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    Non-sense on russian military equipment


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    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 Empty Re: Non-sense on russian military equipment

    Post  dino00 Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:02 pm

    Russia's new hypersonic missile, which can be launched from warplanes, will likely be ready for combat by 2020

    Can`t understand they tested 3 or 12 times dunno

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    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 Empty Re: Non-sense on russian military equipment

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:16 pm

    dino00 wrote:Russia's new hypersonic missile, which can be launched from warplanes, will likely be ready for combat by 2020

    Can`t understand they tested 3 or 12 times dunno

    It's CNBC.

    In same article they claim that Buravestnik nuclear powered missile crashed in one test after 4 seconds and that it went for 5 miles... which makes zero sense because Buravestnik is subsonic missile and there is no way it could go that far in 4 seconds.

    Just more trash, wait for different source.

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    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 Empty Russia's new hypersonic missile, which can be launched from warplanes, will likely be ready for combat by 2020

    Post  kvs Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:40 pm

    All the reports about how "experimental" are the Russian systems are nothing more than trash talk propaganda.
    After Putin's announcement of the existence of these systems (and their deployment readiness) you could feel
    a palpable transition in NATO from some sort of hysterical frenzy for WWIII to a sudden business as usual tone.
    The deciders in Washington and elsewhere know very well that these systems are deadly serious even if the
    NATO fake stream media pretends they are a non-existent joke.

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    Post  dino00 Fri Mar 22, 2019 9:31 pm

    Sorry to bother with another stupid report from Americans sources, but if wasnt me it would be the forum here it is...

    Vladimir Putin’s so-called missile with unlimited range is too expensive for the Kremlin – and has yet to fly farther than 22 miles angry

    The U.S. assessed that the longest test flight lasted just more than two minutes, with the missile flying 22 miles before losing control and crashing. The shortest test lasted four seconds and flew for five miles. The tests showed that the nuclear-powered heart of the cruise missile failed to initiate and, therefore, the weapon was unable to achieve the indefinite flight Putin had boasted about.

    The weapon, which has been in development since the early 2000s, is believed to use a gasoline-powered engine for takeoff before switching to a nuclear-powered one for flight, sources explained.

    One U.S. intelligence report assesses that the Burevestnik will not be combat-ready for another decade, despite Putin’s claim that the “invincible” weapon has a proven capability.

    You can see from the url that the first headline doesnt have the ``so-called missile`` in there...

    How the fuck a missile can fly five miles in for seconds is hypersonic from the go No
    Sorry again for this garbage

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    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 Empty Re: Non-sense on russian military equipment

    Post  Isos Fri Mar 22, 2019 9:44 pm

    It is still in dev. and testing so nothing wrong if it can't fly forever right now.

    In terms of price of course it will be expensive. That's a mini nuclear reactor scratch .

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    Post  dino00 Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:13 pm

    Look at her tweet lol1

    Sources tell me that Putin's so-called missile with 'unlimited' range has yet to fly farther than 22 miles and is too expensive for the Kremlin to develop.

    What's more, a US intelligence report assesses that it will take Russia a decade to perfect the weapon.

    On the same tweet dunno how desperate or dumb(probably both) this people are

    I had to say something Razz

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:31 pm

    dino00 wrote:Look at her tweet lol1

    Sources tell me that Putin's so-called missile with 'unlimited' range has yet to fly farther than 22 miles and is too expensive for the Kremlin to develop.

    What's more, a US intelligence report assesses that it will take Russia a decade to perfect the weapon.

    On the same tweet dunno  how desperate or dumb(probably both) this people are

    I had to say something Razz

    It's racist excrement. Clowns with zero physics and mathematics education spout off about Russian mental inferiority.

    Where is the western wunderfaffe nuclear powered cruise missile engine? The precious ubermenschen in NATO don't even have
    a prototype. If you think this is funny, then consider the surprise that American rocket engineers exhibited when they discovered
    that the USSR really had metal alloys that could withstand the high temperatures of oxygen rich staged combustion engines.
    Americans thought that only cryogenic cooling such as on the shuttle main engines could allow such designs. You can bet your
    bottom dollar that some US committee concluded that nuclear engines for cruise missiles were impossible. Now they have been
    caught with their pants down and are spew all sorts of slander.


