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    Syrian War: News #13


    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:26 am

    JohninMK wrote:Another escape.

    Within Syria‏ @WithinSyriaBlog 4m4 minutes ago

    Sarab APS flashing on a SAA tank before jamming TOW missile in #Daraa  0:14

    Looks like it actually hit the pole to me. Happened more than once to our Malyutkas.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:43 am

    Militarov wrote:

    Looks like it actually hit the pole to me. Happened more than once to our Malyutkas.

    Which go to the question why steel frame cages are not used more in tanks. they
    can be very effective. Like building a large cage around the tank turret and
    body too. that will stop ,deflect passively any missile at least 1 meter away before do contact with the tank. it could be used to stop top attack missiles too passively. It will not look pretty
    but it will do the job.. Such simple but effective tools , deserve to be tried more.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty the US mercenaries have problems in the north

    Post  arpakola Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:54 am

    the US mercenaries have problems in the north


    Turkey-backed gangs attack Şêxler town of Kobanê
    Gang groups affiliated with the Turkish army continue their attacks on Rojava in an attempt to invade the region.
    Amid their increasingly ongoing attacks on Efrîn and Shehba,Turkish army affiliated gangs deployed in Jarablus have launched an artillery attack on Şêxler town west of Kobanê Canton.
    The aggression started at 19:30 local time and continues still.
    The Turkey-backed gangs also continue their attacks on Efrîn Canton and Shehba region of Rojava since early Monday morning.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:55 am

    arpakola wrote:the US mercenaries have problems in the north


    Turkey-backed gangs attack Şêxler town of Kobanê
    Gang groups affiliated with the Turkish army continue their attacks on Rojava in an attempt to invade the region.
    Amid their increasingly ongoing attacks on Efrîn and Shehba,Turkish army affiliated gangs deployed in Jarablus have launched an artillery attack on Şêxler town west of Kobanê Canton.
    The aggression started at 19:30 local time and continues still.
    The Turkey-backed gangs also continue their attacks on Efrîn Canton and Shehba region of Rojava since early Monday morning.

    It looks like Kurds problems will only multiply with Time. and because of their alliance with Americans in partitioning Syria and their lack of cooperation with Syria and Russia , then they will be alone in their own vs Turkey Army. because Americans will not mess with Turkey , it doesn't have a chance to stop Turkey army ,when their base comes from Turkey itself ,and their planes will have to fly across Turkey direct fire all the time when traveling to Syria.

    In other news..
    It looks pretty much things will go really bad in the near future.
    Forget about Syria. The wars that US establishment is seeking to unleash in Europe
    will eclipse the one in Syria.  

    Pepe Escobar ,who works as freelancer for Russia Government Funded media Sputnik.
    in a month old article ,he explained of a new ISIS 2.0 ,that is being cooked in the
    center of Europe. guess where? In the Balkans.. yep Serbia will be the next Syria.
    And Montenegro integration to NATO is one of the final steps before the war to start.
    So really mind blowing the report of Pablo about the incoming new NATO jihad.

    They training Western Globalist friendly Terrorist ,US elite George Soros, puppets terrorist
    in Kosovo and Albania . Training camps of terrorist that will fight against Serbia in Serbia.
    but also against IRAN ,and gulenist against Erdogan too.  So the whole region will be in fire.
    and it will drag All NATO and Russia. in "Defense of their new Montenegro allies" . a whole setup to pull Russia into another war in defense of allies. and i think it have not started yet ,only because they want to see a more clear picture of how the final development of Syria will be.

    So what we have ? Putin the Genius is allowing Americans to influence Europe ,into helping
    them to bleed more Russia , while he wasting the nation budget in promoting olympics and healthy sports in Russia. Laughing  If it was by me. i will have canceled all Sports evens and take that money for the rearmament of Russia.  US is already at war with Russia , in an undeclared slow proxy war. And they attacking Russia militarily by proxy and economically directly with sanctions and oil prices sabotage. So Russian better prepare and not be distracted with sports. Russia will need those armatas now and not in the 2019 or the year 3 thousand but now. and significantly boost
    its military to the wars that will come soon.

    Serbia better boost is air defenses and military ,because a new NATO aggression
    is in progress.  

