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    Syrian War: News #19


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat May 25, 2019 2:42 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Jihadists moved all units they had along the entire frontline (SAA assaults a tiny sector) and they have already suffered massive losses so all other areas of the frontline have barely any strength left

    All units? you do realize the entire Idlib force they have is like 30k-40k Plus strong. You do remember when they made all those deals to evacuate the rebels where they sent them right?.

    Barely have any strength left? they have a massive amount left to spare and that's not counting the FSA and the turks.

    If you think Idlib is going to be a cakewalk keep dreaming, they have not been one push since the SAA got forced back.

    Frankly, unless Russia goes all out with aid the SAA cannot take Idlib.

    Idlib is empty land. How many people do you think can live there no water no food no oil no electricity? Don't let that 3 million propaganda fool you. It's not even 100,000. Think medieval days. 30,000 soldiers? 40,000 soldiers? What a load of BS. It's no more than a few thousand at best. Russia can take Idlib within a month like how Turkey took Afrin within a month. Tough soldiers? What a load of crock.

    Who said Three Million, learn to read I have the rebels have a military force of 30-40K and yes they have that many if you think they have just a few thousand, something wrong with you if it was just a few thousand. Assad would have stream rolled them years ago. I have no idea where you guys are getting this bogus idea it's a couple of thousand when even Russia said over a year ago before Damascus was liberated etc that there was 20K Plus in Idlib.

    That said They do have farms in Idlib, and electricity, water, etc.

    Turks took Afrin within the month because they vastly outnumbered the less then 7k Strong force the Kurds had there, and the Turkish army along with the FSA attacked.

    Like the SAA is all pro's only a handful of units in the SAA are competent the rest has proven unreliable again and again.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat May 25, 2019 3:18 pm

    I expressed myself imprecisely. HTS moved a significant amount of forces from other sectors of the front to conduct a counter-attack along a narrow sector because SAA did not pin down the rest of their forces.

    They will soon be pounded to oblivion, already 120+ dead on HTS side

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sat May 25, 2019 4:03 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Jihadists moved all units they had along the entire frontline (SAA assaults a tiny sector) and they have already suffered massive losses so all other areas of the frontline have barely any strength left

    All units? you do realize the entire Idlib force they have is like 30k-40k Plus strong. You do remember when they made all those deals to evacuate the rebels where they sent them right?.

    Barely have any strength left? they have a massive amount left to spare and that's not counting the FSA and the turks.

    If you think Idlib is going to be a cakewalk keep dreaming, they have not been one push since the SAA got forced back.

    Frankly, unless Russia goes all out with aid the SAA cannot take Idlib.

    Idlib is empty land. How many people do you think can live there no water no food no oil no electricity? Don't let that 3 million propaganda fool you. It's not even 100,000. Think medieval days. 30,000 soldiers? 40,000 soldiers? What a load of BS. It's no more than a few thousand at best. Russia can take Idlib within a month like how Turkey took Afrin within a month. Tough soldiers? What a load of crock.

    Who said Three Million, learn to read I have the rebels have a military force of 30-40K and yes they have that many if you think they have just a few thousand, something wrong with you if it was just a few thousand. Assad would have stream rolled them years ago. I have no idea where you guys are getting this bogus idea it's a couple of thousand when even Russia said over a year ago before Damascus was liberated etc that there was 20K Plus in Idlib.

    That said They do have farms in Idlib, and electricity, water, etc.

    Turks took Afrin within the month because they vastly outnumbered the less then 7k Strong force the Kurds had there, and the Turkish army along with the FSA attacked.

    Like the SAA is all pro's only a handful of units in the SAA are competent the rest has proven unreliable again and again.

