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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses


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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  lulldapull Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:00 pm

    The shitbilly's that most Americans are and their behaviour around the planet is in full view for most ppl to see in this article. Actually most Americans don't even deny anymore what their terrorist government is upto these days. The war of terror is in its last gasps, and as soon as the U.S. gets routed in Iraq and Afghanistan, a former USSR syndrome will set in which will lead to a total collapse of the corrupt system. I for one will laugh out loud as pretty much everyone has had enough of these shitbilly's and the terrorism.

    I Had Ray Davis's Job, in Laos 30 Years Ago

    Same Cover, Same Lies


    The story of Raymond Allen Davis is one familiar to me and I wish our government would quit doing these things - they cost us credibility.  

    Davis is the American being held as a spy working under diplomatic cover out of our embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. You can understand why foreign countries no longer trust us and people are rising up across the Middle East against the Great Satan.

    In the Vietnam War the country of Laos held a geo-strategic position, as does Pakistan does to Afghanistan today.  As in Pakistan, in Laos our country conducted covert military operations against a sovereign people, using the CIA.  

    I was a demolitions technician with the Air Force who was reassigned to work with the CIA’s Air America operation in Laos. We turned in our military IDs cards and uniforms and were issued a State Department ID card and dressed in blue jeans.  We were told if captured we were to ask for diplomatic immunity, if alive.  We carried out military missions on a daily basis all across the countries of Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.

    We also knew that if killed or captured that we would probably not be searched for and our families back home in the U.S. would be told we had been killed in an auto accident of some kind back in Thailand and our bodies not recovered.  

    Our team knew when the UN inspectors and international media were scheduled to arrive - we controlled the airfields. We would disappear to our safe houses so we could not be asked questions.  It was all a very well planned operation, 60 years ago, involving the military and diplomats out of the US Embassy.   It had been going on a long time when I was there during the 1968 Tet Offensive. This continued for a long time, until we were routed and had to abandon the whole war as a failure.

    In Laos the program I was attached to carried out a systematic assassination of people who were identified as not loyal to U.S. goals.  It was called the Phoenix program and eliminated an estimated 60,000 people across Indochina.  We did an amazing amount of damage to the civilian infrastructure of the country, and still lost the war.  I saw one team of mercenaries I was training show us a bag of ears of dead civilians they had killed.   This was how they verified their kills for us.  The Green Berets that day were telling them to just take photos of the dead, leave the ears.

    Mel Gibson made a movie about all this, called Air America.  It included in the background the illegal drug operation the CIA ran to pay for their operations. Congress had not authorized funds for what we were doing.  I saw the drug operation first hand too.  This was all detailed in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia by Alfred McCoy.  I did not connect all this until the Iran-Contra hearings when Oliver North was testifying about it.  Oliver North was a leader of the Laos operation I was assigned to work with.

    Our country has a long history of these type programs going back to World War Two.   We copied this from of warfare from the Nazis in WWII it seems. We justified it as necessary for the Cold War.  One of the first operations was T.P. Ajax run by Kermit Roosevelt to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953to take over their oil fields.

    In that coup the CIA and the State Department under the Dulles Brothers first perfected these covert, illegal and immoral actions. Historians have suggested that Operation T.P. Ajax  was the single event that set in motion the political force of Islamic fundamentalism we are still dealing with today.

    Chalmers Johnson also a former CIA employee wrote a series of books too on these blowbacks that happen when the truth is held from the American public.  

    If we had taken a different approach to our problems in those days an approach that did not rely on lying to our own and the people of other countries and killing them indiscriminately our country would not be in the disaster it is abroad today..  

    I was young and foolish in those days of the Vietnam War, coveting my Top Secret security clearance, a big thing for an uneducated hillbilly from Appalachia.  We saw ourselves much like James Bond characters, but now I am much wiser. These kinds of actions have immense and long reaching consequences and should be shut down.

    But I see from the Ray Davis fiasco in Pakistan that our government is still up to its old way of denying to the people of the world what everyone knows is true.  

    When will this official hypocrisy end, when will our political
    class speak out about this and quit going along with the lies and tricks?  How many more of our people and others will die in these foolish programs?  

    Davis is in a bad situation now because most of the people of the world, as we see across the Middle East, are now aware of the lies and not going to turn their head anymore.

    I say “most” everyone knows, because our own public, the ones suppose to be in control of the military and CIA,  is constantly lied to.  It is so sad to see President Obama repeating the big lie.

