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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Exposing The West


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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Nice discussion exposing Canada as a real example of a gas station posing as a country.

    Post  kvs Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:33 pm

    Nice discussion exposing Canada as a real example of a gas station posing as a country.

    1) In spite of pumping more oil (by 80%) per capita than Russia, Canada has a serious trade deficit.

    2) This deficit manifested itself after 2008.

    3) Canada has a smaller (in percentage terms) manufacturing sector than Russia.

    4) Canada is a resource appendage to the USA

    So while Russia gets lectured all the time about insufficient "structural" reforms and over-dependence
    on resource extraction and exports, Canada fits these issues much better than Russia ever will.
    Canada is a sort of developed banana republic where import dependence is substantial and results
    in a trade deficit and accumulation of national debt.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Slavery and western imperialism

    Post  kvs Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:45 pm

    Good "radio lecture" on the history of slavery. Narrated by a black man and which destroys PC revisionist BS.

    There was one good thing that came out of western imperialism, specifically British, and that was the rooting out of
    slavery which existed round the world and was considered normal.

    The racism-slavery link is a pathology of US politics. Brazil was authoritarian and no faction had to propagandize
    why slavery was "justified".

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:37 pm

    IMO Muslims slave trade receives far less attention than it deserves given that it was practices for both longer and on a larger scale than European one. Many Arab countries abolished slavery only in 1950s and 60s.

    Pay attention that the western countries which had slavery only had it in colonies not in metropoly (although Central and Eastern Europe had serfdom until 19th century which was in many aspects close to slavery)

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  George1 Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:08 pm

    Gaddafi's money, Pakistani submarines and former French President Nicolas Sarkozy

    As reported by the newspapers and Kommersant in the material of Alexei Tarkhanov, “Nicolas Sarkozy did not accept“ Gaddafi's money ”into his account. The main witness for the prosecution has denied his own testimony " , in the case of the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was suspected of being financed by the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, there was a decisive turn. The main prosecution witness, Ziad Takieddin, retracted his words and complained about the investigators seeking testimony from him against the ex-president. Alexey Tarkhanov, Kommersant's correspondent in France, gives details. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (c) Emin Jafarov / Kommersant

    In early October, Nicolas Sarkozy was charged with involvement in a "criminal community" in connection with the possible financing by Libya of his 2007 election campaign. But now the main witness for the prosecution, a businessman with Lebanese and French citizenship, Ziad Takieddin, came out with a refutation of his own words. Earlier, he claimed that in 2006-2007 he brought Nicolas Sarkozy and the head of his campaign headquarters, Claude Guéhanu, three suitcases with cash worth € 5 million. Now, in an interview with BFM and Paris Match, he stated that “he never gave 5 million for the campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy ”.

    Such a dramatic change in the position of Ziad Takieddin is easily explained. The French investigation no longer has power over him.

    He was detained at customs in the spring of 2011 while trying to smuggle € 1.5 million into France, and was subsequently charged in the so-called "Karachi case" of brokering bribes and illegal rewards in the 1994 sale of French submarines to Pakistan. In June 2020, he was sentenced to five years in prison for this, but managed to escape and is now in Lebanon. Feeling safe, he attacked one of the investigating judges, Sarkozy's stubborn pursuer Serge Turner. He tried to "force me to assert things that completely contradicted my words ... There was no funding for Sarkozy's presidential campaign," says Ziad Takieddin.

    “The truth is finally revealed. For seven and a half years, the investigation has not found the slightest evidence of any illegal funding, ”Nicolas Sarkozy responded to his Facebook interview.

    To whom were the suitcases of Libyan money intended, if they existed in reality? The witness has an answer to this: All I did was give € 5 million in cash to Claude Guéhan in accordance with the terms of the contract between France and Libya. According to him, the contract was secret, because "it concerned computer security and involved training Libyan computer scientists in France."

    Claude Guéhan, head of Sarkozy's campaign headquarters, then secretary general of the Elysee Palace and minister of the interior, has been suspected of many frauds in recent years. For example, he became accused in a case of illegal bonus payments in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was sentenced on appeal in 2019 to two years in prison (of which a year was suspended). It seems that they are not going to defend him in this case. But the investigation is unable to establish a direct connection between Mr. Gaean and his leader Sarkozy in the saga with "Gaddafi's suitcases."

