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    PLA Navy and Naval Air Force


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    Post  George1 Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:38 am

    According to Chinese sources, in China in the past month since the beginning of September to early October 2016 there were launched four corvettes (small frigate) of Project 056A.

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    Post  George1 Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:12 pm

    Modernized Chinese NITKA with catapults

    Complete the modernization of the Chinese ground test and training complex of naval aviation at the airport Huanditsun (Huangdicun), which is located on the shores of Bohai Bay in Liaoning Province. Initially, in 2013 there were only blocks from the ski jumps and arresting gear, which trained pilots for the first aircraft carrier "Liaoning". But now there is established a new catapult, two ejection paths are slightly different from each other. There are suggestions that there may have set both the steam and the mass driver, as the differences between them were clearly visible, and during the construction phase.

    There are also rumors that have already taken the first successful test of a new modification J-15 carrier-based fighter with this ground complex using the electromagnetic catapult.

    And indeed, judging by last October's satellite images, there can be seen October 17 J-15, standing next to one of the two ejection paths.

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    Post  George1 Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:38 pm

    Tests of the new anti-missile system for Chinese corvettes Project 056A

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    Post  George1 Fri Dec 16, 2016 2:01 am

    The first launch of YJ-83K anti-ship missile with a Chinese based fighter J-15


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    Post  George1 Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:37 pm

    Chinese aircraft carrier battle group in the Pacific Ocean

    The aircraft carrier "Liaoning"

    The destroyer type 052C "Zhengzhou"
    The destroyer type 052C "Haikou"
    The destroyer type 052D "Changsha"
    The frigate Project 054 "Yantai"
    The frigate Project 054 "Linyi"
    Corvette type 056 "Zhuzhou"
    Comprehensive supply ship 903A project

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    Post  George1 Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:05 am


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    Post  KiloGolf Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:24 am

    George1 wrote:

    Yeah... this where it seems PLAN has now surpassed RuN in carrier ops. I am noticing more planes and much more activity on the deck than what we've seen on the Kuz all these decades. Their plan on working cats wins the cake. Also... no smoky engines.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:30 am

    Yeah... this where it seems PLAN has now surpassed RuN in carrier ops. I am noticing more planes and much more activity on the deck than what we've seen on the Kuz all these decades. Their plan on working cats wins the cake. Also... no smoky engines.

    Hahahaha... of course... all you need are cats and you are superior to Russia in naval technology...


    That way they can take off with 20 tons of dumb bombs and go B-52 style on their targets... it will only take 1,000 bombers 1,000 attacks each to hit a factory just like the USAF did in good old WWII... because the future is how many bombs you can carry and has nothing to do with finding targets or actually hitting them... Rolling Eyes

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    Post  KiloGolf Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:28 am

    GarryB wrote:Hahahaha... of course... all you need are cats and you are superior to Russia in naval technology...


    That way they can take off with 20 tons of dumb bombs and go B-52 style on their targets... it will only take 1,000 bombers 1,000 attacks each to hit a factory just like the USAF did in good old WWII... because the future is how many bombs you can carry and has nothing to do with finding targets or actually hitting them...  Rolling Eyes

    Cats are natural evolution to any aspiring Navy's carrier doctrine. Soviets were on the same page.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 06, 2017 3:55 am


    That is like saying you don't have an air force if you don't have hundreds of inflight refuelling aircraft.

    Having inflight refuelling aircraft can be very useful for a lot of airforces... but a total waste of a lot of valuable resources, people, and money for other air forces.

    Suggesting all Navies need carriers let alone catapults on those carriers is just ignorant.

    For every technology there are capabilities, costs and limitations.

    For many navies a carrier does not make sense let alone needing to develop an expensive catapult system, so no, it does not represent any natural part of the evolution of a Navy.

    For the Russian navy a catapult system might come in useful on a few rare occasions, but for most missions it would be dead weight... very expensive dead weight at that.

    Add the cost of developing a new AEW aircraft and their might be some value, but I rather doubt it... especially when the future aircraft platforms being used will be the MiG-29KR and a variation of the PAK FA which are not heavy bombers.

    They have plenty of conventionally armed supersonic anti ships missiles which will now get land attack capability... which makes them rather more capable than any version of the F-35 or Rafale which would only operate at supersonic speeds for very short periods of flight... Supersonic at low altitude and in the near future hypersonic weapons will have rather better interdiction performance than manned aircraft without the risk to man power.

    AEW would be better provided with satellites and large UAVs.

    Might come as a shock but it would be rather cheaper and those same assets can cover land as well as sea... making them even more useful than carrier based AEW aircraft.

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    Post  KiloGolf Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:39 am

    GarryB wrote:Bullshit

    AEW&C with sufficiently long loiter time is the epitome of a modern Navy. It's a necessity given extreme threat environments. Moreover payload issues are becoming irrelevant with cats. It's very fundamental really, advanced carrier designs where the aircraft utilized are not STOVL (read F-35B), absolutely need cats.