    Jihad 2.0: the Making of the Next Nightmare\

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:34 am

    The'Nimr'Tiger Souria4Syrians 10h10 hours ago

    Some of the routes agreed by Syrian Gov and YPG to allow civilian and (to some extent) military access through territory

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DCzT3aOXgAEzrB5

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:39 am

    There are some really nasty images out there of a team of terrorists in Daraa unloading a pickup of Government soldiers, some beheaded. One of the unloaders has a 'White Helmets' T shirt on. This is a still from a video. There is more in this thread that is just about WS but the link onwards to the video is not.

    Ian Grant‏ @Gjoene 10h10 hours ago
    Replying to @Gjoene

    Is this common practice among #WhiteHelmets with #SAA bodies? Has this been going on since fall of #Idlib?

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DCzXkqCWsAEG3uL

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:52 am

    This video says it all about how ISIS and all the other non Government forces in Syria are destined to fail. In two words, logistics and by artillery. Fuel, ammo, water, coaches, food on trucks of all sizes.

    #Syria #Hama VIDEO: #SAA #SyrianArmy Fifth Corps / 5th Corps Storming / Intrusion Third Brigade who are Re-Deployed from #Aleppo to #Hama

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  calm Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:05 pm

    About Kurds, Elijah strikes again.

    Syrian Kurds will be the biggest losers: America and Russia on the verge of the abyss in Syria

    The battle between the US’s allies and Russia’s allies is escalating in the North-East of Syria, posing a real danger that the superpowers may slide into a direct confrontation to protect their interests. But Washington will not prevail at the end of the day in Syria and its allies – led by Syria’s Kurds under the flag of the “SDF” (Syrian Democratic Forces) – will pay the heaviest price.

    It is clear that Washington hawks believe that they can provoke or belittle Moscow in Syria: the US bombed the Syrian military airport of Shyay’rat where Russian forces were stationed with other Syrian units. Moreover Washington jets bombed on three consecutive occasions Russia’s allies close to the Syrian-Iraqi border crossing in Al-Tanf. And last but not least, in recent days, the US Air Force shot down an Iranian drone and Syrian Su-22 jet whose bombing objectives were the “Islamic State” (ISIS) terrorist group area, while US backed Kurdish forces were advancing on the city limit of of Rusafa in rural Raqqah.

    All these hostile US military actions have been carried out unlawfully on Syrian territory and against the Syrian army not against terrorist groups. The US have no legal jurisdiction or international mandate or consensus to attack the Syrian Army on its own soil, particularly when the US aim, in fact, is to support the partition of an independent country rather than to fight terrorism. It is simply related to Washington’s influence and control over that part of Syrian territory needed in north-east Syria for occupation without any legitimate international support and to establish military airports and a base in Bilad al-Sham.

    Obviously, Washington pays little attention to Moscow’s possible reaction to US military action against Russian allies in Syria as they advance to reclaim the Syrian territory. But Russia is responding by bombing Washington’s allies in Syria. It is not unlikely that US jets may accidently bomb Russian forces embedded with Syrian groups and Russian jets may bomb US Special Forces embedded with their Kurdish proxies operating in the north of Syria. This is when the situation may get out of control and the prestige of superpower countries may be dented creating an unwanted but almost inevitable reaction; this would drive the Middle East into another destructive dimension that may affect the World.

    Russia’s main ally in Syria, Iran, is raising the level of tension in relation to US forces in Bilad al-Sham:

    -It has injected thousands of fresh troops to recover the 55.000 sq km Syrian Badiya (Steppe) and managed to defeat the US proxies (Usuq al-Sharqiyah) and ISIS in the semi-desert of south-eastern Syria: to date over 25,000 have been recovered from Suwaida province to the south of al-Tanaf borders.

    -Iran pushed forces above the Tanaf (where US forces are established) to close the northeast path to Deir al-Zour, establishing a new demarcation line, and isolating the US in al-Tanaf.

    -Iran coordinated with Iraq the advance of the Iraqi security forces on the al-Tanaf from the Iraqi side to block the US forces. Iraqi troops are moving north from al-Tanaf towards al-Qaem to meet the Syrian army and its allies along the borderline.

