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    Talking bollocks thread #2


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Cyberspec Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:38 am

    And because they were taking to much space. In the smartphone, Apple and samsung (US android) were the two huge leaders and then came Huawei which in few years became a huge seller. US don't like competition.

    No, they just can't compete Very Happy many times do we have to point out the blatantly obvious cheers ...end of discussion


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Isos Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:54 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    And because they were taking to much space. In the smartphone, Apple and samsung (US android) were the two huge leaders and then came Huawei which in few years became a huge seller. US don't like competition.

    No, they just can't compete  Very Happy many times do we have to point out the blatantly obvious  cheers ...end of discussion

    Yeah I see that.

    Look at the reality. They are at the top and no one can compete against them. At least on the short/medium term. And even when China will become too strong economically, they will face US EU and japan because rich countries will always choose US rather than China or russia.

    Trump is getting back all the money they may have lost. Chinese can't compete on the sanctions they impose to them. EU is their puppet. Russia is not a competitor in anything. Japan is their puppet and the world has no will to move from dollar to another currency, even russia and China used dollars in their billateral ties rather than theur own currencies.

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:25 pm

    Isos wrote:Trump is getting back all the money they may have lost. Chinese can't compete on the sanctions they impose to them. EU is their puppet. Russia is not a competitor in anything. Japan is their puppet and the world has no will to move from dollar to another currency, even russia and China used dollars in their billateral ties rather than theur own currencies.

    Buddy, you just don't have a f*cking clue.... but don't worry, as you are not alone. The US is stuffed choc-a-blok full of empty-head exceptionalists who can't adjust to the changing world, but eventually, reality will intrude on their space-spaces and they'll have no choice but to pull their heads outta their posteriors and smell the coffee. Laughing Laughing


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:40 am

    And who is competing against us ? In what fields ? Aeronotics ? Airbus and boeing have no competitors.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Computing ? US leads that with microsoft.

    Microsoft develops software, and pretty shitty software at that. Right now all European governments use Microsoft because of course in a democracy they have developed a monopoly and are dictating to western countries because those western countries no longer have any options... which is why the US is so easily able to spy and therefore also manipulate most of Europe.

    Their sanctions and spying are creating a market for alternatives.

    Smartphones ? Its either apple or android.

    Huawei are already in talks with Russian and Chinese companies regarding alternatives in OS and apps.

    With no android, they won't sell their smartphones.

    And when Android was first developed they probably said with no apple OS they wont sell their smart phones too.

    Their 5G network is forbiden in many countries. That will impact them.

    Of course it will seriously impact them... they are going to have to wait until the US develops 5G technology before they can benefit from it...

    The rich countries that are worth something are our exclusive clients. The poor and destroyed ones (Iran, Syria, Yemen) are russians client. And you expect that Russia is competitive with such clients.

    And that has made the US so rich..., well in a lot of debt, but the infrastructure and quality of life is amazing... well a few people are doing very very well.

    In the short time when sanctions were off in iran, they bought western planes and hurried up to sign contracts with us and didn't give a fuck about your Russia.

    Perfectly true... and you could say the same about Gadaffi and Assad and Saddam... when given the chance to suck up to the west they did it... and how did that work out for them?

    Iran had no reason to think Russia was anything but another try hard sucking up to the west, and for much of the early years Putin was trying hard to get in to the rich boys club. The G7 became the G8 in the late 1990s... there was no way Russia was rich enough to join then... it was all political.... ironic because their leaving in 2014 was also political too... but the problem with politics is that words really don't mean much unless they are backed up by action and most of the time by the time there is action from the west there is no way to reverse and you are stuck in that car crash.

    That's already enough. The f-35 is still produced.

    It is only enough if they make 3,000 F-35s and they aren't going to.

    I really hope they do because the economic albatross of 3,000 F-35s will destroy their economy.

    The denial will have to stop and they will have to say... what we are doing can't be right because it is really failing badly.

    French didn't gave up, they lost. There was no more army.
    British kept fighting as much as they could.

    The western allies didn't start fighting in europe till the realised that the Soviets were going to be entering Germany soon and if they didn't do anything all of europe would be liberated by the Soviets.

    If Staline did believe that Germany was attacking him, it would have been better for USSR too.

    Germany attacking the Soviet Union sounded like something the British would come up with to try to provoke the Soviets into manouvering aggressively and make the Germans want to attack them...

    And they are falling in it right now.

    No... you don't get it do you... they dipped their toe in the water and realised the water was a bit cold... they have waited for warmer weather so the water is still chilly but it is getting hot so a nice cool swim is just what they could use right now.

    They haven't blow 1.5 trillion dollars on an F-35... and however many other trillions on F-117s, and B-2s, and F-22s, and all those shit drones Iran had no problem capturing.

    What future ?

    Are you suggesting the Russian AF has no future or the MiG-35?

    India just bought 36 Rafales for about 8 billion dollars..., so if we divide 8 billion by 36, and then times that by 126, we get about 28 billion dollars for their MRCA winners that were supposed to cost 10 billion. I wonder why they wont continue in that direction.

    So their alternative is F-16 or MiG-29.... well the F-16s are actually older than the MiG-29s.... and diversification of sources only makes sense if it improves logistics, so a new source with a history of sanctions makes things worse, not better.

    They already have access to it.

    Not with any strength or duration.

    In other words, attack a weak enemy with a multi billion dollars equipment. Just like US.

    In a way yes, but the obvious fundamental difference is that this enemy picked Syria and Russia and is a terrorist organisation supported by Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the US.... not the other way around.

    You said russian carrier is used as a air defnece protection for a fleet. Where are the enemy ships in Syria trying to destroy russian ships ? West of Alleppo or maybe north west ?

    Of course... air defence means sink ships... that is why the attack on Saudi Arabia recently was so successful... because billions of dollars of Patriot batteries and also european systems were looking for ships to sink instead of threats in the air like an air defence system should.

    Part of coordination of a carrier within a group of ships includes communication, as well as operating aircraft like the Ka-31 AEW aircraft, and of course CAP to monitor the local airspace for aircraft, missiles, and ships or subs.

    If they wanted to test the plane they could have send them from Khmeimim.

    Of course they could... and in 20 years time when they are operating off the coast of Africa they will only need 20 inflight refuelling aircraft to launch their CAP missions and the odd air strike from Khmeimim.... and it will work like clockwork because they will have practised it...

    You say they test weapon against real poeples, and in the same sentance you say they are not murderers like west. You should read what you write.

    They test weapons against people who are terrorists and if successful, will bring the chaos they are trying to create in Syria back to Russia and Europe.

    Currently in Idlib, the people living there are living with terrorists... they mostly moved there from other areas in Syria where they supported the terrorists and now they move with the terrorists because they are allies... there are no innocent civilians there any more... they will have either left or been killed by the terrorists.

    The flew from a land base mostly.

    Of course, but the experience for the crew of the Kuznetsov to gather intel and plan and execute missions was valuable experience.

    Yeah what about the democratically elected opposition at the assembly ? The army is behind him.

    Aw... are you really that stupid... that is like saying Boris Johnson is the democratically elected leader of Britain... the people didn't vote for him... his party colleagues voted him in... there was nothing democratic about rich white men voting for an idiot. Just like the DNC voting for Hillary to be the opposition candidate against Trump... in fact it is even worse because most Venezuelans didn't even know who Guano was before the US claimed he should be king.

    Tell that to the one bombed in syria by israeli every week.

    I would have to shout... you do understand what stand off weapons are don't you?

    I was the one who said it's not because russia makes ground based huge aesa radars that it can make airborne ones easily.

    No, you are the one saying Russia doesn't know how to make AESA radars and is 20 years behind, and then when proven wrong that they don't know how to make airborne AESA radars...

    If they needed to have AESA fighter radars in service they would have done it... no matter the cost, or how bad they end up being... we have seen several iterations of the AESA for the MiG-35... if they were desperate they would have one... it might only be a 600x600 array with pathetic performance but they would have one in service.

    The facts are that they don't need one in service, their existing radars are already good enough for the task and a fraction of the cost of even a very bad cobbled together AESA radar. They are working on developing the technology to the point where it is better value for money which means cheaper and better performance.

    It is sad that you wont accept this reasoning and just think the Russians are stupid.

    When it came to nuclear weapons and nuclear propulsion they were behind too, but you wouldn't even notice now...

    It is shit if you look at his capabilities to destroy something it was made for destroying.

    Let's talk about that when those syrian maned S-300 get destroyed.

