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    Talking bollocks thread #2


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  jhelb Sat Feb 29, 2020 1:29 pm

    GarryB wrote:when you describe their problems as being based on their race or religion or ethicity then you are saying effectively they cannot change and are doomed

    It took the Soviet Union less than 50 years to become a superpower. But 70+ years after independence India is a laggard, no hope in site. Society divideded along various faultlines. So it's not me, it's their own history that is stating that they are doomed.

    GarryB wrote:
    No, it makes you look silly... you recognise the white American government (both sides) and white Brit government (both sides) hate Russia and Russians... except for the slimy ones that want to sell everything to the west at a discount price or just give it away so the west will like them... these fuckers want to harm you and steal your stuff, but you consider them superior to the majority of the people on this planet much more like yourself... they talk about you the way you talk about blacks and Asians and Indians... it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

    Irregardless of what they say, west needs Russia far more than Russia needs the West. They are investing billions of $$ in Russia and lining up outside Russian universities to hire our top computer programmers

    GarryB wrote:How many Indian posters did we used to have... and how many do we have now?

    I don't know how many left. You said that Indian posters left because of racists like me. There are White members too who do not seem to be posting these days.

    In any case all that these Indian posters do is copy & paste URLs. I suspect they have found some other platform for that.

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:39 pm

    Among quite a bit of racist comments, one thing is true. Unfortunately India has not yet fully got rid of their caste system.

    In addition many jobs that in western europe would be done by intelligent people, even if not college educated, in India are normally relegated to people with less than average capabilities.

    Unfortunately in modern India there is still the mentality that if you are a smart person you don't work with your hands, and so it is difficult to find capable people in roles like high specialised mechanic or Aircraft Maintenance Technician.

    It is not because in India there are not enough smart people, it is because blue collar jobs, even those normally requiring long apprenticeships, are usually despised by people with normal or better than average intelligence...

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:39 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:Among quite a bit of racist comments, one thing is true. Unfortunately India has not yet fully got rid of their caste system.

    In addition many jobs that in western europe would be done by intelligent people, even if not college educated, in India are normally relegated to people with less than average capabilities.

    Unfortunately in modern India there is still the mentality that if you are a smart person you don't work with your hands, and so it is difficult to find capable people in roles like high specialised mechanic or Aircraft Maintenance Technician.

    It is not because in India there are not enough smart people, it is because blue collar jobs, even those normally requiring long apprenticeships, are usually despised by people with normal or better than average intelligence...

    That sounds like an excuse. If their national ethic is sloth, then that is hardly evidence of high IQ. Actually intelligent people can see through cultural
    BS and push progress. If nobody in India wants to use their hands, then that is almost the same thing as not using their brains. Typing at the keyboard
    all day is using hands. Now I understand why all the software developed by low bid Indian programmers is such garbage. I suppose the truly intelligent
    in India want to sit on a cushion and dictate their immediate desires to servants. This makes the existence of intelligence in India hypothetical.


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  jhelb Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:30 pm

    India is roughly 1/6 the size of Russia but has a population that is 6x that of Russia's. To make matters even worse its per capita income is 1/10 of Russia's. Unlike China that is predominantly Hun, hindus have thousands of communities who are constantly fighting amongst each other.

    It's therefore natural they do not make much progress. Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore etc that were much backward than India about 60-70 years ago are now 60-70 years ahead of India on almost all social, economic parameters.

    India should be divided into 15-16 smaller countries of around 70-80 million people. That's the only way they will make progress. Even if India grows at 8%-9% per annum it will take that country 75-80 years to become a middle income country. That's how terrible ground realities are.

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:13 am

    It took the Soviet Union less than 50 years to become a superpower.

    It really didn't get much choice in the matter... it was either develop or be destroyed by Germany or the west...

    But 70+ years after independence India is a laggard, no hope in site.

    Yeah, you make development sound like a single path and it totally is not.

    India needs to find a way that suits its culture and beliefs and standards... it can't copy the west because there are not enough third world countries to rape and pillage left.

    Besides following their path will just create another America and the world couldn't handle another country that consumes like the US does with a population of over 1 billion people... it will be bad enough if China heads in that direction...

