SmallDickEnergy.

    I approve. It's just the Belarus embassy acct

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:50 pm

    Oooops Laughing Laughing

    Earlier, Czech authorities accused Russia’s GRU intelligence agency of orchestrating the explosion at an ammunition warehouse and expelled 18 Russian diplomats from the country. Moscow denied the accusations and responded with a reciprocal step by expelling 20 Czech diplomats.

    Czech President Milos Zeman has cautioned against jumping to conclusions when it comes to the cause of the explosion at the ammunition warehouse near Vrbetice in 2014 and called for waiting until an official probe into the matter is concluded. He stressed that the investigation is still ongoing and that an accident still can't be ruled out.

    The president, in an extraordinary address to the nation on 25 April, further stated that counterintelligence reports, even those not available to the public, have over the last six years never mentioned anything about two Russian military intelligence (GRU) agents possibly being responsible for the explosion in Vrbetice. He added that reports from the country's Security Information Service never mentioned that two alleged GRU agents, whom the Czech government recently blamed for the blast, had ever visited the warehouse at Vrbetice.

    Zeman noted that he treats both versions – an accident and an operation by foreign agents – seriously and said that both have to be thoroughly investigated. The president added that the recent events could be a "game" involving special services that may have serious repercussions for the Czech Republic.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  franco Mon May 24, 2021 6:29 pm

    Belarus expels the ambassador and the staff of the Latvian embassy from the country

    Belarus is expelling Latvian diplomats, and this is not about one or two employees of the embassy, ​​but about the entire diplomatic mission of Latvia. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Vladimir Makei.

    Minsk declared the ambassador of Latvia and the staff of the embassy persona non grata, demanding that the Latvian diplomats leave the territory of the country. The Latvian ambassador was given one day to collect and leave, the rest of the diplomats - 48 hours. As the head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry said, "one administrative and technical employee is enough to take care of the building."

    At the same time, Minsk is ready for a "mirror response" from Latvia and the expulsion of Belarusian diplomats from Latvia, and then from other Baltic countries.

    The reason for such a step by Minsk was the insult of the state flag of Belarus. In the Latvian capital, at a hotel where Belarusian hockey players participating in the World Championship lived, they removed the Belarusian flag, and instead hung the white-red-white flag used by the opposition.

    Moreover, it was not some hooligans who did it, but the mayor of Riga Martins Stakis, who said that there is no place for the official Belarusian flag in the capital of Latvia.

    Meanwhile, as reported by the Latvian media, Riga responded in a mirror-like manner and is expelling the Belarusian ambassador and all Belarusian diplomats. There are no details yet.

    NOTE: a reminder that these games were originally scheduled to be held in Belarus but were pulled as punishment for resisting the western color revolution last summer. Also in case you missed it a month ago, the World Checkers Championship being held in Poland. The Russian champ while playing, had a Polish official come over and remove the Russian name and flag, from her side of the table. Giving credit where due, her opponent from Austria or Czech I believe, removed her countries name and flag in protest of this petty action. PS... the Russian lady won the World Championship in spite of this foolishness.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  kvs Mon May 24, 2021 6:48 pm

    It should be noted that the red and white flag is the banner of the Nazi nationalists that formed during WWII. It is not some ancestral
    Belorussian flag. And Belarus never existed as a country until 1990. It was formed as a constituent of the USSR by the Bolsheviks.
    It was not some Poland incorporated into the Russian Empire.

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  Hole Mon May 24, 2021 9:33 pm

    In other words the facist mayor of ther facist "state" of Latvia raised the facist flag of facist occupied Belarus. Embarassed

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    Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries" - Page 4 Empty Re: Demented Central-Eastern European "Countries"

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue May 25, 2021 5:21 am

    kvs wrote:It should be noted that the red and white flag is the banner of the Nazi nationalists that formed during WWII.   It is not some ancestral
    Belorussian flag.   And Belarus never existed as a country until 1990.   It was formed as a constituent of the USSR by the Bolsheviks.
    It was not some Poland incorporated into the Russian Empire.


    Do you have a picture showing the style of the flag? to compare to support this claim?.

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