    Well the Patriot battery that tried to shoot down an F-16 was taken out rather easily by an ARM because Patriot is not designed to defend itself from ARMs... the S-300 version the Syrians have can... so it is going to take rather more to take down an S-300 than a Patriot, but lets ignore that and say the patriot is wonderful.

    Turkey doesn't think so, and I suspect Saudi Arabia is phoning the Russians as we speak.

    Google is your friend.

    Google is part of the enemy.

    They don't take risks. Thats why they will keep being far ahead.

    How ironic you say that... most would suggest that taking risks and making choices is part of leading... that is why they call it the (b)leading edge.

    Freedom in west doesn't mean free to destroy. Yellow vests in Iran or China would have been killed fast in the best scenario.

    Yes, western dogma and propaganda tell you this is true, but these protesters in Hong Kong are not being killed... but it could not be that your propaganda has failed you...

    Of course the amusing thing is that when there is a protest in France, it is because the people are genuinely being abused by their government and the rich people who run the country, while in the countries you say have less democracy you will often see American political figures running around giving out cookies and stirring up trouble... it is funny that the west does the most to undermine democracy around the world... peaceful protest is a regime change tool the west uses... hire a few snipers to shoot random people in the crowd... get the people fizzing and then sit back and watch the country destroy itself... yah the american dream...

    Why ? It's a free country according to you.

    Because the nobel peace prizes go to useful idiots like oblama...

    In China believing in god send you in camps. Very nice this freedom.

    In Europe not believing in god got the Spanish inquisition... nice freedom that too.

    What will they have ? They will go back and study PESA radars ?

    No, there would be no profit margin there... they will start developing Star Trek Scanners... it will take 500 years and trillions of dollars a year, but they want the funding and a long term income...

    Keep believing US taxes pays everything in US. More biased and you die from hate.

    Not my problem.

    They need to learn to fix their own problems and not expect me to help them.

    The thing is that boeig is selling thousands of planes to the world. Sulhoi 48 su-35 and few ssj100. That like racing against a ferrari with a lada.

    Glad you are not just rehashing old stereotypes... Boeing is a monopoly in the US and has more voting influence than half the US population... no matter who is president... Sukhoi is a company that designs and builds aircraft.

    And because they were taking to much space. In the smartphone, Apple and samsung (US android) were the two huge leaders and then came Huawei which in few years became a huge seller. US don't like competition.

    And that is what it comes down to. The US doesn't like competition. And europe has hitched its wagon to that. I am glad the US and europe are pushing Russia and China away.

    They are at the top and no one can compete against them.

    They are head and shoulders above everyone else because they are sitting on a pile of debt... they see Russia gathering speed and they see China and India growing too and they panic... Russia is their biggest military threat, and China is their biggest economic threat, but India is a huge market they want to use against China. They will also try to use Russia against China too but it is too late.

    And even when China will become too strong economically, they will face US EU and japan because rich countries will always choose US rather than China or russia.

    As China becomes economically stronger it will have 1.5 billion potential customers for european and japanese goods... and the US will have a 30 trillion dollar debt and with the US dollar becoming less and less the international currency less and less means to pay their debts.

    Trump is getting back all the money they may have lost. Chinese can't compete on the sanctions they impose to them.


    I am no economist, but Trumps tariffs means Americans pay more for Chinese goods... it is Americans paying more for stuff they were buying before... it means poorer Americans, or products from other poor countries replace Chinese goods... but it will take time for Apple and Nike to move production from China to Bangledesh...

    EU is their puppet. Russia is not a competitor in anything

    Russia used to import its food from the EU, now it is exporting food to China to replace food they used to buy from the US... things don't remain the same... this is not the 1990s.

    Japan is their puppet and the world has no will to move from dollar to another currency, even russia and China used dollars in their billateral ties rather than theur own currencies.

    Used is past tense... now Russia accepts payments in Euros and other currencies too.

    The US is stuffed choc-a-blok full of empty-head exceptionalists who can't adjust to the changing world

    The US needs a Putin to say, screw it... why do we police the world. Lets close all our foreign military bases and end all the wars we are involved with and focus on problems in America... fix the roads and bridges... build some monorails that actually work... some high speed trains... lets work out how to deal with plastic waste and make it reusable... lets go to mars... lets make our living standards the envy of the world again.... that is the living standards of everyone in the US, not just the ultra rich.

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Isos Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:24 am

    Microsoft develops software, and pretty shitty software at that. Right now all European governments use Microsoft because of course in a democracy they have developed a monopoly and are dictating to western countries because those western countries no longer have any options... which is why the US is so easily able to spy and therefore also manipulate most of Europe.

    Having the monopoly in its field is what every company would love to.

    Huawei are already in talks with Russian and Chinese companies regarding alternatives in OS and apps.

    Who's going to use it ? All the connected people use android and iOS, Chinese and russians use their smartphones for practically everything possible. They want to stay connected to the world. They will just switch to other smartphones runing on android or iOS.

    And that has made the US so rich..., well in a lot of debt, but the infrastructure and quality of life is amazing... well a few people are doing very very well.

    Yeah China and Russia have no deibt and all their people live in luxury houses with chinese made beautifull 300k$ car outside, they eat luxury meals and fart fragrances ...

    Get real a little bit.

    It is only enough if they make 3,000 F-35s and they aren't going to.

    I really hope they do because the economic albatross of 3,000 F-35s will destroy their economy.

    All that money was used by US companies and is stilll there.

    Germany attacking the Soviet Union sounded like something the British would come up with to try to provoke the Soviets into manouvering aggressively and make the Germans want to attack them...

    Yeah British are responsible for everything and russians are perfect.

    They haven't blow 1.5 trillion dollars on an F-35... and however many other trillions on F-117s, and B-2s, and F-22s, and all those shit drones Iran had no problem capturing.

    No they haven't but the money they used was too much because they desperatly needed another country to invest and now they desperatly need someone to buy it.

    US are sure that the f35 will be bought. First because they will buy it as China and russia became threats again and because other countries will have to.

    But the thing is that those investments stay in their respective coutries. Those 1.5 trillion are going around in USA (they were used to pay US worker , engineers, smaller subcontractors...) and with the taxes they come back in US hands soon.

    India just bought 36 Rafales for about 8 billion dollars..., so if we divide 8 billion by 36, and then times that by 126, we get about 28 billion dollars for their MRCA winners that were supposed to cost 10 billion. I wonder why they wont continue in that direction.

    That's not only for the rafales. The contract includes equipment for airfields, weapons, training and probably other stuff like some sort of guarenties.

    MMRCA was suppose to have offsets so half of those 28 billion should have been invested in indian civilian projects.

    Russians sign for only jets and then for the rest.

    Aw... are you really that stupid... that is like saying Boris Johnson is the democratically elected leader of Britain... the people didn't vote for him... his party colleagues voted him in... there was nothing democratic about rich white men voting for an idiot. Just like the DNC voting for Hillary to be the opposition candidate against Trump... in fact it is even worse because most Venezuelans didn't even know who Guano was before the US claimed he should be king.

    When its good for you opinion, democracy is good but when not it's total shit used by west to destroy a country.

    Maduro destroyed the country. He can't even pay russian companies.

    No need for your "its like saying...". If you have to prove something stay on the subject which is here the opposition elected at the assembly while Maduro failed.

    Of course, but the experience for the crew of the Kuznetsov to gather intel and plan and execute missions was valuable experience.

    The only experience they gained there is that they need to check arresting wires too.

    I would have to shout... you do understand what stand off weapons are don't you?

    And S-400 missiles stop at the border ? Stand off weapon are an acceptable weapon when it comes to killing your allies ?

    I remeber when Syrians used they bm-30 to attack from stand off israeli on the golan, they got an answer 5 minutes after.

    No, you are the one saying Russia doesn't know how to make AESA radars and is 20 years behind, and then when proven wrong that they don't know how to make airborne AESA radars...

    No I said they talk for 20 years how stealth and aesa are shit because US uses them and they end up using it. I so said they never had an airborne aesa of any sort anf their first one will fly 20 years after US one.

    That's not an opinion that's a fact.

    The thing is that you and other russian fanbois here are so anti-US that anyone who is a objective about their equipment becomes a colonialist and supremacist white man who praises every move of the US.

    How ironic you say that... most would suggest that taking risks and making choices is part of leading... that is why they call it the (b)leading edge.

    Most are stupid and talk a lot. Western companies are on the top and they will never help chinese or russians to go near them anyday soon.

    Of course the amusing thing is that when there is a protest in France, it is because the people are genuinely being abused by their government and the rich people who run the country, while in the countries you say have less democracy you will often see American political figures running around giving out cookies and stirring up trouble...