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    Post  dino00 Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:27 pm

    I dont know if i was clear

    She says in the same tweet

    too expensive for the Kremlin to develop...will take Russia a decade to perfect the weapon

    This is Mutually exclusive

    I do believe it could be expensive to develop and it will take many years, thats fine no problem.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:00 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Sources tell me....

    What a dumb bitch.  Laughing

    you you sexist respekt respekt respekt

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:01 am

    dino00 wrote:I dont know if i was clear

    She says in the same tweet

    too expensive for the Kremlin to develop...will take Russia a decade to perfect the weapon

    This is Mutually exclusive

    I do believe it could be expensive to develop and it will take many years, thats fine no problem.

    George Orwell 1984 Doublethink - The acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.

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    Post  Hole Sat Mar 23, 2019 11:22 am

    It is a cruise missile in the size/weight category as Kh-101/Kaliber.

    Rosatom is developing nuclear reactors in all sizes for customers all over the world (and making a lot of money from it), why should the development of this special engine be out of reach for their specalists + that of other state owned companies/instituts?

    How could this thing be to expensive??? dunno

    I would guess that a Tu-160 bomber is much more expensive than such a relatively small device. And Russia is building these bombers again.

    These are clear signs of degeneration. In a few years these clowns in Amiland won´t be able to use their cars or phones without help. Shouldn´t be a surprise they call themselves special, aren´t they? Very Happy

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    Post  miketheterrible Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:35 pm

    Hole wrote:It is a cruise missile in the size/weight category as Kh-101/Kaliber.

    Rosatom is developing nuclear reactors in all sizes for customers all over the world (and making a lot of money from it), why should the development of this special engine be out of reach for their specalists + that of other state owned companies/instituts?

    How could this thing be to expensive??? dunno

    I would guess that a Tu-160 bomber is much more expensive than such a relatively small device. And Russia is building these bombers again.

    These are clear signs of degeneration. In a few years these clowns in Amiland won´t be able to use their cars or phones without help. Shouldn´t be a surprise they call themselves special, aren´t they? Very Happy

    That's the thing. Rosatom has more money than a lot of countries. Contracts worth hundreds of billions. They are one of the few existing nuclear companies with not only research and development, but also making reactors. Westinghouse is more or less gone. They are also involved in composite material production and high tech semiconductors. They have lots of money and lots of existing tech to work with since Soviet times on small nuclear engines.

    The problem is, they can lie all they want. It wasn't long ago Podvig or whatever his name is, was saying that Project 4202 (Avangard) will never happen since it was all failure tests and it will cost too much, etc. Then the tests became successful. Then half a decade later, now is being manufactured.

    People can call them out on their lies, but no one will listen. Those who want to believe it, will, and those who won't.... Anyway, the media can always use "unnamed sources" because it is a good way to lie and not face repercussions of that like.

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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:35 pm

    dino00 wrote:Look at her tweet lol1

    Sources tell me that Putin's so-called missile with 'unlimited' range has yet to fly farther than 22 miles and is too expensive for the Kremlin to develop.

    What's more, a US intelligence report assesses that it will take Russia a decade to perfect the weapon.

    On the same tweet dunno  how desperate or dumb(probably both) this people are

    I had to say something Razz

    What sort of retard would believe the 22 mile range claim? Did this clown use 22 instead of 20 to make it sound like an actual
    figure? How about 21.9215780000132? Anybody with a functional brain would know that they conducted tests on long range
    durability. That is, they must have tests where the missile was flying for hours. Russia is a big country and it can easily to do
    this. Maybe Monaco can't.

    Doublethink is the right term. These indoctrinated freaks cherry pick "facts" about Russia. A country with world class technology
    such as rocket engines somehow doesn't know what testing is. Get f*cked.

