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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things:


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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  flamming_python Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:52 pm

    Could be any random naked hobo really

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:28 pm

    We have forgotten about the origins of the first world maps created in the 1400s and 1500s. They were based on older source maps and other sources.

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    Post  kvs Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:24 pm

    The Romans had wheat fields in northernmost Africa where there is sand desert today. There were forests in the same regions at the time as well. What we had was a metastable climate regime from the last glaciation period that ended between 20 and 10 thousand years ago. Vegetation affects regional
    climate. For example, the Amazon rain forest keeps the rain fall sufficient by pumping aerosols that promote condensation of water and cloud formation
    from the water evapourating from the same region. They also reduce surface albedo substantially keeping the surface temperature lower and helping to sequester water. If the forest is cut down the region will become a savanna. Human activity more than likely achieved such a transition in the northern Sahara region.

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    Post  kvs Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:11 pm

    Humans were making wood structures and non-trivial tools about 500,000 years ago. Any talk of modern humans only appearing in the last 50,000
    years is nonsense.

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    Post  kvs Sat Oct 21, 2023 3:49 pm

    DMT seems to be revealing how the brain works on the subconscious level. These "elves" that are hallucinated on DMT could be
    organized intelligence constructs that the brain uses to manage information processing. DMT distorts their function making them
    appear as "elves" or other fantasy beings.

    Multiple personality disorder is a real thing, where the brain develops concurrent personalities instead of one. That this degeneracy
    is not more pervasive is rather impressive. Natural selection must have removed the genetics that would make humans prone to
    this pathology since it is obviously a detriment to survival. But the point is that the brain is very complex and has organized

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:05 pm

    Interesting hallucinogenic effects . Especially regarding the " Elf " creatures , so prevalent in folklore . These are somewhat animalistic ; Horns , Ears and such . Perhaps the constructs by the mind , once usual functioning disrupted , is to an earlier approximate model ! Of a being , or any " average " being ! The Goat- Man - Bear , attributed to some American politician ? I think if this chemical is plant based , and if it's raw consumption ( natural ) forms a symbiotic chain with the consumer , such as seed dispersal , then it could not be harmful . Alcohol in fruit , induced appetite ( consumption of more seeds ) , followed by sleep ( keeping animal safe ) followed by increased motility ( seed dispersal ) . Therefore as a natural ingredients , in low doses , it may form symbiotic relationship .

    Regarding the stone structures , being part of ancient high tech , other than primitive grinding , such as chemical melting , or other unknown tech . Then there should be evidence of this tech in other areas , and not just stone work , such as medicine , fabrics , Engineering . Today's tech had an effect on all areas . The industrial revolution lead to advances in all fields , with evidence . Not just stone Masons . There is no Archaeology evidence for this . But human civilisation seems far older than present thinking . A longer time to develop , over many hundreds of thousands of years . One way for America  to misdirect research in the East , is deny it's roots , such as stealth technology , being based on Russian scientist papers , and not on " Aliens " Anti-gravity reverse Engineered craft .

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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:12 pm

    If modern humans have been around for 350,000 years, then they had three inter-glacials to develop civilization. The crossing from
    Siberia to Alaska must have happened at least three times as well. Humans are a migratory species.

    The pattern in archeology is to assume stupid short timelines. So we had the 50,000 year modern human calims, increased to 350,000
    and now to about 800,000 years. The Clovis story is the same BS.


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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:34 pm

    The evidence of advanced hard stone cutting saws occurs in more than one region.   We have examples in Egypt and in Turkey.  There is no doubt
    that these are large diameter saw marks and not something that resembles them or something that could have been made by hand.    

    The evidence of ancient technology only survives in hard stone because the tools and the humans who made them have disappeared onto dust thousands
    of years ago.   Cultural survival of technology is not a given.   Once civilizations fall, then the technology is essentially deleted.   We will see this in the
    next couple of centuries and no computers, power tools, engines, books, etc., will propagate for the survivors to use.  The remaining humans will start from
    scratch by necessity.   Nobody is going to maintain books and equipment, people will be too busy surviving.   The key is that this recovery period will
    last centuries at the very least but looks like it will be many thousands of years.  