    The story of illegal campaign finance was reported by Ziad Takieddin in March 2012 by journalists from the French agency Mediapart, known for its investigations. It occupies positions on the left flank of the French press, and no doubt acted both out of a commitment to independent journalism and to successfully torpedo Nicolas Sarkozy's new election campaign. In the elections on May 6, 2012, he lost the presidential election to socialist François Hollande.

    Now it is obvious that the investigation has no irrefutable evidence of the former president's guilt. French journalists are in no hurry, however, to remove suspicions from him based only on an interview with a French-Lebanese schemer, who, according to observers, usually “lies as he breathes”.

    But by questioning his current claims, investigators inevitably create distrust of his 2012 first revelations. He repeated them both in 2016 and in 2018, and now he also publicly refuses them. “The chief prosecutor admits his lie. The investigation, based only on the statements of Ziad Takieddin, is now at a complete dead end, "Nicolas Sarkozy congratulates himself.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:04 pm

    The totalitarian creep in the west is insane. So now a politician chimp wants to put people in jail for
    violating the ludicrous copyright laws. As posted elsewhere, if you have audio from a passing
    car playing some radio station music in your video, you are considered to have stolen this music
    content. Such cheesy, kangaroo court laws are getting progressively worse.

    And Pussy Riot engaged in brazen trespass and vandalism and getting some proper justice is
    "evidence" of Russian "tyranny". GTFO you retarded hypocrites.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:10 pm

    The Canadian state run propaganda outfit the CBC practically spooges on camera when some ancient Khruschevka collapses
    in Russia (as if it has anything to do with modern Russia).   Well here is some payback.   We had a 3rd world collapse in a
    new condo/apartment building construction.   I have seen with my own eyes the shitty construction standards in the
    precious west (USA and Canada).   The USSR would not tolerate such paper housing.   Russia does not either.  The walls
    are actually thick concrete slabs as are the floors.    Not the moronic two panels of crappy drywall through which you can
    hear your neighbour breathe and the rubbish floors that are thin enough (even if they are concrete) to amplify the
    footsteps of your upstairs neighbours into a 24/7 nuisance.

    Americans still pay premium rents in glorified wood frame "apartments" that are nothing more than oversized regular
    houses built of 2x4 and drywall.   These toilets are a nightmare.   The only way to get decent accommodations in
    Canada and the USA is to own your own house.   That way you can tolerate the transparency to sound.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:04 am

    Ok guys we need to talk.

    This election situation is making things really annoying on Youtube, their recent TOS is just terrible.

    Can Vlad or someone add the ability to post Bitchute and/or LBRY videos, because Youtube is going to hell and Dailymotion ain't much better. No

    It's high time we do this.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:34 am

    Too bad the retarded fucks who run Rutube stopped video posting for popular media. They should have ignored NATzO
    and its BS copyright laws. Seriously any law that punishes you for theft if you record a third party playing a radio song
    in a passing car is insane. What are people going to do? Rip and burn this precious sample and make mint off it?

    Western video services are subject to legal control via copyright. And I think people are going to be burned by all of
    these "better than YouTube" options. It is a con like when new computer shops give great prices and start gouging
    later once their rep is established.


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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:54 am

    Worthy of a post on the same subject. The adulation of Musk from CNN is grotesque and all his fanbois are simply ignoramuses.
    That is why snake oil and radium cures were so popular in the past until some regulations showed up. But the saps and the
    parasites that use them never went away.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:38 am

    If you guys have a list of other video sources feel free to PM me and I will look into getting buttons or code to enable them to be used here.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  George1 Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:07 pm

    Former CIA officer John Stockwell explains how a CIA task force wrote misleading news releases all over the world which were picked up by international media organizations.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Sujoy Sat Nov 20, 2021 9:23 am

    The hyper-atomisation of the individual by the West and the consequent loss of tradition in favour of liberal cosmopolitanism has created hordes of confused people, idly drifting about in search of an identity and a concept of the Self.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sat Nov 20, 2021 1:53 pm

    It is ironic that for all the bleating in the west about "individualism", the masses behave more like sheep compared to countries
    which supposedly lack all of this "individualism". This observation is based on my family experience of migrating from the USSR to
    the west decades ago (well before 1990). There was a culture shock. It was common in the USSR for people to discuss politics
    and other "dangerous" subjects in social contexts. Ragging on the system was normal. But in "freedom country" Canada it was
    not the thing to do. Political correctness is a pathology of the "free world". It is a conformism syndrome and not any sort
    of value system. You can see this with all the woke lynch mobs on social media who are cancelling people in the name of
    tolerance and diversity.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  George1 Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:48 am

    CIA former agent and subsequently whistleblower John Stockwell interview on Angolan civil war:

    Stockwell resigned his position with the CIA in 1977 after managing covert activities in Angola, and worked to reveal to the public the CIA's role in Third World politics.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:38 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:Ok guys we need to talk.