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    Post  Hole Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:31 pm

    Best part of all this BS ist that they never said anything about this new weapons (apart from "the russians want to test some sort of hypersonic device but are years behind us") until Putin presented them. Afterwards the muricans were coming out with these stories about failed tests and that nothing works and won´t for years to come. Quite suspicious, to say the least.

    Back in the 80´s they presented some artwork of new russian weapons. Then you could believe that they got some infos about them. But today? No

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 24, 2019 5:08 am

    Ironic that nothing is too expensive for the US to develop... the more expensive the better... even when originally it was supposed to save money and make things easier.... like the 1.5 trillion dollar F-35.

    But from the mouths of babes... you can bet your ass what she was probably told was that it would take decades for the west to get such a thing into production, but she can't write that... it blows the theories of western technical superiority.

    It is the usual crap... Russia is both the most powerful threat to the west in existence, and about to collapse... economically, politically, and militarily...

    In a sense the Russians are actually much more of a threat to the west than ISIS... simply because Russia could today launch a nuclear strike that wipes out the west in the blink of any eye... ISIS has nothing like that capacity.

    But what they ignore is that ISIS wants to eliminate the west from existence.... and Russia too and are actively trying to achieve that one head chopping or woman burning at a time, while Russia pretty much wants to be treated as an equal and largely just be left alone.

    But no, they emphasise the potential of Russia, rather than the active aggression of ISIS... that wont bite them in the ass... again... will it?

    Events in Syria show the US would rather partner or leave be ISIS in pursuit of their goals against Assad and Russia, than cooperate with Russia and make the place safer and better for the people living there... think about that the next time you call America an ally... the only non expendable allies seem to be about money and oil (Saudi Arabia who literally get away with murder) and religion and ideology (Israel who also get away with murder on a daily basis).

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    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 Empty Re: Non-sense on russian military equipment

    Post  Isos Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:17 pm

    Isn't carbon fiber a common material now ? Take it with a grain of salt, original source is CNBC news.
    Rob Lee
    "According to people with direct knowledge of a US intel report," Russia is struggling to find carbon fiber components needed for the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle. US intel expects that "no more than 60" will be built because they are too expensive.

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    Post  Hole Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:41 pm

    Even if one would cost 100 Mill. Russia could easily afford to build 10 - 15 a year.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:04 pm

    Isos wrote:Isn't carbon fiber a common material now ? Take it with a grain of salt, original source is CNBC news.
    Rob Lee
    "According to people with direct knowledge of a US intel report," Russia is struggling to find carbon fiber components needed for the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle. US intel expects that "no more than 60" will be built because they are too expensive.

    Because they know everything about the design of the Avangard. BS. BS^n for n->infinity.

    How do they know that it is not ceramics? I don't see any obvious inferences without actual specs.

    What is too expensive? Does each glider cost 100 times the size of Russia's GDP? They can estimate its costs without knowing the specs?

    I will believe that at some future date the USA can steal the plans, but for now that is not credible.

    This pap is designed for ignorant, chauvinist western lemmings who don't even know that Russia is one of the premier carbon-carbon feedstock
    manufacturers on the planet.

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    Post  miketheterrible Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:12 pm

    Material is dubious of course. Sources not named with no actual details other than carbon fiber components. - is Russias largest producer of Carbon Fiber material - article from last year about carbon fiber revolution in Russia.


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    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 Empty Re: Non-sense on russian military equipment

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:30 pm

    Isos wrote:Isn't carbon fiber a common material now ? Take it with a grain of salt, original source is CNBC news.
    Rob Lee
    "According to people with direct knowledge of a US intel report," Russia is struggling to find carbon fiber components needed for the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle. US intel expects that "no more than 60" will be built because they are too expensive.

    Leave it up to the Pentagram to engage in double think, and suffer from Multiple Personality day they're the "Greatest threat to human civilization that has ever existed!!!", the next day is "Their bumbling fools/buffoons/baboons mud hut dwelling troglodytes who live in a house of cards, and they can't bust a grape!!!" We've heard them said that about Armata, Su-57 not be serial production, their sources also say Storm Petrel and Avantgarde is struggling in tests and production, but the mental midgets didn't know of it's existence 1 1/2 years ago. But whatever makes the Pentagram sleep easier at night.

