Godric wrote:Werewolf wrote:sepheronx wrote:Locky wrote:They are rather wily guys, all of them in Kiev and Riga and Vilius and Warsaw! Look how Poles do it
beforeitsnews.c o m /international/2015/08/
poland-lacking-confidence-in-iran-wants-more-money-for-anti-missile-system-2487512.h t m l
They just use Iran or Russia or other as some scarecrows and deadly threat to their security to get financial and other aid from Brussels. Why should we bow to those tricks?
Because, US will demand it. US wants the bases in Poland to be closer to Russia and to stir more trouble for Belarus. Simple as that.
The poles are poled to be so russophobic that they just become like americans, brainless, ready to poke the bear, while being completley unarmed and unprepared.
the problem with Poles is they hate everyone that aren't Catholic a lot of eastern European countries have the exact same retarded problem
Yes, over a 1000 years after the schism we still have this BS. But Poles are something special in their hate for Russia. It is totally unhinged.
They were made part of the Russian Empire only because they were part of the anti-Russian front (the opera Boris Godunov is about the time when
Poles were trying to control the Russian government). They were not subjected to treatment under the Russian Empire that Russians did not
experience themselves. There was no analogue of the Belgian Congo genocide. Poland did its bit to invade the USSR after the revolution and
grabbed large parts of Belorus and Ukraine. The USSR got this land back so for better or for worse. In the case of Ukraine it was a mistake and
it should have staid part of Poland for all the Banderites to get it up the ass for real. In the run up to WWII Poland had a non-aggression pact
with Nazi Germany and grabbed a piece of Czechoslovakia after the sellout in 1938 at Munich. Poland worked hard to undermine an anti-Hitler
coalition between the USSR, France and the UK. Poland suffered the consequences of its own actions during WWII. Yet it prefers to believe it
was some unique victim of "Russia" and Germany.