John Meyer is waiting for things to change... waiting till they get to positions of power to actually make a difference... of course by the time that time comes they will be the same people they are replacing and the circle will continue...
Walther von Oldenburg
Odin of Ossetia
par far
Hannibal Barca
Tsavo Lion
48 posters
Decline of the western society
GarryB- Posts : 40070
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- Post n°51
Re: Decline of the western society
That is just normal though... every new generation think they are new and different from all the generations before them and that they know better... by the time they realise they are screwed and can't change things they are no longer the young generation... remember that in the 60s and 70s music was part of the protest against war (in Vietnam) and civil rights and how we just need to learn to love other people, but these days what?
John Meyer is waiting for things to change... waiting till they get to positions of power to actually make a difference... of course by the time that time comes they will be the same people they are replacing and the circle will continue...
John Meyer is waiting for things to change... waiting till they get to positions of power to actually make a difference... of course by the time that time comes they will be the same people they are replacing and the circle will continue...
magnumcromagnon- Posts : 8138
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- Post n°52
Re: Decline of the western society
kvs wrote:
The Cold War was over since 1990 but the march to repression in the name of security and "truth" goes on.
Millenials are trash humans. They simply don't have the IQ of their parents.
Are they? Millennials were raised by Gen Xer's mirroring their values, and much of the narratives and propaganda they consume were concocted by institutions ran by Baby Boomers (and Gen Xer's to a lesser extent). Millennials make up the content on Youtube, the people who control social media institutions like the current CEO of Youtube (Susan Wojcicki who was born in July 5, 1968) aren't Millennial. Besides people seem to confuse Millennials for post-Millenials (people born in 1997 and after). Millenials will start turning 40 by 2021.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°53
Re: Decline of the western society
magnumcromagnon wrote:kvs wrote:
The Cold War was over since 1990 but the march to repression in the name of security and "truth" goes on.
Millenials are trash humans. They simply don't have the IQ of their parents.
Are they? Millennials were raised by Gen Xer's mirroring their values, and much of the narratives and propaganda they consume were concocted by institutions ran by Baby Boomers (and Gen Xer's to a lesser extent). Millennials make up the content on Youtube, the people who control social media institutions like the current CEO of Youtube (Susan Wojcicki who was born in July 5, 1968) aren't Millennial. Besides people seem to confuse Millennials for post-Millenials (people born in 1997 and after). Millenials will start turning 40 by 2021.
There is a distinct totalitarian phase transition occurring in the NATO west. Even 20 years ago things were still basically rational. There were no hordes
of SWJs trying to lynch even centrists for not conforming to their cultural Trotskyist dogma. CNN was a lie factory, but it wasn't facilitating the suppression
of 50% of the US political spectrum. YouTube has just demonitized (and thus killed off) dozens of mainstream channels that don't conform to the radical,
fake left agenda. Before 1990, the USA still had some media anti-trust legislation and CNN only came into existence in the era where MSM agglomeration
took root.
I am not saying the NATO west was ideal during the cold war, but it was definitely more rational and rule based. I have seen the transition with my own
eyes since I am old enough. Millenials are the retard generation created by child-centered "education" and having the boob-tube as baby sitter since both
parents or the single parent had to work to survive. There is some indication that generation Z is more sober and will go against the millenial SJW hordes.
But it may be too late since the legislation and both social and political culture are being transformed into a very ugly state.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°54
Re: Decline of the western society
Some analysis of John Cleese's "racism". All the SJW rats are scurrying as someone turned on the light.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°55
Re: Decline of the western society
Hollywood is Satan's favourite entertainment organization. The Scientology cult is also running wild in Hollywood.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°56
Re: Decline of the western society
Next time some PC f*ck starts yapping about how Lesbian "mothers" are better than normal parents. This is also a fine counter-example to
all the cucks who run around claiming that the world would be some paradise if "females ran the show". They already do by twisting the
balls of the cuck leaders and legislators who pass totally biased anti-male laws.
If there was a man in the picture, the poor boy would not have been mutilated and murdered. But females, even lesbians, have all the
rights in the PC legal system. Since they are "historical victims". Right....
Next time some PC f*ck starts yapping about how Lesbian "mothers" are better than normal parents. This is also a fine counter-example to
all the cucks who run around claiming that the world would be some paradise if "females ran the show". They already do by twisting the
balls of the cuck leaders and legislators who pass totally biased anti-male laws.
If there was a man in the picture, the poor boy would not have been mutilated and murdered. But females, even lesbians, have all the
rights in the PC legal system. Since they are "historical victims". Right....
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°57
Re: Decline of the western society
Sodom and Gomorrah.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°58
Re: Decline of the western society
The joke that is social studies academia in the west.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°59
Re: Decline of the western society
Let's follow this farce to its logical core. Supposedly tolerance is now to be taught through mimicry. Does that mean
that children will have to engage in homosexual sex next?
You can claim that sex will not be allowed. How about acting out gay pride parade theatrics of not wearing anything and
pretending to have sex. You can't claim this is appropriate education.