    What the world needs are rather more sensible people in power and in control and pushing culture away from consumerism and more towards self sufficiency and respect.

    Society divideded along various faultlines. So it's not me, it's their own history that is stating that they are doomed.

    Every society on the planet has divisions... male and female, skin colour, religion, ethnicity, sports teams, smoking and non smoking... people who care about others and those who barely care for themselves and care nothing for other people...

    Irregardless of what they say, west needs Russia far more than Russia needs the West.

    Absolutely true, but in the same sense the influenza virus needs humans too, so it doesn't kill all humans... just the elderly and the young because that strengthens the breed and ensures a healthy stock to live in.

    They are investing billions of $$ in Russia and lining up outside Russian universities to hire our top computer programmers

    They are investing to make money and nothing else... most investers have no idea what they are investing in... most managed funds have a portfolio in a range of areas and countries so any problems wont effect all the investments at once, but the purpose is not to support the country the things they are investing in... the purpose is to extract money out of it for you... the investor.

    I don't know how many left. You said that Indian posters left because of racists like me. There are White members too who do not seem to be posting these days.

    In any case all that these Indian posters do is copy & paste URLs. I suspect they have found some other platform for that.

    I am a mod... I get told lots of things in confidence that obviously I can't talk about as these comments were private... several posters who no longer post commented on my lack of action against clearly racist members and their offensive posts.

    There is no rule on this forum about racism, only about offending members and mods, but I like it like that.

    Not because I like racism... and I mean real racism, not PC racism which is often justified criticism like of the US or Israel which is ignored by casting the person raising the points as being racist or anti semetic.

    People are racist, they can't help it and often people are racist trying to appear to not be racist. A black family might be all smiles when their daughter brings home a white man, or an asian family might also be all smiles when their son brings home a white woman, but those families might not want mixed race new family members for all the same reasons white families might not welcome a black or asian or other new addition to their family.

    That is racism of course, but are you going to ban them for being afraid or just ignorant? Would the black family prefer their daughter marries a black man who beats her up instead of a white man she can smack around... am I being racist for suggesting either alternatives?

    Plenty of white men hit their white wives and a few white women hit their white men, but women are too afraid to admit it most of the time as are men too ashamed too. Anger problems are not limited to men... and cross all ethnicities and colours.

    Unfortunately India has not yet fully got rid of their caste system.

    So? Are you saying everyone in the west is equal? Instead of caste how about race or ethnicity....

    In addition many jobs that in western europe would be done by intelligent people, even if not college educated, in India are normally relegated to people with less than average capabilities.

    Over time things change... these days in the west a college education means squat... everyone has one so they become meaningless for a job interview...

    My lecturer told me the degree I was working on would not get me a job, it should get me to a short list and probably an interview but it was down to me to get the job... and he was right. Half the time what you learn at uni is not what is used in the real world, but they take the fact that you passed to mean you have the capacity to learn and develop and grow so they will take you on and show you what they do.

    There was two computer programmes at university when I went there... information science and computer science and the difference was made clear in the last year. Both required a computer system be developed to the system proposal stage with working prototype screens and working example system. The main difference was that in the CS department you got a page list of requirements and could do it in any programming language you liked. In info sci we had to go out in to the community and find a business and create a system proposal for them.

    One you sat alone and worked it all out yourself and the other you had to find a customer and evaluate their current systems and situation and determine if a computer system is needed and then develop it using their forms and data etc etc.

    Basically the computer science programme creates excellent coders and hardware specialists, while info sci creates people who manage them and get them work or communicate with customers to get specs and requirements for them to build systems.

    Unfortunately in modern India there is still the mentality that if you are a smart person you don't work with your hands, and so it is difficult to find capable people in roles like high specialised mechanic or Aircraft Maintenance Technician.

    Shortages create demand...

    It is not because in India there are not enough smart people, it is because blue collar jobs, even those normally requiring long apprenticeships, are usually despised by people with normal or better than average intelligence...

    Lots of people have jobs they don't like...

    India is roughly 1/6 the size of Russia but has a population that is 6x that of Russia's. To make matters even worse its per capita income is 1/10 of Russia's. Unlike China that is predominantly Hun, hindus have thousands of communities who are constantly fighting amongst each other.