    This election situation is making things really annoying on Youtube, their recent TOS is just terrible.

    Can Vlad or someone add the ability to post Bitchute and/or LBRY videos, because Youtube is going to hell and Dailymotion ain't much better. No

    It's high time we do this.

    start off your own channel on Odysee, it is that simple.

    you require credits to post, but you can generate those by watching content on Odysee.
    or hell, even your own content if you want to.
    You start off with some credits by the way to get you started.

    Odysee never commented or warned me about my content.
    Youtube and the likes?...well.... is anyone really surprised?

    i tried uploading some stuff to youtube a few weeks ago.
    It is in my native language, but the yellow part is the kicker what i always get Wink

    First part says: "policy regarding violent criminal organisations"

    Second yellow part states:
    "Content that promotes or helps violent extremist or criminal organisations is not allowed on youtube".

    Exposing The West - Page 2 Youtub12 was not even my Nazi special on Western Values in Ukraine  lol1

    That Odysee does allow...
    As you see below, the Odysee embedded links work.

    I just can no longer control the window size on the forum. it always defaults to the native resolution of the video.
    but the infrastructure is there, go for it Wink

    also, it is as much an information war as an physical war.
    if you see it and you want to keep it. download it.
    you can always decide what to do with it later.

    no matter if it is youtube, twitter, etc. there are relative easy ways to download those videos.
    google the answer's to those like i did Wink.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:47 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:Ok guys we need to talk.

    This election situation is making things really annoying on Youtube, their recent TOS is just terrible.

    Can Vlad or someone add the ability to post Bitchute and/or LBRY videos, because Youtube is going to hell and Dailymotion ain't much better. No

    It's high time we do this.

    start off your own channel on Odysee, it is that simple.

    you require credits to post, but you can generate those by watching content on Odysee.
    or hell, even your own content if you want to.
    You start off with some credits by the way to get you started.

    Odysee never commented or warned me about my content.
    Youtube and the likes?...well.... is anyone really surprised?

    i tried uploading some stuff to youtube a few weeks ago.
    It is in my native language, but the yellow part is the kicker what i always get Wink

    Dude check the date, back then things did not work.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:30 pm

    Apparently Lavrov said a while ago that Hitler was a Jew. Did he really say that and does anyone know on which evidences Lavrov was relying?
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:46 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:IMO Muslims slave trade receives far less attention than it deserves given that it was practices for both longer and on a larger scale than European one. Many Arab countries abolished slavery only in 1950s and 60s.

    Pay attention that the western countries which had slavery only had it in colonies not in metropoly (although Central and Eastern Europe had serfdom until 19th century which was in many aspects close to slavery)

    Slavery and serfdom is not entirely the same thing.

    Serfdom was not as bad overall than for example the chattel slavery that existed in the South of the U.S.A., or in the Caribbean, or in the Spanish-owned silver mines in the Americas.

    About the Arabs:


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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:36 am

    Actually taking slaves was a common practise for local Maori, and slavery was a common practise amongst many groups... cheap labour is useful and labour for the cost of food and shelter and nothing else was the cheapest labour you could get.

    Western slavery wasn't a black and white issue.... literally.

    There was a story about a black man in the US how had good skills as a farmer and was given his freedom and he started farming and he was very successful and started expanding his farm... well he needed help and the normal thing to do was to buy some slaves to help operate the farm and that is what he did. From the accounts I read he was not a nice slave owner and he became rich.

    Slavery wasn't a white vs black thing, most whites were poor and couldn't afford slaves.... slavery was a money thing... rich people had slaves to make themselves richer by doubling their labour potential with each slave.

    If you own a house you can build a shed on your property, so shelter was not an issue and giving them food scraps and basic food would keep them alive and reasonably strong to do all the work you had for them to do.

    They weren't being abused because they were black, they were being abused because they were poor and you owned them.