    HTS is nobody. Jaysh Izza is nobody. TIP is nobody. The only one saving them is Erdogan that fagget. Without Erdogan's protection they would have been finished off faster than Homs pocket and Ghouta pockets were finished up. Faster than ISIS was finished up. Putin appeases Erdogan to buy S-400. So Putin betrayed SAA. SAA would have vanmooosed those Russia hating bastards if it wasn't for Erdogan supplying thousands of Russia made Kornet missiles to evil people.

    Last edited by ultimatewarrior on Sat May 25, 2019 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sat May 25, 2019 4:12 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I expressed myself imprecisely. HTS moved a significant amount of forces from other sectors of the front to conduct a counter-attack along a narrow sector because SAA did not pin down the rest of their forces.

    They will soon be pounded to oblivion, already 120+ dead on HTS side

    Pffft. More than 400+ HTS suckers killed so far.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  franco Sat May 25, 2019 5:00 pm

    Standard Syrian / Russian military ops.

    - Attack and seize some territory.
    - Force the rebels to get their forces and equipment out of cover for a counter attack
    - Air bomb them moving into position
    - Artillery bomb them once close enough as they mass their forces
    - Hold for a day or two as they mount mass attacks
    - Pull back but continue to bomb the crap out of them
    - Once they are weaken enough, attack in another location
    - Repeat as necessary

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sat May 25, 2019 5:09 pm

    Well, it's not like it's the first time Russians did something stupid. Russia sold Alaska to America for pennies. No other country would have sold such a big oil rich land. No other country. Then Russia disassembled itself into 14 ethnic republics and ended up losing a third of its land. No other country would have done that. No other country. Now you got Putin talking about giving Kuril islands to Japan and forcibly deport or murder tens of thousands of Russian civilians on those islands for a useless piece of paper called a peace treaty. Hell, there's no peace treaty between Canada and America. No one cares about a piece of paper that can be ripped up at any time. And now Putin supplies thousands of Kornet missiles to Erdogan to kill Russians in Ukraine, Chechnya, Syria. Like I said, as a Chinese, I think you Russians do many stupid things no one else would ever do. China would have never allowed the situation in Syria to have progressed to this bad before intervening.

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    Post  ultimatewarrior Sat May 25, 2019 5:18 pm

    franco wrote:Standard Syrian / Russian military ops.

    - Attack and seize some territory.
    - Force the rebels to get their forces and equipment out of cover for a counter attack
    - Air bomb them moving into position
    - Artillery bomb them once close enough as they mass their forces
    - Hold for a day or two as they mount mass attacks
    - Pull back but continue to bomb the crap out of them
    - Once they are weaken enough, attack in another location
    - Repeat as necessary

    Would be nice if Russia deploys counter battery radars to Hama front and take out their artillery. Counter battery radars are standard equipment in US army. Apparently not so in Russia army.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  franco Sat May 25, 2019 5:56 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    franco wrote:Standard Syrian / Russian military ops.

    - Attack and seize some territory.
    - Force the rebels to get their forces and equipment out of cover for a counter attack
    - Air bomb them moving into position
    - Artillery bomb them once close enough as they mass their forces
    - Hold for a day or two as they mount mass attacks
    - Pull back but continue to bomb the crap out of them
    - Once they are weaken enough, attack in another location
    - Repeat as necessary

    Would be nice if Russia deploys counter battery radars to Hama front and take out their artillery. Counter battery radars are standard equipment in US army. Apparently not so in Russia army.

    They do, seen a picture posted on line within the past week or so.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 26, 2019 7:39 am

    ultimatewarrior wrote:

    HTS is nobody. Jaysh Izza is nobody. TIP is nobody. The only one saving them is Erdogan that fagget. Without Erdogan's protection they would have been finished off faster than Homs pocket and Ghouta pockets were finished up. Faster than ISIS was finished up. Putin appeases Erdogan to buy S-400. So Putin betrayed SAA. SAA would have vanmooosed those Russia hating bastards if it wasn't for Erdogan supplying thousands of Russia made Kornet missiles to evil people.

    the terrorist are nobody.. but they use many hundred of thousands of civilians as human shields..
    This have been NATO/ISIS/Alqaeda most important strategy , attack Syrian arm and Russia and use civilians
    as human shields.. and with the help of So called "human rights organizations" and "activitist" and most main stream media from NATO countries.. demonize the Syrian army and Russia of bombing hospitals and civilians with chemicals..