    -Iran launched its “Zulfuqar” (Prophet Mohammed’s cousin, the fourth Caliph and first Shia Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb’ sword) :> 700 km mid-range ballistic missiles against ISIS, but also to send multiple domestic (revenge for the double terrorist attack) and international messages to the US and its allies in the Middle East, just 24 hours after the US ban on the Iranian missile program. Tehran pays no attention to American decisions, telling Washington that its decision will not be taken into consideration; that Iran’s arm is long and can hit any target in the Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, US military bases in the Middle East), and that Iran doesn’t feel concerned about all the conventional rules. It is capable of hitting any target whenever it wants and where it wants; Iran launched its missiles from Kurdistan-Iran, the same province from which the ISIS Iranian Kurds who launched their double terrorist attack this month against Iranian institutions.

    Also Iran launched its missiles targeting ISIS in the city of Deir Al-Zour (besieged since 30 months with over 100-150.000 civilians) and al-Mayadeen to emphasise the importance of Syria and the City of Deir Al-Zour (the US jets and its allies contributed in breaking the defence line of the Syrian army by striking last year their positions on the Tharda mountains overlooking the airport). That particular US bombing which lasted several hours, and killed over 100 soldiers and officer of the Syrian Army in Tharda gave ISIS the upper hand by allowing them to advance into the airport perimeter (the only air supply to the besieged city) and permitting the partition of the city in two parts by ISIS. Iran’s message is clear: it won’t allow the fall of Deir al-Zour and will do everything, with its allies, to break the siege in the coming months.

    Following the escalation in Syria, Russia is sending more air defence missiles to Syria. Damascus will not hesitate to bomb US coalition jets, especially since Moscow maintain its forces on the ground and will be in charge of protecting them from any US reaction. Moscow has stopped cooperating with the US in Syria by temporarily suspending the deconfliction line (due to be re-established soon) and issued a clear warning that Russia will consider any target over flying west of the Euphrates river as hostile.

    In the midst of all this, Iraqi forces are moving along the border with Syria, telling the US forces that it is cooperating with Damascus and is not concerned by any American project in the region. Baghdad will not accept the presence of any US forces on its territory after defeating ISIS. The US will maintain a training contract with the Iraqi government but will have no influence over the country’s decisions and relationship with its neighbours, including Syria and Iran.

    All the forces on the ground – except the Kurds and some remnants of the Syrian opposition forces – will be working against the US forces in Syria, starting from ISIS (as insurgents after the war ends in Syria and Iraq), Al-Qaeda (vowed to hit the US anywhere in the World), Turkey (which refuses the US support for the Kurds autonomy in Syria), Damascus (will strike the Kurds after finishing off ISIS control of territory) and Syria’s allies (Iran, Hezbollah and Iraqi militia in Syria) are waiting for the right opportunity to strike US forces along the lines of what Hezbollah did in Beirut (blowing up the Marines’ headquarters and the US embassy in Beirut, Lebanon in the 80s). Therefore, the US has won many enemies and very few friends, who will find themselves on their own, because Washington will have no alternative but to abandon them sooner or later. It is well known that the US does not have friends; it has business partners and common interests. When the US interests will cease in Syria, the soldiers will have no alternative but to leave the country.

    The secular Kurds of Syria have erred in adopting a new policy that was never adopted by the Kurds of Iraq. They declared hostility to Damascus and allied themselves with America and its allies in the region (Wahhabi Salafi Saudi Arabia). The Kurds took an anti-Iranian stance and accepted that their militants would become burning wood to recover the Arab-majority city of Raqqah, sustaining considerable casualties only to fulfil a US plan to establish military bases in north-eastern Syria. Kurds will be the future’s biggest losers: the forces of Damascus and their allies are recovering territories by the Kurds side and advancing in rural Raqqah to prevent the US proxies militants from expanding and occupying oil field west of the Euphrates River.

    Kurds will become THE enemy following ISIS’s defeat. For the long years of the Syrian war, Kurds were silent allies and part of Syria. Damascus was ready to discuss a Kurdish Federation when the war ended, as long as it remains part of Syria. Today the Kurds have accepted to become the American proxy forces to fulfil a dream of a federation that was smashed first by Turkey (splitting Rojava in two when occupying the corridor from Jarablus to al-Bab), and today will be also attacked by Damascus.

