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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates


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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:48 pm

    Russia’s space agency considers exporting rocket engines

    Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos is considering exporting RD-180 rocket engines to other countries, apart from the United States


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    Post  kvs Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:38 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Russia’s space agency considers exporting rocket engines

    Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos is considering exporting RD-180 rocket engines to other countries, apart from the United States


    Why not? If exporting them to the true enemy is OK, then why not everybody else.

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    Post  George1 Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:51 am

    MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The deliveries of Russian rocket engines to the United States will continue through 2024-2025, CEO of the United Rocket and Space Corporation Yuri Vlasov said on Friday.



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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:43 am

    speaking of private space industry in Russia:

    "Galaxy" is considering buying Russian startups "Lin Industrial"

    So the first group I believe is a micro satellite based company and they are interested in purchasing Lin Industrial which is making small rockets to launch micro sats into space.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:52 am

    miketheterrible wrote:speaking of private space industry in Russia:

    "Galaxy" is considering buying Russian startups "Lin Industrial"

    So the first group I believe is a micro satellite based company and they are interested in purchasing Lin Industrial which is making small rockets to launch micro sats into space.

    Getting some tax free RD-180/191 would definitely be a boost for this segment

    Like I said, separate commercial from state enterprises

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:01 pm

    Tread about all private and commercial space projects and launches. 

    Any news about commercial space companies projects can go here (SpaceX, Blue Origin, SeaLaunch, ULA...) and about launches of strictly commercial payload by government space agencies (Roskosmos, ESA, JAXA...)

    Do not post news about commercial payload that is launched as addition to larger military or scientific payload. Put it in appropriate tread for that topic.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:03 pm

    Sea Launch to Be Modernized for Russia's Soyuz-5 Carrier Rocket

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    Post  Rmf Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:35 pm
    rogozin was in the talk show and talked about military ,krimea, rockets ,....
    he got new nickname for him in the comments -the clown. Razz
    angara-a5 in 2021 in vostochny.
    100 ton superheavy rocket launch site in vostochny in 2030. Razz
    rd-175, 1000t thrust,4 chambered engine modification of rd-171 - another money guzzling megaproject ...pale

    Usa will have commercial market cornered with Musk Falcon -x and dollars from commercial markets pouring in ,while russia will suck dry bones, super heavy rocket- SLS in 2020s will be ready , USA has powerfull hydrogen engines russia doesnt even have a dream of in future and will stop buying russian engines because of new Musk methane engines by 2020s,  which will bankrupt Russian energomash , Usa multi-pronged approach is paying of handsomely and Russia is left in the dust in all fields ,and no amount of whining and chest thumping can change that...sad . No

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:02 pm

    Rmf wrote:............
    Usa will have commercial market cornered with Musk Falcon -x and dollars from commercial markets pouring in...

    I am sure that those 10 launches per year will be devastating loss... lol1

    They would have never gotten off their asses if it weren't for Musky there to snuff out their pathetic attempts to relive the 90's.

    Whatever works for Soyuz-5 and leads to dumping of Proton is damn fine outcome

    Rmf wrote:.....
    ,while russia will suck dry bones, super heavy rocket- SLS in 2020s will be ready , USA has powerfull hydrogen engines russia doesnt even have a dream of in future and will stop buying russian engines...

    So Russia will be using US engines for military and scientific projects? Like as in USA will be giving them to Russia for military satellites?

    Do you know what year this is? McCain will be dead by then but rest of the Senate would have a shit-fit. And then there is Russian parliament that will have a shit-fit....

    Also, will China, India, Europe, Japan and others be switching to Musk's engines? They are on the market but still no takers, I wonder why... Oh yeah, whole point is not to use foreign engines.

    RD-180 sale was post Cold War PR stunt, not a realistic long term project. You still don't get it do you?

    Damn son, you may be able to use Internet but you definitely have loads of mental impairments. Is it result of all those nukes that Sovs dropped on Kazakhstan? Razz

    Rmf wrote:.....
    because of new Musk methane engines by 2020s,  which will bankrupt Russian energomash...

    Yeah because that's how it works. Energomash will go broke because USA will be buying American. Which they said they will.

    Rmf wrote:......
    Usa multi-pronged approach is paying of handsomely and  Russia is left in the dust in all fields ,and no amount of whining and chest thumping can change that...sad . No

    Only person whining and chest thumping (but mostly whining) here is you. lol1

    Seriously, you honestly think that commercial launches are a big deal in this day and age? That it matters? Age where UAE is building satellites and New Zealand is launching rockets. Hell, 30 years from now even former Yugoslav countries will be launching rockets in low earth orbit.

