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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates


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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:23 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:SpaceX new suit:
    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 IxHIWpINCRkcv-29pW-gjC9LgSFcn_fnZDyriykSydE

    Jesus, i could only assume that this is the first layer of the suit, you know the cloth your wearing before you put on the actual suit.

    Anyway, obvious Mass Effect knockoff, and IMO Mass Effect did a better job at looking usable.

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  Rmf Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:56 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    oh look its mike-the-retard again, sure i put you on ignore list ,together with your russian cocksucker friends, so you can tap each others back( and shag each other by the way).

    The threads you post in seem to consist of threads regularly posted in by people you have on your ignore list.

    Perhaps you need to find a more pro western site where your views might be more welcome, in the mean time I am giving you a two week break from this forum, for abusing other members... this sort of post is unnecessary and lowers the tone of the forum.

    During your break I would suggest you have a serious think about why you come here.
    jjebem ti more majku u picku i tebi  i onom govnetu sto ga branis pederdragonu , i sestru i oca i celu familiju ti jebemdatijebem napusitemise kurca volovi jebem vas u dupe

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:28 am

    Rmf wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    oh look its mike-the-retard again, sure i put you on ignore list ,together with your russian cocksucker friends, so you can tap each others back( and shag each other by the way).

    The threads you post in seem to consist of threads regularly posted in by people you have on your ignore list.

    Perhaps you need to find a more pro western site where your views might be more welcome, in the mean time I am giving you a two week break from this forum, for abusing other members... this sort of post is unnecessary and lowers the tone of the forum.

    During your break I would suggest you have a serious think about why you come here.
    jjebem ti more majku u picku i tebi  i onom govnetu sto ga branis pederdragonu , i sestru i oca i celu familiju ti jebemdatijebem napusitemise kurca volovi jebem vas u dupe

    Holy shit, this clown is a Serb hahahahaha!!!   Razz

    I should have known, that type of braindead bullshittery and verbal US corporate fellatio can only come from deepest darkest liberal dungeons of downtown Belgrade AKA "Krug dvojke".  lol1

    Yo Garry, you need a translation of this latest nugget of intellect? It's a doozy. Just be ready for some local flavoured profanities...combined with list of your family members​. Fair warning...  Cool

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:02 am

    I sense a 1 month ban coming up..... Life is good Very Happy

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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:32 am

    "jjebem ti majku" sounds like "we are screwing your shirt" in Russian. Somehow it fits with the Muskian fall fashion collection.


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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  Rmf Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:51 am

    pederdragon jebem ti celu familijupedercino u picku materinu i sestru ti grbavu jebem i majku da ti jebbem i nabijem ti na kurrac sve redom picko pickousta dudlaj ga jos retardirana debilcino hahahaha.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:22 am

    I told you to have a think about why you come here Rmf and you reply in an untranslated foreign language on an English language forum.

    I am told what you have posted is offensive and directed at me.

    So abusing a mod and not posting in english on an english forum, you have a few members here on your ban list in your signature.

    Welcome to my ban list.

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:12 am

    GarryB wrote:I told you to have a think about why you come here Rmf and you reply in an untranslated foreign language on an English language forum.

    I am told what you have posted is offensive and directed at me.

    So abusing a mod and not posting in english on an english forum, you have a few members here on your ban list in your signature.

    Welcome to my ban list.

    Oh Garry, you always assume best in people. Ignore list only?

    Here is translation of message directed at you. Don't shoot the messenger.

    Rmf wrote:jebem ti more majku u picku i tebi  i onom govnetu sto ga branis pederdragonu , i sestru i oca i celu familiju ti jebemdatijebem napusitemise kurca volovi jebem vas u dupe

    Which means: "I fuck your mother in the cunt both yours and that shit you keep defending fagdragon, and I fuck your sister and father and your whole family you can all suck my cock you oxes I fuck you all in the ass

    NOTE: Word "ox" is considered insult in Serbian language.

    Oh and here is following message directed at me. Such poor grammar...

    Rmf wrote:
    pederdragon jebem ti celu familijupedercino u picku materinu i sestru ti grbavu jebem i majku da ti jebbem i nabijem ti na kurrac sve redom picko pickousta dudlaj ga jos retardirana debilcino hahahaha.

    Which means: fagdragon you faggot I fuck your whole family in the mother's cunt and I fuck your humpbacked sister and I impale your mother on my cock and everyone else  you cunt-mouthed cunt suck it some more you retarded "debil" (superlative form of the word) hahahaha

    NOTE: Word "debil" is retard-type insult that used to rank medically between "moron" and "imbecile". It never caught on in English but we sure do like medical science here... lol1

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:35 pm

    Thanks for the translation. Now I can speak Serb Smile

    The analogue of "ox" here is "bydlo" in Russian. All the NATO sponsored "real opposition" (aka 5th column) in Russia loves
    to call Russians bydlo for not voting for them. A real winning strategy in politics.