    Syria will never allow a Kurdish federation that offers protection to an occupying force, the US. In fact, the hostility towards Washington’s soldiers is unprecedented in the Levant and Mesopotamia, making of the Kurdish choice of alignment with the US (and Saudi Arabia) an incredibly suicidal naïve strategy. It It is clear, then, that the United States of America will only have enemies in the Levant and will end up losing its temporary Kurdish friends in the region. Russia only, and its allies, who work with determination, consistency and with considerable force in Syria, will prevail.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:14 pm

    Putin "the Great" .. the "Genius" is busy with football still not aware his country is at war. an undeclared war by their American "friends".

    Russian defense minister's plane buzzed over Baltic by NATO jet –

    Yesterday ..jun 20 2017
    Spy planes go very close to Russian border and had to be intercepted so they don't continue its path and then the plane do a hostile turn towards the direction of the Russian plane ,to provoke
    an accident with the Russian Su-27 combat jet and he had to quickly move to avoid an accident.  Right there at Russian kaliningrad borders.

    The plane of the Minister of Defense Shoigu was buzzed over Baltic ,by a NATO plane.

    and this happened just couple of days before Americans shutdown a Syrian plane and then the next day shutdown a drone of Syria again flying towards the iraq border..

    So can anyone explain me what is wrong with Putin ? There is a war already against Russia.
    is a war. but people are not paying attention ,because is a very slow war ,and using a lot
    of Proxies. So they will not stop until humiliate Russia and shutdown a plane of them .and later they will claim "it was self defense" or "it was an accident".  In times like this , it will be completely moronic to send the plane of the minister of defense to fly over Baltic without a large major formation of combat jets escorting it. so that the minister plane cannot be harassed.  Findland proposed to create a safety navigation group ,to avoid accidents so that all NATO and Russian military planes fly with transponders on. But Americans rejected it.
    They want to continue provoking Russia. they want to continue bullying Russia and it will be a
    matter of time ,days or weeks , the way thing heating now ,for a major first confrontation to happen with either Russians or NATO pilots killed.

    Today is not a time for celebrating sports, or a time to celebrate old victories ,
    or promote healthy food. Today is a time for Russia to start an intelligent arm race
    and in secret , to prepare for the conflict they will be facing withing weeks or months.

    A time to mass produce armata tanks in secret and combat planes , to accelerate S-500 ,to military space.  To accelerate plus x10, the speed, of the modernization of Both Kirov cruisers. Russia desperately need Space Bombers ,space shuttles with military capabilities. Ohh thats too expensive says Garryb.. but nothing is more expensive ,that going into a war against NATO
    in many frontlines and being largely not properly armed for it.  Oh so expensive .. bla bla bla
    what it will be really expensive is Losing a war after losing thousands of soldiers in a war , that NATO is not hiding is preparing to start against Russia far from its borders and later have to pay the winners reparation damages and major fines for losing. Russia needs to be prepared for a limited but painful conventional war with US with some NATO powers help in many fronts at same time ,as if it was going to start at any moment today or by the end of week.

    Pepe escobar is saying the preparations for a Serbia 2.0 are in full scale.. to pull Russia into
    their help and with a new ISIS like force they training in Kosovo and in ALbania to fight against Serbia and Russia. And if Ukraine start another war against transnistria ,next to moldova
    then it will be another front . In other words Russia is doomed. It will be unable to defend any
    ally anywhere and is not taking seriously the danger. by delaying so many important projects and delaying the militarization of space.

    Russian enemies and moving are now in preparations for a war ,more proxy wars. but Putin believe that its nuclear weapons will be good enough deterrence to stop NATO from attacking Russia allies. so wrong.No   US is increasing the hostilities ,so what the fuck is Putin is waiting
    to take seriously that state of war Russia is today?