    China, Russia, India... all three countries have stereotypes and all three are changing and developing...

    It's therefore natural they do not make much progress.

    You mean like Europe during the Dark Ages when all progress was stifled by religion and petty squabbling amongst themselves?

    Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore etc that were much backward than India about 60-70 years ago are now 60-70 years ahead of India on almost all social, economic parameters.

    Which just proves change is normal and inevitable...

    India should be divided into 15-16 smaller countries of around 70-80 million people. That's the only way they will make progress. Even if India grows at 8%-9% per annum it will take that country 75-80 years to become a middle income country. That's how terrible ground realities are.

    Didn't you say they were already divided into thousands of separate groups by their religions?

    And how many pieces should Russia be divided in to to make it better and more efficient?

    Funny how Europeans claim the EU makes them strong but think everyone else needs to be broken up into smaller pieces...

    Perhaps a better solution is to ban all religion and rejoin Pakistan and Bangledesh to India?

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  andalusia Mon Mar 02, 2020 11:19 am

    I don't understand why all countries in the world simply don't issue their currencies interest free? It is the best solution. The US before the American Revolution issued Colonial Script and during during the Civil War they issued the interest free Greenback. A country can finance its infrastructure and other needs without borrowing from the IMF, World Bank or even China. The colonial US, Lincoln's America and Nazi Germany are good examples of this. I think Russia should seriously consider issuing the ruble interest free.

    To see the effect of debt-free currency, We can use examples in history to illustrate the point.

    1. * The Saracen Empire forbade interest on money 1,000 years ago, and its wealth outshone Saxon Europe.

    2. * Mandarin China issued its own money, interest and debt-free. Historians and collectors of art today consider those centuries to China's greatest time of wealth, culture and peace.

    3. * The American Colonies issued Colonial Script, and Ben Franklin explained to the English that this was the key to the prosperity Colonies.

    4. * Abraham Lincoln did it in 1863 to finance and win the Civil War.

    5. * Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a World power in 5 years.

    Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took nearly the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power
    over Europe.

    Was this the real cause of World War II?

    Did the International Bankers have to destroy the
    Government of Germany because it issued debt and interest free money just like Lincoln did?

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:07 pm

    The problem is inflation. If merchants feel the money is easy they jack up their prices. Injecting easy money into the economy
    is a recipe for inflation. This is not a monetarist owned talking point. Monetarists worship money and ascribe to it all sorts of
    magical properties so they are full of BS. But it remains true that inflation is driven by easy money.

    The government does introduce interest free money via the growth of M2. This is not fractional reserve banking money. It
    is literally printing of currency. This is necessary since the GDP requires money to operate. If no money is injected then
    there is a spring effect acting to suppress the GDP. Money becomes artificially tight (i.e. deflationary conditions) which
    is essentially the same thing as a recession.

    Fractional reserve, interest bearing money "injection" is designed to return the money back to the bank and prevent excessive
    growth of M2. Without interest, the money would forever leave the bank with little incentive to return it. This aspect of
    the financial system is required to service the day to day transient money requirements of corporations and individuals. And
    it serves it optimally as long as the interest rates are not extortionate. Right now in Russia we have the CBR setting a prime
    rate over 7% when the inflation is 3%. This is clearly excessive and suppresses GDP.


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  andalusia Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:07 am

    The money issued by the Government would be no more inflationary than the money created by the banks: it would be the same figures, based on the same production of the country. The only difference is that the Government would not have to get into debt, or to pay interest, in order to obtain these figures.

    On the contrary, the first cause of inflation is precisely the money created as a debt by the banks: inflation means increasing prices. The obligation for the corporations and governments that are borrowing to bring back to the banks more money than the banks created, forces the corporations to increase the prices of their products, and the governments to increase their taxes.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:20 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    GarryB wrote:It seems when France and the US overcharge them it is OK, but paying market prices for aircraft carriers or full price for Su-30MKI upgrades or to get a 5th gen heavy fighter and they scream bloody murder... those Russians are stealing bread from their childrens mouths...

    There is something called culture. And I've being saying this for eons - Hindus are devoid of any culture, just like blacks. Thuggery, deceit, violence, exploitation, and selfishness comes naturally to them.