    We have been discussing Russia losing its launch business to everyone as time progresses. I think that is not how it will work out.
    If every launch market becomes national only, then the prices will explode for lack of competition. In spite of Musk's drivel about
    undercutting everyone in price, in reality Russia will continue to be able to offer basically the best bang for the buck in terms of
    launch prices and services in the coming years.

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:50 am

    Oh Garry, you always assume best in people. Ignore list only?

    Wasn't actually interested in what he had to say... the fact that he posted it in a foreign language he knew I could not read just shows the coward he is.

    He is not on my ignore list... I don't have the option of an ignore list.

    I have a banned list and he is on it.

    Regarding the actual topic, it will become rather interesting soon as a few new projects are developing.

    They specified that one of the potential functions of the new Tu-160M2 bombers is to launch rockets into space....

    Now a large aircraft like that made of lighter materials with more powerful engines could take a rather large rocket through the thickest part of the atmosphere (ie the first 15km or so) and accelerate it up to supersonic speed for release... a 50 ton rocket would not be out of the question...

    Equally the new transport aircraft designs that allow for up to 250 ton payloads... admittedly subsonic but take them up to 10K metres and you have bypassed the thickest part of the atmosphere too... more importantly with inflight refuelling with both aircraft they could launch near the equator and get extra speed from the rotation of the earth...

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:23 pm

    GarryB wrote:......................

    Regarding the actual topic, it will become rather interesting soon as a few new projects are developing.


    One thing clowns at Krunichev could do is develop SeaLaunch version of Angara-1.2. They might actually get somewhere with that.

    Also RD-180 should be put on open market inside Russia. Lots of small enterprises could have lots of hassle trimmed down with access to it and would boost that overadvertized commercial segment.

    Also, not that it matters because it always has expiration date but still, some news:

    Pentagon Will Have to Rely on Russian Rocket Engines Until Mid-2020s

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    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:26 am

    With all the tit for tat retaliations between Russia and the US... perhaps denying them access to ISS could be an option to hit them in the pocket.

    I am sure the Chinese and Indians will buy the rocket motors not sold to the US...

    Or perhaps they could be donated to North Korea and Iran... Smile

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    Post  George1 Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:04 am

    Russia plans to send tourists into space in 2019-2020

    Russia's Roscosmos may create a joint brand with foreign partners

    VLADIVOSTOK, September 7. /TASS/. Space tourists may begin to make orbital flights again starting from 2019-2020, the CEO of Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos, Igor Komarov, told TASS in an interview on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

    "The program for space flights to the ISS is clear for two years to come. We have no plans for putting tourists in space for the time being. True, space tourism is possible in principle, but only starting from 2019-2020. Discussions are underway," he said.

    Earlier, Komarov told TASS in an interview Roscosmos might create a joint brand with foreign partners, including those in the US, for organizing space tourism.

    So far only seven tourists have traveled to space (one of them twice). All carried out orbital flights on Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft. British vocalist Sarah Brightman was going to become an eighth tourist only to change her mind several months before the launch date in September 2015. Her backup Shatoshi Takamatsu, a businessman from Japan, said he might be prepared to consider the possibility of a space flight again in several years’ time.


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    Post  T-47 Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:34 pm

    Foreign partners.......they are not your partners moron -_-

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:49 pm

    T-47 wrote:Foreign partners.......they are not your partners moron -_-

    What other phrase would you use?

    'Friend' would be factually​ inaccurate.

    'Hostile asshole' would be undiplomatic.

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Spanish satellite Amazonas 5

    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:58 am

    International Launch Services (ILS), a leading launch services provider for the global commercial satellite industry, successfully delivered the Amazonas 5 satellite into orbit today on an ILS Proton for HISPASAT. It was the second HISPASAT satellite launched on ILS Proton.
    The ILS Proton launched from Pad 39 at 1:23 AM local time today (19:23 GMT, 15:23 PM ET on September 11) with the Amazonas 5 satellite. The first three stages of the Proton Breeze M utilized a standard ascent profile to place the orbital unit (Breeze M upper stage and the Amazonas 5 satellite) into a suborbital trajectory. Then, the Breeze M performed planned mission maneuvers to advance the orbital unit first to a nearly circular parking orbit, then to an intermediate orbit, followed by a transfer orbit, and finally to a geosynchronous transfer orbit. Separation of the Amazonas 5 satellite occurred at approximately 9 hours and 12 minutes after lift-off.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:36 am

    Proton-M/Briz M - AsiaSat 9 launched successfully from Baikonour.

    International Launch Services confirms the completion of the Breeze M's third burn, a successful jettison of the stage's auxiliary propellant tank, and a good fourth firing of the upper stage.

    The upper stage will coast for nearly four more hours before igniting a fifth and final time for more than six minutes to inject AsiaSat 9 into a geostationary transfer orbit.

    Separation of the 6.7-ton AsiaSat 9 satellite is scheduled for 0405 GMT (12:05 a.m. EDT).

