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    Russian Military Reform


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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:57 pm

    Pay scale rates for the Active Reserve of the Russian Armed Forces

    The simple calculation yields for the series with the 1st tariff category, standing in the position of the shooter, a figure of 1 800 rubles. The lieutenant, a platoon commander with the 10th wage category will receive 3600 rubles a month. The battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel to the 18th tariff level - 4320 rubles.
    In general, the impression is that the service in the mobilization reserve is only for fans of the army, who are bored in the civilian world, and from time to time want to re-experience the fun days of the service.

    UPD. Cash payments to citizens who are in the reserve, except for the period of military duties consist of:
    monthly salary;
    coefficients (district, for a stay in the reserve in the highlands, for staying in reserve in the desert and arid areas) per stay in a reserve in the Far North, similar areas and other areas with adverse climatic or environmental conditions, including remote, the monthly salary and allowances in the amount of interest established by federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation citizens working and living in these regions and localities;
    monthly interest allowances for continuous stay in the reserve to the monthly salary, which is paid in the following amounts in a continuous stay in reserve:
    3 to 5 years - 10 per cent;
    from 5 to 10 years - 20 per cent;
    from 10 to 15 years - 30 per cent;
    from 15 to 20 years - 40 percent;
    20 years and over - 50 percent;
    lump-sum payments at the conclusion of a new contract to stay in the mobilization of manpower:
    during the term of the new contract for 3 years or at shorter term of the new contract - before the age limit in the reserve - 1 monthly salary;
    during the term of the new contract of 5 years, or at shorter term of the new contract - before the age limit in the reserve - 1.5 month's salary;
    other benefits provided by federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Cash payments to citizens, called up for military training, in addition to the payments provided for in Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", consist of:
    salaries for military posts, provided the staff of the military unit and the salary for military rank;
    coefficients (district, for the passage of military training in the highlands, for the passage of military training in desert and arid areas) for the passage of military duties in the Far North, similar areas and other areas with adverse climatic or environmental conditions, including remote, to the salary of military positions and the salary for military rank and the percentage of allowances in the amounts established by federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation citizens working and living in these regions and localities;
    travel expenses on delivery (Travel) citizens from the military commissariat (collection point) to the place of the military commission and vice versa;
    monetary compensation for employment (sublease) of residential premises in the cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:00 am

    Two new artillery brigades formed this year. A missile brigade in the 58th Army and an artillery brigade in the 36th Army. Brings the total units to 28; 11 missile, 11 artillery and 6 rocket artillery brigades or regiments.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:02 pm

    Russia plans to form three west-oriented army divisions in 2016 — defense minister


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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:58 pm

    From a conversation with the Western Command CinC and his expected new equipment in 2016.

    New technology - increased capacity

    Substantially increase the combat potential of units and formations district allows them to re-new and upgraded models of weapons and military equipment. In 2016 it is planned to receive from defense companies over 1100 of their units, including for aircraft parts - multifunctional fighters Su-35S, combat, transport and special helicopters Mi-35, Mi-8, Mi-28; for the missile troops and artillery - multiple launch rocket systems "Tornado-G" and "Tornado-S", self-propelled howitzers "MSTA CM" and "Coalition-SV"; for anti-aircraft missile units - S-400.

    According to Colonel-General Kartapolov in 2015 on the basis of implementation of the state defense order share of modern weapons has increased significantly, military and special equipment in the district troops. Overall, the increase was 20 percent, including the Army - 23 percent, 16 percent - in the Navy and 19 - in the VCS.

    A Su-35S squadron to start forming.
    More Mi-35's... there must be further orders.
    The new Tornado-S brigade will be in the West... most likely the 79th in T'ver.
    Expects Coalition-SV unit.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:07 pm

    Planned changes and developments in the Central Command

    The air base "Kant" will be the basis for a unified structure, which will include all Russian military facilities in Kyrgyzstan, he said on Saturday, commander of the Central Military District (CVO), Colonel-General Vladimir Zarudnitsky.