    But you keep whining about ''important'' stuff because good laughs never get old. lol1

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:25 am

    Rmf wrote:
    rogozin was in the talk show and talked about military ,krimea, rockets ,....
    he got new nickname for him in the comments -the clown. Razz
    angara-a5 in 2021 in vostochny.
    100 ton superheavy rocket launch site in vostochny in 2030. Razz
    rd-175, 1000t thrust,4 chambered engine modification of rd-171 - another money guzzling megaproject ...pale

    Usa will have commercial market cornered with Musk Falcon -x and dollars from commercial markets pouring in ,while russia will suck dry bones, super heavy rocket- SLS in 2020s will be ready , USA has powerfull hydrogen engines russia doesnt even have a dream of in future and will stop buying russian engines because of new Musk methane engines by 2020s,  which will bankrupt Russian energomash , Usa multi-pronged approach is paying of handsomely and  Russia is left in the dust in all fields ,and no amount of whining and chest thumping can change that...sad . No

    More trolling from the reprobate inbred...  angry   What is it with this idiot?

    Last edited by Big_Gazza on Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:43 am

    Rmf wrote:
    Usa will have commercial market cornered with Musk Falcon -x and dollars from commercial markets pouring in

    All Musk is doing is depriving other US launch companies of contracts. Its a case of cut-throat business competition between US (and Eurotrash) commercial interests, so how does that affect Russia? Russia shone briefly back in the 90s for commercial launches but only because the West allowed them to. It was a pat on the the head to Yeltsin who was busy hastening the Russian collapse from within and being such a good little cuck and accepting Western geopolitical expansion and aggression (such as the NATO-engineered wars of Yugoslav breakup).

    Putin's Russia is a different proposition - US policy is to undermine Russian economy wherever possible. Russia could have the best rocket in the world and be able to undermine all competitors, but the US would simply resort to dirty tricks to
    tip over the Russian apple-cart and deny them business. Imposition of politically-motivated sanctions due to "Crimea" or "election interference" would be used to either ban Russian launch providers altogether, or forbid the shipping of payloads that include US-origin components (remember that is was this second ploy that was used in 80s and early 90s to damage Russian commercial programs - it worked before, so they could try it again).

    Russia commercial space is a distraction from what is important - a potent national technological, manufacturing & operational enterprise that meets Russia's national needs and supports a highly trained value-added workforce. Even if Russia tried to become a big player in commercial space, the Mandarins of the NWO would simply instruct their indentured chimpanzees in the US Congress to sabotage them.

    BTW rmf - if you bother to read this , you should note the difference in argument style. I assert my point like the reasoned and thoughtful adult that I am. I don't act like a bitchy teenage girl as you do, and that is why you are universally despised as a know-nothing little fucker.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:53 am

    Rmf wrote:
    angara-a5 in 2021 in vostochny.
    100 ton superheavy rocket launch site in vostochny in 2030. Razz
    rd-175, 1000t thrust,4 chambered engine modification of rd-171 - another money guzzling megaproject ...pale

    So tell us, what is the issue with A-5 from Vostochny in 2021?  
    Likewise, with Feniks/Sunkar SHLV from 2030?  Considering that Russia doesn't have any payloads for a SHLV and probably won't until 2030, I hardly see the issue....
    I can't imagine what your issue is with RD-175...  Energomash engines are powerful, efficient and reliable, so whats with your snarky puerile BS?

    another money guzzling megaproject?  You're the one who always blubbers about how Russia should have done everything better and quicker, how they new better rockets etc etc but now you piss all over expensive projects?

    You're a fucking idiot....  nothing but a troll retard.  This forum will be a far better place when you are gone.

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:38 am

    Why don't you guys just do the forum a favor and everyone just place him on ignore list? He has been proven wrong time and time again, as well as he complains about nothing or misquotes the issue or even misrepresents the issues (he has 0 knowledge in manufacturing obviously).

    We all acknowledged at this point he has been useless contribution. So if we all just ignore him and let him just spew nonsense but will only be seen by other fellow morons, then let it be so? Whatever we do or say here has no grounds to the broad spectrum of things in the world outside of these forums, so why bother wasting bandwidth, time and patience on these people?

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Aug 11, 2017 4:26 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Why don't you guys just do the forum a favor and everyone just place him on ignore list?  He has been proven wrong time and time again, as well as he complains about nothing or misquotes the issue or even misrepresents the issues (he has 0 knowledge in manufacturing obviously).


    Problem with that approach (and I tried it briefly) is that there are people other than us who read all this

    And when you leave his bullshit standing without rebuttal it can lead random people into taking him seriously

    And when he quotes Zak's nonsense verbatim he can sound convincing

    Problem for him lately is that Zak has gone silent on BS front so he has to type words all by himself and putting his idiocy on full display as a result

    Still vigilance is important, we do this for others not just for us

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:28 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Why don't you guys just do the forum a favor and everyone just place him on ignore list?  He has been proven wrong time and time again, as well as he complains about nothing or misquotes the issue or even misrepresents the issues (he has 0 knowledge in manufacturing obviously).

