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    Exposing The West


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    Exposing The West Empty Exposing The West

    Post  jhelb Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:31 pm

    I am starting this thread to expose the lies that the West has been spreading the world over

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  jhelb Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:33 pm

    North America before illegal immigrants spoiled the place

    Exposing The West Mwvmhj10

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  victor1985 Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:28 pm

    usually usa speak about peace but they always sustain that "peace" with weapons. that doesnt look quite fair. justify that is need for a world policeman raise the question if that policeman is using this argument for impose own interests. so where come from the peace in finally is easy. just let everyone autodetermine because only in own style you can find that peace.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  jhelb Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:42 am

    Henry Kissinger's Latest Interview: Admits Detente Was Used To Dis Integrate The Soviet Union

    Also note what he says about China. G2 is certainly possible.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  jhelb Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:07 pm

    Proof that the US tried to destabilize every single Soviet ally in the Middle East post 1991

    In 1991, [powerful neocon and Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz] was the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy – the number 3 position at the Pentagon. And I had gone to see him when I was a 1-Star General commanding the National Training Center.


    And I said, “Mr. Secretary, you must be pretty happy with the performance of the troops in Desert Storm.”

    And he said: “Yeah, but not really, because the truth is we should have gotten rid of Saddam Hussein, and we didn’t … But one thing we did learn [from the Persian Gulf War] is that we can use our military in the region – in the Middle East – and the Soviets won’t stop us. And we’ve got about 5 or 10 years to clean up those old Soviet client regimes – Syria, Iran, Iraq – before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us.”

    Gen Wesley Clarke

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    Exposing The West Empty Crimes Of The U.S

    Post  jhelb Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:55 am

    How The US Government Invents Terrorist By Falsely Implicating Innocent Individuals

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:19 am

    All this talk of NATO needing to protect their Eastern European allies is truly laughable:

    NATO wanted to nuke their future allies
    max steel
    max steel

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  max steel Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:38 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:All this talk of NATO needing to protect their Eastern European allies is truly laughable:

    NATO wanted to nuke their future allies

    Can't find any such article describing nato wants to nuke their allies

    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Guest Thu Dec 31, 2015 1:56 pm

    max steel wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:All this talk of NATO needing to protect their Eastern European allies is truly laughable:

    NATO wanted to nuke their future allies

    Can't find any such article describing nato wants to nuke their allies

    I however on other hand can Very Happy

    "U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time

    According to 1956 Plan, H-Bombs were to be Used Against Priority “Air Power” Targets in the Soviet Union, China, and Eastern Europe

    Major Cities in Soviet Bloc, Including East Berlin, Were High Priorities in “Systematic Destruction” for Atomic Bombings

    Plans to Target People (“Population”) Violated International Legal Norms"

    "The SAC [Strategic Air Command] Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959, produced in June 1956 and published today for the first time by the National Security Archive, provides the most comprehensive and detailed list of nuclear targets and target systems that has ever been declassified. As far as can be told, no comparable document has ever been declassified for any period of Cold War history.

    The SAC study includes chilling details. According to its authors, their target priorities and nuclear bombing tactics would expose nearby civilians and “friendly forces and people” to high levels of deadly radioactive fallout. Moreover, the authors developed a plan for the “systematic destruction” of Soviet bloc urban-industrial targets that specifically and explicitly targeted “population” in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw. Purposefully targeting civilian populations as such directly conflicted with the international norms of the day, which prohibited attacks on people per se (as opposed to military installations with civilians nearby).

    The National Security Archive, based at The George Washington University, obtained the study, totaling more than 800 pages, through the Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) process (see sidebar).

    The SAC document includes lists of more than 1100 airfields in the Soviet bloc, with a priority number assigned to each base. With the Soviet bomber force as the highest priority for nuclear targeting (this was before the age of ICBMs), SAC assigned priority one and two to Bykhov and Orsha airfields, both located in Belorussia. At both bases, the Soviet Air Force deployed medium-range Badger (TU-16) bombers, which would have posed a threat to NATO allies and U.S. forces in Western Europe.