    "In 2016, measures to optimize the organizational structure will also affect the military district base stationed abroad. All Russian military facilities in Kyrgyzstan will become part of a unified structure that will be formed on the basis of the air base "Kant". The base itself is considerably modernized and dovooruzhena », - the commander said.

    The Russian Defense Ministry also intends to strengthen the Russian air base "Kant" division drones.

    Colonel-General said that the squad will be equipped with modifications UAV "Orlan" and "Outpost", which will increase the effectiveness of actions of the army and attack aircraft during training flights in the joint exercises.

    Vladimir Zarudnitsky added that the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan will be transferred to the brigade staff.

    "In this case, its role as a Russian outpost in Central Asia, the guarantor of peace and stability in the region will remain unchanged", - said Zarudnitsky.

    According to him, the need to modernize the organizational and staff structure of the CVO led to an increase in the intensity of training, the new tasks assigned to the district.

    "Last year, Mountain Motorized Infantry Brigade was formed on the territory of the Republic of Tuva, which was adopted modernized armored cars" Tiger-M Spetsnaz ". This year, in connection planned arrival at the SDO self-propelled artillery guns "Nona-SVK". Also in 2015, in the Republic of Khakassia formed anti-aircraft missile regiment equipped with S-300 systems. Calculations intercede on combat duty in early March, "- said the commander.

    He said: "In the future we plan to create another similar regiment stationed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Total in 2016, two connections, 11 military units will be formed in the area and several offices. "

    In the Chelyabinsk region will be located Panzer Division, which constitute the basis of modern weapons tanks. The structure of the compound will include motorized and self-propelled artillery regiments, air defense missile battalion, reconnaissance, engineering battalion, as well as communication units and material support. In the Volga region will form a separate motorized rifle brigade, said Zarudnitsky.

    The air base "Kant" - a military airfield located in the Chui region of Kyrgyzstan and Russia used in accordance with the contract. It located in the Chu River valley, 20 kilometers east of Bishkek, two kilometers south of the city of Kant.


    201st to become a brigade formation
    SAM regiment created last year in Khakassia
    Another SAM regiment to form in Krasnoyarsk.
    A new?? Motorized Rifle brigade in the Volga region

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:53 pm

    Reincarnation in the Armed Forces

    The Russian Armed Forces in response to the increase in NATO exercise intensity four new divisions deployed, said the Commander of the Land Forces, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukov. Posted in minutes was picked up by Russian and especially foreign media. No sooner had the experts and commentators to discuss how it might affect the balance of power in Europe, and Pentagon chief Ashton Carter made no less sensational statement. The US-led coalition involves ground forces.

    It is noteworthy that while in the past year after the appearance of news about the deployment to the Western Military District Guards Tank Army leadership of the Russian military department spoke about some abstract "possible threats" of the Russian Federation, avoiding mention of NATO, the current application Oleg Salyukova left no doubt: the new division will deter NATO.Similarly, in the US just over a month ago, on 7 December, President Barack Obama addressed the nation, said about any ground operation in Syria and Iraq can not be considered.

    The first information about the expected formation of divisions, now Oleg Salyukova unannounced, appeared immediately after the spring of 2015 from the village of Mulino in the Nizhny Novgorod region Voronezh returned to the headquarters of the 20th Field Army, previously derived to the transition to a new look. It was, in particular, the possible emergence of new connections in the cities of Nizhny Novgorod and Boguchar.

    January 12 this year, the first conference call Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that one of the most important tasks facing the Armed Forces in 2016, - the formation of three divisions in the Western direction. The Minister stressed that the need to immediately provide them with full infrastructure, build their places of permanent residence. Yet avoided mention of "deterring NATO", leaving the announcement commander in chief of the Land Forces, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukova that ten days later elaborated: it is about the three divisions in the western direction and one in the center. It was emphasized that form new connections will be based on the existing teams.

    Try to understand and make suggestions where and when to appear "anti-NATO" division.