    Books, maps, etc. will not last indefinitely.   We have clear evidence of world maps being composed from now disappeared source maps.
    Maybe we will have something similar in the future or maybe the recovery period will be long enough that this knowledge transfer will not occur.
    My eyes have been opened about how harsh is the crumbling of civilization into dust.   Humans have been building civilizations for 800,000 years
    and all of them save for the most recent period (around 6,000 years) have utterly disappeared outside of megaliths.   The only long term record
    is hard stone.   If you consider the current infrastructure made of concrete, steel and glass, then it will totally disappear in a couple of thousand
    years (*).   There will be no trace of any metal and the concrete and glass will become powder.  

    We really are complacent about our existing social environment.   People even think that advanced technology is somehow self-propagating when
    it is actually ludicrously fragile.  The idea of convergence to a tech utopia is retarded.   We already see a global idiocracy forming.  We are heading
    for collapse when the people will have no understanding of the technology left around them.   The distinctiveness of the modern era is that humans
    have formed a global civilization and exploited natural resources and fossil fuels unlike any previous civilization.    This is rather obvious.   So the looming
    crash will be harder than any before.   Humans will no longer have cheap fossil fuel energy (in the coming millions of years) to bootstrap global civilization
    like in the last 200 years.   They are not going to start out by building nuclear reactors.   Digging up Uranium without fossil fuel is a real show stopper.
    Same goes for any resource input for any technology (solar panels, wind mills, the works).   Easy surface deposits of metal ores are not going to be
    available in the future.   (I know, there are some scrap deposits not commercially viable, but really, the low hanging fruit has been picked).

    (*) No, Roman concrete is not a counter-example. Roman concrete has large CaCO3 inclusions (crushed sea shells) that literally heal cracks through
    dissolution and remineralization. Modern concrete is garbage where cracks are terminally progressing. No modern concrete can last 2,000 years.


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    Post  kvs Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:15 pm

    An example of the BS being ladled out on history subjects that obfuscates instead of informs.

    This video is presented in the guise of objective analysis but is a con job.

    1) Misdirection.   The basalt paving stones are likely to have been made by dynastic Egyptians.   They are not a conundrum that
    requires appeal to more advanced and earlier civilizations.   But at the same time they do not debunk all the cases where dynastic
    Egyptians clearly lacked the technology.   The tube drill holes found on ancient worked stone pieces are clearly not the result of
    any reconstruction in the last 200 years.   If Emery granules ("sand") was used, then there should have been some residue left over.
    Also, the helical groove found in these drill holes shows the use of a tool able to cut hard stone and not the action of abrasive with
    a bronze/copper tube rotated back and forth.   Also, there is no evidence of dynastic Egyptians being able to make precise large
    diameter metal pipe.   (So buying one today and setting up a demonstration is a retarded joke).  

    2) Appeal to false authority.  Some Youtube channel which makes imitation artifacts by hand out of hard stone is invoked to "prove"
    that all such artifacts can be explained with bronze age civilization tech.   This is patent BS since the pre-dynastic vases are clearly
    not made by hand.

    There is no record of Egyptians using lathes.    Corundite (Emery) granules cannot be used to make such vases regardless of their
    Mohs hardness.   A corundite tool needs to be used with a lathe.    It may be possible that corundite granules were cast into bronze
    cutting tools but I would like to see this reproduced today.    In any case, the high precision vases are pre-dynastic which opens up
    the question how could there have been any sort of metal working involved.    The whole of dynastic Egypt failed to produce such
    hard stone vases and only produced silly calcite imitations, down to paint trying to give them a granite aspect.

    3) Fraud.   The video has a cartoon made in the style of Egyptian hieroglyphs that shows a stone block being cut with a saw.
    This is a fake since no such image exists on any ancient wall in Egypt.   The video totally fails to note that it is a fanciful depiction and
    not a stencil of a genuine rendering.

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    Post  kvs Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:38 pm

    The water erosion in the Sahara is a real mystery.

    We had a blockage of the Straits of Gibraltar around 6 million years ago that resulted in the evapouration of the Mediterranean Sea followed by
    catastrophic flooding. But this is not the event that produced the obvious outflow erosion over the western Sahara. The erosion is more

    Supposedly the glacial maxima over the last 3.3 million years of the "ice age" did not result in continental scale glaciation of Europe. Only northern
    Europe was glaciated. So massive melt water outflow does not look like an explanation. Unlike North America, modern Russia was not covered by
    a 3 km ice sheet so there would be no melt flow through the Black Sea that could surge the Mediterranean.

