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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2


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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:06 pm

    max steel wrote:Is it a normal torpedo like Mark 48 or a Shkval like torpedo ?

    Normal torpedo.

    What's wrong with the Fizik torpédos ?  Last time I checked, it was still in developement.

    400m deapth is enough ? Could some subs operate llower than that ?

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:59 pm

    I do agree that right now Russia cannot build her ships quick enough and they really do need to improve there. Because its kinda sad in a way.

    If Russia could build five thousand ships a year and in a year completely replace its old fleet with new vessels would you be happy?

    All that building capacity would be totally wasted within two years because the Russian navy doesn't need 10,000 new ships so by 2017 there would be shipyards idle with no work and hundreds of thousands of ship builders out of work.

    There is no hurry... building ships at a slow steady rate is fine... it means other contracts for export orders can be negotiated and signed and integrated with the Russian Navys requirements so the ship builders can be building ships for the next 20 years... that means investments into upgrading their tooling and methods and training have value and are worth it.

    The don't need to make more than anyone else.

    What's wrong with the Fizik torpédos ? Last time I checked, it was still in developement.

    It entered service last year or so. When the new model is ready it will replace the new torpedo in production.

    Think of it as the R-60 air to air missile being introduced and then the seeker is improved and general performance improved and so a new model... the R-60M enters production to replace it.

    The main difference seems to be a datalink with the launch sub.

    400m deapth is enough ? Could some subs operate llower than that ?

    Not many conventional subs operate at more than 300m... for most that is crush depth.


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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  marat Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:21 pm

    GarryB wrote:  
    If Russia could build five thousand ships a year and in a year completely replace its old fleet with new vessels would you be happy?

    All that building capacity would be totally wasted within two years because the Russian navy doesn't need 10,000 new ships so by 2017 there would be shipyards idle with no work and hundreds of thousands of ship builders out of work.

    There is no hurry... building ships at a slow steady rate is fine... it means other contracts for export orders can be negotiated and signed and integrated with the Russian Navys requirements so the ship builders can be building ships for the next 20 years... that means investments into upgrading their tooling and methods and training have value and are worth it.

    The don't need to make more than anyone else.

    I disagree.

    Russia need 10 years to complet one corrvete of 2000t.!?! Or 12 years to finish one LST. And you think that they planned such slow rate? That they like it?

    Please check how many ships during that last 20 years were added in fleets of Japan , China, South Korea...

    That is vaste of both money and time. Russia need ships now and Russian want that ships now, but from one reason or another they are not capable to bulid ships on time. In last 20 years Russia managed only to finish 1 Neustrashimy and 1 Udaloy ( started during USSR) 1 Gorshkov 1 (2) Grigorevich, 4 Stereguschy and 2 Gepards , and finally 1 LS.

    That is 11(12) ships in last 20 years 2 of which were started during USSR.

    Why they even started to build Grigorovich class? We all know answer- becouse Russia couldnt build new class on time and in suficient numbers not becouse they find that it is acceptable to  building one ship 10 years.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:12 pm

    I think you guys are getting worked up over nothing.

    First off, the Ivan Gren wasn't the fault of the shipyards exactly, but the fault of the management (MoD) who kept changing the per-requesits of the ship kept changing. No one really had any idea what they wanted out of this ship. As for the 2000 Ton corvette, I assume you are talking about the Steregushchiy. Well, there is a multitude of issues really:
    1) The shipyards were in piss poor shape for years before they decided to start this project. Shipyards are still somewhat in poor shape so it will take even longer
    2) Brand new technology that really wasn't that much available. I would wager that a lot of it also has to do with how long it took to develop the technology needed.
    3) There is little cooperation between shipyards and thus leaving it to only 1 shipyard to build the ship isn't really the smartest or best. It would probably take significantly less time to build the ships if more than 1 shipyard was involved.

    Admiral Grigorovich and Talwar frigates didn't take nearly as long.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  Singular_trafo Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:07 pm

    Seems like Ukraine works like acharm on the Russian shipbuilding industry.