    The first candidate - 9th separate motorized rifle brigade, almost simultaneously with the control of the 20th Army "moved" from the Lower to the city Boguchar and Valuiki village. It should be noted that the plans had been previously announced about the formation in the same localities of the 10th Guards Tank Division. So that which is created on the basis of 9 omsbr become a 9th Motorized or 10th Guards Tank. Not excluded is another option: 20 OA Western Military District replenish both mas 9 and 10 Guards. etc., to form a base which will be the 1 st Guards Tank Brigade, according to some sources, formed by now in the same Valuyki and Boguchar.

    The second candidate - 33th separate motorized rifle brigade (mountain), torn now between the village Kadamovskim near Novocherkassk, Rostov Region and Maikop. According to the initial plans to the end of 2015 the team had to go to the normal state and a fully motorized infantry move in the Rostov region.

    A third candidate - a separate motorized rifle brigade, which was planned to create in Yelnya Smolensk region, on the territory of the former military camp 144 Guards. mas, as it was reported in November 2014. Infrastructure, in particular housing, once built after the withdrawal of the German division of Germany in the early '90s, after the restoration works allows you to place a full-blooded connection without problems.

    At the central direction of the plan to deploy one division. Candidates may make the 15th separate motorized rifle "peacekeeping" (Samara), 21st (Totskoe) and 23rd (Boules) Guards Motorised Brigade. Yet the priority due to better infrastructure in 21 Guards brigade previously reformed during the transition to the new look of the 27 Guards.

    If we talk about the end of the period of formation of new parts, the optimal looks December 2016.

    Why the decision to form a division rather than new team, the Defense Ministry, alas, is not explained, limiting the claim that MSD (td) are better suited to their tasks. It is not entirely clear, and then what will be the organizational and staff structure of the novel compounds, if, according to available data, even from previously reorganized brigades 2nd Guards (Taman) Motorized Infantry and the 4th Guards (Kantemirovskaya) division has not yet formed completely. On the basis of their continuing research on various optimization ROR.

    NOTE: announced yesterday that the Tank Brigade at Chebukal will form the basis for the new Division in the Central Command.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty A basic questio about army units

    Post  kingodthequeens Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:56 am

    Now, Russia does not have divisions,

    There are army and Brigade.

    is there anything between army(30,000 persons)  and army groups (one million persons).
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:35 am

    kingodthequeens wrote:Now, Russia does not have divisions,

    There are army and Brigade.

    is there anything between army(30,000 persons)  and army groups (one million persons).

    There is a sticky thread for the organizational matters, and probably I have already answered this "question" there.

    However, the "question" is posed in a way that is not correct. The thread title also has at least one misspelling and one semantic inaccuracy.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  kingodthequeens Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:26 pm

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    kingodthequeens wrote:Now, Russia does not have divisions,

    There are army and Brigade.

    is there anything between army(30,000 persons)  and army groups (one million persons).

    There is  a sticky thread for the organizational matters, and probably I have already answered this "question" there.

    However, the "question" is posed in a way that is not correct. The thread title also has at least one misspelling and one semantic inaccuracy.

    Anyway, I do not support to "group" threads.

    No one will read that many pages, No one can find the part which he/she want to read in the long thread.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:54 pm

    kingodthequeens wrote:Now, Russia does not have divisions,

    There are army and Brigade.

    is there anything between army(30,000 persons)  and army groups (one million persons).

    Operational Strategic Command:

    North,West,South,Central and East

    There are still Divisions - 7 presently with 4 new forming.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  George1 Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:41 pm

    Russian Defense Ministry postpones expansion of Airborne Force divisions — source

    Previously, a source in the Russian General Staff told TASS about plans to increase the number of airborne personnel by one-third - from 45,000 to nearly 60,000 troops

    MOSCOW, February 18. /TASS/. Russia's Defense Ministry has postponed the plans for massive expansion of divisions of the Airborne Forces (VDV) for at least 4 years, a General Staff source told TASS on Thursday. According to him, "the January 29 expanded meeting of the Defense Ministry’s collegium made a decision to postpone the creation of third regiments in the VDV assault and Airborne Divisions until after 2020".

    Airborne Forces’ Commander Vladimir Shamanov announced plans in summer 2015 to deploy the third regiments within the air assault divisions.

