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3 posters

    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?


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    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Empty Re: why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

    Post  Arctic_Fox Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:10 am

    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

    this only happens when I use Chrome , is there some plugin that can fix it?

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    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Empty Re: why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:19 am

    You may notice that your computer may get heavily bogged down due to the massive amount of videos/images posted. Sometimes it may overload the server or sometimes it may just be your computer having trouble to pick up all packets of data. Other may be due to where the images are hosted.

    The threads that post such stuff really bring my computer to its knees and a 6 core processor, 8 gigs of ram and a 60mb/s connection really shouldn't be a problem. But still this site finds a way.

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    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Empty Re: why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

    Post  Arctic_Fox Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:29 am

    sepheronx wrote:You may notice that your computer may get heavily bogged down due to the massive amount of videos/images posted.  Sometimes it may overload the server or sometimes it may just be your computer having trouble to pick up all packets of data.  Other may be due to where the images are hosted.

    The threads that post such stuff really bring my computer to its knees and a 6 core processor, 8 gigs of ram and a 60mb/s connection really shouldn't be a problem.  But still this site finds a way.

    I think this happens when the picture comes from Russian sites

    here's some examples:

    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Dsfsdf10

    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Dsfsfd12

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    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Empty Re: why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:03 am

    Could very well be. It should be mandatory on the forums that hotlinking should be a no no (I think it already is) and using sites like imgur may be far more appropriate as a source of hosting images.

    Also, I avoid using chrome. You should try using Yandex Browser or Firefox.

    Posts : 158
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    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Empty Re: why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

    Post  Arctic_Fox Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:03 am

    sepheronx wrote:Could very well be.  It should be mandatory on the forums that hotlinking should be a no no (I think it already is) and using sites like imgur may be far more appropriate as a source of hosting images.

    Also, I avoid using chrome.  You should try using Yandex Browser or Firefox.

    Thanks @sepheronx, i'll try it
    max steel
    max steel

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    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Empty why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

    Post  max steel Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:53 am

    Chrome works fine on mine.

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    why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ? Empty Re: why can not I see some specific images posted on this forum ?

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