    Russia also needs to consider preventive nuclear strikes policy in secret ,if they see war can't
    be avoided. The Americans missile shield will only be effective if they allowed to strike first. and Putin just do all by the book ,sit there ,waiting for the enemies to do the first strike for him to retaliate. Suspect

    Russia needs a serious change in policy. and im not proposing them to start war right now ,
    but that he needs an intelligent arm race now ,to prepare Russia for a world war 3 in many frontlines at same time. he needs those Kirov battleships for the Serbia war ,that will start in near future. and needs to start mass producing now armatas and not in 2019. so wrong.  No
    Russia military needs to start mass production now of modern equipment and warships and planes ,missiles ,pak-da as if already they knew NATO will start a war withing days against Russia.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:30 pm

    Win some lose some, not going as planned, mind you, not sure what the plan is but if this is a rearguard action they are doing well.


    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC1HDZpXgAAt6-Y

    Islamic State recaptured southern part of 17th Division Army Base from
    Islamic State recaptured parts of Bitani district in eastern #Raqqa City


    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC1_lZQXcAA4y_y

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  0nillie0 Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:39 pm

    Vann7 wrote:Putin "the Great" .. the "Genius" is busy with football still not aware his country is at war. an undeclared war by their American "friends".

    Russia needs a serious change in policy. and im not proposing them to start war right now ,
    but that he needs an intelligent arm race now ,to prepare Russia for a world war 3 in many frontlines at same time. he needs those Kirov battleships for the Serbia war ,that will start in near future. and needs to start mass producing now armatas and not in 2019. so wrong.  No
    Russia military needs to start mass production now of modern equipment and warships and planes ,missiles ,pak-da as if already they knew NATO will start a war withing days against Russia.

    Disregarding defeat/win through wide-scale use of tactical (or not so tactical) nuclear strikes...

    Such a large scale, prolonged conflict would ultimately result in a war of attrition.

    Whatever technological advantage Russia (or its adversary) would have at the start of such a conflict in terms of warfare equipment, all sides would likely end up fighting with reserves anyway....

    It would be more useful to research ways in which production costs and techniques of such advanced warfare could be thoroughly simplified and made significantly cheaper, so that they could actually be produced at a larger and faster scale when it actually matters the most.

    The Armata family is simply not ready yet for such production. Better accept it.

    Last edited by 0nillie0 on Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:41 pm

    Pretty nasty fuel fire.

    Stanimir Dobrev‏ @delfoo

    Video from the local Mahardeh news page showing the burning fuel storage and fuel tankers yesterday, can't estimate the amount burnt.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:44 pm

    0nillie0 wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:Putin "the Great" .. the "Genius" is busy with football still not aware his country is at war. an undeclared war by their American "friends".

    Russia needs a serious change in policy. and im not proposing them to start war right now ,
    but that he needs an intelligent arm race now ,to prepare Russia for a world war 3 in many frontlines at same time. he needs those Kirov battleships for the Serbia war ,that will start in near future. and needs to start mass producing now armatas and not in 2019. so wrong.  No
    Russia military needs to start mass production now of modern equipment and warships and planes ,missiles ,pak-da as if already they knew NATO will start a war withing days against Russia.

    Disregarding defeat/win through wide-scale use of tactical (or not so tactical) nuclear strikes...

    Such a large scale, prolonged conflict would ultimately result in a war of attrition.

    Whatever technological advantage Russia (or its adversary) would have at the start of such a conflict in terms of warfare equipment, all sides would likely end up fighting with reserves anyway....

    It would be more useful to research ways in which production costs and techniques of such advanced warfare could be thoroughly simplified and made significantly cheaper, so that they could actually be produced at a larger and faster scale when it actually matters the most.

    It will probably happen quickly and be over before reserves can be brought in. Look how long it took to build armies for the Iraq wars. Fancy crossing the Atlantic, they aren't U-boats under it now.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:45 pm

    At least it got home in one piece, even if it didn't last.

    Vince Beshara‏ Jacm212 21m21 minutes ago

    Remains of one of the Mi-8s that run the #Qamishlo-#DeirEzzor supply route after being hit by IS on the route & crashing landing in Qamishlo


    Within Syria‏ @WithinSyriaBlog 9m9 minutes ago
    Replying to @WithinSyriaBlog

    correction Colonel Issa helicopter was not hit by ISIS , it had a deadly technical problem after taking off

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC2CY4SW0AAYCU0

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC2CacEXcAEWU-G

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC2d0GVUwAAyKIy

    Last edited by JohninMK on Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:37 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:58 pm

    The forces are building in the north. Is Erdogan testing Russian or US support for Afrin Kurds?

    this is a full 4 x 155mm SPG unit, inc radar director APC?