    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 1i4zeo

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    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 Empty Isn't carbon fiber a common material now ? Take it with a grain of salt, original source is CNBC news.

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:23 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Isos wrote:Isn't carbon fiber a common material now ? Take it with a grain of salt, original source is CNBC news.
    Rob Lee
    "According to people with direct knowledge of a US intel report," Russia is struggling to find carbon fiber components needed for the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle. US intel expects that "no more than 60" will be built because they are too expensive.

    Leave it up to the Pentagram to engage in double think, and suffer from Multiple Personality day they're the "Greatest threat to human civilization that has ever existed!!!", the next day is "Their bumbling fools/buffoons/baboons mud hut dwelling troglodytes who live in a house of cards, and they can't bust a grape!!!" We've heard them said that about Armata, Su-57 not be serial production, their sources also say Storm Petrel and Avantgarde is struggling in tests and production, but the mental midgets didn't know of it's existence 1 1/2 years ago. But whatever makes the Pentagram sleep easier at night.

    Non-sense on russian military equipment - Page 2 1i4zeo

    NATO elites are drinking their own koolaid like street drunks. They actually would even consider the idea that Russia cannot afford to
    build any of its new systems. That is beyond moronic. Russia can print some rubles if it really is such a challenge to find the money.
    It can build quite a lot before the inflationary effects are felt. And since we are talking a fraction of 3% of the GDP (no, it is ludicrous for
    these systems to cost more than the whole Russian military budget) the inflation impact will actually not happen. Only printing money
    on a massive scale will lead to inflation growth. (The money supply has to change to reflect the size of the economy. So a growing
    GDP requires new money supply to be created from nothing to reflect the economic turnover. If you think this is not true, then follow
    the logic: the same fixed pool of fiat currency units has to always be used which implies price deflation as the volume of goods and
    services increases).

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:47 am

    ...As Americans, Moss and Vest sarcastically advised Moscow to continue pouring money and effort into Kuznetsov. “Russia will be doing NATO and the U.S. Navy a huge favor if it decides to spend the money, repair-yard time, and human capital needed to overhaul the ski-jump-ramp carrier that is clearly an albatross of the Cold War era.”


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    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:27 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    ...As Americans, Moss and Vest sarcastically advised Moscow to continue pouring money and effort into Kuznetsov. “Russia will be doing NATO and the U.S. Navy a huge favor if it decides to spend the money, repair-yard time, and human capital needed to overhaul the ski-jump-ramp carrier that is clearly an albatross of the Cold War era.”

    What can you expect from establishment scribblers at the US Naval War College? What a pair of dicks...

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:35 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    ...As Americans, Moss and Vest sarcastically advised Moscow to continue pouring money and effort into Kuznetsov. “Russia will be doing NATO and the U.S. Navy a huge favor if it decides to spend the money, repair-yard time, and human capital needed to overhaul the ski-jump-ramp carrier that is clearly an albatross of the Cold War era.”

    Quite a bit of bullshit. They are also mixing up the situation with the dry docks from 82nd and 35th shipyard.

    The propulsion issue had been already fixed for the indian carrier, and if I am not mistaken new boilers have already been mounted on Kuz.
    The loss of 2 aircrafts was bad, but it has nothing tovdo with the propulsion issues.

    And, even more important, the northern fleet needs big dry docks anyways, so the money spent there would not be a waste at all.


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    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:19 am

    Which just goes to show there is not much on the national interest website worth reading.

    The last place Russia should look for advice to either follow or to completely ignore is there.

    Wonder what sort of chance there would be of an article that suggests that with new hypersonic manouvering missiles entering service that the US Navy should just get rid of all its fixed wing carriers completely and just go for more SAMs on their conventional non aircraft carrying ships?

    It would save trillions of dollars... think how many more pockets could be lined with corrupt money... they would have to expand the 1% to be the 3%...

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