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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:06 pm

    How do you know Middle Easterners have low IQs?

    They were the ones who invented agriculture, writing, cities and a whole lot of other things. Poverty of modern day Middle East is likely due to structural and cultural reasons more than anything else.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 4 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:25 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:How do you know Middle Easterners have low IQs?

    They were the ones who invented agriculture, writing, cities and a whole lot of other things. Poverty of modern day Middle East is likely due to structural and cultural reasons more than anything else.

    It is mostly due to the borders designed by western countries. And not only middle east but also all africa.

    Their countries are full of different group (ethnical, religious...) that spend their time fighting togather.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:08 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:How do you know Middle Easterners have low IQs?

    They were the ones who invented agriculture, writing, cities and a whole lot of other things. Poverty of modern day Middle East is likely due to structural and cultural reasons more than anything else.

    Yeah, the Greeks and the Chinese also did lots of great things. You are missing some essential knowledge: there is too much inbreeding in the ME countries:

    Over time such social behaviour degrades the average IQ of the population. So this is not just knee-jerk racism. This is objective criticism.


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    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:58 pm

    I watched a program on Pakistan and the growing problems with mental issues due to inbreeding.

    Muslim nations marry their first cousins. Most at least. I know nations like Egypt frown upon that. But North Sudan, Pakistan and the like have major issues with inbreeding.

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:23 am

    Brain eating amoebae. Nice.


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    Post  nomadski Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:18 pm

    Inbreeding exists in Jewish community too. As Jews rarely marry non Jews. I remember this has led to some exclusive diseases. Among Muslims, rightly has been said, marriage to close relatives allowed. Leading to deformity and disease. But unfortunately among these religious groups, they hold on to antiquated practices. With no basis in science at times. This strict adherence or religious dogma, is encouraged by those in power. Since old religion text, does not provide concise modern scientific or medical or social discourse. Therefore it does not disrupt the status quo. Keeps the minority in power. So we have to be brave, and say Islam or Christianity or Judaism or Hinduism or Aristotle or Plato or Marx....... Can be wrong !

    I don't think myself that brain size itself is alone important. It has to do with how much is free for information processing. Also how many connections are there. But again, most animals now becoming extinct, tend to have larger brains. Including humans. So is large brain good, or a disability?

    Another bizzare experience of mine, is that as I am growing older, time seems to be speeding up. It started in my forties. Now at sixty, one week has the same length of time as say did  one day. When I was twenty!  Does this mean that at the point of death, my perception of time will be almost zero. Events speeding up. I will glimpse the end of universe ? Any others like this? Maybe Amoebae attacked my brain....

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    Post  George1 Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:51 pm

    Videos: Scientists Rediscover Chameleon Last Seen Over a Century Ago

    Voeltzkow's chameleon (Furcifer voeltzkowi), a unique and evasive species, has been rediscovered by German researchers in its natural habitat of Madagascar some 100 years after it seemingly disappeared.

    A research paper authored by Frank Glaw and published in the Salamandra German Journal of Herpetology on October 30 announced that German researchers in Madagascar had rediscovered F. voeltzkowi “in its natural habitat close to its type locality” while on “a targeted expedition.”

    “Our rediscovery expedition was conducted at the end of the rainy season from 25 March to 3 April 2018 in the Mahajanga region in northwestern Madagascar,” the report detailed.

    Within months, a chameleon of the species will hatch during the rainy season, grow rapidly, spar, mate and die. Female F. voeltzkowi in particular are said to exude colorful patterns while encountering males, pregnant or stressed.

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    Post  kvs Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:47 am

    I am sure if Douglas Adams knew about this he would have included it in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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    Post  nomadski Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:22 pm

    Interesting series of interviews regarding nature of human consciousness. In my view the phenomenon of pre-cognitive dreams , telepathy, remote viewing  and premonitions and visions  ( people who report ghosts), ESP and prophecy explain the same process, possible only if human ( and some domestic animals ) thoughts ( souls) exist outside of our time and space in another dimension. And that our thoughts can relate or communicate and have perceptions of their own in this domain. At times two souls align and communicate their contents, and respective human brains pick up these communications. Mishlove's " New thinking allowed" interviews are recommended.