    [i] The'Nimr'Tiger 15m15 minutes ago

    Turkish army convoy on the way for #Afrin operation. 4 axis for the start of the operation reported.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:04 pm

    Meanwhile in the south

    Within Syria‏ @WithinSyriaBlog 3h3 hours ago

    Today US-led collation fired from #Tanaf 6 HIMARS rockets on ISIS positions ,possibly in Al-BuKamal


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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:39 pm

    Interesting development. Will this be another symbolic move? Time will tell...

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:17 pm

    Remember all that new US gear going to the SDF that the US said was shipped through Iraq. Might not be totally correct, surprise, surprise. How about Turkey as well, going through Qamishli.

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC2UtvGXUAEMPpe

    And as for the Afrin operation, how about it is something to keep is 'tame' terrorists from fighting each other?

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC2VOVdXgAEO0dw

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  eehnie Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:20 pm

    calm wrote:About Kurds, Elijah strikes again.

    Syrian Kurds will be the biggest losers: America and Russia on the verge of the abyss in Syria

    The battle between the US’s allies and Russia’s allies is escalating in the North-East of Syria, posing a real danger that the superpowers may slide into a direct confrontation to protect their interests. But Washington will not prevail at the end of the day in Syria and its allies – led by Syria’s Kurds under the flag of the “SDF” (Syrian Democratic Forces) – will pay the heaviest price.

    It is clear that Washington hawks believe that they can provoke or belittle Moscow in Syria: the US bombed the Syrian military airport of Shyay’rat where Russian forces were stationed with other Syrian units. Moreover Washington jets bombed on three consecutive occasions Russia’s allies close to the Syrian-Iraqi border crossing in Al-Tanf. And last but not least, in recent days, the US Air Force shot down an Iranian drone and Syrian Su-22 jet whose bombing objectives were the “Islamic State” (ISIS) terrorist group area, while US backed Kurdish forces were advancing on the city limit of of Rusafa in rural Raqqah.

    All these hostile US military actions have been carried out unlawfully on Syrian territory and against the Syrian army not against terrorist groups. The US have no legal jurisdiction or international mandate or consensus to attack the Syrian Army on its own soil, particularly when the US aim, in fact, is to support the partition of an independent country rather than to fight terrorism. It is simply related to Washington’s influence and control over that part of Syrian territory needed in north-east Syria for occupation without any legitimate international support and to establish military airports and a base in Bilad al-Sham.

    Obviously, Washington pays little attention to Moscow’s possible reaction to US military action against Russian allies in Syria as they advance to reclaim the Syrian territory. But Russia is responding by bombing Washington’s allies in Syria. It is not unlikely that US jets may accidently bomb Russian forces embedded with Syrian groups and Russian jets may bomb US Special Forces embedded with their Kurdish proxies operating in the north of Syria. This is when the situation may get out of control and the prestige of superpower countries may be dented creating an unwanted but almost inevitable reaction; this would drive the Middle East into another destructive dimension that may affect the World.

    Russia’s main ally in Syria, Iran, is raising the level of tension in relation to US forces in Bilad al-Sham:

    -It has injected thousands of fresh troops to recover the 55.000 sq km Syrian Badiya (Steppe) and managed to defeat the US proxies (Usuq al-Sharqiyah) and ISIS in the semi-desert of south-eastern Syria: to date over 25,000 have been recovered from Suwaida province to the south of al-Tanaf borders.

    -Iran pushed forces above the Tanaf (where US forces are established) to close the northeast path to Deir al-Zour, establishing a new demarcation line, and isolating the US in al-Tanaf.

    -Iran coordinated with Iraq the advance of the Iraqi security forces on the al-Tanaf from the Iraqi side to block the US forces. Iraqi troops are moving north from al-Tanaf towards al-Qaem to meet the Syrian army and its allies along the borderline.

