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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea


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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:15 am

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip10

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip11

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip12

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip13

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip14

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip15

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip16

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip17

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip18

    China is building new artificial island in South China Sea very fast and it seems that in three of those island China could build airbases with 3000 m long airstrips. Those islands are Fiery Cross island, Subi island and Mischief island. Other islands will be smaller, but will have radar and EW bases and air defense units. They also build harbors there, so they will have constant presence of frigates and submarines around Spratley islands. Air bases in Spratly islands and similar air base in Woody island in Paracels will give to China excellent capabilities to control natural resources there and to impose ADIZ in South China sea for full control over all sea traffic around.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:44 am

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Cuarte10

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Hughes10

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Gaven_10

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Johnso10

    Pictures of other smaller artificial island, which China build in Spratly island. It seems they will all be military bases.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:00 am

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Thedip19

    The map of locations of Chinese artificial islands in Spratly islands.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:42 pm

    Yeah, but where are all the secret volcano lairs...

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:54 pm

    Off Topic but the name "South China Sea" is a taboo in Vietnam pirat
    max steel
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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  max steel Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:07 am

    These islands are nothing but to deny usa navy access in china sea or whatever you call it . Other say chinese will fail just like japs had island for refuelling their planes in pacific . US has built JSow LRASM etc missiles for this purpose only and their latest swarmbots they are working on . But China is a Nuclear nation with UNSC veto power . Cant say .

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:36 am

    On three airbases on three islands China could place more than 100 Flankers (J-11, J-16) and some battalions of HQ-9 and S-300. Also there will be chinese frigates and destroyers around, so it will not be so easy to bomb them. Don't forget, China is also actively modernize their nuclear triad and there are rumors, that China also have thousands of nukes.
    max steel
    max steel

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  max steel Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:03 am

    1000 of nukes ? Well that's certainly a rumor . I heard they have around 300 with MIRVed tech which they got from US during Clinton Presidency . How well do you think HQ-9 and S-300 will fare in such situation against a fleet of Aegis ships and Aircraft carriers . i guess they'll be placing DF-@$ too on these islands .

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  Viktor Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:15 am

    Nice counter to US planned bases in Philippines.

    China can put entire brigade or two of S-300/HQ-9 and long range radar system as well as short range SAMs for protection.

    Combination of ballistic and cruise missiles like DF-21/DH-10 is something no US defense can withstood.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:02 am

    max steel wrote:1000 of nukes ? Well that's certainly a rumor . I heard they have around 300 with MIRVed tech which they got from US during Clinton Presidency . How well do you think HQ-9 and S-300 will fare in such situation against a fleet of Aegis ships and Aircraft carriers . i guess they'll be placing DF-@$ too on these islands .

    No need for ballistic missiles on islands, they will operate from mainland as well as H-6 bombers with cruise missiles.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  Tyloe Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:41 am

    Once construction is completed it's likely PLAAF J-11s will be based there while task-force groups from the South Sea Fleet make routine operations to patrol those islands. I'm guessing by 2020-2030 they will make a permanent presence around those bases and establish a strong air defence capability supported by land-based HQ-9s, and PLAN frigates and destroyers.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:07 pm

    Got to give them credit... the west (US, UK, France) have a habit of occupying islands and mistreating the natives so they can build airfields and fuel dumps so they can have island airfields to extend their reach... Islands like Guam and even Japan leap to mind...

    max steel
    max steel

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  max steel Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:11 pm

    So chinese are bulding them to counter US philipines base and to avoid blockage of malacca straits ?

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:05 pm

    max steel wrote:So chinese are bulding them to counter US philipines base and  to avoid blockage of malacca straits ?

    My hypothesis is, China and US are artificially generating tension in the Pacific in order to tie their own vassals. So Japan, Phillipines, S Korea can forget about US domination and N Korea temporarily forgets about Chinese hegemony.

    Thanks to that, slaves of White House and pro-China dogs can dominate the media and politics of Pacific nations. And nationalists with independent mind will be marginalized.

    You may say that I am out of mind, but I have witnessed enough dogs and pigs who use China as a cause to legitimize the act of selling their Motherland to the White House. And the opposite things also happened a lot of time.