    Yeah those people in those countries run by dicatators go in the streets because they love their situation. They praise their wonderfull dicatators. Those who maight think their situation is bad are US spies.

    Your argumentation is rather pathetic.

    US may use them but when they go in the streets its because they can't support those assholes runing their countries.

    In Europe not believing in god got the Spanish inquisition... nice freedom that too.

    And look how far you go to find a similar exemple for the west.

    Next time don't answer.

    Used is past tense... now Russia accepts payments in Euros and other currencies too.

    Using euro gives EU another tool to sanctiothem badly just like US are doing with the dollar.the other currency are not stable. Cthe other currency starting with russian ruble are not stable, multi billion contract can became multi million one in few days.

    Anyway I stop this conversation here. I'm fed up.

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Temporary thread for talking bollocks

    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:20 pm

    Having the monopoly in its field is what every company would love to.

    Of course, because all companies are run by power hungry psychopaths...

    Who's going to use it ? All the connected people use android and iOS, Chinese and russians use their smartphones for practically everything possible. They want to stay connected to the world. They will just switch to other smartphones runing on android or iOS.

    I am not using Android or iOS... or Windows... new OS can work seamlessly on the internet...

    They buy new phones every other week... I doubt most could even tell you what OS they are even running...

    Yeah China and Russia have no deibt and all their people live in luxury houses with chinese made beautifull 300k$ car outside, they eat luxury meals and fart fragrances ...

    Get real a little bit.

    But that is the point... if I am 22 trillion dollars in debt I would be asking myself why I live in a trailer park working three jobs and my wife working two just to pay the fucking bills... where is the benefit of that money spent... most Americans really don't see it...

    All that money was used by US companies and is stilll there.

    Of course.... it is in the pockets of the 1% and they will give it all back... someone just needs to ask...

    Yeah British are responsible for everything and russians are perfect.

    The British have a long history of screwing Russia... the Russians had no reason to believe the British at all. Still don't.

    No they haven't but the money they used was too much because they desperatly needed another country to invest and now they desperatly need someone to buy it.

    Rubbish, they are offering a good product that they need to sell before the F-35 house of cards collapses and everyone realises Su-35s and MiG-35s and F-15s were good enough... with stealthy drones like the S-70.

    No matter what happens Russia wont make more than about 250 Su-57s for itself... it simply does not need more.

    US are sure that the f35 will be bought. First because they will buy it as China and russia became threats again and because other countries will have to.

    I hope you are right... the US forcing its allies to buy those shitty planes will break those alliances rather better than anything Russia or China could do.

    But the thing is that those investments stay in their respective coutries. Those 1.5 trillion are going around in USA (they were used to pay US worker , engineers, smaller subcontractors...) and with the taxes they come back in US hands soon.

    Not really, those engineers have only made 300 aircraft of 3,500 odd they were supposed to make, most of those 1.5 trillion is smoke and mirrors...

    That's not only for the rafales. The contract includes equipment for airfields, weapons, training and probably other stuff like some sort of guarenties.

    MMRCA was suppose to have offsets so half of those 28 billion should have been invested in indian civilian projects.

    Russians sign for only jets and then for the rest.

    The 10 billion dollar contract was for a small number of foreign produced fighters and the rest local production, the Russian offer met the terms, the French offer did not, but the whole exercise was driven by the pro Mirage 2000 lobby to replace the M2K in Indian service so the French entry was always going to win.

    They originally wanted licence production rights to the M2K but France refused and demanded they buy Rafales... will be interesting to see what happens when they get 36 in service...

    The only experience they gained there is that they need to check arresting wires too.

    Which shows your shallow knowledge of the situation... arrester wires fail all the time... that is why there are four fitted at any one time and they carry spares that can be quickly and easily replaced. The problem was not the wires but the reduction gears.

    You can't make wires strong enough to stop an object the weight of an aircraft, so you connect it to reduction gear that gradually increases the tension... it is a bit like making it slightly elastic, but without that tension being released again and sending it back into the air.

    When there is something wrong with the tension gear you can't just replace a cog or wire... it is like repairing a gearbox in a car... you have to take it to pieces and see what is going wrong.

    If you don't know what is wrong till it is too late then aircraft run out of fuel and have to ditch in the water.

    And S-400 missiles stop at the border ?

    An S-400 is an excellent system but can't tell what sort of weapons an aircraft is carrying. Once it has launched those weapons from behind a mountain range there is no legitimate reason to shoot the plane down. The radar will track the incoming weapons and alert the air defence forces near the areas the weapon seems to be heading to.

    Stand off weapon are an acceptable weapon when it comes to killing your allies ?

    They have an agreement with the juice. When the juice broke the agreement the Syrians got S-300 missiles and became part of probably the best IADS in the region.

    I remeber when Syrians used they bm-30 to attack from stand off israeli on the golan, they got an answer 5 minutes after.

    Syrians acting on their own without Russian permission or support... they have other objectives that need to be dealt with first.

    No I said they talk for 20 years how stealth and aesa are shit because US uses them and they end up using it.

    They were told it was shit when a fanboy said it made their planes invisible, and unbeatable...

    I so said they never had an airborne aesa of any sort anf their first one will fly 20 years after US one.

    That's not an opinion that's a fact.

    It is an empty fact, the Soviets had electronically scanned (PESA) radars operating in the late 1970s and the first operational AESA in an aircraft was for the air force if Chile in the late 1990s. They have not made any attempt to convert the MiG-31 to AESA because it offers no advantages at the current technology and price levels... why would they introduce it in any of their other fighter aircraft?

    High offboresight AAMs and helmet mounted cueing systems are of much more value... also something the soviets had in the 1980s.

    In comparison stealth in fighters has never been relevant in combat, they used a few stealth bombers occasionally... in situations where a stealthy cruise missile would have been much much cheaper and much more useful...

    The thing is that you and other russian fanbois here are so anti-US that anyone who is a objective about their equipment becomes a colonialist and supremacist white man who praises every move of the US.

    Just calling it like I see it.

    Most are stupid and talk a lot. Western companies are on the top and they will never help chinese or russians to go near them anyday soon.

    Of course... and the reason the Russians are ahead in hypersonic missiles and China is ahead in 5G technology is because they are copying those advanced western companies... who haven't got any working examples... damn them Ruskies and Chinks are clever eh?

    Yeah those people in those countries run by dicatators go in the streets because they love their situation. They praise their wonderfull dicatators. Those who maight think their situation is bad are US spies.

    Your argumentation is rather pathetic.

    Western manipulation and abuse of so called free media and manufactured freedom movements has made dictators look good and honest, and democracy a dirty word in most of the world.

    US may use them but when they go in the streets its because they can't support those assholes runing their countries.

    US policy in central and south america is to oppose any social or political movements they don't approve of, so in Venezuela, when a government starts looking at solutions to poverty and making things better for the poor majority, the US imposes sanctions and seizes their money in the west, and blame the current leader for the problems, and you like the fucking drooling idiot you are believe you know anything at all about Maduro when a year ago you wouldn't even know his name let alone which country he leads, but you endorse the US deciding who should lead that country even though last year they voted Maduro in for a second term as president. They have done all they could with a rent a crowd to over throw the legally elected democratic government and you bitch and whine about me supporting dictators and not being nice to the fucking yanks.

    And look how far you go to find a similar exemple for the west.

    The west just recently overthrew the democratically elected government in the Ukraine, and they did that by hiring snipers to shoot random people (police and civilians) at a protest to cause unrest so their stooges could seize power. Like most east european countries they basically have a nationalist party, then the next popular is a communist party, and then you have the extremists who are mostly skin heads and nazis... couldn't use the commies of course and the main party is normally the incumbent you are overthrowing so they used the nazis... who lived up to their reputation and burned people to death and shot those trying to escape and any that tried to say no were bombed and shelled... that naked woman you were talking about... if she had a Russian flag wrapped around her she would likely be raped and then killed in peaceful freedom loving Kiev.

    And how about the peace and unity in Syria or Libya or Afghanistan... it has been 30 years since evil Saddam was driven out of Kuwaite... I think men got the vote there in 2009, but not women of course...

    Next time don't answer.

    Another feature of western democracy... there is a transmit button but no receive...

    Using euro gives EU another tool to sanctiothem badly just like US are doing with the dollar.the other currency are not stable.

    Good... use it... train them to hate the west... it will be better in the long run... for them.

    Cthe other currency starting with russian ruble are not stable, multi billion contract can became multi million one in few days.

    Russia, Iran, China, and India have all already agreed to not trade in US dollars.

    Anyway I stop this conversation here. I'm fed up.

    Moving it now... it is way off topic.