    Robert Anderson lives in Albuquerque, N.M. He can be reached at

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:46 am

    I think a lot more people would have read this if there was no swearing in the title and the title and intro was a bit clearer about what the article you are posting is about.

    Thank you for the article.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  lulldapull Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:00 am

    Garry, as much as I hate the Imperialist US international relations policy, theirs and the Jewish bankster involvement in destabilizing the world for Imperialist benefit I wouldn't be harping on this site.

    anyone supporting the imperialist agenda on a Russian military site.......boy.......God help them or else I would rip them a new fun-hole! sniper

    The proof of planning, executing and implementing terror around the planet stops at the door of both the UK and the US. If some one denies that then I got a problem with that. Wink

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:18 pm

    It is an old problem of course... if you take away their power and money someone else will replace them and do very very similar things.

    It is human nature unfortunately.

    Glad we have you to keep them honest and remind us that it was western propaganda that won the cold war... many including Gorby probably thought that once they had renounced communism that the west would embrace Russia and help solve its problems in a friendly constructive way... the way they rebuilt Germany and Japan after WWII to prevent a repeat of WWI.

    Unfortunately it wasn't to prevent a repeat of what happened after WWI that led to WWII, it was to prop up two countries to help in the fight against a new rival.

    China is in the WTO and has better trade relations with the US... and it is a communist country.

    It is funny they can put up with Chinas choice of government but couldn't do the same with the Soviet Union, or North Korea, or Cuba. China was used as an ally of convenience against the Communist Soviets that were seen as a greater threat. Now that Russia is a democracy you'd think if they were consistent with their rhetoric they would have an about face and invest and support Russia over China, but it is pretty clear it was never about communism and always about Russia is a big country that has potential to be a direct rival and that is the wedge in future relations with the US.
    Unfortunately the policy of the enemy of my enemy is my friend got them used to getting into bed with first communists during WWII and then in the immediate post war period they got into bed with nazis to work on their space program and japanese war criminals to work in their bio weapons programs... then in the 60s and 70s and 80s it was the communist chinese and various despots in central and south america who performed torture that makes water boarding look like fun... take two prisoners up in a helicopter... one prisoner you think knows something and the other that knows nothing... the one that knows nothing is in a full body cast and can't move... fly out over the sea and push the guy who knows nothing out of the helo into the water to drown... make sure both prisoners are very clear about what you are about to do before you do it. Then start asking the remaining prisoner some questions... he will tell you anything he knows, but you have to make it clear you will be checking his answers and if he lies or makes something up they will take him and then his family for another helicopter ride in a fully body cast... I know of this because I have read reports written by CIA operatives who were in the helos "supervising" the interrogations. Then in the 1980s it was the Pakistani ISI and the Afghan resistence that were buddies of the US, and in the 90s that became the Taleban... it was CIA money through the ISI that paid for the communications equipment and light trucks and bribe money the Taleban used to take power so quickly... only the Northern Alliance survived in the north of the country... secretly supported by Russia. Of course when the Taleban became persona non grata the US changed sides and used Northern Alliance ground forces to defeat the taleban using airpower. As the Northern Alliance moved the Taleban could either group up and defend themselves... in which case the US special forces embedded in the NA forces called in air power to wipe them out. If they didn't group up of course the NA fighters could take them out easily in small groups or individuals.
    Of course it was easy to sweep across the country like that... most of the hard core taleban fought and died and the rest just went home and pretended to be civilians and waited their time.
    The problem with using air power can be best described by a US AF pilot describing the effect of air power in Vietnam... he basically said... "See that hill up there? That is the enemies. I can bomb the heck out of it and make it mine, but as soon as I fly past and after the bombs and rockets go off it is his again."

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  nightcrawler Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:52 pm

    Thing is tht he got redhanded & wives of the murdered civilians are irritating over media again & again & this makes a hell for Raymond Davis & the US embassy alike

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  lulldapull Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:21 pm

    That's right Nightcrawler.........about him being caught red fukkin handed! Very Happy

    His cell phone records showed that he had made 23 calls to individuals belonging to banned terrorist outfits in Pakistan including in the off limits tribal areas to banned Pakistani Taleban affiliated individuals. Not only that the ISI has him nailed on many other totally outrageous things not being disclosed to the media.

    Not only that, evidence also shows that he was canvasing sensitive Pakistani military areas for potential terrorist operations.