    A second list was of urban-industrial areas identified for “systematic destruction.” SAC listed over 1200 cities in the Soviet bloc, from East Germany to China, also with priorities established. Moscow and Leningrad were priority one and two respectively. Moscow included 179 Designated Ground Zeros (DGZs) while Leningrad had 145, including “population” targets. In both cities, SAC identified air power installations, such as Soviet Air Force command centers, which it would have devastated with thermonuclear weapons early in the war.

    According to the study, SAC would have targeted Air Power targets with bombs ranging from 1.7 to 9 megatons. Exploding them at ground level, as planned, would have produced significant fallout hazards to nearby civilians. SAC also wanted a 60 megaton weapon which it believed necessary for deterrence, but also because it would produce “significant results” in the event of a Soviet surprise attack. One megaton would be 70 times the explosive yield of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.

    Exposing The West Title-page-1

    max steel
    max steel

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  max steel Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:41 pm

    Militarov wrote:
    max steel wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:All this talk of NATO needing to protect their Eastern European allies is truly laughable:

    NATO wanted to nuke their future allies

    Can't find any such article describing nato wants to nuke their allies

    I however on other hand can Very Happy

    "U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time

    According to 1956 Plan, H-Bombs were to be Used Against Priority “Air Power” Targets in the Soviet Union, China, and Eastern Europe

    Major Cities in Soviet Bloc, Including East Berlin, Were High Priorities in “Systematic Destruction” for Atomic Bombings

    Plans to Target People (“Population”) Violated International Legal Norms"

    "The SAC [Strategic Air Command] Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959, produced in June 1956 and published today for the first time by the National Security Archive, provides the most comprehensive and detailed list of nuclear targets and target systems that has ever been declassified. As far as can be told, no comparable document has ever been declassified for any period of Cold War history.

    The SAC study includes chilling details. According to its authors,  their target priorities and nuclear bombing tactics would expose nearby civilians and “friendly forces and people” to high levels of deadly radioactive fallout.  Moreover, the authors developed a plan for the “systematic destruction” of Soviet bloc urban-industrial targets that specifically and explicitly targeted “population” in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw.  Purposefully targeting civilian populations as such directly conflicted with the international norms of the day, which prohibited attacks on people per se (as opposed to military installations with civilians nearby).

    The National Security Archive, based at The George Washington University, obtained the study, totaling more than 800 pages, through the Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) process (see sidebar).

    The SAC document includes lists of more than 1100 airfields in the Soviet bloc, with a priority number assigned to each base.  With the Soviet bomber force as the highest priority for nuclear targeting (this was before the age of ICBMs), SAC assigned priority one and two to Bykhov and Orsha airfields, both located in Belorussia. At both bases, the Soviet Air Force deployed medium-range Badger (TU-16) bombers, which would have posed a threat to NATO allies and U.S. forces in Western Europe.  

    A second list was of urban-industrial areas identified for “systematic destruction.”  SAC listed over 1200 cities in the Soviet bloc, from East Germany to China, also with priorities established.  Moscow and Leningrad were priority one and two respectively.  Moscow included 179 Designated Ground Zeros (DGZs) while Leningrad had 145, including “population” targets.  In both cities, SAC identified air power installations, such as Soviet Air Force command centers, which it would have devastated with thermonuclear weapons early in the war.

    According to the study, SAC would have targeted Air Power targets with bombs ranging from 1.7 to 9 megatons.  Exploding them at ground level, as planned, would have produced significant fallout hazards to nearby civilians.  SAC also wanted a 60 megaton weapon which it believed necessary for deterrence, but also because it would produce “significant results” in the event of a Soviet surprise attack. One megaton would be 70 times the explosive yield of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.

    Exposing The West Title-page-1


    At that time Eastern Europe was under Soviet Union not under nato membership. A misleading headline, nothing else.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Werewolf Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:49 pm

    And you think people would care?

    Rest of germany certainly would not like to see their home country being nuked. Nobody needs such an enemy when you already have such an ally. The strategy has never changed, the US still happily planning to throw every ukrainian, pole, czech, german, esto-latvo-lithunian against russia. That was always the strategy of US and has never changed and it will never change because the leadership has never changed. Not the presidents run the country but elitists that is why JFK was murdered he was against that establishment of elitists running shadowy the country and global politics.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Svyatoslavich Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:00 pm

    Let's be honest here, I think this is making too much noise over a quite obvious fact. Do people think that the Soviet Union had no plans to bomb Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and any other NATO country in case of WWIII?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:08 pm

    OMFG, "plans" once more...