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:15 pm

    The dissing of Huawei by the resident NATO fanboi is hilarious. The US does not even produce the 5th and 6th gen level of equipment that Huawei produces.
    And Huawei has also developed its own Arm CPU variant that will give Intel/AMD some serious competition. The most likely explanation for all the spying and
    IP theft claims is that the US can't compete and is pulling the usual dirty tricks to "succeed". American claims about IP can never be given the benefit of the
    doubt: supposedly Russia is stealing all the Patriot and yet-to-be-built hypersonic missile tech but the shit America produces is either shit or not even present
    on this astral plane.


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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  Mindstorm Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:56 pm

    Isos wrote:Yeah so your PESA radars are as good as other AESA ..

    Our latest ПФАР, and specifically Н035 «Ирбис», are not "as good" as other latest АФАР, it significantly surpass them in terms of, radiated power, detection/acquisition range , side lobes performances and cost, while conceding to them in, beam agility, interleaving air/groung mode and capability to provide targets update guidance to an higher number of missiles and UAVs (this last difference become exploitable, above all for US -made fixed array mounted only in frontal radome, only for 3th part guidance of missiles delivered by other aircraft against enemies remaining within 45-50 frontal degrees).  

    Isos practically this mean that, at example if you are in a forward formation of F-22s you will detect and acquire with AN/APG-77 a group of enemy air refueling aircraft (the destruction of which could mean the effective "downing" ,without firing a single missile, of an entire attacking deep strike or SEAD/DEAD group of literally dozen enemy aircraft that counted on them to return from theirs mission) and the position of theirs defensive counter air group more than 100 km after what would be possible to a formation of Су-35С with its Н035 "Ирбис" and this gap ,together with the employment of Р-37M instead of an AIM-120-D......,will make all the difference between being capable to easily and timely engage them or being totally uncapable of that.

    Even more all our simulation models of modern large scale air combat between advanced opponents for long range engagements (that anyhow against highly manoueuvrable fighters proceeding at supersonic speed and protected by advanced ECM systems will not produce relative losses superior to 20-25 % of the enemy formation before the merge) have always shown the central role of wide angular detection capabilities for each aircraft in the air formation, where it become a true force multiplier both offensively -mantaining detection/locking and missile guidance on enemy aircraft/ missiles-  that defensively -allowing kinematic motions enormously aiding AAM-defeating maneuvers and to exit from enemy radar FoV-.

    This became a central MoD technical requirement both for development of Н035 "Ирбис"

    and Н036

    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Zqr16810

    As said this transient step with the development of Н036 АФАР has been done to provide a working radar sample with very high field of view in the today built aircraft, exibiting an elementary component basis and a placement in the aircraft's structure more similar to the fotonic based models that will be serially integrated, likely, already from the second MoD order of T-50s ( that will require some minor modifications, but will spare some weight and increase of several times detection, acquisition and EW immunity performances).

    Isos wrote:So why is su-57 stealth and has a aesa like f22 which makes it 3-4 times more expensive than a su-35 ?

    About the Н036 АФАР you can read above , about the alleged cost of T-50 in comaparison with Су-35С, it is a pure non-sense, probably fruit of the usual disfunctional brain of western PR doctors.

    Isos wrote:US have more experience with stealth than you. Geometry of the plane, RAM (which includes materials and paint). Soviet had the first but not the second.The first can be studied but second needs to be created and then tested. If you want to simulate an f-22 on a computer you can draw it but you won't know exactly what it is made of. So no you won't have an absolute accuracy about its rcs. Only an idea that can be totally false.

    Isos lately i are attempting, for various reasons, to avoid to provide response too technical (you can search some i and other contributors have given in the past about this subject), but i image that you are perfectly aware of the fact that radar absorbing materials (often less knowly by most used in "low observable" design to merely change the point and angle of incidence of a portion of the reradiating cone toward other elements of the airframe capable to reduce the return at the source point) account also in the most advanced samples of latest generation to no more than 20 % of the total RCS reduction.

    Now even an openly accessible, mostly physical optics-executed (providing usually result most "advantageous" for the Aircraft in terms of reduction of the effective RCS) analysis of the F-22's airframe RCS give results very different from the ridiculous figures circulating on it - and here we talk of frontal projection not average -. Just for example :    

    you will notice how the same authors ,are forced to in some way and in a way totally unprofessionally to justify the enormous spread between theirs computation and the "public literature" (read PR garbage) for frontal RCS ,variating from 20 to 40 dBSM at 8 to 10 GHz, just citing the "unknown variable of RAM" , that they themselves well know cannot contribute for more than a 10 dBSM reduction in effective area of scattering.

    This example, one of the dozen is possible to find in public and not public analysis of "low observable" aircraft, show not only what are the real RCS figures we are talking about (those perfectly collimating with Federation's Institutes computation boasting the most advanced mathematical modeling for radar diffraction at world none excluded) ,but the terrible pressure existing in the West on the scientifical community on maintaing, often also in an unsophisticated gross way, the PR coverage on those sensible subjects.

    Last edited by Mindstorm on Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:24 pm

    It takes a special kind of moron to swallow company brochure claims as validated scientific fact. Brochures for products are written by the marketing department
    and not by the R&D team and have an obvious conflict of interest: sell the product is top priority, actual performance characteristics are not conducive to selling
    the product.

    As someone who does physics for a living, I always found the claims about a few square centimeters of radar cross section claimed for the F-22 as utter, brain
    dead BS. One can only get such small cross sections only from a small number of ideal vantage points and by using 1950s radar characteristics. No F-22 is
    going to present the optimum low RCS to multiple radars all the time. It is physically impossible and in fact, the F-22 has enormous RCS from its ridiculously
    oversized rear rudders. When you drop the 1950s radar features and admit the use of wide spectrum detection, the whole stealth miracle starts to fade away
    and fast.


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    Post  Aristide Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:58 pm

    kvs wrote:The dissing of Huawei by the resident NATO fanboi is hilarious.    The US does not even produce the 5th and 6th gen level of equipment that Huawei produces.  
    And Huawei has also developed its own Arm CPU variant that will give Intel/AMD some serious competition.    The most likely explanation for all the spying and
    IP theft claims is that the US can't compete and is pulling the usual dirty tricks to "succeed".   American claims about IP can never be given the benefit of the
    doubt: supposedly Russia is stealing all the Patriot and yet-to-be-built hypersonic missile tech but the shit America produces is either shit or not even present
    on this astral plane.  

    No company in China is independend. In France and Europe in general we dont want comrade Xi in our networks. Thats why Huawei gets banned here. Quite reasonable in such a important

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    Post  Regular Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:20 pm

    Huawei are already in talks with Russian and Chinese companies regarding alternatives in OS and apps

    It will end up tits up. No devs, no OS. Microsoft and their surface platforms sucked so bad because of that.

    Huawei phones are only popular because they are cheap and they run android.

    Last edited by Regular on Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Mindstorm Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:20 pm

    kvs wrote:As someone who does physics for a living, I always found the claims about a few square centimeters of radar cross section claimed for the F-22 as utter, brain
    dead BS. .

    Exactly the same here.

    kvs wrote:One can only get such small cross sections only from a small number of ideal vantage points and by using 1950s radar characteristics. No F-22 is
    going to present the optimum low RCS to multiple radars all the time

    The thing i find even more amusing is the terrible "clutching at straws" by part of western collagues when them , presenting the results of theirs work in a serious publication about those subjects (RCS computations of supposedly "very low observable aircraft of western design) begin to utter the most self-embarrassing non-senses to attempt to, in a way, to cover the huge defference they themselves find between the RCS they compute for those low observable aircraft and the comical garbage coming from the PR departments of the US making companies and theirs slave media.

    If you open at page 9 (49 of the journal) of the analysis i have provided in the link in the last post you will notice that strictly in the frontal projection even taking into account the portion of X band for which planar layout arrangement of F-22's airframe is optimized, RCS reduction-wise, (8-10 GHz) you have that the RCS variate from a minimum of -18 dBsm at 8 GHz up to +4 dBsm at 10 GHz.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:50 am

    No company in China is independend. In France and Europe in general we dont want comrade Xi in our networks. Thats why Huawei gets banned here. Quite reasonable in such a important

    So what you are trying to say is that Chinese hardware that might have built in back doors and weaknesses is bad, but US hardware that does not exist yet, but when it does will definitely have back doors and weaknesses is a better choice for France and for Europe and the world?

    Grow up.

    When you actually have evidence of Chinese spying please tell us about it, but the evidence of US spying is enormous, and evidence of their immoral and illegal use of information so gained is public record.

    It will end up tits up. No devs, no OS. Microsoft and their surface platforms sucked so bad because of that.