    The reality Garry despite your best efforts to avoid it, and we are all fairly certain on who organizes, abets and covertly supports terrorist and suicide bombings. What we have seen in Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan for the last few all smoke & mirrors.

    The US and the UK are directly involved in conducting black ops/ false flag/ color revolutions & terrorist operations all around the world.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:47 am

    20 years ago if you had suggested such things you would have been a kook or conspiracy theorist... a member of the tinfoil hat brigade.

    Today with the internet and Wikileaks and a bit of honesty from some sectors that were afraid to speak out before... like the article quoted in the first post above... we now know that just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean the whole world isn't out to get you.

    The problem is that if a non-western person says something they are just jealous, or have a chip on their shoulder regarding western imperialism. If a western person says it they are clearly leftist or part of the group of apologists that apologise for everything great the west has done... like educating the native americans/australians/new zealanders/etc etc... which was a fair trade for pinching their land and resources...

    The honest truth is that most in the west don't care and don't want anything done about it because they benefit from the current setup.

    It is like the German people... when US and Soviet tanks rolled through their neighbourhood they didn't support the nazis... but 3-4 years before that they were waving flags and using Polish slave labour to work their farms for free. If you asked them in 1941 whether they wanted to stop everything the nazis were doing I doubt the answer would be the same as in 1945... and sadly that is human nature. When things are good who cares about where it comes from... ask Bill Clinton.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  nightcrawler Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:28 pm

    Latest updates about Davis & his probable connection with Nuclear trafficking [conspiracy theory perhaps]. However CIA & ISI really are broken up over this issue [or so it seems]

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  lulldapull Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:47 am

    Yaar, no one is broken up over anything! Pakistani's know their 'auqaat' very well viz a viz the U.S.

    Punjabi's in our ISI & military understand clearly that if the slightest dissent if we showed to the U.S. we will be shut down, our economy destroyed and India sicked on our ass and terrorism will be ratcheted up big time.

    Pakistan's nuclear weapons are in the 'safe hands' of the CIA already......The whole country is infiltrated with CIA agents. Don't have any doubts about that.

    Controlled chaos is the order of the day to justify the means to an end.......

    Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and that Bitch Nazir all worked for the same people who sit in Washington. Rolling Eyes

    P.S. Syria, Jordan, Algeria, Saudi Haramia....these helpless countries are next in line for regime change from within. Al-CIAda will be infiltrated into the mix to create chaos, and produce the required justification for 'Western intervention'. Just keep watching.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  Pervius Sun May 29, 2011 3:25 pm

    I met one of the Army Green beret's that was in Cambodia back then. His Govt denies he was there, he started hating his govt.

    He bought lots of land and has bunkers all over it with tunnels. He liberated US Army ordinance, has some old jammers....he's ready for something to come.

    He knows something is going to come. His son turned into a computer guru and was the first person to run Windows in a shell on Linux. He creates software for missile guidance systems now.

    America knows eventually someone's going to avenge evil deeds. Hence the need to send all countries back to the stone age and take over the world.

    1/3rd of America is about to die. That Generation loss would make America unable to defend itself and that generation would have no clue why everyone hates them.

    So the Baby Boomers need to do some more killin'. A "New World Order". Has to be done before they are dead. Hence the rush.

    ""Pakistan's nukes are safe in CIA hands"".......I don't believe that is true. Saudi Arabia has their Pakistani nukes secured. The Saud's are tied to Pakistan to the end, they need them to run/fix their technology. China is now Saudi's best friend...Pakistan just got handed lots of Chinese military hardware/ 50 new fighter jets.

    Time will tell if China/Saudi/Pakistan can fight off their threat.


    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights violations

    Post  Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:57 am

    Under the Nuremberg Principles, later incorporated into the United Nations Charter, to which the United States is a signatory, the planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, which is defined as a war started against another nation that does not pose an imminent threat of attack on the aggressor nation or nations, is the highest of war crimes, for which the perpetrators are liable for the death penalty. Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of those above acts is an equally serious capital crime.

    How then to explain the casual way that civilian and military leaders of the US and Israel are talking openly about plans and threats to attack Iran?

    The supposed casus belli or justification for such an attack is that Iran, which has a uranium enrichment program underway which it claims is to produce nuclear fuel for its new nuclear reactor (a completely legal activity for any nation under international law), secretly plans to further enrich uranium to make an atomic bomb. Yet that is a process which, even if it were to be implemented, would not lead to an actual bomb suitable for testing for at least a year, and which would not give Iran a functioning, useable weapon for even longer. (US intelligence sources say that Iran at this point is not even trying to make a bomb!).