    For instance, look at the posts of the hindu members in this forum - no originality, no lateral thinking just copy paste URLs. That too from dubious news outlets.

    Russia should immediately start selling Su 35, Su 57 to Pakistan and China apart from a whole lot of weapons in order to make up for the losses Russia is suffering at the hands of these corrupt Indians.

    Hannibal Barca wrote:India has a long tradition of periods under failed statehood.
    They are dangerously moving to the same territory all over again.
    Their recent debacle with Pakistan taught them nothing.

    It's a failed state because they never achieved full independence. It is still controlled by the UK (and to a lesser extent by US) through their proxies who control politics, bureaucracy, judiciary and military.

    Unlike Russians/Slavs Hindus are not a martial race either. That explains why they were under Islamic rule for over 1000 years and then under British rule for over 200 years.

    At the root of this problem is the disgusting pagan religion that they practice which divides people in the name of caste instead of uniting them.

    I do not see anything martial about majority of the Poles and other Slavic countries.

    Yugoslavia overthrew Milosevic in order to please the West.

    Croats are eternal Western ass-kissers.

    Poland furnished around three million unofficial slaves to the Western Europe since 2004.

    Also, even back in the 16th-18th centuries the Belarussian-Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth had extremely small army (and practically no navy, at least for most of the time) in comparison to its population. It was often the case when Sweden with a much smaller population had more troops then the Commonwealth did.  During the entire 17th century the largest number of troops the Commonwealth ever had was around 60 000, at the end of the reign of King Michal I Korybut Wisniowiecki. But it got worse: during the mid-18th century the Commonwealth had only 18 000 army troops ("on paper" it might have been even less in reality), while the major European powers at that time had hundreds of thousands of troops in their armies. Why do you think the Commonwealth disappeared from the map at the end of the 18th century?

    The key to survival of a nation is to have it armed as much as possible, but even today Poland has one of the most disarmed populations in the world. And by armed nation I mean the armed general population, like it is the case for example in the U.S.A. (at least Serbia is on a similar level but not the others).

    You see a martial race here?


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  jhelb Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:29 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:You see a martial race here?

    Of course. Russians defeated Brits in virtually every single land warfare, despite the fact that the British Empire had access to far more resources. During WW 2, 60% of Nazi military was destroyed by Russians/Slavs.

    In Afghanistan the Soviet Union was taking a massive beating primarily most of the shock troops were from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. However, once the predominantly Russian/Slavic Alpha Group was send they turned the war into the Kremlin's favor within months. Last, but not the least unlike fragile, non heroic colored communities of Africa and Asia Russia has NEVER been over run either by Islamic invaders or by European colonizers.

    Else today, just like blacks in US and Asians in UK,  we too would have been decendants of slaves working in UK or US.

    Take a look at this - A Russian Su 22 out maneuvres a AMRAAM fired by a Turkish F 16. Same time last year Hindus got hit by one and had their pilot taken captive. That's the difference between SLAVS and the below average ones

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:The key to survival of a nation is to have it armed as much as possible, but even today Poland has one of the most disarmed populations in the world. And by armed nation I mean the armed general population, like it is the case for example in the U.S.A.

    In that case why does the US government maintain such a massive military, given that almost every American is armed?

    And these "armed American" private citizens have killed more fellow citizens than they have killed any members of any hostile forces. Most of them choose not to join the military, else they would be send to fight wars in Islamic shitholes.

    Most of the soldiers in the US are therefore blacks and other people of color - Low IQ, from broken families, even illegal immigrants. Not suitable for high end job, so they end up in the army as cannon fodder.

    Last edited by jhelb on Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  jhelb Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:45 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:India has a long tradition of periods under failed statehood.
    They are dangerously moving to the same territory all over again.
    Their recent debacle with Pakistan taught them nothing.

    That's true. Several of these Asian and African countries are failed state. India will permanently remain a failed state unless they can get rid of disgusting religions like Hinduism. They can either embrace Orthodox Christianity, that has a reputation for binding people of all types irregardless of color or race or they can give up practicing any religion.