    Edit : Reincarnation ( documented in a few newborn infants), could be viewed as a class of remote viewing ( documented in many crime investigations), that affects the very young. The viewer mistakenly believing by others to be the dead person reincarnated. Instead of  a prolonged remote viewing experience. A Communion of souls and not the reincarnation of souls. Since God is not short of a few fresh souls..

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    Post  11E Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:48 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:How do you know Middle Easterners have low IQs?

    They were the ones who invented agriculture, writing, cities and a whole lot of other things. Poverty of modern day Middle East is likely due to structural and cultural reasons more than anything else.

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    Post  lyle6 Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:56 pm

    kvs wrote:

    I am sure if Douglas Adams knew about this he would have included it in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    >The smartest fish has the longest nose
    Fucking kek. Razz

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    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:43 am

    Another bizzare experience of mine, is that as I am growing older, time seems to be speeding up. It started in my forties. Now at sixty, one week has the same length of time as say did one day. When I was twenty! Does this mean that at the point of death, my perception of time will be almost zero. Events speeding up. I will glimpse the end of universe ? Any others like this? Maybe Amoebae attacked my brain....

    Just a natural consequence of getting old. When you were 20 you only had about 15 years worth of life experience you could remember... probably even less. Now you are 60 you have 55-50 years of experience and memories to remember so of course you are going to forget some minor things, and also in comparison to your life experience one year and one week is becoming a shorter and shorter period of time.

    There are all sorts of beliefs regarding death and what the end of life holds for us, and there are certainly lots of people who have died and been resuscitated that we can talk to, but most of the time their experience seems to be seeing a bright light, which mean interpret as being heaven or the way to heaven or angels or some such thing. I have been hit in the face before by a soccer ball and I saw a bright light... nothing to do with death or religion, and everything to do with a physical impact near the eyes that led to some sort of signal being sent down the optical nerve that my brain interpreted as being a bright light because that is what the optic nerve is there to detect... if it had hit my ear I probably would have heard a loud impact noise... even though the actual impact noise would not be that impressive and certainly no light was actually created by the ball.

    Having said that I can't honestly tell you what happens after death... does a caterpillar have any idea of what a butterfly is and that that is what it will become?

    Does a tadpole realise it is destined to be a frog, or an egg a bird or reptile.

    Anybody who tells you they know are liars, and therefore any discussion becomes pretty empty and circular very quickly... and having faith or not having faith means nothing either way.

    The caterpillar becomes a butterfly whether they believe they will or not... faith does not come in to it... and why would it?

    It is a bit silly to think only caterpillars that are good and pray to the giant turtle on which this planet stands will become a butterfly... all the rest will become worms or snails or something...

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    Post  nomadski Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:32 pm

    @ 1 1E

    The wealthiest nations won the greater number of Olympic gold . This has nothing to do with innate or genetic superiority . The IQ measure ,  is about  developed mental ability because of educational opportunity . To measure accurately  then any possible genetic determinants of intelligence , one must compare different racial groups within identical environments .

    @ IYle6

    The developed part of fish is actually the mouth . The nose are the two small dots above this .

    @ GarryB

    Thanks for remembering . About death , my personal view is that , strangely I never remember being dead . Or being dead and then coming to life . To me I  was never dead , since I would remember coming to life .

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    Post  kvs Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:39 pm


    The annoying thing is that as one gets older the brain gets better at filtering out external information. This is why, in my opinion,
    the flow of time appears to increase. We basically get a coarser time sampling interval.

    I also think the human lifespan is way too short. Some people claim that it is right sized but I have not heard any real arguments
    to back this up. Only in cheesy James Bond movies is the productivity of some mastermind so high that they can achieve country-level
    exploits in a few years. In the real world almost nothing can be done by an individual in a few years. Humans are able to breed
    like rabbits but are not able to live all that long. I would exchange the latter restriction for the former excess.