    There are dozens of operating systems around the place... it is not even as if it is a totally new language... MS DOS is just microsoft disk operating system, which was largely stolen from existing DOSs... it really is not rocket science... 90% of users don't even know what operating system they even use.

    Ask most people and they will say Dell, or Acer, of Phillips because that is what is written on their monitor.

    There are hundreds of different Linux variations for a variety of platforms from tiny to industrial that are all open source and free.

    Huawei phones are only popular because they are cheap and they run android.

    And for a few years you could say the same about Samsung phones... but these days if you are prepared to wait a few extra months they normally come out with a cheaper phone than the latest Iphone... often with new or better features...

    As someone who does physics for a living, I always found the claims about a few square centimeters of radar cross section claimed for the F-22 as utter, brain
    dead BS. .

    As an amateur, with fairly basic but broad knowledge... the F-22 is not a sphere so describing it with one number for its RCS can't be accurate.

    In sales, you don't list problems, you list the very best features to try to sell the product.

    The figures the Americans give is the best angle at specific frequencies in a particular status and condition... ie X band simple radars of limited processing and power, against an F-22 without external weapons and in top condition properly maintained and serviced... from one specific direction/angle no doubt.

    Change any of those parameters and the RCS will blow out exponentially... because that is what RCS do...

    Otherwise existing types could be made stealthy and there would be no need to manage design and construction down to the fraction of a millimetre, and precision of angles to the nth degree.

    As the Russians worked out... reduced radar signature is useful, but not critical to change the entire airforce for.

    Interceptors and indeed AWACS platforms will be operating rather powerful radars a lot of the time so radar stealth makes very little sense for either of them.

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    Post  Aristide Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:27 am

    GarryB wrote:
    No company in China is independend. In France and Europe in general we dont want comrade Xi in our networks. Thats why Huawei gets banned here. Quite reasonable in such a important

    So what you are trying to say is that Chinese hardware that might have built in back doors and weaknesses is bad, but US hardware that does not exist yet, but when it does will definitely have back doors and weaknesses is a better choice for France and for Europe and the world?

    Grow up.

    When you actually have evidence of Chinese spying please tell us about it, but the evidence of US spying is enormous, and evidence of their immoral and illegal use of information so gained is public record.

    It will end up tits up. No devs, no OS. Microsoft and their surface platforms sucked so bad because of that.

    There are dozens of operating systems around the place... it is not even as if it is a totally new language... MS DOS is just microsoft disk operating system, which was largely stolen from existing DOSs... it really is not rocket science... 90% of users don't even know what operating system they even use.

    Ask most people and they will say Dell, or Acer, of Phillips because that is what is written on their monitor.

    There are hundreds of different Linux variations for a variety of platforms from tiny to industrial that are all open source and free.

    Huawei phones are only popular because they are cheap and they run android.

    And for a few years you could say the same about Samsung phones... but these days if you are prepared to wait a few extra months they normally come out with a cheaper phone than the latest Iphone... often with new or better features...

    As someone who does physics for a living, I always found the claims about a few square centimeters of radar cross section claimed for the F-22 as utter, brain
    dead BS. .

    As an amateur, with fairly basic but broad knowledge... the F-22 is not a sphere so describing it with one number for its RCS can't be accurate.

    In sales, you don't list problems, you list the very best features to try to sell the product.

    The figures the Americans give is the best angle at specific frequencies in a particular status and condition... ie X band simple radars of limited processing and power, against an F-22 without external weapons and in top condition properly maintained and serviced... from one specific direction/angle no doubt.

    Change any of those parameters and the RCS will blow out exponentially... because that is what RCS do...

    Otherwise existing types could be made stealthy and there would be no need to manage design and construction down to the fraction of a millimetre, and precision of angles to the nth degree.

    As the Russians worked out... reduced radar signature is useful, but not critical to change the entire airforce for.

    Interceptors and indeed AWACS platforms will be operating rather powerful radars a lot of the time so radar stealth makes very little sense for either of them.

    China spies constantly, so yes, i dont want comrade xi in our hardware. Im glad france locked them out of competition.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:14 pm

    But Putin supposedly claims that "Russians and Ukrainians are same people."
    many others say the same thing.
    Russian principalities fought each other after the Kievan Rus divided into them; later Polish-Lithuanian state's local ethnic Russians fought Greater Russians, & the Russian Empire had many uprisings & the civil war in the 1920s.
    Odin of Ossetia
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    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:03 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    But Putin supposedly claims that "Russians and Ukrainians are same people."
    many others say the same thing.
    Russian principalities fought each other after the Kievan Rus divided into them; later Polish-Lithuanian state's local ethnic Russians fought Greater Russians, & the Russian Empire had many uprisings & the civil war in the 1920s.    

    They were not same people even back then, as this whole "Rus/Ruthenia" thing, even while it was united, was a conglomeration of various Finnic and Slavic tribes, with Varangians being added to them to a greater degree when Kiev/proto-Ukraine was conquered.

    Yes, the Varangian stronghold of Kiev was taken by force, that is how they were "same people."

    And it was actually Belarussian-Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth.

    The "Lithuania" was actually known as the Grand Duchy of Litva, Samogatia, and the Rus, with the Rus being essentially Belarus.

    Essentially Germanic invaders and pillagers have been transformed into "Slavs" on account of linguistic Slavization and somebody's sick idea to make their nationality more numerous by incorporating alien elements.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 05, 2019 7:16 am

    Depends how you define the same people... an Asian person would look at a white american and a white european and think they are the same enough to be called the same.

    The various different countries within the EU are supposed to share morals and values and ethics so they are basically the same.... (which of course they are not).

    Very early in New Zealands history its white european population was very small, New Zealands capital was in Australia and we were technically governed from there... the difference between the white aussies and white new zealanders was not particularly significant... a large percentage of the Aussie population arrived in handcuffs, but they soon lost those... no where to run...

    Every few years when the mining industry in australia is not doing well for whatever reason some bright spark suggests NZ gets absorbed as a sort of extra Aussie state. Never goes anywhere of course... we want to be aussies like Scots want to be English.
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    Post  par far Fri Dec 06, 2019 5:15 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    How will the Chinese in your opinion deal with the Ukrainian Nazis?

    Well these HK people seem to be pretty naieve... they don't realise how counter productive waving US flags is to a Chinese audience and to the rest of the world... when america squeals about foreign interference I will just think back to those idiots waving those flags and think "who the fuck cares what upsets you you dicks".

    I don't think China will get directly involved, but the Hong Kong Authorities will have to act... it would be like members of the white helmets turning up... they are not there for shits and giggles... they are a serious threat to law and order and human lives, so I am sure they will try to trace their location and presence in an future riot event and take steps to deal with them.

    I also think a lot of the super radical protestors wont care but the vast majority wont want these people in their ranks because it makes them look militant and dangerous and if the authorities want a serious hard line crack down then this gives them all the excuse they could ever want.

    Maybe Russia should send a few Georgian snipers to take out those Nazis (but only the nazis and no one else)... that would be funny.

    The one thing I can't wait for when is when the Ukrainian Nazis go to Europe(they will eventually end up there because there is no money left in Ukraine and they may not last too long in Hong Kong) and fight the Islamist's in Europe, that will be a great sight to see.

    Well after centuries of mostly economic migration away from Europe, they are getting economic migration back and they don't like it... I wonder how Ukrainian Nazis and White Helmets will suit them... I agree it will be fun to see...

    To really make it karma perhaps China should produce a few dozen aircraft carriers and hundreds of their new destroyers and move on to some 20K ton cruisers and start delivering opium to the UK... it might be the best solution for the UK government to put most of their adult population in a drug induced stupor... oblivious to the chaos around them.

    Hopefully Chinese authorities will arrest them and send them to Russia. Russia should send such a request immediately.

    Who will then extradite them to the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics to stand trial for warcrimes

    Hahaha... that would be an ideal outcome too.

    But maybe let them cause a little trouble first and leave them be for a while. So that more will follow, if we're lucky.

    Leave it a month or two and Suck Arse Milli Vanili might turn up to chew over a few ties with the locals...  pirat

    To be fair GarryB migration is being forced into Europe, the Europe we have known is not going to exist. The new Europe will be rape, fear and destruction because of the Muslims and the Negros. It is really the fault of the western governments, can you imagine, all that money they spent on wars, instead they used to develop those countries.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 07, 2019 8:37 am

    To be fair GarryB migration is being forced into Europe, the Europe we have known is not going to exist.

    You can't expect the rest of the world to ignore the wealth that has been collected in Europe because a lot of it came on the backs of the rest of the world.