    Opponents of the deluge hypothesis point to clues that water was flowing out of the Black Sea basin as late as 15,000 years ago.[23]

    In this alternative scenario, much depends on the evolution of the Bosphorus. According to a study from 2001, the modern sill is 32–34 m (105–112 ft) below sea level and consists of Quaternary sand over-lying Paleozoic bedrock in which three sills are found at 80–85 m (260–280 ft) below sea level. Sedimentation on these sills started before 10,000 years ago and continued until 5,300 years ago.[24]

    So there could have been some excess outflow from the Black Sea at the end of the last glacial maximum (20-10,000 years before present). But it seems the
    magnitude was not enough to cause the Mediterranean to overflow the Sahara.

    The lack of attention to the real wonder of the world called the Richat Structure and the catastrophic flooding in the Sahara is very peculiar. Almost like it is
    being deliberately ignored.

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    Post  kvs Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:08 pm

    I think the Black Sea deluge event is grossly misunderstood. The Bosphorus break occurred about 8400 years ago. For some reason
    there is an assumption that it was Mediterranean water that flowed into the Black Sea. Supposedly the Black Sea is in a more arid region.
    This is nonsense. If the Sahara had lakes and forests even 5000 years ago, then why would he Black Sea region be more arid?

    Considering the drainage pattern for the Black Sea, it could have been a much larger inland "lake". The glacial maximum clearly shifted the
    rain fall in the Mediterranean-North-Africa-Middle-East-Southern Europe region for it to not be arid like today. The Mediterranean Sea
    was connected to the Atlantic Ocean over the last 100,000 years and would not have had a higher elevation. But the trapped drainage
    of the Black Sea would have given it a higher elevation without sufficient evaporation.

    The Wiki link I posted before claims that there was some sort of rapid diversion of river flow to the north. This would imply that the
    Black Sea extended to the southern limit of the glacier to the north. The topography requires this since the reason for the current
    river outflow pattern is dictated by topography. If the catchment basins to the north were blocked up by ice, then there would have
    been accumulation of this water, it would not be flowing south as rivers. Any isostatic depression from the northern European glacier
    would act to divert water flow to the north within some halo region. The isostatic depression was not as large as in North America
    since the European glaciers where both smaller in extent and less thick.

    The melt started 20,000 years ago and really only completed about 10,000 years ago. It is quite possible that the enlarged Black Sea
    and Caspian water body shrank but it has to be proven that it shrank below to what it is today. It is very plausible that the Black Sea
    and Caspian were still a megalake or two megalakes 10,000 years ago. The Sahara lakes contradict any rapid evaporation claim. The
    current climate in this whole region is nothing like it was 8400 years ago.

    Another show stopper detail is what ruptured the Bosphorus blockage. We are dealing with a few thousand years here. It is not questionable
    that the elevation of water in the Black Sea basin was higher than the Mediterranean 20,000 years ago and I would say even 10,000 years
    ago. It was a blocked drainage region and the establishment view is that there was plenty of water in the Black Sea and Caspian basins.
    It follows that water trying to break out under the action gravity would be heading for the Mediterranean and not vice versa for a long time.
    The idea that it was Mediterranean water breaking into the Black Sea basin would require all the action to be, generously, between 15,000
    years ago and 8400 years ago. I think 7400 years is too generous and we are looking more at around 2000 years. This is way too short.
    If the Bosphorus blockage was so weak it would have been broken 100,000 years ago.


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    Post  kvs Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:19 pm

    Identical stone work in Egypt as you find in Peru. This is totally outside of the current dogma in archeology.

    The Inca had nothing to do with the megalithic stone work in Peru and the ancient Egyptians clearly had nothing to do
    with the Inca.

    All of these megalithic structures predate both the dynastic Egyptians and the Inca. There was a global spanning
    civilization likely around 12000 years ago. It did not have fossil fuel based technology but it had other technology
    which we totally lack. The speculation about the purpose of the pyramids comes up with resonance as a key element.
    This ancient civilization had a better grasp of acoustics and resonance harmonic applications than we do.

    Tesla thought outside the box. He was a real visionary. Too bad that society is full of careerist maggots who maintain the
    rotten status quo and hinder real progress (not woke degeneracy).

