verkhoturye51 Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:34 am
Liders won't be finished in 2020s for a simple reasons, as they're not a priority in the navy.
The most acute need right now are LTS ships, which are the oldest in the navy. So after finishing Ivan Gren class and Priboy class by 2026, Northern shipyard is planning to start with 12 Liders production. The first should be done in 2030 - perhaps a bit optimistic, but timelines today are NOT such problem as in the past. Russian shipbuilding industry has been through the worst and is launching 24.000 ton boats again. Don't forget that delays happen in the UK with their new carriers or in Germany with their destroyers too. And the most expensive projects Yasen and Borei will be finished by then, so more funds will be available for surface ships.
The old ships are also on clear schedule, with Kuznetsov modernisation planned to take place 2018-2021, Nakhimov 2017-2021 and Pyotr 2020-2023.
Russsian navy clearly is and will remain, not only a blue water, but also world's no. 2 navy, despite current difficulties. The Chinese are decades away from patrolling along US coast with their submarines and sending their aircraft carrier formations on a journey comparable to Murmansk - Tartus, let alone UK or France, which are dangerous only in combination with US ships.
Last edited by verkhoturye51 on Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:45 am; edited 2 times in total