    -Iran launched its “Zulfuqar” (Prophet Mohammed’s cousin, the fourth Caliph and first Shia Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb’ sword)  :>  700 km mid-range ballistic missiles against ISIS, but also to send multiple domestic (revenge for the double terrorist attack) and international messages to the US and its allies in the Middle East, just 24 hours after the US ban on the Iranian missile program. Tehran pays no attention to American decisions, telling Washington that its decision will not be taken into consideration; that Iran’s arm is long and can hit any target in the Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, US military bases in the Middle East), and that Iran doesn’t feel concerned about all the conventional rules. It is capable of hitting any target whenever it wants and where it wants; Iran launched its missiles from Kurdistan-Iran, the same province from which the ISIS Iranian Kurds who launched their double terrorist attack this month against Iranian institutions.

    Also Iran launched its missiles targeting ISIS in the city of Deir Al-Zour (besieged since 30 months with over 100-150.000 civilians) and al-Mayadeen to emphasise the importance of Syria and the City of Deir Al-Zour (the US jets and its allies contributed in breaking the defence line of the Syrian army by striking last year their positions on the Tharda mountains overlooking the airport). That particular US bombing which lasted several hours, and killed over 100 soldiers and officer of the Syrian Army in Tharda gave ISIS the upper hand by allowing them to advance into the airport perimeter (the only air supply to the besieged city) and permitting the partition of the city in two parts by ISIS. Iran’s message is clear: it won’t allow the fall of Deir al-Zour and will do everything, with its allies, to break the siege in the coming months.

    Following the escalation in Syria, Russia is sending more air defence missiles to Syria. Damascus will not hesitate to bomb US coalition jets, especially since Moscow maintain its forces on the ground and will be in charge of protecting them from any US reaction. Moscow has stopped cooperating with the US in Syria by temporarily suspending the deconfliction line (due to be re-established soon) and issued a clear warning that Russia will consider any target over flying west of the Euphrates river as hostile.

    In the midst of all this, Iraqi forces are moving along the border with Syria, telling the US forces that it is cooperating with Damascus and is not concerned by any American project in the region. Baghdad will not accept the presence of any US forces on its territory after defeating ISIS. The US will maintain a training contract with the Iraqi government but will have no influence over the country’s decisions and relationship with its neighbours, including Syria and Iran.

    All the forces on the ground – except the Kurds and some remnants of the Syrian opposition forces – will be working against the US forces in Syria, starting from ISIS (as insurgents after the war ends in Syria and Iraq), Al-Qaeda (vowed to hit the US anywhere in the World), Turkey (which refuses the US support for the Kurds autonomy in Syria), Damascus (will strike the Kurds after finishing off ISIS control of territory) and Syria’s allies (Iran, Hezbollah and Iraqi militia in Syria) are waiting for the right opportunity to strike US forces along the lines of what Hezbollah did in Beirut (blowing up the Marines’ headquarters and the US embassy in Beirut, Lebanon in the 80s). Therefore, the US has won many enemies and very few friends, who will find themselves on their own, because Washington will have no alternative but to abandon them sooner or later. It is well known that the US does not have friends; it has business partners and common interests. When the US interests will cease in Syria, the soldiers will have no alternative but to leave the country.

    The secular Kurds of Syria have erred in adopting a new policy that was never adopted by the Kurds of Iraq. They declared hostility to Damascus and allied themselves with America and its allies in the region (Wahhabi Salafi Saudi Arabia). The Kurds took an anti-Iranian stance and accepted that their militants would become burning wood to recover the Arab-majority city of Raqqah, sustaining considerable casualties only to fulfil a US plan to establish military bases in north-eastern Syria. Kurds will be the future’s biggest losers: the forces of Damascus and their allies are recovering territories by the Kurds side and advancing in rural Raqqah to prevent the US proxies militants from expanding and occupying oil field west of the Euphrates River.

    Kurds will become THE enemy following ISIS’s defeat. For the long years of the Syrian war, Kurds were silent allies and part of Syria. Damascus was ready to discuss a Kurdish Federation when the war ended, as long as it remains part of Syria. Today the Kurds have accepted to become the American proxy forces to fulfil a dream of a federation that was smashed first by Turkey (splitting Rojava in two when occupying the corridor from Jarablus to al-Bab), and today will be also attacked by Damascus.