    So this is the major obstacle for Syrian army and Russia.. that the terrorist that NATO support ,use civilians
    as human shields..   Technically speaking Russia military can flatern all idlib , every meter of it.. and kill all the terrorist.. whether they are 10 thousand of 1 million.. even if they inside bunkers..Throw lots of highly toxic incendiary bombs and lets the smoke and the fire do the rest and they will be forced to flee from their hiding places... Cool

    But that will kill hundred of thousands of civilians and NATO countries have many journalist/terrorist sympatizers in IDLIB ,that can film any attack of Russia in the zone..  on top of That Turkey army is also there helping Alqaeda..
    against Syria and Russia interest..

    So Putin ,as mediocre he terms of Russia development.. at least in Syria ,he is doing more or less ,what Russia can do.. since he needs to create a policy ,a slow and limited war ,that is long term , that could allow the Syrian military to continue advancing.. without provoking a major war with Turkey or Israel.. so is very slow ,not perfect tactics.. but it allow Russia ,to avoid a major war with US ,TUrkey or Israel.. and allows Russia to not go bankrupt its economy too.. what will have been ,had Russia invade Syria ,the afganistan way.. and sacrifice so much lives of Russian soldiers for a country most RUssian people don't feel in any way connected.. or consider worthy of sacrificing their lives.. like Syria is .. and for a country ,that have next to nothing to offer Russia..
    but instead that Russia needs to finance and hold its economy..

    In my opinion ... Putin did a major mistake in having Syria as an ally.. because Syria have almost nothing to offer
    to Russia other than Russia becomes the guardian of them.. while sacrificing their economy and soldiers lives.. Had i been President ,will have pressure Assad to become a US puppet state with some very limited sovereignty . that is to follow the example of Jordan.. That is not attacked ,because is allied to NATO.. Syria is being attacked simply for being friend of Russia and IRAN.. and Russia don't need at all Syria for anything .. other than a fuel station.. There will be no war in Syria.. had Assad was in the orbit of NATO..   Instead where Russia needs to have military bases..
    is on Venezuela or mexico.. and Perhaps Egypt.. that will have been much more interesting strategy zones for Russia to have military bases.. help Egypt to become a major military power in middle east.. to counter Russia adversaries in the zone..

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    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun May 26, 2019 3:29 pm

    Good thing they took back Kafr Nabodah. So 2 towns gained in northern Hama since the offensive started: Kafr Nabodah and Qaalat al Madiq. This time they must not repeat the mistake of stopping offensive which allowed evil people to regroup for a counter offensive. This time the offensive must continue so evil people cannot find footing to regroup for a counter offensive. Next target should be Khan Sheikhun, the capture of which will ensure the fall of Morek, Lataminah, Kafr Zita, the 3 remaining towns evil people have in northern Hama. Russia needs to deploy more UAV to monitor the roads 24 7. As soon as evil people send their crappy pickup trucks over then bomb the crap out of them.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun May 26, 2019 3:40 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:

    HTS is nobody. Jaysh Izza is nobody. TIP is nobody. The only one saving them is Erdogan that fagget. Without Erdogan's protection they would have been finished off faster than Homs pocket and Ghouta pockets were finished up. Faster than ISIS was finished up. Putin appeases Erdogan to buy S-400. So Putin betrayed SAA. SAA would have vanmooosed those Russia hating bastards if it wasn't for Erdogan supplying thousands of Russia made Kornet missiles to evil people.

    the terrorist are nobody.. but they use many hundred of thousands of civilians as human shields..
    This have been NATO/ISIS/Alqaeda most important strategy , attack Syrian arm and Russia and use civilians
    as human shields.. and with the help of So called "human rights organizations" and "activitist" and most main stream media from NATO countries.. demonize the Syrian army and Russia of bombing hospitals and civilians with chemicals..