    That alleged threat, even if it were real, doesn’t even come close to constituting an “imminent” threat of attack of the kind which might justify a pre-emptive strike on Iran, as is being publicly contemplated and threatened by the US and Israel.

    The simple fact is that the president of the United States, Barack Obama, and his top generals and cabinet officers, are committing a war crime every time they threaten Iran with attack. The president is also committing a crime of conspiracy when he sends his generals to Israel, which is also committing the crime of threatening to attack Iran and planning to attack Iran. This is because by discussing options for an attack, or by providing Israel with the weapons and delivery systems it would need for such an attack, as the US is doing by sending Israel super large bunker-buster bombs and bomb-capable aircraft, they are furthering that conspiracy.

    What is absolutely stunning is that this massive criminality at the highest levels of the US government is going on totally unchallenged by the US mainstream media
    There is not one word in the Times or anywhere else in the corporate media about the reality that such an attack would constitute the commission of a supreme war crime.

    But all the war talk and saber rattling, the only debate in the US media seems to be over whether the US is really planning to attack Iran, or whether it would join in attacking Iran if Israel were to launch an attack, not on whether such an attack by either nation on Iran would constitute a horrific war crime.

    There are polls, some of which show a majority of Americans to favor an attack on Iran by the US, but again, there are no pollsters asking Americans whether they think such an attack would be a crime against humanity.

    Never have the US media suggested that past horrors were war crimes deserving prosecution (though at least the House Impeachment Committee did consider charging President Richard Nixon with a war crime for invading Cambodia).
    So why should we expect things to be any different now?

    US mainstream media & Gang of War Criminals

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  Kysusha Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:56 am

    Nuremburg was nothing to do with Justice – it was retribution and revenge – and the extermination of people who knew the truth [Holohoax].

    Since then, the UN and the ICJ has systematically displayed unbelievable bias. The Hague trials are a perpetuation of the Nuremburg fiascos.

    Anyone with only one eye can see that there actually is no justice in the world – otherwise the leaders of the Western powers would all be hung! Power, as Chairman Moa said, comes from the end of a barrel!

    Learn this phrase – “Might is right”. If you are going to oppose the world order, make dam sure you are going to win – Hitler was a prime example.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:23 am

    Russia is not strong enough to take on the west in terms of force.

    In terms of military force and economics and political power and influence.

    Russia would struggle against china and the economic ramifications would put them both back 30 years... ie not to where they were 30 years ago, but to a place where it will take 30 years to get back to the position they are in now. in terms of their positions in comparison with the west.

    Western double speak where they talk about the greater good and right and wrong and good and evil but what they are really talking about is their own interests economic and political and more and more countries who liked the sound of justice and democracy and peace realise it was all just rubbish they used to justify the countries they stole from and walked all over.... it was the colonial language to justify their separation of the native from the land and its wealth...

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  gloriousfatherland Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:46 pm

    The US violates treaties signed nothing new here. Thats what happens when there is one superpower in the world that seeks globabal hegemony. Look at the Geneva convention on the torture of POW's in Iraq. They just bullS**tted around it using language of the document. When your the most unstoppable force on the planet, whose gonna stop your course of action? No one....

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  gloriousfatherland Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:15 pm

    GarryB wrote:Russia is not strong enough to take on the west in terms of force.

    In terms of military force and economics and political power and influence.

    Russia would struggle against china and the economic ramifications would put them both back 30 years... ie not to where they were 30 years ago, but to a place where it will take 30 years to get back to the position they are in now. in terms of their positions in comparison with the west.

    Western double speak where they talk about the greater good and right and wrong and good and evil but what they are really talking about is their own interests economic and political and more and more countries who liked the sound of justice and democracy and peace realise it was all just rubbish they used to justify the countries they stole from and walked all over.... it was the colonial language to justify their separation of the native from the land and its wealth...

    Russia don't have the need to take on the west with military force. Russia's president already stated it reserves the right to first Strike capability if it feels threatened by Nato's Action via the Strategic Rocket Forces and Navy. Russia will only get involved when important regional interests are at sake like its mediteranian port in Syria, or CIS countries are attacked.

