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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things:


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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:40 pm

    The academic consensus is an utter farce. No human could chisel away to create such precise hard stone carvings.

    Now consider that many other branches of academia and established institutions are a similar stupid consensus joke, such as medicine.
    Never give these clowns the benefit of the doubt. They have to prove their claims and this they can't do basically all of the time.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:18 pm

    I think Hypertrichosis or hairy human syndrome may explain the Sasquash / Yetti  myth . I was looking for incidence of Hypertrichosis in populations , but could not find precise figures for this condition . But the literature indicated that greatest incidence is among Caucasian types . This may explain why most or all sightings occur in Northern Hemisphere ? Would be interesting to compare known cases and compare with sightings in different locations . Will there be correlations ? May also explain the uncanny ability and desire of these individuals to run away  and hide , rather than to attack .

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    Post  kvs Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:33 pm

    The syndrome may be combined with a growth disorder, giving us the large size of "sasquatch". But there is also the substantial element of
    exaggeration in such stories so that features attributed to the "animal" cannot be taken as realistic.

    Another possibility is phantom observation. Some sort of mental state where you "see" something that is not there. This pathology
    is rare but for some reason ignored. I recall seeing something bizarre once in my life when I was around six years of age which I am
    quite sure now was not real but which scared me. I have not had such an experience since then.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:34 pm

    Good answers here . KVS , can stone be carbon dated ? I heard it can not , and people use objects found around stone monuments to date them ? If so then no stone object can bring definitive proof of date . This stone container could be machined , like the Crystal skulls and buried and " discovered " later ? What you think ? Also another explanation for Yetti , is the collective unconscious of human memory of Neanderthals or Denisovans ! Humans have genetic memory , like spiders . Did you know that Frogs and Dragonfly adorn many clay pottery objects . Quite often , indicating a link in human mind ( unconscious ) between clay and these animals ! These animals do not appear in paintings of other Art as much .

    Last edited by nomadski on Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:39 pm

    Granite has uranium content. I believe there is a way to sample the 235 isotope fraction to give it a very crude date. But this is not
    useful for historical dating since the error is something like a million years. But I could be wrong and it may be lower but still too large.

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    Post  kvs Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:49 pm

    It looks clear to me that dynastic Egypt was recycling older, more advanced artifacts.   The pathetic graffiti by various pharaohs says it all.
    The ridiculous technological decline (high precision granite vases to crude alabaster ones) is simply not credible if the consensus BS
    is to be believed.   Archeologists have no excuse that they are unaware of engineering issues.   They are not engaged in objective
    research and instead foisting their stupid fantasies on people.   They should at the very least say nothing about subjects they cannot
    evaluate.   But they act like they have revealed the final truth and their "authority" cannot be questioned.  

    The "cargo cult" aspect of dynastic Egypt is a very keen insight in one of the videos I linked above.   It does look like they were emulating
    something more advanced.   Of course they would not advertise this fact in their hieroglyphs.   As demonstrated by the graffiti, they were
    acting like they were the makers.  

    BTW, the advanced lost civilization did not need to be a variant of what we have now with jets and rockets and supercomputers.  It
    could have been advanced sufficiently to produce the found artifacts without any over the top other features.   The problem with alternative
    history is that it tends to derail into fantastical claims.  But the established history is carp also.

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    Post  lyle6 Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:41 am

    So the Ukrainians were correct. The Ancient Egyptians were primordial Ukrainians after all. Razz

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:18 am

    The stone gate or Door and Vase posted earlier , could have been made by early machining , similar to machining of stone columns . This goes back in many regions to about 2500 years ago , but not earlier . It is within current historical norms . Earlier stonework is more crude , like the standing stones in UK or France or Armenia . There are no early stonework in Ukraine ! LOL !,individual%20drums%20are%20remarkably%20resistant%20to%20seismic%20activity.

    About the stone Vase , the machining by primitive lathe , would be easier on the external surfaces . However very difficult to bore out on a modern lathe , let alone primitive lathe . For this reason , I say that it is still more likely a modern construction . Analysis of surface may reveal tool marks , if forged carelessly . If there are no tool marks at all , then it is a forgery .

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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:45 pm

    Established "science" is a retarded joke. No, this is not my Dunning-Kruger. Chomsky, whatever his limitations, is right on about human
    organization analysis. Every human group is subject to self-organization and emergent dogma and spends a lot of effort enforcing conformity
    to the consensus.

    No self-respecting scientist would defame and attack a "heretic". This is anti-science thinking. Nobody has the final, revealed truth about
    anything. This spans from particle physics, to cosmology to historiography.

    Atlantis was likely real and was where the Azores are today. It wasn't a myth. (This does not include sci-fi nonsense.)

    BTW, I will criticize some of the alternative history proponents. People such as Randall Carlson make a solid case that the established orthodoxy
    is full of shit. But he goes off the reservation when it comes to interpreting the Greenland ice core inferred temperature data. These reconstructed
    temperatures are strictly local (not even spanning the whole of Greenland, for example near coastal vs interior) and not global. I have heard him
    scoff at the 2 Celsius global warming as a nothing burger compared to the last glaciation epoch temperature variations. He is simply wrong. The
    global mean temperature variation is always smaller than regional extremes. This is because the global average cancels out the dynamical part of
    the temperature balance (think of what goes up, must come down and the atmosphere is not collapsing to the surface or blowing off into space).
    The 2 C global warming can easily produce 20 C variations locally since such a warming reflects a trapping of enormous amounts of heat energy.