    The floating nuclear plant and new ice breakers rolling off from the build lines like a charm, and they speeded up everyting.

    Seems like from now on the eficient / non corrupt work is a must to have.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:50 am

    Russia need 10 years to complet one corrvete of 2000t.!?! Or 12 years to finish one LST. And you think that they planned such slow rate? That they like it?

    Hahahaha... you are funny... you compare the production rate of a brand new untested design with all sorts of new technology and system, and major components foreign made in a country now hostile to Russia with the production rate of US carriers...

    Did they plan that the EU and US were such assholes as to support a military coup in the Ukraine and then blame Russia for it and get the needed propulsion systems banned from export to Russia?

    By the same token I guess all the terrorist attacks in the west are the wests fault... they should have seen it coming and taken measures to prevent it. :rolleyes:

    Please check how many ships during that last 20 years were added in fleets of Japan , China, South Korea...

    Who gives a shit... WTF does that have to do with Russia? Those pissy little countries are about 5 ICBMs worth of warheads from not even existing... who gives a crap about how many ships they make?

    That is vaste of both money and time. Russia need ships now and Russian want that ships now, but from one reason or another they are not capable to bulid ships on time. In last 20 years Russia managed only to finish 1 Neustrashimy and 1 Udaloy ( started during USSR) 1 Gorshkov 1 (2) Grigorevich, 4 Stereguschy and 2 Gepards , and finally 1 LS.

    That is 11(12) ships in last 20 years 2 of which were started during USSR.

    Yes... of course... they need 10,000 ships right now because you are a little boy who knows nothing better than who has the biggest fleet.

    Funny because all those ships in the US navy is costing them a small fortune in maintainence and operations yet have not saved the US from anything... 11/9 they were useless, some dick goes shooting people in a gay club and still no use for those ships... so exactly what does Russia need all those vessels for right now?

    They have no global empire to support so having hundreds of ships just means 90 of those ships doing fuck all... that doesn't make operations cheaper by the way... if the Russians had maintained their Soviet fleet they would not have the man power to man the ships... they would all be rusting in port.

    Russia does not need to replace the Soviet vessels one for one... even if they could afford it... they would be spending all their money on maintainence and could not afford new vessels.


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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  kvs Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:54 pm

    Already discussed up thread, but I had to post on the "heat seeking" BS. Water is a very efficient IR absorber:

    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Water_spectrum_2

    Compared to blue visible light IR wavelengths attenuate ten million times faster. Heat seeking guidance under
    water is simply not practical. There is a reason for sonar since sound is much easier to detect under water.
    max steel
    max steel

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  max steel Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:04 am

    Funny earlier Diplomat US funded media kick-started in Japan used to spread American agenda in Pacific and Central Asian Nations. Diplomat discussion box was replete with retards and trolls. But now they've made their content exclusive. One must pay 5$ to read their same kneejerking and they even removed comments section Laughing

    Any news ?

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  zg18 Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:42 pm

    Black sea fleet in Mediterranean

    "Ladnyy" + "Admiral Grigorovich" + "Yelnya + SB-921" + "Serpukhov" + "Smetlivyy"

    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Cly92nSUkAAShPd

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:38 pm

    marat wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    marat wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    George1 wrote:and the last 3 go for 2018?? to be in service?

    The remaining three for what moscow says will be in service around 2020 they will have the gas turbines by 2018 then they need to make sure they work, instill them on the ships finishing building the ships, sea trails etc.

    Which is fine Russia doesn't NEED them its more of a nice thing to have.

    Well i think that Russia do NEED them as there would not be enought ocean going ships in navy all of that time. Now it it clear that untin 2030-ies Russia will be in lack of big ships.

    The Russian navy is a secondary thing they are at most concerned with shore based defense, their corvettes are capable of providing this. They do not need to a ton of large displacement ships right now. They aren't interested in trying to control the worlds oceans. They will get there, but right now they are more concerned with the army and airforce.