    The West are brilliant at global control or as our good firend Col.Eugene Krushchev "managed chaos". The west most important weapon is their psychological assests proliferated through globalisation. These include mass media and the internet ans they have the most advance technology to control such assests and develop them to the maximum capacity. Media especially creates perceptions===========> controls the mind of their citizens==========>keeps the trinity between state, military and population. Its seems Carl Von Clausewitz's influence went very deep into their psyche of their modus operandi. You will all notice that the west wages a large media campaign prior to engagement or conflict . This is to preserve the trinity.They justify their actions in the minds of their population very deeply now so that protests on the scale of Vietnam that took place in the US wouldn't do so again so their population will be giving full moral support to their leaders action and the military.This is where anti-NWO countries like Russia fail to do so both internally and globally. Sun Tzu called this winning without fighting and this is the most effecitve form of warfare. This is seen today in the arab spring.
    So for russia to retain its superpower status it must reinstate its nationalistic pride into its soldiers and population as seen in its great anthem and for instance the pride to serve in Russian VDV. It must use the enemy's greatest weapon "globalisation" against them, subdue the enemy without skill and break their trinity.The advantages also western forces have again is that they treat/reward their soldiers better. However as conscription fades out this will not be an issue.


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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty US mainstream media & Gang of War Criminals

    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:31 am

    I don't agree that the west is brilliant at global control... I think the west is pretty good at convincing its own citizens that it is a force for good and truth, but I think most people in non western countries can see they clearly don't practise what they preach...

    I certainly agree that Russia needs a change in attitude in several areas and like anything else that will take time.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:16 am

    The problem is that the west has interests... not friends.

    While the Soviets were a threat then helping religious fanatics in their holy jihad was useful to the west.

    This same lesser of two evils logic led to the west joining forces with Uncle Joe Stalin till the German question was sorted out.

    The same can be said now, where the removal of Assad will put pressure on Iran... the west doesn't care that Syria will change from a moderate muslim country to a fanatical Sunni muslim country that will hate all its neighbours till they share the same fanaticism.

    The real question the west has to ask is will weakening Iran in the region be worth the strengthening of the Sunni grip on the Middle East?

    When push comes to shove if there is conflict against Iran from an Assadless Syria, the US based governments in Iraq and Afghanistan will collapse over night as the Shia majority step up.

    The main problem right now is the demonising of Iran, which is actually close to being the only real democracy in the region... it certainly isn't Israel, with their aparteid structure, and no one could ever consider Saudi Arabia of being democratic...

    But then the US treated India like the enemy and befriended Pakistan... worlds most populous democracy rejected and a country with a military dictatorship befriended... because India had a good relationship with the Soviets.

    The problem with the logic of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is that real friends have something in common... shared values and beliefs etc etc. If anything the US had more in common with India than with Pakistan and they are coming around... but mostly for other interests... the US loves to play other countries off against the other and at the moment the US sucking up to India looks more like business... 1.2 billion pairs of jeans is worth a lot of money, and of course all that cheap labour they can play them off against China... which they are beginning to realise is still communist.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  Kysusha Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:11 am

    Garry, the whole process going on now – is to “Divide and conquer” ; a process the Zionists have been perpetrating for decades so as to weaken the Western world and to destroy strong opposition around their bastard state.

    The main shakers and movers in recent ‘popular uprisings’, has been MOSSAD and the CIA. Yankee money and the Zionists carrying out the delivery of weapons and ground operatives.

    How on earth anyone in their right mind can consider for one minute that Syria is a popular uprising is totally beyond me. How do they expect a local Syrian guy can go to his corner shop and buy an AK47 [or RPG]? Hell, even if he could get one there, he couldn’t afford it! This “popular uprising” is instigated, fuelled, controlled and orchestrated by MOSSAD / CIA/ MI6 and the DGSE. Add in Qatar and Saudi rebels as foot-solders and you have the bones of the up-rising.

    If the UN had any balls at all, they would declare these events and those of Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Georgia and Libya war crimes – acts against humanity [as was Serbia]. Kofi Annan is just a little black puppet dancing to the tune of the Zionist controlled UN and US administration.

    The emphasis of the Zionists is to destroy the fabric of other societies/culture etc while all the time remaining strong in themselves – they are the ultimate racists! Currently they are pushing “integration” into Sweden, you won’t see the Zionist integrating! In Israel, people are put in jail for talking about Christ, having the New Testament – Christianity is a forbidden religion there.

    Wake up people.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Are Chemical Weapons WMD?