    The large temperature variability in the Greenland ice core data is linked to the higher altitude of the ice formation and to the cooling of the atmosphere
    with a sharper temperature drop-off with altitude. The inter-annual variability of baroclinc eddy propagation into the Greenland region would easily
    produce the inferred large temperature variations since the background air temperature is much lower. We see huge Arctic temperature swings in
    modern times as well. A globally warmed state moves the reference temperature higher and reduces the relative contribution of baroclinic eddy
    induced temperature swings.

    Carlson also makes the common mistake of dismissing CO2 as being a small concentration gas. This is total nonsense. O2 and N2 are not effective
    as infrared trapping gases since they are transparent in these EM wavelengths. So it is CO2 and H2O (and secondarily CH4 and some other IR absorbing
    gases) that carry the burden of keeping up atmospheric temperatures. H2O is a vapour at temperatures below 100 C (which makes this a habitable
    planet) so it readily condenses. Removing CO2 and other "dry" greenhouse gases (which do not condense) would result in H2O freezing out near the
    poles, driving up surface albedo from the accumulating snow and ice and driving the planet to a snowball regime with a glaciation covering the planet.
    This totally frozen state is never reached since there are always CO2 emissions including from volcanism. The previous snowball Earth regimes were
    broken by accumulation of volcanic CO2.

    Glaciation on Earth involves the CO2 falling from around 300 ppmv to 180 ppmv. This is true even if Dunning-Kruger "experts" point to the temperature
    trend preceding the CO2 trend. A Milankovitch cycle induce temperature trend induces a CO2 trend because ocean capacity for absorbing CO2 increases
    with decreasing temperature. We entered the "ice age" 3.3 million years ago (repeating 100,000 year glaciation cycles) because the CO2 decreased to a
    low enough level from lack of sufficient volcanic activity. The Siberian traps and Deccan traps were associated with global warming and extinctions because
    of the pumping of CO2 into the atmosphere for millions of years. Antarctica was ice free 35 million years ago and froze over because the CO2 declined
    from the previous substantially higher values that lasted for hundreds of millions of years.

    Global warming is a not a nothing burger even if assorted crooks are trying to leverage it to f*ck humanity over.


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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:18 pm

    Early machining is not an explanation since you cannot achieve nearly perfect geometry in granite (and other high hardness stone)
    without tools that are fully inconsistent with the claimed metal technology that Egyptians possessed. We have the supposed
    "proof" that the tube drilling could be achieved by hand with some sand and water and a string bow rotating a copper/bronze tube.

    1) The Egyptians could not make perfect metal pipes and the use of a store bought copper pipe form today as a proxy is utter nonsense.

    2) The Egyptian circular saw cores show a clear helical groove proving that a high pressure, hard tipped bit was used to cut through
    the granite and not sand being driven back and forth with a string rotated copper tube. Copper simply could not make the helical
    groove cut since it is worthlessly soft compared to granite.

    3) The particular "proof" of the copper circular saw involved using iron wedges to crack out the granite core. This is laughable because
    the Egyptians did not have iron and copper/bronze are too soft to achieve this as demonstrated during the 1800s by the initial research
    into the subject. Sure, the Egyptians could have used hard stone shards as wedges but then there would be more evidence of granite
    on granite damage. We have some of the old cored granite segments intact.

    The geometry of the tube drilling is just too precise for hand work. How were these alleged string-rotated copper tubes and sand
    worked into the corner edges of the "altar" block? No hand work can ever produce accuracy down to the few thousands of an inch.

    Once you are clued into the precision of some of the Egyptian stone artifacts, then the current dogma about the history just collapses.
    Even if these items were not produced before 10,000 BC, they are a conundrum for the claimed level of ancient Egyptian technology. I am
    prepared to accept that the earliest dynasty period Egyptian metal technology was on a much higher level. But it is those same
    "experts" who unearth only evidence of copper and bronze. It is very peculiar that higher tech would vanish in such a short time window.
    It is as if some high tech experts were contracted to do the work by the Egyptians and took all their tools with them. So none of the tools
    or items created from them (e.g. iron) are to be found in Egypt.

    We just don't know enough about civilization formation. Evidence of our current civilization would vanish in a few centuries let alone thousands
    of years. The collapse periods would be catabolic and useful material would be scavenged. Over time this acts like a conversion to dust
    even if we are dealing with a dry region where metal would not rust away quickly.


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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:37 pm

    Another nail in the coffin of the established history and archeology.


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    Post  kvs Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:25 pm


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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 26, 2023 3:01 pm

    See after 1:45

    Using a copper pipe to cut through hard stone using vibration. I have looked at frames of the plug cut out and it seems to have
    a helical groove on it.