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    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:53 am

    Humans are able to breed
    like rabbits but are not able to live all that long. I would exchange the latter restriction for the former excess.

    Don't you love the irony... two athiests wishing there was a god and that god created everything because with creation there is more speed in development and less need for trash prototyping that actually took place.

    It took billions of years of trial and error and an ideal environment to result in us, but now that we are here we want to live longer and reproduce less to compensate... well perhaps that is what science is for... extending life spans dramatically... not just that of course... massively improving the quality of life... people are less than 10 years old... different things are recycled and rebuilt at different rates but after about 10 years everything has been replaced, but as you get older the replacement becomes worn out so skin is no longer elastic and soft as it once was... it gets thin and wrinkled... hairlines recceed and stomachs get bigger... there is no obvious reason for that except to force the older members of the group to turn to lighter duties like caring for children and making clothes while the younger members of the group do the hard work of finding food and building shelters etc etc. With a bit of science and technology you could be 21 years old for the rest of your life and that life could be hundreds of years.... but as you point out we are the result of blind serial production errors, so production continues even when the quality of the product improves and its durability and survivability increases.

    We need to change to a different model with quality of life rather than volume production to try to get a few good examples that are keepers.

    Imagine a future where babies are robots to fill the human need of having a child without the issues of over population and population control in places and situations where resources and food and water are not abundant enough to sustain a large population....

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    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:56 am

    Thanks for remembering . About death , my personal view is that , strangely I never remember being dead . Or being dead and then coming to life . To me I was never dead , since I would remember coming to life .

    Well our existence and experience of this universe comes via our sensors in this universe... perhaps death is merely disconnecting our soul from this universe... meaning we feel, hear, smell, touch, taste... sense... experience nothing... but perhaps we can connect to another "body" another set of senses... perhaps memories of this is where the idea of angels and ghosts comes from... we simply don't know... but we will find out... it comes to everyone in their time.

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    Post  limb Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:51 am

    Its both amazing and sad that entire families of organisms can barely fossilize over hundreds of millions of years.


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    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:04 pm

    We don't notice most of the fossils... the white cliffs of Dover... sand stone... and of course oil...

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    Post  limb Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:37 pm

    GarryB wrote:We don't notice most of the fossils... the white cliffs of Dover... sand stone... and of course oil...
    Those are the most common fossils. Actually fossilization of anything other than shells happens incredibly rarely. There was a study that if the entire population of the US died suddenly, on the territory of the US only around 60 dead humans would be fossilized.

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    Post  nomadski Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:42 am

    @ Limb

    About wings . How did the Dinosaurs learn to fly ? Did they get up one morning and decide to evolve wings over the next million years ? And the ancient Angler fish . Did it decide to evolve an artificial lure , over the next million years ? A few feathers don't make a wing . A lump on the Fish's back , don't make a lure . It seems pointless to spend energy developing these appendages for an organism . That had no apparent use , especially for the Fish . Is it a sign for intelligent design ? Or a sign for random events ? Occurring by chance . The probability of an event can be calculated . But if it is so low , as to approach zero , then that event is not by chance . They discovered the footprints of early humans in Rocks in England , dating back 800,000 years . But the story was quickly put into storage , out of view . Since it would take the bread out of many university professor's mouths . Those who say humans came out of Africa some 40,000 years ago . There may be many hidden Fossils .

    @ Garry B

    "....….it comes to everyone in their time......."

    Agree . Once you are young , many rare but important incidents are missed . They are experienced later . But once they happen , then they change the nature of reality for the person . As one example in my case . Not long ago , I moved to a new house . My next door neighbour started to harrass me badly . I warned him , but it got worse . At this time , I was attending a local activity club , at night . There I met a woman , who only attended for one session . For some reason this woman started to talk to me about philosophy . And said that she had psychic ability ! Our conversation then turned to my troublesome neighbour . And I said to this woman , that I would not mind doing some damage to this neighbour , an offensive and rude man !