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    Post  nomadski Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:14 pm

    Very interesting posts . I remember that on some TV programme , I saw ancient submerged Huts , on the shores of what must have been an old lake or Sea ( Black Sea ) . And I also remember that they showed signs of erosion and fragments of Sea- shells , embedded in Rocks and pebbles , on the shores of today's Eastern Med Sea . On a separate occasion , I saw a programme that mentioned the Persian Gulf being separated from the Arabian Sea , during lower Sea levels of Ice ages . This also mentioned that the Med Sea went completely dry , during Ice ages , allowing human migration from North Africa to Europe . But maybe this was just a theory ?

    The existence of old ancient Huts , along the shores of the Black Sea , indicates that an inland lake or Sea , connected to Med Sea perhaps , did exist . But also indicated that the rise in Sea levels in Black Sea was sudden . Otherwise inhabitants would have time to move Huts , further inland . Also the geologist said that stones and Rocks in Eastern Med shores were impregnated with Sea shells , indicated a tsunami type wave , as a result of sudden  breaching of Gibraltar gap . Therefore it is reasonable to say that both events are linked .

    Even if the floor of Black Sea is higher than Med Sea , still if the water level was high enough in the Med Sea , then the two would or  could be connected during inter - glacial periods or glacial periods . The breach in Gibraltar gap , may have been a one time event , permanently connecting the two . Some said it broke , because of an Earth quake . Accurate measurements of topography is needed in all areas together with accurate predictions in water level rise , to draw conclusions . I also remember that the Persian Gulf region , being possibly separated from the Indian Ocean , and having fresh water feeding this area , may have been even an earlier point for the start of civilisation , than Sumer or Babylon . Hence the half Fish and half Man Gods of this period !

    About the ancient stone Granite vessel supposedly discovered in Egypt , all agree it is not hand made but machined . Then it was either machined in ancient times or modern era . If ancient , then this civilisation having modern machine tools , must also have had other modern instruments : Rail and Road , planes and Ships .......But there is no evidence of any other equivalent technology . Therefore it is modern .

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    Post  kvs Mon Dec 18, 2023 5:35 am

    These vases are not modern hacks. There are thousands of such vases in the tunnels under one of the pyramids. They are mostly broken and pieces, but
    it is clear that these intact samples originated from there. All of these broken vases are made out of hard stone (e.g. granite) and not alabaster. All of
    them have precise geometry and are not hand made. Egyptian museums have plenty of intact samples of such vases so this is not a fraud.

    There is a clear set of out of place artifacts that do not conform to any of the accepted archeological narratives. These hard stone vases are even
    accepted as being from the period at the beginning of Egypt. So we are supposed to accept that this civilization had a technological evolution that
    went in reverse. The highest tech came first and it was rapidly down hill from there.

    It is absurd to attribute these 1000 ton statues to people with the technological level of dynastic Egypt. There is a serious failure in the historical time
    line. The design of the massive statues conforms to the obvious Egyptian style. But that does not prove that this style is original to dynastic Egypt.
    There is a lost civilization that is being lumped in with dynastic Egypt. This is just lazy "science". Instead of dealing with the obvious contradictions
    we have brushing under the carpet and demonization of critics. Archeologists are not experts in engineering. It is a type of Dunning-Kruger syndrome
    for them to pretend they have the full and final say.

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    Post  nomadski Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:16 pm

    Supposing this ( Ancient machining of stone vessel ) to be true . Then the proof needed is to find ancient fossilized plastics ( metals do not turn to fossil ) . Plastics last for 10 million years , and their fossil for much longer . But if no trace of plastics or plastic fossil , within the era of modern humans , say the past two million years , and if artefacts not fake , then source must be either ancient unknown terrestrial species older than two million years  or extra- terrestrial ! Maybe from Mars , the pyramids and face on Mars , are very similar to Earth pyramids ?

    They could trace the origin of stones in Stonehenge to be some kilometres away from the site in Wales , UK . Similar comparison with the stone vessels , could trace the origin of the stone vessels  to the quarry . In Egypt ? Once origin of stone known , vessel can be examined by electron microscope for surface roughness and other characteristics . This will indicate if surface specially treated or polished to remove machining and tool marks and may also detect material left by tool itself in the stone vessel . If special treatment to remove machining marks , beyond a simple polish for aesthetics ,  then forgery . Otherwise type of machine or tool identified .

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:55 pm

    Maybe time slip Artifacts , do point to lost human or alien civilisations . Ancient technology , diverts from mainstream Archeology !