    Unlike the claimed bow and sand grinding, this method does less damage to the soft copper pipe. The sound makes the pipe act like
    a high frequency jack hammer and less metal is ablated.


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    Post  kvs Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:11 pm

    The amazing Inca stone work seems to have employed acidic mud:

    No way the fitting of these stones was accomplished with hammering and grinding. They would have needed to iterate the fitting
    of massive (e.g. up to 100 ton) boulders tens or hundreds of times. No sane collection of humans would bother.

    There is also no mistake that these are very hard igneous silicate rocks and not soft limestone.

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    Post  nomadski Tue Jun 06, 2023 6:26 pm

    Are Americans more prone to mass psychosis ? Is their culture , mixed up as it is , lends itself to greater belief in folklore ? They all come to share in the unreal ? Here I have traced the origin of sightings of " mothman ," as a portent to the point pleasant Bridge collapse in late 1967, to possible leakage from the film " weremoth " released 1968 . The idea of the weremoth itself is borrowed from the character of " mothman , " in DC comics in 1951 . The original mothman in DC comics was a super -villain , an enemy of Batman ! How the residents of point pleasant , came to share this psychosis and link it to Bridge collapse , is probably started by a prank by teenagers .

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    Post  George1 Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:43 pm

    Four Indigenous children who had been missing for more than a month in the Colombian Amazon rainforest were found alive and flown to the capital Bogota early Saturday.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jun 11, 2023 8:15 pm

    Circular saw marks in hard stone predating any known civilization at a site in Turkey.

    Modern archeology is a retarded joke.

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    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:37 pm

    Personally I was always fascinated and interested in different cultures and ancient civilizations. I have watched quite a few videos of  different archeological findings of ancient foundation, walls, pylons, underground vaults and the remarkable huge stones that form mortar-free walls. Just the basic mortar-free walls of several tons heavy stones that are evidently in many cases either hot or cold metling stone technologies. For instance take Peruvian findings of ancient stone walls, which are evidently have used molten stone technologies and never have dug them up from some quarry and polished them like often explained by archaeologic "experts".

    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Sachsa10

    This becomes more evident from the very fact that these huge stones A) do not have any mortar to connect each other and B) almost all of them have these reappearing handles.

    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Cusco-10

    All over the globe we can find remains of ancient civilizations who all have had this technology as well as indications of drill and saw marks that appear to be older than our modern technology existence.

    I am convinced that they purposefully try to keep the mass from the knowledge of advanced technology ancient civilizations had,  away from the public. Looking at out current civilization with all these fancy technology and our hyper consumerism where most of the technology is designed to break as soon as the warranty expires makes it for me plausible that in 2000 years, nothing of our civilization will be found but this ancient findings will still be there. Just my fantasy, but who knows if this upcoming WW3 is not actually WW9 and we will really be catapulted back several millenniums.

    No archeologist nor an ethnologist will tell me in all seriousness, considering all the facts about ancient civilizations, that these structures and stone walls were built by hand from quarries located tens of kilometers away. With all the other conspiracy theories that have been proven in fact to be correct, I am more and more convinced that they keep away history from the mass population for some hidden purpose I do not understand.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:22 am

    Knowledge is strength. So it follows that the power hungry rotten elites want to keep the knowledge for themselves and feed us BS that
    makes us stupid. Believing the nonsense pushed by the "mainstream" narrative requires Homer Simpson type "thinking". Homo idioticus.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 6 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:01 pm

    kvs wrote:Knowledge is strength.  So it follows that the power hungry rotten elites want to keep the knowledge for themselves and feed us BS that
    makes us stupid.   Believing the nonsense pushed by the "mainstream" narrative requires Homer Simpson type "thinking".   Homo idioticus.

    That is very much true. I think the world and society today would look very much different and to the dislike of the globalists who are ruling the dying mono-polar world today, if humanity knew about the advanced level of ancient societies and their own history. How many times have European elites tried to convince the world of their superiority in morality, technology and quite often even as some sort of supreme evolutionary and nearly divine being.

    Just imagine that this technological level we are in today is just a repeating event of humanity and the one step away from the downfall and that is the reason why they keep this information away. Who knows. It is evident that ancient civilizations had batteries (Iraqi battery) and analog computers (Mesopotamia) let alone architectural knowledge like all across the Southern American part of the continent.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:16 am

    Easter Island also has megalithic construction predating the rest of the stone work that can be attributed to the Polynesians.

    BTW, it looks to me like the Polynesians knew about the island's existence before going there. I doubt they randomly sailed across
    the Pacific Ocean.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:22 pm

    The secrecy around the interior of the Sphinx demonstrates that the elites know that the structures predate the official history and
    there may be records of ancient science and technology which are valuable. They want this knowledge, but you have to eat their
    retarded shit fantasy stories about "history". You are only a serf.


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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 02, 2023 5:49 pm

    Supposedly made with soft metal chisels and hard stones by hand. LOL.

    All claims about any such structure being less than 6,000 years are total BS. So called fist civilizations in the last 6,000 years all imitated but
    never duplicated this architecture.

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    Post  George1 Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:06 am


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    Post  George1 Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:10 pm

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