    EDIT: 5th and final burn completed, spacecraft separation confirmed. Very Happy

    Another success for Proton/Briz.  Gratz to Krunichev, keep up the good work and lets hope the QA/QC issues, mismanagement and saboteurs/incompetent techs are a thing of the past. russia

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    Post  T-47 Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:11 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    'Hostile asshole'

    Would love to use that Very Happy

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:15 pm

    Looks like Russia is finally giving up on this whole commercial launch bullshittery and refocusing on scientific and military projects. If only they were able to do it with even an inkling of basic dignity or class...  

    Russian deputy PM sees no reason for competing with Musk on launch vehicles market

    This segment constitutes a tiny 4% of the overall market of space services, according to Dmitry Rogozin

    MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin believes that Russia should by no means seek competition with Elon Musk and his company SpaceX on the market of launch vehicles, because this segment constitutes a tiny 4% of the overall market of space services.

    "The share of launch vehicles is as small as 4% percent of the overall market of space services. The 4% stake isn’t worth the effort to try to elbow Musk and China aside," Rogozin said in an interview on the RBC-TV channel on Tuesday.

    He estimates the real market of space services at approximately $350 billion, with the creation of payloads, and not the launch of these payloads in space, accounting for the bulk of the sum.

    "Payloads manufacturing is where good money can be made," he said.

    I gotta say that butthurt here is astounding. No

    This is same guy who made ''trampoline'' comments back in a day and claimed that SpaceX will never be able to compete with Proton of all things.

    I am shocked at the fact that idiots in Russian space industry ever believed that it was their market share to begin with when in fact it was a post-Cold War pittance thrown at Russia back when space launches were considered inconsequential non-profit sideshow.

    Had there been any value in it at all back then, they would not have been allowed anywhere near it.

    Of course USA would be taking it back all for themselves the moment there was a chance to make actual money off the whole thing.  

    But whatever, anything that finally gets them closer to embracing reality, dropping Proton disaster and moving on with projects that will actually matter in the long run. So much time wasted...

    And maybe now they will finally start selling rocket tech to Russian private companies.

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:51 am

    Well, if SpaceX didn't get all that ridiculous amount of subsidies and tech just handed to them from NASA budget, then they wouldn't be were they are today. I doubt they will be in 10 years too, especially since Elons other baby, Tesla is near dead.

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    Post  kvs Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:29 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Well, if SpaceX didn't get all that ridiculous amount of subsidies and tech just handed to them from NASA budget, then they wouldn't be were they are today.  I doubt they will be in 10 years too, especially since Elons other baby, Tesla is near dead.

    Customers are not going to drop Russia just because some showboating liar is claiming he can deliver cheaper.
    Musk is not launching for $30 million in spite of all the promises:

    Could be, may be, should be. Current price: over $60 million.

    As I noted elsewhere, Russia is afflicted with a serious disease: hysterical overestimation of western capability and pathological
    self-denigration. You can see this BS in the various other threads pertaining to shipbuilding or whatnot.

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:56 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Well, if SpaceX didn't get all that ridiculous amount of subsidies and tech just handed to them from NASA budget, then they wouldn't be were they are today. I doubt they will be in 10 years too, especially since Elons other baby, Tesla is near dead.

    Fact remains that for now they have largest slice of the market, subsidies or no subsidies, that's on someone else's checkbook and someone else's problem

    What matters is that Russia gets it's eyes back on the ball and starts developing new platforms

    Should SpaceX lose that market share in 10 years​ Russia should be ready to jump back in but they won't be able to do it with Soviet rockets and state space agency whose job is to deal with scientific projects and not commercial BS

    And other companies and countries are not sitting on their hands as well, there will be competition

    New launch systems sold to and operated by Russian private companies, that's what they need to aim for

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:32 am

    New launch systems sold to and operated by Russian private companies, that's what they need to aim for


    How would that benefit Russia... apart from being able to say I told you so...

    You need to pick your fights and this is never going to end with something of value for Russia and has enormous potential to be a money sink.

    The risks involved would be enormous, and potential payout is never going to be generous...

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates

    Post  Hole Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:16 am

    The state should develop something and than hand it over? Yeah, that´s great western "capitalism".

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:54 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    New launch systems sold to and operated by Russian private companies, that's what they need to aim for
    You need to pick your fights and this is never going to end with something of value for Russia and has enormous potential to be a money sink.

    The risks involved would be enormous, and potential payout is never going to be generous...

    What risks? You sell it to vetted customers.

    And how is payout gonna be problematic? Customer gets the engine after they pay for it. There is your payout. What aforementioned customer does with that engine is his problem.

    Or you maybe think that whole thing should be entrusted to morons like ones from Krunichev who successfully delivered the whole industry segment to SpaceX on silver platter?

    Hole wrote:The state should develop something and than hand it over? Yeah, that´s great western "capitalism".

    You mean just like they are handing it over to USA companies right now in exchange for pittance? Because that's what they are doing.

    Hand it over to private companies after those (Russian) private companies pay money for it and yes, that's exactly what capitalism is.

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