Let's follow this farce to its logical core. Supposedly tolerance is now to be taught through mimicry. Does that mean
that children will have to engage in homosexual sex next?
You can claim that sex will not be allowed. How about acting out gay pride parade theatrics of not wearing anything and
pretending to have sex. You can't claim this is appropriate education.
Cyberspec- Posts : 2904
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- Post n°60
Re: Decline of the western society
kvs wrote:
How about acting out gay pride parade theatrics of not wearing anything and
pretending to have sex. You can't claim this is appropriate education.
This is almost certainly coming in some EU countries
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°61
Re: Decline of the western society
Attacking Russia and Putin for not swallowing PC shit is thick and rich hypocrisy from the "liberal" west. Liberalism
does not mean Sodom and Gomorrah. Liberalism in the west has been hijacked by fake left special interests.
This includes open promotion of pedophile "lifestyle". In other words these fake left SJW claim that mental disorders
do not exist and adults can abuse children because that is their "natural state" and therefore their "right".
Hole- Posts : 11017
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- Post n°62
Re: Decline of the western society
He (VVP) is absolutely right that liberalism is eating itself. Take a look at the german green party for instance. If ypu are not on their side then you are evil. And they are always ready to support a "good" war (the party developed from the peace movement in the 80´s!). They are more facist then some of the right-wing parties here.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°63
Re: Decline of the western society
This sort of legal "loophole" crap is applicable to Canada as well. It shows you the value of western "property rights". Some shyster
using legal tricks likely deliberately put in place by the corrupt elites can rob you of all your property. It is clear that no logic is
being applied in this whole farce. No law should trump logical and rational thought. That should be in the constitution.
This sort of legal "loophole" crap is applicable to Canada as well. It shows you the value of western "property rights". Some shyster
using legal tricks likely deliberately put in place by the corrupt elites can rob you of all your property. It is clear that no logic is
being applied in this whole farce. No law should trump logical and rational thought. That should be in the constitution.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°64
Re: Decline of the western society
This cartoon is being called anti-Semitic. What a joke. Most Americans would not associate Jewish with the Rothchilds and even Soros.
Given the way that Soros organizes colour revolutions and even meddles in US politics by funding militant SJWs and the Antifa thugs,
I would say he is fair game. Where he gets his money is a derivative question and western banksters have been behind even the 1917
Bolshevik "revolution" (aka colour coup). Even it this smells of tin foil, the motive is not based on "cherchez le juif".
GarryB- Posts : 40070
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- Post n°65
Re: Decline of the western society
You know you are right when they claim you are being anti semetic, though half the time you are probably only being anti zionist.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°66
Re: Decline of the western society
Her Majesty's expensive new aircraft carrier sprung a 200 ton leak that flooded a section. This masterpiece of superior western engineering
already sprang a leak in 2017.
The Russian 5th column of NATO sycophants wants Russians to believe that NATO is innately superior and advanced. NATO is a rotting joke
that has pathological delusions of grandeur and self-anointed authority over humanity.
Hole- Posts : 11017
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- Post n°67
Re: Decline of the western society
Now they are sending one of their "destroyers" to the persian gulf. One of the class which engines had problems with warm water temperatures. Will be interesting to see if it can stand the warm weather in the gulf.
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°68
Re: Decline of the western society
Either weed is OK and should be legalized, or it is an extreme psychosis inducing agent. Time for judges to stop making up physical facts to
serve political agendas. The French legal system is a f*cking joke.
Reefer Madness:
Either weed is OK and should be legalized, or it is an extreme psychosis inducing agent. Time for judges to stop making up physical facts to
serve political agendas. The French legal system is a f*cking joke.
Reefer Madness:
GarryB- Posts : 40070
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- Post n°69
Re: Decline of the western society
So does that mean drunk drivers are the real victims in drunk driving accidents... alcohol effects cognitive processing too...
That loser chose to smoke weed, he is responsible for his actions before, during, and after...
That loser chose to smoke weed, he is responsible for his actions before, during, and after...
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°70
Re: Decline of the western society
GarryB wrote:So does that mean drunk drivers are the real victims in drunk driving accidents... alcohol effects cognitive processing too...
That loser chose to smoke weed, he is responsible for his actions before, during, and after...
10^12 agree. Inebriation is no excuse. Back in the early 1970s, drunk drivers were actually able to use their inebriation as
and excuse to get reduced sentences. Obviously, the laws had to be changed and they were. I am quite sure that French laws
have been updated as well so this judge needs to be removed and all its cases retried.