    She then said  that all I had to do , is to think of doing harm to him in my mind ! I did not think much about this at the time . But in the later months , one night it came to my mind . As my neighbour was still causing problems , I decided to follow the advice of this woman . At night , I sat down , and in my mind , thought that I wanted him to be harmed !

    A week later , I decided very strangely to buy my local newspaper . You must understand that I very rarely buy this paper . Perhaps less than once a year . I was looking through the pages , when I noticed that this neighbour had been arrested and convicted for a crime and put away for fifteen years ! His house became vacant and his family also moved out . As his crime was a crime of a bad sort !

    The probability of such events occurring by chance must be so low , as to be impossible . Yet it is hard for me also to think of them being caused in this way . If causally linked then it points out to the fact that human thought and consciousness and material events are linked in very strange ways . Stranger than fiction . I wonder if any posters here have any strange experiences ?

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    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:44 pm

    I have religious friends who believe they have prayed for things that have come true, but to be honest I just put it down to sometimes good things happen and sometimes bad things happen... what happens between our ears regarding such things is about as important as what is happening between the ears of your dog or cat.

    I am sure most dogs are praying for lockdowns because they get more walks than they normally get... and of course dog spelt backwards is...

    Coincidences are just that...

    I can squint and it feels like my eardrums vibrate and when I did that once I managed to guess three Lotto balls as they were drawn... I was so surprised I stopped and have never tried to use this "ability" to win Lotto... I say because it would not be fair, but really it happened three times on three balls, but odds are it might never happen again and the feeling I might be able to do it in the future if I need it feels much better than trying to do it and finding I can't.

    When I buy a lotto ticket I never check it... I leave it for a week or so and just pretend I might have the winning ticket, but someone always mentions it wasn't won that week or someone in a big city to the north won it.... the chances of winning are so low it is really all about the potential to win more than anything else.

    I don't begrudge religion... it is a source of comfort for many going through difficult times, I just have trouble believing some of the stuff they believe in order to get such comfort.

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    Post  nomadski Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:58 am

    Not taking about religion or God . But human consciousness . Now I am not a statistician , but probability of these events I described being causally linked are astronomically low . But they have a low non-zero value , meaning that they can probably exist , or do probably exist . Events with such low probability do not exist at macro - level , that we study normally using statistics . But they seem normal for small scale quantum events . Electrons and sub-atomic particles . Our Brains could emit or receicve these signals , according to quantum theory .


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    Post  kvs Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:21 pm

    I think reality has more than one layer as far as humans are concerned. Our perception only scratches one of them.

    The spooky correlations are not unphysical. Quantum mechanics appears to be the base of matter-energy and likely
    space-time as well. The so-called classical limit where magically all the quantum mechanics properties get washed out
    at larger scales is basically BS. There may be some averaging effect but it cannot totally hide the fuzzy and nonlocal
    underlying reality. Macroscopic quantum entanglement must exist. So all "observers" are entangled with all the other
    physical systems and each other and this entanglement is all about "spooky action at a distance" that "violates" the
    speed of light.

    There is interesting cosmological research on this subject:

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    Post  nomadski Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:24 pm

    I think that Americans and Russians both conducted studies . Some results may be secret . But some were leaked . I may be having skillz  ! I thought about doing harm to this man , and he went to prison , shortly after . Like the film , Men who stare at Goats .

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    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 22, 2021 6:55 am

    Our Brains could emit or receicve these signals , according to quantum theory .

    Well I can say that for most people what they want to happen does not normally happen so I would say most brains do not perform at that level.

    Your brain on the other hand seems to have scored one success... but what can we make of this?

    Was it your strongest wish for something bad to happen to this man... have you wish other things to happen but they did not happen... I mean George Bush and Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton don't seem to have suffered enough for your brain to have "done" something to them.

    Perhaps a chemical combination of food intake at the time, or a state of heightened consciousness on your part or on his made this happen... it is difficult to say without removing your brain and cutting it into small cross sections for examination.... Twisted Evil

    But imagine being able to build an AI organic computer with special powers... I am sure the Americans have probably tried.

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