    They are concentrated to brown water navy not becouse they like that concept but becouse at this moment Russia is not capable to create strong navy. And without strong navy you can not be first class world power.

    e.g. whole Syria intervention could be stoped by naval blocade from NATO, or even more Turkey alone have enought naval power to denie Russian naval traffic acces to Syria. And only thing that Russia could do is to start full scale war. But even then Russia wouldnt have acces to Turkey land.

    You are aware that under international laws blocking the mediterranean sea to any nation is an act of war and that nation have the right to fight back? What makes you think that Russia will do nothing?  Russia can start sinking Turkey warships day and night non stop until they see
    that if they do not stop the blockade they will end without a navy.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:07 pm

    Looks like entire Pacific Fleet packed up and hit the high seas.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  Isos Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:23 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Looks like entire Pacific Fleet packed up and hit the high seas.

    Can you translate what it says ?

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:11 am

    Isos wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Looks like entire Pacific Fleet packed up and hit the high seas.

    Can you translate what it says ?

    Sorry, no, I don't speak Russian.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  KiloGolf Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:12 am

    zg18 wrote:Black sea fleet in Mediterranean

    "Ladnyy" + "Admiral Grigorovich" + "Yelnya + SB-921" + "Serpukhov" + "Smetlivyy"

    Good Lord. They need to press on with new vessels.
    At least good to see the Grigorovich and one Buyan put to good use.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  Rmf Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:59 pm

    `well new round of ""negotiations"" about kuril islands with japan . so new show of force. russia plans to revive old japans ww2 fortress military base on vulcano island in mid -kuril region.

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    Post  Austin Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:50 pm

    Navy ships to torpedo "Physicist" until 2017

    MOSCOW, June 29 -. RIA Novosti All new ships and submarines of Navy fleet of Russia until 2017 perevooruzhatsya completely new type of torpedo "Physicist", the range of which is 2.5 times more standing today in service fleet USE"Russian Navy began retooling for new torpedo caliber of 533 millimeters" Physics 1 "with increased range hitting the target up to 50 kilometers," - a spokesman said.

    According to him, with the same dimensions of the torpedo has a longer range, more powerful warhead and a perfect homing system.

    According to open sources, the length of the new torpedo - 7.2 meters, weight - 2200 kg weight with a warhead of 300 kilograms. The engine uses a specially designed fuel instead of oxygen and water. T-80, he said RIA Novosti on Wednesday, a senior military source.

    Currently in service with the Russian Navy torpedoes are USET-80 with a range of 18 kilometers.

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    Post  Honesroc Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:10 pm

    Russian Spy Ship Now Off Hawaii, U.S. Navy Protecting ‘Critical Information’

    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Baltic-SSV-80

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    Post  franco Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:47 pm

    MOSCOW, July 15 -. RIA Novosti frigate "Admiral Essen" radar and almost fifty missiles "Caliber" was the Russian Navy for the first half of 2016, said Chief of the Armed Forces of arms control Anatoly Gulyaev on Uniform day of acceptance of the military products.

    "For the Navy adopted: Project 11356 patrol ship" Admiral Essen "radar" Gamma-S1M ", 72 surface-to-air missile, 47 naval missiles" Caliber ", - he mentioned.

    In May, the "Admiralty Shipyards" held launching another submarine of project 636 "Kolpino" and icebreaker project 21180 "Ilya Muromets" recalled Gulyaev. "For the first time the construction of the ship of this class is conducted for 45 years for the construction and completion of the test the icebreaker will be part of the Northern Fleet for the Arctic Group of Troops.", - He stressed.

    The commander of the 128th brigade of surface ships of the Baltic Fleet Alexei Suglobov reported that a second Project 11356 patrol "Admiral Essen", adopted by the Navy on June 7 has successfully passed all tests in the Baltic and Northern Fleets.