    And I'm sure you would agree that the Chinese are a step ahead concerning the use of Kuz's sister ship.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:01 am

    AEW&C with sufficiently long loiter time is the epitome of a modern Navy. It's a necessity given extreme threat environments. Moreover payload issues are becoming irrelevant with cats. It's very fundamental really, advanced carrier designs where the aircraft utilized are not STOVL (read F-35B), absolutely need cats.

    AEW&C is critical but in this day an age the Russians have a satellite network and of course the Ka-31 AEW aircraft that can offer such capabilities without the bulk and weight and expensive of a catapult system.

    The Ka-31 might only have a patrol duration of 2.5 hours, but it can operate from small ships as well so you could have them land on ships well away from the carrier to refuel and continue looking for threats and targets...

    Longer term an airship operating at over 30km altitude would be rather more desirable than any ship based aircraft for the role.

    And I'm sure you would agree that the Chinese are a step ahead concerning the use of Kuz's sister ship.

    Would you say India was a step ahead of Russia when it had Su-30MKIs in service before the Russians had the Su-35 in service?


    I guess you will think the British F-35 will be more sophisticated than the American F-35 when the British incorporate Brimstone on their aircraft and the Americans don't.

    I guess it is just a single feature added to a technology makes a country a "step ahead".

    What AEW aircraft do the Chinese deploy on their new ship?

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    Post  KiloGolf Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:38 am

    GarryB wrote:Would you say India was a step ahead of Russia when it had Su-30MKIs in service before the Russians had the Su-35 in service?


    I guess you will think the British F-35 will be more sophisticated than the American F-35 when the British incorporate Brimstone on their aircraft and the Americans don't.

    I guess it is just a single feature added to a technology makes a country a "step ahead".

    What AEW aircraft do the Chinese deploy on their new ship?

    You're missing the point completely. Cats are a step ahead due to simple physics really.
    There's no comparison to India's fighter program or the Brimstone.

    PLAN is just slowly getting better by the day in the whole carrier business, compared to RuN being stuck with old tech. They've demonstrated it and there's nothing wrong with appreciating reality.

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    Post  George1 Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:33 pm

    The Chinese Navy has launched construction of its new generation amphibious assault ship, the 075 Landing Helicopter Dock, the South China Morning Post reported.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:11 am

    You're missing the point completely. Cats are a step ahead due to simple physics really.
    There's no comparison to India's fighter program or the Brimstone.

    No you are missing the point.

    A catapult in itself is useless.

    The capacity it provides is the ability to launch aircraft with heavy loads and also to allow much heavier aircraft to operate from the limited deck size of a carrier at sea.

    If you think hauling tons of bombs is a step ahead then you are an idiot... when was the last time you saw an F-16 get airborne operationally with 7 tons of weapons?

    Planes don't operate at max capacity because it greatly limits speed and flight performance and carrying lots of bombs is no real advantage because real combat is not some stupid video game where you fly around hitting dozens of enemy targets.

    The only value for the chinese with cat systems would be the ability to operate a heavy AWACS aircraft... and do they have one?

    If they don't then the Russian Navy with its land based AEW aircraft and Ka-31 naval AEW aircraft are still a step ahead.

    Do you think China will have a carrier in the Med or off the coast of Africa any time soon?

    Surely if they are ahead of the Russian Navy they would...

    The facts are that the vast majority of weapons and systems the Chinese have on these new vessels are poor copies or developments of Russian and Soviet weapons and systems... are you sure they are a step ahead?

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    Post  George1 Wed May 03, 2017 7:37 am

    The first Chinese nuclear submarine became a museum

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    Post  George1 Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:15 pm

    In Shanghai, the fifth landing helicopter-dock of Project 071 was launched.

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    Post  George1 Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:09 pm

    Evaluation of the cost of new ships of the Chinese fleet

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    Post  George1 Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:17 am


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    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:56 am

    Interesting article

    The Chinese spy ship that sailed international waters off the coast of Alaska during a recent missile defense test was a class that had never been seen before in Northern Command’s area-of-responsibility, a spokesperson said Friday.
    According to the PLA report cited by the China Daily, the PLA Navy now operates six electronic reconnaissance vessels. The report also gave specific information about the ships such as their capabilities and functions.

    “Until now, the PLA Navy has never made public so many details about its intelligence collection ships,” said the report.

    The newly launched Kaiyangxing was capable of conducting all-weather, round-the-clock reconnaissance on multiple and different targets,” the China Daily reported.

    “The ship is so sophisticated that only a few countries, such as the United States and Russia, are capable of developing it,” it continued.


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    Post  Airman Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:39 am

    PLAN ships  DDG Changchun, FFG Jingzhou, AOR Chaohu continue their visit in Istanbul while another PLAN taskforce passed the Danish Straits.