    So this is the major obstacle for Syrian army and Russia.. that the terrorist that NATO support ,use civilians
    as human shields..   Technically speaking Russia military can flatern all idlib , every meter of it.. and kill all the terrorist.. whether they are 10 thousand of 1 million.. even if they inside bunkers..Throw lots of highly toxic incendiary bombs and lets the smoke and the fire do the rest and they will be forced to flee from their hiding places... Cool

    But that will kill hundred of thousands of civilians and NATO countries have many journalist/terrorist sympatizers in IDLIB ,that can film any attack of Russia in the zone..  on top of That Turkey army is also there helping Alqaeda..
    against Syria and Russia interest..

    So Putin ,as mediocre he terms of Russia development.. at least in Syria ,he is doing more or less ,what Russia can do.. since he needs to create a policy ,a slow and limited war ,that is long term , that could allow the Syrian military to continue advancing.. without provoking a major war with Turkey or Israel.. so is very slow ,not perfect tactics.. but it allow Russia ,to avoid a major war with US ,TUrkey or Israel.. and allows Russia to not go bankrupt its economy too.. what will have been ,had Russia invade Syria ,the afganistan way.. and sacrifice so much lives of Russian soldiers for a country most RUssian people don't feel in any way connected.. or consider worthy of sacrificing their lives.. like Syria is .. and for a country ,that have next to nothing to offer Russia..
    but instead that Russia needs to finance and hold its economy..

    In my opinion ... Putin did a major mistake in having Syria as an ally.. because Syria have almost nothing to offer
    to Russia other than Russia becomes the guardian of them.. while sacrificing their economy and soldiers lives.. Had i been President ,will have pressure Assad to become a US puppet state with some very limited sovereignty . that is to follow the example of Jordan.. That is not attacked ,because is allied to NATO.. Syria is being attacked simply for being friend of Russia and IRAN.. and Russia don't need at all Syria for anything .. other than a fuel station.. There will be no war in Syria.. had Assad was in the orbit of NATO..   Instead where Russia needs to have military bases..
    is on Venezuela or mexico.. and Perhaps Egypt.. that will have been much more interesting strategy zones for Russia to have military bases.. help Egypt to become a major military power in middle east.. to counter Russia adversaries in the zone..

    There ain't hundreds of thousands of human shields. There are only at most 100,000 in Greater Idlib, including a few thousand evil people combatants. A small place like that without running water, without modern medical facilities, without modern agriculture, without electricity, without natural gas, without oil, cannot support more than 100,000 people. 4 million people live in Greater Idlib? That's f BS. What do they eat? Bugs? Gimme a f break.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun May 26, 2019 4:12 pm

    Jaysh Izza those little fagots are getting bled dry this year. Gonna f kill thousands of those little faggets. F Russia haters. How do they like it now. Their f sultan Erdogan can't save them this time around. Gonna make them f bleed.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  nero Sun May 26, 2019 4:52 pm

    The Syrian government retook Kafr Nabuda. It was a shock because it apparently happened in around an hour since the offensive started. Several Syrian government tanks/armored vehicles got destroyed by ATGM's, though apart from that it seems that the rebels took huge losses.

    From the pictures I have seen right now there's at least 10 rebel fighters captured. Several reports of a rebel convoy fleeing the city getting bombed to shreds and pretty much everyone in it got killed. Additionally, there was heavy bombardment around the city at the time the fighting happened, so it seems that the airforce did the lions share of the work today, if only because the rebels started fleeing the moment the government attack pushed towards them.

