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    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria


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    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Empty Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria

    Post  George1 Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:35 pm

    "Operation Kavkaz", Soviet Military Mission to Egypt during War of Attrition, 1970

    In early 1970, the Soviets initiated Operation Caucasus, and deployed an over-strength division of Soviet PVO air defence troops, comprising 18 battalions in three brigades, led by General Smirnov of the PVO, and drawn from PVO units in the Dnepropetrovsk, Moscow, Leningrad and Belarus districts. Each battalion comprised four SA-3 batteries, a platoon of ZSU-23-4 SPAAGs and supporting SA-7 MANPADS teams. While these units were ostensibly “instructors”, they were dressed in Egyptian uniforms and provided full crewing for the deployed SAM systems. Through early 1970 the PVO units were deployed along the Suez Canal. Operational doctrine was similar to NVN, with batteries relocating frequently, and setting up ambushes for Israeli aircraft, using multiple mutually supporting batteries.

    The Soviet S-125/SA-3 Goa was designed primarily to provide point defence of fixed target areas against attacking aircraft at low to medium altitudes. The command link guided weapon had a fixed thrust solid propellant rocket sustainer motor, and was supported typically by an X-band SNR-125 engagement radar, and a P-15 Flat Face UHF-Band acquisition radar, with respectable low altitude clutter rejection performance. Nominal redeployment time for a battery was several hours, not unlike the S-75/SA-2, dependent in part on battery crew proficiency, and in part on terrain, as a large convoy of vehicles was required for movements.

    In subsequent engagements against the Israelis, the Soviets are claimed to have shot down five Israeli aircraft using the SA-3, making for a cumulative total of 22 lost to SA-2, SA-3 and AAA during this period.

    [18th Rocket Division - Air defence of Egypt in 1970-72 yy, 10.000 soldiers]

    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Image.thumb.jpeg.fc499128648a000c3258e89e6ce98690
    MG Smirnov, komander of soviet 18 Rocket Div. in Egypt

    Two officers receive Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union

    Capitan Popov
    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Image.jpeg.87f3681b4d21d13de259ba3647189332

    and capitan Kutynzev  
    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Image.thumb.jpeg.ac11faa36059ca3070f32992743e8dde

    photo from Egypt - two capitans and MG Smirnov , 1970  
    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Image.jpeg.c895fc33d6f21a70e569b18b3132b2bb

    "Operation Kavkaz-2", Soviet Military Mission to Syria after Lebanon War at Bekaa Valley, 1983

    The formation of Syria's more or less modern air defenses has its roots the early 1980s, and stems from the Air Defense Force's humiliating defeat at the hands of Israeli air power during the 1982 Lebanon War at Bekka Valley. A year later, in 1983, the Soviet Union transferred its S-200VE long-range air defense system, along with the technical personnel to man them and train their Syrian counterparts. The S-200's deployment was unusual, with Syria getting the systems before even the USSR's Warsaw Pact allies did.

    Yuri Andropov having concluded a new large-scale arms deal with Syria as early as November 1982, 1st he rapidly carried out Brezhnev’s pledge (given during Asad’s visit to Moscow in late June 1982) to dispatch Soviet air defence units to Syria: in late 1982 Israeli and American intelligence services detected preparations for the instalment of two Soviet-manned SAM-5 surface-to-air missile brigades in Syria and by January 1983 these units had already been deployed in the Damascus and Horns areas.

    The S-200 arrived with Soviet personnel, transferred to the Syrian Armed Forces in 1984. Estimates of the number of S-200s in Syria were in 8 SAMs and 48 PUs (6 PUs per SAM).

    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria 1063558405
    Soviet officers pose in front of an S-200VE in Syria, 1980s.



    2 cases of Soviet PVO units transferred in M.East

    I am interested especially in Syria case. If anyone has info about number of soviet air defence troops stationed there in 1983-84 and if they engaged any israeli aicraft during that period

    Also i wonder if we can find photos of the systems above and soviet personel there, exact locations of the units etc..

    Last edited by George1 on Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Empty Re: Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria

    Post  starman Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:02 pm

    I'm not aware of any engagement of Soviet AD against Israeli aircraft in '84 but Cooper's book has an account I hadn't previously heard of, about a failed Syrian attempt in '85 to ambush Israeli F-15s.

    Btw on the subject of the war of attrition, can you believe the glaring historical error in this article??!

    Posts : 18463
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    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Empty Re: Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria

    Post  George1 Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:10 pm

    starman wrote:I'm not aware of any engagement of Soviet AD against Israeli aircraft in '84 but Cooper's book has an account I hadn't previously heard of, about a failed Syrian attempt in '85 to ambush Israeli F-15s.

    Btw on the subject of the war of attrition, can you believe the glaring historical error in this article??!

    article says on War of Attrition that ...

    " Sadat also waged a ‘War of Attrition' attempting to wear down IDF border positions with shelling and air attacks. However, the Israelis dealt back more punishment than they received, and Sadat acceded to a ceasefire on August 1970. "

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    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Empty Re: Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria

    Post  starman Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:25 am

    George1 wrote:article says on War of Attrition that ...

    " Sadat also waged a ‘War of Attrition' attempting to wear down IDF border positions with shelling and air attacks. However, the Israelis dealt back more punishment than they received, and Sadat acceded to a ceasefire on August 1970. "

    That's it....Really dumb, isn't it?

    George1 likes this post


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    Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria Empty Re: Soviet Air Defence missions in Egypt and Syria

    Post  George1 Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:52 pm

    An interesting find. Website of the 220th anti-aircraft missile regiment veterans (1982-84) in Syria:

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