    It already happens inside Europe where internal migration leads to skilled people moving to higher paying jobs and better lifestyles... well 200 years ago the poor from Europe were looking for new lands to go to to create new lives for themselves... you can't blame the poor from other countries you have colonised these last 400-500 years for wanting to live in a place with running water and nice modern buildings... perhaps if the west has spent trillions helping the rest of the world develop these last thirty years of peace after the end of the cold war instead of money spent smashing countries down and trying to rebuild them into structures and cultures you find more palatable...

    The west claims to be a source for what is good and what is right in the world... man up and practise some of this christian love and kindness you keep blabbbing about.

    Or instead you could just STFU completely... anything else is hypocrisy.

    The new Europe will be rape, fear and destruction because of the Muslims and the Negros.

    Of course... western prisons are totally empty... there are no criminals in Europe... just the ones that come from Africa... I notice the rapists and murderers with a million bucks in the bank are fine... in fact they are welcomed...

    It is really the fault of the western governments, can you imagine, all that money they spent on wars, instead they used to develop those countries.

    Of course it is... sanctions on Cuba and North Korea and Iran and Russia... it really does not effect the leaderships, it effects the people... they know that... and they know that any recriminations will be borne by the people of the west too... some dickhead here murders 51 muslims and some more dickheads in Sri Lanka murder 250 in response using bombs. Here we have semi automatic firearms banned, but they used bombs in Sri Lanka so what do they ban there?

    That is just life... deal with it.

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    Post  Regular Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:15 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    You can't expect the rest of the world to ignore the wealth that has been collected in Europe because a lot of it came on the backs of the rest of the world.

    What did Finland, Norway and Sweden steal from other countries that they are flooded by swarms of foreign filth?
    Did Russia invade Africa that blacks are now comming to Moscow in droves?

    Most of the wealth in Europe was generated quite recently. Even in Germany after WW2 - they started with bombed out cities and destroyed infrastructure and factories. Human capital is what creates wealth, African countries are sitting on piles of gold and diamonds - they are too lazy to do anything productive and majority of population in African continent has lower IQ than Saint Koko the Gorilla. Chinese who work in Africa and trying to help them- call them apes:

    Do you think that they are equal to russians who proved that NO MATTER what political system they are under - Russian character and traits survive. Princes, Khans, Emperors, Dictators, Presidents. Nothing changed Russians - it's genetic. Russians can survive and thrive everywhere. From exile in Siberia to Amazon jungles. (yes, there were Russian exiles there as well)
    Siberia is more barren and harsher than African plains and...people still build, live there.

    It already happens inside Europe where internal migration leads to skilled people moving to higher paying jobs and better lifestyles... well 200 years ago the poor from Europe were looking for new lands to go to to create new lives for themselves... you can't blame the poor from other countries you have colonised these last 400-500 years for wanting to live in a place with running water and nice modern buildings...

    Migration to Europe leads to rich people getting richer and poor working class people becoming as rich as same refugees that come here. Working class is not protected at all as they are easily replaced by expendable migrants. This is only reason why governments let migrants in, no sane person would like uninvited intruder - sewage system might be owned by the government, but I am pretty sure you wouldn't be happy to find me using your toilet.

    perhaps if the west has spent trillions helping the rest of the world develop these last thirty years of peace after the end of the cold war instead of money spent smashing countries down and trying to rebuild them into structures and cultures you find more palatable...

    Soviets did spend trillions on other countries and they did discover that ONLY asian and latin countries are suitable for help. Africa and Middle East are money pits. Too unstable, mentality of people over there is not good for nation building. West still didn't learn this, look at money lost on Libya who is again back with Gadafi no2.

    The west claims to be a source for what is good and what is right in the world... man up and practise some of this christian love and kindness you keep blabbbing about.

    Culturally - yes, west is what is good in the world. Russia is large part of that goodness. Visit Saint Petersburg to see best of surviving European architecture on larger scale than anywhere else.
    Russian historical countryside villages are also very impressive.
    Does anyone else come close to what Europeans have built? Japanese, Chinese and other Asian architecture is simplistic compared to what Europeans have. Even woodworking was much more advanced in Russia than in Japan if you look at wooden Russian churches or wooden kreposts that were more impressive than Japanese castles, haha.. makes it look like a fecal hut from Africa with papier mache over it.

    Now European music.. Let's not dwell into Classical music where there's NO OTHER CULTURE who could come close. Chaikovsky didn't do african tribal music you know..

    Russian folk music and instruments were already 1000 years more advanced to what Africans and Native Indians had. Baltic folk music also can make grown man like me to break down in tears. It's so close to my soul. Here's Black Raven - Russian folk song..

    Or this version..  it's mainstream in Russia as they value their heritage.

    Even this redneck tune that is fun and charming.

    Or pagan Lithuanian and Swedish music

    Now art... compare asian or african art to European.
    NOTHING comes close to European arts when you visit museums. Ermitage, Tverskaya.. see majestic paintings look at the techniques used. Statues are something else entirely...

    Do you really want to tell me this heritage is nothing impressive? Are you so roothless that you despise centuries of fibre of what makes European countries?

    What could I substitute Dostoevsky with? You know any good African, Asian writers, painters, composers?
    What should I show to my children? Have you seen African art?

    It's DISGUSTING, just phalluses and breasts and sex. There's few ones depicting animals. Even that - my children can made better animals using polymer clay...

    Mocking European culture is what jews and liberals do, even communists were more sensitive towards that. Soviets did embrace classic music and ballet and let small nations practice, sing and embrace their culture, when now it's being ridiculed mocked and nogger rap or asian kpop music is being shoved down the throats by Globohomo shills.

    Of course... western prisons are totally empty... there are no criminals in Europe... just the ones that come from Africa... I notice the rapists and murderers with a million bucks in the bank are fine... in fact they are welcomed...
    It was pretty empty before invasion of thugs. Sweden, Norway, Finland. Guess who are majority of criminals there? Russian jails are full of kavkazoids as well.

    And about NZ shooter. Well, to be honest, when I heard there was shooting in Christchurch, I was expecting something totally different. I'll end it here.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 08, 2019 3:24 am

    What did Finland, Norway and Sweden steal from other countries that they are flooded by swarms of foreign filth?

    They joined in to an agreement on ignoring borders with countries with a terrible history and a history that continues to this day... the attack on Libya was not driven by the US... it was driven by the UK and France and EU countries.

    Wanting to socially engineer countries near them to be like them.... they get the first bit right... you break the egg, but then they stop so no omelettes are made... just egg and egg shell all over the place.

    Did Russia invade Africa that blacks are now comming to Moscow in droves?

    It is Russias choice who they let in or don't.

    Most of the wealth in Europe was generated quite recently.

    Bollocks.... the richest families in Europe remain the same... there are a few new additions but basically the ones that were rich three centuries ago are even richer now.

    Even in Germany after WW2 - they started with bombed out cities and destroyed infrastructure and factories. Human capital is what creates wealth, African countries are sitting on piles of gold and diamonds - they are too lazy to do anything productive and majority of population in African continent has lower IQ than Saint Koko the Gorilla. Chinese who work in Africa and trying to help them- call them ape

    IQ is a white invention to justify stealing from people of a different skin colour. Did you know that people with grey hair actually have a much higher IQ than any other hair colour...

    Siberia is more barren and harsher than African plains and...people still build, live there.

    So what.... Blacks survive in the harsh places in Africa too... but they have the brains to move to Europe where if you can sneak in and get citizenship they will give you a house and pay you money and you don't even have to work for it...

    Migration to Europe leads to rich people getting richer and poor working class people becoming as rich as same refugees that come here. Working class is not protected at all as they are easily replaced by expendable migrants. This is only reason why governments let migrants in, no sane person would like uninvited intruder - sewage system might be owned by the government, but I am pretty sure you wouldn't be happy to find me using your toilet.

    But that is the point... there are a lot of jobs people with self respect wont do for minimum wage... the solutions are either pay more money or to get someone who is desperate in to do the job... and western governments have chosen the latter and they suppress all the bad publicity about rapes and theft and murder because the cheap labour is cheap... which is all they care about.

    Soviets did spend trillions on other countries and they did discover that ONLY asian and latin countries are suitable for help. Africa and Middle East are money pits. Too unstable, mentality of people over there is not good for nation building. West still didn't learn this, look at money lost on Libya who is again back with Gadafi no2.

    The west wasn't interested in competition... they could give a fuck what life is like in Africa or Asia as long as their government voted with them against the Soviet bloc that was all they cared about... they were there to get votes at the UN and to keep the Soviets out.

    Culturally - yes, west is what is good in the world. Russia is large part of that goodness.