    Every country makes hundreds of plans "in case of...". 99.99% of them never see implementation. I am sure that PLA general staff has plans for a war against India -does it mean that China actually wants to wage war with India?

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Werewolf Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:28 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:OMFG, "plans" once more...

    Every country makes hundreds of plans "in case of...". 99.99% of them never see implementation. I am sure that PLA general staff has plans for a war against India  -does it mean that China actually wants to wage war with India?

    US wants to wage a war agaisnt russia that is a fact and has never changed. No matter the cost of lives of others is the policy so keep your bullshit away or adopt to reality.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:02 pm

    Bombshell Report: Pentagon Mismanaged $2.1 Billion In F-35 Stealth Jet Parts

    This is business as usual in the USA. Where are all the checks and balances and Congressional oversight? Why are
    corporate lobbyists setting the regulatory climate?

    It should be clear by now that there is nothing special about the west. It is composed of humans and not infallible gods.
    So no magic system will make it squeaky clean.

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    Exposing The West Empty Bombshell Report: Pentagon Mismanaged $2.1 Billion In F-35 Stealth Jet Parts

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:52 am

    Wasn't that long ago there was a report that the pentagon couldn't find over 7 billion dollars worth of money that has just disappeared and cannot be accounted for...

    Was it during Bush or Clinton that a law was written that basically means the Pentagons budget does not have to add up or ever be audited... basically it does not have to balance its books and cannot be held to account if it is found to have lost money...

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    Exposing The West Empty Western colour revolution attempt in China in 1989

    Post  kvs Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:02 am

    Rather convincing evidence that it was not "pro democracy students" and instead a criminal operation.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:29 am

    Pretty obvious that there are only real free revolutions quickly get squashed by the CIA... whether it is Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders in the US...

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 01, 2019 4:37 pm

    Elon Musk is a thug and wanted to have the whistle-blower who exposed the horrible quality control and working conditions
    at Tesla to be "killed by cop" by having false reports of a mass shooting in preparation given to police. This is on top
    of the smear campaign in the mass media.

    The whistle blower exposed that Tesla's production volume is half of what Musk claims. Musk is a show-boating snake oil
    salesman that diverts attention from failures in SpaceX with BS announcements at Tesla and vice versa.


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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:20 am

    As long as Musk is in control the US will need to keep buying Russian man rated rockets to access space... so as far as I am concerned Viva Le Elon.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:38 am

    GarryB wrote:As long as Musk is in control the US will need to keep buying Russian man rated rockets to access space... so as far as I am concerned Viva Le Elon.

    Snake oil capitalism is a failure. Considering the subject matter I linked in other threads, the USSR would have succeeded if it paid attention
    to human psychology. It could have secured itself first before feeding parasites around the world and could have implemented exactly the
    same pluralism that the west was claiming to own by having multiple parties. If multiple parties can exist in a capitalist economy, then
    they can exist in a communist economy (*). Unfortunately, Soviet communism was born out of combinations of western meddling and subjected
    to endless hostility from the colonialist west. It could not be soft during its formative stages and this became a legacy that dragged it down
    in the 1970s and later. Autocratic one party rule resulted in the formation of a capitalist wannabe elite who broke the system from the

    (*) I have heard claims that pluralism can only exist under capitalism. This is BS. Capitalist pluralism is loyal to the economic order even
    if there is lots of "debate" about socialist policies. No mainstream party is going to round up capitalists and send them to gulags. The same
    loyal order can be maintained under communism.

    PS. The prime reason that the west hates Russia is that it is not conforming and submitting. The current system in Russia is not western
    style capitalism. The government actually has a spine and cracks the whip on oligarch wannabes. In some ways the Russian flavour of
    capitalism is similar to the South Korean and Japanese models, but it is not culturally linked to feudalism and family clans. Russia realized
    that not everything about the USSR was a "fail" and that western order is not some invisible hand of order from chaos, but oligarchical
    control. This realization took root by 1998 when Chernomyrdin stated that the era of market romanticism is over. And Primakov stepped
    in to save the Russian economy with pragmatic solutions instead of monetarist and capitalist voodoo.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Aristide Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:35 am

    jhelb wrote:
    North America before illegal immigrants spoiled the place

    Exposing The West Mwvmhj10

    Do you have a similar map of Siberia befor illegal immigrants spoiled the place?