    "During the tests, a comprehensive verification of weapons was carried out, and the military machinery of the ship as a whole in real sea conditions The test results confirmed the compliance of the tactical and technical elements and characteristics of the ship to the approved technical project." - Summed Suglobov.

    Now the ship is in the Baltic naval base, is preparing to move to the point of permanent deployment in the city of Sevastopol.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  Vann7 Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:48 am

    the replacement of the mistral warship.. is not modern the shape of
    its design but it will do the job..

    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 597888_1000

    Construction is expected to begin in Russia in 2018 for a large universal landing ship and helicopter carrier. Captain First Rank Vladimir Tryapichnikov, the head of ship construction for the Russian Navy, discussed this on the radio station Russian News Service.
    "Of course, currently the ship, a large universal amphibious assault ship, is being designed by various organizations. We already have some achievements, as we have determined its appearance. Its realization will begin in 2018, when we start construction of the amphibious assault ship,” he said.
    As previously reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the first large landing ship (BDK) is expected to be built by 2020. The new generation of BDK ships are expected to have a displacement of about 16,000 tons


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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:04 pm

    Vann7 wrote:

    the replacement of the mistral warship.. is not modern the shape of
    its design but it will do the job..

    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 597888_1000

    Construction is expected to begin in Russia in 2018 for a large universal landing ship and helicopter carrier. Captain First Rank Vladimir Tryapichnikov, the head of ship construction for the Russian Navy, discussed this on the radio station Russian News Service.
    "Of course, currently the ship, a large universal amphibious assault ship, is being designed by various organizations. We already have some achievements, as we have determined its appearance. Its realization will begin in 2018, when we start construction of the amphibious assault ship,” he said.
    As previously reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the first large landing ship (BDK) is expected to be built by 2020. The new generation of BDK ships are expected to have a displacement of about 16,000 tons

    first it was 2016 then 2017, lets see this time I guess.

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Jul 22, 2016 7:04 pm

    Sounds like Kret is more or less pushing the design more so than anything. I highly doubted the news about it undergoing the building process anytime soon simply because Russia doesn't have really a need for these ships and Mistrals seemed far more of a political move than anything. What Russia needs more is more smaller missile boats like Buyan-M and Prject 22500's. The only thing about these ships that are questionable is their air defense systems, which something like Navy based Pantsir would probably be far more idea. But regardless, these type of ships are more ideal for Russia at the moment. Cheaper and very much effective even against targets too far away.


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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:26 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:....................

    first it was 2016 then 2017, lets see this time I guess.

    There is also Priboy class ship (~8000t) that is supposed to follow Ivan Gren once second ship is out of the shipyard.

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    Post  eehnie Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:15 pm

    The B-380 conventional submarine of the 641B Project, Tango Class, has been decommissioned in 2016.

    This was the last submarine remaining in active service of its clas and was commissioned in 1982. It was not too old.

    It seem to me an early decommission, surely included still in the plans to reduce the fleet. Being the alone decommission that I know from 2016, it seems that the plans of early decommissions to reduce the fleet are being finished.

    The logical step for the Russian fleet now is to enter in a phase of stable number of ships in the fleet, with decommissions only of ships that have exhausted its cycle of life (plans to expand the fleet are not easily compatible with early decommissions, other thing is to create some new ships for new roles).

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #2

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:37 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:....................

    first it was 2016 then 2017, lets see this time I guess.

    There is also Priboy class ship (~8000t) that is supposed to follow Ivan Gren once second ship is out of the shipyard.

    I typically hold my breath when the Shipyards of Russia make such claims.

    In the end unless they actually start I don't take it serious.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:33 am

    Russia to build nuclear destroyers
    The new ships will replace the nuclear-powered missile cruisers "Peter the Great"

    "Northern design Bureau" has started creation of a technical project promising destroyer project 23560 "Leader". The ship will have a displacement of about 17.5 thousand tons, which would bring it closer to the largest nuclear-powered missile cruisers of the Russian Navy project 1144 "Orlan" type "of Peter the Great. As have informed "news" former zamglavnogo of the Navy, Admiral Igor Kasatonov, the appearance of these ships tells about the geopolitical interests of the Russian leadership. Metal cutting for the new ship, according to the United shipbuilding Corporation will begin in early 2018.It is planned to build eight ships of this class.