    Previously, a source in the Russian General Staff told TASS about plans to increase the number of airborne personnel by one-third - from 45,000 to nearly 60,000 troops. According to him, this is linked with the prospective establishment of the quick-reaction troops on the basis of the Airborne Forces that was announced by Shamanov.

    Among the measures to build up the Airborne Forces the General Staff source named the plans to restore the 104th Airborne Assault Division, which will consist of three regiments (based in Ulyanovsk, in Orenburg and in Engels) and the intention to create a new assault airborne brigade (in Voronezh). The Russian Airborne Forces now comprise four divisions, four air assault brigades and a special operations brigade.


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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  sepheronx Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:49 pm


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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  George1 Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:54 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Why?

    maybe they have as priority the restoration of 104th Airborne Assault Division first and then to see how they will continue the reform of size and organization in all divisions

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:24 pm

    George1 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Why?

    maybe they have as priority the restoration of 104th Airborne Assault Division first and then to see how they will continue the reform of size and organization in all divisions

    IMO it has to do with the decision to create 4 additional Division type formations. It was decided that heavier combined arms units were required in the West to counter NATO instead of light Airborne units. Russia already has more Airborne troops then anyone else to boot.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  George1 Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:49 pm

    franco wrote:
    IMO it has to do with the decision to create 4 additional Division type formations. It was decided that heavier combined arms units were required in the West to counter NATO instead of light Airborne units. Russia already has more Airborne troops then anyone else to boot.

    so there will be 8 divisions in total from 4 now?? That looks too much! russia

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:07 pm

    George1 wrote:
    franco wrote:
    IMO it has to do with the decision to create 4 additional Division type formations. It was decided that heavier combined arms units were required in the West to counter NATO instead of light Airborne units. Russia already has more Airborne troops then anyone else to boot.

    so there will be 8 divisions in total from 4 now?? That looks too much! russia

    There will be 4 more Tank / Motorized Divisions to go with the 2nd Motorized Rifle and 4th Tank divisions. They will be heavy units and the first to receive the new Armata / Boomerang / Kurganets. Will be the Strike Force of the Army.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:55 pm

    Location of and planned operational date for the new 24 logistics centers for the Russian Armed Forces;

    These along with the new 15 ammo depots, 15 technical depots and 26 repair depots will make up the new Rear Service system for the Armed Forces.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  George1 Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:26 am

    New motorized infantry division to emerge in Russia's south by year-end — source

    The division’s strength will total about 10,000 officers, its headquarters will be stationed in the Rostov-on-Don, a source says

    MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/. A new fully armed and equipped motorized infantry division will be deployed in Russia’s southern Rostov Region by the end of this year, a source at the headquarters of the Southern Military District has told TASS.

    "In accordance with directives from the chief of the General Staff and the commander of the Southern Military District a fully-manned and armed mechanized infantry division will be formed in the district. Three military garrisons are to be built in the Rostov region to accommodate the personnel," the source said.

    "The division’s strength will total about 10,000 officers. Its headquarters will be stationed in the Rostov-on-Don. The unit will boast the newest weaponry, armor, trucks and special vehicles.

    According to the source, this year the most essential infrastructures - headquarters, barracks and so on - will be established. The other facilities will be built in 2017. For speeding up construction work builders will use pre-fabricated assembly modular units similar to those tested of late in Omsk, Abakan, Kyzyl and other localities.

    "According to preliminary estimates, the costs of accommodating the newly-formed mechanized infantry division will total at least five billion rubles ($700 million).

    Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu unveiled plans for creating three West-oriented divisions at the beginning of 2016.