    Post  Kysusha Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:35 pm

    Oh look see what’s happening now in the world; regarding Syria. Note that the Frogs, a nation that has lost every war in modern history that they have started or been in, have now come out with the statement that IF Syria uses Chemical weapons it will be an invitation for foreign intervention!. How brave of them!

    Let’s just put that in perspective here – the AXIS OF EVIL is already intervening in Syria, the Frogs and HATO are in their up to their balls as it is, but that still isn’t enough for the Frogs, so they will ratchet up the game so that when they do get involved “officially” they can call help to HATO to get them out of the pooh they will get themselves into. Whereby, effectively passing the war onto others, like they have done through history!

    But what about the statement of theirs – isn’t this just George Bush all over again, with his WMD in Iraq? Syria has admitted that they possess Chemical weapons but have also stated that they would not use them against their own people. The opportunity is now set for the Axis of Evil to slip chemical weapons to the terrorist fighters and mercenaries in Syria so that they can use them and then call the UN to come and verify that Syria has used chemical weapons against it’s people – after all, how could innocent “freedom Fighters” get their hands on such weapons??

    Wake up, this ploy worked in Iraq, so they just trot the same tactic out under a slightly different guise. Here we go with another round of finger pointing at weapons of mass destruction! The real WMD is HATO and the Axis of Evil who have an agenda to cause untold bloodshed and misery around the world in countries that are stable and prosperous so that the Zionist controlled administrations in the West can further rob the people of the world.

    The UN has been hijacked – has been for a very long time and no honest outcome will ever emanate from the UN. We need a true world court to try the leaders of HATO and the Western powers for their callous acts against humanity.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:33 am

    IMO chemical weapons are WMD only if not used by juice.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  Kysusha Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:46 am

    Sarcasm is missed, I see.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:11 pm

    I don't think anyone will be fooled by the WMD charade again... no matter how convincing they try to make it all appear.

    In fact it just makes a real joke of the supposed threat of Saddams WMDs.

    The west is actively supporting a bunch of no hopers including the dreaded Al Quada to take over a country with significant amounts of WMDs... they are encouraging a rag tag group of armed nutters to over throw a legitimate government and thereby gain control of WMD stocks with no mandate from their own people, and bound by no international agreements on those WMDs.

    Yeah, I can see why the west wants to create that sort of situation...

    In a way I hope they get their way and then have to deal with "Syrian" WMD attacks on Israel, which will likely be the first order of business for them.

    Of course I don't really hope that because it would not just be bad for the Israelis, but it will be bad for the Syrian people.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:34 am

    Many people say that syrias chemical weapons are definately for use against their own population because if they would be used for self defence they would be useless since NATO can easily avoid losses with its more than enough NBC protection and bashar knows that.

    Whats your opinion?

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    Post  Kysusha Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:34 pm

    I think the whole issue of Chemical Weapons is just a re-run of the Iraqi WMD lie that the Yanks used to bomb the crap out of a sovereign country which should have been allowed to develop their own defence arsenal – what about the Joos? They have WMD so any chance the Yanks will bomb the crap out of them???

    FUSUK are now trotting out the same scenario as Iraqi as a pretext to invade Syria – after all, it worked before and they have never been too inventive or imaginative – look at all the “coloured revolutions”. Get a scenario that works, control the media and the public will follow! Sheepeople are so easily lead. Only Russia/China are against them [at least they see the problem], but the rest of the Western world will blindly follow the piper off the cliff like a bunch of Lemmings.

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    US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses Empty Re: US Εxceptionalism in War Crimes and human rights abuses

    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:26 pm

    Many people say that syrias chemical weapons are definately for use against their own population because if they would be used for self defence they would be useless since NATO can easily avoid losses with its more than enough NBC protection and bashar knows that.

    Whats your opinion?

    Chemical weapons are expensive to make and difficult to handle safely, and expensive to store.

    Why use chemical weapons against your own population when bullets and HE work just fine?

    Syria has Chemical weapons for the same reason everyone else has them... as a deterrent so that your potential enemies will never use them against you.

    That was the same reason there was little to no use of chem or bio weapons during WWII, because each side feared the other side had a more powerful weapon and just wanted an excuse to use it.

    If anything the presence of Chemical weapons... not just poisonous chemicals, but weaponised chemicals should be an alarm bell to say to the west they should not be supporting a rag tag bunch of foreigners and malcontents to take over Syria because that will result in them getting control of a lot of very dangerous weapons and systems.

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