    To make matters even worse these morons have picked up fights with muslim countries, China and the Anglosphere (notable UK). These powerful forces are already destroying India from the inside. India(apart from some African nations) will certainly fall apart within a decade or two.  

    Russia needs to ask for up front payment from India for all exports - military H/W, oil and gas etc. IIRC, India defaulted twice in paying Russia its dues.  One major reason why the USSR collapsed is because the Kremlin was spending too much money in keeping third world countries like India, African states afloat. All that these countries did is siphon off Russian money. Trump is right about them, that they do not need international aid because in any case they steal the money in the name of aid.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:12 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    Odin of Ossetia wrote:You see a martial race here?

    Of course. Russians defeated Brits in virtually every single land warfare, despite the fact that the British Empire had access to far more resources. During WW 2, 60% of Nazi military was destroyed by Russians/Slavs.

    In Afghanistan the Soviet Union was taking a massive beating primarily most of the shock troops were from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. However, once the predominantly Russian/Slavic Alpha Group was send they turned the war into the Kremlin's favor within months. Last, but not the least unlike fragile, non heroic colored communities of Africa and Asia Russia has NEVER been over run either by Islamic invaders or by European colonizers.

    Else today, just like blacks in US and Asians in UK,  we too would have been decendants of slaves working in UK or US.

    Take a look at this -  A Russian Su 22 out maneuvres a AMRAAM fired by a Turkish F 16. Same time last year Hindus got hit by one and had their pilot taken captive. That's the difference between SLAVS and the below average ones

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:The key to survival of a nation is to have it armed as much as possible, but even today Poland has one of the most disarmed populations in the world. And by armed nation I mean the armed general population, like it is the case for example in the U.S.A.

    In that case why does the US government maintain such a massive military, given that almost every American is armed?

    And these "armed American" private citizens have killed more fellow citizens than they have killed any members of any hostile forces. Most of them choose not to join the military, else they would be send to fight wars in Islamic shitholes.

    Most of the soldiers in the US are therefore blacks and other people of color - Low IQ, from broken families, even illegal immigrants. Not suitable for high end job, so they end up in the army as cannon fodder.

    I think 80% of the German military was defeated by the Soviet Union.

    Russia has been conquered by the Mongols, while the much smaller Belarus (more precisely the duchies of Pinsk and Polotsk) and Poland escaped any sort of Mongol/Tatar control.

    By comparison Bulgaria, Hungary, and Serbia were for a short time Mongol tributaries, you can see here (excellent video but the title is somewhat misleading, as it is not only about Hungary and Poland):

    You are making fun of the Americans, but nobody dares to invade the U.S.A.

    Even the al-Qaeda has been very inactive lately, nothing major after 9-11 that they did in the U.S.A.

    U.S.A. is a superpower for a reason, they are not stupid.


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    Post  jhelb Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:42 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    You are making fun of the Americans, but nobody dares to invade the U.S.A.

    I'm not making fun of Americans. In fact just today in another thread I posted how US makes tremendous progress in science, technology because of huge local talent and not because of the influx of migrants of color.

    And yet the US lost in every single war they fought in Asia - Korea, Vietnam and now Afghanistan. They also lost in Somalia and were kicked out of that country, not to forget the series of defeats they faced in Cuba.

    They have not been invaded only because with the exception of Russia and China no other country has the capability to project force in North America.

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:Even the al-Qaeda has been very inactive lately, nothing major after 9-11 that they did in the U.S.A.

    U.S.A. is a superpower for a reason, they are not stupid.

    Wait 9/11 ? 3000 people died in that attack, about a third of them were Americans. To avenge their death the US has sacrificed the lives of 7000 American soldiers already in Iraq and Afghanistan. So clearly the US government is far more capable in killing Americans than Al-Qaeda.

    And despite waging war in Afghanistan for 19 years, the US government is now striking a deal with Taliban, Al-Qaeda to hand over power to them shortly.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:06 am

    And lets not forget they are actively funding and arming and supporting Al quada in Syria and Libya because they don't approve of the alternative (ie Assad and Gaddafi friendly forces).

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:21 pm

    The-thing-next-door wrote:Why are they cooperating with the euros, the euros will insist on the use of european made components designed by some random housewife or zoo animal because the liberals cannot alow the employment of men and this will result in rockets exploding left right and centre.