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    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:05 am

    Point to lost civilisations or alien interference... or perhaps when we claim a certain technology was developed on date x then we were wrong and that it has been invented before.

    Perhaps 5,000 years ago someone invented a lightbulb but of course it would not catch on because no one had invented a stored electrical current to make it work so the idea was forgotten about.... Twisted Evil

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    Post  kvs Sat Dec 23, 2023 4:19 pm

    I need to add some more context to the Black Sea deluge theory above.   The reason that the Sahara is a desert is that it lies on the descending flank
    of the Hadley circulation.    The Hadely circulation consists of two circulation cells roughly the depth of the troposphere (18 km in the tropics, under 10 km
    in high latitudes.)   The two cells straddle a common upwelling zone that moves between 10S and 10N around the equator in a semi-annual cycle.    This
    zone is called the ITCZ and is where the deep convection develops and produces lots of rainfall.   The two cells have most of the mass descent  between
    15-20S and 15-20N.   These are associated with "perpetual" high pressure and lack of rainfall.   You see this in the distribution of deserts in these
    bands around the planet but there are variation because of the land mass distribution and presence of tropical seas and mountain ranges.   These impact
    the development of baroclinic instability and formation of low pressure cells that bring rain.   North-South mountain ranges such as the Rockies and the
    Andes squeeze out moisture due to orographic ascent of prevailing westerly flow giving arid conditions on their eastern flanks.  

    The Black Sea has a latitude of 43N in the center while the Sahara has it at about 22N.    It would not make more sense for the Black Sea region to be
    more arid 8400 years ago than the Sahara.    The Younger-Dryas period about 12000 years ago which lasted 800 years, had a return of cold conditions
    which would have acted to fill up the Black Sea with water just as they did during the 100,000 year glacial maximum period before.   The central issue
    is that this wet and cold regime leaves behind a meta-stable regional climate state and does not just poof out of existence in a single moment.   The
    Sahara is a clear demonstration of this.   The meta-stable state lasted as late as 2000 years ago when the Romans harvested wheat and timber in
    North Africa.   But it was still in place 5000 years ago with actual lakes and rivers in what is now a massive desert.    There is no reason why the
    Black Sea would have dried out between 12000 and 8400 years ago.   Current conditions cannot be extrapolated back like this.  

    As for the supposed submerged villages found on the Black Sea seabed, there are open questions.   If you look at the Black Sea bathymetry, it is a very
    deep sea.   It does down over 2000m in the western end.   But there is a shallow shelf which is around 100m deep at the western end and 35m deep in
    north west where the Sea of Azov is, etc.

    311 feet is about 100 meters and the question is whether we have earth-quake associated subsidence (including land slides) or deluge.   How would
    the Mediterranean have overfilled with glacier meltwater but not the Black Sea?   That does not make any sense.   The Black Sea was a huge lake
    maintained by waters from the Caspain basin (not below current sea level 10,000 years ago) via a channel running into the Sea of Azov and river
    inflow from the Dnepr and Danube.  

    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 1-s2.0-S027737911630227X-gr1

    The Caspian and Black Sea catchments overlapped the northern Europe glacier and the meltwater would have drained into them.    The effect of
    glacier melt on the Mediterranean would be indirect via sea level rise.    The current sea level is almost the same as it would have been 12000 years
    ago.  That means the land separating the Black Sea from the Mediterranean could not have been crested.   By contrast, the Black Sea would
    have overflowed because it was a trapped basin.    The only physically plausible process was the break of the Bosphorus gap from the Black
    Sea side and not vice versa.   I would argue that there was a river linking the Black Sea with the Mediterranean in the Bosphorus location well
    before 8400 years ago.    This river had sufficient flow out of the Black Sea to burrow out a channel during the melt phase.        

    The following paper points to freshwater flux into the Mediterranean during the deglaciation stage:

    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 41598_2022_12055_Fig1_HTML

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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:12 pm

    Anomalous artifacts in the Cairo Museum.

    I have seen some gate keeper claim that the "schist disk" is hand made because it is not precisely geometric. But it was hacked back
    from pieces so this clown is full of shit. He never once mentioned that it was reconstructed.