I am also not convinced of the logic that autistics and other mentally retarded individuals are not guilty of any crime they
commit. It makes no difference whether they have 100% awareness or 30% awareness. The victim remains a victim. So by the
right of victims to justice, the perps of any sort must be punished. It is not normal to let violent mental cases wonder the streets
free anyway. So punishment would be incarceration in mental institutes. Like in the past, but with better oversight to prevent
abuse. The fad these days in Canada and the rest of the west, is to let mental patients roam the streets. I had a run in with
one such specimen and got attacked out of the blue. The argument that it costs too much to keep mental patients "locked up" is
BS. It reflects western corruption where somehow even prisoners cost over $50,000 per year to keep in jails. The food catering
must be something else: nothing but black caviar and truffles. The cost of the guards cannot begin to explain the per prisoner cost
since the ratio of guards to prisoners is nowhere near 1:1.
GarryB- Posts : 40070
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- Post n°71
Re: Decline of the western society
Indeed just because someone doesn't understand what they are doing is a crime doesn't change the effects on the victims and their families.
Having said that if a person gets into a lions cage at the zoo you can't really blame the lion.
I also dislike the innocent by reason of insanity or xyz other excuse judgement... I think it should be guilty by reason of xyz, with the impairment of judgement taken into account for the sentence rather than the courts decision.
That guy smoking weed should be prosecuted for using an illegal substance, be found guilty of the murder, but regarding punishment focus more on the damage done rather than the danger to the community a person who did something like this without their judgement being impaired by chemicals... but then you would also have to say that to choose to use weed in the future by this person also constitutes a willingness to commit murder again, so if this person ever is caught with weed or smoking weed or under the influence of weed after having this crime happen, that the person would be arrested and charged with attempted murder because they clearly have no control when on weed but now they know there is a lack of control and are therefore well aware of the consequences of using weed.
Having said that if a person gets into a lions cage at the zoo you can't really blame the lion.
I also dislike the innocent by reason of insanity or xyz other excuse judgement... I think it should be guilty by reason of xyz, with the impairment of judgement taken into account for the sentence rather than the courts decision.
That guy smoking weed should be prosecuted for using an illegal substance, be found guilty of the murder, but regarding punishment focus more on the damage done rather than the danger to the community a person who did something like this without their judgement being impaired by chemicals... but then you would also have to say that to choose to use weed in the future by this person also constitutes a willingness to commit murder again, so if this person ever is caught with weed or smoking weed or under the influence of weed after having this crime happen, that the person would be arrested and charged with attempted murder because they clearly have no control when on weed but now they know there is a lack of control and are therefore well aware of the consequences of using weed.
magnumcromagnon- Posts : 8138
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- Post n°72
Re: Decline of the western society
kvs- Posts : 15635
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- Post n°73
Re: Decline of the western society
magnumcromagnon wrote:
Makes me remember all the inane debates I had with western know-it-alls about property rights and the USSR back during the 1980s.
People in North America (USA and Canada) do not actually own their homes:
1) Property taxes are an absurd concept. Do you pay taxes on your socks every year?
2) If you stop paying property taxes the municipality seizes your home and sells it off.
3) if you lose your job, then you will lose your house. Welfare is way too small to pay $10,000 and over property
taxes that a lot of people have in main urban areas of Canada. Property taxes have
nothing to do with actual municipal services you get and instead are creaming off your
property value. The analogy is that if you cannot afford to pay tax for your socks, you will
have them taken away.
So people in the USSR actually had more tangible property rights to their state-provided apartments (and houses)
than any resident of the USA, Canada, UK, etc. In the USSR, you would always have an income and
property taxes did not exist. Nobody would take away your home under any rational scenario. After
the collapse of the USSR in 1991, people kept their homes and did not have to slave away to pay mortgages.
This helped people to deal with the super-depression of the 1990s.
AlfaT8- Posts : 2482
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- Post n°74
Re: Decline of the western society
kvs wrote:So people in the USSR actually had more tangible property rights to their state-provided apartments (and houses)
than any resident of the USA, Canada, UK, etc. In the USSR, you would always have an income and
property taxes did not exist. Nobody would take away your home under any rational scenario. After
the collapse of the USSR in 1991, people kept their homes and did not have to slave away to pay mortgages.
This helped people to deal with the super-depression of the 1990s.
Hold up, is that still a thing?
Because if it is, that would definitely be a major reason to move to Russia, or own Russian property.
GarryB- Posts : 40070
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- Post n°75
Re: Decline of the western society
Hold up, is that still a thing?
Because if it is, that would definitely be a major reason to move to Russia, or own Russian property.
I think what he meant was that the house you were allocated because of your job and the size of your family was yours to keep when communism ended... otherwise everyone would be homeless and some american would come in and "help" them work out rules for fair distribution of land... meaning a Bill Browder like corruption where he would take a kickback and sell property worth billions or trillions of dollars to his mates for peanuts and then sell it at market value and make bill gates look poor.
Something similar happened here with a change of government there was something called a state house, which was basically low income housing that people could apply to live in... it had cheap fixed rental prices that were affordable... well obviously eventually a government got in to power and decided to sell them off, but housing ownership and renting rules were pretty strong so they ended up selling them very very cheaply to the people who lived in them... the government basically sold the houses at a loss but therefore ducked out of the responsibility of having to paint them every 10 years and pay for upkeep of what was essentially a rental property.