    Syria will never allow a Kurdish federation that offers protection to an occupying force, the US. In fact, the hostility towards Washington’s soldiers is unprecedented in the Levant and Mesopotamia, making of the Kurdish choice of alignment with the US (and Saudi Arabia) an incredibly suicidal naïve strategy. It It is clear, then, that the United States of America will only have enemies in the Levant and will end up losing its temporary Kurdish friends in the region. Russia only, and its allies, who work with determination, consistency and with considerable force in Syria, will prevail.

    Bolded and in red, the wrong parts.

    The article has some rethoric that can be friendly for people opposed to the US, but by the end, it turns to what the US and their allies want.

    ISIS Iranian Kurds? lol. Who is this Elijah J Magnier? Veteran of war with who? Israel? US?

    The US, Israel and other allies have an imperialist vision of the world. But the Kurds share not this view, despite the US dress some of their employees of Kurds to say what they want or to do what they want (including some small attack to Syria). The US is trying to paint the Kurds between their adversaries as a force that share their imperialist goals, and they can fool some people of the other side that also share some imperialist vision, but can not fool to serious analysts, and less to countries like Russia. In the refered to the Kurds, and to the relation of Russia and their allies with the Kurds, the article is full wrong. This is to talk like if Russia and their allies would not be able to see the US maneuvering to put them in bad terms with the Kurds.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:30 pm

    Vann7 wrote:...........
    Russia needs a serious change in policy. and im not proposing them to start war right now ,
    but that he needs an intelligent arm race now ,to prepare Russia for a world war 3 in many frontlines at same time. he needs those Kirov battleships for the Serbia war ,that will start in near future..........

    Vann with all undue respect please shut the f*ck up and don't rant about stuff you know nothing about.

    If "Serbia war" happens we will be doing it solo just like always and in case you need geography lesson, Serbia is landlocked so unless someone renames ammo caliber to "Kirov" there will be no Kirovs in that scenario.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  nomadski Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:35 pm


    Agree action on the ground and air in Syria will now determine outcomes . Every Child now knows what this yank/ terror axis is all about . Information is out there . But material conditions on the battlefield need to change . Again I say that the axis of resistance needs to act with speed . Before yank forces fully mobilise in the air or ground . To fully destroy isis . This is not to say that yanks will not try another pawn like SDF or Nusra or .....As a proxy later on .

    Apart from speed of action on the ground . Defensive measures can be done on the ground and air . To fully limit yanks . And put them in a cage . By surrounding forces on the ground . Mining roads around them . Disruptive raids into their camp . Psychological warfare . In the air , electronic warfare . Providing false targets . SAM fired at them . To effectively cripple them . Change the conditions on the battlefield . Forget CND mothers and their babies in prams in Europe .


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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:36 pm

    More Turkish gear on the move, this time through Killis

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC127CCWsAAtEBa

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 DC127amXoAAL7Fc

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  auslander Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:36 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Vann with all undue respect please shut the f*ck up and don't rant about stuff you know nothing about.

    If "Serbia war" happens we will be doing it solo just like always and in case you need geography lesson, Serbia is landlocked so unless someone renames ammo caliber to "Kirov" there will be no Kirovs in that scenario.

    He and his other names are all on my ignore list. I would guess he's maybe 16 and living in Mommy's basement.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:43 pm

    auslander wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:

    Vann with all undue respect please shut the f*ck up and don't rant about stuff you know nothing about.

    If "Serbia war" happens we will be doing it solo just like always and in case you need geography lesson, Serbia is landlocked so unless someone renames ammo caliber to "Kirov" there will be no Kirovs in that scenario.

    He and his other names are all on my ignore list. I would guess he's maybe 16 and living in Mommy's basement.
    He certainly has the time to churn out his spiels, give him 20 years and he might spout more sense. Bit like me Smile but then I'll probably be gone by then.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  yavar Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:45 pm

    Iran IRGC prepares missiles against terrorists in Dayr al-Zawr Syria تصاویر آماده سازی موشک سپاه

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