    Never take anything from academia at face value. It is rife with groupthink and ego investment retardation. I could care less what some
    clown has sunk his life's efforts into. It is routine for scientists with big names to become dogmatic about their own theories and perceptions.
    Instead of respecting the scientific method and being objective, they engage in defamation and witch hunts. The average layman does not
    see this because they are not involved with day to day interactions and the media presents theories like revealed truth. Archeology, cosmology,
    etc, are all speculative with no absolute facts. Whatever observations we have can have multiple interpretations in any number of different
    theories in the case of cosmology. But only one "consensus" product is foisted on the public and anyone who asks questions is a heretic.
    For archeology the situation is worse since obvious contradiction from physical objects is discounted because it does not fit an established
    narrative. This narrative predates the actual archeological evidence so is trivially wrong, but the establishment is invested in it so it keeps


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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:01 pm

    Establishment archeologists are scumbags.   They engage in smear instead of science.   Interestingly, they have a lot of political cover
    which begs the question about an underlying agenda feeding the public BS narratives about history.

    I think the latter point is evidence pointing to political corruption of the field.   The elites do not want the proles asking too many questions
    and undermining their power.   Filling their heads with the notion that they are living in the bestest time under the bestest rule ever is
    clearly motivated.   If the proles did not think the current era is all that special, then they may want more than what is dished out to them
    by their lords and masters.   Likely the fact that grand civilizations of the past have been totally deleted by time makes the rulers very
    uncomfortable.   They are megalomaniacs dreaming of perpetual rule and are pathologically insecure about their perches on top of the
    power pyramid.

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    Post  kvs Sat May 25, 2024 7:26 pm

    A copper saw would not produce the sharp leading edge cut in the granite that you see.

    Here is a "debunking" video using corundum (emery stone grit) abrasive:

    Note the U-shaped leading edge. It is not the copper saw but the abrasive that is doing the job. The copper is soft enough for the grit not to slip.

    All these corundum grit faggots need to provide a single example of such grit in the soil of ancient Egyptian quarries. It should still be there since it
    would have accumulated over the centuries and then be covered up sand and clay deposits blown in by the wind. The quarries you see today were
    excavated in modern times from the desert soil fill. There should be tons and tons of it.

    A copper saw operated by hand would simply not leave the narrow cut you find in the granite box shown in the first video the wiggling would act
    to broaden the U-shaped leading edge. Only a mechanically operated circular saw would have a chance of producing a narrow cut. Such a saw
    would also be consistent with the cutting mistake argument made in the video.

    Anyway, the "hand made with grit" faggots simply have no chance to explain the granite and other igneous rock vases (claimed by archaeologist
    clowns to be canopic jars that all lack lids) produced with precision of a few parts per thousand. Those required lathes with hard metal cutting
    bits. I will concede that it may be possible to cast copper/bronze saws in a way that imbeds emery stone grit into the metal surface. But not
    a single such implement has been found and it is difficult to see how they could guarantee a uniform grit distribution. So any vase would have
    scoring marks requiring precision polishing to remove. The hard stone vases are pre-dynastic and cannot be radio-carbon dated so the metal
    bits used to produce them could easily have disappeared (reused, oxidized, etc.) even before the dynastic Egyptian period.


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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Sun May 26, 2024 2:00 pm

    Fishing around with Google and on YouTube you can find more contrived theories of how dynastic Egyptians supposedly cut granite. They used
    ropes. Laughing So they supposedly figured out how to embed corundite grit into ropes. GTFO. Such a contraption would lose its grit after a few
    minutes and it takes hours to saw through even a moderate amount of granite with a grit abrasion method. The slow rate is related to the
    diameter of the abrasion channel. A sharp, hard metal cutting edge is more efficient since it puts a stronger force on a smaller contact surface
    and does not waste time scouring off more rock with less contact force.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:08 pm

    The details destroy archaeological dogma. See from the 17:30 mark. The Ahramat branch of the Nile could only have existed before 3000-3500 BC.
    In fact, the volume of the Nile would start to decline before 3500 BC. The final collapse of the Sahara savanna would be a meta-stable state
    disruption and not merely a linear process. But you are supposed to believe that every structure in the pyramid complex came after 2700 BC.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:05 pm

    I smell coverup.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 7 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:00 pm

    The structures make no sense . They are unstable , yet have carvings for display yet are buried deliberately or have to be to supported in upright position by Rock wall . Delayed excavation ( revealing more obvious hoaxes ) and careless handling of site for tourism indicates a modern hoax !


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