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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:40 pm

    Division 1st Guards Tank Army and the 20th Western Military District combined arms armies will be composed of six regiments, he told Tass source in the General Staff.
       "Already deployed as part of the 1st Panzer Army compound (Taman Motorized Rifle and Kantemirovskaya Panzer Division), and the two formed for the 20th Army infantry division received shestipolkovuyu orgshtatnuyu structure that existed in the Soviet Army and liquidated during the period of Anatoly Serdyukov in office Minister of defense, "- a spokesman said. He recalled that when the division was reduced to brigades, the main combat units which were battalions.
       "Now, as it was in Soviet times, each tank division will have three tank regiments, motorized infantry regiment, self-propelled artillery regiment and anti-aircraft missile regiment, and each infantry division - three motorized infantry regiment, tank regiment, self-propelled artillery regiment and anti-aircraft missile regiment ", - said the source.
       In addition, he said, each division will receive intelligence units, communications, logistics, electronic warfare, radiological, chemical and biological protection, and so on.

    Not sure who "HE" is but we shall see.

    EDIT: My reservations stem from the force "HE" talks about would require 14,000 men for a Motor Rifle Division, not 10,000 as planned.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sun Apr 03, 2016 2:11 pm

    Major Fire at Ministry of Defense HQ in Moscow.

    The American use one HQ at the Pentagon while Russia used 3 buildings and now 4 with the opening of the National Command Center. The building in question was the administrative center with the General Staff building being across the street. The 4th building is the new Military Intelligence (GRU) Center located a couple of clicks north.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  sepheronx Sun Apr 03, 2016 2:32 pm

    According to tass, the building is old, and maintenance was being done on the technical room. But blames a short in circuits.

    No injured or dead. Jewish lightning?

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:09 pm

    Weekend so only 50 or so staff on site. Most working here I imagine would be civilians anyway.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  franco Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:06 pm

    Section of the roof has collapsed (~1200 m2) and fire officially contained now. Looks like building pretty much done.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  sepheronx Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:26 pm

    So they will collect insurance money and build a new building? For some reason, I smell a jewish lightning for sure.

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    Russian Military Reform - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  eehnie Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:30 pm

    Sometime ago I posted my view about which would be the right organization for the Armed Forces valid for a generic country. With the time I simplified a little more my view. I think it would be interesting for every country to go to a structure like this:

    - Army: All the land based forces in the mainland of the country (including all the Surface-Surface and Surface-Air land based forces), with aerial support of own UAVs.
    - Aerospace Force: All the forces that use aerospace based platforms (aircrafts, helicopters and spacecrafts), plus the own bases in the entire territory.
    - Navy: All the forces that use sea based platforms (ships and submarines), with aerial support of own UAVs, plus the own bases in the entire territory.
    - Airborne/Shipborne Troops: All the land based forces for the territory unconnected to the mainland by land ways (islands and all the types of unconnected enclaves, exclaves,..) and all the land based forces for operations outside the own territory (military bases abroad, operations to help allies,...), with aerial support of own UAVs, plus the own bases in the entire territory.

    All with shared power under civil command, and also with regional coordination. The four branches would be able to own nuclear weapons, and their management would require also coordination.

    This type of structure would allow to very high level of standardization, and to very low level of redundancies.

    An important detail is that the same troops would be trained for airborne or shipborne operations with the right equipment for both.

    Also it would mean that the Army and the Airborne/Shipborne Troops would operate in separate and unconnected territories (except for the bases of the Airborne/Shipborne Troops in the mainland, that would be located on important military airfields maybe plus important military port). While the Army would be more oriented to defense of the mainland, the Airborne/Shipborne Troops would be oriented to defense of difficult unconnected borders, to defense of allies and to attack.

    In the case of Russia, Crimea and Sakhalin should be connected to the rest of the territory by land ways (surely a tunnel would be safer), and should be territory for the Army (without need of the Navy or the Aerospace Force for its movements). Kaliningrad and the Kuril Islands would be the territories for the Airborne/Shipborne Troops with significant population (still under 20000 inhabitants in the Kuril Islands).

    Under this scheme the Aerospace Force would be the alone owner of manned aircrafts, helicopters and spacecrafts, but with the expected development of UAVs, the own aerial support of the rest of the branches would be strong enough. As example the rest of the branches would be able to manage the air patrol of the territories where they work, and would use combat UAVs too. While it becomes possible, temporarily it would be room for some manned aircraft and helicopter in the Naval Aviation.

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