    Russian cosmonauts could die due to the involvement of inferior minds in thier space program.

    - Euros are willing to pay actual money for deep space probes unlike Russia

    - European components are way more reliable and advanced (can actually work in vacuum) than Russian ones

    - Russian rockets are ones which have problems with exploding not European

    - It's an unmanned mission, no Russian cosmonaut ever came anywhere close to leaving low Earth orbit

    So it looks like housewives and zoo animals have far more competence and skills when it comes to designing spacecraft than pure Russian tough men


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Hole Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:15 pm

    If so then why are most european satellites launched with russian rockets? unshaven

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:45 pm

    Hole wrote:If so then why are most european satellites launched with russian rockets? unshaven

    They aren't

    Ones that are are launched on one rocket with decent track record

    Without European money Exo-Mars would never happen because Russia hasn't financed planetary mission since Phobos Grunt and that one failed so spectacularly that it killed every single one planned afterwards

    Russia needs to start paying for something other than playing Uber for ISS before they can brag, goes double for fanboys


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    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 09, 2020 5:14 am

    - Euros are willing to pay actual money for deep space probes unlike Russia

    - European components are way more reliable and advanced (can actually work in vacuum) than Russian ones

    - Russian rockets are ones which have problems with exploding not European

    - It's an unmanned mission, no Russian cosmonaut ever came anywhere close to leaving low Earth orbit

    So why are you euro fags even bothering with the Russians... I mean if you have the money and the electronics and your rockets are so much better exactly WTF are you even talking to the Russians let alone working with them and using their rockets?

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:22 pm

    Hilarious tse-Evropa attempt at chauvinist hubris. The EU has a GDP bigger than the USA and its space program is tiny by
    comparison. Basically EU-tardia rides the coat-tails of Uncle Scumbag and Russia. Then, twerps like the Balkanoid troll
    above prance around claiming innate superiority.

    This is a good reason for Russia to never engage with these hater freaks. They will turn any joint effort into some sort
    of BS about charity for Russia.

    As for the claim that the ESA has a consistent budget for planetary exploration missions. That is a pure lie. Don't
    confuse US programs with EU-tard ones you loon.

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:12 pm

    GarryB wrote:.........So why are you euro fags even bothering with the Russians...

    Because it's dirt cheap

    When it come to space Russians never do anything without begging foreigners for money first

    New rocket? Beg for money

    New manned spacecraft? Beg for money

    New science mission? Beg for money

    And when they are told to sod off they just cancel all those projects because no foreigner will pay for them

    GarryB wrote:....I mean if you have the money...

    You don't make money by wasting it

    Roskosmos is like a crack whore

    Crack whore is dirt cheap and will give you a handjob no questions asked for a penny

    It may not be the cleanest hand-job or even a good handjob and you will lose a lot of dignity by socializing with a crack whore but you will still get a handjob out of it for next to nothing

    GarryB wrote:.........and the electronics and your rockets are so much better exactly WTF are you even talking to the Russians let alone working with them and using their rockets?

    Price, nothing more

    Euros lose nothing out of it, when whole thing goes tits-up who will get the blame?

    Side which has reliable track record or a side with humiliating failures like Phobos-Grunt, Angosat, one who can't find out why her manned rocket exploded because they can't be arsed to install security cameras and whose ground personnel dies from inhaling hydrazine which they still insist on using for some idiotic reason?

    Also European electronics don't malfunction the moment they lose air unlike some

    Let that sink in: electronics on a satellite that can't work in vacuum, peak stupidity

    miketheterrible wrote:He is a retard.

    Swap that tampon before it get rancid, stop insulting people and take a chill pill

    There is nothing more pathetic than a fanboy


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    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:00 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    There is nothing more pathetic than a fanboy...

    ....except for an eternal pessimist with an axe to grind.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:52 am

    Because it's dirt cheap

    When it come to space Russians never do anything without begging foreigners for money first

    New rocket? Beg for money

    New manned spacecraft? Beg for money

    New science mission? Beg for money

    And when they are told to sod off they just cancel all those projects because no foreigner will pay for them

    So you are saying what... current and future rockets and space craft and missions are paid for by the west... I guess their new space port was also paid for by the west as well...