    Can you see why rich people today would want you think it was about racism instead of an abuse that made them super rich?

    They still have slaves... it is called minimum wage... and you have to sort out your own food and accommodation...

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:08 am

    Slavery was widespread in the pre-capitalist societies, both in the West, the Near East, and East Asia. But most of them did not evolve into the archetypal menial slave labour like in the ancient Hellenes, Roma, or the Transatlantic Slave Regime. In most case, the majority of exploited labourer were semi-autonomous serfs or free peasants that had some autonomy in the use of their land and had the de facto rights to pass the right to use land to their descendants; but they were forced to live on that land from generations to generations and were expected to pay heavy tributes, taxes, and was conscripted periodically.

    In the non-archetypal slave system, the amount of slaves were small compared to the total exploited labourers, and many of them were domestic slaves, functioned similar to the servants of the wealthy household, or personal maids of the ladies. Not that they were treated well or were immune to torture, beating, or arbitarily massacre by masters, but they were not similar to the archetypal menial slaves in mines, plantations, or construction sites.

    Abolition of slavery under capitalism is a progressive step, as they provide at least some nominal and legal frameworks for the exploited labourers to struggle for their own human rights. But we know that the modern labourer are still de facto slaves of the employers, under the "free" market they have to "voluntarily" accept horrible working conditions and pathetic wage, as being pauperized workers they have no leverage to negiotiate against the wealthy employers. It is Adam Smith, the greatest economic theoretician of the bourgeioise class, who had pointed out that power dynamics and brutal exploitation in his "Wealth of Nations".

    And the modern capitalist class quickly forget what Adam Smith had taught them, as in some instances he painfully pointed out their hypocrisy and brutality.

    From the accounts I read he was not a nice slave owner and he became rich.

    "Regardless of skin colors and languages, there are only two kinds of people: the oppressors and the oppresseds."

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:59 pm

    SolidarityWithRussia wrote:Apparently Lavrov said a while ago that Hitler was a Jew. Did he really say that and does anyone know on which evidences Lavrov was relying?

    Lavrov is a Jew and he did not literally label Hitler as one, but mentioned something about his family history. This sent all the bloody hypocrites
    from the collective west into a frenzy.

    This is his comment in Russian:

    Он [Владимир Зеленский] выдвигает аргумент: какая у них может быть нацификация, если он еврей. Могу ошибиться, но у А.Гитлера тоже
    была еврейская кровь. Это абсолютно ничего не значит. Мудрый еврейский народ говорит, что самые ярые антисемиты, как правило, евреи.
    „В семье не без урода”, как у нас говорят.


    He [Vladimir Zelensky] puts forward an argument: how can they have Nazification if he is a Jew. I could be wrong, but A. Hitler also had Jewish
    blood. This means absolutely nothing. The wise Jewish people say that the most ardent anti-Semites are, as a rule, Jews. “Every family has its
    black sheep,” as we say.

    The truth hurts.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:03 pm

    Regarding slavery, people no longer understand how precious energy for work is. Today we have fossil and alternative fuels driving machinery,
    in the past they only had humans and animals for all work. Slaves are a cheap source of work energy so there will be an incentive to
    take them. Animals are actually not all that cheap and accessible and obviously cannot do a large array of work that humans can.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:05 pm

    Regarding Odysee. Beware, its original owners were coerced out of ownership by the usual suspects. It may be acting nice for now, but
    we'll see closer to the US election.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:18 am

    "Regardless of skin colors and languages, there are only two kinds of people: the oppressors and the oppresseds."

    There are also only four different types of people... those who understand how math works and those that don't, Smile

    There are those that lead and those that follow... the problem is that those that follow don't always check to see where they are being taken, and many who lead rely on that because their direction is almost never in a direction that benefits the followers as much as it benefits the leaders.

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    Exposing The West - Page 2 Empty Re: Exposing The West

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:42 am

    China tells US to commit to market economy
    Beijing has urged Washington not to politicize bilateral trade and to abide by “basic norms” of market economy

    Beijing apparently views American trade practices as unfair as well, given that Li urged the US to stick to “basic norms” of market economy.

    “It is hoped that the United States will abide by the basic norms of market economy including fair competition and open cooperation, refrain from turning economic and trade issues into political or security issues, and view the issue of production capacity objectively and dialectically from a market-oriented and global perspective,” the premier told Yellen during the meeting, as quoted by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

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