    Years of war with both China and US make me disbelieve in BOTH Washington DC and Beijing.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  type055 Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:07 pm

    I don't think these islands are used to counter US military base, China build these island just to enhance presense in this region ,

    I heard someone says some of these islands will become travel destination. cost of build these island is very expensive and need special ship

    the China-US relationship is not that intense like Ru-US, coz China-US have huge common economy interest.

    there is competiton of course, but both US and China don't want face off each other.

    btw China US only have 3 years war (korea war).

    one pic about ship China use to build artifical islands super huge

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea 235511nl6otl8zyll65o5i.jpg.thumb

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:49 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    max steel wrote:So chinese are bulding them to counter US philipines base and  to avoid blockage of malacca straits ?

    My hypothesis is, China and US are artificially generating tension in the Pacific in order to tie their own vassals. So Japan, Phillipines, S Korea can forget about US domination and N Korea temporarily forgets about Chinese hegemony.

    Thanks to that, slaves of White House and pro-China dogs can dominate the media and politics of Pacific nations. And nationalists with independent mind will be marginalized.

    You may say that I am out of mind, but I have witnessed enough dogs and pigs who use China as a cause to legitimize the act of selling their Motherland to the White House. And the opposite things also happened a lot of time.

    Years of war with both China and US make me disbelieve in BOTH Washington DC and Beijing.

    For China it is quite clear, that they want to push their first defense line as far from their mainland as possible, specially because US is trying to encircle China in the same manner as Russia. With control of South and East China Sea, they will disrupt or cut US naval routes and this could be quite a big blow on US global enslavement strategy.
    max steel
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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  max steel Wed May 13, 2015 6:24 am

    US May Use Military To Confront China In South China Sea Islands Dispute silent

    Just days after Japanese PM Shinzo Abe leaves Washington (having stepped up his nation's military assertiveness), The Wall Street Journal reports that the US Secretary of Defense has asked staff for military options in the South China Sea (as we have detailed China's land reclamation efforts):


    Having ironically commented on China's "bullying," it appears Nobel-Peace-Prize winner President Obama is preparing for an even bigger objective, amid China's rising threat to USD dominance (with Yuan liberalization and AIIB success).

    As The Wall Street Journal reports, the U.S. military is considering using aircraft and Navy ships to directly contest Chinese territorial claims to a chain of rapidly expanding artificial islands, U.S. officials said, in a move that would raise the stakes in a regional showdown over who controls disputed waters in the South China Sea.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Wed May 20, 2015 2:49 am

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea 1zwmd810

    Comparison of the sizes of Spratly islands. Three Chinese artificial islands, which will have air bases with 3 km long landing strips are really huge comparing to other islands. There will also be large naval bases, so it is no surprise, that US is really nervous about Chinese presence in south Chinese Sea.

    Last edited by medo on Wed May 20, 2015 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
    max steel
    max steel

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  max steel Wed May 20, 2015 3:37 am

    chinese building their own Guam Wink

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Wed May 20, 2015 10:18 pm

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Yongsh10

    Picture of Fiery Cross island from May. They build their air base very fast.

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Fri May 22, 2015 10:54 pm

    US P-8A fly over Chinese artificial islands and it seems air base in Fiery Cross Reef will be soon finished as they build it really quickly. We will see, which planes will be stationed there, but combination of J-16 and JH-7B together with AWACS, maritime patrol planes and tankers will work excellently for them.

    Some more photos.

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea P-8a_s10

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea P-8a_s11

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea P-8a_s12

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea P-8a_s13

    China build artificial islands in South China Sea P-8a_s14

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  medo Sat May 23, 2015 1:59 am

    A video from CNN.
    max steel
    max steel

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  max steel Sat May 23, 2015 2:27 am

    medo wrote:

    A video from CNN.

    cnn crew in usa surveillance plane . chinese should have BUKed it already .

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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  Werewolf Sat May 23, 2015 2:38 am

    max steel wrote:
    medo wrote:

    A video from CNN.

    cnn crew in usa surveillance plane . chinese should have BUKed it already .

    If i were in position i would have BUKed it and any shit that comes to close, US isn't a hard enemy when they have to fight against real militaries and not just some farmers with AK's the used to.
    max steel
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    China build artificial islands in South China Sea Empty Re: China build artificial islands in South China Sea

    Post  max steel Sat May 23, 2015 2:58 am

    Werewolf wrote:

    If i were in position i would have BUKed it and any shit that comes to close, US isn't a hard enemy when they have to fight against real militaries and not just some farmers with AK's the used to.

    usa is trying to gag china with its neighboring nations . lol!

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