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:19 pm

    A couple of interesting articles, the first on the development of China's 3rd generation integrated electric propulsion systems IEPS and the second on the new Type 055 13,000 ton destroyer? Fascinating stuff.

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    Post  George1 Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:38 pm

    Service and life on the submarine project 039G Navy PLA

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    Project 039 is the latest and most modern type of submarine, independently developed and built in China. Boats were intended to replace obsolete submarines of the type "Min" (type 035) and completely unfit for the use of boats like "Romeo" (type 033), which for four decades formed the basis of the grouping of diesel submarines of the Chinese Navy. The development of a new type was based on constructive requirements that corresponded to Western approaches to the construction of submarines. They included the provision of good hydrodynamics due to the smooth hulls and hull fencing, the installation of new cylindrical HAS in the bow, the use of the power plant based on the German-made MTU series diesel engines (16V396 instead of the 12V493 initially considered), the armament of the boats with the new Russian anti-submarine torpedoes.

    Another important requirement, aimed at ensuring the impact and defensive characteristics of boats of this type, was their armament with anti-ship missiles. This task was solved by equipping the boats with YJ-82 missiles launched by torpedo tubes (modification of the C-801 ship missile) capable of delivering a 165 kg (364 lb) warhead at a range of 40 km (24.9 miles) using the inertial navigation system And active radar guidance in the final section of the flight trajectory. In all respects, boats of the "Sun" type corresponded to the technological standards that were applied to Western submarines built in the 1980s.

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    Post  George1 Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:31 pm

    Crash of the Chinese deck fighter J-15

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    The J-15 fighter piloted by the deputy commander of the 10th Aviation Regiment of the 4th PLAC Navy Air Division Senior Colonel Yuan Wei encountered a flock of birds during the start of the training flight. The plane got damage to the left engine. The pilot managed to land a fighter. There are no victims.

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:58 pm

    By David Hambling

    On 21 June, the Chinese Academy of Sciences hailed a breakthrough – a major upgrade to a kind of quantum device that measures magnetic fields. The announcement vanished after a journalist pointed out the invention’s potential military implications: it could help China lock down the South China Sea.

    “I was surprised by the removal,” says Stephen Chen of the South China Morning Post, who raised the issue. “I have been covering Chinese science for many years, and it is rare.”

    Magnetometers have been used to detect submarines since the second world war. They are able to do this because they can measure an anomaly in Earth’s magnetic field – like one caused by a massive hunk of metal. But today’s devices can only detect a submarine at fairly short range, so tend to be used to home in on the location once the sub has already been spotted on sonar.

    You could widen their range if you had a magnetometer based on a superconducting quantum interference device, or SQUID. Superconducting magnetometers are exquisitely sensitive, but their promise has been limited to the lab. Out in the real world, they are quickly overwhelmed by background noise as minuscule as changes in Earth’s magnetic field caused by distant solar storms.

    Given that level of sensitivity, you can forget about mounting such a sensor on an airplane, for example. The US Navy gave up work on superconducting magnetometers to pursue less sensitive but more mature technologies.
    Learn more about quantum theory: In our expert talk at New Scientist Live in London

    The new magnetometer, built by Xiaoming Xie and colleagues at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, uses not one SQUID but an array of them. The idea is that by comparing their readings, researchers can cancel out some of the extra artefacts generated by motion. This “would be relevant to an anti-submarine warfare device”, says David Caplin at Imperial College London, who works on magnetic sensors.

    Although the announcement concerning Xie’s work has been removed, several of the previous papers culminating in this breakthrough are still available.

    The achievement points to an airborne device that can detect submarines from several kilometres away rather than just a few hundred metres. This would be catastrophic for NATO submarines, which have been honed to run ever more quietly, using clever technology that prevents them from being heard or detected on sonar. Their magnetic signature is much harder to eliminate.

    Could China soon have the most sensitive submarine detector in the world? No Western navies are known to have SQUID detectors.

    Researchers estimate that a SQUID magnetometer of this type could detect a sub from 6 kilometres away, and Caplin says that with better noise suppression the range could be much greater.

    Not everyone is convinced the Chinese magnetometer is ready for deployment. Cathy Foley at CSIRO, the Australian government research agency, says there are several difficulties with turning a SQUID into a sub-hunter – for example dealing with background magnetic noise. Nobody has yet solved all of these problems, although she says the rate of Chinese progress means they may well be first to succeed.

    SQUIDs are only one of the ways that China has been upgrading its anti-submarine capability over the last few years. The “Underwater Great Wall”, a string of submerged sensors, buoys and drone submarines, is thought to be close to completion. The project will help China extend its offshore surveillance zone.

    Beijing has long wanted to change the rules of engagement in its waters. Earlier this year it drafted new laws requiring any foreign submarine to get approval before entering Chinese waters, and once there, to stay surfaced and display its national flag. “Can the Chinese make these systems work reliably while in motion in the air or underwater? We’ll be watching their progress closely,” says Foley.

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