    Bullshit. First of all they don't consider Russia to be any part of the west or part of europe... look at what the Germans did in the houses of various great russian poets and writers that they torched and ransacked. Second, the western influence has been to steal and pillage and consume.

    Russian historical countryside villages are also very impressive.

    Most of them rebuilt since the mid 1940s after the Germans visited with their allies...

    Now European music.. Let's not dwell into Classical music where there's NO OTHER CULTURE who could come close. Chaikovsky didn't do african tribal music you know..

    Music is just structured noise... if you think culture is going to ballets and listening to classical music then that is fine... you can keep your culture if that is the case. Not really interested in paintings and non functional building designs either to be honest.

    NOTHING comes close to European arts when you visit museums. Ermitage, Tverskaya.. see majestic paintings look at the techniques used. Statues are something else entirely...

    Nothing would be better... I agree with you there, but I don't think you are being literal.

    Do you really want to tell me this heritage is nothing impressive? Are you so roothless that you despise centuries of fibre of what makes European countries?

    I am sure Hitler probably had some good points too, it really doesn't make up for the bad things he did or had done in his name.

    What could I substitute Dostoevsky with? You know any good African, Asian writers, painters, composers?

    Nothing would be fine.

    What should I show to my children? Have you seen African art?

    It's DISGUSTING, just phalluses and breasts and sex. There's few ones depicting animals. Even that - my children can made better animals using polymer clay...

    You want to hide the human body from your children... I can understand that... they don't need to see that as children, and for the most part they are not ready... which is fine. But there is plenty of western art that is cocks out so to speak.

    Mocking European culture is what jews and liberals do, even communists were more sensitive towards that.

    And rounding up and killing jews is what European culture did... which crime is the worse?

    Soviets did embrace classic music and ballet and let small nations practice, sing and embrace their culture, when now it's being ridiculed mocked and nogger rap or asian kpop music is being shoved down the throats by Globohomo shills.

    But that is the thing... it is not africa or asia or central or south america that is screwing your history and culture... it is your western liberals that are doing that... physician heal thyself.

    It was pretty empty before invasion of thugs. Sweden, Norway, Finland. Guess who are majority of criminals there? Russian jails are full of kavkazoids as well.

    Yeah, the same here... Maori make the majority of prisoners here just like in the US most prisoners are coloured... but does that mean they commit more crime, or does that just mean they are less likely to get away with it... or maybe they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and couldn't prove it wasn't them and nobody cared who they got as long as they got someone.

    Do you think those wall street bankers who steal billions of dollars from people all round the world are black? Do you think they will ever see the inside of a jail cell... ever?

    Life is not a fairy tale... unfortunately... fairy tales have rules and the bad guys never prosper and the good guy always wins... well the real world just isn't like that.

    And about NZ shooter. Well, to be honest, when I heard there was shooting in Christchurch, I was expecting something totally different. I'll end it here.

    An immigrant to be sure.... but he was a white Australian. Personally I think we should tally up all the people who were shot and look at the countries they all originally came from and then send him to the country that pops up most for trial and imprisonment... I think the victims and their families would appreciate it and I would be happier not paying for that prick to live the rest of his life in a nice warm comfortable prison.
    par far

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  par far Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:38 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    What did Finland, Norway and Sweden steal from other countries that they are flooded by swarms of foreign filth?

    They joined in to an agreement on ignoring borders with countries with a terrible history and a history that continues to this day... the attack on Libya was not driven by the US... it was driven by the UK and France and EU countries.

    Wanting to socially engineer countries near them to be like them.... they get the first bit right... you break the egg, but then they stop so no omelettes are made... just egg and egg shell all over the place.

    Did Russia invade Africa that blacks are now comming to Moscow in droves?

    It is Russias choice who they let in or don't.

    I don't think letting in blacks into your country is ever a good choice. But I don't think many if them will live in Russia for long because Russia does not have the free welfare system that the west. The niggers need that, they don't want to work.

    Most of the wealth in Europe was generated quite recently.

    Bollocks.... the richest families in Europe remain the same... there are a few new additions but basically the ones that were rich three centuries ago are even richer now.

    Even in Germany after WW2 - they started with bombed out cities and destroyed infrastructure and factories. Human capital is what creates wealth, African countries are sitting on piles of gold and diamonds - they are too lazy to do anything productive and majority of population in African continent has lower IQ than Saint Koko the Gorilla. Chinese who work in Africa and trying to help them- call them ape

    IQ is a white invention to justify stealing from people of a different skin colour. Did you know that people with grey hair actually have a much higher IQ than any other hair colour...

    This is simply not true, IQ is what measures human intelligence. In Africa, the niggers IO is very low and that is why they have not build anything.

    Siberia is more barren and harsher than African plains and...people still build, live there.

    So what.... Blacks survive in the harsh places in Africa too... but they have the brains to move to Europe where if you can sneak in and get citizenship they will give you a house and pay you money and you don't even have to work for it...

    You don't need brains for that. The niggers are lazy and don't want to work after the world wars, people from Europe could have moved out but they stayed and rebuilt their country. And after World War 2 people in Japan and Soviet Union did the same thing.

    Migration to Europe leads to rich people getting richer and poor working class people becoming as rich as same refugees that come here. Working class is not protected at all as they are easily replaced by expendable migrants. This is only reason why governments let migrants in, no sane person would like uninvited intruder - sewage system might be owned by the government, but I am pretty sure you wouldn't be happy to find me using your toilet.

    But that is the point... there are a lot of jobs people with self respect wont do for minimum wage... the solutions are either pay more money or to get someone who is desperate in to do the job... and western governments have chosen the latter and they suppress all the bad publicity about rapes and theft and murder because the cheap labour is cheap... which is all they care about.

    I don't think letting in blacks into your country is ever a good choice. But I don't think many if them will live in Russia for long because Russia does not have the free welfare system that the west. The niggers need that, they don't want to work. niggers that are coming in are not going to work, why would they work, they get everything for free.

    Soviets did spend trillions on other countries and they did discover that ONLY asian and latin countries are suitable for help. Africa and Middle East are money pits. Too unstable, mentality of people over there is not good for nation building. West still didn't learn this, look at money lost on Libya who is again back with Gadafi no2.

    The west wasn't interested in competition... they could give a fuck what life is like in Africa or Asia as long as their government voted with them against the Soviet bloc that was all they cared about... they were there to get votes at the UN and to keep the Soviets out.

    Culturally - yes, west is what is good in the world. Russia is large part of that goodness.

    Bullshit. First of all they don't consider Russia to be any part of the west or part of europe... look at what the Germans did in the houses of various great russian poets and writers that they torched and ransacked. Second, the western influence has been to steal and pillage and consume.

    Russian historical countryside villages are also very impressive.

    Most of them rebuilt since the mid 1940s after the Germans visited with their allies...

    Now European music.. Let's not dwell into Classical music where there's NO OTHER CULTURE who could come close. Chaikovsky didn't do african tribal music you know..

    Music is just structured noise... if you think culture is going to ballets and listening to classical music then that is fine... you can keep your culture if that is the case. Not really interested in paintings and non functional building designs either to be honest.

    NOTHING comes close to European arts when you visit museums. Ermitage, Tverskaya.. see majestic paintings look at the techniques used. Statues are something else entirely...

    Nothing would be better... I agree with you there, but I don't think you are being literal.

    Do you really want to tell me this heritage is nothing impressive? Are you so roothless that you despise centuries of fibre of what makes European countries?

    I am sure Hitler probably had some good points too, it really doesn't make up for the bad things he did or had done in his name.

    What could I substitute Dostoevsky with? You know any good African, Asian writers, painters, composers?

    Nothing would be fine.

    What should I show to my children? Have you seen African art?

    It's DISGUSTING, just phalluses and breasts and sex. There's few ones depicting animals. Even that - my children can made better animals using polymer clay...

    You want to hide the human body from your children... I can understand that... they don't need to see that as children, and for the most part they are not ready... which is fine. But there is plenty of western art that is cocks out so to speak.

    In art there has been more than the human body, in nigger painting, it is all the same.

    Mocking European culture is what jews and liberals do, even communists were more sensitive towards that.

    And rounding up and killing jews is what European culture did... which crime is the worse?

    Soviets did embrace classic music and ballet and let small nations practice, sing and embrace their culture, when now it's being ridiculed mocked and nogger rap or asian kpop music is being shoved down the throats by Globohomo shills.

    But that is the thing... it is not africa or asia or central or south america that is screwing your history and culture... it is your western liberals that are doing that... physician heal thyself.