    The west works with Russia because they have the technology and capacity and they do it affordably.

    Russia recently turned down cooperation with the US because the US was offering them a token role where they would have to conform to US procedures and methods to be part of the mission.... I don't remember the last time the west told the Russians to sod off however...

    You don't make money by wasting it

    Roskosmos is like a crack whore

    Crack whore is dirt cheap and will give you a handjob no questions asked for a penny

    It may not be the cleanest hand-job or even a good handjob and you will lose a lot of dignity by socializing with a crack whore but you will still get a handjob out of it for next to nothing

    As usual you have it arse about... it is the west that is the addict... in one breath Russia is a bigger threat than ISIS, but in the next breath they are their only way to get to the ISS. Oh the west is spending lots of money to find an alternative to relying on Russian technology to get them to the ISS, but right now they seem to explode during tests so they prefer to give Russia handjobs for their reliable rockets...

    Price, nothing more

    Bullshit. If it was only ever price then what you are saying is that civilised advanced europe are a bunch of lying immoral censored ... they are risking the lives of their astronauts using cheap obviously inferior Russian electronics and rockets just to save a few bucks and they are enormously wealthy... what a bunch of ass holes... they should man up and spend proper money on their own super technology and forget the Russians and keep their people much safer with superior euro technology...

    Euros lose nothing out of it, when whole thing goes tits-up who will get the blame?

    Who gives a fuck who the eurotards blame... who listens to them?

    Side which has reliable track record or a side with humiliating failures like Phobos-Grunt, Angosat, one who can't find out why her manned rocket exploded because they can't be arsed to install security cameras and whose ground personnel dies from inhaling hydrazine which they still insist on using for some idiotic reason?

    Hahahahaha... pathetic... when it comes to humiliating failures Russia would struggle to compete with Europe... and what is this fucking europe shit anyway.... France... the closest the Brits have come to a space programme is fucking Dr Who and Red Dwarf...

    Also European electronics don't malfunction the moment they lose air unlike some

    Let that sink in: electronics on a satellite that can't work in vacuum, peak stupidity

    Let this sink in... they have operational satellites operating all round the planet and have had operational space stations in orbit for several decades but you think they are stupid...

    ....except for an eternal pessimist with an axe to grind.

    He is a teacher isn't he... probably being overwhelmed by trying to understand over 200 new genders his American overlords are demanding he teach the next generation of serb nationalists...

    It is OK... he can belittle the space achievements of Russia, and claim they are morons... it reflects more on him than it does on Russia or Russians working hard to avoid becoming what he has clearly become. What is it called? Stockholm syndrome?

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    Post  kvs Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:35 am

    Regardless of it being Wikipedia, it puts the resident troll's BS into perspective. Russia is begging for money from NATzO is it?
    Keep lying, Balkanoid troll.

    Must be real hard and frustrating for Serbia to pay Russia's space budget when Serbia has zero space capability.

    BTW, Russia has basically no cooperation (and money) from NASA. The ISS and launches of US astronauts are obviously
    irrelevant to the troll's claims.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:38 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:There is nothing more pathetic than a fanboy...
    ....except for an eternal pessimist with an axe to grind.

    I am a realist

    And I can't wait for Roskosmos to give me reason to sing them praises but so far not much to write home about

    Hell, even the ever underperforming Navy has been on the upward trajectory in recent years

    GarryB wrote:.....He is a teacher isn't he... probably being overwhelmed by trying to understand over 200 new genders his American overlords are demanding he teach the next generation of serb nationalists...

    Sorry to report but we are still working with paltry 2 genders

    We are nowhere near the numbers that superpowers like Canada or New Zealand are rolling with these days... Embarassed


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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:22 am

    Well Serbia is only a US priority when it comes to bombing coordinates, I guess they will have the sex talk to you in a few years from now...

    And I can't wait for Roskosmos to give me reason to sing them praises but so far not much to write home about

    They continue to access space... pretty damn good for a third world gas station on the brink of collapse... imagine what they would be doing if they were as advanced and special as Americans or their lessor subspecies... yuropeeing...

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