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:22 am

    So what you are saying is that we europeans are civilised and advanced in technology, but when someone talks about your crimes and history of being very uncivilised you revert to being a 5 year old and say but they did it too...

    Which pretty much shows the civility and morality is skin deep and useless... practise what you preach or shut the fuck up.

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    Exposing The West Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Aristide Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:57 am

    GarryB wrote:So what you are saying is that we europeans are civilised and advanced in technology, but when someone talks about your crimes and history of being very uncivilised you revert to being a 5 year old and say but they did it too...

    Which pretty much shows the civility and morality is skin deep and useless... practise what you preach or shut the fuck up.

    No, Russians are europeans too. Im talking about their conquest of siberia. Its not often talked about. It was same methods that europeans used in north america.

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    Exposing The West Empty CIA Spied Using Sabotaged Encryption Equipment It Sold to Foreign Governments Since the 1970s

    Post  PhSt Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:10 am

    Apparently, when its the CIA that has been exposed of spying on other countries it is considered the "Norm" and part of the world's "Traditional Values" and that the issue needs to be dismissed and forgotten and the world should move on, but when its companies like Huawei or organization like GRU that is accused of "Spying" it is a central threat of our time and needs to be on the news 27/7 for 1000 years. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

    CIA Spied Using Sabotaged Encryption Equipment It Sold to Foreign Governments Since the 1970s

    The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA) spied on allies and enemies alike through a company they owned that made cryptography equipment, according to an explosive new report from the Washington Post and Germany’s ZDF news outlet.

    The Swiss-based company, Crypto AG, which was founded in the 1940s as an independent firm during World War II, struck a shady deal with the CIA in 1951, subsequently became owned by the CIA in the 1970s, and was disbanded in 2018. And many former employees of the company, most of whom apparently had no idea that Crypto AG was secretly controlled by the CIA, are not happy with the revelation.

    The Washington Post and ZDF learned about the program, codenamed both Rubicon and Thesaurus at various times, through a 2004 secret CIA history document produced by the agency itself and a 2008 oral history by German intelligence. But the news outlets never tell readers how they obtained these tightly guarded documents.

    The CIA and NSA controlled Crypto AG jointly with Western Germany’s intelligence agency during the first Cold War.

    “It was the intelligence coup of the century,” the CIA report reads, according to the Washington Post. “Foreign governments were paying good money to the U.S. and West Germany for the privilege of having their most secret communications read by at least two (and possibly as many as five or six) foreign countries.”

    The “five or six foreign countries” likely refers to the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement between the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, with the sixth country being Germany.

    The spying program was wildly successful and accounted for roughly 40 percent of all intel interceptions of foreign governments by U.S. intelligence in the 1980s and a whopping 90 percent for West German intelligence (BND), according to a screenshot of the CIA history published by the Post.

    The Americans eventually bought out the Germans, who left the spying arrangement in the early 1990s, to take sole ownership of Crypto AG, sometimes referred to by its company codename Minerva.

    How did the cryptography technology work to deceive foreign governments? Crypto AG’s machines were made to look like they were producing randomly generated characters to encode messages, but they were anything but random. The NSA didn’t install backdoors, it just made the encryption weak enough that the agency could crack the messages.

    The Soviet Union and China never purchased Crypto AG’s technology, but at least 62 other countries like Japan, Mexico, Egypt, South Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Argentina, Indonesia, and Libya, all reportedly used the encryption devices and had their most sensitive government communications intercepted and deciphered by the CIA for over half a century. As just one example in the Post’s story, the Carter administration was spying on Egypt’s president Anwar Sadat during the Camp David Accords.

    This, of course, leads to some uncomfortable questions about times when U.S. intelligence agencies may have learned about horrific human rights abuses and did nothing to stop them. Or, in the case of Central and South America, times when the CIA may have actively helped perpetrate crimes against humanity while learning about different plots around the world.

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