    We all acknowledged at this point he has been useless contribution.  So if we all just ignore him and let him just spew nonsense but will only be seen by other fellow morons, then let it be so?  Whatever we do or say here has no grounds to the broad spectrum of things in the world outside of these forums, so why bother wasting bandwidth, time and patience on these people?

    Nope, because one cannot simply allow the orcs to run amok and control the narrative. Liars and scoundrels and troll fuckwitz need to be challenged and resolutely torn down when they puke their hateful venom in public forums. Do we indulge in navel gazing when Ukropi orcs yabber about "Russian invasion" of Crimea or "Putin shooting down MH-17"? No we do not, and I will not sit calmly while this misbegotten slime-ball indulges in lies and slander.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:15 am

    PapaDragon wrote:Zak has gone silent on BS front

    Not so much I'm afraid, check out his fawning idiocy regarding Angara A-5M...

    Savour these little morsels of Atlantacist cock-fondling...

    Angara-5 launcher was rumored to be prohibitively expensive for commercial users and its payload delivery capabilities turned out to be around 22 tons to the low Earth's orbit instead of the projected 24 tons. There were reports that Angara-5 could not compete in cost and payload with its veteran predecessor -- the Proton rocket

    Yeah sure Zak... rumours...  reports...  has he been scrying his cup full of tea leaves again? Angaras payload to LEO is a full 2T off-spec???? Seriously? /facepalm

    Or this 5th-columnish gem of defeatism:

    The public pronouncements about the Angara-5M variant coincided with the decision of the Russian government to fund the development of the new medium-class rocket, which could also serve as a basis for a five-booster super-heavy rocket. Theoretically, a three-booster combo of the same new rocket could also form an intermediate vehicle comparable to Angara-5.

    As a result, the Angara family faced the potential prospect of becoming obsolete even before it had a chance to enter service. Not surprisingly, the development of the Angara-5M variant would be critical for the competition at home and abroad.

    Obsolete... a new modular 25T class vehicle for domestic launch services is going to be...  obsolete....  because someone could "theoretically" stick 3x New_Zenits together on a yet-to-be built SHLV pad in 2030....  Well, this will get rmf frenziedly interfering with himself, but no-one with an IQ greater than their shoe-size is going to take this BS seriously...

    Sorry PD, but the Atlanticist twerp Zak is not yet finished with his servile grovelling to the "Shining City on the Hill"...

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    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates Empty temp crap stuff not needed here

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:42 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:Zak has gone silent on BS front

    Not so much I'm afraid, check out his fawning idiocy regarding Angara A-5M...

    Savour these little morsels of Atlantacist cock-fondling...

    Angara-5 launcher was rumored to be prohibitively expensive for commercial users and its payload delivery capabilities turned out to be around 22 tons to the low Earth's orbit instead of the projected 24 tons. There were reports that Angara-5 could not compete in cost and payload with its veteran predecessor -- the Proton rocket

    Yeah sure Zak... rumours...  reports...  has he been scrying his cup full of tea leaves again?  Angaras payload to LEO is a full 2T off-spec????  Seriously?  /facepalm

    Or this 5th-columnish gem of defeatism:

    The public pronouncements about the Angara-5M variant coincided with the decision of the Russian government to fund the development of the new medium-class rocket, which could also serve as a basis for a five-booster super-heavy rocket. Theoretically, a three-booster combo of the same new rocket could also form an intermediate vehicle comparable to Angara-5.

    As a result, the Angara family faced the potential prospect of becoming obsolete even before it had a chance to enter service. Not surprisingly, the development of the Angara-5M variant would be critical for the competition at home and abroad.

    Obsolete... a new modular 25T class vehicle for domestic launch services is going to be...  obsolete....  because someone could "theoretically" stick 3x New_Zenits together on a yet-to-be built SHLV pad in 2030....  Well, this will get rmf frenziedly interfering with himself, but no-one with an IQ greater than their shoe-size is going to take this BS seriously...

    Sorry PD, but the Atlanticist twerp Zak is not yet finished with his servile grovelling to the "Shining City on the Hill"...

    As I said, Russia is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't. That Russia now is developing a large spectrum of lifters is being tossed at Russia as a fail. F*cktarded BS.

    The job of a propagandist is the easiest in the world. Write any shit that comes to mind and don't worry being a 24/7 bloody hypocrite who contradicts himself routinely.

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    Post  George1 Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:56 pm

    MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The launch of the Proton-M carrier rocket with the Spanish satellite Amazonas 5 is scheduled for September, the Khrunichev Space Center reported on its website.

    MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The Angosat satellite planned for its launch from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan aboard a Zenit carrier rocket is ready for the last stage of trials, Russia’s Energiya Rocket and Space Corporation said in a statement posted on its website on Thursday.


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    Post  Rmf Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:44 pm

    ouch please dont quote those imbeciles without a clue ,they become visible again. the forum became high quality once i erased them and now degrades, dont do that again...

    Russia could have had a full developed rocket production industry by late 2010s (and man on the moon by 2020) , now were talking late 2020s and 2030s probably with all postponements + tons of cash wasted and very few scientific space probes. they are overdoing it- many lifters means low series ,expensive , lots of staff training needed, hard control ....

    oh look its mike-the-retard again, sure i put you on ignore list ,together with your russian cocksucker friends, so you can tap each others back( and shag each other by the way).

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    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:39 am

    Rmf wrote:ouch please dont quote those imbeciles without a clue ,they become visible again. the forum became high quality once i erased them and now degrades, dont do that again...

    Russia could have had a full developed rocket production industry by late 2010s (and man on the moon by 2020) , now were talking late 2020s and 2030s probably with all postponements + tons of cash wasted and very few scientific space probes. they are overdoing it- many lifters means low series ,expensive , lots of staff training needed, hard control ....

    oh look its mike-the-retard again, sure i put you on ignore list ,together with your russian cocksucker friends, so you can tap each others back( and shag each other by the way).

    Rmf is once again demonstrating the downside of allowing cousins to marry...

    Russia could have had a full developed rocket production industry by late 2010s (and man on the moon by 2020)

    Man on the moon by 2020???  Just a few posts ago he was deriding "mega-expensive projects" yet now he thinks Russia should be 3 years from manned lunar expeditions...

    This guy is a very special kind of stupid...

    BTW the exclusive club of straight-talkers blocked by rmf is growing. Welcome to the fold miketheterrible.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:24 am

    oh look its mike-the-retard again, sure i put you on ignore list ,together with your russian cocksucker friends, so you can tap each others back( and shag each other by the way).

    The threads you post in seem to consist of threads regularly posted in by people you have on your ignore list.

    Perhaps you need to find a more pro western site where your views might be more welcome, in the mean time I am giving you a two week break from this forum, for abusing other members... this sort of post is unnecessary and lowers the tone of the forum.

    During your break I would suggest you have a serious think about why you come here.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:35 pm

    Russia inks deal to launch two South Korean satellites on Soyuz rocket

    SpaceX new suit:
    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates IxHIWpINCRkcv-29pW-gjC9LgSFcn_fnZDyriykSydE


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    Post  Big_Gazza Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:37 am

    PapaDragon wrote:SpaceX new suit:
    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates IxHIWpINCRkcv-29pW-gjC9LgSFcn_fnZDyriykSydE

    Don't see any connection points for power/heat or air supply? Gloves don't appear to include rigid articulated joints for ease of hand operations in a vacuum. Certainly isn't a fully self contained design like an EVA suit, so what gives? For how long can this suit keep it occupant alive in the event of an inadvertent cabin depressurisation in orbit?

    Spacesuits aren't a fucking fashion accessory. They are designed conservatively to keep their occupants alive, not to satisfy Muskian groupie fan-bois desires to look cool while posing in front of cameras and sipping a space-latte from a zero-G cup....

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:33 pm

    It's all probably there, overenginered as usual to look cool. 

    Doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is another little ego motivation for Russia to get their ass back in the game.

    Soyuz-5 project got the boost that way, hopefully Federation and associated equipment will too.

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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:48 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:SpaceX new suit:
    Commercial/Private Space Industry Projects: News and Updates IxHIWpINCRkcv-29pW-gjC9LgSFcn_fnZDyriykSydE

    Don't see any connection points for power/heat or air supply?  Gloves don't appear to include rigid articulated joints for ease of hand operations in a vacuum.  Certainly isn't a fully self contained design like an EVA suit, so what gives?  For how long can this suit keep it occupant alive in the event of an inadvertent cabin depressurisation in orbit?

    Spacesuits aren't a fucking fashion accessory.  They are designed conservatively to keep their occupants alive, not to satisfy Muskian groupie fan-bois desires to look cool while posing in front of cameras and sipping a space-latte from a zero-G cup....

    This Muskian fashion wear is pure sci-fi ripoff BS, especially the helmet which I have seen before. Humans are nowhere near making environment suits look like regular clothing. Maybe in the future we will get nano-fabrics with all sorts of functionality, in particular immunity to 14 psi loads. I don't see any air
    reprocessing system in this "space wear". Even the great wizard Musk hasn't miniaturized such devices.

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