    My own estimates from what I am hearing is at least 30-50 dead on the rebel side. Probably few dozen wounded and around 10 captured, making it ~100 casualties from just today. Add on the counterattack losses, which reportedly number over 100 in killed only and it's not a great day to be a rebel.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun May 26, 2019 5:14 pm

    nero wrote:The Syrian government retook Kafr Nabuda. It was a shock because it apparently happened in around an hour since the offensive started. Several Syrian government tanks/armored vehicles got destroyed by ATGM's, though apart from that it seems that the rebels took huge losses.

    From the pictures I have seen right now there's at least 10 rebel fighters captured. Several reports of a rebel convoy fleeing the city getting bombed to shreds and pretty much everyone in it got killed. Additionally, there was heavy bombardment around the city at the time the fighting happened, so it seems that the airforce did the lions share of the work today, if only because the rebels started fleeing the moment the government attack pushed towards them.

    My own estimates from what I am hearing is at least 30-50 dead on the rebel side. Probably few dozen wounded and around 10 captured, making it ~100 casualties from just today. Add on the counterattack losses, which reportedly number over 100 in killed only and it's not a great day to be a rebel.

    Russia should supply Kornet missiles to SAA. Erdogan supplies thousands of Russia made Kornet missiles to people who love to murder Russians. SAA is friend of Russia. Not Erdogan. With thousands of Kornet missiles SAA would vamoose Idlib fags.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon May 27, 2019 12:52 am

    and the SAA took considerable losses, let me remind you guys the SAA isn't some 100k plus strong army, they don't have the numbers to afford constant heavy losses.

    This is why their tactics have always attack fast and cripple, a long drawn out fight hurts them just as much as the rebels.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon May 27, 2019 1:31 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:and the SAA took considerable losses, let me remind you guys the SAA isn't some 100k plus strong army, they don't have the numbers to afford constant heavy losses.

    This is why their tactics have always attack fast and cripple, a long drawn out fight hurts them just as much as the rebels.

    SAA has a much bigger population pool to recruit from than evil people do. Even if 10 SAA die for every evil people SAA will win the war by attrition. What's Erdogan going to do for evil people other than supplying thousands of Russia made Kornet missiles? There's a limit on what Erdogan can do. The primary advantage of SAA is heavy artillery blasting evil people left and right. That's right. Evil people lack 6 inches caliber artillery. That is a war evil people can't win even if Turkey army invades Damascus.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  starman Mon May 27, 2019 11:59 am

    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    Russia should supply Kornet missiles to SAA.

    Haven't they done that for some time already? Hez made use of them.

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    Post  ultimatewarrior Wed May 29, 2019 7:19 am

    Killing people who hate Russia. Bastard Sky News faggots almost got their heads sliced off by shrapnel.

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    Post  ultimatewarrior Fri May 31, 2019 2:18 am

    Turkey army in Idlib shooting down Russia army recon planes left and right to help terrorists who love to kill Russians. This is an open declaration of war. If I were Putin I give Turkey army 24 hours to leave Syria or bomb the shi out of them. I don't get why Russia even bothers to deal with Turkey, a country hated by all of its neighbors and hated by every Arab country except Qatar which is itself hated by every other Arab country. If I were Putin I break diplomatic relation with Turkey until Erdogan that Islam fascist guy is gone.


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    Post  ultimatewarrior Fri May 31, 2019 2:25 am

    Erdogan told Putin to return all Syrian lands captured by Syrian army back to people who love to kill Russians. Putin refused. For once Putin grows a backbone. Bravo Putin. Bravo.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Fri May 31, 2019 3:27 pm

    Anyone else confirm this?

    On Thursday over five Russian fighter jets began launching airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate following the collapse of ceasefire talks with Turkey.

    According to a military source in northwestern Syria, the ceasefire talks collapsed after Turkey demanded that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) withdraw from all the areas they captured in northwestern Hama. The Russian military reportedly rejected Turkey’s demands and restarted their aerial campaign over the Idlib province.