    - Nuclear cruisers Autonomous, well-armed and able to solve various tasks in any point of the world ocean, - said Igor Kasatonov. Ships of this class to the Russian Navy did not order since 1989, which means that the country reappeared geopolitical interests on presence in remote regions of the world.

    Advisor to the General Director of Krylov state research centre in St.-Petersburg Valery Polovinkin, where he created the design for a destroyer, told "Izvestia" that the new ship will have to combine the quality of several projects. Destroyers will be equipped with missile and anti-space defense, and will become anchor points in the world ocean".

    - "Leader" will become a universal vehicle that can replace the three class of ships in the Russian Navy: destroyers, large antisubmarine ships (BPK) and missile cruisers project 1144 "Orlan", - told "Izvestia" Valery Polovinkin. - When this ship is smaller ships 1144-year project, but will carry a far greater number of weapons. The autonomy of such ships is usually determined by food supplies, nuclear power plant able to work without recharging for several years.

    According to "Izvestia", the new destroyer will get a nuclear power plant RITM-200. The same is mounted on promising icebreakers of project 22220. The first ship of the series - "Arctic" - launched in June. Thanks to the new power plant "Leader" can reach speeds up to 30 knots. His weapons should be comparable to the us missile ships of the "Arleigh Burke".

    Judging by the presented on the forum "Army-2015" the layout, the ship will receive two to four launchers "Caliber" missile "Caliber-NK" and "Onyx" a range of over 300 km anti-aircraft missiles far zones will be submitted to the naval variant of the s-500 "Prometheus" with two launchers. Near field air defense "Leader" will be represented by two vertical launchers complex "Polyment-Redoubt". Managing planned system "Poliment" with radar with active phased antenna array (AFAR).The ships can accommodate two combat ship module version zrpk "Carapace-M". Finally, the "Leaders" will receive universal artillery installation A-192 130 mm. caliber of All in the Arsenal of the destroyer will be 200 missiles for various purposes.

    However, as noted expert in the field of naval armaments Alexander Mozgovoi, the final appearance of the "Leader" set his weapons may undergo significant changes during the execution of the technical project.

    - Not so long ago the results of conceptual design of the ship, which showed that his appearance has significant deviations from the original plan developed in the framework of preliminary design and approved by the Ministry of defense, - told "Izvestia" Alexander Mozgovoy.- Given the high level of innovative component and the need for full implementation of the scientific and technical reserve for prospective destroyer, most likely at the stage of technical design will be a major change to its design, it will affect not only technical character, but also the future plans for the construction of a series.

    As the expert notes, the choice of such a large project was due solely to the situation in the Russian Navy with the problem of import substitution - the lack of own production of gas turbine power plants. In contrast, the production of nuclear we are commercially. This is evidenced by the success with the implementation of the programme of building nuclear icebreakers.Successfully proven in the course of the Syrian company ships of the project 21631, armed with rocket complex "Caliber", do not have the ability to act far from its own shores - the autonomy of their voyage is not to exceed 30 days. It is almost a transition from Murmansk to the Strait of Gibraltar, a nuclear destroyers it is unlimited, - said Alexander Mozgovoy.

    - Correction of errors in definition of the technical appearance and combat characteristics at any stage of the design, and especially in the course of construction of the ship, is very expensive pleasure, - agrees Igor Kasatonov.

    According to the Admiral, errors result in unacceptable delays entry of ships of new projects. Some of them are operated in power mode of operation, are endless improvements, which ultimately did not lead to the implementation of the ideas originally laid down, therefore, now comes a decisive moment in the fate of the future of the project, said Kasatonov.

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