    It was pretty empty before invasion of thugs. Sweden, Norway, Finland. Guess who are majority of criminals there? Russian jails are full of kavkazoids as well.

    Yeah, the same here... Maori make the majority of prisoners here just like in the US most prisoners are coloured... but does that mean they commit more crime, or does that just mean they are less likely to get away with it... or maybe they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and couldn't prove it wasn't them and nobody cared who they got as long as they got someone.

    Do you think those wall street bankers who steal billions of dollars from people all round the world are black? Do you think they will ever see the inside of a jail cell... ever?

    Life is not a fairy tale... unfortunately... fairy tales have rules and the bad guys never prosper and the good guy always wins... well the real world just isn't like that.

    And about NZ shooter. Well, to be honest, when I heard there was shooting in Christchurch, I was expecting something totally different. I'll end it here.

    An immigrant to be sure.... but he was a white Australian. Personally I think we should tally up all the people who were shot and look at the countries they all originally came from and then send him to the country that pops up most for trial and imprisonment... I think the victims and their families would appreciate it and I would be happier not paying for that prick to live the rest of his life in a nice warm comfortable prison.

    As a Mod I have two main problems with this post.
    First, you only replied to a couple of my comments, so why did you repost my entire post... you are being lazy.

    Second, while there are no rules about racism it is pretty fundamentally true that grouping people together using racist terms and then labelling them all as being one thing or another is more proof of low IQ than skin colour.

    I don't expect you to stop being racist, I think that would be unreasonable of me to ask for that, but please keep your racist ideas to yourself in future or you will get a break.

    I have not received any complaints as of yet regarding your comments, but to be honest I didn't much appreciate your language or stereotypes... to be honest you remind me of American media when given a target... like Russians, they attack like they know what they are talking about... all Russians are evil... no proof is needed... it is just evidentially true... just like all guns are bad, therefore anyone interested in them must be evil so therefore this forum about Russians and guns must be evil... can you appreciate that such simple and useless logic does no one any good?

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  jhelb Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:11 pm

    Regular wrote:What did Finland, Norway and Sweden steal from other countries that they are flooded by swarms of foreign filth?
    Did Russia invade Africa that blacks are now comming to Moscow in droves?

    When I was young you could travel to any outskirts of Moscow without any fear. The continuous influx of blacks, indians, central asians has made Moscow very unsafe. Ethnic Russians are living in fear and do not travel to these areas even during the day.

    Moscow's wealth attracts a lot of immigrants and almost all of them are third world scumbags who come from africa, india, central asia

    I'm unable to understand why can't the Kremlin ban the entry of these third world shit faces.

    Regular wrote:Most of the wealth in Europe was generated quite recently.

    There are parts of UK and US that looks more like an area in africa or asia. Completely filled up with colored people like blacks, hindus, buddhists and what not. All that these people of colour do is they go there and steal jobs from locals. Take tech sector - almost all the jobs have been stolen by hindus. One of them comes in and brings in 10 of their family members, illegally. Latinos too do the same. Consequently, violent crimes have also increased.

    Kremlin is not being careful. Soon, Russia too will be swarmed by these people of color who by their very nature are very violent apart from being cheats and thugs.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:07 pm

    U r fundamentally wrong. The jobs they take r mostly those refused by the locals. Businesses must hire them or close/go bankrupt. They &/ their bosses paying taxes, dealing with other businesses, buying goods, thus contributing to the economy.
    Many Ks of Poles r now working in Germany & elsewhere in Europe while their place was taken by Ks Ukrainians.
    There are almost 5-6 million Ukrainian refugees and workers in Russia, remitting approximately 1 bn $/€ of workpay revenue back home. Following the outbreak of the Donbass War in 2014, over 420,000 asylum-seekers and refugees from Ukraine had registered in Russia as of November 2017.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add links)

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    Talking bollocks thread #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #2

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 11, 2019 12:58 am

    I don't think letting in blacks into your country is ever a good choice. But I don't think many if them will live in Russia for long because Russia does not have the free welfare system that the west. The niggers need that, they don't want to work.

    So are they lazy because they are black?

    It was black slaves that built up the wealth of a lot of very very rich families in the US, so perhaps they feel they have a right to sit on their arses and do nothing... like the white censored  their ancestors were forced to work for.

    How many black people do you actually know personally?

    I know a few and they are more hard working than I am to be honest.

    Of course you take the most hard working people around and say... hey you can either work your ass off for $200 a week in some demeaning manual job where you can get injured or killed... or you can be unemployed and get $180 a week... now keep in mind with that job you need to spend money on a car to get to and from work every day, and fill it with fuel, and of course you need to wear clothes that need to be cleaned every day... working costs money... that is why rich people avoid work when they can, because it is not a great way to increase your wealth.

    This is simply not true, IQ is what measures human intelligence. In Africa, the niggers IO is very low and that is why they have not build anything.

    Yeah... a group of high IQ White people here in New Zealand just got killed because they were standing on a volcanic island having a look when it erupted... if only those blacks from Africa were as smart as us white people...

    How much time have you spent in Africa... you do know the Pyramids are in Egypt... which is in Africa...

    When you hear rich white land owners saying the dumb blacks are coming to steal their land and if they get it everyone will starve because they don't know how to farm like we can... to put it in context close your eyes and think of a rich American censored  like Trump saying poor people shouldn't be allowed to own land because they are stupid because if they were smart they would be rich like me instead of working three minimum wage jobs just to pay the mortgage on the house they live in.

    I realise you are angry and feel violated that these foreigners have come and are ruining things... how do you think they felt over the last few centuries with white people coming with guns and drugs and alcohol stealing land and resources and then making the locals into slaves on what was their own land.

    You don't need brains for that.

    Most white people wouldn't last a week not being able to buy food and water from a shop... hell if you took away their car keys half of them wouldn't survive in their own home.

    The niggers are lazy and don't want to work after the world wars, people from Europe could have moved out but they stayed and rebuilt their country.

    The fact that they are making it all the way to Europe suggests these are not the lazy ones... and millions of Europeans left europe after WWII... millions of them... and those heroic people who rebuilt europe were too stupid to stop WWI and WWII from happening in the first place and that same ignorance is likely going to doom us to a WWIII if they don't change their ways... they need a bad guy to blame for everything and to motivate the population... after WWI it was the Germans which resulted in WWII being necessary... after WWII it is the Russians that are the bad guys... how is that turning out by the way?

    And after World War 2 people in Japan and Soviet Union did the same thing.

    What choice did they have?

    I don't think letting in blacks into your country is ever a good choice. But I don't think many if them will live in Russia for long because Russia does not have the free welfare system that the west. The niggers need that, they don't want to work. niggers that are coming in are not going to work, why would they work, they get everything for free.

    You have an interesting view of black people... do you think their skin colour makes them lazy. If you think it is genetic, do you think Richard Pryor or the Will Smith are lazy? In your experience do lazy people move to a totally different country with a completely different culture and language and morals a lot?

    Most of the immigrants are not given citizenship straight away... which means they can't work even if they wanted to and most go looking for work so they can bring the rest of their families over to their new country... which usually makes them prepared to do jobs the locals turn their noses up at because it is dirty or hard work or just shit pay.

    Please read the warning I am going to put on your reply. I am guessing you are white and therefore have a high IQ and will understand what I mean and why I am doing that...

    Moscow's wealth attracts a lot of immigrants and almost all of them are third world scumbags who come from africa, india, central asia

    I'm unable to understand why can't the Kremlin ban the entry of these third world shit faces.

    You make it sound like there are no white Russian scumbags... lazy people/thieves and murderers... surely there are some people from the Ukraine who have moved to Russia because Europe is getting a bit too dark for them...

    There are parts of UK and US that looks more like an area in africa or asia. Completely filled up with colored people like blacks, hindus, buddhists and what not. All that these people of colour do is they go there and steal jobs from locals. Take tech sector - almost all the jobs have been stolen by hindus. One of them comes in and brings in 10 of their family members, illegally. Latinos too do the same. Consequently, violent crimes have also increased.

    So how do they steal jobs. I have been on plenty of job interviews and would like to know how I can steal jobs from other people trying to get that job... I think that information would be valuable...

    Kremlin is not being careful. Soon, Russia too will be swarmed by these people of color who by their very nature are very violent apart from being cheats and thugs.

    Your experience is interesting but you do realise most of the most successful cheats and thugs are white... Bill Gates didn't get rich because of his knowledge of technology, he got rich because he is a bastard and was ruthless and screwed anyone who got in his way... and while he was not a technology genius... he knew more than most businessmen of the time, which was enough to make him rich.

    Last edited by GarryB on Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:26 am; edited 1 time in total

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