    The Syrian Air Force had already launched airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate on Thursday, but the Russian military had only carried out limited attacks due to their ceasefire talks with Turkey. The source added that the Syrian Army has yet to receive the green light to resume their ground offensive against the jihadist forces in northwestern Hama.

    The Turkish regime had been pushing for a new ceasefire deal around the Idlib deescalation zone after their rebel allies lost a great deal of territory in northwestern Hama.

    Speaking to Al-Masdar from Damascus, a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) officer said that Ankara is pushing Moscow for an open-ended ceasefire in northwestern Syria. The officer said Turkey wants to prevent any more Syrian Army advances in northwestern Syria, while also demanding that the latter withdraw from the areas they recently captured. He added that Russia is resisting Turkey’s pleas because they have made similar requests in the past and they have repeatedly failed to deliver on their promises.

    Turkey was supposed to force the rebel groups to withdraw from the demilitarized zone last October; however, the militant groups remained inside this region, prompting the Syrian military to increase their presence along the front-lines.

    As of now, the Syrian Army has halted its offensive in northwestern Syria, but this could change in the coming days if Russia and Turkey cannot reach an agreement.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri May 31, 2019 3:43 pm

    There was some bombing down by SU-25's no major targets hit.

    Was a kinda warning "Hold up your end or it's a field day for us"

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    Post  ultimatewarrior Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:55 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Anyone else confirm this?

    On Thursday over five Russian fighter jets began launching airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate following the collapse of ceasefire talks with Turkey.

    According to a military source in northwestern Syria, the ceasefire talks collapsed after Turkey demanded that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) withdraw from all the areas they captured in northwestern Hama. The Russian military reportedly rejected Turkey’s demands and restarted their aerial campaign over the Idlib province.

    The Syrian Air Force had already launched airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate on Thursday, but the Russian military had only carried out limited attacks due to their ceasefire talks with Turkey. The source added that the Syrian Army has yet to receive the green light to resume their ground offensive against the jihadist forces in northwestern Hama.

    The Turkish regime had been pushing for a new ceasefire deal around the Idlib deescalation zone after their rebel allies lost a great deal of territory in northwestern Hama.

    Speaking to Al-Masdar from Damascus, a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) officer said that Ankara is pushing Moscow for an open-ended ceasefire in northwestern Syria. The officer said Turkey wants to prevent any more Syrian Army advances in northwestern Syria, while also demanding that the latter withdraw from the areas they recently captured. He added that Russia is resisting Turkey’s pleas because they have made similar requests in the past and they have repeatedly failed to deliver on their promises.

    Turkey was supposed to force the rebel groups to withdraw from the demilitarized zone last October; however, the militant groups remained inside this region, prompting the Syrian military to increase their presence along the front-lines.

    As of now, the Syrian Army has halted its offensive in northwestern Syria, but this could change in the coming days if Russia and Turkey cannot reach an agreement.

    Didn't Erdogan annex northern Syria? I thought he give Turkish citizenship to millions of Syrians. So it would be a soft annexation. Annexation all but in name only? If I were Assad I kill every single f Turkish soldier in northern Syria. See how their f Ottoman pas and mas like it when their sons come home from Syria in body bags.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  nomadski Sun Jun 02, 2019 10:34 am

    I thought about this concentrated group of militants in Idlib . I heard they now call themselves the liberation front ! So this gatherings has at least helped them improve their PR .  Are they a political party ? With a programme ? Or are they still shouting ALLAH AKBAR , and doing sectarian human organ eating ? This is important . On this rests the question , of if they should live or die . And if they have foreign backers in this area , then they too will  unfortunately die . I think first a pincer movement to cut the umbilical cord with their backers.  Then proper air war to soften up . Then advance . IMHO .

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Jun 03, 2019 6:48 pm

    SAA seized one town today not a major one, the advance is going very slow due to the limited forces the SAA can deploy due to he large frontline and the high concentrations of rebels

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